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ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

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ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Tue Sep 29, 2009 11:10 pm

~ ORG 5015 Originality in Role-Play ~

<OOC Maestro>
<Playing As...>

<IC Professor Gabriel Titus Llewellyn>

- Enrollment Closed -

In this class you will learn the fundamentals of originality through creating an original well thought out, possible role-play, or short-story while using as less outside sources as humanely possible. You will be taking this class for four weeks and in that time you will be taken step-by-step in the creation process so that you may effectively flesh out your idea. While doing this you will be expected to still user proper grammar, punctuation, spelling, and several other key elements taught in other classes you may be taking. A small portion of each grade will be based around such.


1. To introduce students to originality and try and direct them away from overused ideas.
2. Walk with students on a step-by-step process of brainstorming and creating a usable role-play idea.
3. Teach students originality in the categories of setting, plot, characters, and subject.
4. To have students successfully create an original role-play plot idea by the end of this course.


Week 1 & 2- Setting
Week 3 & 4- Plot
Week 5 & 6- Characters
Week 7 & 8- Subject


1) Role-Play Development

2) Exams and Quizzes

3) Final Exam

4) Participation

5) Conventions (Grammar, Spelling, Punctuation, etc)

6) Extra Credit


  • 90-100% = A
  • 80-89% = B
  • 70-79% = C
  • 60-69% = D
  • 0-59% = F


  • jakelovesyuna (Jake Blakeway)
  • zardude (Stuart Tusspot)
  • Jai (Alec Grossman)
  • Korobug (Ayren Harmen)
  • livet (Ash Erben)
  • aethura (Rajrishi Sruthi (Raj))
  • OriginalSix (Ashley Slade)
  • LittleBrokenDoll (Alcee Cecamore)
  • -B- (Jade-x)
  • trungo (Taka Caden)

Role-Play Development:

A significant chunk of this class will be to create an original role-play idea which has to include setting, plot, characters, and a subject - naming of the role-play or story. Over the course of the next four weeks it will be your job to begin creating an idea and adding to it, and by the end of the class it will be worth 40% of your final grade when turned in. This idea CANNOT be an idea you previously created. It has to be fresh, and if I learn you are plagiarizing or copying you will fail this portion. Remember, the genre has to be realistic and modern!
Example- This is not a story I personally created but I did play in it and was a major character which was a very enjoyable experience for me. I wanted to show an example of a good realistic role-play, and this is by far the best realistic role-play I have ever been in - it is also post-apocalyptic/futuristic. You may be asking yourself how is that categorized as realistic? There really is a boundary between futuristic and realistic, and I think the moment you hit giant flying spaceships, teleportation beams, and a planet that is not Earth you are hanging over the edge. ADV-423


Small five to ten question quizzes will be given out randomly throughout the week and will require you to complete them. This is 15% of your grade and incompletion will result in a large deduction of your overall grade. You MAY have the opportunity to redo specific quizzes. I will edit your posts with my corrections.

Extra Credit:

This is currently in question; however, throughout this course I may give you several chances to complete extra credit.


During the fourth – last week – of this class I will hand out a final exam entailing everything we have covered in the past month. You will be given a week to complete this and when submitting you must also turn in your finished role-play. Your Final Exam will be 25% of your grade. Be sure to remember that you will receive your final grade a week AFTER completion of this course.

Note- This is no way similar to Sonata's DEV 5015: Storyline Development. We had a skirmish about this in chat, and although a valid point, this class will not be teaching the extensive work gone in to creating a role-play. Such as: Being a GM, writing up rules, handling fellow members, etc. I am basically having all of you, my students, create an original plot idea on a step-by-step process with me at your side. Each week we will take up a different topic where I will discussion the originalities of each and you will apply them – and I will correct.

Basically I was hoping to give you a good idea that you could later take to Sonata's class and learn to manage, and from there you will have a great idea that all could enjoy.

