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Call to Dragons (closed)

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Call to Dragons (closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Fri May 30, 2008 12:51 am

(( call-dragons-ooc-t6394.html is the OOC (Everyone is welcomed, Please post your character information before posting here. Thanks.))

Kern looks out the small window that is carved out of the wall, gently rolling green fields took most of the land before him. Beyond that a forest rose like impossible old titans guarding their lands from would be invaders. A red body dragon slips passed his view, the massive wings balancing on the steady up drafts that made this place perfect for their kind. This brought his thought to his own dragon, Drake, who is happily sunning himself on the top of the Keep. He couldn’t help but feel contentment despite the brewing anger around him.

“Women in the ranks?” Hector grunts sitting at the round table behind Kern, his large mug of cha scraping on the stone surface. “What will be next children as the Keep Leader?”

Kern turns to the freckled man who appeared to have just rolled out of bed. Like most men, Hector didn’t approve of women linking with dragons. The age old philosophy of women belong in the home is finely engrained in most. Kern thought differently since he had two mothers raising him, pushing that from his mind, he smiles at Hector. “I doubt that it will be taken that far.” he answers, moving to the table as Hector sips on his hot beverage. “But one never really knows the future.”

Hector only snorts at Kern’s open mindedness, he loved and hated that very part of the young rider. It has kept things running smooth since he stepped into this role as Keep Leader, he sighs running a thick hand through his unruly hair. “Well, we shall see won’t we. The hatching is in a few days and the decree has been sent to everyone as you had suggested.” he clasps his hands behind his head staring at the jagged ceiling. “I still don’t know how you convinced the Council to agree to this.”

“It has been something the Council has been milling over for some time now. Since we all have felt the heat of our dragon’s mating, this has lead to many, lets say, embarrassing moments for those who are caught unprepared. It is the belief that if women link with dragons it will bring a new understanding. Who better to understand another females mind than a female?”

“You do have some strange insights." Hector clears his throat, thinking for a moment. "Don’t let any one hear you say that or the women will tear you apart.”

“It was only meant as a female’s insight would be best on how to deal with this problem. Granted, the solution will not come over night. This is a long range solution to our quiet problem.”

“The council could enforce a law to get you to marry as soon as you move to Flyer status. Problem solved.”

Kern leans on the table, his sliver hair slides against the polished table top. His eyes bore into Hector, like the newly sharpened blades they resemble in color. “That would be unwise, gaining such an new level to the link is hard enough for the Flyers. Adding the stress of a mate upon that would prove ineffective, too many feelings would be hurt. It would alienate the genders even more from one another. We need to bring them together not tear them apart.”

“For the sake of our men and dragon alike, I hope you are right.” Hector whispers, standing as he could not stand the stare of those unnatural colored eyes.
Last edited by Yolo on Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Holdesta on Sat May 31, 2008 2:18 am

A soft brown dress falling to her knees meeting, leather boots and a dark brown vest Holdesta looked and often smelt the part of a stable hand. Short boy like fire hair and amber eyes Holdesta was a tomboy through and through. Holdesta brooded always at this time of day, Slowly cleaning Drake's hollow, but today her thought spun and swirl like the fresh grains of sand she flung to the floor of the Dragon's bed. Women? To be allowed in the ranks? But of course it had all been set to be a joke, a failure from the start. Holdesta twisted a wrye smile as she felt the temperature of the sand, she then reached for one of ten silk ropes, adjusting the sun catching mirriors a bit to increase the warmth slightly. Drake likes it warmer than most.

The chamber was one of Six mass caverns connected in a wheel. Each Chamber cantained fifty sleeping hollows, an excersise pen and a pool steming from the underground lake. Tunnels lead up to the human levels and in toward the center. There was the Great Arena, used for ceremony, Hatchings and of course trainning. The caves were beautiful, carved over five centuries to become the great Keep it now was. Holdesta's Father oversaw number 3 chamber. Third in rank among the Chambers, thier's boasted the title of swiftest. Each Chamber competed to have the best hatchings in the Keep, with each stable Master in charge of diet, excersise, pairing etc to try to make the best new generation of Dragon possible. There were Six chracteristics, Strength, Agility, Swiftness, Intelligence, Link, and Power. The mosted coveted ofcourse being power. A Dragon's Power was often determined by it's color. Long ago there had been many kinds of dragons, Red, Black, Green. Brown, Gold, Blue, and White. Holdesta had read about them in her brother's history book. But now Holdesta knew, there were only Greens, Browns, with a rare Red and even rarer Black. Back then there had been different Powers too, Acid, Fire, Ice, Light, Dark, Energy....the records were vauge and incomplete. And yet now there was only ever Fire with a very rare Ice often only showing as a secondary weaker ability.

