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Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby castersage on Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:55 pm

Kotori shyed away slighy when Kagiri whispered in his ear, and he gave a giggle. His ears where his hot spot, and made his slightly gitty. He looked at Kagiri afterward, nodding his head then tilted it at him slightly.

He looked at Josephine then at Mira, he could swear he could he a rip in hell and earth open up between them, but they already encountered that, and that was the dark hour. He looked at everyone with wide eyes and could feel as though Kagiri was right there was some sort of drama here, Kotori was social blind in a way.

"It's not that we dislike you Josephine,"The tried to lay off with the san on her,"Its just." He tried to find something to say,"Your atittude is very...intimidating." He said nodding his head, he felt sorry for Josephine but at the same time she reminded him of the bullies at the Orphanage. He wondered if she wasn't a persona user would anyone ever adopted her. He surely belived everyone should have a family, though Josephine really was the center of the Univerese.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:11 pm

Mira now looked sympathetic as she took hold of the note pad she had taken from the fridge grabbing the pen from the top she wrote something down 'Look i'm sorry but you should try to be a little nicer we're all together here and we should all try to be friends' she wrote as she stood up and walked over to Josephine and tapped her shoulder putting on a smile.

Waiting fro Josephine to turn around she drank her orange juice again.
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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HISS on Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:12 pm

She was crying. Dear Josephine was crying. This was exactly what she feared, the thing about 'Fitting in'. With a house full of eight different people and eight different personalities, you had to expect some great deal of drama. But of course, as always, she could see the ending. It was a simple theory that she saw many times before, but how to deal with it was slightly boring. She ruffled her white bleached hair, thinking back at the orphanage. How she merely watched in disgust as everyone was treated badly. The strong picking on the weak, that was why she ran away. She wished she could help.

Walking over to Josephine, she laid a hand on her shoulder, hesitant at first. Who knows? She could be acting, or trying to plan some sort of revenge on everyone. Or maybe she really was crying, and she really wanted to fit in. It was that kind of problem with these kinds of people, they couldn't see the other's perspective. “Josephine-san, did you hear what you just said? We all have the same power, so aren't we all equal? It's the first day, and we're already at each other's throats, I'm sure if you were kinder we would gladly be friends.” She grinned, hoping she understood what she meant. Why cause a meaningless fight when everyone is peaceful and at their best? She nodded to Mira, knowing that she was sorry as well. Who knows? This might turn out good in the end.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Sat Aug 08, 2009 3:33 pm

Mira stuck her hand out it was her way of befriending people hoping that she said yes she let her emotions slip away if only for a second before something popped into her head and she started to remember something.

(Sorry its so short its all I could think off until Mira goes off in search of a violin.)

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chris Nemo on Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:02 pm

"Ah... I am... ow you say... I never vanted to make such a scene..." As the sniffling Josephine slowly turned about, it was revealed that she was, in fact, crying. Her amateurishly-applied eyeliner traveled down her cheeks in rivulets, which only grew longer with each additional tear she shed. Yet somehow, even with her eyes red and puffy and her makeup ruined she still managed to look pretty, merely lowering her head after gazing from Mira to Kotori to Liolia and back to Mira again.

"Vhy are you all..." She seemed to fight to get the words out, more than one sob sneaking in between her heavily-accented syllables. "I vas yust so orrible, so zen vhy...?"

((Apologies for shortness, they should start getting longer again after this.))

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Sat Aug 08, 2009 5:54 pm

writing something down on the note pad she handed it to her 'We're all here for the same reason so i'll be your friend if no one else will' she wrote smiling and embracing josephine in a hug.

Mira had a very kind a gentle heart unless tampered with she was easy to get along with even if she never spoke.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby on Sat Aug 08, 2009 10:48 pm

Kagiri restrained from cooing, 'oh, poor thing' as he watched Josephine. Crying on the first day, now? He had a feeling she'd face issues in the future with 'fitting in' the small group- he knew he would. His liked his quiet, and he was gradually getting the impression that quiet was the last thing he'd get among these other teenagers. That was why his heart went out to her, but he looked upon her condescendingly still.

