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change of plans [ooc]

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change of plans [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby British on Thu Sep 29, 2011 4:12 pm

Welcome To Infinity


Rockport, Massachusetts is your average town. Families live comfortably in this coastal town, although many of them are only residents during the summer months. The beach and street shops all close down once October hits, and it seems like once that happens, there is nothing for the town’s youth to do
 other than to get into trouble.

Friend 1, Friend 2, Friend 3, Friend 4, Friend 5 and Friend 6 weren’t harming anyone on the night of December 21st. It was a Saturday night, and like most teenagers in the town, they had resorted to alcohol to have a good time. Since the police were shutting down most house parties, the five friends had found a deserted railroad to be their nighttime haven. They would grab a few packs of beer and a pack of cigarettes or two, and head down to the tracks. The town was safe, and because trains no longer ran on the tracks, the kids were content with their findings. When they were all reported missing the next morning, the town went crazy. Rumors started to soar about kidnappers, rapists and serial killers prowling in the tranquil seaside town.

The idea of them being hit by a train never came to mind, even after the backpacks and empty beer cans were found along the side of the railroad. There were no bodies, no blood, and no evidence. They were hit by a train, but not one that ran on schedule, and it seemed that on impact, their bodies were transported to a different world.

The six bodies were perfectly intact when they seemed to fall out of the sky, landing on the snow-covered ground of a thick forest. They thought that they died, moved onto a different life, but after wandering a bit they found that they were not alone. They were greeted by creatures who explained that they had been waiting for them. They were the guardians of Infinity; the ones who had come to reintroduce love, courage and strength to a world that had been drained of all things good by the new dynasty of vampire rulers, The Everett's. The world that had once been filled with growth and life was now encased in bitter frost and ice.

A prophet from Infinity had written a scripture on the event, stating that six young people would enter Infinity on the night of the full moon. Friend 1 held the power of courage. He would be the one to keep hope and morals high, no matter how bad things would get. When he needed to stick up for something, he would and his leadership qualities hold the six together. Friend 2 and Friend 3 held the secret to love. Although the two resented each other on Earth, in Infinity they would develop overwhelmingly strong feelings for each other. Friend 4 would be the keeper of strength. He would be the one with the most physical ability in the group and would be able to use that in order to revolt against the Everett's. Friend 5 held the power of intelligence. Her knowledge would assist the six in formulating realistic actions against the Everett's. Friend 6 would be the keeper of enjoyement and fun, bringing back the positive emotions to the world of Infinity.

1. Please be literate when applying. I understand that everyone makes mistakes; trust me; I probably made a few in what I wrote above, but use spell-check before posting. If you are known to make careless errors, I won’t be lenient.
2. If you are going to join, please keep up your role. I would hate to see you quit after only a few posts, and ruin the roleplay for everyone else.
3. I don’t mind cursing or sexual references, but try not to let it get out of hand. I except romance to be a key factor in this story, so if you can’t handle it, please don’t join.
4. If you are joining as a creature of Shilo, please pick a race that isn’t almighty. Vampires, elves, pixies, werewolves, and those types of things are cool with me. Also, Shilo isn’t some advanced world. There are no cell phones, iPods, televisions, or any form of electricity. Picture it to be a world similar to Narnia.
5. My vampires follow the rules of being able to live off of any form of blood. It can be human, which is most preferred, but animal blood can supplement for it, although it doesn’t fulfill their hunger for as long as human blood. These vampires are not scared of sunlight, can feel temperature and can eat human foods. They have a much longer durability in cold weather than humans, and have greater physical strengths.
6. Write your character’s first name backwards at the bottom of your profile if you have read these rules.
7. No reserves

Code: Select all
[size=85][center][img]Please, no anime. For the humans, realistic pictures.[/img][/center]
[b]Side:[/b] The humans can omit this. Creatures, pick good/evil

-Friend 1
-Friend 2
-Friend 3
-Friend 4
-Friend 5
-Friend 6
-Everett Ruler 1
-Everett Ruler 2
-Everett Ruler 3

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Re: change of plans [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Writer on Fri Sep 30, 2011 9:43 am

I'm going to try for something! Not sure of what yet though.

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Re: change of plans [ooc]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SilentButterflies on Fri Sep 30, 2011 12:03 pm

Hello! I know you're not reserving spots but I thought I'd toss up a sheet to show who I was trying for - I know that Tula probably needs revamping a bit to fit in with the new story so I'll get that done this weekend.Also, chuffed at the restart! :)


Role: Friend 2.
Name: Tula Hartridge.
Age: Eighteen.
Race: Human.

Personality: Quite honestly, a character like Tula's personality is a little tricky to describe in a few lines because she's pretty complicated and definitely far away from possessing a simple character, but if I was going to put her simply I'd say that she was a little frosty, blunt, feisty, sarcastic at times and unafraid of showing you what she thinks. She isn't a girl of long winded explanations but the sentences that she does deliver hit the nail on the head most of the time, can be pretty sharp and may even come across as emotionless. Don't be fooled into thinking she's cold to her core though, there is a wild side to Tula that only those closest to her have seen and watching her is more like looking into a bonfire than admiring sparkling shards of ice.

The blonde doesn't empathize well with other people unless she's experienced what they're going through first hand and she has been known to have pretty set thoughts on given situations, so much so that it's hard to persuade her otherwise at times, unless you're one of those people that can get under her skin but admittedly, these are far and few between. If you can make Tula laugh, as in really laugh, it's an achievement and where she might try to hide it you'll know you've impressed her if you see her lips tilt upwards, her expression turning to a cheeky smirk rather than a full blown smile.

