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The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Sun Apr 20, 2008 8:19 am

" Moi..? Yes, I suppose so, but I'm not da mos' disciplinary cop... I only crack down on murderers an' evil bastards... if you don't fit in either category, you were safe from moi." Remy closed his eyes after see kissed him, and followed her orders to rest. "Dinner... how 'bout som' soup, or a roast beef sandwich..." With his meal asked for, Remy thought about what he was gonna do when he got back to town. First problem was to take care of the bill on Matty's face injuries... next he had to continue the murder case. And after that, he had to track down who shot at him... all while trying to keep Fiona and himself out of trouble. Oh boy...
"She called me late last night, to say she loved me so.
But I guess you changed her mind.
Well I should have known it wouldn't be all right,
But I can't live without her
So I won't even try...
And if I get drunk, then I'll pass out on the floor now baby.
Cause you won't bother me no more.
And if you're drinking, well you know that you're my friend and I say
I guess I'll have myself a beer."
Reel Big Fish- Beer

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Mon Apr 21, 2008 5:57 pm

"Well, if we turn out murderers and evil bastards, then you have my full permission to prosecute them, or crack down on them, or do whatever it is you do." Fiona set to work making a couple of sandwiches, grinning to herself. If it had been anyone else requesting that she actually go to the kitchen and do wifey-things like making food and whatnot...they would have been nursing a broken nose and a busted knee cap by now. But since it was was alright.

The brief vacation went surprisingly well. Living with Remy (for however short a time) was beyond bearable...though when they had first met, Fiona had been quite certain that the Cajun would be the last person on earth that she would survive spending any 'quality' time with. Charming, sure, but overly persistent and, of course, a cop. But that had been merely a faulty first impression. Now, things were...different. She was now quite certain that there wasn't a man better suited to her tastes to be found in the whole...anywhere, really. Seeing as any man that ever married her would be considered the new 'heir' to her family position...she had never put a lot of stock in marriage. Not that she had ever really been wholly against it...but she had always been far more interested in business (and advancing herself in it) than romance (as a general rule). But now, with Remy...her thought process seemed to have changed slightly. 'How far up will I be in ten years' had changed to 'Where will Remy and I be in two years.' It was a very unusual mixture of pleasant, concerning and confusing, this change.

As she slid into the cab that had been summoned, resting her head against her sweetheart's shoulder, she took one last look at the scenery they would be leaving. It had been rough at first, but the country really wasn't that bad, she had decided. Clean air and some rather lovely views. If she survived her planned confrontation with her would-be murderer, she would have to come back some time. Maybe she would even live to meet the Bruyeres.

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Mon Apr 21, 2008 7:27 pm

Although it was vacation, Remy sure wasn't as relaxed as he could be. Throughout the week, he had been a punching bag, taking damage here and there, mostly because he was paying less attention to what he was doing, and paying more attention to Fiona. He lived though, and most of his small injuries were gone by now. Nothing left but the ride home.

Remy leaned on Fiona with his arm wrapped around her. " It was nice to get away from da city, but I t'ink da heat has died down now... I can't wait to stop in ta gets som' o' Shin's tea.." Remy grinned and kissed Fiona's cheek. " Den I hav' ta go speak with my boss... an' kill Matty if he starts anyt'in'..."

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Mon Apr 21, 2008 9:34 pm

Fiona grinned, then leaned up, giving Remy a rather adoring look. "Remy," She said as the cab rolled along toward the Big Apple, "Would you love me even more if I said I could get you a discount?"

The drive was uneventful, aside from a lot of backseat snuggling and discussion. And as they pulled back into New York, Fiona emit a soft sight, looking up at the familiar building and flashing a half-hearted smile. It was time that she meet with her father...and show him without a doubt that she was not, in fact, dead. It was her first time coming back from the dead...unless, of course, you counted that impromptu revelation to Jack. Jack...there was another loose end. She had never actually told him that she was interested in Remy, and not his own flawless self. The day she had been planning to do so...her car had blown up. And as of the last time they had spoken face to face, she and Remy had still not been an official couple. She considered Jack to be, despite their brief acquaintance, her best friend. Right after Patrick, of course. There were few people she considered herself able to trust in the world. And Jack had made himself one of them. Needless to say, she felt a great deal of guilt with the fact that (even if it was no fault of her own) she hadn't been entirely honest with him.