Holdesta, began to replace the straw. She had thought often on this problem, like any son of a stableman would do. Holdesta laughed, she thought of herself much more like a son than a daughter. Each Stable Master had his formula down, of breeding types together. Everyone tried every combo and every year someone claimed to have found the secret and every year it failed. Holdesta had sat awake nights trying to reason it out. She spent years sneaking around trying to record color pairings to see what was produced, but no matter what, the variety seemed to dwindle and the Powers lessen. It was not until Holdesta at age 13 had started to experiment with breeding Cheeries as she called them that she stumbled onto what she thought was the answer. Hand sized animals simliar to Dragons in both apperence and color power association. Though much dumber, they did make realatively good pets and perfect subjects. Holdesta first tried color combos, with no sucess in either predicting nor increasing variety. Then she concentrated on power combos, no sucess. Then two years into the process it hit her. One day while working a friend brought her a rare fruit that only grows on the souther half of the island. He had got it on a trip. Holdesta ate it slowly while resting her head then it hit her. In the wild dragons ate what they could , when they could. All manner of plants and animals, maybe even minerals they did not know about. With this new thought Holdesta had begun to spend all her wages buying the stragest plants and fruits she could find and feeding them to her two strongest Cheeries. When they had mated the female seemed more agressive and vibrint than Holdesta had ever seem her. The Brood had hatched just one month ago. At first the babies were all brown, till they would shed for the first time one week later.

At the first signs, and Holdesta had nearly burst from excitment and joy. The first Cheery had been the usual, green. The second- brown, third -green, fourth-green but the fifth, the fifth was a deep crimson red and already showing signs of supirior strength.

That's how Holdesta came to be brooding in Caver 3 Hollow Number 16, The Hollow of the Great Drake, Dragon to the Rider Kern. Holdesta paused once more in thought smiling to herself. Father would not listen but Kern would. Holdesta had known Kern all her life. He had protected her once from the tormenting boys and had stayed her friend even when becoming a Rider. He would listen to her, he always did. Of course even he could not over rule the council. Instead of a proper Brood being assigned the new female possibles, they had made the whole affair a joke. The last to Dragons breeding ready, two young Greens, from Cevern 6, ranked lowest of low, were to be the parents of the first female links.

Holdesta spat in disgust. But then again if it had not been viewed as such a joke, maybe Holdesta would not have been allowed to help. She had begged Father to allow her to assist Cavern Master Six. He relented on the condition that all her chores be perfectly completed before hand. So at the same time as the Cheeries were born Holdesta began to help, feed, clean and watch over the mating pair. Perhaps it was his nature as CM Six or maybe because the pair was for fems, the CM did not seem to care all that much what happened with those two. He had his own "real" Broods to watch and oversee. All together each Cavern produced three Broods, 4-8 eggs each. Leading to about 100 new dragons each Hatching year, once every 5 years. So Holdesta had become the main caretaker of the forgotten Fourth Brood of Cavern Six. She had stuck to her trainning until the Cheery Hatching. Then she began to feed the female, every od and end plant and fruit she could find, steal or buy. She fed the male odds and ends too and each night she prayed. The decree alerting females of the decision had been sent out only two days ago, adding even more insult to the matter. Normally potentials were given months to prepare mentally and physically, but now the fems had been given only one week.

Holdesta spat again as she finished the straw. She checked in with her Father, who waved her off as usual and slipped in and oput of the fadding light, brought to the depth by mirriors, to the Green couple. She looked each over carefully, checked the sand temperature around the six beautiful eggs. As she touched them Holdesta fought off tears. She had not been allowed to be a potential. in the decree it had stated that only girls from the highest ranking families were permitted to participate. Those stupid guilded birds! They would not even know how to Link let alone train. They had made it all a JOKE! Holdesta felt one tear fall as she angirly wiped it away.

It didn't matter. She had her Dragons, 10 of them pluse the Greens to care for. So what if she did not ride? The Hatching was in two days, she had not time for tears, she had to be ready.
Last edited by Holdesta on Sat May 31, 2008 8:05 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Holdesta on Sat May 31, 2008 2:19 am

(OOC LOL ok so I thought about this

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Sat May 31, 2008 2:50 am

((yea, wow!))

With anything the Council is unsure of, they put a lot of rules who will and will not be accepted for the clutch of eggs. Limiting the potential females to class instead of talent, burned Kern to the core. Closed minded, fools. He thought bitterly.

“One step at a time, Kern.” Drake sends as he stretches his slim body, then each limb in turn. “You cannot change generations of thinking over night.” He moves toward the stables, hunger boiled deep in his gut. Kern would not be up for hunting in his current mood, the politics of the Keep is wearing on both.

“Why not?” he hissed silently through their link, he continued down the tunnels toward the Cavern. “This place is getting more and more out of control when it comes to dragon and their companions.”

“They do not see the vital role we play in their lives.” Drake states walking carefully toward his stall.

“I know.” he growls. “We are loosing the race, Drake. The clutches are growing smaller and fewer are hatching.” Slamming his hand against the wall, tearing open his knuckles. Pain shot through the link, causing Drake to howl with distress which echoes loudly over the cavern. Many of the stable hands and other dragons glanced his way, Drake limps slightly. Kern stood with his forehead against the rock feeling overwhelmed and rather helpless.

“Injuring us is not the answer.” Drake shot back wiggling his way into the stall. “You are acting like a Wing.”

