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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:04 pm


The sign read:

--------------------------------------------------------------"THE DOG POUND:
------------------------------------------------------------------- KEEP OUT
--------------------------------------------------------------DO NOT FEED DOGS
-------------------------------------------------------------DO NOT TOUCH DOGS
------------------------------------------------------------DO NOT LOOK AT DOGS
---------------------------------------KEEP OUT UNDER PENALTY OF DEATH OR SERIOUS INJURY
-------------------------------------------------------AUTHORIZED PERSONNEL ONLY
---------------------------------------------------------- BY ORDER OF : Jack Dallas"

Which was posted on a thick abnormally large wooden door that lead to a large room that facilitated the housing for the dogs. Large dogs....not your large 120 lb dogs...but dogs that have seen war against the undead for years on end. Dogs, that after each kill, grew larger, stronger, faster. Dogs that easily weigh 600 lbs and that tower over a 6ft man by more than 4 ft with all their muscles nearly protruding from their skin. Dogs, that are loyal, only to the call of their owners. Out of the thousands of Dogs there were 3 that stood out among the rest, they were the largest, the fastest, and strongest ever to live past 2 years in the field, which belonged to Jack Dallas. 2 where Border collies with pitch black fur with spots of brown and white, the third, the largest of the 3 was a solid white Husky. They all lay sleeping comfortably in their hay beds sleeping soundly. A skinny women with short red hair watching over them, and caring for the wounded.

Jack woke in the early morning as he always did,insomnia and nightmares tearing at his mind. 0430, he read on his watch as he put it on,the same time he always woke... he got out of bed and slipped on his thick warm clothing and heavy boots , warming his cool skin from the nights deathly cold. His room was a big circle of ice and metal, roughly 50ft in Diameter, on one end of the room he had his bed, on the other his weapons which lay on a makeshift table along with all his gear, next to that a make shift closet that had all his 'off-duty' clothing, then his shower and toilet in their own little secluded section dug in farther into the wall away from the center of the room. Jack made his way out of his room, nodding to a member of police force, " Mornin Jack, off the see to the dogs?",
Jack nodded as he wiped the sleep from the corner of his eyes, " Dont I always" he grinned as he patted the officer on the back as he passed.
" Hows the boy Dav? I hear hes grown. I'll have recruit him once he's taller than you!"
The officer laughed, " Maybe when he turns 16." Dav replied.
" Fair enough.." Jack said as he continued down the tunnel toward the kitchens. The closer he got to the kitchens the faster he made his stride as the smell of coffee filled his nostrils. When he got to the kitchens he saw the old woman behind the counter he saw every morning.
" Good morning Grace."
"Well, Good morning Mr.Dallas, Coffee?"
With a smile." As always."
She handed him a strong cup of coffee, just the way he liked it. He smiled and nodded with satisfaction as he began to walk away.
" You take it easy on those pups you hear!?" she called after him.
" They aren't dogs Grace....they are soldiers." he said with a grim confidence. His love for dogs was a thing of the past when he had to start training them for war. They were no longer man's best friend. They were a glimmering hope in a vast darkness for humanity...and nothing more, nothing less. Jack made his way out the main living quarters, past the police section, then outside and past the military station to the Dog Pound.

He downed his coffee, placing the mug to the side of the door, where 4 other mugs sat from the previous times he had visited this week. He slid the massive door open, the massive skulls of thousands of dogs popped up from their quiet dreams as Jack entered and stood in the door way.

