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Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

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Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Mon Nov 30, 2009 4:07 am

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… And so it was told, The Warriors of Old vanquished the demonic overlord Jaraxxsus and his legions back to the Abyss where they would be prisoner to their own destruction. It would be many centuries before Jaraxxsus is released from his prison, and it is then a new age of heroes will be born. For a time of peace reigned over Freya as old hatreds dispersed beneath the emotions of joy and relief. The homes of the farmstead would soon begin to re-grow their livestock, the merchants would begin to make their ventures from village to village trading valuable and exotic goods, and the soldiers would be gifted to seeing their family once more (the lucky ones anyway). The days of fear were over, and the age of rebirth soon followed. However, peaceful times only last for so long…
-‘The Warriors of Old’ Chapter XVII, Fredrick von Gallent III

The Story

The barrier that seals the Abyss from the mortal planes (which we know as Earth) is weakening by the day. Four hundred years have passed since the Warriors of Old vanquished Lord Jaraxxsus and his legions back to the Abyssal Planes. The Cult of Nahn, loyal followers of Jaraxxsus, is preparing the ritual to summon back the demonic overlord and his armies. Old hatreds between regions and races have formed once again, leaving Freya in a vulnerable state. However not all hope has been lost. The myth of The Spire of Knowledge is still told amongst story-tellers and bards. The only problem is no one knows of where it resides. Will you be the hero that Freya needs, or the villain that will destroy it? The endless possibilities are yours to command.

The Setting

The story will take place that is known as ‘The Tides of Darkness’. This is a medieval based role play with fantasy elements. The main setting will be based on Earth (The mortal plane); however it is not uncommon for those unsuspecting adventurers to travel in the supernal planes (The Abyssal Planes and Celestial Planes). The main starting point however, will be in the mortal plane.
Notable Places

Kingdom of Thalasia: Thalasia resides on the most western part of Freya, occupying the ports and seas of the lands. One of the wealthiest of kingdoms, Thalasia has attracted many thugs and pickpockets within their city walls, making the slums dangerous to those with coin. The majority of the city guards have been corrupted by 'The Family', a notorious gang who has control of the poor districts tempting them with women, riches and more. However, not all guards are succumbed to this greed. Many adventurers and travelers seek out Thalasia for their famous ports to venture westward toward the Mistvale Islands.

Landmarks of Thalasia

Port Newford – Named after Edward Newford, an entrepreneur who invented steam-powered devices. This beautiful scenic port is one of Thalasia’s famous landmarks. Many tourists visit the kingdom just to see the ports.

The ‘Family’ Slums – Where the pickpockets and thieves reside making the labyrinth of alley ways dangerous to the common-folk. The notorious group known as The ‘Family’ controls the slums through fear and power.

The Market District – Thalasia being one of the wealthiest of kingdoms attracts the most elaborate and exotic merchandise from foreign lands. Anywhere from Gryphon pelts, dragon scales and unicorn horns can be found in this market district. However due to the recent comings of bandits, the district has been left barren as of late.
Kingdom of Barlovia: The southernmost kingdom of Freya occupying the forests and plains of the land. This province is famous for its elaborate and complex beauty of the Dartwood forests. The people of Barlovia do not use the forests as their kin would, but rather use the forests to enhance the kingdom’s beauty itself. Many of the denizens are of elven blood, however humans that respect nature are also found here. As of late, all contact from Barlovia has been neutralized. No one knows of this mysterious absence of contact; however rumors from wandering minstrels and bards have said that an army of kobolds has ransacked and reclaimed the forest kingdom for their own draconic overseers.

Landmarks of Barlovia

Tree of Eternity: This tree has been said to survive the cataclysm of the first invasion of Jaraxxsus. It is said that this tree has remained for ten centuries. Many of the people living in Freya do not have the opportunity to see this landmark.
Kingdom of Urodne: The north eastern most kingdom of Freya occupying the mountains and mines of the land. The kingdom of Urodne is famous for their line of blacksmithing and metal working due to the rare ores and material they possess in their mines. The mines have been known for the occasional troll to be wandering the cave's labyrinth; however there is a new rising issue. Well organized troupes of goblin have been slowly reclaiming the mines as their own. Adding with the blight, if this continues the mines will be lost and the ores of Urodne will be sealed from Freya.

Landmarks of Urodne

The Brazen Forge: Said to be heated by the core of the earth itself, the Brazen Forge is famous for crafting The Warriors of Olds weaponry before the Great War occurred. Well-crafted weapons have been forged and bended here. Many warriors and mercenaries dream of one day having their weapons forged by the Brazen.

Note: There are many other notable places; however these are the most recognized and civilized of Kingdoms that many denizens of Freya are allowed to roam freely into.


Dragonborn: Dragonborn resemble humanoid dragons. They're covered in scaly hide, but they don't have tails. They are tall and strongly built, often standing close to 6 1/2 feet in height and weighing 300 pounds or more. Their hands and feet are strong, talon-like claws with three fingers and a thumb on each hand. A dragonborn's head features a blunt snout, a strong brow, and distinctive frills at the cheek and ear. Behind the brow, a crest of hornlike scales of carious lengths resembles thick, ropy hair. Their eyes are shades of red or gold.
A typical dragon's scales can be scarlet, gold, rust, ocher, bronze, or brown. Rarely do an individual's scales match the hue of a chromatic or metallic dragon, and scale color gives no indication of the type of breath weapon a dragonborn uses. Most dragonborn have very fine scales over most of their body, giving their skin a leathery texture, with regions of larger scales on the forearms, lower legs and feet, shoulders, and thighs.
Young dragonborns grow faster than human children do. They walk hours after hatching, reach the size and development of a 10-year-old human child by the age of 3 and reach adulthood by 15. They live about as long as humans do.

