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Fairy Tail (IC & Open to Everyone!)

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Fairy Tail (IC & Open to Everyone!)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby artemis101 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 6:29 pm

Link to the OOC/Sign-ups- fairy-tail-ooc-sign-ups-t33518.html

Ravelin barged into Fairy Tail's HQ like she always does after she finished a mission. The smell of beer and the normal sounds of gambling, conversations, arguing, and fights break out filled in the air. "Hm, it's great to be home!" She said as found a free set at the bar counter, which hardly ever happens in here. Ravelin asked the bar keeper for her usual, a steal cup filled with hot chocolate. "Out of everyone in this guild, you're the only one that doesn't order beer or wine. I'm wondering if you're aware if you know why we have a bar in HQ, lass," complained the bar keeper as he gave her her hot chocolate.

Ravelin just grinned at his comment, "Hey, I'm still under age! Plus, you always serve beer and wine in either glass or wood pitchers." She took four huge drinks out of her cup, leaving it completely empty. "Now, for my favorite part of the drink," she said as she took a bite out of her cup. The bar keeper made a face and remarked, "I still can't get used to you Dragon Slayers eating weird things." She gave him a small glare, "We don't eat 'strange things'. Dragon Slayers can eat anything that is made up of their element. Like since I'm a Iron Dragon Slayer, I can eat any metal." The bar keeper just shock his head, "Whatever you say, lass. I still can't get used to it like Mages can."
Last edited by artemis101 on Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:00 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Image Image Join My Fairy Tail RP! fairy-tail-open-t33536-20.html

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rebornneo on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:04 pm

Aikyo sighed nervously. He had heard stories about this guild... good stories... bad stories... It wasn't really clear if any of their stories were good or bad. But mostly all of them survived, they got some good things out of it, and it was always very spectacular. All way above his previous life.

Stepping past his nerves, he straightened his face into a bright smile and knocked on the apparently huge front door which he thought to have heard close earlier. There was no reply, so he simply decided to shout, hoping that someone on the other side of the door was listening. Most guild members behaved strangely. That's what he was told, but his thought patterns were also called strange, so he thought he could try the first thing that popped up into his head and hope that the guild members were doing what he thought they were doing. Which was standing behind the door and listen who the new guy was.

"So err... Hi!" He waved at the door. "I guess I've arrived at the ehh... Esteemed Fairy Tails' building? If not just... send me away or something. But anyway, if you are, I would like to apply for membership. I think I could learn a lot from you, and improve my skills. Of course I would also be able to help you..." he waited for a few seconds, hoping for a response, then quickly added "N-not that I was implying you guys 'need' any help" while scratching the back of his head. "Listen, I'm not very good at the whole talking thing... You know... the door... and stuff... But if you guys could let me in, I brought ice cream! As a way to break the ice, so to speak." He chuckled at his little joke. "Now wasn't that a 'cool' pun?" He smiled at the door, hoping furiously it would open. He preferred not to talk to doors ever since that time he was five...

"So how about you give me a chance, guys? If you don't, I'll be so depressed I won't be able to keep the ice cool! It's warm outside you know."

He kept standing there, grinning at the door with his eyes closed.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sporian on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:13 pm

ALec burst in as well, covered in sand. "You really had to use that attack to make half the cave collapse? ON ME?" He said in his Italian accent. He sat down. "Or were you just hassling the new guy?" Alec dusted himself off and got a bag of coins off of his belt. "I hope this bag is worth it." He spilt the contents onto the table. It was a bunch of coins and one gem. "Good." As people walked by, they stole one coin. By the time Alec figured out what was happening, only the gem was left. "HEY!" Alec frowned and pocketed the gem.

