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(Relations) ʈѳ Ьʅѳssѳɱ || HPMarauderEra || O/A!

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(Relations) ʈѳ Ьʅѳssѳɱ || HPMarauderEra || O/A!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Averagebear on Sun Jan 16, 2011 10:22 am

xxxxxxxxxxxx Relations Threadxxxxxxxxxxxx


xxStatus: always open & accepting! xx

This is a remake of a thread also created by me for the sake of keeping things organized.

Often times, we tend to seek out the future and get tangled in the present. Let me propose that we take a step back and analyze the past. You see, nothing just happens. Every single event, person, and thought is a product of layers upon layers of history. This is quite profoundly evident when examining the ancestors of the acclaimed heroes involved in the defeat of Voldemort.

Meet the oh-so-famous James Potter, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Lily Evans, and Severus Snape, along with their countless classmates. It is currently their seventh year, and it seems that everything has begun to change. Where laughter and pranks once stood, serious matters have stepped in. It is in these times that the students must decide how they will react with the heavily important decisions they'll be forced to make (siding with the Dark Lord or the Order) and determining who will crack under all the pressure. They must find time to juggle their love life, fight off their petty enemies, and choose an alignment. Come with me us and share the experience as we explore the many possibilities that come with the Marauder Era kids given the chance to blossom.

IC Thread xxx Profile Thread xxx OOC Threadxxx Character Stats Thread

This is where everybody can post where their character stands with other characters. A list of all the characters to write about is in the Character Stats Thread

Simple fill-out-form. It can be modified however you see fit!
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Re: (Relations) ʈѳ Ьʅѳssѳɱ || HPMarauderEra || O/A!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Averagebear on Mon Jan 17, 2011 10:56 am