Finishing his cup of coffee, he set the cup in the sink for washing later and headed for the refridgerator himself, opening it up and perusing its contents. Cheerfully, he turned to Josephine and playfully asked, "French toast for the lady?" He couldn't plead to being a remarkable cook, but he knew a few recipes for the sake of convenience. And, seeing how everyone seemed to have made up, why not get to know Josephine and play servant for a while? She seemed interesting to him. Besides, she was crying, and that called for special attention. Poor girl needed to get better accustomed to living in vulgar little Japan, he supposed.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vellond121 on Sun Aug 09, 2009 12:07 am

Opening his eyes, Rai sat on the edge of his bed and looked around, even though his room was a mess, it was a lot better than what he had had in a while, getting changed into some clean clothes and grabbing his mp3, he shoved it into his pocket and placing the headset around his neck, he walked out the door and into a large hallway, "I forgot how big this place is.... now lets see if I can remember where the kitchen is" thought Rai.

After a while of wandering around, Rai finally found the way into the kitchen, berating himself for not knowing any better, walking into the room, he realized that there was a scene taking place and thinking that it would best to not interrupt, he just took a piece of bread, took a chair and sat down at the table while eating his bread.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:09 pm

Vellond121 yuor avatar has Minato Arisato from persona three in it am I right?)

Mira decided she had waited long enough for a response and so she left the kitchen to go back to her room, she felt like playing music at the moment and went in search of the music room.

Walking down the hall she noticed the signs above the doors Study, Library,Art room,Music room she had found it.

Opening the door she walke din and closed the door quietly behind her and walked over to a violin, Picking it up she started playing 'Break the sword of justice' from tsubasa resevoir chronicles and once she had finished she flipped to a specific page in her favorite song book and started to play ' I talk to the rain

(Links to the songs I have listed.)

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chris Nemo on Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:10 pm

Through a vision blurred by tears, Josephine tried to make out the shapes on the paper she'd been handed, but eventually was forced to shake her head. "I... I am sorry, I do not know ow to read kanjEEEE! Vha-vha-vha-vha-vhat do you zink you are-?! Get your ands off of me zees...! in...stant..." With her focus torn between trying to decipher a language she felt below her and not worthy of learning and trying to keep any further sobs contained, the blonde was totally unprepared for Mira's show of affection. She struggled at first, verbally protesting and yelling out various obscenities in German, but as the other girl continued to hold her without budging she eventually settled down, seemingly relaxing into the comfort of the embrace.

From where her long, elegant neck tilted forward to rest her chin lightly on Mira's shoulder, she slowly turned her red-rimmed gaze back to Liolia. She hadn't intended to ignore her, but had been too caught up in the carrying-on of before. "I... am afraid I do not understand vhat you mean... I ave always only been ze most important person, so to zink zat ozers are is... I... Oh, I must sound like such a orrible biest!" With this she burst into a new round of tears and sobbing, and clung tightly to Mira as her thin frame trembled under the weight of her grief. Eventually this too subsided, leaving her even weaker-looking than before.

And it was in this condition that she acknowledged Kagiri. Just as quickly as it had started, the more violent sobbing came to an abrupt halt. There was still a look of sadness in her eyes, but by and large it had changed to something sharp, cunning, almost hawklike. And then it was gone, as Josephine drew in a single, shuddering breath and returned to a standing position, gently nudging against Mira with her arms to separate them. Actually, had it ever truly been there in the first place? The expression had lasted so briefly, nothing more than a glint in her eye, that it could have easily been a trick of the mind. Regardless, she strode towards Kagiri, nose held proudly in the air as it had been before this entire ordeal took place, and looked him up and down appraisingly. Whatever she had been looking for found, Josephine gave a small nod and suddenly flashed the taller boy one of her most enchanting smiles. "Mm, ja, I zink zat vould be a fine start to ze day, um..." Her confidence momentarily faltering, she blink-blinked to herself before shaking her head and continuing on regardless. "Vhat vas your name again?"

Despite how it might sound, the fact that she was genuinely asking for his name was pretty darn good for Josephine. If she didn't have such a high opinion of him, she wouldn't have even considered bothering.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Sun Aug 09, 2009 4:37 pm

(i goota go my mom is making me get off see you guys later I hope and don't leave me behind)

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:41 am

Kagiri gave a warm smile and a wave when Rai entered, before he turned back to Josephine, smile waning. What a drama queen, he mentally grumbled as he watched her choked sobs abruptly halt. She seemed to be looking at him up and down. What was she looking for, an opportunity to poke fun at his ruffled hair, oriental-patterned pyjamas and the sleep-induced ringlets under his eyes? She gave a pause, and then.. a smile? Okay- that had been unexpected. Still, it was a sweet one worth returning with one of his own. What was this girl playing at, anyway?

