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To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

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To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DyingHere on Sun Jul 26, 2009 9:42 am

Co-Owned By DyingHere and OhhMyGeeABumbleBee

Yes, it's long, but read it - it's worth it!

The year is 1682, and the country is England. Here, as is the same everywhere, the gentry like to hunt - pheasants, deer, rabbits, foxes and, oh yes, witches. Unfortunately, most of the men and women that are being convicted of witchcraft and executed on the same terms are innocent. You see, real witches are much better at not getting caught - most of the time.

Somewhere in the heart of England lies a small village in the centre of a large forest. It's just like any other village, except that all of the residents are witches. Concealed from prying eyes by a thick layer of spells, the witches have been safe from harm and free to practice their magick in the open for hundreds of years, but the new band of Witch Hunters sweeping across the country have even them glancing over their shoulders on occasion.

Within the village, the witches are split up into five very different covens. Until just over 150 years ago, all five lived side by side in harmony, not necessarily agreeing with the ways of the others, but accepting them. But then the Incendia coven slipped up, and the High Priestess of Tractus lost her life. In the confusion that followed, Incendia panicked and pinned the blame on Terra. A horrible war broke out.

Unda aligned themselves with Incendia, and Ventus with Terra, but Tractus, as a coven that had always remained on neutral ground, split in two and is now warring with itself as well as the other covens.

Now, as if the covens didn't have enough problems, the Witch Hunters have finally reached these parts and are investigating the village. Forced to hide their magick from the strangers while at the same time still secretly battling an incessant war, how long will it be before the Witch Hunters realise they've uncovered real power? And, once they do, will it be the witches or the hunters that are put on trial?

OOC This Way: know-dare-will-silent-ooc-t26018.html

*Please Note*
OhhMyGeeABumbleBee and myself are gods in this RP, meaning she can enforce any of the following rules just as much as I can [x
1. All the normal rules; keep romance/violence pg13 etc, but there's a few extras.
2. A maximum of two characters per roleplayer - preferably from different covens.
3. Normal humans can be played, but I'd like a good explanation as to how they're going to fit into the RP.
4. Please try and be as literate as you can. We all have off-days and we all make mistakes, but I'm expecting at least two paragraphs per post, one post per day - minimum. If I don't get the impression that you can do this from reading your character sheet, I won't accept you. Simple.
5. Swearing is 100% permitted, but don't go overboard. Eff and blind all you want, by all means, but it looks ridiculous if it's every other word.
6. I shouldn't have to say this, but don't god-mod. It pisses me off.
7. Please don't post in the IC until you've been accepted in the OOC, that pisses me off too.
8. HAVE FUN! It's meant to be fun!

If someone wants to post first, go ahead; my computer isn't being nice enough to let me today. If not, I'll try and get something up later.
Mah Peoplies;
Becky && Lauren && Larii && Sammi && Deb


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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Echo on Sun Jul 26, 2009 3:51 pm

(As you wish. I only meant there were five men...but if you feel that is too much, it will be changed.

"Ah, so the countryside awaits us, eh Dominic?" Silpheed said as he mounted his horse just outside of town. "Pray that we find the witches who slayed my father, I know they are out there! But, alas, all he left for me was this blade." The man said as he motioned to the sword on his waist. "There are no clues as the the whereabouts of the witches."

Silpheed gazed off into the countryside. The rolling hills and green pastures called to him, as if they were speaking his name on every breeze that came near. He wished he still had a father to enjoy these days with, but it was not to be. "Off we go then?"

Roland sat in a field, his legs crossed and his head lowered. "The covens fight too much...if this keeps up we will be unable to defend ourselves...should someone finally discover our whereabouts. The sisters and brothers of the village are far too angry to notice a suspicious observer passing by, or to prepare for a battle that doesn't involve trickery and magics. It is as if everyone has lost their wits." The man whispered all of this to himself, as though he were speaking to someone nearby, or a god. "This behavior should be punished, but what am I to do?"

