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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kravos on Thu Apr 01, 2010 9:42 pm

For those of you who once knew me, for those of you who do not know me yet. For those of you who spat upon me, and for those of you who gave me wings. I wish for none other to belong, for this is my domain. If a moderator sees so fit as to move this, then so be it. I desire comments to remain brief for I will be making multiple chapters. None other is to join, so do not bother wasting your breathe. If I see fit, or have any troubles I will hunt down who I so desire in order to fill a small spot. That is only for those who want to play as one of my many characters in a time they are gone from the plot. So, I ask again, stay with brief comments if you are to post on this thread. I will of course, start with the shortest peice, since it is to close to the night in order to try for more.

On the darkest of nights...

It was on a cold dark night, when only the moon could show through the everlasting clouds as they loomed above menacingly. Every curve in the cloud was an opportunity for a godly strike to race towards the ground. Every flash showed possibilities of heaven's tears falling upon the world. A storm that would be taken as beautiful if it were from the safety of a home. In the forest however, a figure frantically attempted survival.

The figure rummaged through small bags that could be easily caried. As the storm grew louder, it searched harder through the bags. A large curved stick fell to the ground, the ends bound together by a type of vine. The search did not stop until a small flat rock emerged from the bag. The silvery coating was scratched, yet it was important for survival. Careful hands brushed the ground around, trying to find the proper tool to strike with. With only succeeding to find a rock, slightly larger then a fist. It quickly met the other object, creating a shower of sparks which gave a slight glimpse of the surrounding trees. Again they met, forcing another shower to fall on a small bundle.

A heavy voice broke out, allowing a curse to come from the lips, of what sounded like a male not far in his age. His tools of survival were lowered, hoping that a smaller drop would ignite the bundle. Again and again the two rocks were struck against one another until at last, a small amount of smoke rose from the kindle. He threw down his tools, making sure they did not go far off in case if the process had to be repeated. He laid down on his stomache, gently blowing towards the smoke. Watching in awe is the smoke grew and grew and flames began to appear.

He pushed himself to his feet and ran over to a nearby tree, where there was a pile of fallen branches, twigs, and anything else to be found on a forest floor. He was careful to lay a few peices of wood onto the fire not wanting it to smother. The light revealed a male, his brown hair dropped down just past his ears. His blue eyes gleamed along with the fire. A sash was draped over his shoulder, with it, a quiver containing no arrows. From the smell, it seemed he had not taken a bath in many days. Blackness circled his eyes from lack of sleep, probably from rude awakenings by the various things in a forest.

With the fire thriving with life, he drug his bag over to the fire and laid it flat in order to rest his head. With nothing to block the wind, he relied heavily on the fire to keep him warm from the nights dangers. In the morning he would have to travel back home for his mission was a failure. His eyes closed, and time took him away as he drift off to sleep.

The dream was always recurring over and over again. Mountains lay to the north, a light glowed from the highest peak. The dark forest lay to the south, and from it wolves were howling out loud. Then, with a huge firey wave, the forest disentigrates leaving an empty field, and the mountain turned red as it erupted as a volcano. The dream was odd, but on had to grow used to it when it occured many many times.

Tip jar: the author of this post has received 0.00 INK in return for their work.

Member for 15 years
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Re: Rebirth

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kravos on Fri Apr 02, 2010 4:09 pm

Chapter 1
Just another day in old shoes....

The boy walked out of the trees standing on top of a hill, looking down in the valley. His entire village was nested between two mountains, both of which towered above, and rested in the clouds. A small river runs down from the southern peak, and straight through the village, turning to continue on west towards the ocean. To the east the sun would flow through the valley like a rushing tsunami.

As he continued down, he passed through the village, for his home was on the far northern side. It sat on a nice hill that was often troublesome when having to work with horses. As he walked past others on the dirt roads, he gently nodded to the different people. On his left was a rather big structure, it was a grand forge that used to be used during war time when this area was an advancement on the Tipiols. Even know the smoke comes from the holes in the roof where different forges are in it. No longer where they used to make cold steel to kill another, but now they were used to make tools and different needed things that was unclear at this time. Just across from it was a tavern, where the soldiers could drink and sleep. Now it was just used for any travelers who happen to come through.

"Lucas!" A high pitch squeak came from the tavern as a young child bolted out the door running towards the boy. "Lucas your back! You'll never guess what I found!" the child yelled, stopping infront of him not showing any sign of lowering his tone. " Look! It's so warm and squishy" He smiled holding out a small brown clump. Which looked much like a small feline's dropping, the smell could only confirm it. " Mommy says that mud is cold, but I found warm mud!" This young child was named Tommy, only being seven he was not the brightest pumpkin in the patch. He constantly loved to talk and always had something to talk about which made it difficult to be around him for long. " Oh, oh-oh-oh-oh! Did ya bring somethign for me Lucas, huh Lucas?" He jumped around in a silly skipping manner, dropping his new found toy already.

