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Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

a topic in School-Based Roleplay, a part of the RPG forum.

Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Steve Sand on Sun Jun 14, 2009 5:31 pm

Date: 8-17-09

--- --- ---

Time: 6:45 A.M.

--- --- ---

OOC: Sign Up

--- --- ---

Weather: Sunny

--- --- ---

Temperature: 69Β°F

--- --- ---

Plot: The first day of school, role play what you are doing at 6:45.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Abstract Calamity on Sun Jun 14, 2009 6:07 pm

Kyle woke to the sound of his mother's stern voice. "Get up! You have school today, remember?" Kyle sat up groggily in his bed, still mostly asleep. He turned to the side and hung his feet over the side of his bed. All that was left was for him to actually get out of bed. That was always the hardest part. He managed to muster enough energy to step off his bed onto the floor, which had the effect of waking him up a little. Not entirely, but enough to keep him going.

After showering and getting dressed he went down to the breakfast his mother was preparing. It was the standard breakfast he had had every day last year before school: scrambled eggs, a slice of ham, four bacon strips, and two slices of toast. Not really in the mood to do much talking, he ate it in silence. It was a good breakfast, but one that he knew he would get tired of about halfway through the year.

After eating, Kyle gathered up all the things he would need for the day. He packed two one-dozen packs of pencils to stash in his locker, a separate binder for each class, a couple of notebooks, a calculator, his trumpet for band class, and other miscellaneous odds and ends. He then headed immediately for the bus stop. Upon reaching the bus stop, he checked his phone clock. He was early by about 5 minutes. He took out his schedule and looked it over. His first class was going to be science with Ms. Valentine. Science. Could be worse, I guess he thought as he stood waiting for the bus.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Sun Jun 14, 2009 11:22 pm

The alarm went off and Ting whined into her pillow. She lifted her chin to glare across the room. She'd deliberately set her alarm on her desk so that she had to cross the room to get to it. The Ting of this morning did not like the Ting of last night. Rolling onto her back she stuck her skinny legs up into the air and then continued rolling off to land on her feet. Straightening, she passed her desk on her way out the door and flicked her fingers at the clock. It stopped ringing as the nub at the back switched to 'off'. Yi-Min was trying to break her daughter of the habit of associating guestures with what her mind did, but right then she was cooking breakfast and couldn't see Ting being lazy.

She stumbled for the bathroom, and washed her face. She dried off and applied tonic and moisturiser before moving back out into her room again. She passed Feng as she shuffled into the bathroom. Ting eyed her wardrobe and then sighed, digging through. Baby blue tee, dark blue jeans, socks. She hopped down the stairs at her mother's call of "Breakfast!"

Since it was the first day, they got a cooked breakfast. Egg rice and bacon. Really, the bacon was included for the love of their dad. And the orange juice. Ting wolfed hers, keeping one eye on the clock before she bounded upstairs, brushing her teeth furiously and then skipping into her room. She stopped before the upper shelf of her desk which served as a vanity with a square mirror in a tiled frame propped on it. She raked her eyes over her eyebrows. Looking ok, she'd gotten Dad's brows. Fine and arched. Eyes, she picked up brown eyeliner and quickly ran it along the bottom. Dad's eyelashes too. No mascara. She picked up her jade and leather choker. Tying the knot at the front after looping it around twice, Ting pulled out a pair of blue studs and a gold plated bangle. She then grabbed up her bag, making a mental list as she slung it onto her back. Slim folder for each lesson, note book each, except Art, pencil case, calculator, maths se, organiser, refill pad..... Lunch! Ting flew down the stairs, narrowly missing Peter, and snatched up her lunch box. Peter was a head taller than her, but still short. Although it was likely that Feng would outgrow their mother and Ting, it was unlikely that either of them would ever be tall. The Mckays were not a tall family and the Xias sure as heck weren't.

"SIS!" Feng rattled in and thrust a comb into Ting's hand, pecking her father on the cheek as she did so.

"Good idea." Ting ran the comb through her short hair first, then set about taming the fine long mass that was Feng's hair. Weaving it into a quick braid, Ting pocketed the comb next to her phone.

"You're in a hurry for school. Eager to learn?" Raurhi asked, fighting the urge to laugh at his daughters.

"No! New friends!" Ting enthused.

"Abominations," Peter muttered into his juice.

Feng pulled on sandals, and Ting started lacing up her boots. Feng was already out the door and then Ting was after her with a whoop.