Lucius Abraxas Malfoy
17 / 7th Year - Slytherin - Conceited

  • Bellatrix Black: "I find myself in the company of Bella very often. I don't say this often, but I've come to respect Bellatrix. She has considerable power over the other students, and she is one of the few people I can stand to hold a conversation with. She's practically perfect, I reckon- she's beautiful and utilizes it, she's bright and she owns it, she's confident and she knows it, and she's educated on the properties of Muggles. It's nice to constantly have someone around who knows precisely what your motives are, and we have so much in common. I've been told that Bella is essentially the female version of me, which I don't disagree with. "
  • Regulus Black: "Him and I get along the most out of all of the males I associate with. While we don't act as best mates like most people would, we are probably the closest thing to it. We don't wear matching sweaters, nor do we stay up all night venting about our little ickle secrets, but at least we can talk to each other at all. We became friends when I was a second year. I hated all the blokes- even the Slytherin ones- from my year and up, and that was something that Regulus could agree on. Our judgements on the other fools around us is what brought us together. It only made sense that we'd start taking each other's company. Now, he even visits over breaks so that my mum can tell me how I should act a bit more like "precious Regukins". Neither of us are very affectionate, and I don't think either of us have even called the other so much as "friend", but I'd stick up for him without hesitation if he were in trouble. I'll constantly berate him and tell him he's stupid and complain about having to spend time with him, but he knows that I don't mean any of it. Being a year younger than me, I often find myself feeling much more superior than him, acting more as a teacher than a peer despite the very short age difference. I can sometimes become annoyed by his "I-think-I'm-a-BAMF" attitude, and we get into little clashes occasionally because of it. I'll call him out when he's being a meat-head, and he'll naturally get offended. We'll make up again only when Regulus approaches me with some type of apology (We all know I don't say I'm sorry)"
  • Narcissa Black: "I can't even begin to tell you how frustrating Cissa can be. I constantly shower her with affection and special attention and she never reacts. I've been trying to get at her for the past three years, and I had originally thought it would be easy to do so, but she's very different than what one might expect. While she pretends to be as nasty as the other Slytherins, you can tell she doesn't mean it. She's awfully guarded, that's for sure. For a person who's spent the last three years following her around and trying to win her over, I still don't know all that much about her. Right when I think I might have high a nerve, maybe gotten lucky, she pulls away again. I don't get it. What isn't there to love about me? She should be dancing that I even spend time on her, but no. A very unappreciative girl, she is. Still, despite all of this, I positively love the challenge she puts up. One day, she will give in and the beautiful Narcissa Black will be mine."
  • Lucius Malfoy: "Merlin's bollocks, if I were homosexual, I'd sex this man good and right. He is perfection turned into a brilliant, talented, attractive, popular seventeen year old wizard."
  • Andromeda Black: "The three Black sisters are so different it's disarming. You have the vexing, dark Bella, the beautiful, snobbish Cissa, and the quirky, OCD Andra. Surprisingly, a have a lot of tolerance for her. Most people find her annoying but I find her more harmless than anything else. She's like a lovebug or something of the sort, sometimes annoying, sometimes cute, entirely harmless. What's surprising is that I find most people obnoxious, and the one person everyone else finds obnoxious, I don't mind."
  • Rodolphus Lestrange: "Rodolphus, always brilliantly suave and cool-headed, is one of the few people that I don't get into fights with. We don't get in rows, we aren't competing for titles or trophies, neither of us ever try to hex the other, and we talk about wizard politics and business and such. Yeah, we're on good terms. I wouldn't take a bullet for him or anything, but we're on good terms."
  • Evelynne Endora: "I'll bet she's a great shag. She's so fiery and aggressive that it'd be impossible for her not to. We talk quite often. And by "talk" I mean "ruthlessly argue". I have a good load of hidden respect for the girl because of her spunk and manipulative nature and ungodly hotness. Anyway, by the end of this year I know that our mindless arguing is going to end in heated snogging and then from there, a whole load of opportunities arise."