Dwarf: Dwarves average about 4 1/2 feet in height and are very broad, weighing as much as an adult human. Dwarves have the same variety of skin, eye, and hair colors as humans, although dwarf skin is sometimes gray or sandstone red and red hair is more common among them. Male dwarves are often bald and braid their long beards into elaborate patterns. Female dwarves braid their hair to show clan and ancestry. Dwarven attire and equipment, including weapons and shields, are decorated with bold geometric shapes, natural gems, and ancestral faces.
Although they reach physical maturity at roughly the same age as humans, dwarf’s age more slowly and remain vigorous well past 150 years of age, often living to see 200.

Elf: Elves are slender, athletic folk about as tall as humans. They have the same range of complexions as humans, tending more toward tan or brown hues. A typical elf's hair color is dark brown, autumn orange, mossy green or deep gold. Elves' ears are long and pointed, and their eyes are vibrant blue, violet, or green. Elves have little body hair, buy they favor a wild and loose look to their hair.
Elves mature at about the same rate as humans, buy show few effects of age past adulthood. The first sign of an elf’s advancing of age is typically a change in hair color- sometimes graying buy usually darkening or taking on more autumnal hues. Most elves live to be well over 200 years old and remain vigorous almost to the end.

Half-Elf: Half-elves tend to be sturdier of build than elves but more slender than most humans. Half-elves have the same range of complexions as humans and elves, and like elves, half-elves often have eye or hair colors not normally found among humans. Male half-elves can grow facial hair, unlike male elves, and often sport thin mustaches, goatees, or short bears. Half-elf’ ears are about the size of human ears, but they are tapered, like the ears of their elven ancestors.
Half-elves usually adopt the dress and hairstyles of the society they spend the most time with; for example, a half-elf raised among a barbaric human tribe dresses in the furs and skins favored by the tribe and adopts the tribe’s style of braids and face paint. However, it would not be unusual for half-elves raised among humans to seek out articles of elven clothing or jewelry so that they can proudly display signs of their dual heritage. Half-elf have life spans comparable to humans, but like elves they remain vigorous well into old age.

Halfling: Halflings stand about 4 feet tall and weigh about 80 pounds. They resemble small humans and are proportioned like human adults. Halflings have the same range of complexions as humans, but most Halflings have dark hair and eyes. Halfling males don’t have beards, but many have long, full sideburns. Halflings of both genders often wear complicated hairstyles, featuring complex braiding and weaving.
Halflings typically dress in clothes that match their surroundings and prefer earth tones and various shades of green. Their clothing and gear feature woven textures and stitching. Birds, river patterns, boats, and fish are common imagines in Halfling art and decoration. Halflings have life spans comparable to humans.

Human: Humans come in a wide variety of heights, weights, and colors. Some humans have black or dark brown skin, others are as pale as snow, and they cover the whole range of tans and browns in between. Their hair is black, brown, or a range of blonds and reds. Their eyes are most often brown, blue, or hazel.
Human attire varies wildly, depending on the environment and society in which they live. Their clothing can be simple, ostentatious, or anything in between. It’s not unusual for several distinct human cultures to live side by side in a particular area and mingle, so human armor, weaponry, and other items incorporate a variety of designs and motifs.
Human’s average life spans of about 75 years, though some venerable members of the race live as long as 90 or more years.
Character Skeleton

Lots of information I know, however if you have any questions please PM me. Lastly I’d like to create the bio-skeleton for the character make-up. You may be from anywhere listed in the ‘Noted Locations’ or make a town / location of your own, be creative!

Character Name:
Height / Weight:
Class: (Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Paladin, Druid, Monk, Ranger, Sorcerer)
Appearance [Pictures may be acceptable] [However give good one or two paragraphs describing your character.]:
Personality [Include Likes / Dislikes]:
Weapon of Choice:
Magic Spells [If any]:
Biography [Define your character, what have they done up to this point?]:

The Rules

1. No God-moding (I think this is almost a brain-dead rule, however some do like their character being flawless.)
2. Literacy; Please post at least a paragraph per post and check grammar and spelling mistakes. We all make them; however re-reading posts in never a bad thing.
3. Mature Audiences; this is a world of fantasy and creation, I would not like to restrict posts and graphic situations, however if there is a time where romance interests are involved, please send it via PMs for the curtsy of others.
4. Absents; be sure to inform myself or other role-players if you are going to be absent for a long period of time (3 days or more) so that the role-players can continue without you. I'd like to keep things organized so certain players do not jump ahead of others.
5. Respect; Respect others. Role-playing is meant for creativity and fun, if you cannot respect fellow role-players I will kill
6. Do no kill off another's character unless given permission to. I'd like to keep this a good aligned RP, however some occurances and tensions might form with player characters.


I will be adding Main Plot characters, Minor Plot characters as the story progresses below.

Player Characters:
Talaladason Nelenddal

Chaska Ixkin

Thyde Caspian

Celaron Amastus

Balthazar "Bartz" Freewind

Ivellios Galanodel

Yonni Truesong
Last edited by RZ.Rob on Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:02 pm, edited 6 times in total.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Zman on Mon Nov 30, 2009 6:09 am

Character Name: Talaladason “Tal” Nelenddal

Gender: Male

Race: High Elf

Age: 184

Height / Weight: 6’ / 148 lbs.

Class: Wizard

Appearance: Talaladason usually wears a long flowing forest green robe with many hidden pockets throughout, with a simple brown leather belt worn loosely around his hips the end of the belt ending in a silver leaf cap. A single wooden ring with a small yellow gem socketed into the top of it adorns his right middle finger, with the other jewelry on his body a simple thin silver chain worn on his brow. His long, naturally worn gold colored hair falls midway down his back with the silver circle on his brow holding his bangs back from his eyes. Simple, worn leather sandals cover his feet, though he would just as like to go barefoot as much as he likes to wear his sandals. Adorning his leather belt are small pouches which he seems to hold a numerous amount of things he uses to cast his spells and other assorted items. Usually never seen without his staff, a straight dark piece of oak that gnarls at the head to encase a uncut chunk of emerald, runes running from the wrapped leather middle up and into the gnarled encased emerald.