"Behave yourselves!" Their mother belatedly called after them in Chinese.
"Why are all the women in this family mad?" Peter asked, rolling his eyes. Raurhi kept a straight face.
"Ask your mother."

The two girls trotted up to the bus stop. They'd take different buses but it was the same stop. There was another boy there, a redhead. Ting felt herself calming down, feeling a bit shyer now. She'd bounce around like mad with strangers, but if it was somebody she'd potentially have to deal with for a prolonged period of time, she became a lot more reserved. Of course, the dear little spaz that everyone knew, if not necesseraly loved, was back again once she made friends. Did he go to her school? Was he in her class? Her year group?

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DEEReye on Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:23 am

All it took was single pulse; a series of the little wires inside her head to work together, sending short messages to create one single action. All it took was that one very ordinary jab that woke every human being in the morning before the alarm clock was invented. That natural thing was what made every alarm in the large room Michelle Fields shared with five other girls go off in unison. Before she even had the chance to turn all of them off, a bombardment of pillows and even a few shoes rained down upon her. The poor girl never stood a chance.

All mornings before a exciting day were like that when it came to the sprouting Electrokinetic. Her whole body was alive with that inner spark that she was slowly becoming in sync with like it was a whole other heartbeat. It pulsed in harmony with her emotions. And on that morning, it was the first day of her third year at Thistle Wood. She had dreams about it all Summer while she was stuck at the local girls' home, doing the same old chores and seeing the same dreary people. Plus, she was going to be able to see the wonderful members of the opposite sex in the first time in almost three months.

The bathroom was crowded. The hall was crowded. The dining was crowded. A mass of teenage girls, with a few younger ones thrown into the bunch, were all tossed together, each one trying to do their hair and get some food into their systems before the day truly started. It was a madhouse. Michelle about had it. The structure of school and the chance of becoming more than just a member pushed her onward.

It got her through putting on her ruffled white skirt and light weight yellow blouse while foreign elbows jabbed into her. The room she shared was hazy with the sprays of many different perfumes. Two girls were fighting over a mirror. Michelle just had to keep her mind on what was promised to her in just a few short hours. Once the mirror was finally clear of any hostile activity, she took the chance to get out her little plastic bag she kept under her bed in a shoe box. Inside of it were all the piercings she used to decorate her ears. Each time she touched the metal, a shock went through her system. The pleasant feeling made her more awake and content.

Never one to eat while excited, Michelle decided to slip on her yellow flats and head out the back, grabbing her book bag on the way. A few girls were already ahead of her in the back alley they often used to get to the main road. Michelle made no tries to call out to them. For the past two years, no one had ever walked with her. There was no reason for them to start now. Melancholy thoughts drifted in the back of her mind, dimming her spark. Tears started to sting her dark eyes while she fumbled with the clasp of her string of pearls. Reality had a funny way of sneaking up on her.

When she was near the end of the alley, she stopped and shook her arms in hopes of shaking away those dreadful ideas. There was no chance of sad thoughts polluting her first day. No chance at all. Then she smoothed down her hair and made her way across the street to the bus stop. The girls she saw before went to a entirely different school. Michelle was the only girl from the girls' home that attends Thistle Wood. She enjoyed that fact very much. Eager eyes watched down the road, ready to see the familiar bus.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HISS on Mon Jun 15, 2009 6:47 am


β€œOh, shut up...” A young girl muttered, drowned in sleep as she stuck her hand out, searching for the snooze button.


β€œI said.....Shut up!” She growled, slamming her hand on the alarm clock. It instantly stopped the annoying sound, being woken up was the last thing she wanted. Too bad for her that it was her duty to get up, from now on anyways. She muttered some colorful words under her breath as she shuffled around under the sheets, sitting up and blinking. Patting down her short ruffled hair, she lazily got up from her bed. Her eyes completely shut, she went her way to her bathroom, closing the door behind her. She yawned, glancing at the mirror before picking out her brush. She was already attacked with mindless thoughts from around, but she learned to ignore them. Anyways, she already knew what they were thinking.

Hm, is Leo up yet? She should know this is her first day...

Let's see, looks like the newspaper's boring as ever.....Are these eggs even safe to eat?

She rolled her eyes as she put some toothpaste on the brush, and then brushing her teeth. It was too easy.

She wasn't used to the early waking yet, since this was the first day of school for her. She wondered why she even had to change school, not like it made any difference. It was just another ordinary school, right? It had to be, but then again, these days she wasn't entirely sure about reality anymore. She spit out her toothpaste as she grabbed her clothes, heading into the shower.