Anger struck the man for a moment and he threw his head back, his eyes scanning the sky. "What can I do?!?" As he collected himself, the man stood. "I must take action. One hundred-fifty years is too long for a mere scuffle. It is time to end this, the gentleman's way."
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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kædai on Mon Jul 27, 2009 11:39 am

Dominic mounted his own horse, grunting in answer. "Yes." He shifted in the saddle of his black stallion, turning to make sure all of his saddlebags were tightly tied on. He looked back at the town they had just departed, sighing heavily. Turning back around, Dominic checked that his spear was secure and his armor was fastened in his bags. He was wearing a simple black tunic, trousers, and boots: comfortable riding clothes.

He spurred his horse on slowly, motioning for Silpheed to follow. He looked up at the sky, judging the time. It was around noon. Good. They'd be to the forest by sundown.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OhhMyGeeABumbleBee on Mon Jul 27, 2009 4:04 pm

Aureus was sat on a smooth branch near the top of one of the tallest trees which surrounded the village, and had been there for sometime. She was watching the other witches travel to and fro from place to place, rushing around, cooking, eating and talking. In particular, she watched those from her own coven, Incendia. The two things she wanted most from life, was for her coven to be safe, especially her sister, and her coven and those who allied with them, to show the others that her great great grandmother was, in fact, innocent. She shifted her position ever so slightly; making sure no one had noticed her.


Lucas wandered through the forest, alone. He preferred to be by himself, especially as it meant getting away from Roland. He didn't like him, he always tried to take control. Lucas also preferred to be away from the covens in their entirety. It meant he could forget about the war, he didn't like it, he could see, well, sense that if the war was to continue, doom was written in their future.
As he walked, he looked around him, watching how the wind brushed through the grass, forming beautiful patterns and mixing the colours of the flowers. He reached a meadow, tall and over grown, and he leaned against a nearby tree, watching the flowers and grass as they bowed before him
Image Image


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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rwinrich on Tue Jul 28, 2009 4:11 pm

As Tarishi walked out of the village wearing a blue and white dress that looked like it was formed from water,knowing Tarishi it probably was, her black hair left down to flow with the wind behind her. Heading toward the river she enjoys spending her days in, around, and sometimes both. Passing through a meadow she was able to see Lucas but she didn't stop as she was in a hurry to get to her favorite spot.

When she finally got to the river she walked slowly into the water up to her knees feeling as though just being in the water gave her time to consider how useless this war was but she didn't know what she could do to help change it. Being away from her noisy siblings was always such a blessing as she continued into the water slowly as she was then able to immerse herself fully and really feel the calm.
Do something. Either lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way!

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OhhMyGeeABumbleBee on Sat Aug 01, 2009 4:00 pm

Aureus jumped from the branch she was sat in, scaring a passing cat. She strolled back to her home, and lifted her scythe from the brackets on the wall which held it. She walked with it towards her bed and sat with it, holding the blade in her lap. She ran her hand gently down the blade, feeling the metal warm where her fingers brushed it. She wanted to know what her sister was doing, but she didn't want to face the other witches from her own, and from other covens. She had been watching them the whole day, and was disappointed she hadn't seen anything interesting, not even an excuse for gossip, or a fight. She sighed, and straightened out the ribbons on the scythe, before standing up and returning it to its place on her wall.


Lucas lifted his head from the swaying plants, and watched as Tarishi walked past the meadow, on the other side to him. He didn't know much about her, but he knew she wasn't happy with the war either. He pushed himself away from the tree he was leaning against and moved to follow her, the wind forming a pathway for him in the grasses. He decided he was going to follow her, he wanted to know why she was in such a hurry to get wherever it was she was heading.

When he got to the river it took him a moment to realise that Tarishi was in the water. He stood watching her for a minute or two, watching the ripples of the wind brushing against the water, before turning to leave, realising what she might think if she saw him standing there.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rwinrich on Sun Aug 02, 2009 12:34 am

Tarishi enjoyed being in the water as much as possible and being that it took away much of her problems it was a very welcome thing to her day. Seeing that she had been followed and was being watched had her smiling a bit. When she came up with her head falling back so her wet hair fell down her back, she stood there looking up in about waste deep water. It was Lucas as she figured it would be, being that she had passed him.

