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Predation: Fugo Olvidado [IC]

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Predation: Fugo Olvidado [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby All-Day Dreamer on Wed Mar 10, 2010 8:23 pm


In a lost barren frozen wasteland you find yourself. Lost and confused, your memory is lost, gone from your thoughts are anything of who, what, or where you are. All you have to your name, imprinted on a black set of dog tags. The Clothes on your back, white and black straight jacket and matching pants. Though you have an ally by your side. A great power that lingers within. Why, again you do not know.

Why are you here, what were you doing? All you can do is run.

For they are hunting you, men in black, armed with guns and rifles. They send their worst to end you.
What reason, they do not show or give, all you can do is run and find safety in strangers, but can you trust them.

Find your past, and the cause of this power you now posses. Can it save you?

All you can do now, is run
.. Run! < OOC page

Alex rose his head up out of the snowy field. "Where am I?" He asked scratching the back of his blond shaggy scalp. He looked down on his body, dazed, he looked at the clothes he was wearing. A white jumpsuit, with Red belts clamped on different area's of his body. The sleeves seemed to overextend and cover over his hands. His faded blue eyes looked back to his feet, which were submerged in the snow. He pulled his right foot out and looked upon to see simple black tennis shoes.

He slowly stood up on his feet, trying to stand. It seemed as if he hadn't walked in years. He looked around, all he could see was white evergreens, and open fields of snow. Again he asked, 'Where am I." He paused for a moment and started to take in quick breaths. 'Hold on, .......... Who am I?!' All that he knew was that his name was Alex. Thats the only thing that seemed to fit into his mind. Alex, Alex, Alex... my name is Alex. Everything else drew up a blank. The young man turned looking every which way to see if he could find anything.

Alex turned his head to hear a noise in the distance. He shifted his body, seeing figures running closer towards him. He raised his hand up. "Hey! Hey! I'm over here! Hey!"

A Gunshot cracked through the air, echoing off into the distance. Michael felt a sharp pain in the side of his shoulder. It brought tears to his eyes as he looked over to his left shoulder. He raised his right hand and grabbed at the pain. He bent down, feeling the full force of the pain. He felt his hand as it became wet. He looked at his fingers. "Blood!" He said quietly watching as it dripped from his fingers. The pain started to well up inside his chest. He couldn't move, or breath. His body lay motionless as the black figures came closer.

They were soldiers, three of them running with guns in their hands. They stopped about 10 feet away from Alex. The one in the middle spoke first.
"Looks like you got em."
"Ya, he's pretty much dead." the other one to the right jeered, Alex began to whimper felling helpless.
"What should we do."
"I say let him die , We've got others to find."
"No, we don't know if if he'll die. We have to make sure all targets are terminated."
"Roger that." The one on the left said as he cocked his rifle and aimed for Alex's head. Alex whimpered quietly and raised his right hand before the gunmen.
"Wait. dont...." Alex could hear the trigger being pulled slowly. His voice got louder, "Please stop." The trigger still moved. "STOP PLEASE I BEG OF YOU!" the rifle rang out, "STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP!" A Bright Yellow light started to glow from his hands and forehead. Before the the solders could react, a bright beam of light headed toward their bodies.

When the light faded all Alex opened his eyes slowly, and looked to where the men were standing. Their standing were three torso-less legs, flopping over into the dirt. Alex slowly stood up and grabbed on to his shoulder again, still feeling the pain. "What have I done." he stepped closer toward the legs, but then hesitated, Blood started to pour out of the legs, he whimpered and stepped back. "What.... what am I!?"

