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Realizing I Love You

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Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:18 am

- Roleplay between me and swishandflicker -

The two hate each other for no particular reason, they never seemed to get along since 4th grade. She would do anything to put him down in public and he would too, but one day they find themselves stuck in an elevator where they find out more about each other. They soon become friends, then close friends and so on..

Character: Drake
Appearance: Image


Drake was walking the hallways of the school during lunch break, getting the occasional greeting and high five there. He was the quaterback in the schools football team, previous year's prom king he had everyone and everything in his power. With his bag pulled over his shoulder, he went to his locker to put away his books. When he turned around he was in face with the college slut Maya "Hey handsome" she said putting her hand on his shoulder. He gave a smile then shrugged her off "See you later Maya" he said before waking away with his perfect tousled dark brown hair and grey eyes.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:52 am

Bailey Johanna Durand//Eighteen Years Old

The week had gone by fairly quick, and Bailey Durand shuffled around her Biology classroom, making her way outside when the lunch bell had rung. Ah, lunchtime; that was her favorite time of the day. She followed behind a group of freshman girls outside the classroom, not bothering to check up on the board to see what the homework was for the following day. She sighed, running her fingers through her dirty blond hair, and slung her school bag on her shoulder as she made way to her locker. She fiddled around her wallet, finding a couple loose bills for lunch, and shut her locker door. She glanced over to her friend, Marianna, who was leaning over her own locker across the hallway, accompanied by her boyfriend, Mark. Marianna looked to the cafeteria entrance, mumbling something to Mark, and smiled as they made their way to the direction opposite from the lunchroom. Bailey raised a brow, catching her friend's eye before she left. She smiled. Unlike Marianna, Bailey didn't have a boyfriend. It wasn't because nobody was interested in her, but because she chose not to have one. She thought it was stupid spending time with somebody who you knew didn't truly love you, and she went along waiting for 'the one'.

There was one guy that ran through her mind too often that it should've, but it was for a reason completely opposite from love; she hated that guy’s guts.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Sat Aug 13, 2011 11:57 am

Drake was walking towards the cafeteria, when he accidently bumped into Bailey while talking to one of the jocks, he didn't notice it was her "Sorr.." he said before turning around and noticing her "Oh its you" he said giving her a glare, he absolutely hated being around her or even the sight of her, she just got on his nerves. He was trying to move out the way but the cafeteria entrance was becoming crowded causing them to stand face to face. Drake watched as girls gave him the flirty wave, to be honest he loved the attention he got, but he thought girlfriends were to high maintenance and decided to keep his distance well for a while..

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sat Aug 13, 2011 1:58 pm

Bailey was heading to the cafeteria entrance, which was becoming rather crowded, and felt someone push past her to get inside. She rolled her eyes, glaring at the boy, and tried to get inside herself. This was worth too much trouble, she thought, and struggled outside to get back to the hallway. She glanced over her shoulder when she felt someone bump into her again. Annoyance spread through her face when she realized who it was; it was Drake. He was the guy that she had been talking about, the one who she hated so much. He was a cocky, self-confident bastard who she had known ever since she was little. They'd known each other way too long, and got to each other's nerves way to often. Thank God Drake seemed to feel the same way, she thought, when he glared at her violently. The crowd to the cafeteria was getting bigger, and Bailey found it hard to move again. She glanced back to Drake and realized they were stuck, "Great," She muttered, trying to keep from looking at the kid any longer. She wanted to at least save herself from becoming blind.

"This school is way too crowded," She said to herself a second later, trying to push past Drake and out of the mess. She groaned when it came to no avail.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:11 am

Drake watched as she tried to get past him, his eyes still fixed on her. "Are you that interested in me, you won't move?" he said with a smirk on his face, he knew she hated him too but he loved seeing her mad it made him feel better for all those times she acted like a bitch to him. He gave a small laugh when she talked to herself, then moved to side as the people filed into the cafeteria, "See you later" he said giving her a wave before walking off happy with himself.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sun Aug 14, 2011 9:55 am

Bailey glared at Drake, "I would never be interested in a cocky assed bastard like you a day in my life," She hissed at him, watching as he made his way out the crowd. This was what she was talking about; he thought everybody loved him. He thought that he was all that because he practically dated all the girls all over the school, and still had every one of them wrapped around him finger. They all still loved him. He thought he was quite the ladies’ man. Pushing her way through the crowd, she finally made her way back outside the hallway.

