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Interest check~ Beware the Grue

a topic in Interest Checks, a part of the RPG forum.

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Interest check~ Beware the Grue

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aramay on Wed Oct 03, 2012 3:34 pm

(I haven't set up a role play in a very long time because I understand just how long it takes to set one up as well as well as how much effort has to be put into maintaining one. However in the seven months that I've participated on this particular site I have found it difficult to either find a role play that I wanted to participate in and the ones that I've joined have for the most part either died or are struggling to keep going ie, there are only four posts written total in one month. So I waited until I could come up with a fairly simple concept that can be expanded upon if anyone takes an interest in this let alone feels like it should be taken further down the rabbit hole. I just wanted to make sure that someone was interested before I went and set up a forum for it.)

I may also need someone to help me with my plotting with the forum since two heads are generally better than one. I have plenty ideas on how to approach this, the big issue is choosing. I don't want to give away the twists or turns to everyone just because I might not know which to pick! Since a big part of this RP is about mystery its better if people find out more about the plot 'in character'.

Suggestions, ideas and opinions are welcome here! I'm a very open-minded person when it comes to brainstorming things like this. Not everything here has to be set in stone!

The Premise
The basic premise is a survival horror with mystery elements. The more information you find, the more likely you will be able to survive rather than just with fists or physical strength alone. There will be chances that you can get your hands on weapons and get your fight groove on too for those who like some action survival with their mystery horror. If you want to look at it a little more deeply, think of the investigative parts as something similar to people who search for Slenderman(ie, going to locations to search for clues or unwillingly stumble upon a situation you have to fight to get back out of which then causes someone to later take interest and go back with others to better understand what happened),the atmosphere somewhat akin to Silent Hill and add pinches of twists here and there. You will inevitably be running from/fighting something. The question would be, do you really want to search/keep searching for answers behind it?

The Urban Legend

There is talk of something that stalks abandoned areas. There is always something watching you in the daytime in those areas. It will try to come for you at night if you dare to stay long enough, especially without a flashlight. Lately there have been disappearances, deaths even, but no(fully intact) bodies have been found. Only clues or evidence of what might be lurking in that area. Many of the missing people are adventure seekers. From children to adults who are just looking for a way to stop being chased or actively look for excitement that they wish to stir up. It is not yet known if anyone has any information on the missing or deceased but there has been a rise in occupants at the local mental health institution.

The Monster

The Grue: A predator that dwells in the dark. The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places. Its favorite diet are unwitting explorers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale.

That's what most people call it since most incidents happen at night and there is always evidence of death and destruction where ever it has been. From dead animals, destroyed toys or property. Most people tend to avoid the areas where it resides due to the smell of decay and the fact that those areas are dangerous in general for one reason or another. On a rare occasion the grue might be pursuing a victim outside of its normal area to follow the victim back home or sabotage the victim's progress. There might actually be a reason/s behind its actions even if that reason doesn't necessarily makes sense. Other than that, nothing else is known about this so called 'Grue'.

The Location
The location doesn't necessarily have to be specific and there will most likely be multiple areas to choose from/can be traveled to. Particularly dark and poorly lit ones such as well forested areas, large abandoned buildings, basements, factories, junk yards in forested areas. Those details will be fully expanded upon as the plot unfolds since the people who are interested in joining will directly affect this.

The Victi-I mean players
They can be any age and they can be searching, stumbling or thrown into the conflict of being tormented/chased for mysterious reasons. They can go it alone but they have a better chance of surviving in a group. It can be different reasons for them to come together and they can all come up with different solutions to solve their problem but it doesn't mean that all of them will work or get out alive. If you are having a hard time coming up with a back story as to what initiated their search/flee of the grue, feel free to ask. I can give you more details via pm as I don't want to give away too much right away.

In an extremely short sentence, the only limit is that you have to be(at least start off as)human who will either chase or be chased by the grue.

If it does well enough and enough people join I may open a slot for another grue(s) to come into play which would open up more areas and more puzzles to solve.