Alex’s eyes were burning as he ran. A fallen log lay before his path, he leaped over, but his shoe caught on a branch. Pulling his leg back Alex dropped to the rocky dirt. His vision faded for moment. He felt the pain in his knees, but the pain in his shoulder was ever greater. He pulled himself and shifted his weight to wear he was sitting on his knees. The Bullet wound had sunken deep in the tissue and he could not dig it out with his finger. He pulled his collar down, looking at the bloody scar. To his surprise it was almost held, just now scabbing over. He placed his hand upon the cut, felling a little bit of the blood, drip to his fingers. Touching the wound caused his body to seize up for a moment in pain.
‘Why is it healing so fast, this would be good but, even if the wound heals, the bullet will be still inside my flesh, I have to get out.’ He pulled his hand around his chest slowly trying to warm himself up with the friction of his hand. He then felt the touch of metal beads against his hand. He looked down to see a set of dog-tags hanging from his neck. I must not realized I had these. He looked down and pulled the tags from out of his jump-suit. He looked at the tags, One had his name imprinted in the metal, just Alex, no last name, numbers, nothing. Everything else seemed to be craved. As if he was never meant to see it. He looked at the next tag. It had a picture on the side. A woman, with a soft, caring face. Her hair was brown, with long curly locks. Her brown eyes matched the auburn forest behind her. He turned the tag over reading a name, “Amelia” Just as he read the words, memories flashed into Alex’s mind like a bright flashing light. His body turned limped and he dropped to the icy dirt.

. Alex are you awake?” Alex’s eyes fluttered slowly as he rose his head up. He shook his head up, as his vision started to focus. “Morning sleepy head.” His eyes focused on the face of the women in the picture, Amelia. “You sleep there for a while.”
“I , 
 I was?”
“Mhmmm, I watched you sleep. You put your head right on my lap, and just slept there like a baby.”
Alex looked down, he wasn’t wearing the same clothes. It looked like a hand knit brown sweater, and a pair of jeans, with cowboy boots. He put his hand to hair. It was shorter, tight cut around his head.
“You alright Alex?” Amelia asked as she raised her eyebrow. Alex looked over at Amelia and gave a fake smile.
“Ya I’m fine.”
“Good,” Amelia got up off the bench and walked around the porch. Alex looked around realizing that he was sitting on an old wooden bench on someone’s front porch. The house behind him was dark green, with white boarded windows. He looked around the landscape. The house was surrounded with oak and pecan trees, all changing to auburn and brown. It looked just like the picture in his dog-tags. He looked to Amelia as she laid her elbows on the railing of the porch, looking at the trees. She turned to her face to look at Alex. Alex smiled, he stood up and started to walk toward her.
“Wow, you are so beautiful.” Amelia giggled,
“Where is this coming from?”
 I just.” Amelia bent forward and kissed him on the lips, then grabbed his hand.
“Come on, you need to get ready for dinner. Your father told us we had to be at his house by seven. Hurry, go put the horses back into the Stables so we can go. “ She pulled him off the porch and pushed him out on the road. Alex chuckled then started walking down the road. He stopped and turned to look at Amelia. She stood out in front of the house, where Alex could see it all. He smiled, and watched for a moment. The sun then glared brightly and blinded Alex for moment.
His eyes fluttered back open, Alex was back in the frozen forest. His body clumped on the ground. He rose up in a shiver. He grabbed his shoulder and started to rub them rapidly. His eyes then shutter. “Amelia.” he whispered. He grabbed his dog-collar, looking at the face. “Amelia!” he now realized that he was not with her, but why. He turned around and looked back at where he came from. He stood up and put his hands to around his mouth “AMELIA!” He shouted, hoping that somehow he was in the same situation. He started to run back to where he came from.
He then heard a voice ‘Alex, stop.’ the voice hummed in the back of his mind,
“Run Alex, don’t come back, just run.” The words seem so familiar. It was Amelia, but why did she not want him to come back. He breaths were deep as he tried to think about what he should do next. Why, he asked, he had no answers.

The sound of a barking dog came from the direction he was running to. He shuttered in fear, he turned as quick as he could and bolted away from the sound. The solider were coming up on him fast. Alex was faster, but he didn’t know if he could out run the dog.

He looked over his shoulder as he passed an open field. The dog was coming right on his heels, barking as it ran, chomping on his feet. He turned his head up to see a deep creek ahead of him.

Alex leaped, praying that he would make it across. His arms reached forward, grabbing to the cliff side of the creek bed. His arms hung over the edge, slowly slipping off the edge. He couldn’t pull himself up, his left arm was all but dead. He heard a low growling in front of him. He looked up to see the dog standing before him. He had made the jump. The German Sheppard stood before Alex, like a tyrant over his victim. He was at the dog’s mercy. The dog lunged out and dug his teeth into Alex’s left arm. It’s teeth digging deep into the skin. Alex hollered in pain, as he felt the ivory nails cut into him. The dog shook his head about, pulling backwards, making the bite worse.