The room was enormous and steep, rows of perfectly aligned wooden tables and comfortable chairs – bolted to the floor – leading down to a large elevated stage where sat a projector and an empty white screen behind it – that hung neatly on the wall. Further to the right there was a staircase that winded its way up to the second floor where an office encased in tinted windows and closed blinds rested. And inside you would find an organized dark oak table with a flat screen HP computer sitting on it and a folded turned off laptop lingering behind it. Along the walls a few shelves sat motionless, all the pictures and symbolic knickknacks dusted to perfection. Further to the left you would find several file cabinets holding records of the unknown – dare to take a peak? As students flooded in from the back of the room through the two large double doors on both sides of empty wall space, the lights were dimmed, and a man paced along the stage before stopping and turning - his lips taking no time to part. “Sit down, take your seats, and with that I welcome you to Originality 20-15! I am Professor Llewellyn and I will be your teacher for the month that lies ahead of us… and do not expect passing to be an easily accomplished task. Also, if you have come under the impression that this class is magically going to be over quickly, you are greatly mistaken for I will be sure that a month here feels no less than a year. In this class we actually require something called learning, so pull out your notebooks, pencils, open your ears and eyes, and keep your mouths… shut! And one more thing, if you expect the first day in this class to be sitting around and doing nothing, I am sorry to inform you that things around here are going to be handled much differently; whether it be the first day, the second, third, or even the last, every day will be chock-full of our most beloved word, education! Now any questions… NO! That was a rhetorical question… if you were wondering. There are no questions in this class so you best keep your hands safely tucked away at your side because quite frankly I don’t want to see them.”

Making his way towards the projector and swiftly turning it on, he jumped off the stage – with a small black remote in his hands – and started walking along the rows with his eyes peeled towards the students. “Now, if you haven’t already noticed, you are here before me because you wish to learn about originality, and what exactly is originality? Well since we are devoted to realism this semester – one of my most loathed genres, thank you for asking – a sword for example is not original. Constantly I am seeing the same things used over and over again, and sure making something nonetheless finding something original is a difficult task, but it’s by far worth it. You can either be at the bottom of a list – of all the people who have already used an idea – or you can be at the top. This applies to everything, no matter what genre, or task. Let’s take vampires, elementals, and last but not least, anime, video games, etcetera. Of course we all love these genres, but let’s face it, most of it is crap! All of us could easily create a role-play or a book about something – anything - that has been done before; but, how can we stand up and call it ours? Bases however are somewhat okay, and what do I mean by that? Creating something that uses the same base or foundation of another idea is wonderful as long as you can back it up with an original plot, and characters - and make sure to give credit where it is due. Making a role-play with Edward Cullen and the slums Twilight uses as its setting although is not a very good base for your idea. Now that I have your attention, especially the Twilight fan girls, its quiz time!” Clicking a button on the small remote in his hands, the projector screen immediately lit up, revealing five questions…

Quiz 1.1

Question 1: Which of these is NOT original?
[A] Mace
[B] Spear
[C] Sword
[D] Bow
Question 2: Are you on the top of the list, or the bottom?
[A] Top
[B] Middle
[C] Bottom
[D] I don’t know
Question 3: What is one original idea that you have, or had?
Yes, this is multiple choice, don’t expect me to give you an original idea. Now dig through the crap in your head and rack that brain of yours for a tinge of originality that I know is there somewhere.
Question 4: Is a video game, anime, or God help me, Twilight, original?
Do I really need to make this multiple choice? I only want one word as an answer, so let’s see if you can give me the right one.
Question 5: What is your purpose here?
I know you’re here for a reason, so please tell me what that reason is. Remember, this is Originality 2015, not a class testing who can write the most overused crappy ideas in a month.

