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Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

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Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:16 pm

OOC: PM me to join, standard Character sheet.


The year is 3082, we've been lost in space for two years. It seems like forever, but in reality it's only been two years. Our navigational sensors have been destroyed by a computer virus that was uploaded and rampaged through our entire ship. However, we're not a lone on this vessel either. Out of the four thousand of us that enlisted on this vessel, Two thousand five hundred remain.

Our biggest threat isn't ourselves, it's the darkness...something other than us is on this ship. This story is not only of our Survival, but our fears....oh, beware of the air locks.


Jason Murphy sat in his quarters quietly. He could hear the screams of those that previously perished, including the love of his life. He had watched her open an air lock, and got sucked out into the black, coldness of space. That was a year ago.

He took in a deep breath standing up, and walking over to a nearby table, grabbing and putting on a black over-shirt, followed by sliding on a pair of black slacks. Stretching for a moment he opened the door and peeked his head out, the corridor was dimly lit, just enough light to make it where he needed to go. The Bridge. He stepped out, turning right and started to sprint down.

It's been like this for two years, first the ship being literally turned off. The navigators are scared to make blind jumps without the navigational system. It's been said that they could be out here for years before the food supply dissipated. He shook his head slowing down to a walk as the lights turned on fully.

Suddenly without warning, the lights flickered off. He came to a complete stop, the air around him growing cold. Space does things to people... He thought as he began to shiver. But not this... He cursed under his breath as a scream came from a nearby passage, it was followed by a loud shriek, and bones being crushed. He winced feeling something warm hit his right cheek. Just as suddenly as the lights turned off, the lights flickered back on. He slowly glanced to his right seeing the passage filled with blood, and a lifeless corpse laying in a pool of it. He raised his hand to his check and smeared the blood, removing his hand and looking at it. A cold chill ran down the back of his spine as he started off in a run towards the bridge.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chaos-Aye? on Sun Sep 06, 2009 12:45 pm

Spencer lifted her head, a bead of sweat moved down her neck as the black pillow fell from the bed. She put her head in her hands and sighed. Remembering the horrid dream she just had. She stood and walked over to a wall that had her uniform hanging on a small metal hook. She slipped a dark navy green, short sleeved shirt over her had and rolled it down her body, or at least to her waist. Putting a pair of socks and shoes aside out of her way she grabbed the lighter green pants and put them on quickly. Then slipped a uniformed jacket over her arms and buttoned it up. Slipping her shoes on she went out her door. Faintly hearing what seemed to be a scream. She shook off the feeling and continued.

Seemed no one was up at the time or they were all at a station away from their own rooms. She jogged to the end of the hallway and looked around. Slowing to a walk she felt cold. A flicker of a messed up light system, she thought.."This place is surely going to black out and I might be the one that may as well go fix it all." She sighed and hung her head slightly.

Moving past a passage way she felt more chills than usual. It may be an old place but she never felt this bad about being in it. Looking down the passage she noticed red liquid moving slow like a snail on the floor. Her mind debating if she should go look what may have happened or move past and let the officers deal with it all. She sighed and began to walk down the passage way and ponder at the trail of liquid.
Heartless, Unbirth, Heartful, Nobodie, Somebodie, Born.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Sun Sep 06, 2009 1:23 pm

He quickly grabbed onto the railing nearby which stopped him instantly, he let go stumbling forwards into the wall. Hitting the wall he stumbled backwards and fell down sighing lightly as he looked up at the ceiling, the lights started to flicker again. Come on. He groaned rolling to his side and pushing himself back up.

He took a couple of steps and stopped, realizing where he was. Slowly turning around fully he stared at the air lock hatch a few feet away. "No." He said out loud as he started to step backwards, into the wall. The lights flickered again, and he could hear the sound of the air lock hatch opening. But, it wasn't opening.

His vision went black as he collapsed to the floor.

"Susan! Susan! That's the air lock! What are you doing?!" He shouted, but it was all in vein as he started after her, something grabbed his arm and pulled him back. "Susan!" He shouted after her. She turned towards him, he could see that her eyes were pitch black. "Susan..." He held up his right arm in an attempt to reach out for her, but failed due to the distant. "Fight it!" He shouted again. He watched as a smile crept across her face, she placed a hand on the wheel and started to turn it slowly. "Good bye, Jason. You'll be next to join me." Her voice wasn't the soft voice, he came to familiarize himself with, instead, it sounded demonic and mechanical. Possessive. "Susan! You..." The words were sucked out of his mouth as the air lock opened, alarms screamed across the deck and a whipping sound of the oxygen rushing out into space was heard, loudly. He watched as she was ripped out of the ship, like a kid snatching candy from their parent. His vision started to fade as the lack of oxygen closed in, though the last thing he saw was a blast door closing in front of him.

