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Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

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Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Daemon_of_Cybele on Thu May 28, 2009 5:46 pm

Naenia sat silently- although, really, silence was what she did best. She'd found that, over the thousands of years she'd been around, it baffled people. And baffled people tended to be not that bright, especially when they were already dead.

Lifting the pipe to her lips once again, she inhaled deeply, tucking her legs underneath and flicking the frayed hem of her robe out of her way. Perched on her stool- carved from pale white wood to look like a mushroom- she was where she always, sitting on the sagging front porch of her ramshackle old house. If it could, indeed, be called a house.

For her, silent moments came few and far between. It seemed that people- who had been imbeciles to begin with- lost any portion of brain matter they might've had in life after their hearts stopped beating, and they all flocked to Naenia to solve their stupid little problems, simply because the future was less murky to her.

Frankly, she didn't see the point of it. This was Death, after all, and there was no so pressing that they should have to interrupt Naenia's hard won solace.

The dirt road leading into town remained uncharacteristically empty, although the heavy grey clouds, pressing down to the ground and occasionally letting a drizzle of rain fall were boringly ordinary.

She took another toke off the pipe and stared out into the emptiness.
we're gonna revel in hating what's going on.

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Commander_Caramel on Fri May 29, 2009 4:35 pm

The dim windows of the giant house were frosted this particular morning. The mistress felt that something was about this particular morning. She raised out of her chair she had sat in for 3 days straight, and walked to the window-doors, leading to the giant balcony. Her clothes were white as newly fallen snow, ornately ruffled, they flew around in the windy weather around her house. The mistress lightly hopped onto the railing of the balcony.
"Look at all this trash. I wish we could wipe it all away," She said to herself. She hopped down to the ground (which was quite far down), and landed with ease. She looked around, then called her butler.
A small, skinny man came trotting out of the house with an umbrella."Your umbrella, my lady?" He inquired.
"Thank-you James," She commented, as she took the umbrella. "I will be out until noon today, so please enjoy yourself, you trashy, good-for-nothing servant."
"Thank-you, my lady," He commented, as he slithered back into the house.
Zylphia opened her black, ruffled umbrella, and walked on into town, pushing any new-coming spirits out of the way. My DA. Please take a look at my stuff ^^

"Indeed, the one who was here is gone; but as long as there is one memory, in one mind, his presence has not left."

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KiraDemonWolf on Fri May 29, 2009 4:48 pm

Akila just sighed ehavily as she sat in the dead grass, suddenly feeling more at ease than ever before. She took a swift look around before heading back towards the town. She looked down the dark road leading into the town and saw a few more spirits coming her way. She just sighed again and slightly shrugged her shoulders before going on. She wasn't being as social today, but she sure didn't want to cause any more trouble with new arrivals...unlike a few days before.
Learn to treat those who died, holding onto their beliefs, with respect. That is what a real man does... So if you want to become a real man, then come aboard my ship. - Captain Harlock, Captain Harlock Endless Odyssey (^^)

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kunoichi26 on Fri May 29, 2009 5:29 pm

Ash stared balefully out the dusty window as an occasional spirit drifted back and forth down the dirt road that wound through town. Heh, if it could even be called a town. The inhabitants were nothing but empty shells, shadows of what they once were, and they were flat and colorless. Ash blinked slowly, and her gaze shifted up towards the glowering sky. The sun had barely risen, but already she wished that it were sunset so that she could escape the dead monotony of this day.
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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Commander_Caramel on Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:45 pm

Zelphia had arrived into town. Everyone, as usual, was quite gloomy. She suddenly took on her other side. She trotted into the middle of a giant crowd, yet again pushing everyone over.
"Hello everyone!" Zelly shouted. "Zelly see's your all splendidly gloomy today. Why don't we turn that frown upside-down!" As she said this, someone from the back yelled at her: "Shut-up and move it, freak, or we'll make you!"
Zelly didn't like this at all. Not. One. Bit. She suddenly sprang into the air, and over to the young ghost that said that. Without a word before it, she jumped into the air again, and kicked his face as hard as she could, sending him flying back.
"Filthy trash, no one likes rudeness," She commented quietly, then went on with a happy attitude.