Personality: Likes: Talaladason loves to spend a day fishing underneath a shade tree, and even if he doesn’t catch a single fish he enjoyed the day. His favorite food is a good cooked fish. Favorite colors are green, yellow and blue. A good discussion about The Art, or fishing, or a craft skill, Talaladason enjoys a good discussion no matter the subject, even if he doesn’t know a thing about it however that does rarely happen. Dislikes: Evil creature of any kind cause Talaladason to bare his wrath, and usually there are no survivors to his wrath. The use of brute force when words could have solved the problem or argument without bloodshed, and with that unneeded bloodshed or bloodshed of the innocent. Misuse of The Art, or corruption of The Art.

Weapon of Choice: Ojaraes, is his staff. Its appearance is that of a five foot piece of solid piece of dark oak with worn leather wrapped around the middle with ancient runes etched up from the top of the leather to the top of the staff with the wood gnarls in and around a medium size uncut emerald.

Magic Spells:
0-Level Spells:
Resistance, Acid Splash, Detect Poison, Detect Magic, Read Magic ,Daze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Ray of Frost, Ghost Sound, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Arcane Mark, Prestigitation,
1st-Level Spells: Alarm, Endure Elements, Hold Portal, Protection from Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Shield, Grease, Mage Armor, Mount, Obscuring Mist, Unseen Servant, Comprehend Languages, Detect Secret Doors, Detect Undead, Identify, Charm Person, Hypnotism, Tenser’s Floating Disk, Feather Fall
2nd-Level Spells: Arcane Lock, Obscure Object, Protection from Arrows, Resist Energy, Melf’s Acid Arrow, Web, Detect Thoughts, Locate Object, See Invisibility, Darkness, Gust of Wind, Shatter, Blur, Invisibility, Darkvision, Levitate, Snowball Swarm
3rd-Level Spells: Dispel Magic, Magic Circle against Chaos/Evil/Good/Law, Protection from Energy, Phantom Steed, Sleet Storm, Arcane Sight, Tongues, Hold Person, Daylight, Lightning Bolt, Wind Wall, Displacement, Invisibility Sphere, Blink, Fly, Slow
4th-Level Spells: Dimensional Anchor, Globe of Invulnerability (Lesser), Remove Curse, Stoneskin, Dimension Door, Detect Scrying, Scrying, Confusion, Charm Monster, Ice Storm, Shout, Wall of Ice, Invisibility (Greater), Thunderlance
5th-Level Spells: Break Enchantment, Dismissal, Teleport, Hold Monster, Cone of Cold, Wall of Force, Passwall, Permanency
6th-Level Spells: Dispel Magic (Greater), True Seeing, Chain Lightning
7th-Level Spells: Banishment, Phase Door, Teleport (Greater), Arcane sight (Greater), Reverse Gravity

Biography: Talaladason was born a twin, his sister Talalanna Nelenddal, were both born under the full moon. Through their childhood neither would be far from the other, and whatever deed good or bad happened to one happened to the other. Talalanna growing up devoted herself to The Art, having her teachers tell her that she was gifted with endless potential. Talaladason however never was able to master anything be it the sword, the bow or the ability to cast arcane or divine spells and this troubled him and caused his father to see him as a failure. His sister was the one who always stood by his side and tried her best to help him find his true calling, even going as far as to try and teach him some simple spells. It took almost a full decade for him to learn the simplest of spells, and it wasn’t that he couldn’t grasp the arcane gestures or tap into the flow of power. It was as if something so simple was slipping through his grasps that wouldn’t allow him to fully grasp The Art.

During this time a great invasion of evil creatures swarmed through the forest where their lived. Their army was raised and Talalanna went with them, however due to his lack of skills in any martial skills Talaladason was left. Before she left, Talalanna gave her twin brother a gift, a simple wooden ring with a small topaz set into it, and told him that he couldn’t take it off until she returned. The invasion force washed over the lush forest like a black plague, killing and burning as they swept from the both the north, west and east. Talalanna was at the edge of the defensive force that halted the invading evil, her magic was beyond anything that the creatures had expected and she was named a hero within the first meeting. However, the good fortune was not to last. Word reached Talaladason a week after it happened. His sister was mortally wounded and had requested him to be by her side.

He arrived the night that she died and together they spent her last moments in each others arms as brother and sister and when she died, his heart was broken and his soul cried out in pain and for revenge. At dawn of the night that his sister died, Talaladason appeared at the front of the invasion force and with him he carried his sister’s staff. On they came only to break upon an unseen barrier of magical energy and in their ranks chaos was rot from every direction and from every element. Some say that Talaladason had made a pack with some higher or lower entity for such power, however the wizards of his own people could see that weave of energy passing through him.

Every wizard, sorcerer and caster of any kind has some link to The Weave, which is the pure magical energy that gives them the ability to cast spells. They say that The Weave itself was wrapped around Talaladason that day as he destroyed the evil creatures that caused his own pain and the pain of his people. Since then, The Weave has been easily accessed by Talaladason however, not to such a degree of that day and since then he has studied his sister’s spell books, and every arcane parchment that he could get his hands on. And now. He has risen to a call that pulls at his very soul to help and defend the land in which his sister and him loved so much.

((Updated, and any questions can be address with a PM if anyone needs help with something or has a question of me.))
Last edited by Zman on Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
All that is gold does not glitter,
Not all those who wander are lost;
The old that is strong does not wither,
Deep roots are not reached by the frost;
From the ashes a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
Renewed shall be blade that was broken,
The crownless again shall be king.

"Heroes Die. Legends Endure!"

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~Save Spot~

Character Name: Elina Xcuote (Swee-zote)

Race: half-elf

Age: 22

Height / Weight:5'6, 120LBS

Gender: Female

Class: Druid

Appearance: Image

Personality: Elina is a very laid back person, she likes anything remotely magical, accientally being raised as a mage for most of her life she has come across powerful magic items ever since that she has loved everything magical. she wants to know what they can do and how she can use them. Scrolls, books. what she doesn't like it dishonesty or messing with nature, because as a druid she is constantly attuned to nature and throwing the balance harms her psychically.

