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Solar Flare I- The Beginning

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Solar Flare I- The Beginning

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zenrax on Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:42 am

For thousands of years, every planet stood alone, a tiny pinprick against the vastness of space. Some embarked on wars of conquest, but the slow and clumsy ships of that time failed them. But then, on a world lost in memory, they created a way to move faster than light. Able to reach other worlds in weeks now, instead of years, they quickly blazed a path across the universe. As world after world fell, their alliance grew stronger, until every world flew the banner of the Solar Empire.

For a time, there was peace. Trade flowed in the vast emptiness between worlds, and barren planets flourished with colonies. Sadly, this idyll could not last. Old conflicts reared their head, and shattered the bonds of the empire. Now every planet fights alone, hoping to forge a new Solar Empire.

OOC/Bio thread
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able, and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither willing, nor able? Then why call him God?

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Re: Solar Flare I- The Beginning

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Ottoman on Tue Sep 08, 2009 10:31 pm

Ealio's Low Orbit

For millennia we have watched...
For millennia we have waited...
We have bided out time...
and our time has come...

Bridge of the SNV Dachao, freelance converted hydrogen miner

Captain Davis slouched into his chair, his black, ragged old Solar uniform stained from many a pot of Caffa, greasy food, and god knows what else. He looked about the bridge of what was once his Frigate, now a converted hydro-miner, illegally stealing hydrogen and sometimes helium from whatever system they come across. This of course, wasn't a new trend by any means, the occurrence happening since before the schism, the bands of harvesters now had even less opposition than before, there were even wars between harvester factions for domination of certain planets... But, none of this was Davis' concern. Right now, he just wanted to get the Hydrogen, no rush. There were a few other freelancers hitting this planet, but no big gangs. He ran his disgustingly porcine hand through his short cut, greasy hair, looking over at a viewport, seeing the deep green clouds of the Giant outside. The planet had a bit too much methane to get a fair price, but it was an offer to good to pass up. The frigate itself, only a fraction of its weaponry still operable, only required a sixteenth of the crew it originally required, only around 30 hands. Most of them as freakish as Davis, others rough cut, and some not knowing what they were getting themselves into; but all the same looking for work. The bridge was fairly lonesome, only he and two other people, the sensors officer, Victor Moran, and the enticing communications technician, Florine Harmann. This harvest was good, the banks were almost full, after this, he'd get a bit of cash, and maybe have some fun with that hooker on Free-Station 847-

"Hey, Kenton,"

Victor started up, interrupting Davis from his fantasy, who quickly snapped back,

"Yeah, what-is-it?"

"I got some insane sensor displacements... from inside the giant... What the hell is that?..."

Upon this, Kenton got up to check the sensors himself, looking over Victor's shoulder at the screen, and even he was impressed.

These things were kilometers long and wide.

Kenton rushed forward to the fore view deck, which was located just below the bridge, and much to his amazement, and terror, what he saw petrified him. Three crystalline vessels emerging from the murky depths, a sort of lighting arcing off of them.

"My... god..."

The last thing he saw was one of those bolts racing towards his craft...


The similar thing happened to the above mentioned vessels around the planet, and with this act, the Aboraz had finally decided to go outside the protective womb of their mother-planet, Ealio, and out into the stars...

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Re: Solar Flare I- The Beginning

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zenrax on Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:29 am

Admiral Serrin Roland stood on the bridge of his flagship, the Indomitable. As he gazed out at the assembled Sluvian warships, a feral grin exposed his rows of dagger-like teeth. All around him, millions of sailors waited breathlessly. He brushed imaginary dust from his spotless white uniform, then stepped into the holofield.

"Soldiers of Sluvia!"

He could hear the cheers echoing throughout his own ship, and knew the same was occurring across the fleet.

"Today begins a new age! For too long have we been cooped up on our one planet, generous though she may be!
Today, we reach for the stars! We will take those that we want, and snuff out the rest!"

The cheering morphed into a chant of "Slu-vi-a! Slu-vi-a!" The admiral smiled again as he pressed a button on the console behind him. Immediately, every weapon in the fleet fired. He felt the deck vibrate beneath his feet as the supercannon added its power to the display. The energy bolts converged on one point and, for a moment, outshone the sun.

Then the glow faded, and the Sluvian Subjugation Fleet began to move out.

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Re: Solar Flare I- The Beginning

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Wed Sep 09, 2009 4:09 pm

The room was loud with bickering between the groups.

Three people, or well if you could consider aliens people, were sitting at a table, one next to each other. One Reptilian by the name of Ja'Rek Vouch, was to the left, of Councilor James Reinhardt, to the right was a Gray by the name of Trillian Forebar.

James stood up. "Ladies and Gentlemen of the Federation. Please, quiet down." The moment the words left his mouth, everything went quiet. "The Council is now in session. We will begin our debate. Councilor Vouch has the floor." He finished, sitting down.

The Reptilian stood up, "Ladies and Gentlemen." He said in a rough tone that contained a growl on the 'G'. "Councilors, Forebar, Reinhardt, and myself have all came to the agreement that we need to expand our Federation." Ja'Rek glanced over at Trillian though didn't move his head. "Council Forebar, will you take the floor? Please." He said again in a rough tone. Trillian stood as Ja'Rek sat.

"As many of you know." She said lightly, though her voice sounded like it boomed through the quiet room. "We have been fighting a war for twenty-three years, before we've finally agreed to terms of peace, and settled down in this new day. We've build a strong Space fleet. It is time to bring others under our flag. As we all know a former empire rose, though with conflict, such as ours that has plagued us for those long twenty-three years."

She paused letting what she said sink in. "We shall send out one ship. The Draconis, on it will hold a political ambassador, Jarvis Langley."

Grays and Reptilians started to talk amongst themselves, as James stood up. "Quiet!" His voice boomed over the masses. "Jarvis Langley was the one that ended our war. You should be lucky that we're sending the best political ambassador out into the stars." James sat down as the rest of the chamber got quiet.

Trillian started speaking again. "Indeed. We have already set preparations for Ambassador Langley. His ship, The Draconis, isn't a military ship, though it does contain enough weapons to defend itself should it be engaged by hostile forces. As our political structure stands, we're neutral to any and all races that we've encountered thus far. It's about time we start bringing ourselves into the universe. As, Reinhardt, Vouch, and I agree that through political and diplomacy, we have the means to form a stronger Federation."

She took her seat and glanced over at Jarvis Langley, who was smiling. Trillian whispered loud enough for the other two councilors to hear. "He seems content." James nodded in agreement, Ja'Rek only growled lightly, which was his sign of agreement.

After waiting a few minutes, James rose and stepped off of the platform they were sitting on, when the first councilor left, the others followed suit, than the rest of the Federation Council. On the way out James said to the other two councilors. "I'll get in contact with Fleet Admiral Henrik, and tell him that we need to get our forces prepared. As it seems we won't be seeing friends for a very, long time."

Trillian and Ja'Rek nodded in agreement once more.

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