"So Lucas, is there any particular reason you followed me or are you just curious as to what I do everyday?" It didn't bother her at all that Lucas had followed her but she did want to know why after all he wasn't from her coven.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kez on Mon Aug 03, 2009 11:11 am

Klaren was walking along beside the edge of the forest, and felt her feet carry her further in. At least in the forest she could be alone for a while. Be able to concentrate purely on herself. She saw her reflection glimmer from a small stream that lazily glided past. She smiled. It was true that she was beautiful, or at least from her point of view. Definitely better than the others in her coven.
She thought she should be high priestess, it couldn’t be hard, and she would do a far better job than her cousin Aureus. Aureus was pretty, that much was true, but surely she could not as beautiful as Klaren, and she was liked, whereas people tended not to agree with Klarens spitefulness and her rudeness.
Klaren walked away from the sky blue, glistening stream, heading back towards the village she had left what seemed only a few seconds ago.
Last edited by Kez on Thu Aug 13, 2009 5:05 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OhhMyGeeABumbleBee on Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:03 pm

He turned his head back to see the figure in the water and felt the back of his neck redden. He took step towards the water and bowed, a wide grin masking his embarrassment. 'I was merely curious as to where you were rushing off to ma'am'. Lucas's smile relaxed as he sat on the river bank, 'You didn't even offer me a smile as you rushed past. I wondered, what meant so much more to you than to smile at some stranger in a field?’. He laughed softly, realising what a pompous old man he sounded. He ran his finger in a small circle and smiled and the wind copied his patterns, the breeze kicking at the water. 'So, what do you have to say for yourself' he spoke with laughter entwining his words. His grin returned, teasing the corner of his eyes.


Aureus had been siting in the same place on her bed. She stood up with a tired sigh. Without a second thought she stood up and walked out fo her door and towards the forest. She walked for while, stopping every so often to pick up a particularly rounded stone, or a dry branch which she could burn later. She walked until she reached a large boulder which sat contentedly in the dirt. She laid down on it, looking up at the sky through the interwoven branches which connected the tall pillars of wood.
She felt a tug on her heart as a thought ran through her head, Is the war really worth it? It's been so long.. She stopped herself, laughing nervously in the silence. Of course the war is worth everything, the family name.. and to lose to those goody-goodie's? She bit her lip as she heard a nearby animal crack a branch on the floor. The forest seems so alive when you feel like a idiot..

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DyingHere on Sat Aug 08, 2009 8:38 pm

Eva Castitas navigated her way quickly through the forest, her footsteps light and soundless on the dead leaves that littered the floor. She reached out so that her fingers brushed against the plants and trees as she passed, allowing herself to tap into the innate magick of nature. Normally, when she was in search of a secluded spot to practice her magick, a visit to the forest was in order, but that wasn't what she was here for, not today. Today she was in search of something else - or rather, someone else.

Back in the village, she'd overheard two witches from her coven discussing another, much younger witch who had long since slipped out from under both of their wings. She had known who they were talking about before they'd said his name. Peter Druce, a seventeen year old witch who had been having some problems since he'd more or less caused his father's death, was apparently acting up again. Almost everyone in the coven had gone out of their way to help him at the time but had since given up, writing him off as a lost cause. Eva, however, had seen it as her duty as High Priestess to keep a watch on him, and now that he appeared to be in some kind of trouble, she felt the need to chase him up and ask him what was going on herself.