"Kagiri's the name," he began, drawing out eggs, milk and slices of bread from the refridgerator before exploring the shelves for other ingredients he'd need, "Kagiri Kawamura. Schön, dich kennenzulernen, Miss Josephine," he spoke, restraining a slightly mocking tone of voice. He could have just said 'pleased to meet you' but he'd leapt at the opportunity to practice some of the German he'd picked up in books- he'd even seen some videos to help his pronunciation. Josephine was German, right? The way she'd mixed up the v's and w's was quite unmistakeable, and she was hardly Asian-looking in the first place.

French toast: easy enough to make, but classy enough for some girl like Josephine. After he cracked the eggs into a bowl and threw away he shells, he began blending the eggs and milk in a bowl. Kagiri found the happy medium pleasing. As he soaked the bread in the bowl and tossed it on a frying pan, he cast glances at Josephine and the rest of the people in the kitchen. He'd taken a spot near the other stove and close to Liolia. It was slightly awkward, cooking french toast for just one girl when Liolia was already making scrambled eggs for everybody else, but Josephine seemed to want to be treated like she was special anyway. He shrugged to himself as he flipped the bread over and waited.

"Wie viel (how much?), by the way?" he asked as he slid the first slice of french toast onto a plate and began working on the next. However many slices Josephine would like, he'd cook an extra slice for himself anyway.
Last edited by on Tue Aug 11, 2009 2:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Mon Aug 10, 2009 12:49 pm

(Mira has left the kitchen, LOL. Now time for a trip donw memory lane with Her and a very emo moment in her room.)

Mira stopped playing the song ad set the violin down smiling she left the room and headed back to hers she couldn't read japanese considering she had been shipped from home to home and never had time to learn the languages and when she did have the time she could never find any books or tapes to teach her so her vocabulary was very small and limited aside from a few words she learned from the people at the foster homes.

Once inside her room she crawled under the bed and oulled out a box of pictures she had brought with her they were all she had left of her parents and her child hood but they pretty much stopped after Mira had turned 9 years old.

Searching for one in particular she pulled out apictures of her when she was five years old sitting in the park with her parents, they were at a family reunion and the people in the background were having a seed spitting contest with the seeds from the watermelon.

Staring at the picture in her hand brought back the day that they left her it was after another sort of reunion type of thing only it was for the buisness associates of her parents' companies. after that though was when they were offered the job with the Kirijo group and just sent her away with out saying good bye or anything they just up and left her at an orphanage with no remorse or anything.

Tears welled up in Miras eyes as she started at the picture once more she couldn't stand knowing that they didn't want her anymore 'Why did they not want me did I do something wrong' she thougth before digging something out of the box.

It was a razor blade.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HISS on Mon Aug 10, 2009 1:59 pm

Liolia sighed, happy that everything had seemed to be sorted out. At least now, Josephine will acknowledge people more. She leaned on the counter, smiling slightly. Maybe this won't be as bad as she thought, but she still wished she knew more about this. The Dark Hour, Persona's, Evokers, Shadows, so much to think about. Either she would figure them out or completely forget them, and obviously she couldn't forget them. It's right in front of her pretty much, every night at 12. Well, at least she would be doing something fun in those 60 minutes of her unknown life.

She watched Mira go out, she wondered where though. Oh well, everyone needed their space now or later. Once again she could slightly see the ending of this, something horrible will happen and no one would be able to do anything. She just wondered if that was going to happen in the beginning or the end. She heard another person come in, Rai it was, so there was the last one. Well, the group is all here, wonderful. Most of them seemed to be pretty quite and shy, but she was sure they would reveal their colors at the end of the day. Hopefully, she felt awkward around other's who are silent.