However, the dog might have been a saving grace. As the dog pulled back, it helped Alex get up out of the trench. Alex tired to ignore the pain as he worked his way out of the trench. His arm throbbed with pain as he finale got his left leg over the edge. The dog then dragged him to the floor, still persisting.
“Let go!” Alex shouted, the dog kept on thrashing. “Stop!

. Leave me alone.” He raised his right hand up and aim for the dog and it glowed. “Please stop, I can’t control it
. Stop it!” Alex tired to pull his hand away but by some force he could not stop himself from aiming at the dogs head.

Alex slammed his eyes shut as he could feel the heat leap from his hand, he held back as much as he could as the ray shot forth from his palm. It made contact with the dog, shooting it back. The dog flung into the air and crashed into a tree. Alex opened his eyes and hesitated.

He seemed relived that he had not destroyed the dog, having somewhere in his heart that he could never hurt the animal. He got to his feet slowly, looking down at his arm. He pulled his sleeve back and watched as the blood poured out. His eyes began to turn hazy as he gazed as the scarlet water. He placed his right hand on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding. His right hand was still glowing and as he touched the wound he felt warm embrace coming from his hand. He looked at the wound as he lifted up his hand. The bite marks were fading away, as if they never were there. He put his hand back down on the wounds and let the warm enter his skin. He let go again and watched as arm turned back to normal. He looked took notice of his forearm, a tattoo covered over it. Large letters written in some Language he could not read was etched upon his arm. He had no idea what it meant or why it was there, nothing could come to his mind.

Alex pulled his sleeve down and looked back at the dog. It’s tongue was sticking out, its body limp on the ground. The dogs eyes slowly opened. Alex took a step back fearing that the dog would attack again. The German Sheppard attempted to get back on his feet, but to no avail. His leg was broken, hanging lifeless from its elbow. Alex cringed, knowing that it was his fault. The dog whimpered as it looked upon Alex, probably expecting Alex to kill him. Alex sighed in grief as he slowly walked toward the dog. The Sheppard eyes darting slowly up and down Alex and his motion. Alex bent down and looked at the dog’s paw. It was full blown fracture; he could feel the bones edge rubbing against his hand. He also felt around the dog’s chest. Alex was able to break three ribs as well. He was afraid that he had punctured a lung, but it seemed that the dog was breathing fine. The dog growled for a moment, but then stopped realizing that Alex meant no harm. Alex sighed again, putting his wrist on his knee.
“Well you’re not going anywhere. “ The dog whimpered again as it moved it’s head under Alex’s hand. Alex smiled and started to pet the dog slowly. He hope that he had the dog’s trust now. At least his conchs would be clean.

Alex turned around and looked to the open field behind him. He heard voices coming from the tree line. The soldiers were still on his trail. He turned back to the dog looking in the hound’s eyes. “Alright I have to go, but your masters will take care of you. Just stay here.” Alex got up slowly and started to jog away from the dog. He then heard another whimper. He looked back, seeing the dog was trying to get up. Alex stopped and turned. “No, just stay there!” The dog didn’t stop, and got on its three paws, letting the fourth up. “Just stay there, Ah
. Damn it.” He jogged back over to the dog and bent down.
“Please stay here, I can’t help you. You gotta stay here.” He started to pet the dog’s head again. The dog slowly started to lick his hand, and rub his scalp against Alex’s nails. Alex sighed and lowered his head. “Damn it.” He looked up again. The soldiers weren’t far, he could see them crossing into the field.

Turning around, he reached down on the dogs legs, and slowly pulled him around and put the Sheppard on his shoulders.