All thoughts of Peter fled her mind, though, as a seemingly very spooked hare darted across her path. Eva had always had a soft spot for animals, and the fear she'd sensed from the poor creature alarmed her. Stopping in the middle of the forest, she drew all her magick to her and cast her senses out over the trees around her like a net. A wide smile lit her face. She could feel everything, from the respiration of the plant life to the scurryings of small animals through the undergrowth. Usually, if she let it, this sensation gave her a huge rush, but she forced herself to focus on the hare. She closed her eyes. There were no animals around that could threaten the creature, so what had scared it into bolting past a human? She allowed her net to follow the hare, feeling around it carefully for any signs of danger. But then, suddenly, there was nothing to follow anymore. The hare had been caught, and with a last wave of paralyzing fear its life was gone. Eva drew her senses back from the hare in shock, and then let them creep forward again, slowly and cautiously. There was a witch close to where the hare had died, and the surrounding area was tainted with dark magick. Shivering involuntarily, Eva drew her shawl closer about her shoulders, pulled her senses back into herself and forced her feet to walk in the opposite direction.


Diarmuid Erus grinned to himself. He was crouching at the edge a clearing not too far from the river, partially hidden by the long blades of grass, and had been for the past few hours. He couldn't feel the ache in his legs that, by laws of nature, he knew should be present after spending so long in the same position, but that was probably because he couldn't feel his legs. His senses had been cast several metres in each direction since before he'd reached the clearing that morning, just waiting to pick something up. Of course, he'd picked up a lot of things, but nothing very exciting. Now, after one of the longest waits he'd experienced, he felt it. A small hare not too far away that was, stupidly, extremely calm. It couldn't sense any danger around it. Yet.

Casting his senses a little further, Diarmuid found a fox about a mile north of the clearing, and his grin widened. All he had to do was tap into the deep knowledge of animals that he had acquired over the years and a quick spell forced the animal to lend him its voice. Another, somewhat smaller spell allowed him to imitate the animal's footsteps. He used the latter of the two spells first, listening with magickally heightened senses as the weight of the 'fox' was spread evenly in four places, and began to move. It stepped carefully through a collection of bushes behind the hare, and right on cue a twig snapped beneath the pressure of a phantom foot. The hare froze, its fur standing on end, its ears quivering as it strained to hear another noise. Now to use the voice.

The snarl ripped through the silence and Diarmuid chuckled as he heard the hare's scream from inside its head. It ran, and the footsteps were back again, faster this time, and accompanied by heavy breathing as the invisible fox gave chase. But then his prey ran out in front of a human - a witch - and Diarmuid flinched. His focus on his magick weakened, and the footsteps vanished just as quickly as the voice returned to its owner. He cursed under his breath. Trust a stupid witch, who by the feel of things came from Terra, to spoil his fun. But, he soon realised, all was not lost. The sudden silence behind it was not enough to calm the hare, and it soon came bounding into his clearing. The wide smile returned to Diarmuid's face as he reached out his hand, forcing the animal to stop dead in its tracks. He could feel the other witch's senses poking around, but in his excitement he didn't care. The hare's fear was palpable, and he was loving it - it could sense what was coming. Ah well, he decided. Might as well put it out of its misery.

He clenched his fist in a swift movement and watched with relish as the hare's eyes widened in shock. He knew what it could feel; he'd tapped into a cat while he'd been doing this once just to see what sort of pain he was inflicting. Water was bubbling up into its throat, constricting its breathing. It would try to gasp for air, but that would only increase the sensation, the crushing pressure that it just couldn't fight. Eventually, with a strangled squeak, it keeled over. Dead - drowned from the inside. Diarmuid laughed, his eyes glittering with crazed satisfaction.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rwinrich on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:28 pm

Tarishi couldn't help but to giggle quietly as she watched him turn around and bow to her after he came closer. Moving towards him she sits on a boulder as she looks at him smiling. “Well, I didn't say anything or smile at you because you looked a bit preoccupied. I always enjoy spending time in the river it can be very calming.”

She had to admit Lucas seemed like he could be a lot of fun of course if he could keep himself from sounding like a pompous old man. Tarishi's dress clung to her curves quite well now as the water had her dress stuck to her body although she didn't notice as she was so used to it.

