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Lost and Found [IC]

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Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BehindMyMask on Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:39 am

Lost and Found

OOC: Welcome to the IC for Lost and Found. This is to be the only OOC in the IC thread. All other OOC talk goes in the OOC thread. Only accepted players may post here. If you're interested then please look at the OOC thread and apply there, located here. Please don't go wild with the posting. Maximum posts per day is 4 per player as I don't have internet at home and I don't want to come back and find a bazillion posts between two players and the rest of us shut out or lost. Remember my rules and the site's rules and last but not least have fun.

"Come on Lori. Do you really want to be stuck with a kid around here? I can't stand the little brat. She's just extra work and money."

"She's got nowhere else to go, Dave. Come on, she isn't that bad..." The woman stated.

"She's costing us money." He growled.

"Not that much, I mean we leave her here when we go out so we're not paying for a babysitter or anything." The mother sighed.

"We're paying for food and clothes. Think about everything that that could get us... Think about all the real freedom we'll have without her in California."

"And how do we get rid of her without the authorities knowing, Dave?" She asked.

"I know a place, North of here. They won't find her there." Dave told his girlfriend before taking a drag of his drug, weed.

The mother just nodded. "Okay then. As long as we don't get caught..."

Kadhi stood by her bedroom door peeking out. At eight years old she was watching her mother and her mother's boyfriend discuss getting rid of her. He wide brown eyes showed the sadness and she longed for her father, someone she didn't even know. Kadhi had never met her father. Her mother told her that he was just a piece of shit that beat her and used her before getting rid of her. It was far from the truth though. Kadhi was actually the daughter of a top businessman who had paid Kadhi's mother for sex at one point in her life.

Slowly and quietly, Kadhi closed her door making sure that neither of the adults in the other room could hear that she'd been their listening in on their conversation.

"Get out the car Kadhi." Her mother spoke.

"But mom... I don't know anything here."

"Just get out of the car kid before I throw you out." Dave snapped.

Kadhi's small hand slowly moved to the door and opened it, shaking as the poor girl cried her eyes out. Her mother and Dave didn't waste any time, and two days after Kadhi had over heard the conversation between the two adults, in the middle of the night, she found herself on the side of the street with only a teddy bear in her hand.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Perilute on Thu Nov 26, 2009 11:55 am

Booker leaned back in his dilapidated chair, enjoying the high he was getting. Sure, his nose hurt a little, but that was nothing compared to the buzzing in his veins and in his head. He smiled slowly, eyes shut tight as the light danced across them. A bottle of John Walkers Black Label hung loosely in his hand. It had been a good day, an easy day. The crew had found plenty of stuff they could salvage and sell, and Booker himself had made a big deal passing on a couple bricks of cocaine. They would have something good and wholesome to eat tonight, if any of his crew dropped by the home base. Booker knew this, and basked in the joy of his spoils.

He took a slow sip from the alcohol, letting it slide coolly down his throat. He couldnā€™t taste the burn of it anymore, only the warmth that bloomed in his stomach and radiated outward from there. Sitting like this, absolutely alone in the wrecked room that had once been an apartment, he could almost pretend that there were no problems. Sure, they were lurking somewhere out in the Great Beyond, watching from the shadows and waiting for him to crash back down to reality like a flaming comet, but till then the Great Beyond seemed very, very far away.

With a lazy hand he swiped away the residue of the powder from his desk, and propped his booted feet on itā€™s surface. It was almost like dreaming, being like this. He could wander away from his body like some kind of spirit, and imagine the places he might have gone had he been born or raised a different man. It was escapism at itā€™s best. Screw the books, the movies the tv shows, he had a good mind and he would use it and abuse it as he pleased.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starbuck on Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:26 pm

What was just supposed to be a quick trip down to the liquor store in town, soon turned into a street brawl in the alley behind it. And here Ryan was, an hour later. After exiting the store with the brown paper bag and bottle in hand, perhaps Ryan was just at the wrong place, at the wrong time. Two members of a rival gang were standing outside, and recognized him right away. He may have stolen their ride a few weeks back, woops.

