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Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

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Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyman24 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 11:16 am

James woke up on the couch and sat up as the radio blasted in his ear, he was about to get up and turn it off when something interesting came on.
millions of the undead now stalk the streets and are infecting other important members of our World, if you are a survivor then listen to this closely. Do not go outside, bolt all your doors and windows and if you have any family, before you secure yourself in, CHECK them! If they are zombies and you dont have the nerve to kill them, just remember, they are not your family anymore... James looked annoyed, just another prankster radio person.
He turned on the TV and was suprised to see a large picture of a man with one arm and chasing people around, BITING them. James suddenly shot up and realised the truth, good thing he had a kitchen knife and a gun in the house. He grabbed a knife and slowly crept upstairs. He creaked open the door of his parents bedroom. he screamed as a zombie came crashing out the room, he stabbed his knife into its chest and ran down the stairs. I'm not staying here, he thought to himself, theres probably 4 or 5 zombies upstairs. Im going outside, and thats what he did.
Last edited by Mattyman24 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Never read my posts. If I tell you not to you probably will anyway. If you do though, you will have read it, which means you will have ignored my comment at the start of this sentence. Which means you will have read it and just done the same thing that I told you not to do that you did. Which you will again, until you ignore the thing you are reading now which you will repeat, and you wont be doing the wrong thing because you already ignored the right thing, which is totally wrong."

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mindscrew Min-Min on Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:19 pm

[[I'm guessing this is one of those jump-in RPs, so that's what I'm going to do. Appy-polly-logies if I'm wrong.]]

The room was dark and nearly silent, the only light and sound coming from the softly blaring T.V. in the corner. On the unkempt bed, a single figure stirred at a sudden noise interrupting the news anchor: footsteps.

When Lumie fully opened her eyes, she saw that there was a strange man in her room. Now, normally, as a teenage romance novel junkie, she would probably be instantly turned on at the idea, instead of calling the authorities like a smart person would do, but that was impossible because this man--or rather, creature--was not attractive in the least. His skin was grey and clammy, falling off the bones in some places to expose coagulated body fluids and rotting dead meat. He reeked of death, and his belly was distended with what was probably human remains.

Lumie screamed and jumped out of bed just as the zombie lunged for her. Seeing no way to get past him to her bedroom door, she frantically pried the window open and crawled out, hit the ground a few feet below, scrambled to her feet, and ran for dear life. No time to warn Mum and Dad, she had to get out of there.

When she'd gone so far that she couldn't see her house anymore, she realized that she'd made a rather stupid move: what if there were more of those things? She hadn't seen the news story, so she didn't have a clue about the nature of the situation, but, as she heard sickening moans in the distance, a lump formed in her throat and her legs locked up with dread.
Want to know more? Read the book to find out.

There's a strange man sitting on the sofa munchiwunching on lomticks of toast!

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyman24 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:47 pm

James walked out of his house, with his retrieved pistol from the table and the blood smeared kitchen knife. He looked around, it was foggy so he couldnt see very well, but he could make out a bunch of figures in the distance, so he decided to go the opposite way. James turned into North Street and saw a lone figure standing in the middle of the street. Seeing no other way past, he decided to go for it. When he got there, he was relieved to see a girl. A human, in the middle of the street. He walked toward her slowly, and saw he was right, it was a survivor. Seeing she had no weapons, he gave her his kitchen knife. "Hi," He said to Lumie. "I'm James Marshall" And he turned around and saw a zombie stumbling toward them. Aiming his pistol, he prepared for the worst

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mindscrew Min-Min on Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:19 pm

Lumie took the knife into her shaking hand, surprised that this boy, James, would bother with introductions out in the open like this. Nevertheless, she didn't act rude, as it would be unwise to spoil a chance at a good alliance--and besides, he'd given her a weapon. He'd as good as saved her life. "I'm Lumie Caldwell, nice to meet you," she said. She wasn't looking at his face, though, as her eyes were locked on the zombie shambling in their general direction. Her grip on the knife tightened and she prepared to stab it as it approached.

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyman24 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 1:41 pm

James shot a bullet into the zombies left arm, which made a gaping hole and thought it would flee, but zombies are stupid, so obviously it kept going. He looked at Lumie, and smiled. A partner, just what i need.

The zombie lunged at James, but he dodged it and whacked him with the gun. He also shot again, right in the head, and it fell to the floor. "You think its dead?" He asked Lumie. But looked shocked as zombies approached from both ends of the street. They must have heard the gunshots and come to check it out.

"Whered you live?" As the zombies advanced, not as stupid as they look. He lifted up his gun and shot, trying to warn them off. But it just made them come closer. He thought that Lumie would have had zombies in her house, but probably less than here.

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mindscrew Min-Min on Sun Aug 09, 2009 3:03 pm

Lumie cringed as the monstrous being continued lumbering towards them, seemingly oblivious to the gunshot wound in its arm. Another shot rang in her ears, and this time, the zombie lay quite still. "It looks dead...maybe you need to hit it with a headshot?" she observed.

The gunshot, though killing the zombie, seemed to have attracted more to the location. One of them came dangerously close, and Lumie speared it through the eyesocket with the knife and it collapsed. She cringed as she pulled out the weapon.

"Um...if you take two lefts and keep going for like, a two minutes running, you'll come to the cul-de-sac where my place is...but it's infested. I just escaped from one of them in my room before they came here, and I don't know what happened to my parents..."

The lump in her throat that formed at the thought was quickly dissolved by the horrible dread and fear that hung in the air from the mysterious infection.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Subtle Blatancy on Sun Aug 09, 2009 10:13 pm

Bushes don't talk. But this one did.

