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Ascension (closed)

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Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Thu Jun 30, 2011 12:47 pm

Kathsashi had once been a modest city. A sheer wall, once defending the city from harm, now served to separate the classes. Inside it the rich and powerful lived in their manors and large houses along roads curving elegantly up the hill. They had the best of everything. Past it the merchants lived and traded. People practiced their crafts and sold goods. Past them were the poor. People who starved, who struggled to survive and lived in poorly constructed houses.

That was where Teru belonged. That was where he had come from. But the wall between the poor and the working class was a small one, and few guards were spared to man it. The poor were allowed past that small wall. Children, alone or in a group, however, were not. He found his own way; he had scaled the wall at night. It had been a few months before anyone caught him. He had come back and been caught again. He didn’t remember much of his past. He didn’t remember how he got caught that second time; just that he had been kept.

Of course, that meant he was supposed to be in that middle ward. Instead he was in the innermost ward, situated on the roof of a house near the wall. He gazed upwards, rocking back and forth, bored, as he watched the guards pace. Though his silvery hair and pale coat were quite visible, he was not worried. They never looked onto this side, confident that no one could pass them to get there in the first place. He looked past them to the sky. It was close to morning and the sun had begun to touch the sky once more.

Teru stood and walked up to the top of the roof. His large white coat flapped gently around a bare chest. He was slender and lack of proper eating habits left him rather boney. He pulled his pants back up slightly and ran forward, leaping at the wall. He grabbed for the edges of the large stone blocks that made up the sheer face. He barely managed to hold on. Making a face he began scrambling upwards, struggling to lift his weight as he always did. Reaching the top, he peered around and slid over the side.

Grinning to himself he ran across the walkway and jumped headfirst off the other side. He turned in the air and landed in a crouch on another roof. As his knee came down hard on a tile it cracked. “What was that? Did you hear something?” Teru scampered around the other side of a chimney and waited for the guard to lose interest. He rubbed at his knee and pouted sulkily to himself. It hurt. Peering quickly back at the wall Teru kicked off, sliding down the roof and into the alley.

He walked back into the ward and looked around as he ran up and down streets. Occasionally his leg buckled, but he kept going. He was looking for the place he was supposed to meet someone at. He did not remember their name, and he did not know what they looked like. He couldn’t read to know street names, nor would he ask for help from those setting up their stalls. So he wandered, knowing that he would find it eventually. Finally he found the place; a small bakery with a blue sign. Settling himself outside of it he looked around expectantly. It was a long time before it dawned on him that it would take until everyone else was around before the person he was meeting would come as well.

Something else occurred to him and he reached into his pockets. He dropped a collection of junk onto the ground in front of him. A few small coins, and candy, little knickknacks and animals made out of paper. He pulled a crumpled strip of blue silk out of the rubble and tied it around his neck. He fumbled with the feathers and cords he wore as a necklace, pulling sections out from under the silk. After many minutes of fiddling his things went back in his pockets and he continued to look around the street, big blue eyes eager.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Thu Jun 30, 2011 2:43 pm

The sound of merchants opening up their stalls for business reminded Moira that it was all most about time to get going. These were sounds that had become apart of her everyday life, growing up in the merchant sector, she was restricted to people shouting and bartering and trying to keep there comfortable life styles for as long as they could. She had heard stories from her parents about when the separation of wealth wasn't as great as it was now. She never did believe them, for unless you were born into a wealthy family or you had anything to do with politics nothing was set in stone with this city. Only a certain few from this part of the city were able to get past the heavily defended wall that separate the rich from everyone else, and truthfully those people were few and far in between.

Getting to her feet, Moira ran a few fingers through her short black hair, jagged and unruly bangs falling over her forehead in the process. The casual yelling of good mornings between the merchants ceased and with each passing minute a new sound was heard. Traders and buyers were quickly making there way into the market in hopes of getting everything that they needed. Moira quickly finished getting dress, sliding into her brown and tan boots with ease. She pulled her low cut brown vest over her plain white shirt and finally reached for the brown jacket to go with it. Satisfied, she quickly stuffed her gloves into her jacket pockets and made her way downstairs.