Never one to back down from a fight, even if outnumbered, Ryan took a few punches and blow to the face while he was able to get in a few himself...but as soon as guns were drawn, that's when the sirens could be heard not too far away. With one last stare-down, they all ran off to their separate ways. And Ryan was halfway back to the abandoned hospital when he realized that somewhere between exiting the liquor store and fighting those two assholes, he'd lost his booze. "Fuck me," He grumbled to himself, his hands clenching into fists as he continued to to mumble and curse to himself. He carried no more cash in the pocket of his jeans, but his hands searched through his pockets anyway, finding only lint and loose change. And he'd caused enough trouble for one night to go back and steal the damn thing.

Sporting a fresh cut on his forehead, and a swollen eye that would no doubt be purple in a few hours, Ryan ducked through an opening from the chain-linked fence, making his way toward the one place he'd been calling 'home' for the past three years. Adrenaline was still flowing through his veins, his heart still racing from the confrontation earlier. He'd get his revenge, somehow. It was a never-ending battle with them, and lack of a job led Ryan to wreak havoc on the city, with nothing better to do.
Previously known as PerfectlyBroken.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet DK on Thu Nov 26, 2009 12:55 pm

"Come on, Rose, you'll get left behind."

Manuel stopped for a moment and watched his sister blush and jog a few paces to catch up with him. "You make anything tonight, querida?" he asked, ruffling her hair. Rose just ducked out of his reach and frowned.

"I found some change on the ground, but no one gave me anything. I found these though," she answered and held up four beat up dimebags full of white powder. "There was a bust and one of the guys threw this into the bushes while he was running. Booker'll probably like them..." She deposited the bags into his grimy, calloused palm, finally able to manage a bit of a smile. Manuel weighed the drugs in his hand and whistled.

"Nice! You were careful though, right? The cops didn't see you?" Rose shook her head.

"They were too busy chasing."

Manuel's grin widened and he swooped down to kiss her cheek with a smack. "Smart girl! And you're right, Booker'll be nice and happy for a good week if we're lucky. Add that onto the--"

Manuel froze in his tracks, mid-sentence and Rose almost ran straight into him. She furrowed her brow.

"What are you doing? What's wr--"

"Do you hear that?" he asked, tilting his head toward an alley which he knew led to another side street. Rose glanced in the direction he indicated and shook her head. They stood in silence for a few moments before Manuel pushed the dimbags and his earnd cash into her bag and pushed her forward towards the others firmly.

"Catch up with the rest, all right? I'll meet you back at base, okay. Stick close with Paul." He took off down the alley without looking back, confident that Rose would follow his instructions. He couldn't say exactly what he was thinking, he only knew that there was a kid crying close by and suddenly it was as if he was seven years old again and is four-year-old sister was locked in the closet.

He found her after only a few minutes, an adorable little thing, maybe six or seven, clutching a teddy bear as it it were her only lifeline. "Hey, kid," said softly as he approached her. "What are you doing out here so late without your mommy?"

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BehindMyMask on Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:15 pm

Kadhi watched as Dave drove the car off and didn't stop or look back, neither of them did. She waited by the side of the road for them. She waited and waited, for at least and hour. Then, Kadhi started to get cold and she wanted to find somewhere warm. The girl stumbled around for a while, crying heavily and trying to find her way around the dump, obtaining several cuts to the bottom of her bare feet in the process.

Finally, she stopped at an alleyway, having no idea where to go or what to do in a situation like this. She'd seen several people but had hidden from them, terrified that they'd hurt her. Everything scared Kadhi. She could hear seveal noises, voices, footsteps, animals, everything. She just shook her head and tried to find somewhere where she could hide.