"Hey, get your asses out of the street!" It said, in a harsh half-whisper. The two half-dazed survivors in the street didn't seem to hear the bush. That was when the bush decided not to be a bush anymore.

Robert Gardener pried himself from the shrubbery, and trotted over to the two people in the street. "What the hell are you two doing outside?" he said.

Both of the survivors in the street turned to look at the man, on the wrong side of his thirties, walking up to them. He held a plain, matte-black, bolt-action rifle over his shoulder, and appeared to have no intention of using it against the shambling undead making their way up the street. He had on somewhat-tactical gear that looked oddly out of place in the residential suburban area. There was a sharp-looking military hat with a digital woodland pattern perched on his head of graying hairs.

"Jesus, snap out of it. I think there's a cleared house about a block that way-" he pointed, "-through that yard. I've got it locked down but I needed some more bodies." Robert cringed mentally at the unfortunate choice of words. "Robert," he said, recovering from the statement and extending his hand.

Then he thought about how ridiculous shaking hands was in the midst of a Zombie Apocalypse.
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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyman24 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:24 am

James nodded at the man, and reloaded his gun in case there were too many. "You got weapons in there?" He asked hopefully, expecting him to say yes, so he could grab a baseball bat or something, and he remembered. "Wait there, ill be back in a sec." James grabbed his knife off Lumie and ran off down the street, killing a couple of zombies.

He arrived back at his house and jumped over the garden wall. James kicked down the door to the shed and grabbed a baseball bat, a golf club and a gardening rake. He ran back but was horrified to see his zombie mum there. "No! Not you too! It cant be!" The zombie lunged for him, and pinned James too the floor, but James quickly drove the rake into the head and scraped the brain out, and he got back his weapons and ran off.

He arrived back with Lumie and Robert in a minute, he was badly bruised on his face where the zombie had fell on it, but at least he had the weapons He gave the brain splattered rake to Lumie, the golf club to Robert and he kept his knife and the baseball bat and his pistol. He said to the girl. "Youll get more weapons, dont worry." And then at Robert. "Lead the way"

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mindscrew Min-Min on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:14 pm

"I don't know what I'm doing, yesterday I went to sleep and there weren't any zombies, and this morning I woke up and there was one in my room," admitted Lumie. "Nice to meet you, Robert, I'm Lumie, and that one who just went off is James," she said, shaking his hand hastily, "and this safe-house idea is the best one I've heard all day."

She stood still, feeling rather exposed as James took back his knife. He returned and gave her a rake, which was covered in something that looked like...

"Eww, is that human brain...? Nevermind. Yeah. Lead the way," she said, echoing James and looking up expectantly at Robert.

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Mindscrew Min-Min
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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyman24 on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:24 pm

James laughs at what Lumie says. "Eww, is that human brain...?" And says to her. "Actually, no. It's zombie brain. A lot more stupid than the human brain." And turns to a nearby zombie, whacks it on the head with his baseball bat and sees it fall to the floor. "Wow, this is a better bat than i thought."

James decided to stop killing zombies because when you killed one, like, 10 more came in its place. James was lucky he had watched Shaun Of The Dead, or hed probably be a zombie by now. To kill it youve got to remove the head or destroy the brain. Or, where Lumies concerned, scrape out the brain.

James waits for Robert to navigate the way, and chats to them while he's at it. What a nice way to make friends with someone. Stood in the middle of a street with hordes of zombies coming from every escape route in the worst thing thats ever happened to the World. Charming, isnt it?

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Subtle Blatancy on Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:48 pm

Gardener nodded appreciatively as James handed him the Golf Club. It's a pitching wedge, he noticed, idly. He lost himself briefly considering the fact that he never took the time to learn how to play golf. Shaking his mind from it's reverie, he looked down and saw the two faces looking at him expectantly.

"Fantastic. This way." Robert said. He brandished the golf club in one hand, holding it just below the club-head, and set off at a trot into some person's front yard. "It's through a few backyards. They're mostly in the streets at the moment."

The neighborhood was a wreck. In the distance, smoke choked a fiery dawn. Sirens wailed in the early, red light of morning. Panic saturated the air like heavy humidity. It wasn't any immediate panic--just a lingering, nagging feeling of dread. As the odd procession hopped over fences and snaked their way through empty yards, Gardener talked at them.

"I've got a few weapons in the house. It's not my house, but the owners aren't going to need it." There was a dreadful connotation to that statement. Something that implied that the owners were dead. "An old shotgun, a few shells; a 9mm, and a half-box of rounds."

After what seemed like an eternity of sneaking, they finally came to the house. They were across the street from it. A two-story building, it was a bastion of boarded windows, locked doors, and hastily placed razor-wire.

Gardener turned to his two counterparts. "There's a ladder at the back of the house. We can enter that way. The owners destroyed the staircase, so we can only move around on the second story. We'll have to clear the inside to make sure nobody got in while I was out shopping. You guys good?" Gardener nodded, didn't wait for a response, and set off across the street.

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Re: Another Zombie RP (I HAD TO DO IT)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Mattyman24 on Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:46 am

Looked up at the towering house. It didnt look right, i mean. How could he have found that many survivors in one day?, James thought, but nevertheless ran across the street toward the deserted house. He turned to look at Robert.

"But how will we get down? If there are too many zombies below, we wont have a chance. And for food? Maybe enough for a day, but the zombies will find a way up. They can sometimes climb, ya know." He said, while they were crossing the street. Robert led him and Lumie around a corner and up a ladder at the side of a house.

"Shall we kick the ladder down?" James asked but didnt want an answer, he kicked the ladder and it slowly fell to the floor. Trapped. On a second story building. Hooray!

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