Weapon of Choice: a magical bracelet on her left arm, which has the ablilty to generate Telekinetic blasts with the power word of "Rammon" it is chargeable and it power level is not known. however, in retrospect if elina charges it too long she can fall unconious.

Magic Spells:
Earth- Vine, Quake, Healing Touch, move earth, Bear Form
Fire- Moonblast, starfire, Celestial burn, fireball, pyreblast
water- Aqua-From, Ice spikes, Sleet Storm, Regenerate
Sky- Hail, Reverse Gravity, Storm, Awaken, hold

Biography: Elina is a mystery, not much is know about her except that she has had mage training. she is the 7th druid among her family which is really only a benevolent spirit of nature, her real family die from hexes by the mages who trained her. before elina left the mages they wiped her mind while she slept ebbing her past away from her slowly. elina only knows that she is a druid in her heart and is always in tune with nature.
Last edited by TheGoddessReborn on Thu Dec 03, 2009 8:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:01 pm

Sounds like a great character Zman, I'm glad to have you joining with us. A couple of things:

If you could place a Class title in your bio that'd be great, however I'm assuming you are a wizard.

Assuming you know the background of wizards, wizards must study from their spell book each morning when they wake up. When they cast a spell, they forget it, thus why the constant meditation and constant studying of a spellbook is required. Extreme consentration is needed to cast a spell and re-learn it, interruptions and distractions are common, however it all depends on the wizard's will. Also, wizards are only limited to a certain number of spells a day, each spell casted drains them of stamina and concentration making wizards very vulnerable if they are not well trained and prepared.

Other than that, your current biography sounds excellent, a few finishing touches and you'll have a masterpiece :)

There will be a spot saved for you GoddessReborn, one more character (that wasn't on the interest check thread) will be open to those interested. Making six adventerers.
Last edited by RZ.Rob on Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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cool thanks and disregard that email.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PanNooWau on Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:46 pm

nevermind, count me out.
Image Yee be dragon ere!

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Mon Nov 30, 2009 2:08 pm

@ Goddess; Interesting character however there are some few changes that need correction / advising.

Half-elves live only the span on humans, however they live a vigorous life well into old age like elves. So you might need to knock your age down a few centuries.

Be sure to post a good one to two paragraph description on your character, pictures are fine however I'd like to be assured that you are not dependent on pictures to describe a characters appearance. Also more details in the personality section such as, why is she so interested in magical objects? Why does she dislike the dishonesty of man and her feelings towards the destruction of nature and its creations? Some more detail in her choice of weapon is also advised, such as, what is its function?

Other than that, some descriptions on spells would be nice. Specifics are better suited than generalization. How does she use nature to her advantage with her arts?

Other than that, I'm waiting in anticipation to read your characters biography. :)

@ PanNooWau;

Sorry to hear about your leave. Hopefully your travels and adventures will be ones you treasure.

@ Everyone:

There is still one character slot open, (If you expressed your interest in the interest check thread your spot is reserved.)

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Character Name: Chaska Ixkin
Race: Human
Age: 16, almost 17
Height / Weight: 5’5” / 135-140 lbs.
Gender: Female
Class: Ranger

Appearance: Chaska’s hair appears to be a light brown or dark blond, but when it is washed thoroughly it lightens to a medium blond. She cuts it herself with her skinning knife to shoulder length, and although she brushes it everyday, this does little to improve its ragtag appearance. To keep it from annoying her, she often ties it in a plain leather thong. Her eyes are the same hazel colour of her people, her skin a light tan from the sun. Her body is that of a slim fighter, more for speed than power (although she does not lack strength, able to carry a doe by herself if needed). She wears a grey cotton shirt that she tucks into her leather pants. A quiver on her right thigh with a fastened cap keeps her arrows from falling out but within easy reach. A leather belt curls around her waist, holding her swords and two pouches, one of which is made of chainmail and lined with cloth so its contents are hidden. Her cloak, again made of leather, is lined with fawn and lynx fur for cold nights. Her boots and gloves, going halfway up her calves and forearms are made of leather, old enough to start cracking with age. She wears these only when she enters civilized areas, preferring to go barefoot if the terrain is not rough. Her chest armour is made of dark stained leather, woven into a criss-cross angular pattern, wrapping around her stomach, and angling over her rib cage to cover her heart and cross over her left shoulder, leaving her right side vulnerable but with enough free room that she can use her bow with ease. On her left shoulder is half of a pair of spaulders that she found some time ago, before she left on her Journey. She is always sure to pay attention to this when she cares for her weapons and armor.

Personality: Chaska has been away from home for less than half a year. She has avoided the places heavily populated with elves, dwarves, and dragonborn, preferring to immerse herself among her own kind first. Being relatively sheltered from other cultures until now, other people’s customs greatly confuse her. She does not like appearing uninformed, and her confusion and frustration quickly turn to anger. She has little patience with formalities or arguments. When she has something to say, she says it, then lets others squabble over the details. She sees no point in arguing in circles and does not like to repeat herself. This can make her seem unfriendly and rude. However, she loves a good story and is more than willing to tell her own at the local tavern of whatever town she is currently staying in. She makes a habit of sampling the food and beverages of wherever she happens to be at the moment, doing odd jobs to get money. She hates to be wasteful of the resources given to her, so if she picks up new clothes, she will often keep her old ones – just in case. When she is alone and on the road, she is a hunter gatherer: collecting food as she goes along. She would rather kill a rabbit (which she can eat on her own) than a stag (which she cannot), regardless of the ‘honour’ involved. On that note, she values a promise, but finds the knight’s code foolish and paladins stuffy.

Weapon of Choice: Two khopesh, and a short recurve bow. She prefers to pick enemies off at a distance, wounding them as much as she can before she gets into close melee combat. Her recurve is simple and unadorned, but has just the right resistance to her strength, allowing her to shoot powerfully without straining herself. However, her khopeshes are her pride and joy, made by dwarves.

