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The Oakborn

Deity of Nature and Fate

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a character in “Deities: The Gods of Pandeum”, as played by LuckyNumber24


The Oakborn
God Name:
The Oakborn

Deity of Nature and Fate, the Watcher of the World

Genderless, but its different faces come as male, female, and sometimes something in between.

True Neutral (Varies among the Faces)

God Appearance:
The true form of the Oakborn is that of a lifeless husk, withered and mangled within a mass of twisted tree roots. Rotting black robes have melded into its pale decaying flesh and thin white hair flows from several patches on its scalp to the floor. A tangled vine creeps through one of its eye sockets and around its neck, while its other eye is eternally open and pulsing with red light. A crown of branches with auburn leaves breaches from the top of its head.

Although this is the true body of the Oakborn, it is hidden in the roots of the Great Oak and is rarely seen, even by gods. Instead, the god manifests itself in countless forms called the Faces of the Oakborn. The most frequently seen is a kindly old woman called Grandmother. Other Faces includethe Stag, the Beast, the Trickster, and the Raven.

The Oakborn was once a proud and powerful deity and the vigilant Watcher of the World. It would sit at the roots at the Great Oak and would watch over the natural world and threads of fate. It was a trusted councilor and a respected god that all could come to for wisdom in times of need. However, much has changed. When the mortal realm was still young, it sat at the roots of the Great Oak and saw the fate of Pandeum. What it witnessed was so terrible that its mind was shattered and each fragment of its soul became a separate entity, what is now known as a Face of the Oakborn. Each represents an aspect of the Oakborn and, to an extent, an aspect of its realms. There are generally kind and benevolent Faces such as the Green Woman who is known to lead lost children through the forest and grant wishes to those who bring her cream. But then there are other who thrive off of negativity and pain. The most infamous of these malevolent entities is the Beast, a predatory being that stalks the Enchanted Forest, devouring anything it comes across, even other Faces of the Oakborn. It is these differences that often lead to conflict between the Faces and to conflict between their followers. Despite these differences, one should never forget that all these entities come from the same divine source. Whether good or evil, they all have an interest in the mortal world and its workings. Some seek to only watch, other are active participants, but all of them have a love and respect for the natural world. Another interesting fact is that all Faces of the Oakborn have a love for games and wagers and many mortals have entered into these bets.

The most powerful and respected Face of the Oakborn is an entity affectionately known as Grandmother. She possesses the Oakborn's wisdom and diplomatic skills which serve her well as an emissary between the Faces and the other gods. Mortals, fairies, and deities alike come to her for counsel and all who approach her receive a warm smile and kind words. She exudes an understanding and nonjudgmental air that makes her incredibly easy to talk to. Despite this, Grandmother is not some fragile biddy. She fought fiercely alongside the Archaic Gods during the Great Rebellion and even managed to slay several Faces who sided with the Young Pantheon. Although she has not picked up her club in a millennium, she is still a force to be reckoned with. She may not be as powerful as the other gods, but she certainly doesn't let that prevent her from speaking her mind. She's outspoken and blunt when the situation calls for it and she is quite known for giving verbal lashings to any god that has earned her wrath.

Opinion of mortals:
"They are so complex, much like this world. Full of beauty and savagery, love and violence. Some of us are disgusted by them, some of us have some odd affection for their fragile hearts, but we can all agree that they are fascinating.

God’s Domain:
While not in the Enchanted Forest, the Faces reside in the Other Place. This world is an endless realm of lush foliage, humid deserts, and frozen tundra. Fairy lights illuminate this realm, especially around this world's version of the Great Oak. This massive tree is hollow on the inside and appears much like a grand palace when entered. This is where the Faces meet to discuss and debate what to do with their territory and their realms.


Avatar Name:
Aros the Summer King, Ruler of Grimmshire and High Prince of the Unseelie Court.

Aros has never been the type of prince to slay beasts and save princesses. He is far more comfortable gossiping among the servants than on the battlefield with a sword in hand. He is refined and charismatic, equipped with a sharp wit and a charming smile. Like his estranged mother, he is careful and meticulous, never one to take chances if it can be helped and always prepared to cut his losses. Aros is extremely clever and talented in the art of manipulation. With a few sweet words and a heart melting smirk, no doors are closed and no secrets safe from the Summer King. Despite his trickster-like tenancies, Aros truly is a kind person at his core that struggles between his duty to his father's kingdom and his responsibility as the Oakborn's avatar.

Magic Abilities:
Chosen by the Stag and the child of a fairy queen, Aros a skilled magician with ancient magic in his blood. Like his fairy brethren, he specializes in enchantments and illusions that enhance his natural charisma and charm. Although he is still a novice in elemental magic, he shows much potential and it is believed he could one day become a force of nature. Aros is also a skilled shape shifter and can change his form into that of another person or animal.

In addition to his natural magic, he also possesses four Charms gifted to him by the Kings of the Wild:

The Spring Charm: This charm was gifted from the Green Woman and manifested as a tattoo on his back. Aros heals faster and casts more potent spells when surrounded by plants and nature.

The Summer Charm: A gift from the Stag, this charm manifests as the beauty mark on his cheek and the golden flecks of dust that swirl around him. This charm is a supernatural charisma that allows him to befriend people and animals with ease.

The Autumn Charm: A gift from the Raven, this charm tilts fate in his favor, granting Aros extremely good luck. Although it is a powerful tool, the Autumn Charm can be as fickle as the Raven herself and does not always come to Aros' aid in times of need. This charm manifests as a golden coin.

The Winter Charm: A gift from the Winter King, this charm is one of Aros' only true weapons. Although it channels and strengthens his magic like any wand, he has not unlocked it's true potential.

Moira Goldencrest

Fairy Oracle of the South and Advisor to the King

Thoughtful, compassionate, and vigilant, Moira has watched over Aros since his birth. As he has grown under her eye, she has tutored him in fairy magic, combat, and history. Her prophecies claim that Aros will unite the Fair Folk and end the violence between the courts.

Lady Meranda and Lord Cahin

Spymasters and Advisors to the King

Although she may appear polite and docile, Lady Meranda is not to be underestimated. She is a talented mage and her many familiars wander around the kingdom with their eyes open and their ears to the ground, watching for any information the could be of use to their lady. Although she keeps her secrets close and has ties to the criminal underworld, she is incredibly loyal to her king. Although brightly colored, her brother, Lord Cahin, often sticks to the shadows and makes himself known to only his most trusted allies.

Maeve Blackward, High Queen of the Unseelie Court

High Queen of the Unseelie Court and Mother of King Aros

Bitter and distant, Queen Maeve has forgotten what it means to feel whole. When she was banished by her mother, the Seelie Queen Freya, all happiness was lost to her. She looked for it in the outside world and a human king, but still it eluded her. She could not even find it in the love she had for her mad daughters, Panic and Spite, or Aros, the son she left behind. This wicked queen conquered the Unseelie Court and now all of Pandeum is in her sights. She is a skilled strategist and feared foe, as her ruthless and cruel ways are known to all in the fairy kingdom. To assist in her efforts, her lover Dullahan Ashentongue acts as the Commander of her Unseelie Knights:

~Syrena Lastbreath
~Chirona Slaughtersteed
~Eban Lordkiller
~The Grassman
~Monta Stonemother
~The Doll

Panic and Spite

High Princesses of the Unseelie Court, Daughters of Queen Maeve, and Half-Sisters of King Aros

The crazed daughters of the Unseelie Queen, Panic and Spite leave confusion and chaos in their wake. They have little regard for mortal lives and often take pleasure in causing pain. Despite this, the sisters do have a fondness for children and would avoid causing them physical injury. Their parents, however, are a different story. Although neither sibling can be considered well adjusted, it is well known that Panic is far more unhinged than her changeling sister. Spite often acts as the voice of reason and flawed logic of the pair.

Freya Eldertree

High Queen of the Seelie Court, Commander of the Seelie Knights, and Grandmother of King Aros.

Ancient and powerful, Queen Freya has reigned over the Enchanted Forest for centuries. She has come to represent traditions of the Fair Folk and a sense of order in a turbulent world. Many years ago, Freya brought peace to the fairy courts and was hailed as a hero. She valued this peace so much that she banished her own daughter when she threatened it. Now, the peace she fought so hard for has dissipated and war is on the horizon. This time, Freya is ready to hear its call, assisted by the captains of her Seelie Knights:

~Serraph Onehorn
~Katrina Bloodhair
~Robyn Halfblood
~Frigg Littlewing
~Aresia Thornmother
~Clack the Big Man
~Loren Trollbane

Mab Fordwater, Oracle of the West
Sedna the Wise, Oracle of the North
Herne Greenscale, Oracle of the East

The Fairy Oracles

Chosen by the Kings of the Wild, the Fairy Oracles are spiritual leaders and bridges between the Faces and the Fair Folk. They are gifted with powerful divination magic and premonitions of the future.

Terrain Preference:
Typically forests or other rural areas, but fairies can adapt to nearly any climate.

Name of Kingdom/Empire:
The Fairy Courts, the Fair Folk, the Fae

The Enchanted Forest / The Dark Forest ~ The Enchanted Forest, also known as the Dark Forest, is an immense wooded area located around the Great Oak. It is believed that because of its proximity to the sacred tree and the true body of the Oakborn, the area is imbued with powerful magic. This is what causes the forest to be filled with rare magical plants, fantastical creatures, and powerful fairies.