Last edited by Maestro on Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:50 am, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby LittleBrokenDoll on Fri Oct 02, 2009 11:56 pm

Alcee lightly tapped her pencil against the wooden table she sat at. She could already tell that this class would not be her favorite. Still, she planned to try her best in it, no matter how miserable the class seemed now. She studied Professor Llewellyn as he spoke. She was pretty sure this class would be the fastest. He seemed to speed through his speeches. Alcee had only gazed off for a few seconds when she suddenly saw the quiz on the projector screen. She straightened up in her seat as she read over the questions. She bent down to reach for her and grabbed a sheet of paper along with a mechanical pencil. Brushing her hair behind her ear, she wrote down the Question 1.

"Question 1: Which of these is NOT original?
Congratulations, you're not an idiot after all.
Question 2: Are you on the top of the list, or the bottom?

Praise God, someone has a little self esteem.

She had to think about number two, not sure where she really was when it came to being original. She decided to stick with her answer and continue.

"Question 3: What is one original idea that you have, or had?
For a role play, I had thought about a plot about demons. I had an interest in them as a role playing topic at that time. My idea, that I hope is original, was a human creating a contract with a demon to fulfill a wish, which can only happen if the pair defeat others in a demon game known as 'Eternity'.
Demons... contract... Are you kidding me? I've seen more demons than I have... well I've just seen a lot okay? Eternity… sounds interesting… ? More details would be nice…
Question 4: Is a video game, anime, or God help me, Twilight, original?
Wow, if writing a role-play about the book you just read, at least someone will come to realize that it wasn't their idea.
Question 5: What is your purpose here?
I suppose my purpose here is to become a better role player by being more original. That way, when I role play with those clearly better, I won't feel like an idiot and sulk somewhere."
Not the best answer, but you get an A for effort. Seems you have the overall idea of why you are here down, so kudos.

Alcee gave a little smile as she put down her pencil. She wasn't sure what to do next.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby aethura on Sat Oct 03, 2009 6:14 am

Rajrishi sat there for a minute, taking a few deep breaths while trying to calm down. He had a hard time not laughing during his speech. Already he knew this would be one of his favorite classes. He grabbed his mechanical pencil, pressed the button a couple of times, but no led came out. He started shaking the pencil while pressing the button but still nothing. It took him a while to realize that it was out of led since he was dazed from lack of sleep. After managing to find and insert the led into his pencil, he began to write.

Question 1: Which of these is NOT original?

Ding-ding-ding, we have a winner!

He started wondering whether or not he should circle them all but decided to just circle the one the teacher mentioned.

Question 2: Are you on the top of the list, or the bottom?
Is this answer rhetorical? Have some self esteem and change this answer to A! No, not literally, don't change your answers.

Question 3: What is one original idea that you have, or had?
For a character history I was planning on how he acquired his powers and what powers did he have and I came up with this:
He was offered a deal. He could trade everyone he cared for so he could have one wish granted. So he killed his wife and child. What he wished for was to be able to was to be able to store unlimited amounts of concentrated energy within his body and to be able to use that energy to bestow an object with a power which the bearer of the object could use, as well as immediately having enough energy to bestow the power of partial immortality to an object (now when I say partial immortality all I mean not being able to die from old age.) Each new object he bestowed a power to was a jewel which he would then embed into his left arm.

That is quite a price for some nifty powers. I hope to see this applied to an idea somewhere along the line.

Question 4: Is a video game, anime, or God help me, Twilight, original?

Yet again someone has hit the jackpot. Damn, you guys surely are surprising me with all these right answers. And to think I half expected morons.

Question 5: What is your purpose here?
I need learn to create new ideas and characters rather than blending a bunch of random things together. And, so my purpose here is to learn what I need to do to create my own things and still have them meld together well.

Best answer I've seen yet taking into account you’re only the second person I've graded. I've melded a many of things together so I can surely show you how to do that. I'm happy you're in the right place and didn't go to Unoriginal 5015 instead.