"Zeus, Antares, Sirius! Front Center!"
3 mammoth dogs stood from their beds and sprinted toward Jack, the sound of their paws falling to the ground made Jack imagine what it would sound like if a thousands polar bears were charging him.The other dogs watched with a baited anticipation, but soon lay back to sleep when their names werent called. When they got about 10 ft from him, they sat on their hind legs in a straight line broad formation in front of Jack and waited, the cold air from outside, made the dogs breath flowing from their massive nostrils resemble dragons from olden times. Jack looked them over, Zeus, the biggest,standing at 12ft 2inches, a husky, looked like he had put on another 50lbs. Putting Zeus as a staggering 830lbs. Nearly half a ton of solid muscle and bone. Antares and Sirius, border collies, were brothers and twins, were nearly that, they weighed roughly 712 and 720ish, each and Antares slightly taller than his brother by about a foot making him 11ft 10inchs. They sat there, waiting, watching their master as he walked into a nearby door way, extracting a huge thick rubber ball fashioned from layers and layers of old vehicle tires sewn together. The ball itself weighed nearly 70lbs with a diameter of 2ft and was extremely durable. Jack stood there and dropped it at his feet, all three dogs jumped to their feet with wagging tails in anticipation, Jack quickly barked
"CHECK THAT MOTION." in response, the dog sat back down remained motionless, not even looking at Jack or the huge ball of rubber.... Jack picked up the ball again with some effort and walked outside and dropped the ball in a massive catapult-like device. Then, as he walked back to the door, he called, " Get out here!" the dogs broke rank and ran outside their massive strides leaving huge paw prints in the snow, as they made their way in the morning light and cold air as Jack closed the door. They ran out nearly 400 meters away from Jack, and sat on their hind legs awaiting the launch. Jack walked back over to the launcher, next to the trigger release and adjusted the trajectory of the launcher. " SOUND OFF!" he called down range to the dogs, 3 thunderous roars echoed back across the snow and ice as Jack pulled the trigger release and sent the ball down range, the dogs on their feet, running, playfully fighting one another for position underneath the ball to catch it.
"Si vis pacem, para bellum"-Unknown Adage
"You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something in your life."-Winston Churchill
"Some grief is so great, even death keeps its distance."-Theresa(Fable 2
"Be sober. Be vigilant. For your adversary: The Devil, lurks about seeking whom he may devour."-Goat(Doom
"There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt."-Librarian
"You have to face your demons sometime..."-Reaper(Doom

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheunholybondZ on Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:41 pm

Jeff was smoking a cigarette as he set out side his small store. He had needed a break from working on a new project. Jack had come to him asking for some bad ass explosive and he was almost done with them.
He also was working on his new revolver with explosive rounds that was going to be his. He looked at his hands as he breath deeply in the smoke and let it out his nose. " Today has been a long day" He stood up and went back in the shop. He had 43 Orders For coustem weapons that were going to be picked up tomorrow. He looked at the grenades and smiled " I'd half to say this is some of my best work ever" He twisted LDS Switch and threw the explosive in the room in the back and closed the door looking through the spacial glass that was placed there
by his friend Kieth who died from a zombie bite a few years back. The blast cracked the concert walls and he looked and smiled " Those are going to do some damage." He laughed. He went out side and head to the only place Jack would be at this hour. He saw the sign and stood there waiting for jack to come out of the pin. There was no way he was going in there. He held the box under his right arm as he put another cigarette in his mouth. " Hey jack " He said loudly. " Got your order sir" he said.
" Time is but a limitation put on the mind of those who think immortality is an impossibility truth be told that immortality can be reached by what you say in do in this life. It may not be physically possible to be immortal but being remembered is a step in the right direction."

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweet_angle66 on Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:03 pm

Nicole was up and early as usually, training hard in the small gym they had. The small radio in the room was on as she played the same song over and over again; well at least it was a good song you could work out to. She had her hair tied up high and it bounced up and down as she jogged on the spot before she walked towards the chin up bar. Nicole hated them and that’s why she would always do them last in her training, she jumped up grabbing hold of the bar tightly. Pulling herself up and the breathing out, “One…Two…..Three…” She continued on until she couldn’t do anymore and then let go off the bar, landing nicely on her feet. Nicole then did some stretches to cool down so she wouldn’t be so sore the next day.