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Charon on Mon Jun 01, 2009 1:47 pm

Taigo wandered slowly through the town, dragging his feet on the road. He glanced at all the roadside signs he passed, hoping to glimpse one that would give him hope of finding someone who could give him a clue about how to escape this pointless existence ... or if there was even anything else to escape to. Honestly, he didn't know what he was looking for. A huge white sign with bold, painted letters saying, "Welcome! Please enter for directions out of this plane of existence. Complimentary coffee inside"? Actually, he had once seen a sign similar to that, but it had turned out to contain a crazy old lady desperate for company to talk to. After patiently listening to her describe the personality of three of her eight cats in detail, he politely excused himself and hurried away.

Now, there weren't any signs catching his eye. "Antique tea sets" ... "Shoe shining" ... "Mineral lectures" ... he was tempted to pick up the pace and give up on this town. He was tired of people peering suspiciously at him, then yanking their curtains closed as he passed. For the umpteenth time, he chuckled at the irony that he must look like a Mormon missionary, looking for potential converts. Not that he had anything against them, but the thought of converting anyone to anything at this point was useless; after all, it was clearly too late for any of them.

Taigo was about to give up and hurry out of the town with his gaze firmly fixed on the road in front of him to avoid the paranoid stares of the town's inhabitants. But then an interesting character drew his attention: a young lady, sitting on an oddly shaped stool and smoking. He had never seen the appeal of inhaling carcinogenic fumes even before the doctors told him that cigarettes were at the top of the Long List of Things that Made Heart Disease Worse. But he was interested that several people seemed to go to her, looking for answers to their petty dilemmas. Often, she dismissed them with an annoyed look on her face. But there must be a reason that they went to her for counsel ... and perhaps she would be more interested in helping someone with a goal more worthy than achieving the cleanest kitchen floors or growing purple roses. He stopped in front of the building adjacent to her rugged house, and pretended to examine the yo-yo collection on display in the windows. Most of his attention, however, was on the young woman who seemed to know much, but spoke little.

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling Up on Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:29 pm

Joseph Havens, sat in the grass aside a dusty pathway, and stared blankly into space. His eyes were unmoving and his face displayed little emotion, in effect he was a still and rigid statue. But everynow and then to an oberservant eye, one could almost see a strange light in his eyes. As if he was silently searching for something, yearning for someone. He had been this way ever since his entry into the town, and that had been not far from a week ago. Suddenly, the statue abruptly moved as if seeing the world for the first time. His eyes darted around as if he had just barely become aware of his suroundings. How long had he been here? A week? A month? A year? It felt like he had been here forever. But where was here? Where exactly was he? And how was it he came to be on the grass? Joseph blinked as he recalled a hazy memory that explained his current position on the grass. He had entered into Yes, he was in a town of some sort, and he had entered into somehow. He had been disorientated and his mind had not been at full mental capacity. And then...he had stumbled around until he had...tripped and flopped down onto the grass. And he had been in some sort of...trance like state until now. But how had he gotten into this town?The last thing he rembered was the battle at bunker hill, and the last scene that flickered through his mind was him charging into the britsh ranks. What had happened at bunker hill? Had the colonial armies won? Was he in some sort of fort that was caring for the wounded? What was going on? Joseph stood up and stretched. He didn't know where he was or what was going on, but he was going to find out soon. With a determined look on his face and a brisk walking pace he set off for town. He paused abruplty, as if remembering something. Oh, and as soon as he found out where he was and such, he needed to find some paper and write a letter back home. Hopefully, this quaint town had a post office somewhere. Mother, and Joisah hadn't heard from him in forever. He missed them so. And with that he set-off again.
Last edited by Falling Up on Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Daemon_of_Cybele on Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:56 pm

Naenia's gaze was drawn immediately to the only other being in sight- a young man who was glancing at her curiously. Normally, she would have acted as cold and silent as a statue, ignoring the person until they came to her steps, but he was looking at her with something more than the usual awe and wonder.