Magic Spells: N/A

Biography: Chaska is part of the Kutenai clan, a nomadic people numbering roughly two hundred who travel between the mountains of Urodne and the forests of Barlovia depending on the time of the year. The Kutenai are mainly hunter-gatherers and their lives and movements consist of following the game. However, they do have a few herd animals for transportation, milk, cheese, wool, and if they should fall upon hard times when the game is scarce. They have few wagons pulled by oxen that are used to carry the heavier loads of travelling tents and trade goods. When they settle, sometimes for up to two months at a time, they forgo their tents to make semi-permanent dwellings that are taken down again before they leave. With no forge of their own, they rely on the other races to make their weapons and jewellery for them. Because they do not make their own weapons, they expect the ones the trade for to last a life-time or two. Chaska’s two khopesh – a sword whose end curves in a sickle – were made by the mighty dwarves and they are her treasures.
Her people are known for their skills in hunting and animals. In exchange for cotton, grains, beans, metal, and other provisions they exchange well-cured leather, fur, decorated bone and horn, and bright tapestries made from wool. If their goods are not accepted in a trade, they also train what they call the ‘simple’ animals – horses, dogs, sometimes they can even get a flock of sheep or goats to be less unruly. However, the Kutenai mostly keep to themselves.
Males and females are treated equally in the tribes, and care is provided for the elderly or children if their own caretaker dies. The tribe is a family unit, where everyone watches for each other. Children are often circulated among families and taught different jobs so they are certain to be included in the tribe’s welfare. When a child becomes an adult, they are given the choice to leave the tribe for a short time and explore the world. If they choose to go, and spend at least three winters in new lands, learning of the people and customs, they return as a Circle member. The Circle is a group of tribe members who vote on the important things affecting the clan. If a member stays out for six winters or longer, they return as a Warrior. Warriors are highly respected and have a say in everything, expected to pass on the wisdom that they have gathered. The Journey is considered a personal experience and although the members of the clan love to hear stories, it is strictly up to the Warrior whether he or she shares what has happened to them. Warriors are the only members of the tribe who are not expected to have children, although they may if they wish. A Warrior is different from a fighter, as all of the clan is taught to at least defend themselves. The Circle is relatively large – with one out of every four people involved. The Warriors are even fewer, with roughly only twenty members at a time.
Chaska’s father’s brother is the clan leader, supported by popular vote in the Circle. He has chosen Chaska’s older brother, Abenaki to by the next chieftain, and this is generally met with good wishes from the Circle. Chaska’s father, Niyol, is a large man and old for their people at almost fifty winters. He is proud of his son and doting on his daughter. He is the one who made sure that Chaska learned all she could and perform the various tasks the village needed, and made her her first bow. Chaska’s mother is a different story. When Chaska was little – little enough to be gathering the roots and berries with the elderly because she was too young to learn to hunt – her mother’s brother was killed by raiders that attacked them on their way from Urodne to Barlovia. Her mother had lost herself in hallucinogenic herbs from that point on, coming out of her stupor every once in a while only long enough to make a quilt or cure a skin.
When Chaska was ten, she was given a bow and a skinning knife and taken out to hunt, as all children her age were. While she was a good aim and an efficient hunter, she did not excel with ranged weapons. This was somewhat of a disappointment to her father, as her brother was a miraculous hunter, until she got into a serious brawl with another boy her age and showed her affinity to the martial fighting skills instead. As a hunter, she could sneak through a forest almost soundlessly, easily making her way through undergrowth; and while herds of animals are easy enough to track she lacks the patience to search for the lesser noticeable tracks, leaving that to her hunting-mates more often than not.
As mentioned earlier, her people had a skill with working with animals. Like her people, she also has an affinity with understanding animals. She understands the body language, posturing, and various sounds that animals make and can mimic them enough to convince a wolf to leave her kill alone or a mother bear that she is not after the cubs. Although this may seem magical in nature, it is really just a skill she has worked on. She cannot communicate with animals the way she communicates with other humans. She however, views most herbivores as stupid and slow – and the trained guard dogs were little better. What she envied were the hunters of the world, with their fierceness and deadliness. There were people in her tribe who had met a wild animal and befriended it, a companion for life. Chaska wishes for one of these, but knows better than to rush a gift from the gods.
Last edited by silverclawedmouse on Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:18 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Character Name: Thyde Caspian

Race: Half-Elf

Age: 23

Height / Weight: 156 lbs, 5'10"

Gender: Male

Class: [Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Fighter, Rogue, Wizard, Paladin, Druid, Monk, Ranger, Sorcerer] Rogue

Appearance: [Pictures may be acceptable] [However give good one or two paragraphs describing your character.] Thyde wears his only true Elven piece of ancestory around his head. A an autumn like golden brown bandana made of pure Elven silk, the same that kept him warm as a very baby. His pants are grey and slim, two belts tied around his upper thighs in which he keeps several throwing knives strapped tightly around his leg. His two main weapons, long daggers remained sheathed on his bronze belt; a gift from 'The Family.' His shirt is also slim and of a golden brown hue (almost matching his bandana/headband) with ripped sleeves. A gray scarf is wrapped firmly beneath his chin, and a green vest is worn underneath the scarf and above the shirt. Concealed in the pockets are a few smoke grenades designed by 'The Family.' His boots are brown and tathered at the top. They are near knee length, and are fairly light-- in order to keep quiet and allowing quick movement.

His hair is kept long, most of it is tied behind his head while a few strands manage to peak out and gently rest upon his face, some linger in front of his violet eyes. His slightly long ears are pierced with several loop earrings.

Personality: [Include Likes / Dislikes] Thyde is very silent. It is a part of his training; stealth. He could rob an entire section of the slums blind and they wouldn't even know he was there. However, given the opportunity, Thyde likes to think; thinking outside the shelters of his own upbringing. He does not like being treated poorly, like some members of 'The Family' tend to. They may speak to him condescendingly, his frequent questions a burden to their tasks. As a result, he is also shy-- an unfortunate combination of silence and shyness may make him come off as arrogant. His upbringing has made him almost anti-social. He is not however, as gullible and brainwashed as 'The Family' may like to believe.