Once he finished he looked around the room for who was still writing, but realizing that he wasn't the first he felt a little down. He rested his head on his arm and nodded off.
Last edited by aethura on Sun Oct 04, 2009 10:42 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OriginalSix on Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:20 am

iPod on, Juno Reactor blasting out, Ash didnt notice the professor enter, completely missing Llewelyn's opening speech. The bright light thrown out by the projector as it was switched on grabbed his attention, though. Ash sneered to himself. A list of questions. How 'original.' Reaching up, he flicked both earbuds out, took his feet down off the desk and grabbed a pen from his bag.

Question 1: Which of these is NOT original?
[C] Sword
Oops, he did it again.
Question 2: Are you on the top of the list, or the bottom?
[A] Top
Well golly gee mister, you aren't emo after all.
Question 3: What is one original idea that you have, or had?
This one took Ash a little bit of thought. Eventually he settled on a short story he'd penned a couple years back. A man glances a woman whilst driving, takes her home because she refuses to go to the hospital. Her wounded leg refuses to heal, so she stays in his house with him. Over time, he falls for her, but she's enigmatic, he doesnt know if she feels for him in the same way. Frustrated, he spirals into depression, and eventually ends up commiting suicide. Turns out his wife had died a few weeks back, and he'd almost hit a clothes mannequin, not a woman, transferring his feelings of loss and abandonment onto it. (Hey, I never said it was a GOOD idea!)
Moving on...
Question 4: Is a video game, anime, or God help me, Twilight, original?
Just the answer I was looking for. At least you did something right.
Question 5: What is your purpose here?
I'm looking for ways to get even more awesome. That and boredom.
Awesome is good... boredom bad. If you're here for boredom, take a step out of class and go talk to the wall. Maybe there you'll have better luck.

Questions done. Ash dropped the pen in his jacket pocket and laid back, closing his eyes.
You know the goal. You know the path. The only thing that can stop you now is complacency. Go take what's yours.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Conumbra on Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:21 pm

Drake came into into the classroom, just in time t listen to the professor's speech. He desperately wanted some help and it looked like this teacher could be the one to give it to him. It also looked like the professor was his favorite kind of teacher. He appeared to be strict which was good. It helped to weed out the idiots amongst the rest of the class. He listened intently to the professor's speech and perked up when he heard that they were going to be given a quiz. It seemed to be a little quick for Drake but as the professor stated there would be no brakes in this class. When he got the test he immediately grabbed a pencil and began writing down the answers.

1. C
Winner winner chicken dinner.

2. B
At least you didn't say the bottom.

3. A character who's power and power levels were based on a playing card he drew at the beginning of every skirmish. A physical representation of chance if you will. It would help make sure that my character could match the power level of his opponent no matter how powerful he/she was.
That surprisingly interests me... But how are you going to choose how lucky he is?

4. No
And you are our fourth winner, you win... nothing!

5. I am here because I want to learn new ways to think of original ideas and hat to avoid. I want to know what's been overdone and then make a character that is not related to any of those ideas at all. Also I am rather new at this and would like to get better at roleplaying in general.
Wonderful answer, couldn't have said it better myself... Then again in my line of work I would have said nothing.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby zardude on Sat Oct 03, 2009 12:39 pm

Stuart walks in and sits down with his feet up, dozing in and out of Llewellyn's speech. Soon, he sees the quiz, and begins to write.

Question 1: [C]
Correct! God is this getting old...
Question 2: [A]
You definitely don't cut yourself.
Question 3: I made a character once who has eyes that change colors with his mood. Whenever his eyes change, I change the text color so people know what color eyes he has.
Just make sure the color doesn't hurt my eyes.
Question 4: Nuh uh.
A no would have been fine. But hey, most original answer all day.
Question 5: I want to learn how to use originality better so I can role play with pride.
Maybe not the best when it comes to word choice but you get the idea...