Kadhi had just started walking into the alley when someone appeared, a man. He was a lot older than her and tall... and not to mention scary. She just stood there wide eyed as he spoke. It took a minute or so, but Kadhi let her fear get the better of her and before she could reply she turned and ran, hiding behind some rubbish and whimpering as her foot dug into some glass.

Crying even harder, Kadhi sat on the floor and looked at the cut on the bottom of her foot, some glass embedded inside, while a nice amount of blood pooled out to the ground.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet DK on Thu Nov 26, 2009 1:38 pm

There was silence for such a long time that Manuel was wondering if she could speak. But then she turned and ran, her pretty brown hair streaking out behind her. Manuel swore and glanced back in the direction he'd come from. What would he even do if he caught her? He wasn't the police, she could wander if she wanted... but then the memory of her cries echoed in his mind and he pressed his lips together and took off after her. She didn't run far opting to hide behind some trash farther away.

Taking a deep breath, Manuel approached slowly, trying to make himself seem less threatening, not an easy feat with his hulking figure and stained clothes. His heart wrenched when he noticed the blood pooling from her foot. He knelt down to her level and held out his hand.

"Wow, that looks like it hurts a lot," he said, trying to smile in a friendly way. "You look like you need some help, cutie. Would you like to come with me? I'll take care of you, I promise."

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BehindMyMask on Fri Nov 27, 2009 4:33 am

Kadhi looked at the guy, the same guy that approached her before. She couldn't hide from him and she couldn't run with an injured foot. All she could do was cry in fear. She listened to what he said and nodded slightly to what the man said about her foot hurting.

"It has glass in it..." She whispered.

When he held out his hand, and promised he wouldn't hurt her, Kadhi slowly decided to take it and trust him. He didn't look like he was going to hurt her and if he could make her warm and stop her foot from hurting then maybe it would be a good thing to go with him. She didn't stand up as she took his hand, she just sat there because of her foot. Her free hand quickly grabbed her teddy, not wanting to forget it.

"Where will we go?" She asked, more like a three or four year old than an eight year old as she wiped her tears.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet DK on Fri Nov 27, 2009 1:15 pm

Manuel's smile widened as the girl took his hand and hurriedly scooped her up into his arms. They kept a lot of bandages and peroxide at home, a couple of the members had a penchant for knife fights. Feeling bright and confident, Manuel turned toward home and started jogging. "We'll go back to where I live," he told her, panting a little. "My friends and I can help you. We'll clean up your foot and then we'll find your mommy and everything'll be all right." He paused at an intersection before abruptly deciding to go around the rival territory he would usually cut through. It would take a little longer, but he'd hate to terrify the kid even more. "I'm Manuel, by the way. What's your name?"


Rose approached the chain link fence that led to the abandoned hospital alone. The rest of the group had decided to head downtown and see what was going on. They would probably find somewhere else to sleep. She picked her way through the opening carefully and finally relaxed. She smiled a bit and began to hum a bit of a tune she had heard come from an open car window. This was their place, their territory. There was rarely danger here and always help.

Up ahead she thought she saw Ryan and ran a few steps to catch up with him. "Hi... Ryan..." She only noticed the injuries on his face once she turned to greet him and she faltered, her usual frown taking place on her face once more. "Busy night?"

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nezzera on Sat Nov 28, 2009 12:16 am

It was cold, and was starting to get too dark to see without street lights. Taylor shivered, the remains of a cigarette in her hand. She needed to get a new sweater. Shivering, Taylor looked up at the night sky, the stars barely visible. A chill ran up her spine and she could have sworn she heard someone crying. Shaking her head, she leaned her head back against the building, an uneasy feeling settling in the pit of her stomach.

Taylor sighed and through the end of her cigarette onto the ground, stepping on it to put it out. She reached into her pocket and took out her pack, now empty. "Shit..." she grumbled, and went back inside. She'd have to get more soon, even though she didn't have any money.