Weapon of Choice: Two duel wielding daggers. Always sharpened to a point. He also carries a few smoke like grenades and a few throwing knives.

Magic Spells: [If any] N/A

Biography: [Define your character, what have they done up to this point?] Thyde Caspian resided from an earlier age amongst the twisted knooks and cobwebbed alleyways of the Thalasian slums. He was convinced as a child that his parents were held captured somewhere northeast of Thalasia; captives of the tall mountains of Urodne. 'The Family' saw potential in Thyde and fabricated this lie to convince Thyde to do them small tasks and favors such as pickpocketing or kidnapping with the promise that they would one day find his parents, so long as he worked for them in return. Ages have gone by since that idealistic promise was made to Thyde, and for ages now he has worked rigorously for the family, being trained in stealth and aquiring an unusual talent with knives and daggers.

But as days and years go by, the mind grows. Questions arise. After twenty some odd years, were the powerful family really unable to have returned his parents or at least obtained more information than "We are working very hard," "Nothing more yet," "One of our men may think they may have found them," etc.

For some years now Thyde was growing out of his naivity and while working secretly for 'The Family' is now giving himself the mission of finding the true identity and whereabouts of his family. Little did he know the potential danger arising outside of the slums, and outside of Thalasia...
luck will not save us from a jackpot of nothing.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:49 pm

@ silverclawedmouse; Great and unique character, a barbarian always sparks new interests. Accepted.

@ blackvanillasky; Very well done. I love the whole dark history with Thyde and gives the players an opportunity of having mixed emotions about your affiliation with 'The Family'. Great character over-all. Accepted.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:58 pm

@ Zman; Sorry I didn't see your character update. Very compassionate and heart-breaking. Love your character, Thalaladason a very interested wizard. Accepted.

@ Everyone; There is still one spot for an adventurer open, one of the reserves is not going to be attending the RP. So get your creative juices flowing =).

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@ RZ.Rob Thanks a lot! I was hoping that Thyde would add some variety with being affiliated with the Family.

I'm so excited about everyone's characters thus far, there's definitely a wide variety of adventurers and that's always a nice contribution to a good story.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Tue Dec 01, 2009 10:12 pm

It's an excellent character blackvanillaxsky, glad you'll be joining us.


I'm going to start the IC thread tomorrow around 11 AM or 12 PM Pacific time. For right now I'll post some IC events that are happening right now in Freya. No one has to start in the same place, and your affiliation with a certain area can be of your choosing.


Thalasian Province:

The Blue Moon Festival is nearing! The Blue Moon Festival happens once every ten years when the Lunimos (The Moon) is an eerie and serene blue. This festival is to honor The Warriors of Old, vanquishers of the demonic overseer Jaraxxsus, and their deeds. It is also a time to honor the fallen soldiers who gave their life serving and protecting their home. Many extravagant wares are found on this festival day.

Heartwood Forest:

The Heartwood forests are on the border of Barlovia, they are by far the largest occupying Freya. Wood elves and other creatures of the fey reside in these woods, making it a beautiful place with alluring qualities. However with every beauty comes a price, the Heartwood's are notorious for their dryads and nymphs luring in adventuring parties. They tempt adventurers with their beauty and grace followed by a gruesome and painful death. The Elves of Quam-La have made an outpost in the heart of the forest, making this a safe haven from the dangers lurking in the woods. However, as of late the army of the dead has been killing the wooden elven people of Quam-La, and are threatening the forests very existence. The ghouls feast upon the flesh of the living, while the wraiths and ghost haunt the dreams of the newly dead. Rumors have been spread that a necromancer is planning this attack serving a even higher power.

Stormforge Peaks:

The peaks of Stormforge are located to the icy plains in the north of Freya. The peaks are mainly occupied by the Dwarfs of Old. The dwarfs have lived in these peaks for centuries allowing their love for runes and ore flourish. Due to the roaming rumors of Jaraxxsus and his followers, The Cult of Nahn, the grand mountain metropolis Mor'Lathil has sealed its great iron doors from Freya, and is allowing no one to leave or enter the peaks. In hopes to seal themselves away from the rising dangers.


You have permission to be affiliated with these events, or have heard the rumors of them. These are very popular topics amongst the cities so it wouldn't be unheard of. Until then, I wish the best of luck to you adventurers, and may the Gods watch over you.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Alhambra on Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:25 am

Character Name: Celaron Amastus
Race: Human
Age: 35
Height / Weight: 6'1 / 210 lbs
Gender: Male
Class: Cleric of Pelor
Appearance: Celaron's skin has a healthy tan. He is blessed by Pelor with handsome features; a masculine chin and deep blue eyes accent his medium length black hair. Celaron is of regular height, but is muscular in nature, ideal when considering the weight of his armor and weapons. Celaron is clad sun-adorned full-plate, wearing over it a tabard displaying the faced sun that is Pelor's holy symbol, so that all will know that he is a disciple of The Shining One.

Personality: Celaron is a generally quiet individual, preferring to let his actions speak for him. He is naturally giving, and as a servant of Pelor, it is in his nature to give to those who are in need. While he is a good aligned individual, he is also very stern. While he is giving, he is not naive, and rarely falls for trickery, only becoming enraged when such attempts succeed.

Weapon of Choice: A Holy Mace enchanted with Continual Flame and A Heavy Shield

Magic Spells: As as cleric, Celaron casts any divine spell. Naturally, Celaron refuses to cast spells that are dark or evil. As a rule being a cleric of Pelor, Celaron has a natural disposition and ability to cast spells of light and healing at a greater level than clerics of other deities. Celaron has selected to specialize in the domains of Sun and Healing, giving him the ability to heal and smite undead with much greater efficiency than that of other clerics.