He opened his eyes quickly, "Susan!" He shouted scrambling to his feet and rushing over to the Air lock. He grabbed a hold of the handle and looked out the view port into the blackness. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts, though his hands were shaking. "It wasn't her." He said to himself, "It wasn't her."

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chaos-Aye? on Sun Sep 06, 2009 2:53 pm

She knelt down to the floor and ran her fingers threw the liquid. Her chest felt tight. It was hard to breath at this point. Remembering all that had happened that one day, watching from her room as a woman gave her life for no reason it seemed, saying words that made no sense. Spencer remember the gentleman that looked so hurt, sad and could not help her. Snapping back to herself, well mostly, Spencer was only a year younger when this happened but that whole year made a lot of difference. Blood, and anything that meant pain and suffering made her bring that memory back into her head. She stood and held her eyes lightly closed until she began walking slow.

Her head tilted down her eyes opened slightly to follow to blood. Spencer came across a body. Tilting her head to the side. Death had made her confused about life a lot but yet she welcomed it all into her life. Looking around she spotted a man she could not miss. She heard a few mumbles from him as she took a couple small steps towards him. She stopped, not knowing if it was safe or if he needed help.

Her mind told her many things. Spencer always went with her mind, never her gut but yet she was afraid to approach a man that looked frazzled with thoughts of his own. Moving to the air lock to make sure it had not been opened. Her job was to make sure this place was secure and that every bit of the ship -except the damn lights- worked. She flashed in and out of her mind. Seeing that woman standing here and herself in the room over to the left.

Spencer shook her body and walked over to the man. Just close enough to whisper to him "You alright Sir? What has happened? Do you need me to call an officer over to this area to see who did this?" She thought in her mind that she was dumb. That she needs to stop asking questions about stuff she has no business with.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Sun Sep 06, 2009 4:54 pm

"P-perfectly fine." He said clearing his throat and standing straighter, looking over at the person who had appeared. "You know it's not safe to be running around out here by yourself right? Not with those things haunting...." His voice trailed off as the lights shut off. "The...halls..." He started to breath heavily moving his hand out to where he last saw her and grabbing her on the shoulder.

He could hear screaming, and a thud on a nearby wall. Followed by foot steps, odd foot steps. The lighters flickered for a moment before flickering off, and in that split second his horrors were real. He saw what he didn't want to see, a corpse walking towards them with emotionless eyes. He whispered lightly to the girl. "Stay quiet..."

The Lights flickered again and there was nothing behind her. The lights went off than quickly came back on, and a mechanical sound was heard once more, before the halls went quiet. How can we fight something we can't see? He thought slowing his breath down, and loosening the grip he had on the girls shoulder.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chaos-Aye? on Sun Sep 06, 2009 6:31 pm

Smiling lightly and then dropping it as the lights began to flicker. She sighed at the crappy wiring that it seemed. She felt his hand on her shoulder, stayed quiet as directed. She got a hard chill that made her whole body shake. She nearly fell to her knees in shock but held her balance.

When the lights stopped flickering they came back and finally stayed on, she began to speak with a scratchy voice. "I understand my job, and what is here. My job is to make sure this place stays up so we aren't lost in space much longer." Her body shook once more and stood firm with her feet planted on the floor.

"You seem to know a lot about this horror. I am sure you can be of assistance to me. After that terror last year this place hasn't been the same. But then again we are in space and this place is old." She said softly.

Spencer stared at him, she recognized him from some were but not entirely sure. She looked around, feeling something near her. She moved to the other side of him in hope to get out of there quicker. Her mind played scenes from her dream. The reason she woke in a fright. Seeing horrible things attacking people in this area. Maybe that explains the corpse that was in a pool of blood or maybe the reason she was told to stay quiet.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Sun Sep 06, 2009 8:45 pm

"This isn't your normal horror." He said removing his hand from her shoulder. He narrowed his eyes and quickly looked around. "It screws with your mind." I'm next...

"These things don't exist, only in our mind, or at least that's how they want to remain. Truthfully, I can't continue on like this." He took in a deep breath and started off away from the airlock. He stopped suddenly as the lights went out. Damn it. He glanced around the darkness before the lights flickered back on.

Standing around them were five corpses of fallen crew members. They weren't zombies, no..Zombies limbered, and these corpses have been jettisoned in space. "No.." He took a step back seeing the girl he was in love with, coming towards him, gliding, towards him. "NO!" He shouted again louder.