  • Zetta Petterson: "Zetta is... Zetta. Her and I have a bit of a history, which I suppose is only to be expected between two highly promiscuous beings. I tend to use her quite a bit, mostly because it's certainly easy enough. I assume she knows that everything we do is of no consequence, but even if she's misinformed, it won't change a thing. I judge her relentlessly- even to her closest friends (Cissa and Bella), yet we all still keep her around. I suppose it's because she's interesting enough. Despite all my criticism, I do consider her a good friend.
  • Rabastan Lestrange: "I see him mostly as Rodolphus' work man. I wouldn't speak this openly, but he gives me the creeps. He reminds me of a rabid pitbull tied to a tree with a slowly deteriorating rope. There's something foul in that boy- far fouler than anything I've ever experienced. People can call me a monster all they want, but he... He's on another level. One of the only people I try to avoid mostly from fear."
  • Molly Prewett: "I'm not into the whole Gryffindor crybaby thing, but she's physically attractive. I'd tap if she kept her mouth shut. Unfortunately, that rarely happens. Her annoying personality outweighs were good looks in this situation."
  • James Potter: "Potter's such a little bitch, I swear. He struts about like he has some case of entitlement and all the other mindless trolls treat him like he's a god. It's disgusting. He's just a loud mouthed, idiotic, attention-craving fool. "
  • Sirius Black: "Can someone please tell me how the hell this guy gets so much action? All the ladies seem to love him, which is annoying itself. He's even more praised than James, and he's probably thirty times more stupid. He trashed the Black's reputation and seems to really get off on rebelling. I try not to associate with him."
  • Arthur Weasley: "Weasley, now there's a first class weirdo. He's some big old nerd who got lucky enough to date that Molly Prewett girl, and he's totally whipped. If that's not disgraceful I can't tell you what is. I mean, honestly, it's like he's a bloody puppet. He's constantly raving about Muggles, which only makes him more of a gross human being. Filthy, positively filthy."
  • Lily Evans: "The Gryffindor whore, simple as that. She enjoys pretending she's sweet and smart, but my friends and I can see right through her."
  • Ted Tonks: "I don't even want to think about this tramp. He's the perfect representation of everything I despise in a person: stupid, loud, Hufflepuff, and mixed blood. So, so, so, so obnoxious, he is."
  • Alice Drooble: "Never before has such a stupid girl walked the face of this planet. I swear, she has an IQ level of -3. And then she's constantly protecting younger years and the underdog which is remarkably annoying."
  • Kaylen Bennence: "She's one of those girls you can't help but to ignore. I don't care about her, point blank."
  • Camilla Kiss: "This little git needs to sort her way out of Slytherin. She taints the serpent's name with her warm, compassionate ways and her severe case of pathetic submissive tendencies. Disgusting."
  • Adaeze Yar'Adua: "Most of the time, my reaction to everything she says and does is something along the lines of "...What the fuck doesn't that even sodding mean?""
  • Ben Sampson: "A nonworthy Hufflepuff. I seriously don't even know why they made the house Hufflepuff. They might as well have just not gone to Hogwarts, they're so unnoticed."
  • Katrine Kressel: "She's that new German girl. I was disappointed that she was sorted into Gryffindor. I can honestly say that the girl intrigues me, though. Perhaps I oughta give German a taste..."
  • Claire Regas: "She's pretty and smart, from what I've seen. Nothing inexpicably original or unique to speak about, though. Would I shag her? Probably, but it's me you're talking about here. Again, I'm not very inspired by the girl. Pardon my apathy."
  • Noel Lestrange: "He's one of the people that I just cannot understand. When I'm confused by a person, I just stay away from them because I can't stand feeling thick headed. He's distasteful, too. Not a big fan of the Lestrange's youngest, I must say."
  • William Smith Jr.: "He's another one of those types who don't know how to mind their own business."
  • Kimberly Lanches: "While beautiful, she's quite certainly very annoying."
  • Tim Lanches: "The Lanches' twin bond is almost creepy to me. To see people who look so much alike being together all the time just rubs me in the wrong way."
  • Selene Dubois: "Talk about wacky girls... She's a complete basket case, I swear. Hadn't her mum and dad ever taught her the difference between the real world and fantasy? I'd bet she still believes in Santa Claus. Weird, weird, weird."
  • Alisha Benson: "...I honestly can't place her. Who the hell is Alisha Benson? What is she? A third year, right? Huh. Whatever."
  • Remus Lupin: "I obviously despise that freak. Out of all the Gryffindor slugs, he's the most pathetic. I mean, he doesn't even put up a fight when others beat on him. He's a pitiful, odd creature. I wouldn't touch him with a ten foot pole."