He was looking at her with questions in his eyes, questions that weren't about trivial things that didn't matter in death.

"Wonder if the caterpillar's stool really can make you bigger or smaller, but you'll never really know until you take a handful. Alice took the chance. Come ask me if I have the answers I say I do- maybe I'll surprise you. Maybe you'll surprise me. You're not as gone as the rest of them, are you? Empty-headed card soldiers, doing the Queen's bidding," called Naenia in a clear voice, leaning forward slightly. "They call me Naenia, the Caterpillar. The oracle."

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kunoichi26 on Mon Jun 01, 2009 6:25 pm

Ash blinked as she gazed out the window. It seemed a crowd had gathered for some unknown reason, and she did not care to know whatever petty excuse they had for gathering, but that was not what drew her interest. An unusual young girl was marching through the crowd, pushing them aside as she wrestled her way past them. What a strange girl...she even had the audacity to kick one of the drifting spirits, and the force behind her feet sent him flying back. Ash smirked, this seemed a person worth knowing. She stood and walked out the door to sit on the porch railing. She watched as the girl walked toward her house, her eyes glinting with newfound interest. This girl was different, maybe there were others like her that wanted to escape this dead hell, this never ending monotony. She called out to the girl as she passed with uncharacteristic excitement. "Hello there. Who are you?"

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Charon on Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:13 pm

Taigo didn't understood what the strange girl was talking about with the caterpillars and card soldiers, but he knew a bit of Greek mythology. When the girl called herself the oracle, it rang a bell in his memory. As he walked over to her, he spoke:
"Ah, I don't suppose you're inhaling the same fumes as the Oracle at Delphi once did. You're not making sense, but at least you're speaking a regonizable language that doesn't need to be "interpreted" by a priest or two," he chuckled. "If you're a caterpillar, I'd recommend turning into a butterfly; then you might have a better chance of getting out of this place. Unfortunately, I doubt that I'm capable of metamorphosis, so I was wondering if you might have any tips on escaping for someone who can't fly."

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Commander_Caramel on Tue Jun 02, 2009 12:09 pm

Zelly bopped down the lain with uncompressed excitement. She was on the right side of the street. Right, as in she was right, that this was a strangely special day. She giggled at that. Then she passed by a house she never took notice of (like she ever took notice of anything anyway), and someone called out to her.
"Zelly is Zelphia Lenadorium," She replied as Zelly. "Who might the trash before me be?" Said Zelphia quietly and darkly. "Is this disgusting day the Winter Solstice?"

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kunoichi26 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 1:37 pm

Ash took the strange girl's insult with hardly a flicker in her unusually bright, gray-green eyes. She smiled crookedly, as if she had forgotten how to move the appropriate muscles on her face, and said,

"You may call me Ash. It matters not what day it is, all days are the same in this hellish place, filled as they are with mindless riff raff. You simply strike me as someone interesting."

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Commander_Caramel on Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:35 pm

"Oh? But days are most pleasant for the people who cant' care either way where they have landed themselves," Zelly said happily. "I wonder, I had a feeling today was going to be special. That is why I am out to-day."
Zelly twirled around, making her dress fly around. The whiteness of it was very strange in comparison to the darkness of the day and town. Her sparkling necklace shown quite nicely.
"What a pretty gown you have on, quite and indeed!" Zelly hopped over to Ash, looking at her gown. "Very nice indeed..."

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kunoichi26 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:14 pm

Ash looked down at her gown, surprised. She had never noticed what it looked like or, rather, she had noticed when she had arrived because it was so different than the rags she had usually worn during life. But that initial interest had vanished over time. Now she stared at it as if she had never seen it before, and she turned to look at the girl with greater interest.
"Thank you, forgive me, but it is indeed a strange day to meet someone like you. Have you been here long? Though I suppose it does not really matter, because I doubt there is any way out."