Major Sites:
The Great Oak ~ The most sacred site to the Fae Folk, Seelie and Unseelie alike come here to worship all the Faces of the Oakborn and pray in times of need. They believe that the roots of this sacred tree tie all of creation together and that should it fall, the entire universe would fall apart at the seams. This tree is also believed to provide all Fae with their magic and the Enchanted Forest with its life.

Grandmother's House ~ A small cozy cottage built at the base of the Great Oak, this is where Grandmother can often be found. This is where she gives counsel and grants favors to those who have made her proud. This home also serves as neutral ground for the leaders of the Courts to meet and discuss terms.

The Garden of Lights ~ A clearing in the woods filled with strange and exotic flowers and foliage. Fairy lights dance in the air around and portals to the Seelie Court are hidden within rings of toadstool.

The Dark Wood ~ A portion of the Forest filled with rotting dead trees and containing dangerous swamps. It is said that Unseelie Court hides their portals at the bottom of the swamp and many have drowned trying to find it.

The Pool of Tears ~ Another sacred site, this body of water is thought to be the place where the Oakborn's tears landed and gave life to the first fairies. Although many dangerous creatures live in its depths, the waters of this pool have magical healing properties.


It is said that when the Oakborn's mind shattered, it began to weep. From its tears came the first fairies, with the Seelie rising from its right eye and the Unseelie from the left. Fairies are a rare and fascinating race that come in many forms and many subraces. The common fairy is a humanoid with long pointed ears and a delicate frame and features. They are considered one of the most enchanting races and are often described as terribly beautiful, often possessing features considered odd or unsettling by other races. These attributes can be anything from abnormally large eyes and sharp teeth to wings, horns, and patches of foliage growing on their skin. They are a extremely long lived, some being nearly as old as the Young Gods, and their birth rates are extremely low. This is believed to be one of the reasons that they have a fascination with the children of other races, often taking special interest in those that stray too close to the forests where they dwell. The Seelie often take these children to be honored guests at their many feasts, festivals, and celebrations, but these visits often last much longer than expected. There are many cases where the child leaves for what seems like an hour and emerges years later. Acts such as this cause many to distrust the Fair Folk in general and believe that all of them are malevolent in nature, when, in truth, most fairies simply struggle to understand the harm they are capable of. As fairies age, they often lose the concept of empathy and feel emotions in a much more shallow way. Things such as love, loss, and pain become small matters, especially when it concerns the lives of short lived and fragile creatures such as humans. For many of the Fae, life has become tedious and droll and they look for entertainment wherever it may be. It is common for fairies to fill their emotional voids with sex, feasts, and countless games, deals, and wagers. However, this rarely fills beyond a short time. This is what causes most fairies to meddle in the affairs of other races, causing situations to become better or worse depending on their mood. Fairies often take lovers from other races and the children produced from these unions are called Changelings.

Fairies are a very mystical race and it is extremely uncommon to find one that doesn't heavily rely on the arcane arts. Their bodies are much more delicate than those of heartier races and should their magic be disrupted or dispelled, they will be extremely vulnerable. They are also highly allergic to iron and contact with it will cause their skin to burn. Simply being around a high level of the metal will irritate their skin and eyes. They also have a strange fondness for milk and cream, both of which have an intoxicating effect on them.

Fairies are traders, but not in the typical sense of the word. Their courts and the natural world around them provide them with anything they physically need such as shelter or food, but beyond that, each fairy must fend for themselves. If a fairy wants an item, service, favor, or piece of knowledge an exchange is customary. These deals are often sealed with a Shee Feerinyeh, more commonly known as a Fairy's Truth. This is a common ritual that binds a fairy to the words of their agreement, however fairies are notorious for finding loopholes that allow them to fulfill the contract without fully fulfilling their side of the deal. However, other races still come to the fairies to have their wishes granted and to purpose deals, convinced that they can outsmart this ancient and clever race.


The Courts ~ There are many factions of fairies throughout Pandeum, but they are often called to serve one of two great fairy courts; the Seelie and the Unseelie. Although there are many differences between the courts, they are truly separate by their approach of the outside world. The Seelie tend to more curious of the outside world and are considered more benevolent by the other races, although they are still mischievous and temperamental. The Unseelie, at their best, are vaguely interested in or indifferent towards outside world. At their worst, they can be extremely cruel. Over the millenniums, these proud houses have warred time and time again, only for Grandmother and the other Faces to intervene at the last possible moment. Each court is ruled by a High Queen with lower monarchs, ladies, and lords to supply her with resources.

High Queens ~ The High Queens have absolute authority over their courts and are able to command their subjects to do anything they please, however, most have avoided this totalitarian approach for fear of being overthrownAny creature of the Enchanted Forest may challenge the High Queen for her throne through use of the Shee Gaell or Fairy's Wager. They may challenge the queen to games of wits, luck, or magical combat. If the queen loses the wager, she must vacate her throne and relinquish all power to her successor.

The Fair Folk are matriarchal in nature, with fertility and femininity representing power. Because of this, High Queens and other fairy women in power tend to keep a large amount of lovers to ensure at least one or two pregnancies in their long lives. There has only been two High Kings in fairy history.

Lower Monarchs, Ladies, and Lords ~ These more direct leaders of the Fair Folk rule over fairy provinces and factions throughout Pandeum. They generally take a more active role in the lives of their subjects than the High Queens and possess a majority of the resources that the High Queen depends on. Although their queen can ultimately demand anything of them, tradition allows a Fairy Lord or Lady to withdraw their support whenever they like.

Fairy Oracles ~ Each chosen by a King of the Wild, the Oracles are the respected and revered spiritual leaders of their communities. Their abilities of divination and premonitions serve any who seek them, although payment will always be demanded.

Fairies are often left by their leaders to do as they please and their rules are rarely enforced. The only laws in place are to prevent more war from breaking out between the courts and the various factions under them.

Name of Kingdom/Empire:
The Kingdom of Grimmshire

Although a predominately human society, the small kingdom of Grimmshire is known to be extremely open and accepting of outsiders. They are fairly diverse with people of nearly every race and ethnicity within Pandeum. Despite this, the people of Grimmshire are wary of the Fair Folk, as the two societies have a long and complicated history. Despite not having laws discriminating against or limiting the rights of Changelings, they are often distrusted by the people of Grimmshire.

Grimmshire is located on the edge of the Enchanted Forest and also near a number of mines rich with precious metals and stones. Because of this, many jewelers and metal workers travel far and wide to study under the master smiths and lapidaries of Grimmshire. Besides their jewels and metal workings, this kingdom is also famous for its expeditions into the Enchanted Forest, from which it obtains many rare and magical materials for trade.

Grimmshire is currently ruled by Aros the Summer King, the changeling bastard of the late King Icarus and the Fairy Queen Maeve, with assistance from a council of advisors. There is resistance from a vocal few who detest a changeling king and the growing fairy prescience following him into the kingdom.

Very few Faces of the Oakborn have any true power. The Oakborn's duties have been picked up by Grandmother and the Kings of the Wild, the four most powerful Faces. The rule over the forest and power over the Oakborn's realms passes between the four kings with the changing of the seasons.

The Green Woman rules during the spring. The Green Woman is considered the kindest of the Kings and most flourish under her rule. She is considered the mother of the Enchanted Forest and will never turn away a creature in need. However, her wrath should be avoided at all costs.

The Stag rules during the summer. This King is characterized by a love of parties and by his palpable sensuality. He can often be found drinking, dancing, fighting, or seducing mortals. He is known for his prideful and larger than life personality.

The Raven rules during the fall. A clever godling, the Raven is fond of trickery and games of wits. She can often be found tinkering with the affairs of others or simply watching mortals with intense fascination.

The Snow King rules during the winter. The Snow King is disinterested in most things and spends most of his rule locked away in his frozen castle. On his rare outings, his stoic and cold demeanor is considered frightening.

So begins...

The Oakborn's Story


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Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Devi the Peace Bringer Character Portrait: The Breeder Character Portrait: Kassius
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Grandmother and the Green Woman - The Enchanted Forest

“Unyielding is my rage.” The Green Woman shook her head defiantly, several butterflies and honeybees fluttering up from her wild hair. “The Green Skin Termites gnaw at my woods.” Her eyes flashed with all the rage of a forest fire. Her fists were clenched on Grandmother’s table, moss and vines growing where her flesh made contact with the surface. “Whether by beast or thorn or hunger or rot, death will come for each Green Termite in my forest.”

“Even termites have their place, my dear.” Grandmother’s dress skimmed the ground as she walked around the table, setting down a loaf of bread and bowl of cream before her guest. She made her way to another chair and as she sat, her bones creaked and groaned like the limbs of the Great Oak.

“Not these termites.” She leaned back into her chair, orange and blue flowers blooming from her shoulder blades. “They eat and eat until they are eaten.” Although the goblins had the Unseelie Queen’s blessing to tear down her trees and build their metal monstrosities, the Green Woman would have the final say. They were disgusting, but the king had to admit they were resilient. Even after she drained the goblin lands of plant life, their thirst for conquest remained insatiable.

“Goblins aren’t the ones suffering.” Grandmother’s voice became stern, her eyes as hard as stone. “Your famine will push all of Pandeum to the brink of chaos.” Dull aching pain flared up in her joints. She cracked her spindly fingers in an attempt to relieve herself. “I have seen it.” Grandmother leaned back in her chair, letting out a disappointed breath. “Children will suffer.”