Biography: Born a of father suffering from wanderlust, it was inevitable that Celaron would take up his father's mantle. As a child, Celaron was literally raised in a temple of Pelor. His father, the leader of the temple, spent the years before his child's birth wandering the world, spreading the teachings of Pelor, healing the injured, and smiting the children of darkness and evil. As Celaron grew, he heard many stories of the exploits of his father, and vowed to follow up on his actions to make the world a better place for all of Pelor's children. He excelled greatly in the art of healing as a adolescent. His father was proud of this, and brought him around the town with him wherever he went to heal the ailments of the people that lived there. As time progressed and Celaron grew older, he learned of the threat that the undead brought down upon their heads.

It was one faithful night that brought his world crashing down and destroying the ideal life that his father had created for him. A horde of undead from the east swept the city in the night, catching the inhabitants of the city by surprise. The city guard tried their best, but inevitably were turned by the undead as they charged deeper into the city, ransacking and devouring the living, and making them into abominations like themselves. The warning bells sounded, and Celaron awoke from his room in the higher floors of the temple. He looked down from his room, and saw the many Pelorian clerics and paladins fighting off the horde. Claw and Tooth clashed with Mace and Magic, as blinding flashes of light and pillars of fire obliterated the advanced forces of the zombies. It wasn't long, however, before the real threat showed itself. Ghouls and Ghasts began to rise where the ranks of mundane zombies had failed. Exhausted by the vast number of zombies they had fought, the clergy that inhabited the temple were pushed back to the gate of the temple. Many fell and died against the undead before one great man arose from the great gates of the temple. Celaron's father. Adorned in glistening silver armor and armed with a great flaming mace, he charged into the army of the dead, swinging his mace violently, and leading the clergy back into the fray with renewed hope. The sheer power of Celaron's father was palpable as he smote the undead with nothing more than an outstretched palm or a swing of his great mace. Single-handedly, this man seemed to have stopped the horde. At least, that's how it seemed. Only one thing stood against them now. All the undead were gone, but one humanoid remained, shrouded in unnatural darkness. A single wave of his hand seperated the shining beacon of Celaron's father from Celaron's sight. A great darkness befell the temple that night, and the light in the city never truly recovered. Come the morning and the rising of the son, Celaron strode amidst the rotting corpses and the fallen that he once called his brothers and sisters. No matter how hard he looked, he could find no sign of his father, save the mace that still burned with holy flame. Celaron never found out the fate of his father, but to this day, he holds hope that they will reunite somehow.

Growing to become a shining example of the teachings of Pelor, Celaron carried on where his father left off, traveling the world, healing the wounds of the injured and smiting the undead that had cost him the one person he had ever loved.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:56 am

@ Alhambra; Incredible story with an incredible background story to follow it. Leaving the cliffhanger of your fathers disappearance is also extraordinary. Celaron is accepted. I'll be posting the IC Thread Wednesday around 11 AM - 12 PM pacific time,

@ Everyone; Still one spot open for those whom are interested.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:23 am

Good morning fellow role-players just like to give some updates with the IC thread:

1) Will be posting a new minor character within the OOC thread.

2) Will be starting the In-character roleplay thread at 11 AM - 12 PM Pacific Time.

3) Still ONE spot open left. I will not hold spaces, it will be first come first serve. So dish up a character =)

That's all I can think of at the moment, (Just woke up, its about 5:22 in the morning here) so my brain hasn't functioned correctly yet. If you have any comments, concerns or questions don't hesitate to PM me. I might PM questions about your character's background in the future.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:22 pm

Good morning again fellow RPers. The IC is up and running. The link can be found here:


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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Culex on Wed Dec 02, 2009 3:17 pm

Is it too late to join this? And also, how true are we staying to the D&D formula, and which formula are we using (4ed. 3.5, AD&D, etc.), I'm pretty interested, but to me those are important details.
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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RZ.Rob on Wed Dec 02, 2009 4:07 pm

We're not really doing this RP as a D&D session, its more of the D&D element, and creating world that we're role playing in. Using the races, classes and deities as a factor into the roleplay. I created this world, Freya, from scratch as well as the kingdom provinces and locations. However, if I had to define an edition I'd say it'd be 3.5E rules with 4.0 races. (minus the tieflings).

For example; Wizards are limited to the spells they can cast a day, the more complex the spell the more concentration is required to cast the spell, also the more exhausted the character would be. Leaving them vulnerable to hostile action due to the drained fatigue. Once the spell is cast by the wizard, the spell is forgotten,thus why a spell book is required so that the caster may prepare his spells each morning and re-learn the incantation once more.

Clerics need to pray and meditate for their spells each at each dusk or dawn, (depending on which deity they revere). They pray for the spells of their domain (Healing, Protection, etc) to their god in order to serve the cause that they believe in. (Usually if you're with a good deity you need to follow the good actions). If you break your oath to your deity, your divine powers will be stripped from you.

If you have any questions please fill free to ask.

Note: Yes you may join, sorry I reread this post just now and totally forgot to mention that.
Last edited by RZ.Rob on Wed Dec 02, 2009 10:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Dungeons & Dragons: The Spire of Knowledge [Signup/Limited]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Culex on Wed Dec 02, 2009 7:31 pm

Gotcha, gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up, Rob, too bad I can't Monster Manual this up (Ogre Barbarians are SO awesome xD). Also, do we take alignment in to account? If we do, I'll edit this a bit later.