β€œAlright, so, I have Literature first. And then something else. Well, let's see who has literature” She said to herself when she came out the bathroom. She looked into her large mirror as a hairbrush was in her hands. She closed her eyes, concentrating on her Telepathy as she searched for anyone else who might have the same class. A million thoughts zoomed by in her head as they were too quick for her to catch. But, she heard a few Literatures, but they weren't that strong. Must mean no one she was going to know will be near her. She brushed her short hair, ruffling her bangs as she smiled at herself. Well, so far so good. She just hoped school was going to be this peaceful.

Slinging her back pack over her shoulder, she headed downstairs, awaiting her breakfast in the morning. Food was her favorite thing in the world, and if anyone got in the way of her and food, she would pretty much let her anger all out on them. But then again, she would be acting. Priceless to see the expressions on faces when you suddenly turn from anger to happiness. Sitting down at the dining table, she grinned at her dad. β€œWell, you ready?” She asked him, slowly picking up her knife and fork. β€œI always am” Her father, Henri, responded with a mocking grin as he picked up his knife and fork. β€œWell then......GO!” She shouted, immediately digging into her food. Her and her father had a deal that whoever ate the fastest got the TV remote for tonight, and obviously it was Leo that won.

She sighed as she smirked at her father, wiping her mouth as if she was a professional. Her dad rolled his eyes, sighing as he leaned back. β€œWell, these days, young people can do a lot. You can't blame an old man” β€œAmen” She said in return, which earned her a playful glare. β€œSo that's what was up with yesterday, you two are rediculous” Her mother said as she shook her head, but still having a playful smile on her face. Leo though, knew what she was thinking. She wanted her to be a good lady, a proud and wealthy one at that. She almost puked at the idea, but then again, the future was the future. She couldn't predict it, nor could anyone. Well, anyone she knew anyways.

She got up, going to the front door as she put her shoes on. β€œBye dad, bye mom” She said to them as she walked out. They responded with back with those old quotes, like 'Have a good day' or 'Make new friends', and the such. She would have to think about that though. Yawning she walked to her bus stop which was a block away from her house, that was a good distance. She was pretty lazy, so it did her good. She didn't care if there were other's though, it was expected. Arriving there, she saw a few other people, but she went on her way. Leaning against a tree, she closed her eyes, wondering when the bus came. She blocked out the random thoughts around her, being annoyed by them. If only the days ended quicker.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Steve Sand on Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:15 pm

Steve ran down the empty corridor, each light dulling as he sprinted below them. The lockers around him seemed to be screaming, Let us out! We didn't do anything to deserve this! He continued to run, but he eventually hit the end of the wall. He stuck his hands out, just to ensure the safety of his face. He stared down the long hallway, and, one by one, the lights deactivated. Steve sunk down to the ground, creating a loud 'Thump!' sort of sound. The dark, dreary lighting was about to eat him alive, and then... He awoke.

He jolted up in his bed, nearly screaming his lungs out. He wiped sweat from his forehead with his right hand, and then threw the black bedspread off of him. "Holy shit..." Steve managed to whisper to himself as he shook his head, trying to forget the dream. The fact he had had it every night since the thirteenth worried him. He dragged himself over to his computer, pressed the power button, and typed on his online diary: Same dream I had the other nights. It seemed to drag on tonight, though. The man was scarier looking as well.

Steve hit the power switch again, then jumped over to his closet. He swung open the white doors, and grabbed a pair of worn out, button-fly jeans. He pulled them on, then realized he wasn't wearing a shirt. He side stepped to his dresser and pulled out a plain white tee. He slipped his favorite hoodie on over that then ran his hands through his hair.

"Now I'm ready." He said to himself, jogging to the front door. His mother and father were still asleep, and probably wouldn't awaken until 'noon. He didn't even grab a bagel, even though he knew he had the latter of three lunch periods. He slid on his book bag, having been prepared with the usual, multiple notebooks and a few pens, the night before. His trumpet case was sitting on the table, so he grabbed it, also surprising him how light it seemed after band camp several weeks before.

He eventually made it to the bus stop, but since he lived in a secluded area, no one else was there. He sat down on the bench that was conveniently placed right by the red stop sign. He pulled out his notebook with manuscript paper, and started composing a new piece. A Dreary Morning was what he would probably end up naming it.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby smileythemask on Tue Jun 16, 2009 9:11 am

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The alarm blared in the boy's room.