“Children need not fear me.” The Green Woman sat up, a snarl on her lip.

“Children are starving.” Grandmother waved her hand over the table, images of emaciated corpses carving themselves into the wood. “You have taken their fruit and their grain. When the last of their cattle die from hunger, you will have taken their meat and milk and hides. And that is only the beginning.” The carvings cracked and changed, showing pillagers with weapons raised and families butchered for bags of grain. Grandmother sighed. “Hunger tends to bring out the worst in mortals.”

A tear rolled down the Green Woman’s cheek, but her features remained hard. “My judgement is hard, but justified.”

Grandmother slammed her hand on the table. “How? Why would you punish the world for the crimes of the goblins and the Unseelie?”

“They all have lost respect!” The Green Woman rose suddenly, causing the insects in her hair to swarm ferociously. “They have left the earth scorched and rivers poisoned. They fall entire forests and erect idols of iron and steel.” Her voice rumbled and Pandeum shook form the withering fields of the Republic to the blood stained plains of the Kurnosian Hordes. She walked towards the doorway, flowers blooming from the ground with each step she took. She turned back to Grandmother, sorrow in her eyes. “They have forgotten, but will remember that The Wilds bend to no mortal.” And with that, the Green Woman was gone.

Grandmother shook her head, reaching across the table to grab the bowl of cream. She drank it as fast as she could, wiping some dribble from the corner of her mouth after it was empty. She sighed loudly, sending a gust of wind throughout the Enchanted Forest. Her voice rode the breeze, sending her message to every god in Pandeum.

"I'm sorry, but the famine will not end today."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Devi the Peace Bringer Character Portrait: The Breeder Character Portrait: Kassius
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Kurnos well, he sat in a quiet giggle, as quiet and as cute he could be. Seated upon one of the bleached pillars he gazed out at seemingly absolutely nothing. Small ponds of different views circling him, they all displayed different things, one was of a burning hamlet, another on an orc who had recently escaped his slavers, now surrounded by the men and preparing to face them down. Kurnos one bright pupil glanced at the different images, but only a passing one. He was staring out over the empty landscape, thought filling him until his voice finally rung out across his domain. Of course, there wouldn't be any one to listen, atleast not to his knowledge.

"The mother is mad, angry, wrathful. Suppose I'm not the only one who's proud of her. Putting down her foot like this, it's rather impressive, who'll pay her a visit in order to make idle threats, and lowly attempts at deals? I'll play the rebellious role" He chuckled, that was a rather amsuing thought considering how much she held onto her motherlike tendencies "They will endure, I know that, and they know that I know that, of course at the cost of others, wonder if they'd try and reason with, me"

He swung his arm up, immediately shattering one of the small visions, making it dissipate around his arm like mist."Now that, that'd be foolish" Placing his other hand he took a nifty jump of the pillar, causing him to plunge down several hundred meters before hitting the blank polished marble floor with surprisingly enough not as much as a thud. He took a few strides towards another one of the pillars, still lost in thought.

The Black march was drawing near, the harsher the famine gets, the more ferociously will the hordes plunder. But perhaps, he should enact the March sooner, that'd certainly stirr the world, and make the Mother see the errors of her way...

Yogosh had been out for too long, he could practically hear Kazrak's nagging even though he had decided to stay in the capital,
"Someone needs to make sure they don't all kill eachother" as he said, and he was certainly right in that. The entire horde was in uproar, not like that was unusual, byt the sudden lack of food had forced practically most of the population to go out on raids. The few merchants who did have access to food definitely didn't think that Qaasal was the best place to start selling.

He himself, was aiding his people of course. Leading a warhost he was crossing Pandeum towards The Republic of Solaras, if there was one place with enough food, then it'd be there. With a roar he swung his cleaver of his back, pointing it towards the sky, immediately reinforced by many more raised weaponry.

This was interesting, the horde fought valiantly now, this wasn't to climb the heirarchy, it was to surivive.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian
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"I'm sorry, but the famine will not end today."

The breeze blew into the Grand Smith's shop through the open window, carrying this message. An elder man stopped his hammering on the forge, and looked outside his window, as if searching for answers. "The Green Woman's ire will divide the gods and mortals alike," the man sighed. He placed his current piece back into the forge and stood from his seat at the anvil. So, Archanian, what part will you play in the coming months, the God asked himself, scratching his bald head as if sorting his thoughts.

Archanian had seen many wars, famines, and massacres in his time, and though his art flourished during times of war, he never truly took pleasure in seeing disagreements scale into battles and armies. His thoughts then drift back to the rebellion among the Gods, the long nights at his forge crafting one deity or another some armor or weapon. While he enjoyed his work, and even added personal and individual touches to each beings piece, he never understood what would cause his fellow Gods and Goddesses to wield these arms against one another. Of course, there had always been squabbles, petty grudges and fights over some disagreement, but the scale of that war was incredible.

But, like all wars, it passed. The time of now is different, the Green Woman likely angered at the mortals' treatment of their world. They are interesting and innovative creatures, but they are indeed wasteful. In that regard, Archanian understood, and even agreed with the Oakborn, but starving them would only drive them to greed, war, and even more consumption, and henceforth waste.

And of course, among those affected would certainly be his Dwarves, though they keep surplus supplies stored for harsh moments, they would certainly fall under attack from others looking for those stores. "I must speak to the others, at least those who might listen," Archanian decided aloud. He turned then, and gathered his armor and axe.

"But who to begin with?"


"Everenda, mining expeditions already have a platoon of soldiers for this very reason, adding more would only-"

"Increase the expedition's defenses against raiding parties."

The Dwarven King Draggnan rubbed his eyes, irritated, "It would reduce the number of available troops here," he argued to his wife. "And if the goblins have gotten bolder in their attacks on our mining runs, what's to say they won't try the city?" Draggnan persisted. He loved his wife, truly, but she was as stubborn as any Dwarf.

"So you're suggesting that we leave those Dwarves who we depend on to mine in a position to be attacked more often, more violently, and more succesfully," Everenda said with a look of success on her face. She knew Draggnan couldn't leave his fellow Dwarf in the knowledge that he could have helped. The Dwarven King was pinned, he needed to be sure of the defense of his cities, but he couldn't let the mining clans continue to be forced into a retreat under goblin attacks. "Rongarr, post another platoon with every mining trip," Draggnan instructed his High General with a grumble of defeat.

Later in the day, after the King and Queen had retired to their chambers, Draggnan sat wondering what would cause this sudden aggression...well, increase in aggression from the goblins. While it's true that their races had never gotten along, the ferocity and frequency of attacks have increased in recent times. What would be the cause, he wondered.

"Draggnan!," his wife's voice tore him from his thoughts. "What's wrong? You're not still upset about earlier, are you?" Everenda asked, moving to sit next to her husband. The King chuckled at that, "No, no, you made a fair point. What worries me is why the goblins have become so aggressive as of late."

Everenda thought for a moment, "Well, they could have a new leader, or be running short of supplies, or possibly they just need to get some irritability out. They're goblins, honey, they don't require much need to do anything." Draggnan supposed those were all possible, but he wanted to be sure. "I need to know, the security of the Dwarven people depends on my being informed. Everenda, my love, I'm going to travel to the surface," the King said, as he stood and moved to gather his things. "Draggnan, there's no need to endanger yourself like that," his wife argued. He knew she would, "Everenda, I need to know what is happening on the surface to cause the goblins to act like this. And as much as I trust the scouts, I feel as though I am called to the surface, as if there's something that I'm supposed to see, or find."

So it was decided, Draggnan donned his armor, sharpened his axe, and enlisted a few Royal Guards to accompany him. He kissed his wife goodbye, and began his journey to the surface.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: The Breeder Character Portrait: Kassius Character Portrait: Dolores Character Portrait: Kurnos, Keeper of Undeath
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 Initially, Dolores was frustrated by the childish tantrum that led to this most recent Famine. With crops failing to grow through the land, everyone was feeling the pressure even her cultists. However, Dolores did not voice her displeasure. No, she was much more patient than that. As she had done since creation, she spectated and as the time past and the chess pieces moved on the board, the Dark Lady saw the error in her initial judgement. There was little threat to her own followers by this famine. Sure, the price of food went up but her cultists, many of whom were actually the wealthy and influential nobles of nations, displayed their cunning. They flaunted their wealth and purchased grain. They continued to purchase it, in bulk, in it’s purest form and in less quality bags with bugs still in them. And, through Deleites, she encouraged them.

“Grain will be worth more than Gold and Diamonds, buy it all and hoard it to yourselves!” He would exclaim.

“Travel to the more fortunate lands where it is dirt cheap, buy it in bulk and return to your homes but do not share your newfound fortune! Guard it jealously! We shall outlast this calamity with full bellies and then we shall sell! We shall replace entire oceans with the coin we will earn at the end!”

It was impressive, what mortals would do to preserve their own comfort, to better themselves and only themselves. Yet there was an issue. As the days went on, banditry rose. Dolores did not care for her followers in that sense, some of the bandits were employed by them to aid them acquire the goods without having to actually pay for them! However with more and more people succumbing to starvation, it would not be long before the nations used force to acquire the means to sustain their people. Perhaps Dolores was really a Fox made into a God? For even this she sought to manipulate.

