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The Virus [IC]

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The Virus [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby MoonMan on Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:46 am

The Virus

ooc: click here

For the small town of Ashwood the day of January 3rd, 2010 was a normal day. Children went to school, people went to work. Nothing was different in their secluded little world.

Except for one little thing.

A terrible Virus has been unleashed into the town turning people into what can only be described as 'Zombies'. Most people who come in contact with the virus die and then after a few hours, wake up again as a zombie. They walk around, moaning, as if without a purpose. But they do have a purpose. That purpose is to fufill their most basic of instincts: The need to feed. They began trying to eat the flesh of people and animals, and it didn't take long before there was a near army of them walking the streets.

For a small group of survivors the night is going to get much worse. The Virus affects different life forms and people differently, creating all kinds of horrors in it's wake.
To look outside to the streets of Ashwood would be to look at hell. On every street there are dozens of Zombies and there are many, many more hidden in buildings and in the sewers.

A man by the name of Robert Croft, is on a quest to find his daughter before she becomes food for the walking dead. Can he find her before it's too late? Will the survivors discover the truth behind the virus? Or will they all die at the hands of the monsters in their town...

"Keith. Where do you think she is?" Asked Robert. The man clearly had worry in his face but he was pushing through it with determination.
"honestly? She could be anywhere. She might even be dead. We have to be ready to accept that possibility. You knew the risks, and now it's just the same risks but on a larger scale."
"Yeah, but..."
"But what? She's smart. She'd go somewhere that's quiet, maybe somewhere with a lot of places to hide."
"Yeah. First place we should go is the police station. She figures there might be a few more cops holed up there waiting for help. She knows how the cops here like their guns." Replied Robert as he calmed down a little.

The two men were standing inside a house with it's contents destroyed. The windows were all smashed with the glass laying on the floor like a shattered mosaic. The furniture was torn and lay either upside down or on it's side. The carpet, wall paper, and anything that wasn't securely stuck to the ground, was broken, smashed, and torn. It looked like a riot or even a war had stumbled through the living room of the once-tidy home.
There was a strong smell around the room. It held a metallic tinge to it, and reminded one of the taste that sits in your mouth after a nosebleed. The smell was the stench of blood. This wouldn't have been the only house to have the smell. Every house had it, and the streets were worse for it.

"I think we should look for a few survivors." Said Keith,
"Yeah. We'll hold up better against the virus that way." Robert moved to the rectangular hole in the wall where a window used to be and examined the street. To the left was a wall of trees and cut an abrupt end to the road that followed the line of houses that continued down to the right and into the darkness of the night. The sounds of cars being broken into, people screaming, and guns firing were still occasionally heard in the distance towards the centre of town. It was quieter now, as you maybe only heard the sounds every half hour - if even that - whereas during the day when it all started it was the only thing you could hear. It must have been like Hell.

The two men moved through the room and into the hall as Robert withdrew a pistol and cocked it. He had gotten pretty good with the gun, especially in the last 12 hours. He found it amazing how fast a person can adapt and learn when they are in that much danger.
As they left Keith nodded towards the turn-off that lead into the heart of town as he noticed a silhouette of a person. It was walking with a horrid limp and sway drunkenly from side to side while weakly lifting it's arms every so often in a confused attempt to grab something.
"What do you think? Normal or?"
"I can't tell from this distance. No, look," Keith pointed to the silhouette, "it's leg's busted. Gotta be broken, I'd say it's normal. We can run past." With that they began running towards the turn off and as they passed the silhouette it became clear. It was a man, covered in blood. His skin was covered in huge tears and lacerations that showed the bone beneath. His left leg was completely broken, with little trace of a foot left, all that could be seen were the mangled remains of a bloody stump. It must have been run over at some point, Robert figured.

The road ahead lead to a the maze of stores and shops that were brightly lit by orange lights coming from the street lamps.
"Keep to the corners, and remember, watch out for the fucked up ones. If you see someone who's surrounded, don't try to help. Only help those who we can
guarantee we'll be able to help. Anyone with cuts or bruises, you shoot. One shot. To the head." Keith said as he ruled off the standard procedure for dealing with this situation. It wasn't official guidelines and they had practically written the rules themselves in that house, but they were damn effective at keeping a person alive. You follow the rules, you live. It was as good as that.
And on the first day Man created God in his own image.


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Re: The Virus [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AlWayZFrE3 on Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:00 am

Tyler and Jake Briggs croutched behind a building, eyeing the mass of undead just on the other side. They'd been running through the streets so fast it was impossible to know where they were, but that was far from new. Tyler drew both of his forearm length steel bars and started spinning them, soon making them blur with nimble fingers. Jake simply tested his new sledgehammer by busting in the wall of their cover. Both satisfied, they jumped out and got to work. There were easily fifty of them, and all charged, sort of, when they emerged.

Jake started swinging in wide arcs, taking out two or three at a time and keeping most of them back. Tyler jumped right into them. There was a flash, a spurt of blood, then another flash, this time tinged with crimson. A whole cluster of the dead fell around Tyler, bloodied by his kills. The surrounding dead assaulted him like it was the last stand at the Alamo.

This, clearly, was different.

Tyler started spinning and swinging down, up, side to side so fast that Jake couldn't track his movements. Both brothers picked up the work again, felling opponents quickly and efficiently. Jake found the last one moving and motioned to it, "You want him?"

Tyler, smiling like he was feral, cracked his neck and put his bars away. The dead saw the brothers and went for the smaller, easier prey.

