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Our Eternal End ((IC))

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Our Eternal End ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ObsidianDreams on Thu Apr 23, 2009 8:10 pm

((Characters and Discussion -> Our Eternal End - Discussion and OOC. Closed for the time being. ))

Sonnet glanced at her watch, rolling her eyes as her younger brother tugged her sleeve. "Sis! Candy! Candy! Candy!" Shaking her head, she led him by the storefront where various candies were displayed. Matthew whimpered, planting his feet down and only being dragged along by his older sister. "Not now, Matt. Mom would flay my hide if she knew I bought you candy this early in the morning." The boy whimpered again, and Sonnet sighed, looking down at him. "Matt..."

"If I'm really good at school, then maybe?" He looked up at her through his tousled curls, his blue eyes practically begging her more than his words. She shrugged, pushing her own red-brown curls out of her eyes. "Yeah... sure. Only if Ms. Heiner says you were good though. So... yeah. Be good." She couldn't help the smile that came to her as he squealed, wrapping his arms around her covered arm and waist. "Yeah! I'll be really good! Promise!"

"You better!" Matt squealed again as his sister picked him up, tossing him over her shoulder as she started walking again. "You know you haven't been very good lately. Mom's worried." She patted his bottom a few times before bending forward, letting him fall back to dangle upside down. He shrugged, his face turning pink from the rushing blood. "They're pickin' on me, Nat! I gotta fight back!" His hands scrabbled for the pavement as she set him down, watching him do a perfect handstand for a few moments before falling onto his rump. "So tell a teacher?" She grabbed his hand, once again dragging him along with her. "Yeah, well... you can't talk." She laughed. "You're right... I can't."

Avalon wasn't a large city by any standards. Compared to where they had moved from nearly three years ago, Avalon was like many of the outlying towns. Small, old, and cloying. Everyone knew your name and there was a good chance you knew everyone else. Despite the small size, Avalon housed some of the best schools in the world. Higher ranking families funded their schools, and while they were all too happy to boast among themselves about who had supported the schools the most, their main pride was the student body that attended. In Avalon, there were four schools. One for infants up through children aged 8 years. The other covered 9 years to 15 years, and was where Matthew attended. Both of the previous schools were strict, requiring uniforms (which Matt never put on before he got to school) even of the youngest attendees. Avalon High, where Sonnet attended, was the school that had asked for the uniforms to be removed. Last year, they had finally gotten the ability, and amazingly, there was less trouble with the uniforms and dress code than there had been with the stupid things. Avalon Community College was the last step, and while there would once again be a uniform for Sonnet, she was more than happy to know parents and students alike were battling to get it removed.

Matthew tugged her hand, pointing down the street. "I'll meet you back here, right?" Sonnet nodded, giving the boy a hug and a ruffle of his brown curls before peeling off to head to her school. Avalon High was huge. She had seen pictures and layouts of other school around the country, and none were as large as the sprawling grounds that she currently considered her personal hell. Their track and field was spotless, their buildings an immaculate white. Rumors said that the kids who got detention or summer school had to paint the buildings during the summer break, but as Sonnet never had anyone she knew get either, she never knew if it was true.

As she walked towards the gated field, she found herself humming. There were only a few more months left of this school year, and she'd end up at ACC the next year. She knew a lot of the girls and boys in her class were worried about being parted from younger friends, but that didn't matter to Sonnet. She had no friends, only acquaintances. There were plenty of rumors flying around about why. She'd been approached by a number of people curious as to why she only wore long-sleeved shirts, why she never wore her hair up, why she never wore jewelry... it amazed her that her desire to not answer their questions had isolated her as well as it isolated the wealthy girls. Unlike them, however... she really just didn't care.

Turning into the large front building, she sighed. The downside of Avalon High was that the school had retarded levels of security. Metal detectors framed every door that led from the outside, and if you didn't have a school ID, you weren't allowed past the administrative buildings. Annoying as it all was, nothing was more amusing than watching wealthy teenagers try to throw their family's name around like it held weight. She waited patiently, grateful that school didn't start for a while, handing her ID to the guard and walking through the door to fetch it and her bookbag that had already been searched. Like every day, she was completely clean, though it seemed - as she walked down the hall to her first class - the boy who had been behind her wasn't so lucky.

Mr. Hamilton's History Class was one of her favorites, and one of the few classes that had students from all ages and grades in the High School in it. Classrooms at Avalon High were much like the college classrooms in other cities. They were large, the seats fashioned more like benches that wrapped in a half-circle around the front of the room. Students frequently climbed even over the desks to get to their place, of which Mr. Hamilton let them choose on their own. Like always, his door was wide open before his first class, and she could hear his laugh down the hall. Mr. Hamilton was easily one of the more well-liked teachers, his history lessons were fun and interactive, and he was one of the very few in the entire district that liked sneaking fairy tales into the lesson as well. He was regarded as senile by most of the staff, and with his silver-white hair, wrinkled skin, and his way of dressing in brown suits with ties, most of the students liked to joke the same. But his eyes, a bright shade of blue, always glimmered with a playfulness that had every student laughing along with him.

She returned his friendly wave as she wandered to the end of the first bench, propping her bag against the foot of the desk while she slipped into her seat, leaning back against the desk behind her. She took a glance at the clock, noting that she still had fourty-five minutes before the class began.

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Re: Our Eternal End ((IC))

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Averagebear on Sun Apr 26, 2009 9:01 am

Leonorra had been sitting in the front row of Mr. Hamilton's class for over fifteen minutes now. It was the only time throughout the day that she did some thing alone. Normally, she had at least three other people accompanying her in the halls and classes with other people she knew coming in and chatting before leaving the group again; She couldn't stand feeling isolated. However, when it came to Mr. Hamilton's class, she felt it was worth it in order to sit in the front row.

She adored his class and that he had the courage to tell them stories about fairies, elves, and things of that sort despite the fact that the other teachers labeled him as a kook because of it. Hearing him speak truly caught her interest and she found that sitting in the front and getting a good view of his facial expressions made the story even better. But it seemed that every one else felt the same because every day the front row would be taken if you weren't there at least a half hour before the bell rang.

At first she had asked Mr. Hamilton if he could assign just her seat in the front but he refused, crying out a long lecture about how one had to work for their standing and it isn't handed to them by those in power despite what society may believe now a days. Truly, this didn't surprise her. She had half expected him to go off on some ancient, wise logic he'd learned throughout the year and , as much of a bummer it was, she understood what he was talking about. After he had settled down, he had told her that if she came in before the other students, she was sure to have the chair she desired for.

So, she had asked her parents if they could drop her off early from then on because they weren't allowed to make the chauffeur do it earlier since it wasn't in his contract. Of course, her mother had agreed to drive her to school in their newly bought Mercedes every day but Leonorra knew that the only reason why she had was so that she could show off her new ride to the other parents dropping their children off and so she could be seen as a caring mother. As long as she seemed like a hard working, dedicated mom she was treated among the community with nothing but kindness. But, Leonorra didn't mind because she rather enjoyed the time they spent in the car talking to one another. They never did that.

Her neatly shaven, crossed legs fidgeted, her foot bouncing up and down in the air. She wanted to dance at that moment but considering that there were other kids in the room, she resisted the urge. That's when a girl with curly hair sat down about a foot away from her. She smiled but, other than that, kept to herself. She didn't like socializing with people who weren't in her group all too much.

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