Her people purchased their grain cheapest from the Republic. Solaras was not completely unaffected by the famine but they were always the agricultural powerhouse of the known world. If anyone had a surplus of food in a time like this of course it was them. Dolores could see them, the Republic of Solaras, looking out from behind their borders, jealously guarding a steadily dwindling surplus of food while their neighbors starved. She imagined soon enough, they would restrict the trade of crops to extend their own supply. Now would anyone dare to battle them? Of course. Desperation brought out the worst and the best in mortals.

With a motion, the husk known as Deleites appeared before her. It collapsed to its knees and she, a masked shadow, moved towards him. “Dark Lady...what is your bidding?”.

“Inform the Cultists of a vision you had from me, tell them soon the markets of foreign nations will not permit them to purchase. They will try to hoard what is left for themselves and those that run out first will go to war. A war may be on it’s way even as we speak
 We shall see what I can make of it.”.

The Husk, with it’s head still facing towards the ground, responded to her. “I will tell them your words, M’lady.”.

With Deleites gone, the Lady of Dark Delights set out to put her plan into motion. She must first delay any conflict that would deter the profiteering of her followers for as long as she could while at the same time ensuring that the continuation of the Famine to an extent. It was a delicate balancing act she was performing. War was unavoidable if the famine persisted and once that occurred her plans may become complicated. However if the famine suddenly ended, her followers may not be able to maximize on profit. Surely this was something that would be easier with allies and allies she would seek out. First she would go to those most likely to listen to her, those who despite having different views from her, shared common ground in allegiance.

The ones who, like her, were portrayed as evil. Palchard, an unpredictable God whom despite his lack of consistency, Dolores was quite fond of him. Perhaps he could be convinced to aid her in her endeavor. Then there was Breeder. Dolores and him had no quarrels that she could recall but she was also did not recall them really working together in anything either. It was only natural once one analyzed them why this was so. Dolores normally only spectated and went with the flow of whatever it was that transpired and in the long term, Entropy would see his experiments come to an end... Breeder Argan preferred a much more hands on approach compared to her and was too enamored by his breeds to see the grandness of the end game as she did. If she wanted to collaborate with him, she would need to discover his desires and appeal to them. Lastly and perhaps her least favored option was Kurnos. Undeath was a concept that betrayed Dolores’s purpose. Kurnos never truly proceeded in his matters in such a fashion as to directly oppose Dolores but the potential was there. If everything came to an end...Undeath could make a new beginning... It was because of this possibility that she heralded him as her second biggest threat, the larger one being the Creator God, Archanian. Yet perhaps...if only this once...Undeath and Entropy could see eye to eye?

Dolores prepared her messages. Each God in question would receive one and she would see them, if they permitted, according to how they responded.

To the God of Mischief:
“Palchard, my dear, have you found sufficient amusement during these ‘famined’ times? I believe I have stumbled upon something very amusing but I would require your aid if I wished to truly enjoy this. I am certain you too would delight in the mischief that will follow.”

To the Breeder Argan:
“Breeder Argan. Did you leave us for good, I would surely hope not for no good would come of it
 A childish tantrum has caused a most unpleasant Famine in the mortal realm, as I am sure you know. Yet I and mine do not know the meaning of suffering nor are we inconvenienced by the foolishness of the lesser Liar Gods...if you so wished I could make it so you too gained much from this but if you are not interested, I’ve no quarrels with not sharing the fruit of my labour.”

To the Keeper of Undeath:
“ doubt this famine is a weight upon the backs of your followers but I have a proposition. My followers do not suffer despite the great suffering that has befallen the mortal realms. Instead, they saw an opportunity and are making the most of it and in hopes of exploiting this as much as possible, I seek to collaborate with you. Perhaps this plan of mine may not seem suitable for you at first but I assure you, once you know of all it’s details, you will see what will be lose will be severely outweighed by what we gain.”

It was then that Dolores heard the words of the Oakborn. “I am sorry, but the famine will not end today.”

“I see nothing but Good coming from this. Perhaps not in the coming days but surely the mortals will learn from this
” She encouraged. “Stay on course, Face of the Oak...not all of the Gods can see as far as we can


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Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Kassius
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The Green Woman - The Enchanted Forest

"The Sun seems to lack warmth today."

The Green Woman sat on a throne of tangled vines and roots. The realm around the two gods was overgrown and wild with tall grass that seemed to swallow the legs of Kassius. The air hummed with insects and all manner of creature that scurried about the ground. Large dryads watched the Sun Bearer with suspicious eyes, their limbs groaning as they swayed in the subtle breeze. Although their faces remained beautiful, their forms were twisted and their bark seemed rotted and scarred by axe blades. Two stood rooted behind the Green Woman, grumbling quietly and wielding broken branches as clubs in their gnarled hands.

A small smile formed on the King's lips, but her emerald eyes were dulled and hollow of their usual joy. "No pleasure is taken in the hunger of the Sun Folk. They have fed and turned the earth. They have been kind to me." She sighed, resting her head against a patch of moss. "But kindness has domesticated the soil and the trees." The Green Woman shook her head. "I am the King of the Wild and over all growth I reign. I am angered by Pandeum's treatment of my realm and all of Pandeum will suffer until wrongs have been made right."

Aros the Summer King - The Enchanted Forest

Unlike the rest of Pandeum, the Enchanted Forest remained as lush and green as ever. Among the dancing fairy lights and vibrant flowers was a golden stag trotting through the Garden of the Seelie Court. When the creature came upon a ring of blue toadstool, it sniffed at the ground. A flurry of golden leaves swirled around the deer and, when they cleared, only Aros remained. "Are you sure this is the entrance?"

"Yes, my love. The Seelie Queen will receive you." The voice of the Stag floated on the wind. "Be cautious. Your grandmother may ask everything of you."

"I know, I know." The breeze came in from behind Aros and, for a moment, he could feel thick arms wrapping around his waist. A smile came to the king's lips. "Thank you, my love." Aros stepped into the ring and, in a flash of color, he found himself in the great hall of the Seelie Court.

A horde of fairy nobles watched him intently, whispering amongst themselves. Before him was Freya Eldertree, the High Queen of the Seelie Court. The finest spider silks flowed from her body onto the floor and an ornate helm rested on her head. Aros fell down on one knee and lowered his head. "Greeting, High Queen Freya."

The queen sat in silence for a moment, her stare washing over Aros like a cold tide. Her face, like most fairies, was relatively unmarked by time, but her silver eyes revealed the centuries of life she had lived. "Greetings, Grandson." A small smile came to her lips. "It has been far too long." She leaned closer, squinting her eyes at the changeling. "Last time I saw you, you were a young runaway. Look at the man you've become."

"I was a child then." He smiled at her, rising from the floor. "Now, I am a king."

"Ah, yes. I assumed this wouldn't be a social call." Freya nodded to him. "What would you ask of me?"

Aros took a breath and silently prayed to the Stag for luck. "The Green Woman's famine is ravaging the world outside the forest, including Grimmshire. I have deployed a large portion of our army to help protect the Republic and my best magicians are attempting to reverse the harshest effects of the famine." He attempted to read her expression, but saw nothing but her cool composure. "I am asking the Seelie Court to assist the outside world in this time of turmoil. Grimmshire is vulnerable to raiders, specifically from the Goblins and their Unseelie allies." Freya scowled. "I ask you to protect my people while I am away and for any assistance you can lend me in relieving the suffering this famine has caused."

Freya seemed to ponder the request, tapping her finger against the armrest of her throne. Finally, she spoke. "Would this benefit the Seelie in any way?"

"Honestly?" Aros shook his head. "I cannot guarantee anything. All I can give you is my support should the Unseelie come for your kingdom."

Freya let out a small chuckle. "At least you're honest." She shook her head and sighed. "I will assist the outside world. I will deploy some of my forces to assist in protecting your kingdom and you may have access to any fairy knowledge you may need in your pursuits." She paused. "However, should the Unseelie or the Green Skins make an attempt on my lands, you will abandon all other efforts and focus solely on assisting us."

Aros nodded. "We have a deal."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Dolores
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Palchard - Mania - Castle Deliria - Throne Room

"Oh! What fun it is to see a slaying come to-night!!" He sung as he laid back in his throne, suspended in mid air. The God of Mischief peered through a vision that lies before him like a TV screen. There, he saw millions of random acts of violence and misfortune between mortals of all shapes and sizes, races and creeds. This famine had certainly placed many down the path of madness, and oh, what a joy it was to see his very will be done by so many others, not including his Goblins. Palchard merely laughed and laughed some more as he saw a man kill an entire family just so he could feed his own. He could almost cry it was that glorious.

As he and his throne twirled in mid-air, the Mad God held out his goblet for it to be refilled. An Imp, carrying a pitcher of wine, flew on tiny wings next to his demented Lord to pour him a glass. Despite being upside down the liquid flowed neatly into the cup defying what gravity would deem impossible. But ignoring such laws of physics is commonplace in the Realm of Mania, nothing is what it seems and contrary wise everything is what it seems. Partaking in his beverage of choice, Palchard continued to watch as madness began to seep into every corner of Pandeum.

"Hail, Lord Palchard! God of Mischief! King of the Black Carnivale, Master of All Mayhem!" The very call echoed throughout the wall-less room. Palchard peers from the corner of his eye to see the flamboyant dancing of one of his Hellequins. Dressed in what looked like a full white body suit with markings based on poker card suites. His face was covered but the slits for the eyes and mouth were dark like the abysses of Apocaleam, as his mouth extended into an exaggerated demonic grin. "What do you want? Can you not see that I am in the midst of my entertainment?" Palchard responded with a less than amused tone.

