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The Messiah Queen || Religions

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The Messiah Queen || Religions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby >Marionette< on Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:34 am

Last edited by >Marionette< on Sun Dec 13, 2015 3:56 am, edited 8 times in total.

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Re: The Messiah Queen || Religions

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby >Marionette< on Sat Nov 21, 2015 8:38 am

Daemons And Their Views on the Great Mysteries

Odinson wrote:Despite their heritage and the beliefs associated with it, most Daemons largely live agnostic lives. Because of the scorn and shunning they receive regularly they don't consider themselves welcome in many religious communities and find it easier to leave well enough alone. This however doesn't mean that there aren't those who do indeed practice religion, though one may argue that for as many who found something to worship just as many vehemently oppose any such practice. With that said, both are a minority, Daemons as a whole are quite indifferent towards it.

There are few, if any faiths established by Daemons themselves, most who do practice a faith often worship the gods of their neighbors, wherever they live. There are rumors however of a significant number of Daemons attending some sort of commune the people know little about. Around this time there have been an increase of reports of babbling lunatics in Daemon communities, at least it would be pure babble if they weren't consistent with each other. Amidst the inane ramblings are talks of deities so great and terrible that they “should not be named”, beings from “beyond what is beyond,” Outsiders of existence. Surprisingly these individuals seem to have no connection to each other at all, and those that knew them recall them being perfectly sane at one time.

At large though Daemons find little to worship except for one god: Knowledge. Daemons have little fear of the unknown and openly practice many forms of magic as well as scientific study. Some firmly believe that knowledge will not only earn the respect of other peoples, but also shed light upon the superstition and fear that has haunted them all of their lives.

The “Heathen gods” of the Orcs

Odinson wrote:It is a deeply founded belief of the orcs that to reach afterlife you must pay for it in blood, either your own or your adversary's. For war is not simply a last resort, it is not only death, it magnifies the life of a person, bears the true character of ones soul and in doing so brings honor and integrity. Warcraft, the art of dealing death is a way of life, orcs who fall in battle are not mourned, they are celebrated, for it is known that they will arrive at the gates of Grahantül, where their revered ancestors and gods await to revel in great feasting and endless battle until the time of Krâtdogen: the Splitting Of the World.

Orcs carry few “scriptures” however they do etch their history into stone using glyphs of their own depictions, which can vary from tribe to tribe. Most of what they know is passed down orally though, often start with the “beginning.”

Once there was a single tribe, in a time without armor, without swords, without crops to take or villages to raid, only stone spears and berries. Many orcs argue if this tribe was human, elf or another such race while others point out it matters little, they were once a weak people, then became mighty. The tribe spent their days as hunters and foragers, and cared little for acting with other tribes of people. But one day a great beast appeared named Rhotük, and plagued the tribe by devouring a number of the people each day, before returning to it's lair at night.

Exactly what the creature looked like changes depending upon what tribe you ask today, some say it was like a carnivorous ox, others a serpent, and others still in the resemblance of a lion however in truth this beast is often described with attributes of many different creatures. What most tribes agree upon is that it possessed an armor like hide, that when this original tribe would send their greatest hunters to slay Rhotük in its sleep they did not return though the beast did with another broken spear wedged in its hide. It was decidedly not a creature from nature and had to be some sort of insatiable god who would devour all as, they tell it.

One day however a woman named Walkyra announced that she would slay Rhotük that day. Her kin dismissed her and continued to wallow in despair, underestimating her. Walkyra however was indeed one of their mightiest hunters as well as their most cunning. When Rhotük arrived that day she taunted the beast-god claiming her might was far superior to him, openly challenging him. Rhotük did not take kindly to the boast of this lesser creature and charged at the woman. Walkyra mimicked him roaring against his bellow in vengeance.

To Rhotük's surprise Walkyra leaped into his mouth, sliding very easily down his throat. The creature accepted this as an amusing form of suicide and was content to go about sating his appetite. Before he could however, Walkyra's spear burst through him, slaying the beast from the inside. In celebration the tribe cooked the beast and feasted for twenty days hailing Walkyra as their hero and naming her chief of the tribe.