She glanced to the now empty cafeteria entrance, her appetite suddenly gone. She knew that she was better off bringing her own lunch. She watched Drake as he stepped in line for lunch behind two freshman girls happily. She rolled her eyes, and headed to the opposite direction. She couldn't stand being so near to the kid.

(How do you want them to meet in the elevator?)

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Sun Aug 14, 2011 11:30 am

Drake was standing in line with giggly girls all around him, he continued to talk them, then left after getting his lunch and leaving to go meet his friends. His thoughts drifted back to Bailey, but he took them out of his mind he didn't want to even think about her. She thought she was everything, trying to stand up to him what was her problem anyway?

(Skipping Time)

Drake walked out of his English class as the day came to an end. He walked to the car park and sat in his car chucking his bag in the back seat, checking through his phones for texts and emails. He rolled his eyes at some, frowned at others and laughed at a few. After seeing that his way was clear he pulled his car out, and made his way to the local mall to grab some new clothes for a social party coming up.

(I say they meet in the mall...)

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sun Aug 14, 2011 3:29 pm

The day at school seemed to pass by quick enough, and soon Bailey was making her way outside her last class. She trudged out the classroom, glancing over to a couple of her friends at the end of the hall before dumping the last of her books inside her locker. She glanced to the end of the hallway, to the poster marking the school dance. The dance was this Friday, Bailey thought, walking out the doors of the school. She had been asked out by a few guys already, but didn't say yes to any of them. She wasn't exactly looking forward to prom. She detested the idea of picking a prom king and queen. Nevertheless, she thought, boarding the bus behind a couple of kids, she knew she would probably end up going. Her parents have been pressuring her to all week. She sighed, remembering how this morning her mother had given her money for a dress. She was supposed to head over to the mall after school.

Bailey waited a couple of bus stops until they reached the mall, not exactly looking forward to shopping. Her older sister, Tracey, loved it, but it was the last thing Bailey would ever be caught doing. She knew Tracey would've loved to help pick out a dress for her if she wasn't away for college.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Sun Aug 14, 2011 5:31 pm

Drake didn't exactly love shopping, to be honest he would be fine with a few number of outfits but seeing his reputation in school, he had a standard to live up to. Well thats what he had thought. Drake spent around a few minutes in various shops not particularly liking anything, he remembered some guys talking about a large shop on the 3rd floor that sold both men suits and girl dresses. Drake played around with his keys, grabbed a few shirts and bought them just for the sake of it as the staff had been watching him. Carrying a bag he left the shop and debated if he should take esclators up or the elevator, deciding on the elevator he made his way towards it catching a few young girls eyes, he winked at them and continued walking.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Mon Aug 15, 2011 7:51 am

Bailing headed up to the third floor of the mall, talking up the escalators until she spotted a small dress stop towards the edge of the mall. She peeked inside the glass windows, spotting a couple party dresses and gowns for prom. The other side of the store, was reserved particularly for men. She cringed at the sight of the dresses, but headed towards to store anyway; it was now or never.

She walked up and down a few aisles of the store, finding a couple dresses she thought were nice, but never one she would actually think of wearing. Well, she couldn't imagine herself wearing a dress at all. Sighing, she picked out a lavander dress fifteen minutes later, knowing she had to start somewhere. She spotted the dressing room on the other side of the store, next to the men's side, and fell into line as she went to try out the dress. There were mirrors everywhere.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Mon Aug 15, 2011 9:47 am

Drake reached the third floor, and looked around for the shop he noticed the number of dresses and suits, guessing that was probably the shop. He walked in walking to the men side picking out a few suits, he didn't look at them carefully he just picked it out and headed to the dressing room just nearby. There was quite a long line, he noticed a female someone walking into to the line and stood behind her, for some reason he felt that he knew the person in front of him. Looking in the near by mirror he noticed it was Bailey, why was she here? he thought to himself then noticed the dress in her hand he laughed slightly to himself guessing she was picking out a dress for the prom too. He didn't say anything seeing as they were in public and knowing her she would start an argument as soon as possible.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Thu Aug 18, 2011 7:25 pm