“You could really be a lot of fun if only you let your hair down and enjoyed the water every once in a while” Her comment was followed by water being dropped on his head which had her laughing so hard.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OhhMyGeeABumbleBee on Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:39 pm

Aureus sat up suddenly, sensing a disturbance of the tranquillity of the forest. She stood up, looking around her cautiously. She moved herself behind an old oak in time to hide from Eva, one of the Terra coven. She watched as the woman moved accordingly with a hare which sprinted across her path. And wondered why it was in such a rush. She quickly, quietly ran in the direction of the hare, and came across an open clearing with a witch from one of the other covens at the edge. She quietly moved herself towards a tall tree and climbed through the branches until she was near the top. She could see him below her, and he seemed distracted. She presumed it was he could sense Eva. From where she sat, betwixt the twigs and leaves, she could hear the water of the river flowing past and was momentarily distracted, before she noticed what was in front of Diarmuid.

The hare had stopped, and she could sense its panic, see the shock in its bulging eyes. She leant forwards, trying to get a better view, curious as to what was happening to the creature below. After a short time she saw it keel over, and saw water seeping out from its mouth, from its nose. Of course, Diarmuid was in Unda, the water coven. He had drowned the creature... clever boy.

Aureus jumped nimbly from the branch and landed quietly behind Diarmuid. She clapped softly, ‘Impressive, but why so quick?’ She walked around to the hare and bounced down to her heels to look closer, running her finger along its soft ear before standing again to face Diarmuid. She thought for a second, then, ‘You’ve done this before’ She knew he had, the way he had done it seemed so practiced. ‘How... how did you get the hare to come to you?’ She laughed within her head. Knowing he had to answer her, otherwise, just a... slip of the tongue and oops, the whole village knows what he’s been up to.


Lucas smiled as Tarishi giggled. It was sweet, and good to the ear. He listened to her explanation of her actions and grinned widely. He liked to come to the river too, and it was calming to him also, but only because it was a place of solitude. Somewhere he can be by himself. He hated being in a crowded environment, even just a couple of people annoyed him. He hated having to make conversation, and having to follow the strict rules of social behaviour and etiquette. But around Tarishi he was ok. He felt like he could be himself with her. Despite barely knowing her. He watched her sitting on the boulder, and admired the cling of her dress. It wasn’t like he was intentionally looking, but he didn’t have a choice. His eyes made him... and she was rather good looking.

He ducked as the water soaked him, like a clear cloak of velvet had been dropped on his head. He shook himself free of it before opening and closing his mouth like a goldfish at the girl in front of him... ‘Oi’ he gasped after a momentary silence. ‘That’s not fair.’ He was silent again before grinning and clenching his fist. A small, grey cloud appeared above the girls head, and as he opened his fingers soft snowflakes tumbled out of the sky, dancing like playing puppies, and landing delicately on her head like thousands on petals, wilting from her heat of her body. He held his palm straight and run it downwards; watching as the water on her body froze her in place. He laughed softly, wondering if she was going to get out, or if he would have to get the sun out from beyond the clouds.
Last edited by OhhMyGeeABumbleBee on Wed Aug 12, 2009 2:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rwinrich on Mon Aug 10, 2009 9:28 pm

Tarishi noticed him looking at how her dress was clinging to her body from the water but she didn't mind it at all as she rather liked Lucas. He was rather funny when she watched him get wet although the way his mouth resembled that of a goldfish was quite comical. Watching him freeze the water on her body didn't take away the smile she had on her face.

Being that Tarishi was in control of water made it pretty easy to get out as she was able to make the ice start to steam as she actually started raising the water temperature in her body. It took less than 30 seconds for her to thaw out as she then stood up and stretched which was followed by her kicking water at him.

For some reason Lucas was able to make her smile and laugh yet it wasn't as juvenile as her younger siblings. "It was quite an interesting challenge but I liked it. I prefer the waters solitude to being at home with so many siblings. When I am home it feels as though I can't breath let alone think to myself so I come here and listen to the bubbling water, fish, and just myself. Do you know how that feels?"

