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Lessons in Life (IC)

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Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Sun Dec 28, 2008 7:18 am

In the world of Iliana, there are humans just like us, though they’re more in touch with the mystical side of life and can use certain gifts that they were born with. Wars were growing in size and growing numbers were dying due to the growing power of the armies in war. The government of one of the richest countries ordered their greatest scientists to form a perfect soldier, with high strength and stamina and the capability of disguise well in a normal society. They wanted to make a weapon that no other country would be able to stand up against. Once there was one of these successful experiments, they could’ve expanded and eventually make the perfect army that no other country could beat.

It took years of work from these scientists, making robots and remote controlled items that could’ve been used in battle, but none seemed to hit all the markers that their government were looking for. They then decided to mix the DNA of animals into that of a human egg cell. It took many attempts, but they soon managed to figure out the right combination that gave them life to a human looking child. They had created a boy with the sharpened senses and heightened strength and speed thanks to the animal DNA.

They tested the child from the moment it could walk, teaching him how to fight and use his sharp senses to his advantage in battle. The only bad thing about the boy having been trained and tested on in the laboratory all his life meant that he had no knowledge of the outside world. This would be a major problem to the scientists, as the boy could’ve reacted in any sort of way once he was let loose. While they thought of a way to keep the boy from running off from them and loosing sight of his purpose, they held him in the laboratory, giving him training routine’s everyday. As he knew no better, he just did as he was told.

Nobody was expecting a break in.

One night, a bunch of well-experienced sky pirates broke into the laboratory, scouring the place for something that they could use to their advantage. They soon come across the boy in his little section of the lab. The captain decided they needed a new hand after they filtered through some of the files about the boy, taking the boy out of the laboratory and back to their ship. In doing this, they alert the scientists of their missing weapon.

The scientists are now looking for their perfect soldier, while the sky pirates are taking him around the world, letting him learn about his surroundings while he automatically helps with protecting the ship and the pirates on it.

Will the boy get a chance to learn about everything in the world to make a decision on what he is to do with his life, or will the scientists hunt him down and force him to do their will and fight in battle?


The Boy: Valor
Sky Pirate Captain: Waste.
Sky Pirates:

Scientists looking for the boy:
- Bio-Mechanics

-All characters, except for the created boy, are allowed to have one power.
-This is in a modern/future setting, so technology is pretty advanced [Airships, hovercraft etc.]
-Sky pirates are on board an Airship, make this however you like, but it must have a deck.

Semi literate +
No Godmoding
No Mary Sues etc
I request a few descent sentences to each post
I’ll kick you out if necessary

The OOC is here: Lessons in Life (OOC)


Hopefully this would’ve been the last time Odyn would’ve been returned to his ‘room’ for this day. After checking the last window he had passed by, he saw that it was all dark out there, which usually meant it was time to end the tests for today. He glanced back at the scientist who had returned him to his ‘room’, hearing their wishes for a good night – whatever that meant.
His room was more like a cell, with one-way mirrors on three of the walls and a small window on the outer wall, giving Odyn a little natural light. All the room had in it was a plain stretcher-like bed and a simple chair and table for eating his meals. He didn’t really spend a lot of time in here during the day, so it didn’t need much work.

Odyn instantly went to the window, gazing out of it like he usually done most of the time while he was in there, wondering what was outside. He sighed heavily, knowing that none of his questions would be answered while in here, and so moved away from the window before he found too many questions to ponder over. He sat on the edge of his bed, running a hand through his short blonde hair, releasing another quiet sigh before finally giving up on the day and laying down on his bed.
He gazed at the blank wall ahead of him for a while, slowly falling asleep like usual. And while he slept, the scientist that had brought him back watched through the window of the little office, marvelling their creation for that little bit longer.

Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Sun Dec 28, 2008 9:45 am

Loki was sitting in the crows nest, watching the ship bank and rise over the torrents of clouds, the day was turning into quite a storm. His red hair was blowing across his face and the wind tugged at his loose clothes. Not far away he saw the rising tower of the building they had been searching for, breaking through the clouds that swirled around it. He smiled, finally.

He gripped the side of the crows nest and swung himself over, holding onto the rigging he climbed down to the deck, his crew looked up "Slow the engines!" he yelled, "Prepare the cannons, hit the tower at my signal, whilst they sort that, five of you will enter with me." he pointed to five of his men "Sources have informed me that this lab is always developing new tech, thats what we are looking for." he told the five men he had picked.

The fire coming from the engine that circled the ship reduced in length and it slowed, just as the tower was in range. From blue prints he had seen he knew that the main building was directly below "Weigh anchor!" Loki shouted,
"Aye captain" two men ran to where the anchor was tied off and began to wind it down.
"Just let it drop you dogs!" Loki snapped. The men let go of the crank and the anchor dropped through the hick layer of cloud below, a satisfying crash told Loki it had hit its target. "FIRE!" three cannon balls were released, shooting through the air and slaming into the tower, shaing the building. "Men with me!" Loki ran to the anchors chain and swung over he side of the ship catching the chain and sliding down it, his five chosen men following as they descended into the swirl of clouds.