Kern moves swiftly to Drake’s side petting his faithful companion until the hurt is eased. “I am sorry.” he whispers putting his head against Drake’s forehead, their link explodes to a new level the outside world fades. Their minds dance together in a wild array of hues, Drake is able to calm Kern’s mood easing his rider into a relaxed state. Kern’s body slides to the floor, his back against his dragon. He closes his eyes letting Drake work his magic, the blood from his knuckles run drips to the fresh floor covering.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aslin on Sat May 31, 2008 3:30 am

Sunlight poured through the green filters, casting an orange glow on the forest floor. The rays' warmth was comforting to the young children who were just rising from their slumber and for those who were all ready awake, it brought a new day. Saraphina pulled on her vest and slipped on the belt about her waist. Pulling back her hair, she tied it using a brown ribbion but as always, her fringe escaped and fell across her forehead. Kneeling, she reached under her wooden desk and pulled out her sword and slid into the holster at her belt, alongside her dagger. She slung her crossbow across her back and clasped the sling in front. Looking about her small room, Saraphina ensured she had everything before moving to the small hole in the centre of her room. Crouching, she placed her legs through it and felt for the rope. Once her feet had gotten a firm grip on it, She lowered her entire body through the hole.

The sounds of her people met her ears when she climbed down the rope ladder onto the wooden panel beneath. Standing there for just a moment, Saraphina allowed herself to watch everyone get about their work. This was their home, their keep. Daralis was the smallest island of the five and was a forested area. As such the people used the gigantic trees to their advantage. Their keep was not built on land, it was built above land; on the trees and that was what Saraphina was looking at.

A vast and complicated network was built on the trees, all connected by wooden bridges or rope ladders. Houses were made on thick branches, each housing families.It was a beautiful sight. The dragons did not reside on the trees. Instead, stables were built for them on the forest ground. Grabbing hold of another rope ladder, Saraphina climbed further down the rope waving at the people she recognised. She finally made it to the ground, jumping of the rope ladder and tugging at it. At the gentle tug, the rope ladder was pulled up back into the luch green leaves. From way down here, the sounds of her people could not be heard and neither could the keep be seen. The trees provided good cover from their enemies.

Trudging through the thick growth of plants and moss, Saraphina headed straight for a huge oak tree. It was the oldest tree around and was the biggest on the island. She walked around to the other side and found the stable. The stable housed the thirty dragons that the keep had and was kept in good condition although it was not the best. Women were walking about, carrying buckets of water or food. Men stood about with their dragons, ready to take flight. Saraphina walked past them all and headed for the tallest man there.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Sat May 31, 2008 4:00 am

Hector finds his son in the dining area, with the usual group around him. His secret bunch of soldiers that normally do his dirty work. Kern’s success with the council proved to be a hindrance to his plans. They have been working endlessly to phase out the need of dragons from their lands. The creatures who’s purpose is no longer needed, and now the desperate attempt to give female’s the power to link gave a sour taste in his mouth. Hector slides onto the bench. “The decree has been put out.” he whispers staring at his mug.

“I heard.” Loki states sliding his finger over the knife he is using to cut the slab of cooked meat on his plate. “Not good news.”

“I want Kern to disappear for a few days. I trust you can make that happen?” he glances at his son who echoed his freckled skin and red hair. “The reserved eggs are in Cavern Six.”

Loki grins wickedly. “ Consider it done.”
Last edited by Yolo on Sat May 31, 2008 4:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aslin on Sat May 31, 2008 4:35 am

"Father," she called to the tall man who was watching his men move about, "we can start now." Saraphina followed his gaze to the five young boys and one girl who were with their dragons.

"Ahhh you're here. They were getting impatient." the Keep Leader turned to face his daughter. A huge smile formed on his face as he looked down at the young woman who stood before him. Red was a man who was respected and loved by all. He took care of his people very well and they remained loyal to him. Red was also a Keep Leader who allowed women to be with dragons. He did not believe that women were not meant to ride dragons. To him, the dragon chose it's partner and if a female was chosen then it was meant to be. His daughter was the first female in their Keep to be chosen by Athena, when the dragon first hatched. It was a sight to behold. Ever since then, more females had been chosen and Red allowed it. After all, his daughter became a Rider and was excellent at what she did.

"Well then, I better get started," she smiled warmly at her father before moving to the group of six. They were all within the age of 16 to 18 and Saraphina knew each one of them well. Placing her hands on her hips, she spoke to them, "All right then, today will be the first day of the many trainings you will undergo. If you want to develop your skills and connect with your Dragon better, you will work hard. It is not an easy task but at the end it is all worthwhile." The group of teenagers grinned, anticipating their first day of flight. "Lead your dragons to the pulley and await for me at the canpoy. At her instruction, the youngsters walked with their dragons to the pulley system that surronded the gigantic tree. There were ten systems in total and was used to allow the dragons to take flight with ease. As one of the dragons walked by her, Saraphina laid a hand over it and gently stroked it. Once all of them had led their dragons to the hug pulleys, they mounted their dragons. Men began to pull the system and the dragons and their riders began to rise past the branches to the top.