And for a mobster to feel guilt over dishonesty was a great thing indeed.

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Mon Apr 28, 2008 8:57 pm

"Discount..?" Remy grin reached from ear to ear. " I t'ink you jus' put my signature on da weddin' papers..." He leaned in and kissed her.

After a rather long ride through the countryside, part of the city, and discussion of how to use handcuffs, it was back to the normal life. Then again, when you're around Remy, nothing is normal. Pushing himself out of the car, and helping Fiona after him. His gave her another kiss, before leaving her side. "I hav' ta settle dis business 'bout Matty... an' file som' reports... an' maybe a couple days off... I'll meet ya in Shin's in an hour or so." With that, Remy was off jogging towards the police station, this was gonna be a long talk.

It was about 45 minutes after he'd left for the police station, and everything was settled, nothing but a fine for Matty's medical bill. It wasn't too steep, he only beat up his face. That was indeed the least of his problems... his biggest was standing in front of him within a matter of seconds. A black Model T pulled up on the sidewalk next to him, and all the doors opened, a scared familiar face hidden partially by the shade in the car as the ghost appeared from inside.

Remy gasped, as if he had seen a ghastly image, well to him, it was. "No way... No way... It can't be...yo"u died back dere in Philly..."

"Oh, dear Remy, I figured you'd be happy to se me... I even brought you gifts." The tall scarred man said as his three buddies pulled out guns in unison.

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Sun May 04, 2008 9:20 pm

At that very moment, yet another sleek car pulled up. It was, ironically, an Italian model. And from this neat little car climbed out three rough and tumble Irish blokes, each the very pride of their nation and clearly raring for a fight. They approached the men chatting with Remy, one popping his knuckles and the other reaching for something on the inside of his tight fitting suit. Clearly, these were not business men.

As these Irish brutes drew in to stand between Remy and his pals, a fourth clambered out of the car. He had short cropped hair an a remarkable bulk, his nose having been broken in several places and his knuckles darkly bruised from frequent use. But he pulled open the passenger seat of the car with the air of a courtly gentleman, bowing slightly as though to welcome a princess into the day. But it was something rather different from a princess that stepped primly from the vehicle, with piercing blue eyes that took in the scene with a single sweeping glance. Pinstripe business suit crisp and no-nonsense, with a certain flare to its donning beyond the merely tossing on of clothes. Fedora tipped at just the slightest angle, with fatally delicate hands examining a pocket watch as though this were a last second stop, and pale blond hair sweeping down around her face with the greatest of care. The picture was made all the more surreal by the fact that this very woman had been pictured in the papers as exploding just a few weeks ago. Fiona Muirenn, acknowledged and deceased heiress of the Muirenn mob, stepped over to Remy Bruyere with her steps silent as a ghost's. Her full lips pulled into a sweet smile as she took his arm, ignoring the scarred man completely.

"Remy, darling, haven't we had a talk about the Big Apple's streets not being safe to lolly gag on?" Just then, she appeared to notice the other man. "Oh, pardon me, boyo. And what might your name be? Remy, where are your manners? Introduce me, why don't you?"

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Mon May 05, 2008 3:44 pm

The normal grin appeared on Remy's face when he had seen Irish thugs came to his rescue. "Looks like som'ones crashin' da party, too bad da gifts will hav' ta wait..." He put his hands down, no longer feeling like he was a hostage, and he didn't want to look helpless to Fiona more than his usual screw ups. He put his arm around her after she walked over to him. "Ya, but you know moi, trouble follows..." Squeezing her a bit tighter, he realized that he couldn't have picked a better person to be Mrs. Bruyere.

"Introduce you, ma Cherie... I didn't know ghosts needed introductions. I figured you two would know 'bout each other, being you're both dead celebrities as far as the mob goes."