It was some time after the feasting however that they began to notice changes in their bodies. They were growing bigger and stronger as well. With their new found strength Walkyra realized that they didn't need go for days without eating because of unsuccessful hunts, there were other tribes out there that had plenty of food and spears to use. And so she brazenly led her tribe in their first battles and sharing the spoils among themselves, “if another tribe was not strong enough to keep their things, they did not deserve them” she reasoned.

Over the years Walkyra would lead her tribe into many more battles for land, food and weapons, though she was not entirely ruthless as some would make her out to be. She even going as far as establishing the Hūndoht or “warriors code” to prevent a complete antagonism of her people, there was certain etiquette to war and the treatment of an opponent that needed to be upheld, there needed to be honor in it, or the fighting was meaningless. Popular legend maintains that Walkyra lived to be two hundred years old but showed little signs of aging, by then the tribes had quintupled in size and had begun splitting into smaller tribes to spread across the world.

While it is said that the tribe, now calling themselves orcs from their word “ürk” meaning “strong”, had grown in stature and size their legend tells that Walkyra herself had not stopped growing easily reaching ten feet tall by the time of her final battle. Walkyra was supposedly slain in this encounter with many spears impaling her body, and at the sight of this her warriors felt fear and doubt creep into their hearts, and began to flee for their lives. However, they witnessed Walkyra's very spirit rise from her body, and in a voice of thunder forbade them to abandon the battle. Without question they followed her again, as she smote their enemies in her new invincible form.

When the battle was won, she told her tribe that she could no longer stay with them. Saddened they began to weep, but Walkyra told them to hold their tears, as she would go on to create a paradise in which those who died honorable deaths would feast and fight until the end of the world, ans for them to keep the Hūndoht and never stop fighting. She ascended into the heavens to establish her new dominion a warrior goddess.

The rest of orcish lore tells of mighty heroes, and great deeds, those who have earned a place in Grahantül even attaining godhood not unlike Walkyra, though she is still worshiped as the “Great Chief”. Honorable ancestors also receive worship as orcs may pray to them for guidance and strength in battle among other things.

Today reverence towards Walkyra and her teachings is reflected heavily in orc culture, as most chiefs are usually women who cast as both political and religious leaders. However orcs don't always have the guidance of their chief to rely which is why all orcs memorize the tenants of the Hūndoht.


Your first and most paramount virtue is your honor, those without it will never see Grahantül.

There is not greater honor then dieing in battle, avoid becoming old and feeble and unable to fight, seek out a good death before your body fails you.

Whatever gods you pray to, they must be strong and honor bound, lords of the meek hold nothing in your hearts.

In battle show no quarter if none is asked, those who do-do not have honor, let them keep their lives, they will only see Vthul, the void, in the end.

Those who are not strong enough to keep their possessions, including their lives, do not deserve them.

Do not take what you cannot earn by your own strength, to take it from your opponent you must announce it and challenge him to fair combat. Thievery is dishonorable, they must see your face when you pry their belongings from their feeble hands.

Do not take a life without their knowledge, to do so is dishonorable. They must see your face when you kill them.

Do not steal from or murder your kin, Vthul assuredly awaits you.

Man must never supersede woman without her explicit permission. Orc men must not own property, have sole custody of children except in surviving his wife, or be allowed to become chief without a vote of consensus by the women. Orc women reserve the right to divorce their spouse if they are found wanting.

If your spouse or family member is murdered you may claim a Blood Rite against the transgressor. You will challenge them into single combat to claim vengeance, if you are slain the transgressor will be exiled and that will be the extent of mortal justice.

Kin does not refer skin color or stature, to be kin of orc one need not be born one. Individuals who have proven to honor the ways of the Hūndoht can be considered Blood-kin and are welcome in any tribe. Everyone else is an Outtribe, this includes exiles.

Dishonorable dead are sent to Vthul, the Void a cold lifeless nothing. Their souls however can be redeemed by a surviving family member or trusted friend who performs a Redemption Task. They are given a task of honor chosen by the chief, if they succeed the soul is released from Vthul and granted access to Grahantül. If they fail, both souls are condemned to Vthul.