"Its way too early" Chad said as he raised his head up from the pillow he was sleeping on and threw it at the alarm clock knocking it over. Chad got up and stretched his body then started to get changed. He put on a random black t-shirt with white words on it that read "Static X: Cannibal" below the words was a big picture of skull with a femur in his mouth and a bunch of knives and forks around the outside of the skull. He grabbed a pair of jeans and put those on and headed downstairs.

When Chad got down there his parents had a breakfast ready for him. "Hey mom" Chad said as he sat down at the kitchen table. In front of him was a plate of bacon and eggs along with a glass of chocolate milk. He looked down it and put on a fake smile "It looks great mom" He said. In reality Chad's mom couldn't cook if her life depended on it. Chad picked up a fork and began to eat the bacon trying to drown the taste of the burnt grease with the chocolate milk. Once he was finished with the bacon he grabbed the salt that was across the table from him and poured it all over the eggs and started to eat them while ignoring the horrible taste. About half way threw Chad's breakfast his older brother Nile came down from his upstairs bedroom.

"Hey freak show" Nile said to Chad as he ran up to him and hit him on the right side of his face leaving a bruise.

"Nile don't make fun of your little brother" There Mom said as she looked at them annoyed.

"Its ok mom, its already practically healed" Chad said feeling the bruise as it began to disappear. Chad finished the last of his eggs as his sister Sarah came down working on her makeup.

"Sarah don't do your make up at the kitchen table" Chad's mom said as she went back to cooking

"Fine, whatever" Sarah said closing the small compact mirror and putting the makeup brush away also.

"Alright well im out of here, see you mom I love you" Chad said as he got up from the table and put on his shoes and headed out the door. He could hear his mom yelling at his older siblings again for some other reason as he headed down the path to his house and onto the sidewalk. Chad walked slowly down the sidewalk as he got closer to the bus stop that was pretty far from his house. He crossed a few streets and finally made it to the bus stop siting down on a bench and looking up at the sky.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Abstract Calamity on Tue Jun 16, 2009 1:06 pm

Several more people had gathered at the bus stop. Kyle recognized a few of them, but he didn't really know any of them.

The bus came to a screeching halt in front of the group. Kyle walked onto it, taking a quick look around for an open seat. There was one 5 or 6 seats back on the driver side he took. He sat against the window with his backpack on his lap. He would switch to a more relaxed position later if no one sat next to him. He preferred being alone on the bus, it was more comfortable and easier to make up for lost sleep, but he wasn't opposed to sharing a seat either.

Kyle gazed out the window, occasionally checking to see if anyone showed any intentions of sitting in the same seat. If he wasn't so tired, he might also have been thinking about something, but for now his mind was mostly blank.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Steve Sand on Tue Jun 16, 2009 8:19 pm

Date: 8-17-09

--- --- ---

Time: 7:45 A.M.

--- --- ---

Weather: Partially Cloudy

--- --- ---

Temperature: 65Β°F

--- --- ---

Plot: The beginning, middle, and end (or directly before) of your first period class. Remember, classes are in portables (trailers), not classrooms.
Last edited by Steve Sand on Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby DEEReye on Wed Jun 17, 2009 1:05 am

All that anticipation she had the past few weeks before the moment she stepped on to the bus didn't leave her enough energy to have the courage to say hello to anyone. The fantasies she had of making a friend for the year was long gone by the time she seated herself in the very first empty seat, tossing her book bag on to the seat before she sat down. Her neck burned from her imaginings of people behind her; laughing at her and whispering dirty secrets about her. While it was out, she forgot that high school was like hell. The ride felt like it took hours.

When Thistle Wood came into view, Michelle let out a long exhale as all the tension in her shoulders and abdomen went away. She waited while everyone else got off, preferring to stay out of the way as much as possible. As she did, she ran her tongue over her braces, something she did whenever she was nervous. Finally, she mustered enough courage to get off the bus before the last few people. Moving off to the side of the door, she reached into her book bag for her class list. It was time to go Mr. Hale.

For some reason, Michelle herself doing a odd version of a speed walk; a series of awkward hops and short bursts of jogging. She did it all across the front lawn, heading for the mobile that housed Mr. Hale's history class. Once there, she stopped by the door to take a few breaths and to quickly check if anyone saw that embarrassing run. The poor girl knew she was off enough. There was no way she was going to let any person have a chance to make fun of her so soon.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:45 am

The moment she'd seen the bus, Ting had squeezed Feng and lifted her straight off the ground, then put her sister down. Right behind it was her little sister's bus, and Feng had waved brightly as she hopped over to the sliding doors. Ting was nearly bouncing in impatience when the door had opened and had immediatly shot on board and into the nearest window seat. Ting always grabbed a window seat, preferably on the pavement side of the bus. She just liked to watch the world go past.