Alec heard someone at the door. He listened with his ear to the door. He opened the door. "Hey. I'm new, so you might wanna talk to someone else." He said. "But I'll take that ice cream for you."
Last edited by Sporian on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby artemis101 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:25 pm

Ravelin stared at the new guy and listened to him until she got bored, which was probably around the second sentence of his.... speech. "Why can't people figure out that you can simply ask for membership in Fairy Tail? Instead of going through what he's doind," she asked the bar keeper, who by this time stopped listening to her and went to serve other mages. "Hey! It's rude to ignore someone when their talking old man!" She yelled as Alec came out to the scene.

He was going on about how she left him in the cave, and all that. "Don't blame me if you're outta shape, Alec. I gave you a good 2 minutes heads up, dude. What more do you want?" She asked as she noticed people wiping the jewels and trying not to laugh. She brusted out laughing when Alec finally noticed that he was left with one gem, "You should REALLY should start paying attention to your award jewels instead of complaining all the time."

After she finished laughing, Ravelin still noticed the new guy was standing there not knowing what to do. She side glanced Alec and gave him a elbow to the ribs, "Hey, Alec. I didn't know you had a sweet tooth." Then she turned her attention to the new guy, "Well, master is still out with the regular guild meeting. So, you'll have to wait a bit, but feel free to hang out.... and share that ice cream of ours."
Last edited by artemis101 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sporian on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:29 pm

[check my edit and edit your post]

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby artemis101 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 7:32 pm

(already did)

Jack walked into the what had to the loudest guild there was, Fairy Tail. He just completed his latest missions, and came to the HQ for another mission. As he walked in, Jack took noticed of a new comer asking to join Fairy Tail. None of the others members really paid attention to what the new comer had to say, they were more interested in their own little clicks. Excepted the Iron Dragon Slayer, Ravelin, and some other guy next to her. He only knew Ravelin, because Dragon Slayers were rare types of mages.

Jack quickly made his way to the bulletin board where all the mission were posted, allowed with their awards of course. Scanning through each one of the mission, he didn't see any that were worth his skill or had a big enough award. So, he walked to his set in the back of the HQ. Hoping that everyone will leave him in peace.
Last edited by artemis101 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nevyn on Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:01 pm

Ken sighed as he was sitting at the rear end off the bar. “Again new guys and again they bring nothing but trouble.” He muttered to himself. After finishing his drink, he stood up and stretched his legs.
There were rumours going about a silver Gatekey to be found at the east of town, so it was worth to go and check it out.
“Guy’s I’m off to go and check on something. Don’t tear down this place when I’m gone. Oh and new guys, just ask if you can join and nothing more! Is everyone as stupid as they look?” He sighed as he walked out the bar.

Since they day he had joined Fairy Tail, something would happen and he never got bored by it. It just was frustrating to see stupid guys and girls try to impress them all just to join instead of using their brains a little.
And it also was frustrating that he hadn’t heard any rumours about a gold Gatekey for the last few months. His dream was to collect all twelve off them but he still was stuck at six.
“Even Fairy Tail has its limits on gathering stuff, or so it appears.” Sighing once again.
Dying without achieving your goals or living on for years and realizing you will never achieve them - which is worse?"

the flower that blooms in adversity is the most rare and beautiful of all

Be childish, be a god, be a child of a God!

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rebornneo on Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:03 pm

Aikyo was kind of surprised to see that the door finally opened. He offered up his ice cream and nodded quickly.

"Whew, I was afraid you guys were going to ignore me until I went away. But thanks for inviting me in, help yourself!"

He jerked his arms up a bit so the ice cream would fly into the air for the two new people to catch as he zipped past them into the building. He immediately took place on a huge comfy sofa he saw and sighed in relief.

"Well I have no problems with having to wait here if you'll have me. It's so damn hot outside." he said as he started cooling himself off, using his hand as a fan. He suddenly realised that there were a lot of other members inside and he took his time to make eye contact, grin and nod at each and every single one of them. Except the barkeep, who seemed intent on avoiding him. He yawned out loud and sagged back, deciding it was time to hang back and listen to other people's conversations and doings until the 'master' showed up. He was very excited about the prospect of joining, but was fixed on not showing it.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sporian on Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:27 pm

Alec caught the tub. "I like ice cream." He answered to Ravelin. He put the tub down and broke it open and getting a spoon. He started eating. Alec ate until he was full and walked over to the bulletin boars for missions. "Hey, an assassin mission! Dibs!" He put his name down on the sheet. "Anyone wanna help? How about new guy?" He walked over to Aikyo. "It'll be fun! C'mon!?"