Elven Naturalist Spirituality

The Elves do not have gods or deities they worship. Instead Elves practice a more internal form of spirituality and one-ness with their environment. They believe everything has a spirit and energy associated with that spirit. When a living thing dies they become something else, such their bodies return to the earth they become grass, the deer and others eat the grass, and the cycle continues. Elves believe that in this cycle one has been many things in their past life, grass, trees, other elves, even other beings. When a particularly wise person is among them it is said that person must have lived many past lives and gained much experience.

Because of their belief in this cycle of life and energies Elves treat everything and everyone with a certain amount of respect. It is considered poor karma to do otherwise, they treat others how they would like to be treated, but won't hesitate to react viciously if they in turn are not treated respectfully. This method of life is in practice from the way they interact to way they hunt. When a kill is made that kill is honored and thanked for its life. It is told to rest in peace and usher into its next life. Nothing of the kill is wasted, everything from the bones to the skin is used for tools and clothing.

For an Elf death means change, sad yes, for those that knew them in this life, but necessary and certain. When an Elf dies there is a ceremony held in which everyone drinks and eats and sings, wishing their departed a safe journey and luck into the next life. When an Elf is born much the same is done, welcoming their new kin to their new life cycle. The Elves are a romantic people, and believe that soul mates will always meet in the next life in one way or another, many popular Elf tales are love stories that have this theme.

The Old Gods of Dorelith

Odinson wrote:Before the arrival of their new messiah and her god, Dorelith practiced worshiping many gods of many names, and even to day some “heretics” still do. Their names sometimes change depending on where you live in this kingdom as does the lore that surrounds them, but the people of Dorelith held these gods near and dear to their hearts all the same. Whatever god someone worshiped varied from person to person, some gods were only worshiped in one household, there were plenty to choose from.

Dorelith in fact has taken deities of many different cultures into their lives though they are often the “household” or lesser gods. There does exist a centralized pantheon with the Cithan Triad at the head. Most of the deities that were worshiped often had something do with the daily lives of the people, such as Yarshrin, god of the hearth, or Laylus god of pastures. You would find many deities and legends tied to them concerning moral and political importance. The Cithan Triad however is different, they were considered the greatest authority and presided over the judgment of souls in the afterlife, in addition priests claimed that they would commune with the Triad in times of crisis to guide the government in the right course of action.

The origin of Dorelith's gods is that steeped in violence and tragedy.

According to the Elliad, supposedly penned by Cith the founder of the city that bears his name, the beginning of the universe began when this one collided with another. One world, composed completely of water, the other of land. This was the design by beings called the Ethleos, the first generation of deities, Old Gods. With their might they shaped the land as they wanted, and took to creating beings to populate it, however these beings would just wither and die in a short time to which the Ethleos grew bored of. They instead conceived children of their own and let them roam free in the mortal realm.

These new beings were enormous in size and were what many people would call “giants” or “titans” and the ground thundered where they stepped, and could appear anything from human to a grotesque beast. Many of these Children of Ethleos were unsympathetic to mortal kind even taking pleasure in killing them for the amusement of it. Mortals of course did not take kindly to this, and rallied to war against these colossal beings. This however was a war that was doomed for bitter defeat.

You could count the amount of these monsters being felled by mortal hands on a single hand, mortals on the other hand would be crushed by the thousands in a single encounter. The majority of Ethleos cared little what happened to mortal kind, as far as they were concerned this was good entertainment watching their children have their fun. That did not mean that there weren't Ethleos who strongly felt differently.

There were those who did not participate in the conceiving with their brethren and found the results to be appalling, amoral beings with little regard towards life. So they decided in secret to seek out mortals to conceive with and raise a new generation of beings untainted by the old ways. In time this new generation grew strong and wise, retaining divinity but with the hearts and minds of mortals.
And so began the Retribution, a war between old gods and new ones. The new gods were lead by four deities, Thasalus, Mattiar, Unilys, and Ytyla. These new gods were surprisingly democratic, their decisions based on majority rule with debates held on what course of action to take, though the aforementioned made the final decisions, (after much arguing).

Thasalus was often righteous, merciful, but a zealous god who took upon himself to solve the worlds problems even sacrificing things that may not have been necessary, his wife, Unilys, would often side with him even if she didn't fully agree. Mattiar, on the other hand was a calculating, callous, and liberal individual, he cared less for the well being of others and more to the bottom line of their ventures and felt most ends justified the means. Ytyla was often the one who broke ties, or found compromises where none saw any, an agnostic at heart she provided a great deal of level headed council to the war effort.