Alice Drooble
15 / 5th Year - Gryffindor - Kickass

  • Alisha Benson: "This girl, also in fifth year and engaged in Quidditch, is a best friend. She has tons and tons of modesty and she's really humble, which are all very appealing qualities for a friend to have. We bring out the best in each other, my overconfidence rubbing off on her and her sensitivity rubbing off on me. When I'm not around Alisha, I'm known to be a bit of a gnarly, unsympathetic, instigative bitch and Alisha is known as an awkward, painfully shy, easily scared girl. I'm a completely different person around Alisha than I am other people, a more feminine side unlocking. She's the only person I talk to about my scandalous endeavors with guys as she's the only person I can both trust and feel comfortable saying it around."
  • James Potter: "I have a rather large crush on James Potter. It's shit because everyone knows he's madly in love with Lily and everyone else is just a way to preoccupy his time with. I wouldn't have thought I'd grow affections toward the boy, and I already feel guilty for taking some of the lad's attention from Lily. But they aren't even dating and we haven't ever done anything! I don't even return his flirting, mostly because I'm so socially inadept (less awkward and more brutish than anything) but he's so casually perfect- good hearted, goofy, brilliant at Quidditch, spunky, and wonderfully confident. I realize that I wouldn't ever be able to have a true relationship with him, so by now I've decided that I wouldn't even mind being some sort of rebound, or perhaps an object to make Lily jealous. Listen to how pathetic that sounds. Oh, blimey. I don't know why I always seem to pick the wrong blokes to dote on. I know, I know; it's hopeless. Nothing will happen, but Merlin help me if I don't dream."
  • William Smith Jr.: "I've become close friends with William Smith, who I met when I was a first year and he was a second. Some stupid fourth years were taking to picking on me and he came and "rescued me", or so to speak. I could have kicked all of their asses myself, I swear! He just... beat me to it. Since then, we've been relatively good chaps and he's become a very big influence on me, I'd say. We clash sometimes, and it's not rare that we'll get into explosive fights (and when I say explosive, I mean explosive) but it's just because we're both such intense people. It's inevitable. Our semi-conflicts have never gotten in the way of our relationship; It kinda adds to our dynamic. I've started shying away from William of late because I can't stand being put on the back burner. He cares for Kaylen so much that I tend to get ignored and that's totally not cool. Third wheel is not a position I intend on keeping. I'll only spend time with him when Kaylen's not around, which is pretty much never."
  • Ted Tonks: "Him and I are good friends. He's got a tooth for fun just as strong as I do. Whenever we're around each other, we get up to a lot of trouble, the two of us. When we're at the same parties, we're a riot. Nothing a little firewhiskey can't make you do, I swear."
  • Rabastan Lestrange: "Alright, I know I'm all unconditionally anti-slut or whatever, but this boy is so attractive. He's a ruthless beast as a beater, and was definitely blessed in the looks department but he's not exactly the boyfriend type. The only thing I feel for him is a strong physical attraction and admiration for his playing. We rarely ever associate."
  • Adaeze Yar'Adua: "I respect Adaeze more than I could ever openly admit without seeming creepy. She's like the perfect strong female role model. There aren't many of those now a days, and her African descent makes her so much more interesting of a person."
  • Kaylen Bennence: "Kaylen's perfect and everyone knows it. She's sweet and brave and down to Earth and drop dead gorgeous and smart and caring. Yada. Yada. Yada. I can become so ridiculously jealous of her it's not even funny. This is especially the case when it comes to William. The truth is that Will would drop me in a heart beat if Kaylen so wished it. Plus, she's not nearly so nice as she seems. She's actually quite rude at times, especially concerning Slytherins and sluts. I know that I'm not one to talk- hell, bashing those pricks is practically my pass time- but she shouldn't be dubbed as an angel if she does the same things I do. Oh, I don't know. I just don't like her, alright? I don't actually have a good reason and I sure as hell don't need one, either. This is just a silent grudge though. I avoid her if I can, because I know that if I ever openly displayed my feelings, Will'd flip a shit."
  • Noel Lestrange: "I love Noel's company so much. He's always there to make you laugh and is basically fun wrapped up into an eccentric, blonde boy. He's more wild than I'll ever be."