She saw Ryan and Rose up on the steps and hurried to catch up with them. She caught a glimpse of Ryan's face and grimaced. "Well, that looks painfull." Taylor looked over at Rose, who was frowning as usual. "Where'd Manuel run off to?"
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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BehindMyMask on Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:47 am

Kadhi held onto Manuel tightly so she didn't fall and kept her teddy in her other hand. She wiped her tears as she leant against him.

"My name is Kadhi. And mommy and Dave went to California. They don't want me going with them." She started. "Dave doesn't like me but I want to go and find them and show that I can be good and all that." Kadhi told Manuel.

She finally calmed down, but kept a tight hold on Manuel as she was scared she'd fall; wrapping her arms around his neck tightly and keeping a hold of the bear. She wondered where he lived and everything as she sat there, watching where they went. When they arrived at a massive building, little Kadhi gasped.

"That's a big house..." She started.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet DK on Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:06 pm

Manuel chuckled at Kadhi's reaction. "Yeah, I guess you get used to it. Hold tight for a sec, we have to duck through." He switched her weight to one arm and shouldered through the opening in the fence that led back to his only home for more than three years. "You don't worry about anything. We'll figure it out," he mumbled. Luckily, there was already a group of his friends gathered outside of the building, his arms were getting tired. He recognized his sister instantly. The other two looked like Ryan and Taylor. "Hey! A little help here?"

Rose was about to answer when they heard Manuel shouting. ...And he was carrying a child.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BehindMyMask on Sat Nov 28, 2009 6:12 pm

Kadhi looked at everyone as they approached a group of people. She shied away into Manuel, not to sure of anyone at first. She was terrified. She'd let a stranger pick her up and carry her off, yet that was also a worry because she had no idea where she was going or who these people were. Despite his words that she'd be safe, she wasn't all that sure.

She saw a couple of girls and guys as they got closer, but it was hard to tell as it was dark. Kadhi then looked away completely and buried her head into his neck and shoulder, terrified of looking at anyone and trying to block out the dull aching in her foot as the pain of the glass still in her foot took over again.

The poor girl just wanted to start crying once more. She was tired and scared still, and she was hurting. She knew that her mom and Dave weren't coming back and she had no idea what she was going to do. Finally, she looked back to the group of people that they'd approached and waited to hear what they had to say.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Starbuck on Sat Nov 28, 2009 8:43 pm

Ryan was just about to approach the entrance to that familiar abandoned building that he had began to call 'home' a few years ago, when he heard a voice behind him. It was not wise to approach a man who had just been in a fight, especially in the dark, but he recognized the tone right away. Rose. She never did belong here. He could understand, even appreciate what her brother had done for her, and what they'd been through. But she was still young, and still had plenty of time to get her life back together. She didn't belong here, and she didn't belong with these people. Especially someone like him; a thief, and sometimes a killer.

"What are you doing out here by yourself?" He asked, raising a brow at her, which hurt like hell. And it wouldn't take long for her to see the injuries on his face, or Taylor, as she approached too. "I don't know what you guys are talking about, chicks dig this." He said with a smirk, crossing his arms in front of him as he led them both inside. It wasn't much warmer inside, but it was something. "It was just a little run-in with the Marcus brothers. You should see them." Ryan was about to gloat on, even if his story wasn't entirely true, but Manuel made a little entrance of his own.

Turning to look back at him, his eyes widened immediately. What was that, a little girl? "Who the fuck is that?" He spat out, both confused and angry at the same time. "That better be some long-lost daughter of yours, otherwise, you get her the hell out of here. This is just begging for the cops to come in here and bring us down. What are you thinking?" He stepped toward them, not even able to look at the girl as he glared back at Manuel. He'd worked too damn hard to let him screw this up now, but he kept least for the time being, giving him the chance to defend himself and explain.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chaoticsunrise on Sat Nov 28, 2009 9:55 pm

Jamie slowly sauntered out of the large building they called home, she saw Ryan, Taylor, Rose, Manuel... and a kid?!
Anger pulsed through her but she quickly pushed it down. She stood, silently, staring at the little girl in Manuel's arms; Her face was tear streaked and her foot was bleeding. She was small, and very young....

