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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CielWrites on Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:36 pm

Roger leaned exited from his quarters and yawned, having just woken up from a deep sleep. The sun was high in the sky, beating down on him; it felt rather nice to him. He stretched his arms upward with a grunt and clapped. “Right then!” he called out to the crew members, “No more slacking around! I’ve been doing my share of work, so do yours!” He grinned and walked along the planks of his ship, inspecting each of his workers.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EvenAngelsCry on Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:50 pm

Sugar sat in her perch in the look out, but she hadn't seen anything in days. The smell of the sea and the wind around her surged energy throughout her body. With the sound of her captain's voice, she stirred, looking down. She watched him walk around the deck, grinning like his usual self.

"So work is what you call mid-day naps these days?" she yelled down jokingly. A smirk spread across her sun beaten face as she leaned over the rafters.
Mow. :3

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CielWrites on Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:57 pm

Roger looked up and laughed, "It's the same exact thing you've been doing fordays, little miss!" he called up, "You haven't spotted anything for such a long time now, I'd begun to think you were dead!" He climbed up to the perch and squinted into the distance, "You sure there isn't anything out there?" he asked and glanced down at a half-full bottle of rum, "And thank you for the donation." He opene it and began to drink.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EvenAngelsCry on Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:06 pm

"Well, considering how theres nothing to find and nothing to fight I might as well should be!" Her eyes rolled in her distaste for such boredom. "Oh, there's something out there alright. Water. And lots of it." she snickered as she laid back in her keep. "Fine, take it." she said as she dismissed her rum being taken. "I know where you keep your good stuff, just keep that in mind the next time you decide to take the 'one for all' part of the slogan seriously"

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:17 pm

Tommy really didn't have anything to do. As far as he knew, everything was in order. He considered going below to take a midday nap. He'd been up since dawn, giving orders - since no one else seemed inclined to do so - and adjusting the ship's course and heading. He'd have another late night tonight, taking down thier position and plotting the next day's course. Then again, the captain didn't really have any destination in mind - just as long as they remained within range of an island with fresh water and food, that was all that mattered. Tommy would hate to run out of food and water in mid-ocean, in the doldrums of all places.
The captain's appearance caught his attention. Where the hell had he been all morning?
"Captain!" he called out, following the captain toward the crow's nest. "There you are! Orders for the day?"

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOneAndOnly on Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:05 pm

Amberlee sat on the counter of the galley and gave a little yawn. She'd been awake since sunrise (because she'd wanted to watch it), so she wasn't really that tired. But sitting in this not too brightly lit room doing nothing was boring. They had a little bit of food left but they needed more, and fast...they definately needed to make port soon.
She couldn't be in here anymore without doing something. Maybe everyone was hungry and she could cook? Yes, she would go and check if they were. Amberlee walked up the stairs up onto the main deck, sheilding her face from the bright light. The sun was much more powerful than the couple lanterns she'd had in the galley had been. Once her eyes had adjusted she saw where everyone was and walked over as well. "Is any body hungry?" she asked loud enough so everyone was able to hear.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:19 pm

Tommy looked over at Amberlee.
"No thanks," he said. "You made quite the breakfast this morning. I'm still full. I could use some rum, though." He paused, then asked, "How's our stores looking, by the way? I don't want to be stuck breaking my teeth on biscuits again, and I don't think any of us want to find out what it feels like to have scurvy."

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TheOneAndOnly on Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:47 pm

The girl thought for a minute. "Well we have some oranges and apples, and a couple of limes that are still good. And we still have an entire bag of flour left from the last time we plundered," she said and stopped for a second, "I have some spices...though that doesn't really count as food... And thats about it. There's not really much left at all." she finished with a sigh. Of course there could be plenty of other situations that were worse that the one they were in now. Hey, they could be completely out of food. The point is, they weren't and with the flour and water and spices she had left she could probably make enough food to hold them until they were able to get more.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:56 pm

"Oh boy," Tommy groaned. That meant having to plot a whole new course. And worse: "I think you'd better start rationing," he told Amberlee. "Just to be on the safe side. I'll need to set us a course for the nearest port." He looked back to the crow's nest, where he last saw the captain, up with Sugar. "Hey captain, sir!" he called out. "I think we're going have to make soon and fast. We're running low on supplies. We may have to start rationing!"