Stuart (Stu-pot, I should say) Finishes the paper, sits back and turns on his ipod. Stu-pot listens to OPM, then Bad Religion, then Rancid, then Bad Brains, then Eminem, then pepper, then poor righteous teachers, then 311, until he finishes his 3.5 GB of music. Then he puts the almost dead ipod in his pocket and closes his eyes, then unintentionally falls asleep.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Korobug on Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:56 pm

Ayren just sighed as he looked at the questions and placed a fresh sheet of looseleaf in front of him, holding a freshly sharpened pencil in his hand. He began to write all the numbers down on his page first before filling in the answers.

1. C
2. B
Well, at least your only half as horrible as the bottom.
3. I believe this to be original, A character who wields a bow and sword, but the bow is his main weapon for every circumstance and the sword is mainly a cover for that. The bow rivals the strength of diamonds, is capable of storing a small amount of magic energy, though it can't absorb it on its own mind you, bends back as though it were an elastic if pulled properly, and he often uses it as a blunt close range weapon whenever the need arises. This may seem a bit of an overpowering weapon to people, though if you think about it, it is little nothing more then a blunt version of a bow with blades on it, just given a bit more creativity.
Still not the idea I was looking for, but good news, you will be passing this class with a grade higher than an F.
4. No
5. I believe a lot of my characters lack much needed originality, though I may be wrong. They all tend to have a unique aspect about them, but other then that, aside from Zurimono who I believe to be a well created character, only have that one, sometimes two aspects of originality about this. I would wish to learn how to integrate a far deeper amount of originality into my characters.
A true role-player broadens his knowledge even if he thinks he knows the material.

He quickly answered the first two questions, knowing he wasn't completely original but he had quite a few ideas he did not believe to have been used yet. He thought for a second at the third question, trying to pull out an idea that he was absolutely certain was original. It was obvious by the almost mentally pained expression on his face while he thought it out. The fourth question was another quickly, but he relaxed himself to think over the fifth one, wondering why he truly did take this course.
Once the questions were completed he set his pencil neatly above the paper with hesitation, he thought about writing his name in at the top but insured in his memory that there was nothing said about it, so he left it at that and sat straight, waiting for the next task or dismissal of the class.
I want you to build a bridge... and I want you to make it vertical

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby -B- on Sun Oct 04, 2009 11:20 am

Jade slumped into the classroom, and drifted towards the benches further back the room. She then dropped into the seat in the second row from the back. She took her Ipod out of her pocket and turned the volume down. She took her pencil case out of her backpack, along with a little note pad. The rest of the students proceeded to their seats.
Jade hummed softly along to 21 Guns by Green Day as she waited for the Prof to begin his lecture. She listened to 3 more songs, humming softly to those aswell, halfway through the third she realised the prof had begun his leture. Damn she dug her hand into her pocket and switched off her Ipod. She never caught what the prof's name was. She didn't really pay attention to what he was saying. She removed a pencil from her case and began fiddling with it, rolling it forward and back between her fingers. She looked around after she'd realised that he'd stopped talking, everyone had their heads down writing.
Damn what am I- She saw out of the corner of her eye that there were a few questions on the large projector screen.

She wrote down the first question, and began to think. Hrmmm... I think he said something about a sword. Jade circled the answer [C] and proceeded to the next question.

Question 1: Which of these is NOT original?
[C] Sword
Question 2: Are you on the top of the list, or the bottom?
[D] I don’t know
Still better than bottom.
Question 3: What is one original idea that you have, or had?
Well, it wasn't a RP Idea, but I wrote half of a story from the point of view of a puppy, that was unfamilar with her surroundings as she was adopted by small family.
All I have to say is... wow, that's nice.
Question 4: Is a video game, anime, or God help me, Twilight, original?
Question 5: What is your purpose here?
I'm here to learn how to be more original in my roleplay Ideas.
Wow really? You're so smart maybe you should teach the class. *Realized not realised.