  • Molly Prewett:"Molly's teary nature can throw me off sometimes (I'm the worst at comforting people) and she's pretty hard for me to talk to. I like her conceptually, as I adore her and Arthur as a couple, but as soon as I'm faced to speak with her in real life, I have to leave very quickly to make sure my mental image of her isn't scared. She's like a celebrity of sorts to me. It's like idolizing a teen pop sensation and then meeting them and realizing they're an absolute cow. Not that Molly's a cow... She's just not as perfect as I like to think she is. Oh, bollocks, I don't know.."
  • Arthur Weasley: "Merlin's beard, I don't think a nicer person even exists in the whole wide world. I admire his ability to be so passive (a trait I've never possessed), and his obsession with muggles is admirable. He and Molly give me hope for my love life. They always seem to happy to be around each other. It's precious."
  • Remus Lupin: "He's such a great guy. He's awkward and little... off sometimes, but I kind of feel like it adds to the subtle charm he possesses."
  • Sirius Black: "I don't know Sirius particularly well. I just know what I've heard of him, specifically from giggling girls. He's brilliant in the Quidditch field, too. Perhaps this year I'll begin talking to him, as I'll be the new Keeper on the Gryffindor team."
  • Lily Evans: "I know this is practically taboo at Hogwarts, but I don't particularly like Lily. We just... didn't connect? I'm not sure why, but neither of us are very fond of each other."
  • Lucius Malfoy: "Lucius Malfoy is a pretentious, arrogant, ugly, prejudiced son of a bitch. I don't think I've ever disliked someone more. Let me put it this way: If a dementor ever strolled up to me and asked me where I could find an escaped prisoner from Azkaban, I'd direct him to Lucius Malfoy so I could prove that he doesn't actually have a soul. I bet the little ass would pee his pants, too. I'm well aware he's not as tough as his sexy-slut-drones like to think he is."
  • Bellatrix Black: "She is such an infuriating bitch. She's a first class whore, too. She's pretty much the embodiment of what a girl should never be. I would pity her for being stuck to Lucius if I didn't dislike her so much."
  • Narcissa Black: "Why do I feel like Narcissa is a perfect image of the typical "mean and popular" girl? Oh, I'll tell you. She's a petty, materialistic, judgmental bitch. She's tame as far as Slytherins go, but just the fact that she enables the others to pick on kids is almost as despicable as teasing them in the first place. It's like she'd do anything to appear perfect. Disgraceful, I tell ya."
  • Zetta Petterson: "Damn, I'm on a role with calling out all these bitches, aren't I? We can just call Zetta slut number 390480395802432094. She's just another Slytherin hoe, starving for attention. Nothing all too special about her, I reckon. I can somewhat admire her ability to make all the other girls mad, however."
  • Ben Sampson: "I really, really don't know much about him. He seems to be friends with good people, so I assume he's good too. He's cute in his own way, I guess."
  • Katrine Kressel:"I know this isn't a very cool thing to say, but I'm dying to figure out more on this Katrine girl is. I hear she's from Germany and stuff. I'm as curious as a cat, and uber excited that she's in Gryffindor!"
  • Rodolphus Lestrange: "He's so cold. Quite handsome and respectably gentlemanly, but he's so distant I couldn't reach him if I took a plane."
  • Regulus Black: "Dear god, what an ASS. He's constantly trying to get under my nerves, it seems. I guess I'm an easy victim because I get so mad so quickly. In any case, I'll have none of it."
  • Andromeda Black: "Eh, she's alright. Second best of the Blacks on my list."
  • Selene Dubois: "While I don't exactly understand her, I don't dislike her! She's kooky but it's alright because she means well... I think."
  • Camilla Kiss: "She's the sweetest Slytherin in the history of Slytherins. We don't talk often, but I'm fond of her."
  • Evelynne Endora: "I truly don't associate with Eve, though the impression she's given me is certainly a good one."
  • Claire Regas: "Her aloof personality is a bit of a turn off to me. We've never had an encounter, but it's clear that neither of us are interested in what the other's got to say."
  • Kimberly Lanches: "I'm not too familiar with this Hufflepuff twin. She tends to hang out with people that I like, though, so it's cool. I'm friends with Ted, and she's never very far from either of them. "
  • Tim Lanches: "I can sometimes grow tired with Tim & Kim's twin act. I'd never been able to see the novelty in it that other kids around school have. They're both great separately, though! You don't feel quite so excluded. Tim himself is jolly enough, always making jokes as far as I can tell. "
Last edited by Averagebear on Mon Jan 17, 2011 11:50 pm, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: (Relations) ʈѳ Ьʅѳssѳɱ || HPMarauderEra || O/A!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kenzi on Mon Jan 17, 2011 1:22 pm