She tumbled off it with the same eagerness, digging her schedual out of her bag. Other students were leaving the bus as well and she stepped to the side so as not to get stood on. It was surprisingly easy when you were 5 foot nothing. English Lit first. Ting felt her bright mood dampen slightly. English was always a touchy subject. It could either be completely awesome, if you got a good teacher, or it could be the most boring and interminable torture this side of the planet. Worse than watching Andy Warhol's "Sleep". At least you weren't required to attempt paying attention to that. Now... she just had to find the right portacabin.

"Oh bugger," she quoted Jack Sparrow, and then glanced around. The good thing about being first off meant that nobody had gone very far. Still plenty of potential guides. She picked a likely looking lass. She appeared older than Ting, and moved with the ease and comfort of long aquaintance with her surrounds. Two other girls waved and moved to join her. They'd know where to find Mrs. Grace's class. Ting jogged up to her.

"Excuse me," she chirped. The other girls turned around to look down at her quizically. The shortest was a head taller than her. "Could you tell me where to find Mrs. Grace's English Lit class?" The first girl looked a bit stunned while the other two seemed to be reigning in giggles.

"Um, yeah, sure, it's across that way, first on the right," the blonde tipped her chin in the appropriate direction.

"Wonderful, you're a lifesaver. Thanks a million," Ting said over her shoulder as she turned and started across. She then heard laughter behind her and felt her ears burn. What? Never seen a Eurasian with an Irish lilt before? Cretins and Bumpkins all. It truly wasn't her fault that her mother learned her English in Ireland and her father was Irish, now was it? She had an edge on the rest of the English speaking Asian community. She had r's. Beautifully rolled and extended r's, not to be cocky.

Finding the correct class, Ting glanced inside, eyes raking over the classroom displays and the textbooks in low shelves against the far wall. To her right was a blackboard, well, it's more of a green really, and the teachers desk. There didn't look to be anybody in yet. Ting checked her watch, realised it was at home, and then checked the clock. 7:50. Eager much? She stepped inside fully, and quickly ran over seating in her head. Trouble makers at the back, dreamers by the window, smarmers or those simply too slow at the front... Ting chose a seat in the second last row, one over from the windows. The desks here looked like little seperate things, with a space underneath that books and stationary could be stored in. That wouldn't be important, most likely, so she sat her bag on the chair and herself on the desk. Swinging her legs, she started taking bets with herself on who would be next through the door.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HISS on Thu Jun 18, 2009 2:05 pm

With a huge yawn, she boarded on the bus, fallowing the other's as she sat in the second seat. She sighed, leaning her head on the seat in front of her as she looked down at her black and blue iPod. She scrolled through the songs, none of them sparking her interest. She had to remind herself to get newer songs. She leaned back, putting her hands behind her head as she gazed out the window. Her backpack preoccupied the seat next to her, but it wasn't like anyone would sit there anyways. This bus was huge, there should be enough seats for everyone.

She closed her eyes as the engine started, the loud roar ringing in her ears as the bus went on it's way. Maybe she could sneak a nap, no one would notice. Anyways, she would know when she arrived at school. It was when the bus started to get lighter of course. As the bus drove on the road, she found many other thoughts. She was used to it obviously, but she wondered if she could stand so many people in one place at school. Now, Middle School wasn't that bad, since there really wasn't a lot of kids around, but she knew High School would pretty much fry her brain. Well, all she could do is hope for the best.

She blinked, opening her eyes as she looked up, seeing the other students already walking out the bus. She grabbed her backpack, slinging it over her shoulder as she fallowed out. The sun hit her eyes as she squinted, wondering when the sun was so bright. Maybe she was still sleeping. Her ear phones were still there, and she kept them there as a loud Techno song came on. Maybe that would wake her up, or distract her from the oncoming thoughts of thousands of students.

She entered the campus, and just as she thought, the minds hit her like a brick wall. She flinched, holding her head as she leaned on the wall beside her. Her head was throbbing from all the thoughts that just suddenly appeared. They were so loud, she wasn't used to it. She scowled, grabbing her iPod and turning up the volume as it helped some, but there were still many thoughts that she could hear, it killed her. β€œI gotta get to class before my head explodes...” She muttered to herself, running to one of the trailers.