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rebornneo on Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:36 pm

There were a lot of sounds coming from everywhere at once. The hungry eating of ice cream, the murmur of some guys talking in private, the chuckles caused by digging up old memories. But suddenly there was someone standing in front of him, he heard the term new guy and cracked an eye open. Yep, it was for him.
Aikyo looked up at Alec, suprised he was being asked along already. He had really planned on waiting until the guild leader appeared, but now he was confused. Could this be some kind of test?

"Ehh... Don't I need to be a member of your guild to do your guild jobs? And, I mean, I don't know if your guild master's around... Oh, but I could at least introduce myself. My name's not new guy, it's Aikyo. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand and took his idiotic grin out again.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby artemis101 on Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:41 pm

Ravelin gave Alec a harsh glare. "You might be new to guilds, Alec, but even a rookie mage would know that it's against the code for a mage to accept a assassin mission. Are you trying to disgrace Fairy Tail? It's in enough trouble with the council with all the damage we do on mission. The last thing we need are newbies going around killing people," she spoke in even a harsher tone than her glare. The bar keeper just happened to listen in their conversation and added, "The young lass is right, lad. Plus, the last lad who wanted to take up an assassin mission ending up being kicked out by the guild master here." As the bar keeper talked, Ravelin took it as a chance to finish eating her cup. She glanced at Aikyo as she chewed the last piece of her cup. "At least someone has enough sense not to go on an assassin mission, unlike the MORON sitting next to me," she said.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sporian on Fri Nov 27, 2009 8:51 pm

"Damn. I just wanted to follow the family tradition." He went back and erased his name. "For 10 generations, we have been assassains! And me being the one to end it." He shook his head.
"How much wine did you drink before you left for the mission?" A random guy asked.
"Um, 12 glasses, I think. But I was able to fly back." Alec replied. "I'm better at killing when drunk."

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby &Analissa on Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:55 pm

From the table at the back, Mika watched in amusement. "It's amazing how a bunch of guys would do anything for ice cream.." she smirked before leaning back for a sip of wine. The sun poured from the open window behind her, forcing a trickle of sweat to fall from her forehead. Her auburn hair was worn up for today, her ears were bare without any earings. It was true that she was younger than most of them, but it was amazing to her how immature they acted considering their age. She let out a long sigh, taking a last sip, before heading her way to the group.

Mika grabbed a seat next to Ravelin, listening in to their conversation silently. Excluding Ravelin and herself, there weren't any other women in Fairy Tail guild, which was amazing, as well as ironic because those two girls are currently the only dragon slayers in the guild as well.

"An assassin mission?" Mika repeated looked at back at Ravelin questionably.
"If you love something let it go... If it comes back, then its yours... If it doesn't... Fuck it... You'll never know! "

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby artemis101 on Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:33 am

Ravelin looked at Mika, who see finally realized that she was sitting next to her. "The idiot beside be claims to be a long line of assassins, and wants a assassin mission," Ravelin said pointing to Alec. "Hey, bar keeper! Can you bring me any other steal cup please?" She asked with her sad puppy face on. The beer keeper sighed and grabbed a cup from the cabinet and gave it to Ravelin. As he walked off to serve someone else beer and he said, "I lose more cups that way."