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kez on Thu Aug 13, 2009 8:59 am

Klaren had just left the woods when she decided that she would sit down and just think a bit more about, well, to be honest, herself. So she decided to find a bench, sit down and just think.
She must have walked past 3 benches when she realized that she was just wandering about the town, so she took a few more steps forward, crossed the path and sat, she, to her suprise, was so restless that she stood up and walked away farther into the village.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DarkRainbow[: on Wed Aug 19, 2009 11:24 am


Alida sat by the river, feet dipped into the cool, flowing water, as she thought about what had happened to her coven within the last 200 years. She was annoyed that what Incendia did had started this war, - though it wasn't like she didn't like a fight every now and again - but she would never say against them, if anything, she would much preferre to be part of Incendia for some unknown reason, like most of the Unda witches. Still she hated the risks that the witches were under, not only between each other, but also between the humans.
Even though Alida preferred being by herself, she got too deep in her thought like this and often led her to depression. As it would looking at everything a witch has to deal with. So before she drove herself crazy, Alida decided she would get through the rest of the day and return at night, with her mind refreshed.
So she cupped some of the rivers water, bringing it to her face, letting it it drip down her face. Then with a sigh, she stood up, grabbing her angel axe, and began walking back to ready to cook her father - the man she has so much hate for - a meal. She had considered many times poisoning her father but she knows deep down there is a death better suited, she just does not know what.
Alida's focus was on her feet, her toes crunching into the long spikey grass, once again lost her own thought. It was stupid of her to leave herself so vunerable and off focus. It was something she needed improving on, keeping up her guard.
Aeron sat high up in the forest trees, watching all the wildlife scurring around beneath him, dreaming of the ways he and Diamund could kill them. Even though it was Diamund's obession not Aeron's, he couldn't help but be fancisnated by how an animal can be killed, which was running a risk of this turning into Aerons obsession aswell.
Just in that moment of thought, Aeron felt a spirit of one of the forest creatures, the pain and death running through his bones, he knew whatever it was had been killed by something or someone. And he had a good someone in mind who could of done this.
Aeron climbed down from the tree; grinning wildly, ready to investigate this animals death and how precise his guess was.
oh yeah were so gangster
our grills we use gumwrappers

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aaliyah on Tue Aug 25, 2009 7:22 am

Aestiva knelt beside a small stream, cupping the water in her hands and splashing it over her face. It was a warm day; she smiled contentedly as rivulets of water ran down her cheeks, cooling her skin. The heat was calling her, compelling her to succumb to it. She leaned back into the long grass, closing her eyes, and when she opened them again, the sun was low in the sky. Aestiva groaned - she hadn't meant to stay out so long. Her sister would want to know where she was, she realised. These were dangerous times and, as Aureus kept telling her, it wouldn't do to stray too far from the safety of the coven for too long. Sighing heavily, Aestiva pushed herself out of the grass, pulled herself to her feet and started the relatively long walk back toward the village.


Peter crouched down at the foot of a large oak tree, looking over his shoulder so often he appeared to have a twitch. This is wrong, a voice whispered inside his head. You shouldn't be doing this. But he ignored it. He knew the voice was right; it was dangerous and reckless to be performing magick such as this, but he didn't have a choice. He'd tried, he'd even contemplated tying himself to his kitchen table to prevent himself from returning to this spot, but eventually his resolve had weakened and he'd yielded to the pull of the portal.
He cast his senses around him, and once he'd ascertained that the feeling of being watched was nothing but his own paranoia, he returned his attention to the ground at the base of the oak tree. The grass surrounding the tree was long and lush, but there was a perfectly circular patch, just in front of where Peter was sitting, that was burnt and dead; the result of countless visits in the past few months.
Focusing all his energy on that one spot, Peter murmured the incantation under his breath and watched in awe as the bith dearc opened before him. Technically, as a member of the Terra coven, he shouldn't have known how to do this, but he'd bullied a member of Tractus into revealing her coven's secrets to him, and had been using them shamefully to his advantage ever since. His most favoured spell was the one that had caused the hole in the ground, filled with what appeared to be liquid silver. Other-worldly light danced across the surface of the pool, mesmerizing Peter. His face was alight with pure joy, contrasting absurdly to that of the man whose head suddenly emerged from the silver liquid.
"I told you not to do this anymore!" the head barked. He looked anything but happy at the prospect of being half-brought back from the dead.
Before Peter could answer, something tugged sharply at the end of his senses, and his head whipped around. A witch close by had just unveiled herself, and was making her way very quickly toward him. It was Eva. Peter silently cursed himself for not noticing that someone had cloaked themselves in magick and was watching him. He'd been taught to know this stuff. He turned back to face his father's ghost, his eyes wide with fear.
"You knew it had to happen sometime," the man commented dryly. "It's your own fault. Maybe she'll be able to help you."
"Father, I--" Peter began, but he was cut off.
"Don't call me back here, Peter. Ever." And with that he vanished.
Peter let out a strangled moan of despair, but he knew that his father was right, and he would try very hard to prevent himself from coming back here again. Fighting to control the tears that were begging to spill out over his cheeks, he closed the bith dearc with a wave of his hand and stood up, turning to face the opening to his clearing, waiting to be caught.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DyingHere on Sat Aug 29, 2009 4:29 pm