"Come now old sport, who's your new mistress? Let me guess, she works at the brothel/speakeasy?"

"Dis is my girlfriend, Fiona Muirenn, an' soon to be my wife. Call her a whore again, an' you'll be takin' a pole up your ass like one..." It was quite a sight, someone you had known to be dead, someone who had ripped you soul apart while you watched. Remy turned to Fiona. " Fiona... this is Former Police Chief, Jeremy Roakson... Unlike you, he's suppose to be dead." It seemed that Remy was in pain looking at this man. "His control in Philly was unbelievable... one of the hardest mob bosses I'd ever hav' killed... while tried apparently..."

"Yes, it sure was fun fighting with sharp blades cutting around you. As far as things went, that slice across the face wasn't fatal, just deep enough to make you think I was a dead man... hell, I thought I was too."

" I should hav' held you under dose machines. What you did was beyond repentin' for. "

"You mean what you did, old pal. Had you left things the way they were, nothing would have happened, but instead you had to snoop around. I figured the death of a Bruyere would stop your foolishness."

" You didn't just kill him, you shot his wife, and his kids too! My uncle, aunt, an' cousins had not'in' to do with it! Dey never even got to live past 13 because of you..."

" Like I said, should have kept out of the speakeasies Remy.."

"Dey held moi down to WATCH!" Remy had let go of Fiona, and sent a fist Jeremy, the blow shot his head sideways. Meanwhile, Remy lifted his leg fast as a bullet and sent the tip of his foot into his stomach, causing Jeremy to bend downward. Taking advantage of a his position, Remy sent his knee upward, and pushed the Ex-Chief's head down. The man had been pushed on his ass, grabbing his face. Last, Remy pulled out his favorite pistol, and put it into Jeremy's face. "Do onto to others, asshole! It was your favorite term back then.." Although it seemed so easy, and he wanted nothing more than to do so, Remy couldn't.

"What's wrong Rem, don't have the balls to finish what you started? You willingly put bullets into my men, and threw me into running machinery..."

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Mon May 05, 2008 7:35 pm

Fiona watched as Remy pounded on the man that had apparently once been a chief. She held up her hand for her blokes to stay their positions, allowing her suitor to deal with his old 'ami' as he saw fit. Fiona had particular feelings about using one's family to get at them. Business was business, and certain things were never meant to be mixed into it. As far as she was concerned, anyone who would do the things that this man clearly had done...murdering children, not even in their teens...was far below the level of scum that she normally dealt with. When Remy paused, and the man called him on it, Fiona strode forward, resting her arm on Remy's shoulder and leaning against him as she looked down at the former chief with evident disdain, her eyes two chips of ice.

"What's wrong Rem, don't have the balls to finish what you started? You willingly put bullets into my men, and threw me into running machinery..."

"Keep running your mouth, twat, and I'll be showing you what it's really like to be lacking bollocks." Her voice was a thing of remarkable coolness, and even the men she had brought with her shifted slightly at the sound of it. She then spoke in a far lighter tone, even smiling softly. "Maybe you hadn't heard before deciding to run along into the great cement zoo here...but this is my town. And quite frankly, I don't appreciate uninvited guests." She tilted her head slightly, looking up at Remy. "What do you say, mon cher? Would like like to squash your bug now, or shall we send him on his way?"

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Mon May 05, 2008 8:20 pm

"I don't know Fi... it's odd dat I'd question my methods like dis. Any other mobster would be shot by moi, an' I'd go home peacefully.... but dis... I don't know. I still feel guilty... my cousins... my aunt an' uncle... " He lifted his gun from the mans head, dropping his arm to his side and sighing. However, in an instance, he leveled his gun at each guard and blew their brains out in a matter of seconds. " Today really opened up a locked an' bolted door..."

Time was up, the cops would be here soon, and so would Jeremy's ride out, because they could never convict him. "You know what Roakson... I t'ink dere's five t'in's I can do with out any regret... comically I have one bullet fore each." He ejected the clip in the gun, and put a fresh one in, more painful than the norm."I've been savin' dese for jus' da right asshole, it's your lucky day..." Remy leveled his gun at the first spot, the crotch. "You remember my family? Hmm?"