Suddenly Jamie sputtered and her eyes went blank and cold. A memory was flashing through her head. 8 years old. All alone. Crying, Lost, Abandoned. This little girl reminded her of her past, and another flash of anger ran through her bloodstream.

"I.." she stammered, looking around at all the confusion. "Well, we can't let that foot on he cut get infected.." she shot a cold, but caring look in Ryan's direction "No matter who she is." As she turned to walk away she called over her shoulder "But first, Manuel, take your little friend to Brian..."
Forces unseen p u l l i n g strings in your heart
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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet DK on Sat Nov 28, 2009 10:00 pm

Rose winced and grabbed hold of Ryan's wrist as he started toward her brother and the child. "Ryan," she admonished timidly, "Maybe you shouldn't. You're scaring her." She was a bit too confused herself to really do anything. Manuel had acted strangely before he disappeared, but she deffinitely not expected this. "Manuel...?"

Manuel stepped back and turned Kahdi so that he was between her and Ryan, as if he could shield her from his words. "Hey, lay off, Ryan," he snapped back in a low voice. "There aren't going to be any cops, all right? Look, she cut her foot. I told her we could help her out, and we can. So, shut up." He turned to Jamie and smiled a bit, though he recognized that she wasn't completely on his side.

"Come on, Kahdi. Don't mind them, they don't get to see pretty girls like you very often. They're just jealous."

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Inali Grimalkin on Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:38 am

Tony was standing in the back watching the scene. Finally he stepped forward and looked at the little girl. He gave Manuel a meaningful look that clearly stated 'we need to talk'. Tony wasn't the kind of guy to argue in public. He might make snide and sarcastic comments but if he really has an issue with someone he'll address it in private. For now however her merely looked at the little girl and said "Babies get cold at night. I'll find her some blankets and a place to sleep for as long as she's here." He glanced at Rose and looked away when their eyes met. As much as he didn't want to admit it, not even to himself he was trying to be more of a nice guy because he desperately wanted her to like him. Stupid, he knew, he was nineteen for Gods sake but feelings rarely ever made sense. "Ryan." He said in his deep growly voice "You should come with me."

Trixie on the other hand had no qualms with fighting in public. "Manuel! What do you think you're doing?" She pushed her way to the front of the crowd having stumbled upon it on her way to "work". "Do you have any idea of what a child will do here? What if someone files a report? We could all get locked up for kidnapping." She looked at the girl for the first time, she had buried her head in Manuel's shoulder but now and then would peek out. For a moment she saw a different little girl, a girl with tanned skin and dirty hair with tears in her eyes. But that was a long time ago, back when she allowed herself to cry. She blinked and shook her head to clear the image from her mind. "Get rid of her." She said in a menacing voice. She knew Manuel was the leader but she brought in good money and didn't do anything overly illegal. "I won't have some snot nosed baby screwing everything I have up for me." With a last disdainful glance at Kahdi she shoved past them and went to the streets.
Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BehindMyMask on Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:33 am

Kadhi listened to what everyone was saying and noticed straight away it wasn't nie or good things. The tears started again as she just held onto Manuel tighter, not wanting to let go in case she was abandoned.

She noticed that a couple of people had used the word baby. Kadhi wasn't a baby. She was eight. She was nearly all grown up in her eyes. Opening her mouth to tell them this, she then looked away and buried her head back into Manuel's shouler, waiting to see what happened.

Kadhi didn't want the blanket and a place to sleep to disappear. The poor girl had even started shivering against Manuel as the temperature dropped and she felt herself getting colder. She was also shivering partly in fear to. She knew the people that found her didn't like her. She was only a kid but she wasn't stupid. She knew from the way they spoke that she wasn't liked. Only Manuel was saying nice things and she didn't understand why.