The first floor was the shop her parents owned, specializing in home style remedies to cure sickness. The place was covered with plants that her parents had grown in order to make the remedies, and along the walls were vials were the medicine was kept. A young woman entered the store, a worried expression on her face. Her father quickly went to her aid, casting a quick glance to his daughter before helping the women with what she needed. With a quick nod towards her parents, Moira left the shop and stepped out into the bustling streets. Warm rays of sun warmed her mocha colored skin as she set off down the street, her eyes reading the names of them as she went along.

Her destination was a small bakery, and even now just thinking about it made her stomach growl. She ignored it and pushed on, weaving her way through hordes of traffic and the people who constantly stopped and said hello to her. Could they not see that she had somewhere to be? This meeting was important, even though all she knew about who she was to meet there was a simple name. Teru. She had never seen them before, and she could only hope that this all played out like she hoped.

The blue sign of the bakery came into view and Moira quickly slowed her pace a bit. Men and women left and entered the bakery freely, but something told her that none of them would be the person that she was to meet. Green eyes rested on a young man with silvery hair dressed in a white jacket. His large blue eyes looked eager, and a feeling of reassurance washed over her a bit. She crossed her arms and examined him from head to toe for a moment before making her way over.

"Teru I presume?" she said, letting her hands fall suddenly aware of how intimidating she must of looked, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting."
Persona Roleplay We are still in need of a few people, some and join us. You can't go wrong with Persona. Roleplay created by Growlithe.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Thu Jun 30, 2011 4:07 pm

At the sound of the voice, Teru was up. Where he had been sitting motionless before, he was now on his feet, and looking ready to bolt. He may have spent half his life in this ward where he was safe, but he had never lost the jumpy nature of a street rat. The speaker matched what little he knew; young and short dark hair. Twisting his hands in his overly long coat sleeves he looked at her, eyes darting across her quickly, searching for hidden weapons. Curiosity and wariness turned to a gloomy look. It was a woman. He didn’t like women.

“Been here hours,” he said. A man passed close by and Teru moved forward slightly. His hand slid into the man’s pocket and then darted out of it again, a coin purse visible for a moment before disappearing into his sleeve. He shoved his hand in his pocket. There was a soft jingling as he did. He tilted his head to one side, looking at her and at the bakery door. She was hungry. He was sure of that. He said nothing about it, however, and instead held out a rather crumpled sealed letter.

“I can’t read,” he said. “So he said it is yours.” As soon as it was in her hand he took a step back from her. He didn’t like women but he waited for her to tell him what to do.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Thu Jun 30, 2011 6:20 pm

"Nice to meet you too," she uttered underneath her breath, "The names Moira by the way."

Moira raised an eyebrow at the young man that stood before her as she took the crumpled up letter into her hand. He was a big bag of mixed emotions. One moment it looked as if he were ready to run, and the next he was looking her up and down as if she had something. That soon followed up with a gloomy face. Even the way he stood at a distance from her somewhat bothered her a bit. But she let it go and held her tongue for the moment. Her eyes went down to the letter in her hand, smoothing it out so it wasn't as crumpled.

"Sticky fingers," she muttered under her breath as she saw the coin purse and heard it jingle. The young man had committed the deed so quickly that she had all most missed it. Why would they partner her up with him? "Listen up, you even think about pulling anything like that with me, you'll lose that hand." she said bluntly to him.

Her stomach growled once more and she finally gave in to her hunger. "I'll be right back," she said as she reached into her pants pocket and grabbed her coins purse. Once she was inside the bakery she paid for two sweet buns, deciding that she might as well buy one for her new partner in hopes of getting off on a better, less awkward start. Returning her coin purse to her pocket she returned to Teru and handed him the bag holding the sweet buns. "Take one," she said bluntly as she took a seat and opened up the letter and began to read it. She squinted her eyes together, recognizing the butchered hand writing of the Director. Once she read it she crumpled up the piece of paper and jammed it into her jacket pocket.

"You might actually come in handy," Moira said as she grabbed her sweet bun from the bag and took a bite out of it, "Have you ever heard of Monsieur Noire?" she asked, though she didn't really wait for his answer, "He played a crucial part in the Directors play. Apparently Noire has left the production, so they want us to take care of him," she said as she swiped a finger across her neck quickly, taking another bite out of her sweet bun.

