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Hogwarts USA Needs YOU! (Accepting Students and Staff)

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Hogwarts USA Needs YOU! (Accepting Students and Staff)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rae on Sun Jun 03, 2012 6:22 pm

:: Greetings! ::
Air, Dead Fly's and Bits of Fluff was created out of my own boredom on the power point and word programs I found on my computer. I have always loved Harry Potter and it was my first and still remains my favorite text based role play out there. There is not a solid plot for this role play right now, its more about students coming together at a Hogwarts USA and forming friendships, attending classes, making grades, and just getting through life in a magical school. The world is based loosely off of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter universe and proper credit has been given to her.

I was tired of role plays I was a member of dying before they really got a chance to get going so my requirements for joining are a bit strict. This is a long term role play, I label it as advanced because I require a lot of meat to a post, I ask for 1,000 words and generally try to achieve that myself. If you think you are up for the challenge and are looking for a great role play to join please read more below!


Air, Dead Fly’s and Bits of Fluff
A Harry Potter Generations Role Play

:: Overview ::
I believe when one submits a character application for a role-play they are signing a contract to actively participate and communicate with me the GM and their fellow role-players. I cannot stress enough how much anguish I feel when a promising role-play dies after one post from each character because their puppet masters are not keeping their commitment to the group. That being said, I am looking for committed, long term role-players. I understand you have a life outside of the computer and that will be addressed shortly but before you I go into specifics I want to make sure each and every one of you understands what I expect from those who submit a character application to one of my role-plays. This is not for the faint of heart, I am looking for serious and dedicated puppet masters to role-play this storyline with. I will put one hundred percent effort into my character and posts and I expect that anyone who submits a character application does the same. If you have read this far and believe you have what it takes, please continue reading.

:: Time Commitment ::
I understand that everyone has a life outside of the computer and it can be very difficult to be online every day. But for this role-play I would like you to check in once a day and at least post in the out of character section. Say a quick hello, let us know you are here, still interested in the role-play, and will respond when you can. I expect a minimum of four posts a week, even if it is one every other day, the role-play will be caught at a standstill if crucial characters do not respond. By submitting a character application you are saying you agree to write in the out of character section at least once a day and that if for any reason you are unable to post the minimum amount of times you will write us a message in the out of character board letting us know of your absence and will find a way to excuse your character, either temporarily or permanently from the role-play.

:: Characters ::
As far as characters go I hope you will develop well rounded puppets so that not only will you be able to grow your character through the course of the role-play, but others will be able to watch your character grow and develop with the storyline. There will be no God-Mod-ing or Power-Playing for any reason. Think of your character as your child (puppet) and plan for them to be different when you finish the role-play than from when you first started. Because I expect the characters to grow and change you may be asking how you are to go about filling out the character application and that is really quite a simple matter. Fill it out for the way character is at the start. If they end up changing during the course of the role-play no one will hold it against you as that is the encouragement. Fill out the application with complete sentences, real life pictures, and realistic qualities. If you are from the North Pole you aren’t going to walk around in a bikini. Realistic is the key. Please use complete sentences, and do a spell check or two before you hit the submit button. I understand that it may take quite a bit of time to think up a character and submit it which is why I ask you reserve the character spot you wish to play using the below form and type it all up in a word program before you transfer it to the character application form located here on this site, or when submitting a character type work in progress at the beginning and then PM me when you have completed your character. When creating your characters please use real life people and depending on what nation you are from choose a celebrity from that country. You may play multiple characters if you wish. You may also edit the colors and font and such in the coding of the application.

:: Posting ::
Each post is expected to be a minimum of 1,000 words. I understand this can be difficult but if you focus on describing things and really going into detail you will find you reach 1,000 words in no time at all. Each post should be spell checked before submission and tag only your character in your post. That way people will be able to see the thumbnail of the character who wrote it. I believe this makes it easier to keep track of what is what as well as keeping the board looking organized. If you do find that you have writers block, let us know in the out of character board and we will try to help you out. Please do your best to stick to the minimum words requirement though.

:: Final Note ::
If you wish to see an example of what I am looking for in the character application please take a look at my character Jennifer Shae Mousquites. Feel free to ask any questions you have either in the Out of Character Board or send me a PM. To Show you have read and agree to all the conditions listed here please type “Mooney, Worm tail, Pad foot and Prongs” in the codes section of the character application. I look forward to your character applications and to role-play with you soon.

:: Introduction ::
This role play is based off the world of Harry Potter by J.K. Rowling. In this role play Hogwarts has expanded beyond England and established a school in the USA. It is the opening year of the school and all those who receive their letters are baffled. The letters are delivered by owl and followed by a representative of the school to explain all the particulars to the individual families. The United States until now has not had an official school for learning witchcraft and wizardry and those gifted with the powers have had to learn on their own or have ended up losing their powers completely. The students who are attending the first year of this school are varied in cultures, having been scattered all across the 50 states. Will the school soar and begin producing talented witches and wizards? Or will it fall into obscurity and oblivion? Only time will tell.

:: Setting ::
This Role Play takes place at Hogwarts USA, a newly opened school for the American witches and wizards. The United States has always had a government for the magical community but it has been scattered and disorganized for the better part of the millennia. The British magical community contacted those in charge is America and together they began organizing the government, building wizarding communities, and constructing a school to train those blessed with the gift.

:: Plot ::
It is the first year for Hogwarts USA and students from across the United States are flocking to the arranged destination to begin their journey to a new life. Hogwarts USA is reachable only by ship, as it was constructed in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. Students must take the floo network to a designated dock located in New York, New York and board the “Cruise” ship that will take them to the school. It takes three days to reach the school by ship and that gives the students time to meet their professors, ask questions, attend seminars, and form friendships. Because the wizarding community in the states has yet to be established, several old world wizarding families have moved over from England to help with the transition and their children will be attending the new school for magic. What will happen? Only you can determine that.

:: Like What you Saw? ::
Please go to Air, Dead Fly's and Bits of Fluff for a list of available characters, staff, and the character reserve and application sheet. Please, if you are interested read through the entire introduction page at the link above. We hope to see you soon, and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to PM me.

:: Current Role Plays ::
Legends in the Making :: A HP Generations RP

:: Role Plays in the Works ::

:: Looking For ::
Dedicated Literate Role Players for one x one or group.
PM me if interested!

Interested in any of my role plays currently in the works? PM me and let me know!

Tip jar: the author of this post has received 0.00 INK in return for their work.

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