In one battle, a titan named Yusgoth, eldest of the Ethleos Children strode on to the battlefield, a haughty and gluttonous monster who delighted in devouring his foes. He made a fatal mistake however was in eating Unilys, for furious divine might is surely the most swift and deadly. Thasalus, Mattiar, Ytyla needed no discussion in felling Yusgoth in their haze of murderous grief. The death of this monster did however catch the attention of his parents and their allies, the war had now begun in full scale.

And the Ethleos, lost.

The remaining three leaders became the Triad and had instructed mortal kind the ways of magic, forge work, and strategy which proved effective against an enemy that was used to only using brute force. Those who weren't killed were either sealed in specially made prisons by Mattiar, or defected to the side of the new gods. When all was settled the Triad decided to take certain places amongst the hearts and minds of the people to better serve them, and the other gods followed suit.

According to legend they instructed a scribe named Cith to record their accounts of the war, and to found a city dedicated to them. Many years later the settlement of Citha would be born and would erect temples in the name of these gods. The exact time-line of this however is unknown.

Thasalus, became the patron of justice, conservationism, mercy, warfare and chivalry. Thasalus watches over the gallant, knightly, generous and kind, his teachings are usually that of high morality, sacrifice and pride in doing so. Souls of these qualities are often sent to the Alerian Fields, a paradise for heroes.

Mattiar assumed the role as patron of magic, liberalism, fore thinking, tactical warfare and knowledge. Mattiar holds favor for the cautious, the impassioned, and the intelligent, his teachings stress the importance of knowledge and understanding as paramount even above relationships as they are fleeting. Souls of these qualities will find themselves in Ihsolos, or the Observatory, often depicted as a great library in the stars where all mysteries cane be pondered.

Ytyla was resigned to be the goddess of karma based justice, common thinking, moderation, and balance. Her teachings stress the inclusion of all forms of wisdom, though she presides over two realms. Rolaeth, the realm of iniquity, where the amoral spend eternity in a prison, and Olarosy where the goodly and common folk walk endless green pastures.

This religion and its cultural significance are still felt to this to this day, even if it's temples have been converted and it's idols torn down. There remains a few faithful who hold fast with their gods, and will give their lives, even kill to see them worshiped again.

The God Of Mercy, Aule

mari wrote:What she was before she can not remember, all she knows of her former life is that she was dying, in a cave, alone and scared. She had began to fade, the feeling of pain leaving her finally, when she heard his voice. His voice cradled her last breaths, gripping her and prolonging her descent into the eternal sleep. It was a comforting and kind voice, telling her he could save her, stop her from dying all alone in this cave, stop her life from being one of loneliness and meaninglessness. Stop her from being the tragic nothing that nobody would remember. When she wondered who he was that he could grant her this kindness he responded that he was the god of mercy, Aule. He was a god who sought to save Baekoth, unite it under his kind gaze. And if she would be his vassal, his messiah, then he would save her life. She consented, seconds away from death. Aule told her to brace herself for the next moments of her life would be one of extreme pain. He had understated this. Her screams echoed for days, the pain unbelievable, incomprehensible, and when it was over it was as if she was born anew.

Now she could feel Aule under her skin, feel his might and kindness, his embracing light. He gave her visions, told her where to go, spreading his word and mercy to any who accepted it. For twenty years she did this, gaining a following of disciples who would pray and fast with her, mark themselves as she marked herself, participate in the worship of Aule. They relied on the kindness of strangers during that time, having rid themselves of earthly possessions and currency. Some of her disciples died of hunger or the harsh weather, but still they pressed on, devout and unfettered by the pang of hunger or fatigue. Most people did not believe in the miracles that the girl could perform until they saw for themselves, she was a rumor until proven otherwise. But prove herself she always did, and in this manner the religion of Aule spread.

Citha was the first to fall to him. The King and Queen murdered in their beds, their daughter sold into slavery. The Messiah of Aule seized the throne with mercenaries and claimed to the public that it was all in the name of holiness, supported by other ambitious bannermen.