"You up for it?" she asked as she leaned back some, hoping he wouldn't be as jumpy once they got done to business.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Thu Jun 30, 2011 10:10 pm

Teru, who had just got himself a handful of coins, turned and looked at her indignantly. He knew nothing of slang, and so took her as being literal. The comment offended him and he rubbed his hands on his pants. “Hands are not sticky, Mo…Mai… Moooi…ra.” He held them up as if to prove a point, and while they were slightly dirty from his climbing adventure they were not, in his definition, sticky.

When she suggested that he would steal something from her he took another half step back, so that he was right up against the wall. “Don’t go near girls,” he said. “Girls only wear things here and here. Stupid to go for that.” He pointed at his hands and neck, ripping off the silk scarf as he did and shoving it in his pocket. “An’ you wouldn’t know even if I did.”

He expected an irritated reply, the Director certainly always yelled at him, but she did not. She was hungry, like he had thought. Teru watched her go to the store and drifted a few steps forward. His eyes widened when she returned with food and actually handed it to him. He opened the bag curiously and sniffed at the sweet aroma wafting out. It smelled alright. Skulking after her he hopped onto the chair across from her and set the bag down carefully. He didn’t sit like a normal person would, but instead crouch there in the chair. People stared at him, but he was too busy staring at the letter in Moira’s hands. He hadn’t the slightest clue what it said, as the only word he could recognize in it was ‘Teru.’

“Handy?” said Teru as she grabbed a bun. He pulled out the coin purse he had just stolen and dropped it in front of her, taking his own bun. He took a tiny nibble from it. Deciding it was sweet enough, he took another small bite. “Am I taking you to his house? It’s hard getting there.” He picked at the bun, childlike, and watched her. He prodded the coin purse closer to her.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:49 pm

"It's a figure of speech Teru," Moira said with a sigh, taking another bite of her sweet bun in the process, "And please don't ask me to explain it to you right now. It's not of real importance."

Taking another bite of her now half eaten sweet bun, it occurred to her just how...strange Teru was. He didn't simply sit in the chair like a normal person. Instead he crouched and picked at his bun like a small child would. He was child like in everything that he did. He was jumpy, maybe a little to jumpy to her liking. She scratched her head for a moment, before her eyes went to the coin purse that Teru had stolen and had set on the table. He carefully nudged it towards her. She raised an eyebrow. She didn't need this and he didn't have to pay her back for the sweet bun. It was a simple gift, and she was sure that he appreciated it. She shook her head and pushed the coin purse back towards Teru.

"You keep it. Consider the sweet bun as a gift. You don't need to pay me for it," Moira said with a grin, waving her hands from side to side as she said so. "When I say handy, I mean that you'll be helpful. I'm not sure if I'd be able to even get close to the target. So you'll be taking me to him."

Moira couldn't help but think about just how Teru was even going to get them there. It was sure to be interesting nonetheless, though she hoped it wouldn't be to extenuating. The last thing she needed was to get tired whilst trying to get to their destination.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Fri Jul 01, 2011 10:43 pm

Teru stared at her blankly. What was a ‘figure of speech,’ he wondered. He’d have to work it out some time. If it wasn’t important, it meant he shouldn’t ask someone else. That meant he would have to solve it himself.

Pulling a piece off the bun and sucking on it, he was uncomfortably aware of her watching him. He didn’t like people watching him. He was supposed to be invisible or, if not that, he was definitely ignored. When she pushed the coin purse back he tilted his head the other way. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll just give it to Sen. He knows what to do with it.” Sen was an assassin. Infamous in the city, and well used by their organization, his wasn’t exactly a name it was wise to throw about.

Teru thought a moment about her explanation. Well, he didn’t have to riddle it out now. But he didn’t quite understand why he needed to bring her to the man in the inner ward. If she wanted to go there, though, he would go back there. He liked climbing. “Okay,” he said. “I’ll take you now.”

He took a bigger bite of bun and then shoved the remaining chunk in his pocket with everything else. With that he bounced out of his chair. He waited only long enough for Moira to rise before he was off and down the street. He weaved through the crowd, visible only by his white coat. Every so often his hand darted outwards and something new disappeared into his pockets. No one noticed; he was too fast to be easily caught.