Ravelin and Mika talked a little as Ravelin was eating her cup. Mainly about how they're the only girls beside Angelica, the guild master, and how ironic that they're Dragon Slayers. "Hey, Mika. It's been a while since we've been on a mission together, and I found a 'Monster Hunting' one that awards 6,000 jewels," She asked while taking out the flyer out of her pocket and handing it to Mika.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby &Analissa on Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:15 am

Mika took the crumpled flyer Ravelin held out, looking it over quickly. Written in big bold letters were 'REWARD: 6,000 jewels' Mika raised her eyebrow, thinking that they were pretty desperate. She pulled her head back, as Ravelin took a bite of the steel metal cup. Other mages would have thought it was weird for Ravelin to eat the cup, but for Mika, it was perfectly normal, Ravelin was an iron Dragon Slayer mage after all. She skimmed the poster, looking for it's location. "When are we leaving?" Mika smiled, as Ravelin was still chewing on the iron parts. It had been a while since Ravelin and her have been out on a mission by themselves, and Mika missed it. Being both Dragon Slayers, Mika saw no need to pull back on their missions.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sporian on Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:34 am

"It's true! Along with great grandfather Luigi's recipe for pizzia pie. Another tradition." Alec said. He looked at the flier. "Nice. I'll go look again." Alec got up and searched the bulletin board. "Oh look at all these artifact missions! I'll take.... this one!" He pointed to one of the fliers. He took it off the board "Anyone wanna come? Anyone?" He smiled. "I'll go solo then This one looks easy enough: Search for staff in ruins of Drasone. Pretty easy."

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby artemis101 on Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:39 am

Ravelin gobbled down the last of what was a cup. "Yeah, just make sure the ruins don't fall on top of you like that cave, or else we'll never be able to find you ever again, Alec." She laughed at her own little joke. Then she turned her attention back on Mika. "Any time, since I just finished my meal," she answered Mika. Leading into Mika so that she can have a view at the flier. "Once we get there, we will have to go to some old woman's house, the village elder, to get more information on their monster." Ravelin said while pointing at the mission summary on the flyer. "I'll be able to pay off this month's rent and then some with this award," she said with a wide grin on her face.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sporian on Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:51 am

"Har de har har." Alec said, rolling his eyes. "I'll bring some silver plates for your pancakes, Ravelin. I hpe you like coins too." Alec left the bar and flew off to Drasone. After a bit, he landed at the town. He looked for a person to lead him to the temple. He found a map on a stand. He reluctlently gave his gem for it and flew off to the ruins. When he landed, a giant closed door was in front of him.

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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AngelDreams on Sat Nov 28, 2009 11:51 am

Angel walked into the guild. She had a cigerrete in her mouth as always. It was frustrating going to all these meeting and her getting chewed out about how her guild always destroys a place when they go on mission. She just replied with one sence to them" But we get the job done". She was wondering how long it was going be before the guild was actually closed or ran out of money for paying for the rapairs and such. The moment she walked into the building everyone got quite. Mages that were underages hid their drinks and everything . She saw everyone and also a new kid.

"LISTEN UP, FROM NOW ON IF YOU GO ON A MISSION AND YOU DESTROY ANYTHING YOU ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH ME PERSONALLY!!!" she screamed at the guild. Some of the members were scared that they got out of the place when she was done. "Other than that hello everyone" she said with a smile. She looked at the sofa to see someone sitting there looking lost.

"And who are you?" she asked pointing a finger at him.
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Re: Fairy Tail (IC & Open)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby &Analissa on Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:56 pm

A sudden slam of the door, caused a sensation of a sudden turning of heads, and silence to fill the Fairy Tail headquarters. Mika turned as well, intrigued by the sudden chain reaction of the members caused by their guild master, Angel. ""LISTEN UP, FROM NOW ON IF YOU GO ON A MISSION AND YOU DESTROY ANYTHING YOU ARE GOING TO DEAL WITH ME PERSONALLY!!!" she screamed eyeing each of the members sternly. Mika stayed expressionless, watching Angel survey the new kid over by the sofa. Mika pitied him, knowing how mean and heartless Angel acted when she was angry.

She turned her head again, back to Ravelin, listening to the details of the mission. "Don't think you got the reward all to yourself." she looked over at Ravelin, giving her a smile.

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