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Commander_Caramel on Tue Jun 02, 2009 3:55 pm

"Ah, but that's the trick. Logic as mine is easy to explain," Zelly said slyly. "I have been here for a couple hundred years, and you see, if you believe you will escape, one day you will. Either that day is sooner or later, no one knows, but I have always believed the day to be soon enough."
She looked-up at the sky for a moment, examining it. It was full of clouds as usual, but there was a strange wind blowing from nowhere in particular. The clouds didn't move either. Nor did the trees or even the dresses of wither maiden. Nut they could feel it. Everyone could feel it. The wind was there, felt, but not seen.
"Did you feel that breeze? The breeze signaling change?"

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kunoichi26 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 4:24 pm

A small, genuine smile crept upon her face. "Change..." Ash said, allowing the word to roll across her tongue, as if she were savoring the flavor of it. "Change indeed sounds most welcome and needed. Do you believe so?" A sudden idea struck her, and she hopped off the railing to stand near Zelly. "Perhaps change will come sooner rather than later. There is an oracle known as the Caterpillar. She does not speak much, but these empty shells seem to like asking her all manner of questions anyway. Maybe she might know something, and if not, then we simply occupied our time."

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Commander_Caramel on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:08 pm

"Oh, yes indeed. Let us go visit this oracle," Zelly said properly. "I never have been to see the woman though. I never have talked to that sort of trash." Zelphia added.
Zelphia reached into a pocket to draw out a giant golden watch. Sadly, the gold had melted out of it, and now it is only a grayish-white color. Zelphia flipped it open and looked at the giant time.
"Would you look at that. We have all the time in the no world," Zelphia said gravely and quietly to herself.

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby KiraDemonWolf on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:23 pm

Kira just walked slowly through the large crowd, a blanket drapped over her head, still ashamed for her appearance as an Egyptian girl wound up in this sort of dump. She then sighed again and sat down on a bench far away from the crowds, suddenly wanting to tear up again. What did I ever do to deserve this? she asked herself, quietly sobbing. What did i ever do to my beloved queen that I would wind up in a place like this?!... To be honest, she didn't remember a thing about her past before her death. Flashes are still coming back to her, but she just can't figure out the pieces of the puzzle. It's so confusing... But what to do?.... She then thought about a few good options.....

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kunoichi26 on Tue Jun 02, 2009 5:46 pm

Ash smirked at Zelly's comment. This girl was so strange...She walked onward up the dusty road, ignoring the spirits that drifted around them. Her eyes were bright with an uncanny excitement she had not felt for many, many years. This was a strange and wondrous day indeed, and she wondered if the "oracle" would have anything useful to say, if she said anything at all. Ash suddenly realized she didn't care if the oracle didn't have anything to say, for there was a very interesting person walking beside her. Someone she wished she would someday call a friend.

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Re: Caught Beyond the Veil {IC}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Falling Up on Tue Jun 02, 2009 9:31 pm

Joseph, had followed the dusty pathway deeper into the strange town, and was now in what appeared to be the marketplace. Several shops and stores of various kinds, were scattered about, along with a few residental homes. Many people were wisking to and fro from shop to shop, ocassionaly passing him by.

"Excuse me, Sir?", Joseph called out to a passerby. The man paused and turned around, facing Joseph.

"Yes?" He asked impatiently, as he unconsciously tapped his feet.

"Would you mind, telling me where I am?" The man blinked and then eyed him supsciously, in a curious manner, as if he had just asked what color the sky was. Then he hurried away, continuing his brisk trot, and muttering under his breath as he rolled his eyes, " "Where am I?" what kind of question is that?"

"Well that was rude," thought Joseph, "Hopefully, not everyone in this town is like him."

Unfortunetly, to Joseph's dismay, the next couple of people he asked reacted in simmliar manners. Frusturated and discouraged, he looked about, unsure of what to do next. Straight ahead, he spotted a queer looking woman with a blanket covering her head, sitting upon a bench. She was far removed from the crowds of people, and there was something...different about her. Maybe, she would be able to answer his question. Or, she might react like all the other people he asked...still, it's not like it would hurt to try once more. Gathering his courage, he hastily approached her.

"Uh, Hello."
Last edited by Falling Up on Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:21 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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