"What?! What the heel are you talking about...? Only your Uncle.."

"Let me remind you...Well, first up, dey had a 5 year old... Lily..." Remy pulled the trigger, and a bullet ripped through the man's privates.

"Oh dear god! STOP IT!"

" And Jimmy, deir son... I remember teachin' him how to fire a gun..." Using his knowledge, Remy aimed for Jeremy's stomach, hoping acid would run free in his body. *BANG*


"You know, dat screamin' reminds me of Tiffany... she was da oldest... about 11.." This shot was in the throat to shot was aimed at the liver area,yet another vital organ.


"Don't forget da parents, Mike and Jordan.." The last two shot were aimed at both lungs, in hopes of collapsing them. "Remember dem as you burn in hell.."

Done with his past, Remy pocketed his gun, made sure to grab every shell, and put his arm around his love. "I want to go to bed... today was too much..."

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Mon May 05, 2008 10:21 pm

Fiona merely nodded, slipping her arms once more around the Cajun's middle. She hadn't flinched or turned away at the sight of him wrapping up what was clearly an ugly part of his past, and remained calm as she nodded for her boys to clean up the mess in a timely fashion. Inhaling deeply, she guided Remy to the car that she had arrived in (where a few of her men had kept watch, just in case) and got him settled inside before turning back to the men. "I'm going to be giving Detective Bruyere a ride home. If anyone needs me...well, I'll find you."

She slid into the vehicle after Remy, closing her eyes with a notable concern as the door was shut and the car started up. When there were no explosions, she relaxed, and pulled Remy into her arms. There was a tender side to the Irish woman that had really only been revealed to the Cajun dick, and she was showing it now as she cuddled and stroked his hair and, in general offered support after the trying event. After a few moments of silence, she spoke, using her gently prodding voice and a soft smile.

"Soon to be your wife, eh?" She placed a light kiss on his cheek, grinning. It had given her more pleasure than could really be said to hear him discussing her in that manner, even if it had been at a slightly awkward time. But then she turned serious once more, giving him a gentle squeeze as they pulled in near his apartment. "Do you need anything?"

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Fri May 09, 2008 3:40 pm

The Cajun grin was back for a short while."You said June right? Dat seems soon to moi... I'm sure dere is enough time between now an' den to meet each other's families an' plan everyt'in'..." It was gonna be quite a comedy act, two completely opposite people bringing their families together for such a event.

With future plans aside, everything felt as bad as before with doors that should have stayed closed reopening. " I don't know, Cherie... dis wasn't somet'in' I ever wanted to relive within my mind. I can still see dere crumpled bodies and blank stares... it worries moi 'bout what could happen to you too. Dat asshole isn't da worst of bastards dat I t'ink I put to sleep. Hell, some o' dem are still alive somewhere plottin'." Remy leaned on Fiona, things didn't look good, his pastmight have been catching up to him. "Can we go somewhere ta drink..?"

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Mon May 12, 2008 12:44 am

Fiona nodded, leaning forward and tapping on the cabbie window. She murmured a new destination, and they were off again. Then, she reclined comfortably in the seat, exhaling slowly. When she looked at Remy, it was difficult to tell whether she was being sombre or light. "You don't need to worry about having an adverse effect on me, Remy. I'm sort of in the business of having people attempt to wring my neck...or blow me up, you know. But I know where you're coming from...and what it's like, having monsters that pester your family..."

She closed her eyes, sighing softly as she remembered the days she had been informed of family deaths. Then she looked back at him, gently touching his cheek. "I'll be alright, sweetheart. I always cause more trouble than I'm worth being hassled for, and I never take any wooden nickels. You know that. But I'm worried about you...just how many old amis do you have in the world?"