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirai-chan on Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:54 am

Amelie was down below decks doing something that wasn't exactly her job, but felt like she had do do it anyways. She was cleaning up below deck since it seemed like it hadn't been cleaned in months. She had put another crew member at the helm just so she could go done and act as a mother to the rest of the crew. She found it funny since she was pretty much the youngest one out of all of them, yet she was first mate and acted like a mother to this family of pirates. The thought of this made her giggle some.

Finally she was satisfied with how it looked down there, she didn't want there to be any risk of scurvy on the ship. She'd already been through that experience once in her life, she didn't want it again. So with that she went up on deck and looked around. It seemed her assumption of Tommy taking the lead while she was below deck and the captain was sleeping proved right. She walked over to him so she could thank him and apologize for being absent most of the day. "Merci Tommy for taking over for me while I was gone and I apologize for not being around all morning, I had to fix some things below deck." She said to him with a smile, her French showing in her like it always did. She always mixed French and English together. That's when she noticed the captain up in the crowsnest with Sugar. "Bonjour monsieur Capitaine! I see you decided to join us today!" She yelled up to him teasingly with a smile.
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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Nov 16, 2010 1:13 am

Tommy nodded to Amelie. "Just doing my job, ma'am," he smiled. Though he sometimes resented Amelie for being first officer, and therefore second in command of the ship, he had to admit she did a damn good job. She reminded him of his mother, somewhat. When she was Amelie's age, Mrs. Taylor had been quite a feared pirate herself, a trait she seemed to have neglected to pass to her son. Amelie's pidgin of French and English also reminded Tommy of his cousin, also named Tommy. The younger Tommy had only seen his cousin once, a swarthy man who'd learned gutter French from the trappers in New France, wore a scraggly beard, stank of sweat, wore clothing made from animal skins including something called a "buffalo", and spoke of an endless wilderness of forests, lakes, rolling grasslands, and jagged mountain peaks populated with all sorts of fur bearing animals and wild Indians.
"By the way, Amberlee just notified me we may have to start rationing," he continued, taking the opportunity to notify her of the supply situation. He didn't mean to dampen the first officer's mood, but he needed to make sure at least one of the ship's commanders knew of the problem.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirai-chan on Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:10 pm

Amelie's smile she had once before on her face now was gone when she heard what Tommy said. She looked at him and thought about it for a second. "Oh, pour l'amour de Dieu." She mumbled to herself as she looked down and tapped her foot. She then looked back up at Tommy. "How quickly can you navagate us to the nearest port Tommy?" She asked him and then looked up at the captain then back to Tommy. "If you could figure that out for me and put that into action then that would be magnifique. In the mean time I'll talk with the capitaine about it." She informed him and then looked up towards the captain again, debating on going up there to get him.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Nov 16, 2010 12:31 pm

"It'll have to wait till tonight, when I can plot our position," Tommy said. "At last check, the nearest land was still several hundred miles away. Which reminds me: in another hour I'll have to take another speed reading. In any case, I can set a heading for what I guess would be the nearest land now." He glanced up towards the crow's nest.
"You'd think the Captain and Sugar are having a little tryst up there, the way he hasn't responded yet," he remarked. He circled around to the rigging and put one foot a rung.
"Captain!" he called out. "Are you busy? Mr Amelie and I would like a word with you."