A gunshot rang out, and a chuck of a tree was dug out, right beside Alex. “Shit.” Alex got up and started to run, with the German Sheppard on his back. “What am I gonna do about this dog?” He asked as he kept his feet moving forward

"Derek are we safe here?" A young women asked as she sat down by the frozen pond. She scratched her short Purple hair trying to scratch out the flees. Derek panted for a moment putting his hands on his knees, then slowly sitting down.
"I... I.. don't know." He looked around the area with a grimace then spat on the ground. " I hate running." The young man sat down, his short, spiky black hair ruffled as it brushed by some branches. The young woman inched her way toward Derek and then laid her head on his lap. Derek sighed, and started to pet the woman's hair slowly.
"Why are they hunting us?" She asked with fear in her heart, her hand now clenching his.
"I don't know Sandra...." He looked up over the trees into the pail winter sky. "We.... We ... We just gotta keep on running, thats all we got."
"And then what?"
"I don't know, what matters now is just finding a safe place to hide. For now just rest ok. "
"Ok," She whispered mournfully. Derek looked down on Sandra, still petting her hair trying to relax her somehow.

She had just met the girl in less than 50 minutes, and they seemed closer than siblings. Maybe its the near death experience that help forge that bond.

An Hour passed and Derek awoke, suprised to find himself asleep. He looked around to see if Sandra was nearby. "Sandra!"
"I'm right here." She said, poking her head from out of a bush. In her hands she held a collection of blueberries. "I found these nearby, I didn't know if they were good to eat, I just hope that we can get something to fill our stomachs. I tried one and.. " BANG!"

Sandra dropped to the ground, Derek watched in horror as it seemed as if her body was dropping in slow motion. The blueberries slipped from her hands and tumbled to the ground as her body dropped beside them.
"Oh God no!" Derek tripped and crawled toward Sandra, grasping her hand. "Sandra, are you alright!" She looked over and smiled.
"Derek... It.... it hurts.... It hurts to breath." Derek looked down upon her chest. Blood started to form around her right bosom. He put his hand there trying to stop the blood, but it did no good. It was bleeding out too much to do any good. "Derek...... am I gonna be ok." He couldn't lie to the girl.
"Sandra, ....... Sandra it, it doesn't look good. Your losing alot of blood. You might,... You might..." He couldn't muster the words as he held back the tears. Sandra smiled and put her hand on his cheek.
"It's ok... I'm fine, at least I got to meet you." Derek gasped, and again tried to pull back his tears. He put his hand around Sandra and lifted her up to her shoulder. His tear then came out when he placed his head on her shoulder. "Even If I can't remember who I am, I got to met someone who really cared about me... I thank you for that at least. I seem to know you better than I know myself really. I bet you feel the same too. here." She reached down and pulled out her dog tag and handed it to Derek. "Keep it, I don't think I'll need it anymore."
"Its fine Derek, just take. Run, you need to hide. We both..." She cringed in pain for a moment, " We both know that they are coming, you need to go. I'll be fine."
"No your not, I can't just leave you like this. Even if you make it out, we don't know what they'll do to you."
"It's ok, Please Derek. I couldn't bare it to see you die. Please run." She then leaned forward and pecked him on the lips, Derek cringed and then grabbed the dog-tags. He then stood up while lowering Sandra to the ground. He started to run, away from the sound of gunfire. He hesitated and turned looking back over toward Sandra, he cringed again and let out another tear before running off again into the forest. 'If you make it out somehow Sandra, I'll find you. I swear it." He thought to himself as he clutched her dog tags in her hand.

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All-Day Dreamer
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Re: Predation: Fugo Olvidado [IC]

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chaostempest on Thu Mar 11, 2010 2:49 am

Rapid gulps of air filled Nick’s lungs as he leaned against a tree. He had been running for God knows how long and the affects of the heavy running was starting to have an ill affect on him. He looked back and didn’t see any black figures approaching, which meant that he had out run them if not for a brief period of time. He sat down just under the tree but made sure he was hidden.

He had no earthly idea why he was running or who the identity of the soldiers that where chasing him. All he knew was that he had awoken in the snow, drenching wet with no recollection of his past. He only knew his name to be Nick and what good would that do him against soldiers who where out to kill him for some insane reason.

Whatever the reason, he wouldn’t wait around to find out. A bullet just barely missed his shoulder as it nicked the bark of the tree causing him to jump to his feet. He looked in the direction he had run from to find several soldiers pursuing him. He darted off again, weaving in between the trees widening the gap between him and the soldiers. Just as he was weaving in and out of the trees, his foot snagged on a exposed root. The fall seemed to happen in slow motion and he knew for sure that he was caught.

He could hear them cocking their rifles as they approached slowly like a predator stalking it’s prey. He dared not turn over and look at them, for fear that they would shoot him.