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Tue May 13, 2008 6:41 pm

".... A lot cherie... a lot... consider that I've gone all da way from the swamps to here... quite a few pissed off mobsters on da way..." He rested his head on her chest on Fiona's chest, much like a child. " I'm surprised how many places I've been in a couple years. Much like any person within your or my business, I've seen many people come an' go, an' plenty o' assholes dat belong six feet under... Som' of dem are, but som' are still tickin'. Serial killers, rapists, murderers, an' folks dat could hav' caused genocide..."

It was a trying matter. As a cop, Remy always had a feeling that he wouldn't get to live an average life. Thinking about more might have changed his plans completely, he wasn't even sure about having kids anymore.

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Fri May 16, 2008 6:17 pm

As the car pulled in front of the out of the way speakeasy, cleverly disguised as a pawn shop, Fiona gave Remy another tight squeeze. At first, she didn't quite know what to say. Usually Remy was the cheeky blighter pulling smiles from her. Finally, she tilted his head up, meeting his eyes and placing a light kiss on his cheek. "Remy, sweetheart...we'll pull through, the two of us. It's simple. You watch my back, I'll watch yours...I'll supply the bootleg, you supply the handcuffs, and I think we'll be just ducky. Now...come look like your whistle needs wetting."

And she tugged him out of the car, nodding for the driver to park somewhere and wait. After a few quick negotiations (including Remy needing a blindfold), and following a twist and a turn there, a few knocks on a door...the couple arrived in the underground bar. Fiona gently tugged the blindfold off and began leading Remy to one of the tables in the corner. There were some rather interesting reaction from those who were regulars in the joint...many jaws dropped, glasses shattered as they fell to the floor. The room resounded with gasps of 'Fiona!' and 'Applesauce, ain't that Lady Luck?' and, of course, 'But I thought she blew up!'

Fiona ignored most of these, her attention focused on her Cajun sweetheart. A few of them received nods or even the hint of a smile, but none of them were as interesting as restoring the grin on Remy's face.

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Tue May 20, 2008 5:57 pm

"N' wot's this? Fiona's livin." Killian shouting above the noise. He leaned up against the counter lazily, and removed his cap."Shaddap, let a man speak, damnit!"

He stood, looking to the newcomer and Fiona. Even Killian was slightly surprised to see her back.

"Who's the sap? Some sort of boozer from the looks off'it." He smiled, holding his hand out to the Cajun, sleeve sliding back to show an obviously illegal watch. "Swell meetin' ya." He looked to Fiona. "Apart o' the fam'ly now? I dun' want no bulls turnin' me in again. I doubt you remember it, but s'was thet time I was introducin' a new deal, a bulk deal, ya know? N' I was makin' a big deal about it. Which is understand'ble. Any how I says te a rich lookin' guy that we got the new deal and blam. I was in the slammer f'r a few weeks 'afore I got bailed."

He decided to leave it at that. Killian's tendency to tell stories, whether true or false, could annoy people.

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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Tue May 20, 2008 6:11 pm

Fiona couldn't help but grin as the swaggering personality known as Killian made his way over and announced himself rather vocally. With one arm still draped around Remy shoulders and one hand casually turning the empty cup before her, she spoke with a depth of her Irish accent even Remy had yet to see. "Why, Killian, ye ould bastard. Accourse I remember, don't ya remember who 'twas that paid your bail?"

With a chuckle, she switched back to her regular light accent. "Yeah, I've come back from the dead. Don't you think that deserves a free round or two? And Killian...this is my fiance - don't make that face - Remy Bruyere." Remy's name was pronounced rather pointedly. Killian would have heard it before, of course, the Cajun dick that cleaned up Philly and had migrated northwards. He had probably even heard rumors of Fiona being involved somehow with the Ragin' Cajun. But of course, the only one who had been officially told of their middle aisling plans was now dead and being dumped in a lake somewhere by Fiona's boys. Still, though she trusted Remy not to troll on her friends and business associates, it seemed unfair to dangle as much information in front of him as Killian would if his mouth was allowed to run. "Keep it under your hat, though. But still, I think that calls for a few free drinks as well, don't you?"

With her blue eyes glittering so impishly, Fiona was back in her element. Smooth and collected, but with every word having multiple meanings. Lady Luck was back in action, it seemed.