Jade looked over her paper. She smiled. She was sure that was of a satisfactory standard. She quickly glanced around the room, not the first finished, but she wasn't the last, she saw a few students thinking hard and chewing on the end of their pencils. She took out her Ipod once again and put the volume up to full blast, letting her forget her surroundings as she got lost in the lyrics of her favourite songs.

(Realised is the European way to spell it. With a "z" is the American way. Same as colour and color)
Last edited by -B- on Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Near|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby QueenShibby on Mon Oct 05, 2009 3:20 pm

Sitting in a chair just up from the middle, Ashlee had her Mp3 on a medium setting, sketching away in her rather small drawing book. She looked up suddenly as the peice of paper was dropped infront of her. Picking up the quiz, Ashlee glanced over it before adjusting herself in the seat and curving over the paper, reading over thouroughly. Pulling a pen from her case, she first wrote her name on the top and soon got her quiz under way.

Question 1: Which of these is NOT original?

[C] Sword - this options as subjects seem to find them most easy to rp with
Like any writer you need to research, and ease or not, you need to try to be somewhat original regardless.

Question 2: Are you on the top of the list, or the bottom?

[D] I don’t know
Not the answer I was looking for, but like everyone else before you, you pass!

Question 3: What is one original idea that you have, or had?
An original idea that i have had isnt in fact a role play. It was when i was working as the promoter for a festival and i paid for, created, directed and acted in a promo advertisment for the event. i worked entirely with myself and one other person. this paved way to become a promoter for my area and only 16.
I don't think that has anything to do with the question... so nice.
Question 4: Is a video game, anime, or God help me, Twilight, original?
Can be - depends how it is made and what genre it is.
Best answer I've had all night for this specific question.

Question 5: What is your purpose here?
My purpose here is to work on my originality, wether I use it on RPG or in my own stories. i find this is highly regarded as a form of character development.
Correct! Also, I may advise a spell check. Firefox works wonders.

Smiling, Ashlee leaned back in her chair again and turned her music back up, pulling out a notebook and scribling the lyrics to her current song, Placebo. Her mind begin to wander, picturing Ashlee and her band, The Last Regrets, playing the gig they had that weekend.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jai on Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:16 pm

Alec rushed into the room, panting. 'God,' he thought, 'I'm so late, he's gonna murder me...' Late for the first class because he just got back from a camping trip. Stupid Alec, stupid! He noticed a test on the desk. That's not good. He sat down and started, hoping it was common sense.
Question 1: Which of these is NOT original?
[C] Sword
You probably cheated from my answers above, lucky guess.

Question 2: Are you on the top of the list, or the bottom?
[A] Top (ish)
Good to see you think of yourself so highly, but your weekly assignment should figure that out quick.

Question 3: What is one original idea that you have, or had?
Well, for english class a couple years ago, I wrote a short story about a teenage boy who hates everyone and anyone around him. On a walk home, he falls and cracks his head open. An out of body experience teaches him to appreciate what he has. Not the best, but I was twelve and it was the first thing I thought of..
Well, at least this story has a moral and a meaning.
Question 4: Is a video game, anime, or God help me, Twilight, original?
Perfect, you know the difference between original and unoriginal!
Question 5: What is your purpose here?
My reason for being here isn't all that original, which may add to my reason for being here. I just want to become better at what I do.
Now that's an answer!

Alec flipped the page over, hoping that that was good enough.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Maestro on Wed Oct 07, 2009 4:18 pm

The man paced as he usually did, his fingers toying with the rim of his glasses as he walked with a sort of finesse through the rows, picking up paper after paper before stepping back up in the front of the room and glancing at them. He had no shame in embarrassing anyone, so without caution he began reading the questions out loud and answering them, then afterwards he tossed the papers carelessly behind him. When he was done, he smirked slightly to himself and looked up, his eyes meeting his students, “You all fail! By far the worse students I have ever had.” Of course it was a joke, being the reason for the smile he had on his face.