"See you soon," she called to her father before turning to the face the stable. "Aphina, let's go," she thought and within a few seconds, a majestic dragon, the colour of emerald appeared from within the stables. Holding it's head high, it made it's way over to her. "You ready?" she asked her dragon without uttering a single word.

"Of course I am child. Come let us teach the younglings how to fly." Aphina responded and bent low. Saraphina nodded her head and held onto the dragon as she swung her right foot over to sit atop her. From the top, Aphina's gold glimmered in the sunlight. Aphina walked over to a pulley and went into it. The men ensured that all was fine before pulling the ropes, and both began to rise. The higher they got, sunlight got a firm grasp of them, tempting them to fly the skies. Saraphina's excitement grew. No matter how many times she flew, it was like a new expereience every single time. She knew how the 'flyers' felt. When the pully reached the canopy, both Saraphina and Aphina could see the the entire island as this was the highest point.

Saraphina looked around her and ensured all six were there with their dragons. She could read the excitement on their faces and could feel the dragons' eagerness to take flight.
Last edited by Aslin on Sat May 31, 2008 8:27 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:00 pm

With anything the Council is unsure of, they put a lot of rules who will and will not be accepted for the clutch of eggs. Limiting the women to class instead of talent, burned Kern to the core. Closed minded, fools. He thought bitterly.

“One step at a time, Kern.” Drake sends as he stretches his slim body, then each limb in turn. “You cannot change generations of thinking over night.” He moves toward the stables, hunger boiled deep in his gut. Kern would not be up for hunting in his current mood, the politics of the Keep is wearing on both.

“Why not?” he hissed silently through their link, he continued down the tunnels toward the Cavern. “This place is getting more and more out of control when it comes to dragon and their companions.”

“They do not see the vital role we play in their lives.” Drake states walking carefully toward his stall.

“I know.” he growls. “We are loosing the race, Drake. The clutches are growing smaller and fewer are hatching.” Slamming his hand against the wall, tearing open his knuckles. Pain shot through the link, causing Drake to howl with distress which echoes loudly in the cavern. Many of the stable hands and other dragons glanced his way, Drake limps slightly. Kern stood with his forehead against the rock feeling overwhelmed and rather helpless.

“Injuring us is not the answer.” Drake shot back wiggling his way into the stall. “You are acting like a Wing!”

Kern moves swiftly to Drake’s side petting his faithful companion until the hurt is eased. “I am sorry.” he whispers putting his head against Drake’s forehead, their link explodes to a new level the outside world fades. With minds dance together in a wild array of hues, Drake is able to calm Kern’s mood easing his rider into a relaxed state. Kern’s body slides to the floor, his back against his dragon. He closes his eyes letting Drake work his magic hardly noticing the blood oozing from his knuckles.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chronepsis on Sun Jun 01, 2008 8:50 pm

Gabriel storms out of the small hut, slamming the rickety wooden door behind him. It was the latest in an unending string of pointless visits to his parents. His mother always received him warmly, but his father was always busy with some urgent errand and could not bother to be around when he arrived. If the man happened to return before his son left, they would always start with cold indifference, and that usually degenerated quickly into raised voices and heated words.

He felt the amusement seeping from Rhavin as the dragon returned from his nap in the woods not far off. The dragon could always tell the outcome of the visit, though it didn't hurt that it was always the same. Rahvin lands softly in the grazing field, knocking over quite a few sheep and startling all the cows. Climbing angrily into the harness Rhavin himself had designed, Gabriel swats Rahvin irritably on the neck.

"In my species, when the youngling reaches maturity, the nestmother and wingfather turn them loose, and none of them spend a second thought on it. Why do you obsess so over the feelings of your wingfather."

"Because, Rhavin, he is the only father I have, and our lifespans are not so great as yours. We are raised by our parents, and grow a connection to them, a connection you dragons obviously do not. Honestly, sometimes I think it would be easier if I could forget him like you did yours."

Sighing heavily, Gabriel smooths his hand over the same spot he had just swatted and grasps the harness pommel tightly. He sends Rhavin an image of the mountain keep, not feeling like talking anymore, and holds fast as the great dragon rises into the air. As the two glide through the skies, Gabriel lets his mind flow freely and enjoys the pure elation of flight.
Mind what people do, not only what they say, for deeds will betray a lie. Passion rules reason. The only sovereign you can allow to rule you is reason.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aslin on Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:10 am

"Remember the first rule of our lessons; trust your dragon," she shouted to the others as the dragons bent their bodies, poised for flight. Saraphina brought her down, signalling for them all to take flight and within a second, all the dragons pushed themselves off the wooden pulley with their powerful legs. Their gigantic wings spread wide open, shading the trees from the sunlight. Their wings beating gracefully, the dragons and their flyers rose higher into the sky.

"Aphina," Saraphina thought and the dragon responded by taking flight as well. Closing her eyes, she allowed herself to enjoy that moment where the warmth of the sun caressed her and the strong wind blew around her. Aphina let out a sigh of pleasure at being able to fly and Saraphina gently rubbed her back, knowing exactly how she felt. Once she was at the same height as the six flyers, Saraphina nodded her head.