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CielWrites on Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:02 pm

Roger opened his eyes, finished with pretending to have fallen asleep on the perch. After listening to his name being called countless times, he finally sighed and climbed down swiftly. "Sorry bout that!" he called out, and landed his feet on the floors, "Just as said, navigate us to the nearest port; we're growing short on rum," he laughed, knowing it was his own fault, "Next, make yourselves presentalbe," he directed this mainly at Tommy, "You all look like you've been covered in mud and unsuccessfully tried washing it off. Finally, darling Amelie, if you want a word, just tell me face o face. Don't make the poor lad do it," he patted Tommy's head and put his arm around the French girl, "What is it you'd like to say?" He guided her to a slightly more secluded part of the deck.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:12 pm

Tommy gritted his teeth when the captain patted him on the head like a cabin boy. He did not deserve to be treated like that! As far as he knew, Tommy was the smartest one in the crew, being able to read and write. And if they knew who his grandfather and his parents were...
But Tommy did his best to keep a pleasant face. He was not the mutinous type, and he didn't want to be percieved as such. He turned and shuffled off to his cabin to begin his work. At the very least, he could plot a tentative course for the nearest land.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EvenAngelsCry on Tue Nov 16, 2010 7:57 pm

With the captain gone and Sugar remaining bored out of her mind, she decided to swing down to the deck. Well, more of shimmy and jump than swing. She looked around for a source of amusement, or anything rather. She noticed Tommy left by the captain and the first mate, or rather mother by her mannerisms, and decided to walk over. "So, think we'll find land anytime soon?" she asked, the rum having calmed her from her morning, nothing to do crankiness. "I think we're running out of...everything," she left out a laugh, trying to make pleasant conversation with a fellow shipmate that admittedly, she did not know very well.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby demented-tiger on Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:41 pm

Tommy looked over at Sugar.
"Hopefully in two days," Tommy replied. "At last check, that's how far out we are." He paused for a bit. "Haven't you seen anything out there of note?" he asked. "Ships or something? Or is it all just water? This area of ocean should be a busy shipping corridoor, so we should at least see something, even a smuggler's ship." The last thing Tommy wanted was to be lost, on top of running out of supplies. That would not look good on him as someone well versed in navigation and mathematics.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kirai-chan on Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:51 pm

Amelie shook her head as the captain finally came down. That was definitely like him to take forever and a day to come down even though he had been called several times. He listened as he gave orders, mostly directing them towards Tommy. Then he addressed her and she rolled her eyes with what he said. She slightly picked up that Tommy didn’t like when the captain patted him on the head, she wouldn’t quite appreciate that either. “Monsieur I did not have Tommy call you for me, he did it himself.” She said as he put his arm around her and led her away. She didn’t object to any of it, she never did. “Also I don’t think Tommy appreciates being treated like a cabin boy, he isn’t a child you know.” She informed him with a slight smile. That’s when she realized she needed to inform him of their situation. “Capitaine we’re running low on everything and I’m not sure how far we are from land. I’m becoming worried that some will catch scurvy and…” She trailed off after that as she thought of her parents and how they died. The captain knew of this and knew how much it bothered her, especially since she was very close to her father who died of scurvy when she was 12 years old.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby EvenAngelsCry on Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:03 pm

"Well," Sugar began, looking up and biting her lip in an effort to remember past the rum haze, "I thought I saw something last night, maybe a couple somethings, but it was dark and the figures had no lights. I guess I dismissed them as clouds or something." She shrugged, hoping she didn't come off sounding too much like a drunken, incompetent, fool. However, that was exactly the way she felt. She saw something and she didn't report it, but she guessed it was better that way than to coming running to the captain every time she thought she saw something. She saw a lot of somethings. Most of them rum related. She looked back to Tommy, trying to gauge a reaction.

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Re: Pirates!

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby CielWrites on Tue Nov 16, 2010 9:18 pm

Roger shrugged, "Well, shall I formally apologize to him?" he said jokingly, and then sighed, "We'll reach some sort of port soon enough, don't you worry," he put his hand on her shoulders and smiled reassuringly, "Nobody's going to get sick, not on my ship. So quit worrying and smile, dear," he released her and turned his head towards Tommy and Sugar, overhearing what his lookout had said. Furrowing his eyebrows, he stumbled his way over, "Listen darling," he said to her, "You should really report something some time. Now, what did this thing look like?"

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