"Apologizes my Lord but a message comes from the Goddess of Entropy." He chuckled. Palchard swung upright and around to face his hellish servant. "Ah, really know? What does Dolores want with me?" He asked as he held out his free hand. The Hellequin tossed the letter that Palchard effortlessly catches. He places his goblet down as he opened the letter with his sharp finger nail. The Clown-Faced God read the letter as he rubs his pointy chin in intrigue. "Hm, should I respond I wonder?" He asked to himself. Palchard then absent-mindedly looks at his wrist for a wristwatch he doesn't even own. "Why not!? I have all the time in the world!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA!!!!" He proclaims. He then tosses the letter back to the Hellequin returned in the same manner as before he opened except this time it contains his response.

"Send this message to dear Dolores and don't be a moment too soon." He ordered. His servant then bowed before twirling and leaping away. Palchard then turned in his seat to continue watching the chaos unfolding in the Mortal Realm. Soon Dolores will be informed of his answer as the new message reads,

"Dearest Dolores,

Many thanks are in order! Not many would be so kind as to write, well, something kind to one such as I. Though that hardly bothers moi, after all people write many an amusing thing when upset. Yes, I am quite amused at the turmoil befalling the Realm of Pandeum, quite exquisite madness occurs when one is feeling hungry, as I am sure you've noticed my Dark Lady. I hope to hear your response soon, Dolores, for I am most curious to see what Mischief you seek to wrought.

Sincerely Mad,

Palchard, God of Mischief."


Goblin Camp - Enchanted Forest - Pandeum

On the far ends of the Enchanted Forest the sounds of industry could be heard roaring throughout the green wood. There, large pillars of smoke slither above the forest canopy as the smell of pollution begins to taint the air. Within the thick of it are the Goblins causing rampant deforestation as more and more soldiers begin to invade the once, tranquil woodlands, with swords and machines. Yet deeper within the woods lies one of the many forward camps, here, many Goblin warriors and laborers work the land as they seek to make an exit route for the inevitable invasion of Grimmshire.

"Work and toil, work and toil, work and toil! Bah! I've grown rather tired of work and toil, how about you!" Asked a Goblin woodcutter. "Aye! All of this work has become a wretched, bloody bother!! We fell trees, saw trees, and ship trees from camp to camp and for wot? To see more bloody trees spring up from the very roots we've cleaved!?" Respond the Goblin next to him. "Quite right, quite right. We've been at this miserable camp for three bloody weeks with nothing to show for it!!!" The Goblin shouted. "Oi! Shut it or I'll send you for a right flogging!!!" Shouted their Hobgoblin taskmaster as he whipped the two. "Right, right, we are sorry, quite sorry!" The Goblins squealed resuming their tireless work.

Elsewhere in the camp more chatter is being exchanged by the many Goblin soldiers. "To be honest mates, I haven't the foggiest idea wot the Goblin King is thinking working with the Fairies." A Hobgoblin speaks around the campfire. "Oi, shut it. Don't let the Captain hear you question the King, lest you're seeking to have your head chopped off!" The Soldier next to him speaks. "I know, I know but hear me out mates. I understand we need more resources because of this bloody famine but ally ourselves with the Fairies!? And, no, I don't care if they are Mum always told me to never trust a Fairy!" He finished. "Aye, I don't like it much either but we need these lunds lest we starve." Another Hobgoblin spoke.


"I don't like scouting out here in the Dark Forest....I swear these trees are moving." A Goblin spoke. "Of course they move! They are growing aren't they!?" A Goblin shouted. "I bloody know that! Wot I mean is they move just like we do! Walking on legs they are!" He exclaimed. "Bah! You are so gullible, believing in Fairy Tales! Trees don't move like people do." A Hobgoblin spoke belittling his Goblin comrade. "I ain't so sure of it. I know I saw a meadow when we first got 'ere, now it's gone!" "It's because all the trees look the same, trust me, patrolling a lund with looks that don't change will mess with your head after a'while." The Hobgoblin reassured. "Well, I still don't like it...who knows what's lurking in those woods." The Goblin spoke with reservation.


Goblin Outpost - Abandoned Underground Mine - Pandeum

Deep beneath the Earth, there is a battle raging underground between the Dwarves of Milsgaan and the Goblins of Zzyx. Thus far it's been a war of attrition, with the Goblins steadily pushing in on Dwarven territory. Unfortunately for them the Dwarves are a sturdy and stubborn bunch that won't give in even in the face of death. Yet the Goblins have set up a major outpost in one of the many mines they have claimed from the Dwarves. Here, they've been gathering what riches they could find and have forward them to other outposts on the surface. Just as soon as more gold and jewels have been sent, a steady supply of soldiers have come in it's place. Soon, they will push the offensive and try to dig deeper till they reach the mining city of Deepwreach.

"Oi, have you head about wot's been going on, on the surface?" The Hobgoblin asked his fellow guardsman as they patrolled the rampart. "Aye, I've heard the Goblin King has allied himself with the bloody Fairies." He responded. "It must be some kind of joke right? Never would the Goblin King ally himself with any bloody Soft Skin, 'specially the Fairies." "Hmph, it must be dark days indeed if we need Fairies to help conquer more lunds." The Hobgoblin grumbled. "Do you think we'll have to pull out because of it?" The Guardsman asked. "No, the Goblin King wants what the Dwarves have more than anything! No way would he abandon this conquest altogether!" "You're right, stupid question of me to ask."


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Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Kassius
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Maeve Blackward, High Queen of the Unseelie Court

As an elderly fairy lord hobbled before Maeve’s throne, an unnatural smile curled the queen’s lips. She swirled a goblet of cream in her hand, the contents churning like a violent white sea. A large raven was perched on her shoulder, watching as the old fairy kneeled.

“Greeting, High Queen Maeve.” The lord’s yellowing front teeth stretched far past his top lip and were razor sharp. He looked up at her through the large obsidian orbs sitting in his sunken face. His robes, although they were of the finest silk, were torn, tattered, and faded.

“Lord Understar.” She nodded towards him and raised her drink. “I am honored to receive a legend among the Unseelie.”

As he chuckled, Understar wheezed slightly. He rose, his ancient bones cracking as he stood. “Thank you, my queen. But it’s been centuries since anyone has thought of me as a legend.”

“Nonsense.” Maeve waved a hand dismissively. Her eyes seemed to flicker with admiration. “When I was growing up, my mother told me of the Scourge of the Seelie. He who defeated all of her knights and nearly bested her in combat.”

“Honestly,” He smiled, revealing rows of pointed teeth. “At the time, Freya was young and untested in true combat. Even in my glory days, your mother as she is now would pound me into paste.”

Maeve smiled. Of course, she knew that to be true. Freya was one of the most powerful warriors either court had ever seen. Even Maeve, an incredibly powerful mage by any race’s standards, was swiftly defeated when she challenged her mother to a Shee Gaell. But, as humble as Lord Understar was, she could almost taste the magic emanating from his frail form. The raven flapped its wings, its feathers brushing against Maeve’s cheek. Her smile seemed to widen. “Lord Understar, do you know why I called you here today?”

Understar sighed, as if he had been hoping to avoid the subject. “I’m assuming you aren’t pleased with my critiques.”

“I believe you said, ‘Conquest is a game of humans and lesser beings’.” Maeve tilted her head slightly, her raven affectionately rubbing itself against her. “You seem to have many opinions.”

The old fairy nodded. “I have lived a long life, your Majesty.” He stared at the floor before the queen, averting his gaze from hers. “The Fair Folk are not suited for conquest or war. We have tried, but it does nothing for us. Such things should be left to the Green Skins and the Scaled Folk.”

Maeve nodded, seemingly taking in the information. She sipped her cream, allowing it to linger for a moment before swallowing. “I value the opinions of my subjects.” Her features were soft, but her eyes burned into Understar like iron. “Would you like to come onto my council? I appreciate honest voices." She smiled again. “Especially when they come from legends.”

Understar seemed stunned, but managed to gather his wits quickly enough. “I-I would be honored, your Grace.” He bowed his head and placed his hand over his heart.

“Excellent.” She stood up, sending the raven perched on her shoulder away with a flutter. “There will be a council meaning in the morning. I look forward to hearing your voice among the rabble.” After Lord Understar was escorted out by an Unseelie knight, the voices of her daughters rang out to her ears.

“Mother, how long must we suffer that old fool?”
“I’d love to mount his head on our wall! It’ll look lovely over the throne.”

Panic and Spite emerged from the shadows, dragging the remains of a young hunter who ventured into the forest seeking food for his family. They plopped down onto the stone floor, cackling and jeering as they played with his innards, only breaking from their fun to complain to their mother.

“Patience, girls.” The Unseelie Queen slowly turned her head towards her daughters. She smiled warmly at them, her eyes full of reassurance. “Understar will be dealt with, as will the rest of our enemies.”

“And there will be slaughter?” Panic asked eagerly, squeezing the lung she had in her hands with excitement. Blood flowed onto the dark stone floor beneath her.

“Yes, my dear.” The faintest smile tugged at Maeve’s mouth. “With the goblins by our side and the famine ravaging the realms beyond the Forest, there will be countless bodies to tear into.”

Panic and Spite squealed with joy as Commander Dullahan, a large fairy man with white hair and charred spikes growing from his skin, silently entered the room.