She flung open the door, breathing hard as she slammed the door behind her. Slowly, she slid down, laying on the floor as she closed her eyes. At the least, the thoughts were far away from her. She got up, straightening herself as she glanced at the other person in class, a girl. She was tired, she just wished she could go home. She shook it off though, she had to face it. This was going to haunt her for the rest of her life.

She put her back pack beside her seat as she sat down, burying her face in her hands as she put her head down on the table. She was in the far back corner, the dark place where the trouble makers lurked. She didn't care though. If anyone spoke to her, either she would ignore them or give them a witty comeback. She wasn't in for fun and games today, her head hurt and she couldn't even focus on her own thoughts. She needed to control her power, and fast.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Steve Sand on Thu Jun 18, 2009 5:00 pm

Steve stepped up into the bus, and sat down in one of the semi-front seats. The stone cold plastic-like material made him shiver as he sat. He shook his head, getting the dream out of his head, and waited for the bus to arrive at the school. The ride seemed like it took hours, but it actually only took fifteen minutes. Only about ten people were on there route, so they didn't have to go to far out of the way.

When they arrived at the school, Steve strutted off of the bus. He fixed the strap of the bag which held his notebooks, and gripped his trumpet case harder. Mrs. Valentine for first period. Steve thought, as he started toward the portable. Science was always one of his better subjects, but he never liked it. Maybe I'll get some other Band kids in there.

Band kids were always set apart from the rest, but he didn't mind. If you had seen this school from the outside, you might think it was a television show. You had the band geeks, the ethnics, the emos, the popular kids, and the chorus kids. If you didn't fit in to one of the groups, you were considered a freak. Luckily, Steve had been in the "band geek group" since the seventh grade, when he started.

He stepped in front of the door, pulled it open, then turned around to look outside. The sun was barely over the mountains in the distance, and it was extremely beautiful. Steve was never interested in those sights, so he turned and slammed the door. He walked in silently, set the instrument case down, and sat down at one of the lower grade desks.

He looked down, and saw multiple meaningless scribbles. "I <3 Chad" One of them said. "I'm a emo chorus popular ethnic band kid." Another one read, seeming to speak to Steve. He wondered who wrote that, but it could have been anyone of them. He looked up at Ms. Valentine as she started to speak.

"Mitosis," She stated loudly, getting everyone's attention. "Is the division of cells. It has multiple stages, and..." There was a very long pause. "Very boring!" The class cheered as someone turned on the radio. That's usually how things worked in Ms. Valentine's class. All fun, no work. You would think that's how Steve would like school, but he didn't. He was more of a studier than a partier.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby smileythemask on Thu Jun 18, 2009 9:24 pm

Chad looked up at the sky as the bus pulled up. He got up and walked onto the bus sitting down in the center of the bus and starred out the window not paying any attention to what was going on around him. He watched the sky as it moved past them until the bus came to its final stop. Chad got up and grabbed the few things that he had with him and walked to the school.

He walked threw the halls not really sure of where he was going. He looked down at his schedule and saw that he had Mrs. Grace was his first hour. He walked to where he thought the class was and walked into the class room. He looked around and saw that there where a few kids already in class.

He walked over to a small desk that was near the back of the room and sat down in the back of the class and pulled out a piece of paper and put it on his arm cutting it a little bit. "Ahh... that feels better" He said as he smiled a little bit and looked up at the teacher. His cut healed after a few seconds since it wasnt that bad at all. Mrs. Grace started to talk about famous authors and some other things but Chad just kind of zoned out. He never really found this very interesting.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Fri Jun 19, 2009 2:48 am

Long experience had taught Ting not to call others weird, but this new girl's behaviour was pushing the envelope a bit. Not everyone flew into class like that, breathing hard and acting like the Furies were chasing them. Ting watched in silence as she got up and stalked to the far back corner and sat down heavily, discovering gravity and the desk within seconds of each other. Ting tilted her head slightly, watching her and judging how to react. Compassion won out. The girl didn't look happy. Ting was about to hop off the desk when the door opened and the rest of the class flooded in, students who'd been there previously chatting with each other. The little Eurasian slid into her seat, one last look slung over her shoulder at the other girl. Then in sailed the teacher in a swirl of coloured pashmina.