“Turn over,” One of the Soldiers said quite rudely as he poked Nick in the back with the barrel of the rifle. Nick did as he was told and slowly turned over to see them dressed in all black. Demon, they where demons, at least that’s what Nick had classified them as, why else would they hunt him like cattle. He looked up at the shielded eyes of this man and watched him closely.

“Kill him so we can get out of here, our orders are clear, clean cut termination,” One of the other soldiers said growing impatient with the soldier who had ordered Nick to turn over.

“Fine,” the soldier replied as he took aim at Nick’s chest and readied to shoot. Nick closed his eyes knowing this was the last time he would ever breath again, ever see the beautiful world again, the last time he would ever feel anything again.

The rifle released the pent up bullet that it had held for so long. The bullet ripped through the air and landed square in Nick’s shoulder and went straight through. It missed any major arteries but the pain was suffocating. Nick screamed in pain, “please no,” He said as he struggled to pull himself away from these demonic men. The butt of a rifle made contact with the back of his head opening up a small gash.

They kicked and beat Nick all over his body but never touched his face. As they beat, kicked and punched, Nick knew for sure he would die out here.

“STOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOP,” He cried out as he closed his eyes feeling warmth escape his body. He opened his eyes slightly to see a beautiful magenta light subside and the bodies of the soldiers strewn about. He stumbled to his feet and touched his shoulder, indeed it was still painful to touch but the wound was closing significantly faster than he thought it would. He looked over the carnage, “what did I do?” He questioned himself as he took off running again, hopefully he wouldn’t run into any more of them.
Nate and Nicolai sat by the rivers edge. They had been running for what seemed like hours from the men so sought on claiming their lives. They knew nothing of each other’s past and only knew each other’s first names, but did they trust each other? They had managed to escape being killed earlier that day. Nicolai had somehow produce a bright Scarlet light that cut through the men like a hot knife through butter.

It seemed like an accidental act but Nate was scared shitless as to what Nicolai was and how he produced energy from his hands. He only began to trust Nicolai when He himself had to save Nicolai by producing a bright Rose light that blasted several other Soldiers of which afterwards they where able to escape.

Neither knew what they where or how they came to be at this place but they had a new determination. They where determined to find out who they where, how they got here and how they are able to produce such a destructive force.

“You don’t see any?” Nate asked softly as he hid in a cave that was hidden by snow fall just a few feet from the rivers edge. The river was frozen over, a thick layer of ice enabling them to trot over it safely enough. They had managed to set up a trap at the entrance of the cave that would ensnare anyone who entered unwarily into it.

Nicolai stopped just before entering the cave and stepped over the trigger.

“Nope, I think we are safe for now, I wonder if there are any others like us out here, I mean the simple fact that they are sending more than one soldier after us proves to me that someone else may be out here,” He said, “and I intend on finding them.”

Nate sighed and drank some of the defrosted ice that he had somehow scraped from the frozen lake. Nicolai kept an eye on the entry to the cave, but Nate couldn’t help but feel a bit jittery in this place. He looked down at the dog tags and touched them softly.

Something shook in his head and the next thing he knew, he was on the ground, eyes closed. He slowly opened his eyes and got a glimpse of Nick, though he didn’t know him and a glimpse of Nate.

He saw them, laughing and playing and then there was a woman. It was as if he was there during this entire interaction. The woman told them to sit down and behave, mind you they all looked a lot younger. He couldn’t make out who Nick was and all he could do was watch. As quickly as this vision had come, had it ended and he felt himself being picked up by Nate.

“You alright man?” He asked softly not wanting to shock Nicolai who seemed to be unaware of his surroundings all of a sudden. Nicolai blinked a bit then looked at Nate and then at the entrance of the cave. He heard barking, “they’re coming,” He said softly as Nate looked up and heard the barking growing closer.

“Come on, we better get moving,” Nate said standing up straight. Nicolai nodded and the two left their scent in the cave by rubbing themselves against the wall of the cave. Nicolai cut himself purposely and wiped it all over the walls of the cave. Nate did the same and then they washed the blood off using defrosted water from the frozen lake.

After that, they ran off into the forest, hoping to run into others like them and hoping to avoid more soldiers.

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