After a while he paused and looked back, searching the mass of shoppers for her. “Mo? Moi…ra?” he said uncertainly. He shuffled into the mouth of a nearby alley and looked around, waiting for her to come into sight again. He gave his hands a nervous little flap and shook his choppy hair out of his eyes. “Moi?” he tried again.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Tue Jul 05, 2011 10:28 pm

"Wait, you know Sen?" Moira asked as she watched him deposit the coin pouch into the pocket of his jacket.

"Thanks Teru, I-" but she was cut off as Teru sped off down the street, weaving in and out of the crowd. "Really?" Frowning she pushed her chair in and then took off after him. Though the task of following after Teru wasn't an easy one. He darted so quickly between the crowd that she was having trouble spotting him. She wasn't as speedy as Teru, and even now was finding it a bit hard to keep up. But she would soon spot his white coat again, and went in that direction. Finally she saw him dart into an alley and she arrived a few moments after him, hearing him calling her name.

"I'm here. And a warning would of been great Teru," Moira said as she crossed her arms. "You can't just take off like that."

Moira took a deep breath and then straightened up after her breathing was back to normal. She wasn't expecting him to take off like that, or at that speed. It was rather impressive, but still he'd have to slow it down a bit if he wanted her to keep up.

"So, how in the world are you going to get me to this guy?" Moira asked.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Wed Jul 06, 2011 7:51 am

She appeared, and Teru let out a soft sigh. He wasn't really happy that she had reappeared. It was just preferable to being punished. He fidgeted slightly as she reprimanded him, looking at his feet. He frowned. "But I did take off," he muttered. He obviously could. He liked her less and less.

Pulling a ring out of his pocket he began to roll it around in his fingers, looking away from her again. He wanted to sort through all the change and jewels he had just acquired. Even so, he knew she would not allow him to do that. Sen said that when a woman was around, she was almost always in charge. Maybe he was right.

With a sniff he glanced at her and then back into the bustling street. "I'll show you," he said. He turned and ran into the alley, directly at a wooden fence blocking off the other end. Coat flaring behind him he jumped and took two steps up the side, fingers reaching up and curling over the top of the high boards. With a grunt of effort he lifted his feet up and let go of the fence. He crouched there wobbling, arms extended to keep himself balanced.

As soon as he was sure he would not fall he turned, using one hand to steady himself. "Come fast," he said. "This way is better." He hesitated a moment and then twisted so that he straddled the fence. He leaned along it and extended a tentative hand downwards. Something to help her get up the fence. He didn't think she could do it on her own. It was a tall fence.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Fri Jul 08, 2011 7:55 pm

Moira sighed and ran a few fingers through her hair as Teru answered her. He acted so much like a child she didn't know what to do with him. Her eyes went to the ring that he fumbled with in his hands. Biting her tongue she just let go, he all ready looked sad enough after she reprimanded him. Crossing her arms she took in a deep breath and closed her eyes.

Opening her eyes she watched as Teru climbed the tall fence with a bit of effort. Once he was up, his movements reminded her of an acrobat. It was impressive. He then straddled the fence and leaned over it, his hand extended towards her. Moira looked at the fence. She had a bit of an advantage, herself being taller than Teru, but she was nowhere as coordinated as he was. Even now she could picture herself falling flat on her butt trying to climb the fence.

Following his movements, she placed her hand in his and with his help she managed to get onto the fence. She crouched there for a moment, getting her bearings before her eyes returned to Teru.

"Well, this is just interesting," she said, "Lead the way," she said, somewhat interested in how he would get them to their destination.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:58 pm

Tiny as he was, Teru was almost pulled over by the weight of her. It wasn’t that she was heavy, so much as the fact that he was a flyweight and only just able to manage that. Using the fence to steady himself, he kept himself steady. He jumped back up, balancing on the fence once more. He looked at her feet, head tilting. “Keep your feet lined with the bottom,” he said. He jumped, turning as he did, and landed. He kept his feet lengthwise along the narrow fence top and scuttled to the end.

Standing up he let out a long breath and jumped, springing off the balls of his feet. As he did, he swung his arms upwards and landed, rolling back onto his heels. He didn’t wait to help her this time; the roof was plenty low enough for her to get on it herself, he thought. Picking his way across the roof of the store, he spared Moira one glance, then began to move at a more brisk pace.