“Go play with your corpse elsewhere.” Maeve said abruptly, waving her hand to dismiss them. The two scurried out, giggling as they dragged their toy behind them. The queen looked back to Dullahan, an impression of interest flickering across her face. “What news do you bring?”

“The goblins are making significant progress on their war machines, but they’re having difficulty cutting a path through the forest.” Dullahan kept his hand on the hilt of his blade, ever prepared for battle. “And the goblins may need help pushing forward in the Dwarven lands.”

Maeve sighed. “Use stronger enchantments the Goblins’ tools. Hopefully, they’ll prevent the trees from growing back. . .at least for a while.” She sipped her cream once more. “As for the Dwarven lands, send a party led by Monta Stonemother and Eban Lordkiller. Summon Slaughtersteed as well. I may have a mission for her.”

Dullahan’s brow furrowed. “Yes, my queen, but would the Goblin King appreciate you sending your troops without his permission?”

Maeve resisted the urge scoff. “Leave Gulbrand to me. I’ll send a raven to alert him of my intentions.” The Goblin King had proven more difficult to manipulate than she expected, however she believed she was close to tilting their alliance in her favor. She would allow him to conquer as much of Pandeum as he could, but when the right opportunity presented itself, the Unseelie queen would snatch everything they had built together.

But how could she take his place? No proper goblin would take orders from a fairy queen without good reason. Perhaps she would seduce him and bear his son. The thought of laying with a filthy Green Skin sent shivers down her spine, but it was a valid option. Another child would solidify her standing within the court and perhaps the changeling produced would eventually have some claim to the goblin throne. Maeve doubted that, as Gulbrand likely had many bastards, none of which he’d be keen to give his crown.

“You’re dismissed.” Dullahan bowed and left Maeve in the silent chamber. She brought her goblet to her lips again. The outside world had the concept of marriage. Could such a droll contract prove useful for the High Queen? If not for her, perhaps for one of her daughters. She smiled, practically radiant. Nothing was more beautiful, or as dangerous, than a fairy with an idea.

Aros the Summer King - Solaris

A golden sparrow descended into the city of Solaris, flying in through the window of a building bustling with mages hard at work. Sleep deprived and stressed, they scoured over ancient texts and texted various elixirs and potions on boxes of dead wheat.

The sparrow landed on a stone table, before a beautiful fairy woman wearing a horned helm. She rolled her stormy eyes at the bird. “Hope you received some useful information.” She rubbed her temples and gave a small groan. Although she was a powerful fairy, she was obviously at her wits end. “Nothing has worked for us.”

“Moira, you look a wreck.”  In a flash of feathers, Aros sat on the table with his legs crossed, a pleased smile on his lips. “Luckily, my grandmother and her court were quite helpful. In addition to placing a curse on Grimmshire that prevents the Unseelie or Goblins from stepping foot in my kingdom,” He ran his fingers through his hair, golden flecks of magic sparking from his hands. “She helped me find a fertility spell called the Song of Earth and Sun. Although the original version depends on evoking both Kassius and the Green Woman, I think  we can ammend it to call on the Stag's strength.”

Moira leaned back in her chair, closing her eyes in an attempt to replenish her energy. “The Stag is weak right now.” She sighed once more. “I doubt any of the Kings could stand up to the Green Woman right now. Even Grandmother.”

“We may have to wait until the summer is closer.” Aros hopped down from the tabled. “But I believe the Stag and the Sun Bearer have at least enough power to lift the famine over the Solarian fields.”

“But what about the rest of the world?” The Oracle shook at her head. She struggled to fight against the allure of sleep. She had been working tirelessly for weeks and it was catching up with her. “What would happen if only the Republic has grain?”

“Well, I have another solution that I wanted to save for Cyrus.” Aros leaned against the table, a smirk spreading across his face. “But what if we tamed the Green Woman?”

Moira’s eyes shot open and cocked a brow. “How in the world would we do that?”

“Simple.” A wicked smile curled the corners of his mouth. “The power of her name.”

Devi the Peace Bringer - Swarga Loka

Their prayers drifted to Devi in the smoke of incense and the ringing of chimes in the air. So many needed a mother to protect them, especially in these harsh times. Before the goddess was a plate full of offerings. Rings, bracelets, necklaces, and coins. Pretty things tended to lose their value to mortals when their stomachs were empty. Devi took in a deep breathe through her nose.

“Peace Bringer, please protect my family and field from thieves.”
“Mother of Justice, help me avenge my sister’s death.”
“Devi, Slayer of Evil, destroy those savage hordes before they destroy our city.”

“Apologies, my lady.” A monk entered the room and bowed to the goddess. “The Smith is here to see you.”

Slowly, Devi open her eyes and smiled. “No need to apologize, my child.”

When the Goddess of Retribution emerged from her temple, she towered over Archanian. “Greetings, Creator.” She extended her two right hands. “It has been too long since we last spoke.”


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City of Winterfell: Hall of the High King

High King Ragnar had gathered all the Jarls and Jarlesas to the capital for a grand council.

"Ever since the end of winter the world has been in the sway of a terrible famine this council was asked for by the Jarl of Dragon's Fall. As you all know the Dragon Fall plains mark our southern border and is home to most of our farmlands. As such it has been hit the hardest...but I shall let the man speak for himself." Spoke Ragnar

The Jarl of Dragon's Fall rose gave the High King a bow and spoke. "I thank you my King and fellow Jarls. As you know my lands provide much for all of the Kingdom and this famine is destorying it all. Without my crop..."

"Without your crops we will still survive our hunters alone can feed us!" Interrupted another Jarl

"But what happens when the plants the animals eat die too?" Said another

"What about the priests? Should they not call on Astria?" Said another one.

"What can Astria do to help my farms?" Yelled the Jarl of Dragon's Fall

"You dare to question Astria?" Came a new voice.

The whole council turned to where the one know as The White Wolf stood in her human form.

The Jarl of Dragon's Fall turned white with fear as he spoke "Please...I didn't..."

The Jarl's words where cut short as a shard of sharpened ice was summoned by The White Wolf and hurled into his heart. "So to all who question the word of Astria." Stated the White Wolf. She then continued "Even now Astria goes to speak to her brother the winter face of the Oakborn in order to seek a way to appease the Green Woman. This is my word and my message from Astria."

Castle of The Snow King

Astria stood before her brother's castle and called out " Open the gates brother I must speak to you!" She hoped he would listen and help her.


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The Enchanted Forest

"And what will it take to make this right to you? The humans, dwarves, and other mortals who walk upon the earth cannot control the goblins or Kurnos' minions. You know as well as I do that mortal men live and die under judgement of their own actions, not others'. We have not punished mortals in this manner in an age," he told her reasonably.

The Sun God closed his eyes, feeling something arrive in his lands. He smiled. Good old, Aros. Such was the nature of beings of Summer, he noted in amusement. He looked at the Green Woman once more and his expression softened. He knew what he would do, though it may be this goddess will never forgive him. He strode forward, heedless of her minions' threatening actions. Few could harm the Lord of Light and Laughter.

"My dear, you are beautiful, even in your anger," Kassius told her with a wistful expression. He kissed both her cheeks before turning back, "I have neglected my duties long enough. Farewell, Green Woman."

And with that, he returned to bear the Sun across the sky with a flash of light.

Aros, may this message reach you with the rays of my light. You shall not find Cyrus in the Capital, but with his troops for he knows as well as I that evil stirs with this famine.


"Fine Arbor Gold, if you have it," the consul requested, recalling the drink that had often been exported to dwarven lands until now, "It has been long since I shared a cup with Draggnan."

He did not have to be kept waiting for long. Soon, the dwarf king was before him, all sense of decorum forgotten.

"You do your kingdom too little credit, my old friend," Crassus smiled at his old friend. He allowed himself to relax a little even as he offered him a cup of wine, "Few can match your craft on the surface or above the surface in Zephyrus."

His expression turned grim, however, as he gestured for one of his retainer to bring forward two chests.

"I bring news of the harvest, Draggnan. Behold, last year's," he announced as the first chest was open, a bushel of fair wheat magically preserved: thick, honey-brown, and healthy.

"And this year's," he announced, signalling for the second chest to be opened, revealing a fresh bushel of wheat: it was thinner, drier, and had not succeeded in ripening completely.

"The Green Woman has been terribly offended and so she has struck Pandeum with her vengeance. Merciful Kassius has shielded us from her wrath, but our harvest is no longer abundant. As the world starves and the Republic faces rationing for the first time in our history, the Senate has voted to restrict trade, retaining trade with only a certain few, you among them, until this famine ends."

He took a long sip of his wine, allowing his words to seek in.

"But the world will not sit idly by when we have food and they do not. War is upon us and the Princeps Civitatis, our Avatar Cyrus, already fights the first warbands. The Senate and the People of Solaris asks for your aid in whatever manner you may give it: weapons, armor, men, for the sake of our people's friendship."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: The Breeder Character Portrait: Dolores
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#, as written by darkune
Demon Outpost Kaedeth - Pandeum

Demons worked harder than they have in years building fortifications for the ruins, renamed Kaedeth. As the demons labored they quickly ran out of the thorny and sticky trees that were altered by the corruption. This problem however was quickly remedied by cutting down the unaffected trees surrounding the area. One by one the trees would fall, before their master quickly stopped them saying, "Plant three seeds for each tree you fell. I don't want to prompt the Oakborn's ire again."