Once she was well clear of the spot where the hare had died, Eva cast her senses about herself again and felt the forest around her. There was dark magick being worked in a clearing up ahead; she was too far away to tell who it was, but she knew what spell was being worked. Although she'd never mastered the art of conjuring a bith dearc - nor had she wanted to, it was Tractus territory, and perhaps one of their darkest spells - she knew what it felt like when one was near; like all the light had been drained from the world. She also knew that an addicted dedicate to a bith dearc, although experiencing a similar sensation when opening one, saw it that the only light in the world was the window to the spirit realms. Hopefully this witch would be from Tractus - that way she wouldn't have to intervene.

She suppressed a shudder. Drawing her magick close to her, cloaking herself in it, she wandered from the path and into the darkening forest. As she neared the clearing, Eva could feel the power of the witch that was working the bith dearc. It had only recently been opened, but it was already up and running, and a spirit had already emerged from its depths. Please let it not be...
"Peter!" She hadn't meant to speak, and she clamped a hand to her mouth. Her cloak of magick slipped, and she revealed herself to the teenager at the base of an oak tree.

Eva emerged from the shadows, walking into the clearing and giving the situation an appraising look. The bith dearc had been closed, and Peter was standing before her, looking as guilty as sin. The whole place reeked of dark magick, and it suddenly occurred to her just how many people were practicing the black arts these days. If such a prospect was frightening, it was terrifying to discover a member of her own coven conjuring a bith dearc. What kind of High Priestess was she?

She walked toward Peter and placed her hands on his shoulders, fixing a concerned expression on her face. Eva was a big believer in repentance and redemption; she wanted to give the boy a chance to come clean on his own before jumping down his throat. "Peter?" she didn't have to fight to make her voice sound frightened. "What are you doing here? Can't you feel the dark magick? It's dangerous here. I was worried about you."


Diarmuid jumped, his concentration on the dead hare breaking as someone landed softly behind him. He froze, all of his magick automatically ready to shoot out defence spells as his senses crept out toward the intruder. It was a witch, and she was powerful, and although her trace was unfamiliar, she felt safe. He turned to look at her as congratulated him on his kill, walking toward the hare and running her hand along its corpse.

He recognised the woman immediately; this must be the High Priestess of Incendia. Although they had never met, he knew her very well by reputation. He stood up awkwardly and hesitated; should he bow? He decided not to; she wasn't his High Priestess, after all. The woman told him that he'd done this before, and then asked him how he had made the animal come to him. Diarmuid shrugged, cutting a path through the long grass that had concealed him until he was directly in front of her.

"Yes, I have practiced such magick before, My Lady," he answered slowly - although she wasn't Unda's High Priestess, she was still a woman of power, and deserved to be shown respect. "But I doubt you are here to reprimand me for such fine work." He met her gaze, the slightest hint of a smirk playing on his mouth. He ignored her first question, instead focusing on her last. "It wasn't difficult to make the animal come to me, Lady. The simplest of magicks were required. I merely borrowed the voice of a nearby fox and imitated its footsteps. Hare's are easily unnerved. Persuading a fox into my presence is much more challenging, My Lady."