“Now that the conflict is over..” Liolia grinned. “Don't you guys think we should clean up this gloomy air?” She asked everyone, bringing out a cart full of eggs. There were at least 8 eggs left, that was great. It should be good for now. She glanced at Kagiri, seeing him make something. French toast was it? Yes, indeed. French toast and scrambled eggs? Such an odd combination, but obviously he seemed to be making it for Josephine. She wondered, had Josephine ever ate a home made meal before? Of course, that doesn't include a Chef.

She grabbed the eggs, putting them into a huge bowl and placing them in the center counter. “Who wants to help?” She asked, she couldn't make the scrambled eggs by herself of course. Anyways, it was much more fun when everyone worked together, no one should feel left out or an outcast. She leaned over to Josephine, grinning mischievously. “Josephine-san, have you ever cooked?”

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Chris Nemo on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:20 pm

Surprise. Genuine surprise. To be honest, Josephine couldn't remember the last time she'd met someone who could send a shiver down her spine like that. It certainly hadn't happened since she'd moved this this forsaken, barbaric island nation. Oh god, it felt so good to hear someone else speaking a refined language for once. Of course, she'd never let him know how much his little attempt at showing off had impressed her. No no, he had to be the one to come to her. But she'd already decided, so it was inevitable; Kagiri Kawamura was going to be hers.

"Ah, vell..." Josephine started to reply, revealing yet another mask she could quick-change to, "I am afraid I do not know ow to cook myself, and I vouldn't vant to trouble you..." She sauntered forward, head bowed meekly and hands clasped behind her back, drawing up almost uncomfortably close to Kagiri. A coy smile graced her lips as her azure irises gazed up at him from the corners of her half-lidded eyes. Her voice suddenly dropped in volume so that only he could hear, and even then just barely, giving her an excuse to rise onto tiptoe and lean in closer to his ear. "After all, a girl like me needs to keep up her figure... right...?" And then the finishing touch, a hot, sultry puff of air against his undoubtedly sensitive earlobe.

Ah, that would do for now. She was a high-class lady after all. It wouldn't do for some as proper as her to act like a common harlot. And so she suddenly drew back, giggling and twirling - an act which caused her already short dress to display even more of her smooth, alabaster thighs. Just enough to invite naughty imaginations, but nothing more. Once she'd moved to the center of the kitchen, she drew in a deep breath, gave a radiant smile, and addressed everyone present. "Vell, after zat leetle ordeal I must look a proper mess. I vill return to my room to... ow you say... freshen up, and vhen I come back I expect to be absolutely dazzled by your vonderful cooking!" With another curtsy, this time much deeper than the one she'd given Mira, she waltzed out of the dining area back towards where she came from, humming happily to herself.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Mon Aug 10, 2009 2:35 pm

Mira hesitated fro a moment before bringing the blood rusted blade to her wrist she was unsure if she really wanted to do this now she didn't want to worry anyone if she started bleeding to death but with her mind in its current state she didn't think anyone would care.

bringing the blade up once more she made a small cut diagonally across her wrist and just let the blood seep as the tears in her eyes fell.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby on Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:03 am

Kagiri shuddered, restraining the natural urge to swat her away as she drew dangerously close to him and spoke into his ear. What she'd said was hardly suggestive of anything, except perhaps a little self-flattery, but how she said it caused his head to go fuzzy. She'd been practically purring, for God's sake. He felt the blood rush to his head and blinked as she spoke. "A-ah.." he mumbled, genuinely caught off-guard, before gaining his bearings just slightly and giving her the most suave smile he could muster when it felt like his head was swimming. "Sure.."

Ugh. She was so obviously trying to stun him and he'd fallen too hard for it to even think coherently for a moment. Even when his crimson cheeks lightened to his usual tanned complexion and his mind cleared better, he had no idea what to think. Her intentions had been obvious enough, but seeing how she'd treated everybody around her like her personal servants the moment before made him feel a tad bit suspicious. Condescending. He wanted to understand what on earth she was thinking.

It took a moment for him to rationalise what had just happened, and when he did Josephine was out the door, Mira was gone as well, and the french toast he was cooking was smoking up the room. Hurriedly he flipped the slice off the pan and safely to a platter, heaving a sigh and wiping a cold sweat from his forehead. He'd saved it just in time. Two slices for Josephine, then. Picking up the slightly-burnt toast he'd just cooked and taking a bite, he took the two other slices on a small platter and set them at an empty space on the table for Josephine, whenever she'd come back. Using some of the warm water he'd left when he'd made coffee, he even prepared some tea, grudgingly but decidedly.