As far as she is concerned it does not matter who or how many die, because when she arrives the kingdom is freshly bleeding and in need of Aule's mercy to show them the way. She raises their dead and heals their wounded, winning their devotion to Aule in that instant. She leads them into worship and salvation in the droves now, damning any who refuse her as a heretic. Never before has Aule's worship spread so fast, like fire, like Aule. His worship must be absolute, her vision for a saved and perfect world must come to pass.

Aule is the name of an extremely powerful being from the spirit realm, not spirit, not demon, something more sinister and powerful, a ruler of some sort. The spirits know him, and demons bow to him, they all fear him. He is not merciful and kind as he has led his incubating host to believe, but he is cunning, and in his cunning has found a most clever way to bring Baekoth to its knees before he even gets there. And get there he will.

The religion of Aule as he has had his messiah present it emphasizes the worship of himself, naming himself the original creator of all, come back at last to rule what he has created and lead it into the holy light of eternal day and peace. Those who bend the knee to him are treated kindly, their fallen loved ones raised from the dead if they have not been dead too long or died from old age. Their hunger and fatigue he takes from them, but it is said that one is to be careful, because even though the tiredness or hunger is not felt one can still die because of it. Through his messiah he heals the injured and sick, the crippled and sightless. Many find that praying to Aule is a small price to pay when faced with such gifts. Over the years Aule has placed a control over mages and things powerful enough to stop or deter him, including magical artifacts, which he has stipulated must be locked away, for they are so called things of deceit if they are not used in his name. At first he sought to have his messiah outlaw all magic, but then shrewdly instead decided that they keep mages who would bow to the crown and enter its service.


Odinson wrote:In today's world, if you asked the average person to tell you anything about this faith, they would have no reference for it. In fact even many prestigious scholars you could name aren't even aware of it's existence. Zethenezzerism is an ancient religion that predates the established nations of Baekoth, and the majority of those who are still aware of it are it's last remaining practitioners. The exact time frame in which this religion arose is nebulous, spanning several centuries, but where it arose is usually attributed to lands in the east, not far from the borders of modern day Dorelith. There are some who theorize that this religion is the one which many other later religions are based upon, though this has been the subject of vehement debate.

It is believed that a man named Zethenezzer had lived the life of a beggar, pining for a more privileged life. On one day when he went to the river to bathe and drink he received a vision, supposedly from an all powerful force that gave no name though Zethenezzer would later call it The Light. In this vision he received “the knowledge of Light eternal,” which apparently pertained to Creation and greater knowledge of morality.

According to Zethenezzer, the universe was the domain and presumably the creation of this supreme being, however the exact nature of it was never disclosed. The Light was not the only being in Creation as many assumed to be less omniscient entities, which Zethenezzer referred to as Daevas (perhaps a version of spirits or deities) roamed the cosmos carving corners for realms of their own. Zethenezzer often described this cosmology as everything living inside a sphere, though this sphere was a transforming amalgam of existences within each other where all things make their home. It should be noted that this highly abstract view was not widely taught, though is from the mouth of the founder of this faith.

Though some of these aforementioned Daevas are sometimes given names and are labeled with a certain nature none are so prominent than The Father of Deceit. He has been given many names such as Daroka, which meant “enemy” in Zethenazzer's language, but this entity was most often referred to by his title. The nature of this Daeva should be apparent, he represents immorality, sin, inequity, ignorance, and lies. According to this faith's teachings this entity was the first real evil in Creation, a spiteful and manipulative creature whose ways attracted many other Daevas. The Light saw this as a crime, and banished him with the most evil of his followers Outside of Creation as punishment, unfortunately the damage had been done as sin had taken root in the universe.

After receiving his vision Zethenezzer left the river and began proclaiming his new knowledge to anyone with ear. In time many would call him Prophet Zethenezzer and his teachings would reach far in the world.

Unlike many modern religions you could name Zethenezzerism did not focus on supremacy or mastery of daily life, but of the internal. It heavily placed emphasis on morality and personal responsibility as the only way to reach the Light where questions are answered and paradise is a warm glow of infinity. A sinners life is to believe The Father of Deceit who's voice can still carry into Creation, it also warned to be wary of sins disguised as virtue for that is one of his greatest lies. A sinner's reward is to be cast out of Creation, to become his servant.

Though the faith has survived into the modern day, it is doubtful that even the far reaching Aule is acutely aware of it.

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