Bailey shuffled uncomfortably in line, holding the lavender dress in her hand as she stepped closer to the front. An older middle aged woman stood in front of her, holding a dark blue party dress, and a strappy pair of heels. Other than that, she was next in line. Bailey glanced at the Dressing Rooms again, seeing it was separated into two main rooms. Both were fairly big, and a large stand of mirrors stood in part of the rooms. She watched as a girl around her age stepped out in a ruffled blouse by one of the rooms, and glanced over to a mirror. Bailey stepped up when it was her turn, heading to an empty stall in the right side of rooms. She closed the door behind her, hanging up her clothes, and reluctantly slipped on the dress.

Five minutes later, Bailey was really wishing her sister came with her. She glanced to the reflected in the mirror, struggling to pull up the zipper behind her. The dress was just her size, not too tight or too loose, but she was having trouble with the finishing touches. Ten minutes later, after agonizing pain and near defeat, the pulled the zipper up all the way.

(Just got back^^)

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Thu Aug 18, 2011 9:54 pm

Drake wasn't paying much attention to Bailey in front of him, instead most of his attention was drawn to which outfit he had chosen would suit him better. He looked through the outfits and decided to just try them all on and see which one was the best fit for him. As the line moved forward it was soon his turn, he walked past the mirrors checking his reflection now and then. He walked into the booth and got dressed into a black and blue suit, with a striped blue shirt and blue tie. He looked in the mirror making the suit fit, he frowned at his reflection trying on a different suit. After trying on various suits, he finally came across a black and purple suit with matching trousers. It fit him perfectly, and it suited his liking too. He stood around in the suit, walking around fixing the tie and collar of the shirt. He was drawn between the white and black suit and the purple.
He wondered which suit would suit him better if only he had someone with him, maybe he could just buy both suits and use another one some other time. He checked his reflection again, trying to see which would be better. He wore the white one again, then the purple trying to differentiate the two.

(Welcome back, hope you had fun!)

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sat Aug 20, 2011 5:01 pm

(I did, thanks for asking :D Btw the picture of the dress I linked isn't exactly lavender, but it was the best I could find. Sorry!)

Bailey stepped out of the dressing room stall a few seconds later, after finally getting the hang of the zipper, and headed towards the mirror in between the male and female rooms. It was the biggest miror there, and provided a better reflection of the dress. She moved into view of the mirror, barefoot, and glanced to it reluctantly. The lavender dress was strapless, with a mixed swatch of purples, and about four inches above her knee. It fit her frame almost perfectly, and would look perfect with a stunning pair of heels. She turned a bit in the mirror, glancing to the back of the dress. You were able to see the large mirror from outside the dressing rooms, and she didn't notice so until one men in line glanced to her curiously. She stopped turning in the dress, looking away.

She glanced back outside the store, catching eye to a familiar face. Well, not exactly familiar, she thought. It was Drake.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Sun Aug 21, 2011 12:07 pm

Drake walked out the changing rooms holding the number of clothing in his hands still trying to figure out which would be better. As he walked towards the till he noticed someone in a lavender short strapless dress, he smiled to himself before turning back and noticing it was Bailey he couldn't believe what he was seeing, she looked so much more beautiful in the dress not that he was going to admit to it, "Woah" he whispered to himsel before noticing she had seen him as well. He walked over putting the suits to one side, he stood behind her and whispered in her ear "Nice dress" he said paying her compliment then casually added on "Too bad it doesn't do well to you" then smirked it wasn't as if he was going to admit she looked nice. He watched her for a brief second in the mirror before stepping back. He wondered for a second who she was going to prom with, then again who would have asked her. Maybe if Drake didn't hate her so much he might've asked her but that was out of the question at the moment. Drake had been asked by many girls but he had given them all a 'maybe' sort of reply hoping they would get the message it was a no. Now all he needed was a date and he was all set for the Prom.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sun Aug 21, 2011 1:46 pm

Bailey found that Drake has spotted her as well. In fact, she could have sworn the kid was checking her out until he noticed she was looking. She smirked at him, quite amused actually, and turned when he saw he was heading over to her, "What do you want?" She snapped when he came, glancing to the reflection once more. She turned her brown eyes towards him when he complimented her. Was he sick or something? She thought nastily, honestly thinking so. She took those thoughts back when he spoke again, her jaw dropping. "Yeah well, I'd like to see you in a dress." She replied lamely, not able to think of something clever before he left. She didn't get a chance to see his reaction before he left, and, honestly, she didn't want to. She'd had enough of him making fun of her for today.