Evelynne Faye Endora
(16/7th Year - Gryffindor - Unpredictable)

James Potter: "James needs to learn when to shut the fuck up. Being loud is one thing, but Potter takes it to another level. I swear I'm going to hex his ass one of these days if he doesn't tone it down a notch (or twenty)."
Sirius Black: "Stone cold fox! It's entirely possible I have feelings for him... however, I refuse to be another one of the wide-eyed girls that fawn over him on a daily basis. We get on well and tend to see eye to eye on a lot of things. I could see myself being closer than friends with him but... like I said... I'm not going to stand in line and wait. So we'll have to see how things progress! I'd say we're friends, but I've never really known what he thinks of me."
Remus Lupin: "I have a soft spot for Remus. I don't usually care for softer spoken people, being such an overbearing person myself, but Remus is different. I care about him and would consider him a friend, which I don't say about many people."
Lily Evans: "She's a sweet girl. Perhaps a little too sweet. I've had to step in and defend her against the Slytherins in the past. I'd consider her a friend."
Arthur Weasley: "Bit of a weird bloke, isn't he? Always going on about muggles like they are the most interesting thing in the world. He's a decent guy but you never see him without Molly clinging to his hip. Don't think he likes me too much because I don't put up with his girlfriends shit."
Molly Prewett: "Oh for Merlin's sake. The girl that could never shut up. If you paired Molly and James up, the combined noise would surely take down all of Hogwarts. I can't stand the girl."
Narcissa Black: "Surprisingly not a bitch. Well, not in comparison with some of the other girls. We've had civil conversations in the past, despite my being in Gryffindor. But she needs to tone down the vanity."
Bellatrix Black: "Talk about a crazy bitch. I can not stand this woman. Our personalities clash so dangerously that you don't want to be around if we come in contact with each other. I hate her."
Andromeda Black: "Awesome girl. I love her style and attitude. The perfect mix of attitude and friendliness. I would call her a friend."
Severus Snape: "What DO I think about Snape? I think a lot of things but I don't want to say any of them. That's private. But I will say this: If I had to save James or Severus from being eaten by a dragon... I'd save Severus. Though I guess that isn't saying much."
Alice Drooble: "I rarely speak to Alice, since she's not in my year, but she's a decent girl. Doesn't stand for any bullshit, that's for sure. I respect that in her."
Rita Skeeter: "Not a fan. The biggest gossip in the school."
Lucius Malfoy: "I find sick enjoyment in talking with Lucius. Or, should we say, arguing with him. While we aren't anywhere close to friends, there is some fine line of respect between the two of us. We both know how work those around us and are keenly aware of our effect on people."
Regulus Black: "Prick. I think deep down he may be a decent guy, but he's too much of an asshole for me to waste my time on."
Rabastan Lestrange: "A complete basket case."
Rodolphus Lestrange: "I find him unnerving and I don't trust him. Something's off about him."
Xenophilius Lovegood: "I don't think I've ever spoken to him."
Selene Dubois: "She's definitely a different type of girl... I don't usually talk to her."
Duncan Flynn: "If I were a weaker girl, his accent would make me weak in the knees. Really though, he's a nice guy. I'm not sure if I scare him with my over the top personality, but I do think he's a good guy."
Kathrine Kresel: "Who? I've never heard of her. Oh-Wait... is she that exchange student? Yeah, well, guess I'll have to introduce myself. Hopefully she isn't another dumb blond. We've got enough of those."
William Smith Jr.: "The guys got attitude. I've seen him take on a whole group of Slytherins who were teasing some first years. I admire his spunk."
Kaylen Bennence: "Nice girl. Haven't ever spoken to her once, but we've seen each other at parties. I think I'm a little too edgy for her taste in a friend, but who knows. I haven't really had a conversation with her."
Zeeta Petterson: "She's sort of like the Slytherin pet, isn't she? She tags after Narcissa, Bellatrix, and Lucius."
Noel Lestrange: "Original. He's interesting to talk to. I've seen him at a lot of parties and admire his will to do whatever he wants."
Adaeze Yar'Adua: "I respect this girl. She's a strong woman and knows exactly who she is. The girls around here could do well to take a page out of her book."
Claire Anya Regas: "Coolest girl I know at Hogwarts. A real legit type of cat. We got on really well and have similar personalities. I'd say she is my best friend but... I don't really do 'best friends'. So, I guess you could say I'm the closest with her."