She had drilled the practice into them when they were on ground so that they knew what to do when in flight. One by one, the flyers pressed their bodies close to their dragons' back. The dragons understanding the gesture and touch, dove down towards the trees. The flyers would thenslowly raise their bodies away and the dragons would follow suit by arching their bags and flying upwards.

It was a practice her father had taught her and it helped the flyers and dragons communicate. At this stage, they were still learning how to connect well with their dragons and the first step to improving that was by recognising each other's gestures.

Slowly, Aphina began to rise higher so that Saraphina had a bird's eye view of the island. She could keep an eye on the flyers as the performed the drill that took them around the island.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:15 am

Drake’s hunger would be denied no longer. “Let’s go hunting,” he whispers into his riders mind eager to take to the skies.

Drake lowers his body down enough to allow Kern to climb on, the two head toward the entrance. Claws dug into the well worn floor pushing them away from the cliff wall. The wings spread open catching the strong up draft, looping under another dragon who was going up.

Normally they would lazily let the current take them up away from the Keep. Motivated by his hunger Drake beats his wings forcing them out of the up draft, soaring through the air heading for the smaller islands to hunt. They happen to fly above Gabriel and Rhavin, Drake sent a mental greeting to both. Not expecting anything back, he roars with delight. Kern makes a note to speak to Gabriel when they return about his Rider tests, the youth is strong in his ablities and the pair have already crossed the mental line between the two ranks.

Forcing the problems out of his mind, Kern smiles enjoying the freedom of being away from the Keep and the ground. He was born to be on the back of the dragon, he just wished all others who had talent could enjoy it as well.

“It will come in time.” Drake assured as he tips to the right to start his descend to the second smallest island, their favorite spot.

An arrow slams into Kern’s side, a sharp yelp escapes from Drakes throat as he fights to gain control of their fall. Kern stares at the shaft poking from his gut, he scans the area unable to see any threat. “Who is firing at us?” Kern states, another arrow whistles toward them tearing a large hole in Drakes right wing. Another arrow bounces harmlessly off Drakes scales as the two spiral toward the ground.

With effort, Drake stops the spinning, seeing another arrow blast from the ground Kern locks on the attacker. The arrow scraps his thigh the next instant, he growls.

Out of desperation, Drake beats retreat before more damage can be caused.
Kern’s mind went numb at the possibility of friendly fire, all his years of training fluttered away as his blood flows down onto Drake’s dark scales. His fingers wrap around the shaft, pulling it would only make him bleed more. His dragon was dealing with enough at the moment, another pain filled cry echoes over the landscape as Drake’s good wing is punctured.

Blood oozed from the tears in the wings membranes, the cool air sent stabs of pain through man and beast. Drake heads for the smallest island at the end of the chain, he knew the land beast would not be able to follow with any sort of speed. His silver eyes found the land mass, hope brewed inside him despite Kern’s rapidly weakening state.

Drake howled again when an arrow assaults his right wing, he flew on the land approaching fast. The pair hit the tops of trees, Kern tore out the shaft from his body not wanting it rammed father in. With no grace they tumble toward the ground, bringing tree branches and leaves with them.

Kern is tossed from the dragon’s back his body bounced several times before coming to rest. Leaves continue to fall around they lay in shock, Kern follows Drake’s mind into the void of unconsciousness.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aslin on Mon Jun 02, 2008 12:15 pm

All was going well and Saraphina was about to instruct the flyers to perform the next drill when arrows started whizzing towards them. Thinking they were under attack, she commanded all the dragons to fly back to the keep. The faces that held excitement not awhile ago now held fear as they watched the arrows narrowly miss them. The dragons took their flyers back to the keep, remaining hidden in the trees.

Their thoughts linked, rider and dragon moved as one. No words passed between the two of them and yet each knew what the other wanted. Aphina moved with the winds and glided above the attackers. Hidden behind the clouds, Saraphina removed her crossbow from the sling and held it before her, ready to shoot. That was when she saw that they were not being ambushed. A single Rider and his dragon were being attacked. She was about to retreat, not wanting to be caught in the fight but was stopped when the dragon was being hurt. Anger raged through her. The attackers kept on shooting the rider and dragon, hurting the dragon more. She took aim again and this time released the shot. The short arrow flew through the air before hitting one of the attacker's arm. He cried out in pain as blood began to ooze from the wound. His dragon jerked as well, clearly affected by the injury.

Not wanting to do damage as she was not one to hurt dragons, Saraphina released several more shots that were meant to narrowly miss their targets. The attackers began to fly away but they had accomplished what they had set out to do. Saraphina could only watch in horror as the terribly injured dragon and his rider spiralled down towards the island before crashing through the trees.