He led her for blocks this way. Daylight did not seem to deter him, and he had a reason. No one looked up at their private pathway, for why would they? It was many minutes before he finally jumped back down into an alley. Continuing through the streets, he finally led her to the wall that separated them from the inner ring of the city. It was an intimidating sight, and scaling it unnoticed even in the cover of night was a hard achievement. “No climbing, you’re no good. You’re gonna swim,” he said.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Mon Jul 11, 2011 8:55 pm

She took Teru's advice and adjusted her footing, slowly gaining her balance. She followed his movements, moving along the fence until they reached a nearby roof top. Teru leaped and landed a top the roof effortlessly and Moira quickly took to following in his footsteps, landing on the roof with a roll. As she rose to her feet she caught sight of Teru and immediately set off after him.

This time his pace was a bit slower, but it was still rather brisk. Rooftops were not the way in which she traveled. She liked the more direct roots that left her with two feet on the ground and not having to worry about falling. Still she continued to move, focused on the task at hand.

For the next few blocks, she followed Teru like this until they dropped back down into an alley ad took to the streets. Letting out a sigh of relief, she followed behind him until thy arrived at the wall that surrounded the inner ring of the city. Sliding her hands into her pockets, she looked at the wall and silently thanked the heavens that they weren't going to climb it.

"Thanks, that really helps my self esteem," Moira said as she placed her hands on her hips, "But swimming is just fine with me."

Swimming seemed far easier than climbing this wall and getting caught by the guards that patrolled it. That in itself was a bit to risky.

(Sorry, I have a horrid case of writers block today.)

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Tue Jul 12, 2011 7:09 am

Teru gave her a wary sideways glance and took a step away from her, closer to the wall. "Steam?" he said. "Doesn't that burn?" He shoved his hands in his pockets. "You're odd."He began to pull stuff out of his pockets, dumping everything on the ground. There was plenty of coinage, as well as rings, bangles, and necklaces. So much for him not going after jewelry on people's hands. Onto the pile he carefully set a little paper animal. Intricate folds formed what seemed to be a dog with a curled tail. One of the ears was torn but it seemed intact otherwise.

He smiled to himself when he saw that his work had not been damaged by his gatherings. Bouncing to test his new weight he then moved to the wall, fingers sliding along the grooves. They moved, dirty tips probing the cracks. Stopping at the second last slab Teru began struggling to shift it. He pushed first. Pulled. Pulled harder. Face screwed up ion effort he finally managed to pry out a side. Panting with effort he put a foot on the wall and heaved.

The stone came out and Teru squeaked in alarm, leaping out of the way as it fell to the ground. The piece was only a few inches thick, metal straps bolted to the other side of it. There was a dark passage sloping downwards slightly, leading to the aqueduct that ran deep in this part of the city. Grates cut off each section. This was part of the inner circle's water system.

Fidgeting, Teru shuffled back. "You go," he said. "Can't swim." The ways were deep, but surely not deep enough to do anything but wade. "I'll go over at night. You go an' I'll stay." He looked nervously at the hole.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Tue Jul 19, 2011 11:46 pm

Moira gave Teru a look and placed her hands on her hips. She couldn't believe the words that were coming out of his mouth. "I said esteem," Moira explained with a shake of her head, "And your calling me odd? Do you know how much of an odd ball you are?" Moira huffed.

Her eyes then fell on the assortment of trinkets that Teru pulled from his pockets. Coins and jewelry gathered in a pile at his feet. She raised an eyebrow, surprised by how much loot he had grabbed whilst they were making there way towards their destination. Finally the last thing that he pulled out from his pockets was a small paper animal. A dog with a curly tale to be exact. She raised an eyebrow and the word, "Interesting..." quickly tumbled from her mouth.

Her eyes went to the passage that Teru had revealed to her. The sound of running water could be heard, and the passage itself was rather dark. Her eyes darted towards the wall and then to the passage. There was no competition in the way in which she would go. Her eyes traveled back to Teru who was standing a ways away from her. He fidgeted as if he weren't comfortable. Running a few fingers through her hair she took a step towards the passage.

"Thanks Teru. And good luck climbing. I'm going to take the easy route and save myself the trouble. I'm not much of a climber," Moira admitted with a shrug, "Also, remind me to teach you how to swim," Moira said as she turned and took her first step into the dark waters.