Any good?
Image"A story is the most precious thing you can give someone ~ Why not write one with me?" - Waste.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:04 am

Odyn felt the tremor of the building, though didn't really react to it as he felt the shakes of the building all the time from other experiments that they were doing. He didn't know what he would do if it was anything serious, as nothing had happened to the laboratory while he was around. Maybe he would've been taken away from the building, or even could've been forced to fight whatever had attacked the place. But right now, he didn't know what was going on, and nobody had rushed in to him, and so he just carried on sleeping.

The scientist that had been watching over him suddenly left at the sound of the alarm, going off to check what damage had been done, making the mistake of leaving the boy on his own.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bio-Mechanic on Sun Dec 28, 2008 10:57 am

Orpheus was taking a short break from work, his head beginning to ache at the concentration required in his line of work. He ignored the dull ache, bringing more pressing matters to the front of his mind. Just as he began to relax, the whole building shook, not doing much for his headache.

He tensed, unsure of what to do--it didn't feel like the result of any experiment, and Orpheus assumed the only other reason could be the result of an attack.
Before anything else, he hoped he wouldn't have to fight. After all, he wasn't a fighting man; he was far too thin and weak for that, despite his youth.

As the alarm sounded, he quickly followed another scientist who was going past.
"Do you know what caused it?" He asked in a quiet voice; Orpheus had never been one for rowdiness in situations such as this or shouting.
...with a liver crisis.

Vegetable man, where are yoooouuuuuu?

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:25 am

Odyn was left to sleep soundly while the scientists rushed around, figuring out what had happened and trying to find a way to defend the building from the attackers. They'd probably come and get him later if things got so bad that they needed his help or to protect him.

The scientists that had been questioned by Orpheus glanced back at him, a slight frown on his face.
"From what you can see outside, I'm guessing it's an attack from Sky Pirates." he replied, his tone a little louder than Orpheus's and a little shakey with panic. "They might be after the experiments," He added. What would they do if their successful experiments were taken from them.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bio-Mechanic on Sun Dec 28, 2008 11:53 am

Nodding, Orpheus quickly muttered to himself about nothing in particular and then smiled.
"Oh, I see," he said in a cheerful manner, despite his worry for the experiments they'd all taken so long working on and testing.

He decided that fighting would happen, and that he would probably be involved, and that he should really join in. After all, it would be more than a 'shame' for any of these experiments to fall into the rough hands of Sky Pirates. Blithe to the thumping pain in his head, he strode forwards with a sense of determination, although he was well known for fleeing at the first sign of violence.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Sun Dec 28, 2008 8:37 pm

Loki entered the building, holding a cutlass in his right hand and his glock in the other, he kept low to the ground as did the other five, and ran through the smoking hallway. There were figures up ahaead, guards, scientists, it didn't matter. He broke through the wall of smoke at the end of the corridor with a loud cry and cut his sword through the air, he managed the catch one guy with its tip but he wasnt terribly wounded.

Loki left two of his men to battle at the end of the hall as he carried on, shooting or cutting down whoever got in his way. He came to one room that seemed to be throbbing with tech, he sent two more guys in, leaving it just himself and one other man in the now empty hall, most of the scientists seemed to be collecting their stuff and leaving quickly.

Loki found one door that was locked, he shot the lock and kicked the door open, entering the room that contained a small boy...

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bio-Mechanic on Mon Dec 29, 2008 4:31 am

As soon as Orpheus saw and heard the Sky Pirates, his determination and bravery almost entirely evaporated. Still, he retained his optimism, deciding it'd be best if he hid somewhere nearby because he'd be more use being cowardly and alive than being brave and dead.

He slunk into a corner where he thought he'd be pretty much unnoticed, pulling his goggles down from his eyes, in case the reflective lenses would give him away. His headache was getting worse, but he did his best to ignore it; after all, for a headache he could easily take some medicine, but he doubted he'd be able to recover quite so well from a bullet or sword wound that wound result if he began complaining that his head was hurting and therefore could the dear pirates please keep the noise down before it got any worse.
He almost giggled at the idea of the pirates all whispering a sorry and going about their marauding and thieving business as quietly as possible, but quickly reminded himself to stay silent.