Quickly, she bent forward and Aphina followed, diving towards the place they had crashed. As they landed on the soft forest ground, Saraphina slid off her dragon's back and cautiously made her way over to the pair.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Holdesta on Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:05 pm

Holdesta making her way back from the Greens heard Drake cry out in pain. Holdesta could recognise every Dragon she cared for by thier cry. Holdesta rolled her eyes, Drake was quite a baby when it came to injury. If Kern even got a sliver the Dragon would howl like it was a stab wound. She walked quickly though to make sure. She rounded the corner to the hollow and stopped short ducking back behind the corner.

She had not expected Kern to be there, Holdesta's breath caught in her chest as a warm feeling spread inside her. He is so handsome, she thought, looking with disgust at her own atire and running a dirty hand through her shortly cropped hair. She peeked around the corner again, he was leaning aginst Drake, they must have been speaking in thier Link. Holdesta just looked at Kern. His silver hair and eyes reminded her of a stream in the moonlight. She sighed heavily knowing that she must remind him of....nothing. She was a low ranking fem, not even pretty. Father once said if she would act like a lady she could have been as pretty as her mother. Holdesta smiled, her mother had been the prettiest woman in the Keep. Her red hair had flowed down past her shoulders to her back, porcaline skin carresed by soft dresses and her laugh was like a babbling brook. Her sharp blue eyes had piereced the soul of every young man in the Keep, and she could dance better than any woman at the Great dances. Though poor she had been offered the hand of some of the highest ranking men, but had refused. It was Holdesta's father she had fallen for. Once father said Holdesta looked like her, but........ She had died giving birth to Holdesta, eighteen years ago. Holdesta peeked once more as Kern opened the flight door in the top of the Hollow. The two rose into the air and took to the clouds. Holdesta sighed and slide down to the sand. Maybe one day, Holdesta thought, she remebered a night that she drempt of often, one time that.....well.....

eight years earlier in the feild outside the Keep, leaning against thier favorite tree
"Kern why do the boys hate me so much?" The 10 year old Holdesta asked. Kern, then 21 had only smiled at the girl he held as he dressed her wound from yet another fight he had broken up. The two were an odd pair to be sure. The famed untamable tomboy girl, with a dead mother who had no future prospects and the son of two mothers eleven years her senior who watched over her. The first time they met Holdesta was only six, fighting with three older boys who had been teasing her saying she was ugly and that's why her mother died. Kern had grabbed each boy, pushing them off the girl and then grabbed Holdesta. Before she had know what she was doing Holdesta punched Kern in the face. Despite being six, her hit had caused a bit of pain. Holdesta then saw who it was and stopped short expecting a slap, she just yelled "Well go on hit me too!" But Kern had just hugged her.

I know what you will say "Because you make a better boy than they do" Holdesta gasped as Kern tighed the final knot tight. Holdesta looked at the bandage and slumped against the tree, resting her head against Kern's chest. "My father says I will never marry because I act like a wild animal. He says I make a bad daughter." Holdesta tired from fighting closed her eyes feeling Kern breath. "Maybe you will have to marry me" Holdesta had ment it as a joke....mostly. and waited for Kern's sarcastic response but the answer she got was burned into her heart.............

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Mon Jun 02, 2008 6:54 pm

“Nothing would make me happier than to be your husband, Holdesta. Once you are older and still have feelings for me that is.” He smiles touching her cheek, for a second before lifting the exhausted girl off the ground. “I better get you home, my little Hell Fire.”

Kern’s eyes open to a blurry array of colors, pain started pulsing once again through his body. “Holdesta?” he whispers, still half lost in the memory of all those years ago. His fingers found his oozing wound, he props himself on his elbow as the rush of what had happened thunders through him. “Drake.”

The only signs of life from the dragon is his breathing, his left wing is shredded the right looked slightly better. The trees were not kind to them, now they needed help. Kern forces his bodies aches aside, reaching out to find help. He stops his breath coming in short grasps, a linked dragon is close. They are worried but mostly afraid.

New and young personalities blinking in and out of his understanding, the feeling is rather overwhelming in his fuzzy mind. Focusing his attention to the closer one, he sends a clear message of peace and the dire need of help. It wasn’t strong as he would like it, Drake’s mind is again pulling him into the darkness. His vision grays, his limbs gives out as he joins his dragon in the bless of unknowing.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aslin on Tue Jun 03, 2008 1:07 am

"The human says he comes in peace," Saraphina read Aphina's thoughts. Nodding her head, she knelt befored the man and gently lifted him to the side so that he was resting on his dragon.

"Athena get the flyers back to the keep and get my father," Saraphina instructed and the dragon complied. The other dragons listened and flew off together with Athena. The young flyers kept looking back, trying to get last glimpses. Saraphina knew her father and his men would arrive soon as the keep was not too far away. But in that time, she could tend to the man's wound.

She pushed his white hair away from his face and checked if there was bleeding on his head as the fall he took was terrible. The man's face was void of any emotin as he fell into a deep sleep and Saraphina knew that was not good at all. He might not even awaken. Shifting a little, she checked on the arrow that had hit him on his side. She winced as the wound was pretty deep. Removing the dagger from her belt, Saraphina proceeded to slash away the arrow. She threw away half the piece and proceeded to pull out the arrow from his side.