Minimum Requirements
Anyone can join so long as they don't mind at least being able to produce a couple paragraphs. It doesn't have to be an essay but I do find that RP's with posts that are longer than two or five sentences really helps keep the forum going and it gives other people enough information or hints as to what to write/contribute with their next post. If you have a hard time let me know, not everyone can write two paragraphs every time they post under the occasional flop of circumstances so I won't ding you if you are genuinely stuck. Also it would be nice to see one post a day but knowing how busy some people (including me) can get with school or work I won't kick anyone if they at least post once a week or give notice as to why they haven't posted. :)

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Re: Interest check~ Beware the Grue

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aramay on Thu Oct 04, 2012 2:45 am

I am currently writing up a better summary for the forum I will be setting up in the future and I may even have said forum set up soon depending on how much time I have to work on it. Here is what I have so far. I know some of the information on this post is repeated from earlier but I imagine that this is much easier to follow than what I wrote earlier. I'm still adding to this though but don't be afraid to ask any questions:

The Grue: A predator that dwells in the dark. The grue is a sinister, lurking presence in the dark places. Its favorite diet are unwitting explorers, but its insatiable appetite is tempered by its fear of light. No grue has ever been seen by the light of day, and few have survived its fearsome jaws to tell the tale.

"I know I'm not the only one out there who is running from it. But trust me when I say this. It doesn't matter how you got it to come after you but if there is one thing I know is that you can't survive this alone. I say this because it has already happened to me, and the people around me who I cared about...are no longer around. I need your help. If no one comes soon I will not be able to stay alive for much longer. It can't hunt you down if others are with you. Not as easily. Meet me. Help me find all the clues. We have to find out how to kill it. Or it it will get us all...beware the darkness. Beware the grue."

That is the only information you manage to find on a youtube video. A bunch of text pasted on a black screen followed by disturbing pictures of various things and places. Yet it all looks familiar to you. Maybe you've been to those places before, or you've seen those objects, the dead animals, destruction of property, items that you've owned that had gone missing such as valuables or food showing up later in odd configurations or broken/missing altogether. You have experienced some of those things recently. It turns out that no only have you found this during your search for answers but you are not alone in your plight. And if what this person says is true then you're very life is in danger as well. At the end of the video is a set of directions and a list.

Following the directions be it by bus, car or maybe by bike, depending on how close you are, leads to a place called Eurgtown. Specifically, to a park within the town underneath a huge shaded tree. Hopefully by the time you make it there its still daylight out and that you've brought at least some supplies from the list in the video:

~Flashlight/s and batteries (The stronger the better)

~Food and cash (This isn't going to be fixed over night. Better to have extra)

~A weapon(s) (It can be a pocket knife, tazer or a gun just so long as you can keep it on you and well hidden when in public)

~Extra clothes


~Camera/voice/video recorder (You need to be able to document your findings)

~A backpack, bag or other container to keep it all in. (You'll thank me later)

~Hope (Without it you may as well be already dead)


If you don't know already you either have already been pursued or know someone who has been affected/taken/killed by the Grue. The Grue for the most part was only considered an urban legend until recently. In order to prevent tragedy you need to meet with a mysterious person in hopes to kill the Grue before it gets to you or the person you are trying to protect, first. In order to do this you will have to search for clues with the aid of this person, as well as other would-be victims and even go to where the grue may be residing before you can find all the answers. Will you discover the truth before it gets you or will you just become another one of its prey when night falls?

There is a reason for you or someone you know to have caught the Grue's attention. It may be a serious reason or something silly and superstitious such as hanging around dark, abandoned or private areas at night be they condemned or simply unsafe to explore. Abandoning something(s) in a place where you think no one will care to look. It doesn't necessarily have to be precisely those reasons. According to the myth, "If you look for trouble or do something to make it look for you, then you risk getting attention from the grue." which initially makes someone think that its to help keep children and even some superstitious adults from doing something that might "bite them in the ass" later on.

If you have any questions please PM me about them. I might not be able to always answer them without giving away part of the plot but don't let that discourage you from asking just in case I can give you an answer for it.

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