"She would like to be referred to as "The Green Lady" this time of the year now. Lot of things have changed since you've been gone. Miana looked around as saplings were gathered and replanted by the demons, trying not to get on The Green Woman's bad side. "Surprising you want to give back more than you've taken, what sparked this change?" She prodded loving to see her masters patience running thin.

Argan didn't know why he took this abuse from his Avatar, knowing that he could just replace her with any other purebred demon. However she never would have approved of Miana's death, always trying to do what's best for Argan. The Breeder sighed looked over the forestry project and muttered, "Let's say I somewhat learned my lesson. Don't piss off the Oakborn unless you're absolutely ready." He hated talking about it with Miana, because he knew that she knows exactly what he's going to say. Frankly the two talked about it for thousands of years, but his rebellious daughter loved to twist the blade in his wounds.

Miana giggled, but quickly noticed her fathers disdain. She brushed her hands on his incredibly withered chest pulling him close to her. Her normal rebellious nature fizzled into a warm embrace of a lover. "She didn't even have to do battle with you last time. She tricked you." Miana tried to cozy up to her master, rubbing her forehead against the bony breastbone of Argan. Had The Breeder had eyes in his sockets they would have been rolling into his skull as he grunted from the embrace in annoyance. She looked up and gave a gentle smile and a deep gaze into the yellow corruption streaming from The Breeder's eyes saying seductively, "What do you need from me?"

"What makes you think I want a thing from you? You think a God among demons needs anything from his underlings other than respect and devotion?" Argan put a cold hand on her shoulder pushing her gaze from his. For some reason Miana had always been enamored with him, trying her best to get the old god to flirt and maybe eventually think of Miana eventually as he would her. However Miana never seemed to understand the dynamic that Argan once had with her. The two were never intimate in any way and the very idea was abhorrent to The Breeder. "Let me ask you, what do you think would happen? When I breathe or stick my finger on someone without intense preparation they become a corrupted husk of their former self. What would happen to the poor girl I bedded?" He broke the embrace as quick as he could, the very idea of being intimate disgusted him.

In demon society this practice was not totally uncommon, seeing as how their god formed all demons from elements and his own seed. The first demons were dark and monstrous beasts or demon women, the very first brood mother that formed was Miana herself. Miana was the thirteenth demon and even she was given seed from her master to form her first brood. However Argan could never stomach bedding a mortal, so he cursed Miana to give her children. To him this was the only way to raise pure blooded demons. He raised the first demons for a specific purpose, locking most of them away after they proved too rebellious. From the first thirteen, two were left uncaged; The Brood Mother Miana and her.

After minutes of thinking about his past Miana broke the silence with an angered huff saying, "Guess I never thought of it that way." Argan lost deep in thought was abruptly snapped out of his silence returning him to his normal cold and calculated self. He shook his head and started walking back to Kaedeth with Miana nipping at his heels. "So what next? Do we address The Green Lady?" Miana returned to prodding her master.

"I refuse to beg the Oakborn... The Green Lady for anything. I'm sure the other Gods are seeking her favor, so I want to show her what my people can do. We could burn the forests down, but that isn't in my nature. I was planning on showing her that the demons of Apocaleam know how to take care of their home. Hence why we plant three saplings for each tree that falls. If she still loves Pandeum, she will allow the saplings to grow." Argan once knew that the Oakborn was a hard God to appease in the old times. He thought back and remembered The Oakborn, before Argan left and their petty God war began, was more connected with the land than with the other gods. Hopefully she allows the trees to grow, mostly because the beings of the realm of magma were trying to rebuild more than take away.

Once Pandeum was full of chaotic creatures without much thought other than base instinct, these were technically Argan's first creations. However he hated them. As the other gods made mortal civilizations long since passed, Argan was stuck breeding new breeds of rabbits and horses that fed and were fed upon. It was an existence he found far too mundane and pathetic. Originally he was going to be the God of animals and variation, but this was a futile existence to him. So eventually he started to breed other creatures that were not fed upon, pure predators like wolves and dragons. While they could be trained slightly, these creatures were still very base in nature.

Luckily Argan discovered the gift of corruption and made the first monster that went berserk against the mortal civilization, but this time of pride for Argan became superstition as the ages passed. Even his "monsters", as the mortals called them, fed based purely on blood lust and this to was not enough for Argan. He finally realized it was not his technique of creating, but rather Pandeum itself that was making his mixture of mortal and monster so difficult to master. The soil was all wrong for making a demon and even the ash of Pandeum could only create a creature as base as an imp. So Argan did the logical thing and moved on to another realm, he had done his job for Pandeum and let nature take it's course thinking that the other gods could handle things.

So Argan created a pocket realm of ash and fire. A hellish landscape of sulfuric clouds and pools of molten lava, and he was finally proud of his work. Then of course the first thirteen were made and most locked away, but the other gods feared some of the thirteen greatly. They heard the creatures shrieks even in Pandeum, and even Argan grew fearful of their powers of destruction. Argan locked them away from all prying eyes and dubbed the, "The Creatures of the End Times". While he loved his children, he knew that if he released them almost all life would be destroyed and Argan couldn't allow her to die that way.

"Argan!" Miana hollered to her father, snapping him out of another bout of remembrance. "You haven't spoken for an hour, and you've recieved a message from Lady Dolores. Here." She handed him a letter from the Goddess of Hedonism and Entropy, who always had something up her sleeves. He wondered how she was but didn't dare fall into the trap of visiting her realm. "You should draft something back!" Miana called after reading the letter over Argan's shoulder.

"Trust me, she has ulterior motives. Dolores never just wants to chat, didn't try a single time to visit me in Apocaleam. That being said I didn't visit her either, I tried to shut the man I was here away once I became a father." Argan smiled that toothy lipless smile and started to draft a reply.

To Lady Dolores:
I don't know exactly what it is you need from me or what your motives are, but I don't respond well over letters as I do in person. The only real questions I have is how do you expect to have me profit from my people's starvation? I've already had to establish a bastion in Pandeum to store food. What is it that you can do for me?"

"You. Take this back to her, she wont trick me again to going to that world of hedonism." He laughed and handed the note to the standing middle aged human looking fellow in purple that had delivered the message. Something was off about him, Argan could tell he was immortal but didn't see anything special enough about him to make him her avatar.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Devi the Peace Bringer Character Portrait: The Breeder Character Portrait: Kassius
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Devi ~ Swarga Loka

Devil pursed her lips. “Yes, the famine has caused much strife.” A weak smile came to her lips. “I almost receive more prayers now than when I had a nation.” She looked out to the open blue sky and sighed. “Walk with me, Creator.”

The Peace Bringer began walking, hoping that the smith would follow close behind. “War, both mortal and divine, hangs over us like a dark cloud. I am doing what I can to protect the innocent. Small things, mostly, like keeping farmers safe from wolves or giving strength to Republic forces in their battle with the Hordes.” She sighed. “After the death of the Deva, I believed that perhaps Pandeum didn’t need them anymore. Perhaps it was unwise to force peace upon the world.” She closed her eyes, seeing goblin war machines and draconian hordes. She could feel her name being evoked by an army beneath the waves. “But now, it is becoming clear that I was wrong. I released my avatar from her bindings.”

She looked over the edge of the mountain, staring into the dark abyss below. “Perhaps the Kingslayer will help push the world into peace.” She crossed her arms. “But the famine is a more complicated issue. If it were any other god threatening the world like this, I would have slain them.” She looked into Archanian’s eyes. “However, the Green Woman’s death would likely destroy all plant life on Pandeum and only throw the world further into chaos.”  

Suddenly, a darkness creeped up Devi’s spine. She looked at the shorter god, resisting the rage bubbling in her stomach like boiling water. The Breeder had returned and his foul creatures dared to step foot onto ground once sacred to her. How dare they? She thought for a moment of sending Kali to slaughter the corrupted rats, but even the Kingslayer couldn’t destroy an entire race singlehandedly, nor could she best a god as ancient and powerful as Argan. Regardless, the time for Devi to wipe them from the earth would come.

The Mother of Justice smiled her wrath and smiled at her guest.  “Now, my friend, what are your thoughts on these troubling times?”

Aros ~ Heartlands of Solaras

A large falcon circled above the Republic’s army and the River Timaeus, sunlight gleaming off of its golden feathers. As he descended onto the soldiers’ camp, Aros took a moment to thank Kassius. Without the Sun Bearer’s message, he would have wasted precious time.

He landed and, after a flurry of golden feathers and fur, a field mouse took the bird’s place. He scurried into Cyrus’ tent, waiting patiently for his opportunity. When Cyrus was alone and available, the Summer King let himself known. Golden blades of grass swirled around his little body until Aros transformed into his true form.

“Hope I didn’t catch you at a bad time.” He sat with his legs crossed, a mischievous smile on his face. He couldn’t help but be fond of Cyrus. Although his  fellow avatar could be a stick in the mud, under several stern layers of responsibility and duty was man of wit and humor. “My grandmother and the Seelie Court will help us. They’ll be defending Grimmshire so I can move more of my forces to the Republic. They’ve also provided me with quite a bit of valuable information.” He smiled. “There’s an ancient spell that may be able to lift the famine from your fields. Moira and my magicians are working to modify it to suit our needs, but we’ll have to wait to cast it until the Stag gains more strength.” He ran his fingers through his hair, sending a small flutter of fairy dust into the air. “There’s also a piece of old fairy folklore. It may not be true, but if it is-” A rare expression of seriousness came over the king's face. “It could ensure that this is the last famine that Pandeum ever faces.”