Grabbing her towel of the bench as she wiped off some of her sweat making her way to the kitchen. Once in the kitchen she walked straight towards the coffee machine, although it was quiet old it made the best coffee, grabbing a clean cup she pressed the short black coffee button. She smiled happily as her cub filled up with this hot liquid, she pulled out a chair and sat there. She pulled her knees up onto the chair and then rested her mug in between her chest and knees, cradling it like a child in her hands as occasionally she would take a sip. It seemed to be awfully quiet this morning.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:43 pm

(Jack is actually outside around back behind the holding kennels for the dogs. If you read the my first OOC post you will know that Dogs are mutated by the Zombies DNA, they get bigger, faster, stronger, every week after each zombie kill...just as a reminder..feel free to make your own dogs guys.)

Jack watched as Antares brought back another slimy ball of massive rubber and placed it back into the launcher. He then waited until Antares was back near his other brothers. Jack happened to be out back behind the pens training his 3 dogs,but Jack could hear Jeff's calls as they reverberated off the massive wood door.

"HOLD! AT EASE!" He called to the dogs. They stood ready, and watched as their master launched the ball one last time, they eagerly played with the ball, keeping to themselves as Jack walked around the corner to see Jeff standing at the door.

" Morning Jeff, got those new Shells for me?"

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheunholybondZ on Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:05 pm

" Yes sir and you Grenada order" He said handing him the box first. He opened up his bag which he carried every where with him and pulled out a silver metal case. He set it on the ground and opened it. Inside were six small black container like things " These are H2 Grenades which means they can be set to a different blast radius." He said with a smile " They have the force of a small scud missile and they can be remote detained." He pulled out a small black remote " If you still want um ?" he said with a little laugh. " I also got some new equipment in if you want to come to the shop and take a look?" he asked him. He held the silver case out to Jack and the black detonator. He was kinda shifty eyed trying not to stare at the huge beast in the cage.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweet_angle66 on Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:23 pm

Nicole heard some people talking out the front and decided to take a look. Grabbing her jacket and quickly zipping it up as it was quiet cold out this early in the morning. Near the door her boots stood, slipping into the nice and warm boots before she opened the door to find Jeff and Jack there. She smiled at them softly before speaking, “Good morning fellows, nice to see you up so early, discussing weapons I presume.” She glanced at the case wondering what it could be before hearing some of the dogs barking. Jack was obviously training his dogs as usually, you sure hoped never to get in the way of one of these beasts. Pulling out a cigarette and she lit it up, taking a drag before she made her way over to the cages but she wouldn’t dare enter without Jack he knew how to control them and she didn’t want to get tackled to the ground by one of them. All they looked frightening they are quite friendly to their owner.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:23 pm

Jack smiled. More weapons in the arsenal against the undead. "Excellent." he said as he picked up the detonator and examined it as he called " Zeus, Sirius, Antares!" First you could hear the thunderous sound of their paws hitting the ground before they rounded the corner and dropped the drool covered ball behind Jack. The warm drool made the ball look like it had just come out of a hot tub. But non the less, the three massive dogs sat down on their hind legs behind Jack.

" What effective kill range on these Jeff?" Jack asked as he picked up one of the grenades..somewhat skeptical that it had the effectiveness of scuds.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheunholybondZ on Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:36 pm

He took one " They can be set up to 15 yards radius " He said taking one in his hand " The lowest setting is the 2 feet radius which dose a massive amount of damage to all targets with in and around the blast zone." He set one to 2 feet " Here test it!" He smiled as he handed it two him " Hopefully your dogs don't go after them " He smiled. He was playing with his lucky coin spinning it across his fingers. He looked at the dogs and smiled " Man that virus sure made these dogs huge." He said " First let me set up a target he said taking out a metal plate that he had he moved 3 yards away and get in down placing a empty bottle on it. " If we had a dummy it prove a better target but the will suffice for now." He smiled standing back by him. He waved at Nicole as she came out " Hi there" he smiled.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:50 pm