As she did so, she applied pressure to the upper part so that it would help ease the pain although she doubted he could feel anything at that point. Blood oozed out as the arrow came free and Saraphina placed a hand over the wound. Using her free hand, she cut away a long piece of her skirt and used it to wrap his wound. She held him against her as she brought the thick clothe around the back of his body. Easing him back slowly, Saraphina turned her attention to the dragon.

She moved to stand before the giant dragon and laid a hand on his head. He too was in a deep sleep. She walked around and checked on his wings. Two huge holes were present and it would take awhile to heal. At that moment, Saraphina could do nothing to aid the dragon but wait as the healing tools for dragons was back at the keep. That was when she heard the sounds of men coming towards them.From within the forest, her father and ten of his men appeared. The ten men were pulling a long board with wooden wheels to be used to transport the dagon. Behind them came Athena.

"The man is injured and we just need to give him better wrapping. The dragon took alot of holes in it's wings and is bleeding badly." Saraphina reported to her father. The large man listened before ordering his men. The men eased the contraption beneath the dragon, using all their might to lift it onto the board but it proved to be too heavy. Athena helped them to shift the dragon onto the board. Once that was done, the men began to pull him away. Thankfully the keep was just a short distance away as it would be difficult to move such a huge bulk between the trees.

"Take him with you on Athena and meet us back at the keep," her father told her and Saraphina did just that. She watched her father walk away and wanted to call him back. He seemed so worried that she wanted to comfort him but the man was injured and he needed to be cared for.

With Athena's help, Saraphina got the rather tall man onto Athena's back. Sitting behind him, Saraphina held onto him tightly with one hand while holding onto Aphina with the other hand. She balanced herself as Aphina took off.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chronepsis on Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:10 am

Arriving back at the mountain keep, Gabriel begins taking the harness from Rhavin's back as a runner approaches them. He seems out of breath, so Gabriel continues to settle Rhavin as he waits for the messenger to catch his breath, calmly running his hand along Rhavin's sides, checking for minor injuries that he might not yet feel through the link. As Gabriel finally begins to leave the pen, the runner begins gushing his message for Gabriel.

"Flyer Gabriel, Rider Kern and Drake left for the hunt a while ago." "Yes, I know. I passed them on my way back." Gabriel started to become impatient with the messenger. "Well, they aren't back yet, and that has the council on edge. Those two are very punctual. It is unlike them to be gone for so long a time without informing someone of their reason for absence, and we can find no one with whom Kern has contacted about such matters."

Gabriel sighs and shakes his head. "And you want me to go find them, don't you?" As the messenger nods, Gabriel runs his fingers back through his hair and sends a vision of searching for the two to Rhavin. Getting a feeling of tired acceptance, Gabriel affirms his acceptance of the assignment. Why couldn't he have told me before I had Rhavin unharnessed? Because you humans never do anything in any order that makes logical sense. Grabbing his gear, Gabriel harnesses Rhavin and takes to the skies, searching for the Rider.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tevin on Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:35 pm

"Three thousand eight hundred sixty-four, three thousand eight hundred sixty-five, three thousand eight hundred sixty-six...three thousand eight hundred sixty-seven! Finally!" F'tar stood up, stretching his long legs that had started to cramp with squatting down and letting out a long sigh of relief as blood flowed back into his limbs. He had told himself ages ago that he'd sit down and count the number of scales on Sessoth - there were just so many that he couldn't help it! - but between sneaking out snacks from the kitchen, exploring the north end of the hold where he hadn't spent much time before, and trying to find out more about the rumours he was hearing about the weyr introducing more female riders, he hadn't managed to get around to it. At least Sessoth was receptive to it all; their most common trait was their curiosity, and as soon as he tried communicating the idea it was met well.

A feeling of question entered his mind...ah, right, he hadn't even told Sessoth how many yet. "Hold on, hold on..." he murmured back, patting the young dragon on the shoulder, "lemme think about this. What'd be the best way?" He tried superimposing the image of a sheep next to one of his scales, after a moment changing it to the northeastern corner of western field full of sheep(he recalled something vague about how it could hold about four thousand heads of cattle) with his dragon's image nearby. Amusement entered his mind as well as a bit of pride; Sessoth loved that he was the largest from his hatching.

"Don't get too cocky now, fella; you've got a ways to go yet." F'tar shook his head in wry amusement. His dragon really was an ego-hog - no doubt in part due to being one of the few rare reds at the hold - which had only been pampered and built upon by the keepers. How they fawned over him, and how he ate it up. By the time he was full-grown and an adult, he'd probably think he ruled the weyr at the rate things were going, he thought with a chuckle.

"Flyer Gabriel, Rider Kern and Drake left for the hunt a while ago," came a voice further up in the weyr. F'tar paused to listen to the exchange, putting a finger over his mouth and giving a 'hushhhh' sound at Sessoth to stop his shuffling.

"Yes, I know. I passed them on my way back." That voice he picked out easily: Gabriel. His dragon, Rhavin, was well-known, though his rider always struck him as too much of an introvert. Maybe the black was just the same? He'd have to see if he could somehow communicate that to Sessoth to find out...