Not even close.

Tyler jumped and spun in a front flip, then planted one foot on either side of the zombie's head and tensed. Then, quickly, Tyler pushed off the ground with his hands and pulled in with his legs, delivering a headbutt so hard there was blood on the zombie's head when Tyler flipped away. Before it could recover, Tyler got a running start, braced without losing momentum, and jumped, then brought his right leg up, spun, and kicked out with his left leg to spin faster. When in range, Tyler lashed out with his right leg and kicked the zombie so hard its neck spun around far enough for it to look backwards.

Jake approached his brother, then knocked his forearm against the other's, "Good shot, there."

Tyler smiled and spat on the dead, "Yeah, irritating to fight something that can't feel pain, though. If that was human, it would have had a headache for a month."

Jake laughed, then patted his brother on the back and started walking to the nearest building, "You scare me sometimes, you little speed demon."

Tyler followed his brother and jumped, then slapped him on the back of the head, "Damn right. Bigass gorillas like you should be scared of me!"

Their playful banter went on, though neither noticed the small cut on Jake's arm.

The one with dead blood just barely touching the edge.

((Hope I set this up good, and it's obvious that Jake is going to die, though not right away obviously. Anyway, anime dude, this is where you come in if you want. If you could either run into us, or just be in the building, that would be sweet. If you need me to alter my post so the deal can work out, I will. Peace till then, yo :D))
We are who we are, not who we are meant to be, and anyone who says otherwise deserves what they get...which in my case would be a whole lot of freaking lead.
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Re: The Virus [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sibrand on Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:48 am

Brandon took a silent step into the corridor where the light were flickering. He had made his way to the Police station since his work-shop had been overrun by zombies once the barricades had been broken. Oh the horror's. Brandon had watched as one by one, the people he had barricaded himself with had been slaughtered. He had just barely made it out from there while everyone was being killed. There had been nothing he could have done. Once the zombies had begun to stream in it didn't take long before almost everyone had either fallen to the floor or been bitten.

Brandon had been running for a while until he had seen the Police station and figured that there might be survivors holed up there, and perhaps even some sort of ammo or weapons to loot. He turned around the corner and continued further into the building. What was he going to find here? If he was lucky he would find something that would help him and if his luck was gone...
He didn't want to think about it.

At the entrance of the Police station he had found many bodies of both zombies and people. In the corridors he had found some old blood polls here and there, but nothing fresh. Once more he turned around a corner. In front of him there were now a long narrow corridor and close to the end of it, there was an open door, leading into a small room. He was heading towards the cafeteria to look for any survivors and then he would head for the locker rooms were the Police would usually keep their uniforms and their guns. He had now reached the open door and looked inside. It was just a small storage room and it was pretty much empty.

He was about to continue down the hallway when he heard a small sound of footsteps. He took out his Rifle and pointed it down the hallway. Around the corner at the end a being suddenly, yet slowly appeared. It was covered in what looked like small silver needles all over it's body, except it's feets.

Brandon had seen one of these before and knew what they were capable of. He stood still and he didn't move one single inch. He was now aiming his Rifle at the beings head and was just about to unleash a deadly shot when he saw that he had to reload first.

"Damn this Shit!" He thought for himself as a tear of sweet ran down his forehead.

He knew that once he would reload it would make a "click" sound that would draw the attention of the being. Suddenly he remembered that he was standing beside an open door that were leading into that small room he had checked before. He reached with his right hand to the point were he should reload his rifle and made himself ready. He could hear his heart beat harder and faster each second as he stood in front of this being.

Then, with no more hesitation, Brandon pulled the small rosty stick on his rifle back, up, down and then back again. He had now reloaded his rifle and the being had noticed him. Everything seemed to go in slow motion after that for Brandon. He could feel how he pulled the trigger of his rifle backwards, then seeing how the shot was released towards the being. The last thing he saw before jumping into saftey of that storage room was that the being had unleashed hundreds of small and sharp needles towards him.

He was now lying on the floor of the storage room. He had not been hurt in any way. Qickly enough, he made it up on his feets again and slowly took one step after the other out into the hallway again. The door was covered with holes in it and the being was lying there on the floor, dead. Purple blood was slowly pouring out from the beings head and it was spreading across the floor. Brandon stepped over the body, reloaded his Rifle and then continued further into the police station.

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Re: The Virus [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Saddeus on Sun Jan 03, 2010 4:18 pm

Jace looked around the area him and the musle headed one had holed up in. It seemed to be a small warehouse. Jace looked over himself. No injuries that was good. Their last skirmish with the infected out there had been a nasty one but looking over Cody as well he decided that they had both come out of it unscathed. Cody knocked some big boxes over in front of theonly door giving them some protection for now. Jace looked around and then grabbed his crow bar and pried open a box looking in. Cody lumbered over and rested forward on his bat like a cane.

"what have we got?"he asked as he leaned forward.

Jace rolled his eyes and then leaned back. "Bottles of alcohol" He frowned slightly thinking for a second as Cody grabbed one and shouted. "Oh yeah! Time to get boozed up" as he took a swig. Jace rolled his eyes. His previous assessment was turning out to be quite wrong, Cody was more of a curse then a blessing. Sighing Jace grabbed two bottles and put them in his back pack. If nothing else they could be used as molotovs. Jace set the pack to the ground and leaned against the box closing his eyes. He needed a rest for a second or his body was going to get worn out fast.

"Cool your gonna sleep alright Ill take first watch"Cody said as he stood up and walked around the warehouse.
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