The professor didn’t like to talk a whole lot so he always kept things simple and down to the point, and rather than him doing all the work, he forced the students to do the majority. Besides, he was never one to learn from a teacher, never having a mentor to guide him in the right direction – which at least he was doing. After putting them on the right path, he would let them go, and when the time came he would be there to correct their mistakes. He wished to test them anyway, to see just how original they were on their own. "This week we are solely going to focus on the most important aspect of a story, setting, the one thing in which will practically write the story for you. You need to start asking yourself where this is going to take place, whether it is the big city, a small town, or in the confines of a large building - I would hope not. When writing a setting, you want to be as detailed as humanely possible so that you can paint a picture for all those who are reading. Now, New York is not original. The United States in general is not original because for the most part stories take place there for ease. I’m sick of everyone not doing their research and just taking a door because it doesn’t require any steps to reach it. When is the last time you saw a setting being a simple cardboard box? Honestly, everyone likes to make super characters in which are living in big cities, mansions, and have everything imaginable. That is not original! Don’t do what everyone else does, but instead, do the thing that nobody does. Why not write a story that teaches everyone else a thing or two? Now, as you can see our discussion is short yet again, and I’m sure you’re asking yourself why? Well, the best teacher you can have is yourself! And now that I have pointed you slightly in the right direction I want you to begin thinking of an original idea, and to begin you will be focusing on a setting. I want you to write up as many settings as possible, I want you to open your minds and start writing about where these stories could take place! All I want is the setting; do not add anything of the plot or the characters. Keep in mind this is not realistic, so I don't want stories based on flying cities, heaven, hell, or anything of the sort."

Assignment 1

Write at least three settings that can be possibly used for your future short-story. Keep in mind that by the end of the week you will have to end with only choosing one. This will be due on Saturday, so you have about four days to write these. They don't have to be detailed to the extreme, just paint a small picture for me! Extra credit will be given to students who go to great lengths in writing these, and for those students who write more than three.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OriginalSix on Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:41 pm

ORG 5015, Assignment 1.

Setting 1.

A travelling carnival. The first thing that springs to mind is childhood memories. Candyfloss, dodgems, acrobats, jugglers. Lights and noise everywhere. But this is only one part of carnival life. Behind the scenes is the part no one pays any attention to, the actual lives of the carnival staff. Constantly moving from place to place, surrounded by the same people day after day, never really settling anywhere or getting to know anyone new. What is life like when you're constantly on the move?

Setting 2.

A supertanker, full of oil, floating in the middle of the ocean. The crew all know each other, they've lived and worked with each other for the last few months. The ship's halfway through its journey, travelling from the middle east all the way to America. There's a good few days to go before they get home, and someone turns up dead in their bunk. It has to be one of the crew, there's no one else on ship, nowhere for them to hide. Paranoia reigns as the situation degenerates, crew members locking themselves in their berths, no one truly trusting anyone else. To make matters worse, a storm is brewing up ahead, which means no one can go out on deck without risk of being swept away by the wind and rain. For the next few hours, everyone is stuck in the same claustrophobic little living area...

Setting 3.

The evening commute. One hundred tired, grouchy people, stuck on the same subway carriage, all wanting to get home, to relax, to wind down after a long day at work. Halfway down a two mile long tunnel, the train stops. There's no word from the driver, but these things happen, no one really cares. Five minutes later the lights go out. Now, with nothing but emergency lighting, still no sign that they're gonna go anywhere, people start to get worried.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Jai on Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:44 am

ORG 5015 Assignment 01
Alec Grossman

Setting 1
A dystopia of sorts. A once great city was hit by a type of bomb that, while not distroying anything, wiped out all energy in the area. Any device that requires elecricity to fuction has been rendered useless, this includes batteries and portible energy. Riots and destruction become more common. It takes only a year for the people trapped in the city are reduced to insanity and violence.

Setting 2
Here is a small, war-torn land. Both sides of the war equaly powerful, equaly justified to be fighting, but equally corrupt as well.