"I'm older than a baby..." She told him quietly. "I'm nearly eight. That's a big age." Kadhi continued.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nezzera on Sun Nov 29, 2009 5:19 am

Taylor watched and listened to the reactions when Manuel walked into the building. She grimaced, God, I hate kids... They always seem to screw things up... Her eyes looked down at the girl, and she saw tears in the child's eyes. She laughed when the girl said she wasn't a baby. That eight was a 'big age'. Shaking her head, she noticed that most of the people's best arguements was cops.

Taylor looked at Manuel. "Where did you find her? Why did you bring her here instead of leaving her to her parents?" she questioned in a stern voice.
She had to admit, even though she didn't like the kid, or any kid, that it wasn't right to leave the child out in the cold, especially in the state she was in. But the others were right, too- if the child's parents got the police involved, it could mean trouble for all of them.

Frowning, Taylor wished she had a cigarette. This was way too much trouble. Why the hell did Manuel bring her here? What was he thinking! There was no way a child could live here, out on the streets. She was small, and obviously scared of her own shadow. God, she thought, he had better not expect to keep her here. She'll die out here; she can't defend herself, and no one seems to want her here... Dammit Manuel, what have you gotten us into?!

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sweet DK on Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:05 am

"Give me a second, Tony. I need to set her down somewhere," Manuel mumbled. He managed to hold it together just long enough to find Kahdi an old, worn down armchair. He shed his coat and sweater and gave them to her, leaving him standing there in his ragged wifebeater. "I know you are, Kahdi. Almost all grown up," he told her distractedly. "Here, take these and wait here. Don't try to walk on that foot, okay? I'll be back for you in like, two seconds." He winked and tried to reassure her, but inside he was boiling. When had his friends gotten so selfish? When exactly did they forget that they used to look just like Kahdi, with the same dirty, tear-streaked face and the same wounded soul? When did they forget that it was someone like Manuel who found them and offered them help? He managed to shut the door on the little side room he'd put her in to face the rest of the gang.

"She hasn't GOT parents, all right?!" he hissed. "There aren't going to be any police, there's no one to call them. Her mom... look, I don't have the entire story yet, but basically she left the kid on the side of the street in the middle of winter so she could take a vacation with her man in California. Sound familiar?"

For a long moment there was silence, just the sound of his heavy breathing. And then Rose spoke, messing nervously with her hair. She could practically feel the others waiting to attack again and she hated the fighting. There was enough of that on the street, but there shouldn't be any at home. Home was where it was supposed to be safe. She couldn't stand to lose her safe place again.

"Manuel... it does sound familiar, I do understand. I understand why you want to take care of her, but... Manuel, I don't think... this isn't a good choice. She's just a little girl. She'll constantly be in danger and afraid. It isn't fair to make her grow up here. We cannot keep her." Manuel gaped at his sister. And then he glared.

"You were just a little girl too when I brought you here," he growled. Rose went pale.

"I know," she whispered. "And look at all of the trouble you all go through for me. No puedes guardar todo el mundo, Manuel."

Manuel's glare only intensified and he turned his back on his sister before he could say anything he would regret. "Come on, Tony. What is it?" he said, moving inside.

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Re: Lost and Found [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Inali Grimalkin on Sun Nov 29, 2009 12:09 pm

Tony sighed and looked at the girl. He'd made up his mind. "She can sleep in my room." He said registering the stunned silence he continued, "She going to be part of the family now isn't she? You know I'll always protect every member of the family, even if I'm not particularly fond of them." He thought of all the times he'd gotten Trixie out of scrapes. No one really liked her, not even Tony, but he still helped her whenever she needed. Not that she ever asked. "I don't think this is the right place for her and I'm probably going to regret this if she ends up getting everyone in trouble but I know how it feels to be unwanted. We all do. So I guess you're right in saying she belongs here." He sighed and handed Manuel his black parka. "I'll go see if I can't "buy" her some better clothes. What size do you think she is, 6x?"

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