Fine. If she wanted to play him like a doll, then he'd let her. He couldn't admit to hating the way her breath had caused his skin to prickle. Her condescending nature interested him, too- fighting Shadows alongside her was going to prove fun.

He remembered that he was still in his pyjamas. All this time, he'd been walking around barefoot and in his pyjamas! Slightly flustered, he said to Liolia, "Hey, sure, scrambled eggs looks like fun. I'll help out when I get back from changing. How does exploring the mansion after that sound, too?" he grinned. "You guys are in for it, too, right?" he asked, looking at both Rai and Kotori. He didn't wait for an answer, though. "I'll be back." He was out the door and walking fast for his room the next moment. If he was going to help make scrambled eggs and explore the mansion... and face Josephine again, he was not going to do it in sleepwear.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vellond121 on Tue Aug 11, 2009 4:14 am

(yeah it is, nice songs Kaida)

Finishing off his bread and standing up,"I'm going outside for a while..." said Rai to no one in particular and walked back to his room, moving over to his desk and picking up his writing pad and pen, he headed back downstairs and out the front door, looking around, he found a tree to sit up against, "Now maybe I could get something done..." said Rai thinking out loud, putting his headphones on and turning on his mp3, he began writing up plans for a plot line and some characters.

After he had done a couple of paragraphs, he put his pad down and began to daydream, thinking about the people he had meet so far, he could tell that this was going to get interesting, " Maybe now I won't be so bored" said Rai before beginning to daydream again, mind constantly waning back to exploring the mansion with the others, maybe he should go back to the mansion soon.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaida on Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:03 pm

The bleeding had stopped and mira had grabbed some bandages from the bathroom drawer to wrap around her arm incase it started up again then she grabbed a long sleeved shirt and put it on.

Taking the pillow case of her pillow she threw it into the dirty laundry bin outside her room then went back and got her sheets and threw them in as well she didn't want people to worry about her.

Going into the laundry room she grabbed some fresh bed sheets and a new pillow case and went back to her room hoping no one snuck up behind her.

Once inside she remade her bed and everything then decided to go outside for a bit.

Making her way down the hallway she heard the others in the kitchen still but ignored them and walked right past.

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Re: Persona 3:The Rebirth{IC|Closed}

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby HISS on Tue Aug 11, 2009 12:30 pm

Liolia watched with interest as Josephine made her way to Kagiri, seeming to be very coy all of a sudden. She rested her head on her hand, leaning on the counter. Well, this was unexpected. Not even a week has gone by and already such a situation. She wondered how everyone will handle that. She sighed, how odd. Usually, the first day is slow and unprepared. It seems she was wrong. Well, it was expected, she knew her theories would be destroyed since she never even knew what these people were like. Oh well, at least she had new theories now.

She nodded to Kagiri, exploring the mansion will certainly be fun. Maybe she can share her secret tips, but then they wouldn't be secret. Well, whatever goes. She leaned back, stretching as she relaxed her body. She pulled down her tank top, wondering what she was doing in these clothes. Oh right, she never even freshened up yet. How stupid of her. It wasn't her fault that she forgot though, she was never even used to it in the first place. After running away, she never really took baths, except maybe take a dive in the public pool or something. Looking around, she saw that everyone seemed to be doing their own thing, no one was left except for her and Kotori. “Well then Kotori-kun, I'll be back in a bit. Just need to get clean and ready.” She said to him grinning. He was pretty quite through out the whole thing, but she wouldn't blame him.

Waving back at him, she skipped out of the kitchen, humming a random song as she made her way back. She waved at Mira as she passed by her, nodding in acknowledgement as she jumped back up stairs. She seemed gloomy, her face slightly proved it. She wondered what she was doing though. She passed by Mira's room and stopped for a second, smelling an odd scent in the air. She blinked, wondering what it was, but shrugged as she went on her way again. It was probably nothing, maybe just her since a moment ago she was surrounded by tasty smells.

She opened her door, locking it behind her as she grabbed some clothes and her towel. Some camouflage shorts and a tight blue shirt with black designs. Oh, can't forget the fingerless gloves.

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