Setting 3
In Canada up until about the mid 1970's, native Canadians were forced into schools where the students were punished for practicing their religion and speaking their language. Why not take a deeper look into the world of these people?

Setting 4
They call it a mental hospital, and in a way it is. But really, their training the mentally unstable to fight in an upcoming war.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby aethura on Sat Oct 10, 2009 8:36 pm

Setting 1:
In a secluded forest is a large clearing. In the middle of this clearing is a large two story building. The building has a small set of wooden stairs that lead to a porch. Attached to the handrails of this porch are flower baskets. On the porch is an old rocking chair a couple of feet away from the entrance to the building. Through the door, is a small lounging area situated near a large window. To the right of the lounging area is a very large dining table, and to left is the kitchen. In the back of the lounging area are two doors branching off to the sides, both leading to a set of stairs, and a hallway that runs through the living quarters. Half way down the living quarters is another set of stairs, and beside the stairs is a door that leads outside. That door opens to an arc which ends at another door that leads to a hallway that continues the living quarters. In the direction outward is a garden filled with a variety of fruits and vegetables but, in the other direction is an area surrounded by the rest of the building. In the middle of this area there is a pond and near the pond are a few tables. On the edges of the walls are batches of flowers. On the other end of the area is a mirror image of the arc and living quarters. The living quarters continues around the corner where it connects to the loving quarters on the other side. Up the stairs is another living quarters identical to the first; However, instead of the kitchen, lounging area, and the dining room that are on the first floor, there is a study on one side and a room used for entertainment on the other side. In between the rooms is an empty area with a veranda on the front of the house and another veranda facing the the pond.

Setting 2:
In the middle of a scorching, barren desert where the only form of shade is provided by the night and a large rock; However, hidden on the edges of this rock is a man-made tunnel, further down it connects to a series of tunnels that run across the wasteland, and even further down are large caverns where the humans have built cities.

Setting 3:
A police station downtown where gangs shootings and common theft are an everyday matter.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Conumbra on Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:08 pm

1. Inside a normal everyday medieval castle in Britain. Well not so normal or everyday. The insects and pests who live within its walls tell a story. They tell a tale of intrigue, deception, and webs of lies that span generations. Watch as the events unfold from the perspective of a black widow, a bed bug and even a rat or two. Watch as they listen to the tales and lies its inhabitants tell. Some of them tell of a story of a hidden chamber wherein lies the locations of many secret and lost cities. While others tell of a back stab within the royal family that cost the king and queen their prized possessions. Those same jewels and items were stuffed in a chest and buried somewhere on the acres of land that surround the castle. But some tell a story of misguided lust. When one of the lords of the land made love to a servant girl but they sealed their unexpected baby in a bricked room until he died. Now watch as the pests try to unravel the stories for the castle's present day inhabitants who have just moved in with their nice sedan and two kids. The pests try to unravel the clues so that the present day owners learn of the whereabouts of these secrets. Why? Perhaps for their own sense of justice.

2. In the heavens where angels are constantly sent down to the world below to save people from themselves by intervening in their lives.

3. A forest wherein lies a special treasure that has animated the surrounding forest with it's magical powers. Many heroes pass through it on their way to vanquish some foul beast or another. Watch as the surrounding plants and animals gossip over the day's events.

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Re: ORG 5015: Originality in Role-Play |Maestro|

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby trungo on Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:08 pm

( i quited logic and joined orginality)
Setting 1.Inside a Haunted House...It has dead body,Bones on the floor.
The Painting of a lady... it was all over the walls once you look back you see a old lady.
It has Jewels but,In the stories if you touch it,you become a ghost... and Die.

Setting 2.In The Heaven/Hell gate
God was waiting for you to go to heaven or hell.. witch patch will he make you take.

Setting 3.The Carnival
The Carnivals Comes and haunt you...You walked into the carnivals and it mysterious shows bones in the ride..

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