Character Name: Balthazar "Bartz" Freewind
Race: Bartz is Human, albeit a short one.
Age: Bartz is exactly twenty-five years of age, though people often mistake him for being younger, to the point where some call him a kid.
Height / Weight: Bartz weighs in at one-hundred and five pounds, and is five-foot six inches.
Gender: Bartz is a Man.
Class: Bartz's class is Ranger

Appearance: Bartz's hair is short, chestnut brown, and messy. The back of his hair is always pulled back into a small ponytail that rests on his neck, and only goes down to about half it's height. His eyes are a hazel color, which seems to change to a light brown in direct sunlight. His complexion is smooth, which is complimented by tea rose colored skin. His face is as smooth as the rest of his skin, with not even a strand of facial hair upon it, whilst being very thin with exaggerated cheekbones. His nose is triangular, and slightly pointed, whilst his eyes are close-set on either side of it. His neck is as thin as his face, which flows down into small shoulders, which leads down to his thin yet toned arms. On his neck is a silver locket, with a picture of his mother and father inside. His right shoulder sports a head of a large bear as a shoulder pad, to signify his prowess of fighting and hunting, from underneath a forest green sash with a large gold trim with golden cloth strands hanging from the ends hangs freely down covering about half of his right arm. His chest and stomach are muscled and toned, though very thin and covered with his padded scale armor. His forest green armor, though, slings only over his right shoulder, which leaves most of the left side of his chest and his left shoulder unarmored, which reveals his white tanktop undershirt. Slung over the unarmored left shoulder is a brown leather strap, which holds up his bow and arrow quiver on his back. His hands are covered by forest green padded cloth fingerless gloves, as to keep them agile, while the rest of his arms up to his elbows are covered by white bandages. At his waist, another forest green sash with gold trim circles around, and flows down over his left leg covering the outer leg with a triangular point just below the knee. The sash is loose, and is held up with a brown belt whose golden buckle is set at the right side of Bartz's waist, and is slanted diagonally to the right. The belt also hold up his two swords while sheathed, one of the sheaths is blue and gold, while the other is red and gold. His leggings are leather and forest green to match his armor, which are tightly fit around his thin muscular legs, and his feet are covered by brown boots whose toes are gold plated and pointed. The boots go up just under his knees, and are a tight fit, lacing all the way up to the top of the boot, and on the ankle of the right boot lies a sheathed hunting dagger.

Personality : Bartz is what many consider to be a free spirit. He loves to wander aimlessly, looking for an adventure wherever he goes, as he believes that without adventure life just isn't worth living. He is kind-hearted and always tries to do the right thing, though is often scatterbrained and unorganized in his actions and usually just ends up "winging it" to get the result he desires. Though, often times while trying to do the right thing, he can sometimes find that his actions aren't exactly lawful and therefore would get him in trouble with said law, in which case Bartz must take to the roads once again. Above all, Bartz values the freedom of life and approaches everything with a sense of optimism and adventure, and no matter how dire a situation he's in he will always try to look at the bright side, and will persevere towards a favorable outcome no matter what he must do. He will attempt to make light of dire situations at any given time, and hates to see people frown. He is sociable and humorous while in company, attempting to make friends everywhere he goes regardless if he will see them again, though he always hopes to. What Bartz hates is confinement, being caged up, and giving up as all of these things limit the natural adventure that is life. He also hates people who take things to seriously, and will often try to get them to lighten up and laugh once in awhile. Whatever he does, he always sees it as just the next adventure in his life and always looks forward into tomorrow with open arms.

Weapon of Choice: Bartz's favorite weapons are his two swords, Windy and Sol. Windy is a blue long sword, which is enchanted with a minor frost enchantment, and is seemingly weightless. It rests in his blue and gold sheath, and it's grip is bandaged in blue and gold. Sol is a red long sword, which is enchanted with a minor fire enchantment and is nicely weighted, but still a bit heavy for a long sword. It is longer than Windy, and is bandaged with red and gold on the grip, and even while resting in it's red and hold sheath, it gives off a decent amount of heat through the sheath itself.

Magic Spells: Bartz can cast all the spells in a Ranger's retinue, but is most adept at tracking spells and lacks somewhat in healing lore. (Spell list: ... Ranger.pdf )

Biography: Ever since Bartz was a small boy living in a small farm town on the Thalasian countryside his father, being a talented Ranger himself at one time, had taught him the ways of being a Ranger. He took to the profession quickly, and learned to shoot accurately with a bow and arrow. Alternating between Ranger training and rough farm work, Bartz became physically fit and very responsible, whilst learning a good deal of self-defense tactics and techniques from his father. At the age of twelve, Bartz began hunting with his father regularly in the nearby woods which only improved his accuracy with a bow, which was very much to his father's liking. Once he turned thirteen, his father began training him with swords extensively , giving him his first two short swords to get used to and learn with and they soon began training. Sometimes going deep into the night hours training, Bartz couldn't get enough of the skills that were being taught to him, and he soon began rushing his farm work and even doing his father's work just so he could learn more about what it is to be a Ranger. At the age of fifteen he had began to train with long swords and learn about tracking, both animal and human, and how to determine where the land would take you. To Bartz, tracking was fascinating and he soon began to take it with the utmost seriousness and discipline, as he figured it could mean your life if you get lost. With this mindset grew a sense of adventure in Bartz, as he soon discovered paths that had been covered up by years of dust and vegetation, though remembered that he was needed at home first before anything.

Thus, Bartz suppressed his adventurous feelings and kept working at home while learning all his father could teach him. At the age of eighteen, he had bested his father in swordplay, accuracy with a bow, and even tracking skills, and thus his father had told him that he had nothing left to teach him. Feeling accomplished, Bartz grinned with pride, but it was soon broken as his father re-assured him that there is truly no end to the teachings of a Ranger, even when you've seen the entire world. With that, Bartz was humbled, but then soon asked if he could go out on his own and make a name for himself. He pleaded with his father to be able to leave and learn more of the teachings of being a Ranger, as it was the one thing he truly loved. With a smile, his father agreed, and helped him pack up for his long journey ahead. He spent one last week at his home before saying goodbye to his parents, with tears in his eyes, and began to wander aimlessly until adventure caught up with him. Adventure would indeed catch up with Bartz, as traversing the countryside was only the beginning, to date Bartz has visited all over Thalasia, Barlovia, and Urodne and has become a hardened Ranger with many small trinkets and treasures to show. Two of his my beloved trinkets are his two swords, Windy and Sol, who have helped him in many a fight for his life. Though, ever since leaving his home that one day he has never gone back, and unless the road he traverse takes him there he doesn't think he'll ever need to. For now, he wanders, looking for the next adventure to come his way.

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