Diarmuid stepped backwards, shifting his weight from foot to foot and watching the woman carefully for her reaction. He half expected her to pull him up over the remark about his 'fine work', but he didn't mind. He had been reprimanded over worse things in his time. But, if he was going to be shouted at for being so daring, he might as well make it for something worthwhile. He allowed his eyes to run over her, taking in every last detail; the smirk found his lips at last, and his eyes glittered darkly. She was very attractive.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OhhMyGeeABumbleBee on Mon Aug 31, 2009 1:39 pm

The suppressed smile conceded and hid, as the boy moved towards her and the hares corpse, which had simply been left, fading on the ground. She could see the recognition in his eyes as he realised who had happened to drop in on him. And saw the veins in his neck stand out, one by one as he shrugged his shoulders, like keys on a piano, played by the greatest musician.

The smile returned to tickle the corner of her lips when the boy addressed Aureus as 'My Lady'. And she listened, genuinely interested as he explained how he had gotten the hare to come to him. She had to admit to herself, though she would never admit to anyone else... she was impressed, by 'such fine work', as Diarmuid had put it. He was definitely sure of himself, being one way to put it.

She allowed herself a soft smile as she saw his eyes drifting over her, and she took it as a compliment. "My face is here, Diarmuid" She said, the smile infecting her voice. She started walking around him, looking him up and down, watching his fists, his eyes, his muscles for tension, reading him, wondering how far she could go. "And, by 'Such fine work', I would presume you mean the careless murder of an innocent hare?" the last was said while delivering a gentle nudge with her foot to the corpse she had gotten to. "Tsk Tsk kidda," She laughed lightly at the last bit. Nobody would accept her calling him 'Kidda', he couldn't be more than 3 years younger than him, not that she was that old.

"I'm presuming, of course, you wouldn't want me to... accidentally... tell anyone about your little, slip ups?"


Lucas smiled, impressed as he watched her free herself from the block of ice. And watched as he stretched, her body curved out like a cat after sitting basking in the comforting warmth of the sun. Before gasping as she kicked water at him. He ran into the water and cupped his hands in the cold, splashed water, before throwing it straight at the girl before him, and watching it splash against her neck and her face. And smiled softly, "Yeah I like it out here too; I can't stand being near so many people. It fills my head with harsh chatter, where I far prefer the playing of the lapping water."

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aaliyah on Tue Sep 29, 2009 2:42 pm

"Eva? W-What are you doing here?" Peter spluttered, staring at the young woman that had grasped his shoulders and was asking if he could feel the dark magick; she was worried about him. "What? No. I'm fine. But now that you mention it, I didn't think to cast my senses when I came here." Taking a step away from her, he cast his senses around himself, feeling the forest around him. He could ... feel it, the dark, heavy presence looming overhead. Yes, it had been caused by him, but it made him feel uncomfortable all the same. Careful to keep up his pretence - she didn't appear to have guessed his guilt - Peter opened his eyes and gasped. "You're right, something is wrong. Eva, what's causing it?" he asked, his voice faltering slightly, his face a mask of innocent concern.

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Re: To Know, To Dare, To Will, To Be Silent - IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby rwinrich on Thu Oct 29, 2009 2:32 am

Tarishi liked that Lucas agreed with her it seemed almost as though in some way they were kindred spirits even if they were both from different covens. Smiling at him before she looks up to close her eyes and making the water spring up and circle around both of them.

Tarishi had always liked that feeling of security she got when she was completely surrounded by water but erecting it around another person was very unusual as she enjoyed such solitude and yet here she was sharing it with Lucas. "When you grow up in as large a family as I have you find solitude very welcoming which is how I've always come to this river to erect my wall of solitude with water. I suppose anyone could walk right through it but who would want to especially when it it quite obvious why it was erected."

Opening her eyes as she brings her head down to look at him again smiling, the circle of water still up as she hadn't lost all of her concentration. "So, what is it you do everyday to dissipate the harsh chatter of people around you?

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