"Oh, and are things with dear Frankie and his Italian famillio? Have they been behaving while I've been playing that big harp upstairs?" This was asked lightly, but it was something she had yet to discover.

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Jadeling Hawkins
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Tue May 20, 2008 8:16 pm

Blindfolded, Remy was led through a maze, the sweet smell of vodka and rum at the end of it. He could have let himself had he been left allow, like a rat looking for cheese. The room was full of looked like interesting characters, most amazed to see the two most unlikely folks in a speakeasy. Remy the dick, and the suppose to be late Lady Lucky. Most were gossiping once they saw her.

A rather heavy Irish accent had reached Remy's ears from across the room. A comical man approached him, extending an arm to shake hands. "Pleasure ta meet you Killian, I'm Remy... don't worry, I don't turn in innocent people, nor dose who I consider amis. You seem like a good ami of ma Cherie ta moi." He kissed Fiona on the cheek. "Matter o' fact, I jus' broke da jaw of da asshole dat would arrest you.."

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mikhos on Wed May 21, 2008 11:30 am

"Bruyere, eh?" He smiled at both of them. "Well I kin't guarantee anyone'll like yah, but if ye ask me... the Francs n' Celts need ta werk t'gther more... Worked out in Sheecago, 'least." His eyes temporarily moved to nothing in general. "I'm faaar from innisint, lemme tell ya. I cheated out more men th'n you'll see en Grand Central. Oh was th't you or yer pa 'oo got me outta there?"

Killian's mischievous smile was wiped from his face when Fiona brought up the Italians. It was no secret Killian was in bad standing with them.

"Not good," He said quietly, his voice business. "A few days ago I got mai seckin'd death thr't ef I dun get 'em the money in full. I tell thim I'm gettin' th' dough and they dun care any. The familia es not gunna wait fer me. I'd hire summa yer 'sons' but I dun have th money fer that. No one wants te gamble anymore, everyone still needs some good ol' black ale and stuff." He pondered Fiona's request. "Awright, Fiona. Just this once... Happy Birthday."

Killian filled up two rather large mugs with some very dark ale, sliding the glasses at high speed across the scratched bar.

Killian's voice dropped even quieter.
"Ye might not wanna stick around too long, though. I dun want yer family in on this one." He shook his head as if arguing with someone. "Not this time. I don't want another Ronan."

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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Walter Barrecks on Wed May 21, 2008 3:43 pm

"I'm all for workin' with Celts, I'm marryin' one..." Remy wasn't lying, he preferred them over the mobs in town. They were respectable, and less trouble than the Italians or the Chinese were to him. " I want ta know more 'bout dese death threats Killian, we'll start dere." Remy catch a drink sent to him, enjoying the fresh taste of booze as it was lifted to his mouth and slid down his throat. "I hav' a couple theories on who dey will send to carry such a t'in' as murder out, an' both options would be like havin' a prize left for moi. I would jus' need you ta agree with it, because it could be of risk to you. I plan on waitin' for dem around next time dey are suppose ta meet you, an' if dey try anytin' harmful to you, I bust deir asses.. You okay with dat?"

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Walter Barrecks
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Re: The Hotsy Totsy Twenties

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jadeling Hawkins on Sat May 24, 2008 8:09 pm

With her brows lightly knit together with interest, Fiona lifted a single finger and placed it over Remy's lips. An ever so polite request for quiet. "You may not have heard, Killian, but I've had a bit of trouble with the Italians lately, myself. So no offense, but I don't think them finding me with you will get my family into any worse standing with them. Or at least..." And she lifted her finger from Remy's mouth, "That's what mon cher here thinks. As always, there's very little solid proof about who left me that little present in my car...or who shot at me and Jack...but I am quite certain I know who it was that jumped me in the street that one time...of course, that was more of a retaliation than an uncalled for attack. But you know how it is." She shrugged.

After taking a deep drink from her freebie, she shrugged once more. "But tell me...have you done something extra special to annoy Frankie and his familia, or is this just a manner of money? Sit down, you look ridiculous just standing there."

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Jadeling Hawkins
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