"Well, they aren't back yet," the first voice continued, "and that has the council on edge. Those two are very punctual. It is unlike them to be gone for so long a time without informing someone of their reason for absence, and we can find no one with whom Kern has contacted about such matters."

Kern hasn't gotten back yet? he thought to himself. That really was odd. The man was so disciplined you could set your day around his schedule. For him to be was like gravity no longer worked.

"And you want me to go find them, don't you?" There was no response to Gabriel's question but he could only assume the first guy gave him the go-ahead when he heard the sounds of the flyer shuffling on a harness.

F'tar turned to Sessoth. He sent an image of the two of them flying alongside Gabriel and Rhavin to his dragon, only to be overwhelmed with a feeling of curiosity. Excellent - Sessoth was just as interested in finding out what was going on as he was. As quickly as he could he began throwing on a saddle and tightening straps, only to work even more hurried as he heard the sound of them beginning to lift of. By the Egg, these things were annoying!

In a fit of frustration, he jumped on Sessoth's back, leaving a few of the unimportant straps flapping - they'd get too far if wasted any more time on the harness. Tightening himself into the harness, he patted Sessoth into action. "Let's go!" With a cry, both dragon and rider took to the air, taking a few moments to find out where Gabriel was heading but keeping a few hundred feet away just to see what was going on as they followed.
"To live by the sword is to die by the arrow."- Any archer
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."- Clarke's Third Law
"What the hell did you use?" "Just your standard issue big gun."
"We weep for a bird's cry, but not for a fish's blood. Blessed are those with a voice. If the dolls also had voices, they would have screamed, 'I didn't want to become human.'"

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Yolo on Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:06 pm

The meetings have been going rather roughly without Kern’s presences, the council are all acting like a bunch of love sick teenage girls, it made him want to spit fire. Fools every last one of them, their time will come soon enough.

Amiss the meal break, Hector glances at Loki in the doorway. His son touches his side and arms, with a wicked smile playing on his lips. With a nod to his son to move forward with the plans, wanted the stop the pesty riders before they have a chance to begin. They have out lived their usefulness.

Hector smiles, both rider and dragon were injured. Maybe he will have enough time to undo the damage the annoying rider inflicted. He pictures Kern painfully bleeding to death some where on one of the islands. And those who were sent to find him only discover two lifeless bodies. Kern’s untimely demise would be a lovely bonus. Hector relished the moment his ears will hear. Kern is dead.

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chronepsis on Tue Jun 03, 2008 8:42 pm

Gabriel's eyes snap open and his concentration on the last path he and Kern had taken for the hunt breaks as he feels Rhavin's muscles tense unnaturally for flight beneath him. Carefully looking about, thinking that perhaps Rhavin had sensed a distress call, or perhaps an attack message, Gabriel spots a shape in the sky not far behind them. Sending Rhavin a vague image of people about the keep and a sense of questioning, his best interpretation of 'friend or foe' for the dragon, he receives a feeling of uncertainty. Gabriel puts a slight bit of pressure on Rhavin's right flank and banks wide, dipping down out of F'tar's sight.

Rhavin rises behind F'tar and Sessoth, his irritability coming through the link clearly. Sighing, Gabriel rubs the back of Rhavin's neck, a very soothing gesture if you knew where to rub, and speaks softly, though his voice has no chance of reaching F'tar and Sessoth. "It's alright old friend, they're from our hold. I'm surprised you didn't recognize Sessoth sooner, the way the council fawns over him. The rider accompanying him is Folantarin, though he shouldn't be out of the training grounds just yet, and I thought he was on extra restrictions from that last stunt he pulled."

Flying next to F'tar, Gabriel waves as Rhavin begins communicating with Sessoth. "Why are you and your youngling out this day?"

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Re: Call to Dragons

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tevin on Tue Jun 03, 2008 9:14 pm

Seeing that he was caught already, F'tar sheepish slowed down and matched paces with his senior. He had been hoping that he could have at least seen what was going on *before* being spotted, or maybe even managing to avoid detection altogether - he was already in trouble for going out without another Wing or Flyer for escort - but it looked like he wasn't going to luck out today if three minutes out of the weyr he was found. He really needed to work on his sneaking out, he made a note of to himself.

The young Wing scratched his head in what he hoped looked like a gesture of innocence even as his cheeks coloured when he saw the touch of annoyance on Gabriel's face. Oh yeah, he was going to hear about this for some time now, he could tell already. But he was *positive* it would be worth it if Gabriel let him tag along; being the only Wing to catch Kern being late would make for some *great* bragging rights with the other Wings.

"Beautiful weather, isn't it?" he yelled congenially over to the Flyer as they drew near in hopes of distracting him of the fact that he wasn't allowed out. "It's a great day to get in some practice, don't you agree?"

Sessoth beneath him gave a small roar of embarrassment at being caught by the older pair as well. "He wanted to follow both of you for some reason," the red sent back, his usual blunt honesty coming though clearly, "and it seemed like a good idea at the time. He was really excited about whatever was said to your rider, and I guess I just got caught up in it."

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