Did she really look that bad? Her subconcious took ahold of her, and she glanced to the mirror with a new outlook. She hated to admit what Drake had said affected her greatly. Not because she cared what he thought, but because, well, he was a guy after all. What would the guys in her class think? She didn't want people to make fun of her, she had gotten enough of it from Drake as it is.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Mon Aug 22, 2011 8:17 am

Drake didn't reply to what she said, just gave her his signature wave then watched as Bailey looked over her appearance once more, he smirked to himself his words had obviously affected her. He walked towards the cashier smiling to himself. As he payed for the suits he lingered around the store looking over a few shoes and ties. His mind kept drifting back to Bailey and how she looked in the dress, but he soon trampled on those thoughts. Many would've thought that after the many years they had known each other, they would've atleast made the slightest effort to become friends however that wasn't one of his biggest worries now.

After a good ten, fifteen minutes Drake left the store after buying a few extra items. He headed towards the elevator again seeing as it was the closest way to get downstairs not that he was the lazy type. As he pressed the button for the elevator, he leaned on the side with one of his legs propped up against the wall, and pulled out his phone checking through it once more. You could say he was addicted to his phone.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Wed Aug 24, 2011 4:21 pm

Despite what Drake had said, Bailey had gone with the purple dress. She headed back to the dressing room stall a few minutes later, hanging the dress back on the hanger, and paid for it at the register after changing back to her clothes. The dress only really covered half of the money her mother had given her, which she had been glad, and wholeheartedly headed downstairs to the food court to find something to eat. She carried the bag with the dress in her hands, and boarded the elevator downstairs.

The food court was crowded, filled with the unsettling chatter of customers as Bailey fell into line into her favorite stand. 'Auntie Em's Pretzel's' the sign read above them, and Bailey managed to pick out a five dollar bill by the time she reached the cashier. She ordered a plain pretzel with cheese, holding the paper bag in her hands as she scanned the food court for a place to sit. There weren't any seats; the food court was packed. Sighing, she looked over to the nearest table with a boy around her age. She looked down, "Mind if I sit there? There aren't any seats." She called over, pulling the chair gently as she waited for the boy to reply. Her expression suddenly changed when she realized the boy was Drake.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby sweetgal on Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:42 am

Drake, was sitting down in a food court eating brownies when he heard someone say something to him. He looked up and saw Bailey, for a second he was confused as to why he would ask her such a question, then he saw her expression change and snickered slightly. "You really want to sit here?" he asked her with a smug look on his face. He was just waiting for her reply, not that he expected it to be a good one he just liked to let her blood a boil a little. Drake began to think about the time in that shop and she was in that dress, it didn't make sense to him to how he found her attractive in the dress but he let the thought slide. They were still enemies and it looked like nothing could change that. He took another bite of his brownie, tapped his fingers on the table and much to their both surprise he said "Sit" more like a command than anything else.

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Re: Realizing I Love You

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby swishandflicker on Sat Aug 27, 2011 10:16 am

Amber realized how stupid she must have sounded to him right now. He'd realized it had been her all along. She watched him, eyes full of annoyance. "I'm sorry," She muttered forcefully, trying to keep from starting anything. She glanced around her again desperately, hoping to find any other empty seats. There weren't any. She sighed, looking to Drake again. To her astonishment, he told her to sit.

She watched him for a while, hessitaintingly taking up to his offer. She stayed quiet, setting her food on the table. "Thanks." She said coldly, not meeting his eyes. Why did she keep running into him today? She glanced to the brownie in front of him, taking out her own pretzel. It was to her astonishment that Drake was here alone. She didn't say anything though, and look around the foodcourt absentmindedly.

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