Not wanting to test the "2ft" effectiveness " Dont bother Jeff..." he set one to 2ft and one to 15ft. " Antares, Sirius." he tossed one to each and pointed in the direction of nowhere. " DO NOT EAT! 300 meters, drop set. GO!" The dogs caught both grenades and headed off. Zeus sat there looking at Jack with disdain. Maybe the other two couldnt see that Zeus was giving him the stink eye..but Jack knew when his dogs were bored. " What?" he said as he looked up at Zeus. "What you gonna do?" Zeus looked away, Jack smiled and shook his head before saying," Zeus, Flank, 150 meters, escort." Zeus took off at in a different direct as the other dogs, but moments passed and the three thundered their way back and sat at attention before Jack. Jack walked around them and clicked the detonator....a massive explosion sounded in the distance, then a smaller one not far from it. However the shockwave from the smaller one nearly completely over shadowed the larger blast.

" Nice work Jeff. I'll be sure to put these to good use. Nicole..what have you been up to?" He said not turning around, but leaned on the side of Zeus.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweet_angle66 on Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:14 am

Nicole smiled as she saw the explosion, before turning to Jack who had asked her a question. “Nothing exciting really….wasn’t really able to sleep a lot last night so I did some training….what are our plans for today,” she said this looking over at the horizon eager to see if they would have some action today. She took another drag dropping her cigarette and putting it out with her foot before she walked over towards them again. “Jeff by any chance do you have any spare sniper rifle ammo in your store,” she knew she didn’t have many rounds left and since he was already here she might as well ask him. She glanced back over at the dogs they seemed to grow so rapidly, it was so unnatural but what wasn't these days.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheunholybondZ on Fri Jul 17, 2009 12:31 am

" Yes i do " He said as he picked up his bag He looked at them both " Why don't you both come over " He said smiling " I got some equipment i need to show you any ways" He stood up and looked at the two. He walked towered his shop and opened the door. He waited for the others to come in.
He was thinking if he had any food in the back and remembered his home made chilly that he had in the back.
He was lucky his shop wasn't far or else he'd half to walk in the cooled.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:26 am

"Sorry Jeff, not today. I need to prep the C130 for tonight's mission.Hope you fixed your Night Vision Scope Nicole..I know I got my NVG's working. You want to go this time Jeff? I have an extra set of NVGs." Jack asked as he roughly patted the sides of Zeus, Antares, and Sirius as he walked past them all then stopped in between Antares and Sirius to look at Jeffs and Nicole's reaction to the proposal. He knew for a fact that Nicole was in, but he hadnt taken Jeff out on mission yet, last time he was working on the new grenades that were needed for this mission.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheunholybondZ on Fri Jul 17, 2009 4:51 pm

"Sure i'll go " He smiled " Just let me go get my Revolver and will go" He said running into the shop garbing his new and improved revolver. He garbed the bullets that had red tips which were filled with the same explosives as the grenades he made. He put the weapon in his holster and put some pip bombs in his bag. He also put six boxes of ammo in his bag and walked towered Jack. He smiled " I garbed some stuff" He smiled.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Fri Jul 17, 2009 5:34 pm

Jack smiled. He knew he could always rely on Jeff. " Have that stuff in the C130 by 1800 hours. Its a two hour flight, so bring dinner too....unless you get air sick.." Jack walked off and and beckoning his dogs to do the same. He lead them back to the giant rubber ball launcher and started to set the launcher at a higher angle, then right when the dogs were next to him, he launched it, and watched as they went running for the ball. Jack checked his watch: 0830. Still damn early. Jack looked back and called out to Nicole. " Hey, Nicole come here for a second..."

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweet_angle66 on Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:21 pm

Nicole smirked at the comment about her night scope, “don’t worry babe it’s already to go,” this time you could hear her Russian accent a little better. She turned to Jeff to see if he was in, she wasn’t sure if he was really up for it she always saw him like a kind of mechanical nerd and not as a killer machine. But when he agreed she was quite happy eager to see his skills. When walked towards Jack as he had called her over wondering what he was going to show here, it was probably something to do with the dogs, he really seemed to love those dogs. “Don’t tell me your dogs have got a new trick,” she joked and then smiled.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheunholybondZ on Fri Jul 17, 2009 10:47 pm

He also had put his equipment. His black gloves, Black jacket and black baggy jeans. He had a gun holster around his waist and his pack on his back. He looked at them with a smile. " Hopefully you guys don't get jealous when i kill more of them then you." He smiled as he moved around out side. He was thinking in his mind how him and his father had gotten here he wounder if the ice cutter was still out there. He was ready to go and kill as many undead as he could.