Though in reality there was nothing there. Jason was marked. He continued stepping backwards and stopped hitting the wall. "Run." He shouted towards the girl that was standing there. "RUN! Now! Before they mark you!" His entire body was frozen in fear as the figure of his former lover got closer, it's mouth expanded widely than normal letting out a loud scream. He could see the razor sharp teeth as it got closer. He shut his eyes quickly. "You're not're not real. This isn't real." He raised his hands in a defensive position, "This isn't real!" he shouted once more.

The lights flickered off and on again...

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chaos-Aye? on Sun Sep 06, 2009 9:36 pm

Staring at him she felt chills again but ignored them. She was afraid he was getting mentally sick from being here to long. Her mind slowed and she thought everything through. Forgetting the situation she snapped back. Stepping forward a bit, looking at him in confusion. He had a familiar face but she did not have time to stand and think about it.

Spencer walked a few more steps listening to him panic over something she did not see. Nothing was there, was he just a crazy fool, or did he see something she could not. She walked next to him and knelt down. Looking were he was facing, seeing nothing but lights flicker and cold rushes up her spine.

Sighing she reached out to see if there was something she could feel, but only more cold areas then others. A shadow moved over the lights, Spencer believed it was something in space but nothing was around for miles. Maybe a star or two or a couple asteroids but nothing more. Taking a deep breath, feeling like she stepped out her own body letting to catch up to her movements.

She grabbed his hand and moved it down. Hoping it showed him nothing but her and that corpse were there with him. Hanging her head she blinked. Seeing another flicker of lighting in the area they're in. The corpse was not in the same position it was when she had first got there but maybe it had been moved by one of them kicking it or something.

Moving her feet to a better position on the floor. Her mind was jumping to conclusions but her heart and gut scared her. It had always been that way and it terrifies her. She looked up at him, narrowing her eyes and trying to see were she knew him from.

Falling back onto her butt she had that face of terror play over and over in her mind. It was him. The man she saw a year earlier. Even though many people did not live in a space ship she rarely saw him around. Maybe because she always sat in her room until needed. Taking quick breaths she could not breath well. She tried to remove the look from her face and fake it all before he saw or heard her. If he did know her, what would he say to her? She thought about that horrid day.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Mon Sep 07, 2009 4:33 pm

He snapped back into reality as she grabbed his hand. The suddenness of him snapping back into reality scared him even more.

He looked around, breathing heavily, a bead of sweat formed and rolled down the side of his face. "They're...they're gone." He stammered for words. Leaning back on the wall he continued to breath heavy, trying to slow down his breathing to a calm and steady pace. He blinked a couple of times, clearing his vision that was beginning to tear up due to the experience he just had. After a few minutes he slide down the wall and was sitting.

He sighed heavily and turned his head slightly to see the girl from earlier sitting as well, with fear on her face, he stared at her for a few minutes, having a small flash back. "I..I remember you from the time..she opened that air lock." He mumbled lightly, forcing himself to his feet at the lights started to flicker once more. "We can't stay here..." He said once more before starting off in the direction he was originally heading. "Follow me."

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chaos-Aye? on Mon Sep 07, 2009 5:45 pm

She hung on his words. Thinking to herself, "He....He knows its me....". Her voice cracked out of fear when she spoke up. "What do you mean we cant stay here?...." Spencer stood and followed him quickly. When she caught up with him she began to think.

"Why are we leaving that area. I need to inspect the air lock." Her mind went crazy with thoughts, replaying that day over and over. She knew something was not right. That girl, her eyes were different. Spencer snapped back to what she was doing. She started to sprint ahead of him so she could slow a bit.

"Where are we even going?" she yelled back, Hoping to get a quick answer so she could get there soon. Spencer always hated going through the maze of hallways and doors. She always felt cold passing through them. Something was different about that day. Spencer had a scream play in her head. Hoping it was just another bad memory.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Wed Sep 09, 2009 6:49 pm

He slowed down as she ran by him, ducking into a nearby corridor, so that she wouldn't follow him. "The Bridge." He shouted just as he disappeared from sight.

As he continued down the corridor he came to a complete stop, there was someone sitting in front of him looking away at the wall, shaking, and in the process of shaking he could hear a faint crying sound. He slowly crept forwards being as quiet as he could, only stopping when the lights went out. The lights flickered on and the person was standing facing him. Jason stepped back, opening his mouth as he watched the person limber over to him. Suddenly with a burst of speed it rushed him. The lights flickered off, and than on.