The boy he called Lucas just sighed, putting his hand on top of little Tommy's head and ruffled it roughly. "Not this time bud, go and get your mom to wash your hands alright? I have some important things to do, and I do not have time to watch over you." He walked away from the young lad, not bothering to look back at him. He was sore and tired from the long nights out in the forest with not one single trophy to show for it.

" But Lucas" Tommy whined aloud stomping his feet, " You have been gone for ever" He held out the last word for well over ten seconds. His high pitch voice making it sound very eerie. But when Lucas did not turn around he stomped his feet making him go in a small circle. " Come on" Again he held out the words for unnecessary lengths, making his voice squeak a few times. When his face got an upset expression he whirled around and stomped his feet into the ground making his way back to the tavern.

Lucas wiped the sweat off his forehead, the growing headache was getting very tiresome. After about five minutes he passed the butchery where he could see the butcher in the window taking up his huge cleaver and smashing it into what used to be a deer. It sat right at the bottom of the hill his house was on. Climbing the hill was a pain, his already worn out legs felt like they were going to collapse. Along with the house, the small bushes infront of the porch came into view, on each end was a patch of dirt where two small gardens used to lay. The roofing was in poor condition, and the house was even a dull brown. One of the wooden supports on the porch was crooked and split. Even the feline droppings Tommy was holding looked better. He spat at the ground, disgusted at the sight of the place, and what he knew was already in it.

He quietly pushed open the door and squeezed in, throwing the bow down on the floor and ripping off the sash and letting it drop. A grown man turned the corner that led to the small back storage room. A frown was on his face as he looked up and down Lucas in the doorway. " Ya caught noth'n again did'ja. Ya useless peice of cow manuer, can't ev'n support your own dad wit good eats. No won'r your mom didn' take you, ev'n she saw you as worthless." Lucas turned right back around, his dad was drunk again, and he didn't want to be anywhere near the house. He pushed himself back out the door hearing footsteps follow him out. The grown man stopped on the porch and yelled out, "If ya don' bring me eats next time. Don' be comin back now, ya hear?" The sun shined off his bald head that was once full with red hair. His eyes grew to be so grey and meaningless. His beer belly hung over his pants. At least when he was sober he made a hell of a blacksmith, but now a days, he just sits around and weeps Making sure to force everyone else to have as horrible of a life as he does.

Lucas ran east, down past some of the older homes that remained in the valley. Stopping when he noticed his friend Sam was out front sitting on the steps staring at the sky. He had blue eyes too, always joking that he and Lucas were some kind of long lost brothers. Though Sam's hair was a short dirty blonde, and he always looked upon the past with amusement. " He Sam, what are you doing now?" Lucas called out, making Sam blink a few times before staring at him.

"I was just looking up where the gods are supposed to be. I hear that have magic powers and such. Surprised they have not turned old Mrs. Critch into a pig yet." He forced himself up, showing that his height was at least a good four inches taller the Lucas. On his waist was a sword sheath were he kept his small wooden training sword. His father was one of the soldiers that made a nice profit of the old wars, and he decided to settle down here when he met a nice girl. Sam always looked up to his own father, hoping that he could be exactly like him in every shape and form. Funny thing was, his father was actually about as tall as Lucas, making Sam look more fiercesome. " Ya wanna help me practice? Bet I will win" He smiled showing his white teeth. God was favoring him all to much, for Lucas was born with slightly crooked teeth, and a pretty bad over bite.

"You always win Sam, there is no bet to it." Lucas laughed out, letting it slowly die along with the rest of his energy. " Would your folks mind if I stayed over and rested for a few, dad went by the tavern again" Instead of bothering with a response Sam walked into the house and motioned Lucas on in. It was obvious that this pattern had been adopted for a long time. Lucas turned left from the door and collapsed on a small makeshift bed. It was hard because it was just a plank of wood with comforters on it, but it worked perfectly fine after resting on a forest floor.

Sam walked over to the foot of the makeshift bed and looked down, "When are you gonna go off and kiss April anyhow Lucas, you've been having a crush on her for about four months now. Ya need to make her your women before her dad goes off and sells her off! Your seventeen, and last time I checked we ain't getting much younger!"

Lucas growled from the comforters his face was buried in, to tired to bother lifting his head. " I'll do it when I feel like it, even if she does get taken up there is always Jen" April and Jennifer were twins, both of them were pretty cute for being village girls. Jennifer had long bright blonde hair as April had an odd auburn color. Both were well fit, and not to picky. "Wish we could travel to different places, anything to get me away from that dead beat dad."

"Alright, alright. Get some rest brother, I will come wake ya when food is being set." He kicked at Lucas's shoe, messing with him for passing out so early. All it took was a few moments, and he was fast asleep. The same dream repeated then as well. The trees bursting into ashes and the volcano pouring lava down the lava side. What could it have possibly meant?

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Member for 15 years
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