"Good morning class, and it is wonderful to see you all!" she just about sang, sweeping to the front of the class. Flair. The level of talking had subdued, and there were a few acknowledgements back, but generally the class kept talking. Mrs. Grace didn't seem to notice, picking up a peice of chalk and scrawling her name in the upper left corner. Turning to face the class, she picked up a peice of paper. Starting at the top, she called out names, picking up the responses through the low hum. Ignoring those who weren't paying attention, she began to write on the board, enthusing about the importance of the main authors they'd be studying that term. And an ironclad teaching style that fearlessly blazes forwards. Ting chuckled into her palm and pulled out a pen.

Scribbling the notes quickly in a slanted and tidy cursive script, she kept one eye on the board and one eye on the class, taking people's measures. Yes, she was judging. But really, all evaluations were liquid and constantly changing. None of her impressions were concrete. She'd thought somebody had been lovely when they first arrived, but then discovered that she was actually an ugly person on the inside. Then there was one boy who'd seem very dense, but put the best ideas on paper. He just needed a few more minutes to come up with his ideas.

Ting sat sideways in her seat and ran her eyes around the room. Some kids were like her, half paying attention. There was a kid up the front with eyes glued to the board. Then there were those who didn't even have the grace to pretend to pay attention. The dark haired girl still had her head on her arms. Ting felt a spike of concern. She couldn't help it, she just automatically mothered everyone. She'd spent years looking after hundreds of newly arrived students, including being one herself.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HISS on Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:44 am

Oh great, looks like the rest of the flock came in.... Leo thought, her head still in her arms. She had no need to look up, their thoughts were easy to read. There were at the least, maybe 24 kids in the classroom, that's her guess anyways. For once, she actually hated her 'wonderful' power. Why couldn't she get some other power? Maybe Biokinesis, or maybe Empathy. Those would be cool. She guessed it was the same thing again, for every plus there is always a minus. She sighed, raising her head some, the headache going away for now. She stared at the class, reading all the students' minds.

None of them were interesting, as always. Some gossip and rumors she could use, maybe, but that's all. Almost all of them were spaced out, no wonder the window side was so full. Her iPod was still loud and pounding in her ears, but this time changed to another song. Something like Rock, but she didn't focus on that right now. She turned her head slowly, looking at that girl she saw when she came into the class. She could only wonder why she was staring at her like that. Then again, she could read her mind. Then again, she didn't know which thoughts were which. She blinked, her eyes half closed as she gave a small smile. She saw the concerned face she gave her, but she didn't know why.

She leaned back in her desk, her arms behind her head as she stared at the ceiling. Obviously she won't take notes, she never took notes in her life, well, until the point when she gained her powers. Most of the time she cheated her way around, reading the teacher's mind or most of the students. It was easy, and great training for her. A two in one. All she had to do is focus on her victim and she would read most of their thoughts. Maybe she was getting better at controlling her power. She hoped so. At the least she was getting straight A's.

Either this teacher is deaf and blind, or she just doesn't care. The class wasn't even paying attention, except the nerds of course. And she was pretty sure she could hear them talk loudly, with or without her Telepathy. Really, she didn't know if that was good or bad. She grabbed one of her bangs, pulling on them as they just bounced back. She decided to braid them, she was bored anyways. No one's thoughts were interesting either. She already knew all the tricks and secrets. She glanced at that girl once more, wondering what she was doing.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Fri Jun 19, 2009 8:13 pm

It moved! Ting rejoiced slightly, the girl had smiled as well. She wondered what her name was. Turning to her notes, she listened to some of what Mrs. Grace was currently on.

"I'll need a volunteer, please," one kid up the front looked up, "aside from John." There was a gentle smile on the teacher's face and some of the kids chuckled. There was no move from anyone to move though. Ting glanced up at the ceiling with a quick prayer for mercy from apathy and raised her hand.

"Wonderful, erm," Mrs. Grace checked her roll. "Ting? Yes, here, pass these out will you?" Ting moved to the front to pick up a stack of papers. Eyes skimming the top, she realised it was one of those first day handouts that outlined the plan for the rest of the year as well as classroom expectations. As she moved along the desks from front row to back, Mrs. Grace continued to talk.

"I don't mind you talking amongst yourselves, but do it quietly. If you want to fail this class, it's your problem. Just be polite enough to let anyone who wants to pay attention do so." Another low round of mumured laughter passed around the class and Ting smiled slightly despite herself, halfway through the room. Initial analysis; correct. Most of the kids took the papers once they were on their desks, some said a distracted thanks, some didn't respond at all, clearly not here.