James Potter
(17/7th Year - Gryffindor - Proud)

Sirius Black:
Remus Lupin:
Lily Evans:
Arthur Weasley:
Molly Prewett:
Narcissa Black:
Bellatrix Black:
Andromeda Black:
Severus Snape:
Alice Drooble:
Rita Skeeter:
Lucius Malfoy:
Regulus Black:
Rabastan Lestrange:
Rodolphus Lestrange:
Xenophilius Lovegood:
Selene Dubois:
Duncan Flynn:
Kathrine Kresel:
William Smith Jr.:
Kaylen Bennence:
Zeeta Petterson:
Noel Lestrange:
Adaeze Yar'Adua:
Claire Anya Regas:
Evelynne Faye Endora:



Regulus Arcturus Black
(17/6th Year - Slytherin - Arrogant)

James Potter:
Sirius Black:
Remus Lupin:
Lily Evans:
Arthur Weasley:
Molly Prewett:
Narcissa Black:
Bellatrix Black:
Andromeda Black:
Severus Snape:
Alice Drooble:
Rita Skeeter:
Lucius Malfoy:
Rabastan Lestrange:
Rodolphus Lestrange:
Xenophilius Lovegood:
Selene Dubois:
Duncan Flynn:
Kathrine Kresel:
William Smith Jr.:
Kaylen Bennence:
Zeeta Petterson:
Noel Lestrange:
Adaeze Yar'Adua:
Claire Anya Regas:
Evelynne Faye Endora:

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Re: (Relations) ʈѳ Ьʅѳssѳɱ || HPMarauderEra || O/A!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Litria Death on Mon Jan 17, 2011 6:09 pm

Adaeze Sauda Yar'Adua
(17/7 - Ravenclaw - Soul)

Sirius Black: What a fine catch he'd be... I could imagine bringing him home to my mum in Ibadan; she'd have a stroke! Anyways ❤, he seems nice enough... I'll keep my eye on him... There's something suspicous about him and I'm going to find it out...

James Potter: He's pretty good-looking, like his pals. James is a rare man, I can tell when I look at him. He has a different spark in him, some kind of... zest for life that seems to glitter in his eyes.

Peter Pettigrew: Gruwel knaagdier! Watch him closely! He is a threat.

Arthur Wealsey: A good man; I see commitment to his mate, Molly, and when a man at his age can bring that forth, he is wholly good. I respect him.

Molly Prewett: A sweet, loving woman. I extend kindness to her and her friends.

Narcissa Black: I met Sirius first, so the others of the Black family struck me as strange; she is a fine piece of work, that fast bitch. I sense there is the dullest of kindness, but it isn't enough to extend past her friend circle. I will take pleasure in her downfall.

Bellatrix Black: I feel uneasy with her; there is something dark and horrible dwelling inside her thoughts. Avoid until further information.

Lucius Malfoy: Foolish creature. He will perish under my heel, despite that devious, boyish charisma.

Severus Snape: He is decent. He knows what he needs to do.

Andromeda Black: She is a charming woman. I enjoy her company very much, especially her prime and proper attitude.

Regulus Black: Very unlike his brother; easily corrupted, yet a flame of change burns within him. He has promise.

Xenophilius Lovegood: He is a pleasurable fellow, very interesting. However, there is something about his mannerisms that makes me a bit nervous. Perhaps I am paranoid.

Zetta Petterson: She is too loud and self-absorbed for her own good; I feel cold vibes from her, as if she is suffering some internal struggle. I plan on decoding her and, along with her guileless friends, crushing them.

Noel Lestrange: He is a dear little thing. For some reason I enjoy his presence, along with his two brothers, although I get a shadowy vibe from them.

Rodolphus Lestrange: He has a looming, calm presence that I enjoy of the Lestrange siblings. Yet, who associates with gives me worries; I shall watch them with weary eyes. God knows what those Black creatures will corrupt them to.

Rabastan Lestrange: A prick of rebellion, which is always interesting. Under my watch.

Evelynne Endora: Decent. She has strong promise and a will that gives her my respect.

Anyone Else: Geagte my! There are new students? I must meet them...