He stumbled backwards and fell down as he stared in the direction of whatever it was. He started to breath heavy once more, starting to shake.

Then, there was a buzzing sound, not to far from where he was, he glanced over, breaking the lock of fear that he had over himself. The lights went out, he heard movement, lots of movement, sounds of people walking the halls and corridors. He stared out into the darkness, feeling cold wisps of air flow by him. The lights never flickered back on, and the sounds grew louder and louder.

That's when he realized the lights weren't coming back on.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chaos-Aye? on Wed Sep 09, 2009 8:34 pm

She slowed not hearing anything behind her, she turned and looked back. Only hearing the echo of his voice and the location she was going. He was not there. He had gone off path and she did not know if she should go to her destination or to find him. Lights flickering she did not know were to go. Spencer headed back and saw an open hallway. Slipping down it into darkness and not even being able to see her hands in front of her face, even up close.

Hearing his breathing she knew he was down here. Heavy breathing was something she disliked strongly. It brought that day back up in here head over and over. A cold burst of air and non-stop chills played with her head. Even being black she knew this place inside out and she knew where she was going with her eyes closed. A shuffle sound was heard. Something ran by but she ignored it. Looking for the man that slipped down this hallway.

She heard a more heavily breathing sound coming from some part of the room she was in. More shuffling sounds and she got goose bumps. "Um, Sir, Hello? Are you in here? I ha...." Her body froze in cold as she was talking. "....have to know were you are if I am suppose to follow you." She spoke with a light and gentle voice, just in case he was freaking out again. She was being quite hypocritical about this all. She hadnt even really remembered his name. Spencer called out sir again over and over, hoping he would answer and find her. Maybe he was in shock and she had not seen him so he could be passed out, or blacking out. Who knows she thought to herself. Taking a few more steps and stomped her foot on her last step. "Sir! Were are you?"

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShadeYuka on Fri Sep 11, 2009 6:18 pm

He reached his hands out and grabbed her. "Stop moving." He whispered, pulling her towards him.

The darkness swirled around them like ants at a picnic. The air was cold, freezing cold. Though after a few minutes he could feel heat coming off of his skin, as if something was sucking his life force away. The lights flickered on for a mere second, one small second, before going completely black again. During that second, he could see the girl on the other side of the room, and the thing he was holding onto.

It let out a loud scream as the lights turned off, making itself noticeable. Jason let out a yelp as he pushed it away hearing a loud thump on the wall nearby, followed by gasping. He blinked trying to clear his vision to see, and started to back up. As if by his sixth sense he dropped down to his left out of the way of the thing that was rushing him. The room got colder as he pushed himself up to his feet, only to get hit in the side.

The hit to his side caused him to stumble a couple of feet to the right into a corner of a wall, which knocked the wind out of him. He dropped down, gasping for air. The thing that was attacking him growled as it turned around.

Jason could hear the foot steps come closer, then more foot steps. He gasped once more trying to catch his breath. Struggling to his feet he pushed himself up to a standing position.

The thing rushed him again, being able to see perfectly in the dark. It raised it's fist and slammed it into Jason's chest, causing him to double over in pain, following the first attack it came up with another strike this time hitting him in the back of the neck. Though his vision was already blacked out by the lack of light. The light Jason could see suddenly disappeared as his body hit the ground.

The thing smiled and turned towards Spencer. "Now...your turn." It growled placing it's foot onto Jason's back, and pressing down hard, a loud pop could be heard as it stepped off, heading slowly towards Spencer.

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Re: Dark Frontier (IC/Closed)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chaos-Aye? on Fri Sep 11, 2009 7:26 pm

Spencer looked around in what she could barely see of something moving. She wanted to ask what was going on because she knew it was Jason but did not know of he was alright. She was afraid something was wrong and she could not help. It was not her field. It was her field to fix the ship, not people. She took a few steps forward feeling something warm near her. Thinking it was Jason she put her hand out and felt nothing. Seeing nothing she moved back. Confused and unaware of anything going on in the dark.

She moved back to the wall. Pressing her body against it and standing still. Hoping she could make her way around the room to Jason or at least find were he was. She walked a few steps, keeping her body to the wall, she hit something close and tripped. Looking back she pictured something like a box that she tripped over before. In a dream she had once.

Gasping she remembered her dream. She sat up, Something was not right here. Something missing, but what She thought. Looking around, trying to stay still and quiet. Even though she was failing at it. Something was here, she knew it was not going to go good for her but she sighed and moved back to were she started. Just because she could see everything a little better from there.

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