She was nearly at the last girl, and she held out the last paper to her. Brown eyes flicked to the front, Mrs Grace was writing on the board again, and then returned to the other girl. Her eyes were blue, she realised. Blue eyes and black hair are considered a highly charismatic combination, part of Hitler's early charm and magnetism, she recalled randomly. When the hell did I learn that? Honestly the most random and useless things sank into Ting's mind.

"What's your name?" she asked the girl in front of her quickly and lowly, evading detection from Mrs. Grace as she lingered at the back of the classroom. Blue-eyes had made an impression with her personality and Ting liked having names to attatch to people for reference's sake. It made remembering people so much easier with a name.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HISS on Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:43 pm

Leo was distracted, focusing on her hair braiding. She heard that the Teacher needed someone to help her out, and Leo knew it wouldn't be her. Obviously, the teachers never chose anyone from the back. Pretty much because they couldn't be trusted, or they'll argue. Now, who needs a bad day on the first day of school? She could guess no one, knowing that they're already having a bad day. Well, she wondered about Mrs. Grace.

Her eyes flickered up as she heard a name being called, an actual volunteer. It was odd, but she guessed people were probably trying to do their best. All the well, she didn't care. But, it was that same girl. The girl who kept on staring at her, she still couldn't figure out why. She put her hands down, her braids immediately coming lose as they went back to their original state. Well, so much for dedication. She plopped up her head on her palm, leaning on the desk as she watched the girl. Her name was Ting, so the teacher said, she would have to remember that. She turned off her iPod, but her ear phones still there. Just in case of course.

She smirked. Wasn't Mrs. Grace going to be a fun teacher. She knew that by experience, you should never piss off a nice looking woman. It wouldn't be a very pretty ending. Well, as long as she acts like she's listening, she'll be fine. She watched as the girl made her way around the class, she had a habit of observing people. She was an observer, can't blame her for that.

When the girl came to her desk, she reached out to take the paper, but stopped when she grasped it. She raised an eyebrow at the girl, her thoughts clear as she heard them in her mind. A highly charismatic combination? Hm, interesting fact.... She thought to herself, actually proud that she learned something today. A smirk flickered across her lips at the second thought, but disappeared quickly. This girl is...Interesting.. She thought to herself. β€œLeo...” She whispered, wondering if the girl heard her. She took the paper from her hands, an impassive smile set on her face.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Steve Sand on Sat Jun 20, 2009 11:27 am

Date: 8-17-09

--- --- ---

Time: 8:30 A.M.

--- --- ---

Weather: Sunny

--- --- ---

Temperature: 64Β°F

--- --- ---

Plot: Your second, third, and fourth period class all mashed into one post.

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Re: Paranormal: A Mind Bending Story IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby PixieCP on Sun Jun 21, 2009 4:33 pm

Ting grinned back at the other girl, then quietly and subtly slid into her seat. Name and smile. Score! The lesson flew by and before she knew it, she was digging for her schedual to find out what she had next. The rest of the class was almost out when she rose, bag over one shoulder and schedual in front of her nose. Amazingly she managed to navigate out past the desks without mishap, making her way to science. She'd have preferred to take straight chemistry and physics, but chucking a bit of bio in there couldn't hurt too much.

The air in science was considerably different from english. Ms. Valentine ran the place with iron fist and wit. Ting could see they'd be getting along; she wanted to learn and Ms. Valentine evidently wanted to teach. Besides, Ting needed help in science. Learning each thing worked fine for her, it was when they were required to link them and make conclusion by applying them that she started tripping. Sorry Dad, it's up to Feng to follow you into medicine.

Leaving the class feeling like they'd be accomplishing something that year, Ting merrily trooped off to Art. Art teachers were invariably interesting and/or odd people. Many of them were artists who were realistic enough to realise that the chances of making a decent living out of art were sickly at best. Mr. Yamato didn't seem any different. He had barely any trace of an accent from his homeland, and seemed very at home in his art room. He also appeared classically trained, since the first thing he started them on was learning how to draw and shade spheres and squares. Start from the beginning, she guessed.

The radio was on and people quietly chatted as they drew. Ting savoured the atmosphere. There was something singularly unique about art rooms. They always seemed to operate under their own rules at every school she'd been in. No ipods in school. (Except in the artroom.) No food or drink in class. (Except in the artroom.) No talking. (Except in the artroom.) No animals. (Except in the... wait what?! Life studies, class of 2003. A goat, a dog, and a really lazy hamster.) Ting bit her lip against a smile she couldn't be bothered explaining.

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