Sirius Cain Black
17/7 - Gryffindor - Gallant

James Potter, Remus Lupin-"My closest friends, they are! James, Remus and I are a dynamic trio, in my mind. It seems we are an inseparable group, and I wouldn't change that at all! I do enjoy being with them, having fun and hanging out, oh, and we do plot up some hare-brained schemes. . ."

Lily Evans- "Ah, Lily... Such a sweet thing, is she. A beautiful, kind witch. Honestly, if James hadn't've gotten her, I know I would've."

Severus Snape- "Ha! Don't get me started on Snape. Snivellus is a wretched little imbecile, in my opinion; such a cowardly creature."

Lucius Malfoy-"I've always had a hatred for this one; a rude, ignorant weasel! A terrible manipulator who hides behind others."

Bellatrix, Narcissa Black- "I have always been against my family's beliefs, and, in our generation, Narcissa and Bellatrix are the strongest of believers; fools! They are horrible people, the lot of my family! I do hate recalling that I'm related to them all. . ."

Andromeda Black- "Unlike the others of the Black family, I like her company. Andromeda is so different from the rest of the family, like myself. She's my favorite out of the entire bloodline!"

Regulus Black- "My foolish little brother... Soft enough to be molded into what my parents wanted him to be and believe... Although I'm the oldest and the heir to the family, they constantly remind me that he's their ideal son. . ."

I'm editing it some... I'll add more later on...

Zetta Farria Petterson
16/7 - Slytherin - Aggressive


Narcissa Black: "Narcissa and I are best friends, or I'd like to think we are. We hang out a lot: gossip, chatter, a little hijinx in there. I'd do almost anything for her, and I hope she'd do the same for me!"

Bellatrix Black: "Bella and I are friends, I'd say. Whenever Cissy and I do any pranks, I always try to have Bellatrix along with us. Even though she hasn't any bad emotions towards me, she does freak me out on the slightest level. But, hey, she's a Black, unlike Sirius..."

Severus Snape: "Don't let everybody know, but I've been staying out a lot to talk with Severus; he's an interesting person, believe it or not!"


Lucius Malfoy: "OMIGOODNESSSQUEEGASMGARGHAMAZINMUFFILOVE! I love Lucius! He's the most beautiful boy I've ever met. Ever. Those eyes, that white blonde hair-! SQUEEEOMGGGGGWHAHAAA!"

Remus Lupin: "You tell a soul about this and you'll be staring down at the bottom of the Black Lake: I have a crush on Remus.... I have no idea in my mind why.. It might've been when I first got to Hogwarts and he helped me pick up my spellbooks after I had dropped them... Anyways, I like him, and... I just can't because-! Did you hear somebody?"


Sirius Black: "I guess it's Bella's and Cissy's talk of how much they hate him and the Marauders, but I can't stand to be in the same room with Sirius; he's never even looked in my direction before and I hate him... Weird..."

James Potter: "Again, a Marauder, but he's a bit of a hypocrite.... He goes around, getting praise for being this super nice, caring guy when he picks on Severus almost every day! Gosh, that's one thing I can't stand..."

Lily Evans: "Cissy and Bella again with their talk; hate her guts... Looking at her makes me wanna wince with anger."

Peter Pettigrew: "That sniffling little rodent! He's a crybaby tagalong with nothing better to do but be a fucking creep!"

Molly Prewett: "I can't stand her, either... She's a freak the way she just glares at me all the time; I haven't even spoken to her before! I guess it has to do with my friend choice... What a prejudice little git!"


Arthur Weasly: "Cissy tutors him a lot, and he seems like a really nice guy, even though he associates with those who I having a hating for..."

Kaylen Bennece: "Eh, not much on this one... I try not to pick on her often, but somtimes I just can't help myself..."

William Smith: "He's alright; he's from the American South, so that makes him interesting..."

Duncan Flynn: "Decent guy, I guess.. Bit of a perv, but what Brit isn't?"[/

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Litria Death
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