With a deep breath she waded deeper and deeper into the dark waters, taking a look back at Teru before going on her way.

(Once again, sorry for the wait.)

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Mon Jul 25, 2011 9:39 am

Teru looked at his little paper dog and then up at Moira, but he remained silent. He loved to make his little paper animals. He had made the dog while waiting for her that morning. So far it was his favourite incarnation of the design. He had finally managed to get the folds to flow together nicely.

“That’s not easy,” said Teru quietly. “It’s bad there.” He looked up at the wall. He had never climbed at this exact spot before, but already his eyes began to pick out likely handholds. But the little passage Moira wanted to take… that was dark and wet, and the spots to put his hands and feet would be all but invisible. She moved towards it and he approached carefully behind her.

“I don’t know what a steam is,” he called. Teru crouched by the opening and peered gloomily into the darkness. He wasn’t odd and he wasn’t a ball. Poking at his cheek, he decided his face wasn’t round enough to merit being called round. He didn’t hear anything in reply, no explanation of the term, and pouted. Shuffling around the stone he began to heave at it. He tried to lift the stone, struggling with it. He heaved and pushed and pulled for a good minute before a shout made him leap to his feet.

“What are you doing? Get away from there!” He looked up as an arrow went whistling by his cheek. A guard stood up at the top of the tall wall, drawing the string back to launch another arrow. Teru dove into the passage before he could lose it. Turning around he grabbed at the straps, which he had ignored before, and dragged at it with all his might. It slid forward and he managed to heave it upright, slamming it into place.

He sat there in the darkness, heart pounding. He felt around, finding the walls and began to scoot down the passage. He reached the water and poked it. Little pins of light shone through the cracks in the stones, but very little. He could hardly see. He reached out further, trying to touch the other side, and overbalanced. He crashed into the water. The splash was deafening to him. He thrashed choking on the water in a panic, finding a wall and clawing up it, holding himself half out of the water. Panting, he looked around. Where was he supposed to go?

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Wed Aug 03, 2011 3:09 am

Moira wasn't too far ahead when she heard the sound of the brick that Teru had pulled out be slammed back into place. Though what she didn't expect was to her Teru splashing around wildly. Stopping, she turned around and peered through the darkness. And sure enough back where she started was Teru, clinging to the wall for dear life and looking like a wet cat. A smirk played across Moira's face as she made her way over to Teru. A little bit of light was provided by the cracks between the slabs, but it wasn't much.

"So much for climbing, eh Teru?" Moira said with a grin, "Maybe I should of just put the slab back myself, then you wouldn't be in here."

Moira took in a deep breath before looking around the darkness. She wasn't sure of which way to go, and Teru had never told her. This little passage to let out somewhere, but which was that? She didn't want to be stuck in here for days. At that thought her heart skipped a beat. What if they both became lost in here? Shaking her head, she grabbed Teru by his wrist and began to pull him along.

"Well, theirs no point in standing around wasting time. We'd better get moving," Moira said as she peered into the darkness in front of them, "Let's hope to get out of here soon. I hate being in places like this for too long. Dark and cramped, just my cup of tea." Moira said sarcastically.

In fact the longer she was in here, the more her fears increased and the more she just wanted to hurry up and get out of there. She continued to wade through the water, her eyes searching for a way to get out of this place.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Sat Aug 06, 2011 1:56 pm

Teru looked at her, and his expression was pitiful. Water trickled down his face from his silver hair and dripped from his chin. Twisting his expression further were the tears that mingled with water. He said nothing in reply to her taunting statements. Instead he looked away and tried to move further up. He stretched out a hand and reached for the ceiling, running his fingers over it. It was perfectly smooth. No holes to climb through.

His arm dropped down, dangling at his side. He didn’t want to be in here. He didn’t like it. Sen had brought him here once. He had brought a torch and carried Teru. All throughout the passages they had travelled. For hours Sen waded, explaining them to the slender teen. As his heart slowed from its pounding, Teru began to remember that time. Because of this, he knew how to get out, and he knew that the place to go was two hours and many turns further up. He didn’t want to go; that was the problem.