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:08 pm

Jack smirked at her comment about his dogs having new tricks. " They are always learning, as am I. " He continued walking toward the air field.
" I hope you dont mind flying....tonight we will be heading into a small town in Northern Canada. I'll need you on your best. You will be flying in the Chinook with Jeff manning the M60's when we go for Drop off, The dogs and I will be in the C130. Once we are on the ground, I need you to close up the planes bay doors and seek high ground to cover the airfield. I dont want to come back and have a party of undead waiting to see us off..." As he continued to walk, they slowly got closer and closer to the airfield. When Jack arrived next one of the C130's he opened the rear bay door and there was a black bag wrapped in thick cloth waiting on the floor inside.. As Jack unzipped the bag, two M60's could be seen. He picked one up and handed it to Nicole.
" This is what I want you to take with you when you leave to cover the planes. Also, take this with you" Jack opened a side pocket on the bag and pulled out a flare gun. " You'll need this to signal us if we find that we have company waiting for us, should you not be able to clear the area upon our return. Do you understand?"

(an ice cutter....lmao bring it!)

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweet_angle66 on Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:31 pm

Nicole followed Jack towards the air flied, listing to the instructions of this evening, her face lit up when she heard about her manning the M60. That was one beautiful machine that would cause a lot of havoc. Occasionally she would nod her head to show him that she was listening. As they got to the C130, he handed her the M60’s and also a flare gun. “Yes sir….close up planes doors, seek higher ground to cover you guys when you come out, fire this,” She held up flare, “if we have company….are we suiting up in our black uniforms tonight?”

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby coljack on Fri Jul 17, 2009 11:50 pm

"Yes, we'll also be using some of the MOPP gear that I salvaged from the last mission." Jack pointed toward the big green duffel bag near the cockpit of the aircraft. " I'll give you guys the rundown on the MOPP suits later. As for right now, I need to mount these two inside the Chinook. However, I want the one to be easily disengaged from the fuselage. So when you get ready to leave for high ground, you can just, unhook it and go. You do know how to use that M60 right?"

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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby SA80 on Sat Jul 18, 2009 2:46 am

Maxwell swore as a shower of sparks rained on his unprotected face, he brought his gloved hand to his face and quickly batted the burning embers away. Rolling onto his side he used the snowy ground to drag himself from underneath the great C130 engine. He mumbled something inaudible as he proceeded to traverse around the plane, pulling his gloves loose. Once on the adjacent side of the plane he climbed up the small stair case and into the cramped cockpit.

'Common' sweet'art fly for me,' he said to himself as he took position in the pilots seat. He kissed his forefinger and placed it on the small faded picture which was tucked into the overhanding console. Several minutes past as he fiddled with the various switches and controls before slowly pushing forward on the joystick, the engine hummed into action.

'Aye, common lass,' he muttered. The engine continued, growing louder and louder as he pushed forward on a separate lever. Suddenly the engine reached it's peak and the huge hulk of metal edged forward. 'Common!' shouted Maxwell, unable to control himself as the plane picked up speed. He had finally got his plane working.

It didn't take long for it to dawn on his that the plane was racing forward into the white abyss, and what could be called 'runway' was quickly running out. He swore. Quickly he began pulling the lever back, the hum of the engine falling. Snow had begun to fall making it near impossible for him to see far ahead, he knew that any second he could be riding on snow covered ice. Finally the brakes responded and not a moment too soon. With the slow hum of the engine still ringing out Maxwell began to navigate the plane back home.

'Guess those brakes need a wea' bit'a tuning,' he mumbled to himself.

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