He leant his head back against the wall, wondering if he'd be able to puppet one of the pirates if they did see him and decided to get rid of him. He hadn't had time to practise his power in a while, and it wasn't like he was very good at it anyway. But, he thought, it would still be worth a try if he was cornered.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Mon Dec 29, 2008 5:30 am

Odyn sure felt the shock of the bullet hitting the lock of the door, but it was the one before his room - the office with the windows into his room. He didn't really want to move, but someone had come into his little lab area, and so he guessed he had to wake up for something. He wondered if it was really the emergency that Odyn had doubted, and one of the scientists had come to get him. But the scientists wouldn't have had to hit the door with such force as what he had felt, so who was there? He lay there still, eyes slightly parted in his awakening, waiting for whoever was outside to enter his 'room'.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Mon Dec 29, 2008 8:55 am

Loki looked through the one way mirror thing, of course he didn't realise what it was, instead of simply teleporting into the small cel lke room he found it more fun to smash the window with the hilt of his cutlass. He jumped through the opening and looked at the boy "Get up," he ordered, "Are you a prisoner here?"

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:08 am

Odyn scrambled to his feet as he heard the order to get up, his sapphire gaze on the male that had questionned him. He glanced at the shattered window, shaking his head lightly,
"No, I'm not a prisoner here. I was created here..." He replied, looking the man up and down. This stranger didn't look like a scientist, and so he wondered who this was. It could've been another test for him, to see how he'd react to strangers, but there was no way of Odyn being able to tell this at the moment.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Mon Dec 29, 2008 9:59 am

"Created..." Loki mused, he looked at the boy wth one eyed curiosity "For what?" he asked, he bo didnt look like an experiment, he seemed almost like a normal human being, except for one so young Loki could see torment in his gaze.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Mon Dec 29, 2008 10:27 am

This must've been a stranger if he had come into the room asking about him, and not knowing any detail about him at all.
"I'm not sure really, they said something about being a weapon of some description - but the experiments on me are not finished yet, so maybe I'll find out later." He said as he strugged lightly, not knowing what else to say. He then glanced out of the window, seeing something outside that was not there before. "Did you do that?" He asked as he pointed at the window with a curious expression.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:02 am

"A weapon?" Loki grinned, "Come with me," he listened to the boys question an turned "Do what"

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:07 am

"That, out there..." Odyn said, wandering to his window and gazing at the smoke that was rising into the sky, and the heavy duty chain that seemed to be holding something down, though he couldn't see what. He then looked back at Loki as he was told to go with him, a curious expression on his face, "where are we going?" he asked, glancing back to the window as he wondered if they were going outside.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:16 am

Loki went to the boys side and laid a hand on his shoulder "That holds my ship down, so it doesnt fly away," he turned the boy around and caught his eye "Come with me, an i'll show you things that are so much more, so much better than anythng you have ever imagned." he said with almost pleading eyes, he could just kidnap the boy, but wouldnt it be easier to make him want to come? He heard a crash in the hall and the door to the room was kicked open, Loki moved to shield the boy.

Four pirates ran in, two held some sort of metal equipment and the other two were empty handed, his other man was in the room where the mirror had been, inspecting something, Loki looked back at the boy, turning slowly he sheathed his cutlass and held out his hand.

"Are you with me?"

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Bio-Mechanic on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:23 am

Orpheus carefully watched the goings on down the hallway--it appeared that one of the pirates was talking to the experiment called Odyn. A feeling of dread crept through his body; they'd spent ages creating and training Odyn...if that Sky Pirate killed or stole him...well, he had no idea what would happen, but it would certainly be Bad News.

Rather than leaping up to protect the experiment, Orpheus stayed still and decided he'd tell someone more competent at fighting what he'd seen, and possibly tell them in what direction they'd left, if they would take him, rather than kill him.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:31 am

Odyn tried to look out of the window and try and catch sight of this ship of this man's. He then stumbled back as he heard the crashing of the door, peering round Loki to see the other men in the room. He recognised some of the instruments in the men's hands, glancing at Loki before looking back at the men.
"Those belong to the scientists, you can't take them!" He said, but then thought about it for a few moments. If that stuff there belonged to the scientists, he belonged to the scientists as well. He frowned slightly, knowing that he shouldn't really allow himself to be taken by these people, or let the equipment go with them. But then, if it all went missing, then it wouldn't be so bad.
He hesitated at first, but then reached out and took Loki's outstretched hand, hoping that he'd made the right choice.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Mon Dec 29, 2008 11:59 am

"I'm Captain Loki of the Ruby Dragon." he said, "I'm glad to have you" he flashed a mischevious smile, "Keep up" he said as he broke the window and jumped out, letting o of the boys hand he waited on the ther side as his five man also vaulted over the window, they all waited for the boy. "I hope you can climb" Loki said.

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Re: Lessons in Life (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Mon Dec 29, 2008 12:17 pm

"Ruby... Dragon?" Odyn muttered, watching as they all rushed out of the window. He looked back to the corridor, spotting one of the scientists hiding away. He felt somewhat bad, for leaving them, but he had said he would go now. If it was going to offer him more of a life than he had here, then he wanted to take that oppertunity. He looked back at the window, clambering up and out of it, landing beside Loki.
His first taste of freedom. He felt a light breeze on his face, his gaze wandering down to the the ground beneath his bare feet.

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