“Noooo!" he said when she grabbed him. “I don’t want to. I don’t like water. I can’t swim.” He did not allow himself to be pulled off the wall, jamming his fingers deeper into a crack. When she began to move he pulled them free and slid his foot to the next holding place. He shuffled along the wall, moving slow as he kept out of the water. It was only because he came to a slippery corner that he was forced into the water

At that, he twisted his wrist free and clung to her arm. He was shivering. He hadn’t spoken since she had begun to pull him, but now he did. “You’re going the wrong way,” he said. He pointed down the passage that had foiled his wall climbing endeavour. “That way is right.”

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Thu Aug 11, 2011 3:30 pm

"Calm down. I've got you!" Moira shouted back, before she knew it Teru ha all ready broken free of her grasp and was no clinging to her arm. He looked absolutely terrified, and she stopped unsure of how to help him. Letting out a sigh, her eyes went towards Teru who was now telling her that she was going in the wrong direction.

"Seriously?" Moira said as she closed her eyes. Turning around she slowly lead Teru back towards the way they had come from, following his directions. She looked back at him every now and again to make sure that he was all right. He stilled looked utterly terrified. Swallowing Moira continued on her way, before she began to speak to him.

"So, I guess you've been here before?" Moira said, "I guess it's a good thing that you came along. At the rate that I was going, I would of been lost in here for days." Moira said with a chuckle, hoping to lighten the mood a little bit. She waded through the cold water, a shiver racing up her spine. The longer she was in here, the less she liked this place.

She reached a small fork in the road and came to a stop, unsure of which way they were suppose to go. She stopped and looked over at Teru for clarification of which way they were suppose to go.

"Which way now?" she asked quickly, "I don't want to be in here any longer than I have to."

It was that and Teru was still clinging to her arm for dear life. The poor guy was probably hating this more than she ever would. Once they finished this mission, though she was going to have a nice long chat with Sen in hopes of getting him to teach Teru how to swim.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trinadi on Mon Aug 15, 2011 11:11 am

“Yes. That way is a stop,” Teru said shortly, by which he meant a dead end. There was a grate there to block off the other side of the passage. A tiny access was present also, but it led into a bad place. The main street; and it was daylight.

“I been here,” Teru muttered. “You don’t get lost. You just find bad holes and get caught.” He sighed and was silent again. When asked where to go, he would only point. When spoken to he was dead silent, and gave Moira sullen looks if she glanced back at him. But he did not let go of her arm.

It was a painfully long time, but Teru knew it had only been a few hours. He didn’t much understand time, but Sen had told him that it only took the time between breakfast and dinner, or dinner and supper to get from the outside to the proper grate. He took that to mean a long time.

Releasing Moira’s arm suddenly, Teru jumped up onto the wall, sending water splashing everywhere as he dove for it. He climbed as high as he could and scrambled at the ceiling, pushing. “I can’t move it, Moi… Mo,” he said.

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Re: Ascension (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby FallenBlu on Thu Aug 18, 2011 2:56 pm

In the end, Moira decided that the most important thing was to get out of here. Every once in a while she would look back at Teru and see a sullen look on his face. He wouldn't really speak and she suddenly felt a bit sorry for the guy. Every now and again he would point in the direction that they were suppose to go in. With each step, she lost track of time and nor did she care. All she wanted to do was get out of this place back into the open air.

Suddenly Teru, let go of her arm and went racing forward, sending water everywhere. She quickly followed after him and after she got her footing began to push as well. The block was rather heavy and she grunted every now and again. But it was well worth it when the heavy thing budge and she realized that she and Teru were just this much closer to actual freedom.

"Come on Teru, use those muscles of yours," Moira said poking fun at Teru as they finally managed to free themselves and fresh air wafted against their faces.

"Finally," Moira muttered to herself as she quickly climbed out and then reached back in to help Teru out. She then took a deep breath and looked around. They were in a small alley way, a distance away from any of the main streets. Moira could just make out the lamps that illuminated the main streets. She turned her attention back to Teru and took another deep breath.

"That wasn't so bad," Moira said with a smirk, though she was happy to be out of that place. Using her back and with a little help from Teru, the sealed back the secret entrance. Satisfied, Moira wiped a bit of sweat from her brow and then looked up.

"Let me guess more running on rooftops right?"

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