Being older than her years in many ways, which may act as an explanation to why she's dated so many older guys, Tula admittedly has a bit of a reputation when it comes to things like that - yeah, her track record on relationships isn't that great and she'll be the first to admit that it's because a lot of people find it hard to understand her, either that or they find it hard to deal with her erratic ways of behaving. She has some strange ideas at times and a bit of a weird way of doing and seeing things and she won't stop to explain herself or her actions, living constantly right on the edge of life and playing it for all it's worth. Let's just say she's definitely a heart breaker and doesn't have much time for the heart broken.
Loyal to the end though, despite how cold or unkind she may seem at times, Tula will take your secrets to the grave and once you get to know her, once you make a friend out of her she'll stick with you for life through thick and thin. She isn't the kind to turn her back on anything, neither is she one to give up, especially when she has her mind set on what she wants.

Likes: Old school rock bands, rainy days, duvet days, milky coffee, turkish delight, savory foods, being out and about, walking during the evening in summer, edgy clothing, people watching, her ability to make people feel uncomfortable, people who can make her smile (usually with a dry sense of humour), and she has this thing for danger...
Dislikes: Giggly girls, wimpy guys, stubbing a toe, chipped nail varnish, butter beans, tea without milk, when the weather's too warm, fox's barks, the very few people who can get under her skin, having to wait for something or someone, pretty boys and spiders or creepy crawlies in general really and friend 3.

Background: Tula Beth Hartridge was born on the 13th of March to Trevor and Marie Hartridge sometime in the chilly early hours of the morning. It was a successful birth with no complications but unfortunately not a happy one simply because her parents had never really wanted kids. Tula was an accident, a hindrance, something to set them back and that's how she'd always be seen to those who were supposed to be there to love and support her.
You see, Trevor and Marie were successful business people; they lived for the high life, posh parties, business trips, cruises; anything materialisitc and they'd be there with bells on when any one of the directors clicked their fingers, so when they had their daughter, she briefly stopped them from doing any of this, or that was until they found a nanny and pretty much dropped their child onto her.

From then onwards, admittedly, Tula hardly saw her parents growing up and was constantly cared for by neighbours, by different baby sitters. She was shipped from pillar to post and right up until her teenage years she never really felt the support that a stable family unit should have given her because when she hit thirteen, whatever slight comfort she may have got from those who cared for her was ripped apart and torn to shreds.
The Hartridges had been big business people in England but when Trevor found Marie in bed with one of his partners, he threw both her and Tula out, leaving the two girls to fend for themselves. This is when Marie upped and moved to Rockport to try and start a new life for her and her daughter.
Having never been the caring types though, both girls found their relationship to be unsuccessful as Marie hit the bottle and Tula started running of the rails, tired of not fitting in, tired of standing out from the others because of where she'd come from. Boys, parties, alcohol; you name it, she's probably done it. She started to rebel because of what her parents had put her through as a child and whether this meant older men or simply getting drunk on a railway track with friends then she'd be there. However, despite the whirlwind of everything bad that was whipping her up, there were several constants who kept her head just above the water; her friends, as cliché as it sounds. I mean don't get me wrong, Tula doesn't get on with all of them, especially friend 3, but despite their sometimes rocky relationships, they stuck, and still do stick together through thick and thin... But then only recently has Tula realized how much she actually does rely upon them. And with so much at stake, she's still too scared to open her heart up to them, to show them that she really does care. She's pushing them away and she knows it but she simply doesn't have the strength to stop and after so much hurt already, can she really run the risk of ruining one of the only good things left in her life?

Appearance: Standing at an average height of about 5'5", Tula has a small frame and a slender figure, both of which she compliments with an eye for the clothes that suit her. She's certainly a girl who knows what she's got and uses it to her advantage, although maybe not in the ways that you're probably thinking off. Provocative clothing or anything like that to her is a no no, instead Tula likes to follow fashion trends with her clothes by adding her own twists in there and getting creative with charity shop bargains. She's admittedly a bit of a geek when it comes to all of that kind of stuff and has a collection of Vogue magazines in her bedroom that she reads through and through and then sets to work on making an outfit her own.
But anyway, her fashion sense aside, despite looking quite edgy with her clothes, her hair is kind of styled to match. It's shaped around her heart-shaped face and with a side swept fringe and shorter layers brushed towards her features, it hangs naturally in wavy locks to below shoulder length. Very rarely will you see her warm blonde locks swept up from around her shoulders, but if they are then they'll probably be in some kind of a fishtail plait, leaving out flyaway layers for comfort.

What stands out on Tula though more than anything though is her bright blue eyes. They're like an ice coloured shade of baby blue and stand out naturally because they're lined by rows of dark lashes that are usually emphasized by mascara or something of the sorts and often contain a sparkling glimmer of amusement; either that or they're as cold and as sharp as the frost on a winter's morning. There's no mistaking that Tula's an attractive girl, with a slightly, creamy olive skin tone and naturally high cheekbones but then that's furthered by her ability to wear what makes her most striking features stand out even more. It's just a shame that she tends to let herself down when she opens her mouth.

Other: Tula's currently dating a twenty six year old named Brett, but she's about to bin him off, simply because she's bored of him. No questions asked and after all, she's only with him to bury other feelings right?

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