He stood, taking a step towards his ally. “The first fairies believed that by evoking the Oakborn’s true name, it was possible to bend any Face to one’s will.”

Monta Stonemother & Eban Lordkiller ~ Underground Goblin Outpost

As silent as the shadows creeping across the walls, a party of Unseelie knights entered the mines. Their leaders rode on stone golems, smiling as they came upon the goblin outpost. The grotesque little creatures panicked and screeched, some grabbing their weapons. A larger, more level headed beast demanded to know who they were and what their business was.

“Greetings, Toads!” Monta Stonemother, a beautiful and horrid woman, smiled as she called out to them. She scratched the top of her stone beast’s skull. “We were sent to assist in your efforts against the Wee Folk by Maeve Blackward, High Queen of the Unseelie Court and the most valuable ally to your king.”

Grandmother ~ Demon Outpost Kaedeth

“Devi would absolutely hate this.” Grandmother’s voice rode the wind, echoing throughout the halls of the former temple. She materialized behind Argan, silver haired and bare footed. The demons surrounding them, unaware of who the goddess was, made a panicked attempt to seize her. “Relax, children.”  A smiled played on her lips and her eyes gleamed with a childlike mischief. With a wave of her hand, every mortal in the room was transformed into a tree with outstretched limbs and roots burrowed into the ground. It was temporary and unnecessary, but Grandmother never missed a chance to be theatric. “The grown ups are speaking.”

She paced aimlessly, her eyes traveling around the room and her green dress skimming the temple floor. “The Peace Bringer will likely come to reclaim it, although she no longer has mortals to do so on her behalf.” She closed her eyes. Her sight traveled towards to Republic, settling on a happy old man floating above the ground and his companion, an annoyed woman carrying a spear in her hand. “Well, except for the Kingslayer. I suppose she could do quite a bit of harm if she set her eyes on this temple.”

Grandmother opened her eyes and smiled at her fellow god. “I wanted to welcome you back and thank you for the trees.”

The Snow King - Castle of the Snow King

The walls surrounding the Snow King’s fortress were made of solid ice and seemed to reach the skies. As Astria called out, a small section of the wall came down, giving her permission to enter. She would be escorted in by golems crafted from ice and snow.

In his throne room, the Snow King stood before a large mirror. In its reflection, he watched the Green Woman as she turned the earth against the mortals. He completely understood. If he had sole control over the winter, he would have starved the parasites out ages ago.

As Astria entered the room, he turned to her, a rare glimmer of affection in his eyes. “Greetings, sister. I hadn’t expected to see you until the winter.” A cold chuckled rattled from his throat. "I hope my other sister's temper tantrum isn't troubling you too much."


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Kassius Character Portrait: Kurnos, Keeper of Undeath Character Portrait: Symphonia
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The River Timaeus

Cyrus was reasonably proud of his legions. It wasn't an unusual feeling considering the great portion of his immortal life he dedicated to creating the framework of his legions. His men did not merely learn to fight. They learned to be a self-sustaining machine. Under the direction of the architecti, the soldiers were almost finished completing a fortified camp, a castra consisting of timber, earth, and ballistae placed at key points. Of course, the camp was kept under guard by three cohurts consisting of a hundred men, just incase. The horde would come face to face with the might of the civilized world and would fall just as they always did.

He looked up as a bird appeared in his tent and he smiled slightly.

"Hello, my old friend. No, you come just in time. I suspect we shall be under attack soon enough. Judging by the frequency pf the raids, the main host should be upon us any moment."

He smiled slightly at his offer of aid.

"Thank you."

He paused in thought as he listened to what he proposed. He gazed at his friend sternly.

"The Green Woman is an old and powerful goddess or part of a goddess... The Oakborn is ridiculously powerful. Even my own lord treads carefully with her. Out of love for his people, Lord Kassius will surely agree and if this can be replicated..."

"It is worth an attempt. But we must be cautious."


Lucius Pullo entered the tent with a salute.

"The horde is approaching. The Avatar of Kurnos is among them."

Cyrus nodded, not surprised at all at this development.

"Yogosh... Perhaps I will take his head today. Position the ballistae if they are not already. Position the men along the banks of the river, archers in front and ready to duck behind the legionairres. I want one cohort working double time on the camp. If they get across the river, I still want the terrain to favor us."

As he walked among the well-ordered chaos that was his legions preparing for battle, he spied a griffin in the sky. He raised an eyebrow, but said nothing. If the rider served who he thought, they wouldn't be a friend to the horde."

"Yogosh, you cowardly bastard! I see you there on that ridiculous throne? Do you challenge me to single combat then? Or are you too afraid to face me without your dim-witted barbarians?"

He gestured for a group of mages to freeze a narrow stretch of water from their side to theirs.. It was not an area of magic his people specialized in, but it was simple enough to learn how to freeze water or to keep it from freezing. He stepped in the middle of the walkway, sword drawn and shield ready.


"It is to be expected. Regardless, the Republic thanks you for your aid. I shall see about negotiating the details with your merchants," the Consul told the king with a smile.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Kassius Character Portrait: Astria
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Castle of the Snow King

"Unfortunately she is why I have come." Astria stated. "Even my lands are touched by this famine....mainly the farms of the south tundras though even the plants the animals eat withers and if the animals die that will cause the hunters to have no meat. I would have thought given our relation... and the fact that my people only ever take from nature what they need to survive the Green Lady would leave us alone. But seems this is not the case...the Jarls are restless some even pray for a Great Hunt to be called against the Republic
Astria sighed. "Luckily my Avatar has convinced them to send a peaceful delegation but if that fails I don't know how long I can hold off calling The Great Hunt."
Astria looked to her brother the Snow King. "I was hoping you could talk some sense into the Green Lady... at least to spare my lands from her wrath."

The border of Winterfell and the Republic

A Nord Priestess rode on a white horse. She has flanked on her left and right by mounted Nord warriors. Two on each side. Before her rode a Nord scout. Behind the group was a female Frost Giant.

"Ma'am we are about to cross the border" the scout called back

The group passed by a lonely Winterfell watch tower one of the border guards giving a "Good luck." As they passed by.

"How soon till we meet the Republic's border posts?" Asked the Priestess

"Not long ma'am." replied the scout as she pointed to a tower in the distance.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Devi the Peace Bringer Character Portrait: The Breeder
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#, as written by darkune
Pandeum - Demon Outpost

Argan sat silently in his study surrounded by a gaggle of unneeded demons trying their best to suck up to their father. Suddenly the room grew tense and the demons stood ready to fight. "Finally you're here Oakborn...." He said in a low voice as his children turned to trees around him, but found himself looking at a tiny frail version of the Oakborn. Something was off, Argan knew this form of the Oakborn but this wasn't the Oakborn themselves. "So they decided to split their personalities while I was away? I wouldn't do that, too many conflicts within myself." He laughed and started playing with the bark on one of his children.

Argan looked back at Grandmother and listened to her thank him for the rebuilding he had done. "I figured at least a small gesture from the demons could help the grand cause. Now I know that will never be enough to spare my people from this famine, but it's a start. Tell me, she's willing to sit by and let the creatures I created all those years ago die because she doesn't like the Goblins cutting down her forests? I slaved for years to breed all the different base creatures in this world and now we will let them die because of a conflict with a race of mortals? You know The Oakborn could kill each and every one of the goblins and any other mortal that went against her in a matter of a few days." The Breeder had worked so hard to create the creatures that the other god's creations fed upon and domesticated. Truly what was the point if a god was just going to starve them to death because they had a wild hair to do so? What was the point of any of creation if the gods were willing to let all of their creations die just to solve a dispute?

The Breeder sighed and turned around toward Grandmother and gave a smile that only a mother could love, mainly because The Breeder didn't have lips to form a smile. "Do you remember before I left? When you tried to convince me to be the God of Animals and Fire? Before I discovered my love of corruption?" He laughed remembering all of those years ago; before Apocaleam, before Argan's apocalypse of old, before she was even born. "I was so angry back then, so willing to tear this world apart to find her." He hadn't given up she was still a priority but what good was a family with not a single family member?

Argan look out over his small land, the corrupted land and temples in shambles from disuse. Then he remembered what Grandmother had said about Devi and how she would seek retribution. "She would seek vengence from me? For what moving in to a land that hasn't been inhabited for hundreds of years? I did my research, she doesn't even have a land base in this realm anymore. What should the temples be left for dust? Had this land remained unoccupied for the rest of time? You realize how silly that is don't you?" He laughed at the hilarity of it. Devi always thought she was greater than any god, that her will was final and eternal.

[color=#3333FF]"Devi the Bringer of Peace is always quick to forget her own hypocrisy. Willing to kill as many as she can just to prove a point to another god. Her duality is the formation of her hypocrisy, retribution and peace and two different sides to the same leaf. One represents peace, the other violence. How does that make her the goddess of peace?"
Argan huffed not understanding what the gods had grown into. Each ready to slit the other's throat for the lightest of gain in their own lives. What had this world turned to since he had left?

Had this situation been directly after her people's death Argan would have understood, but it had been years; the land overgrown, other territories encroaching, the temples falling apart. How long was Argan to let the land go to waste? When would it have no longer been Devi's land? She neglected it for years yet still had some sort of claim? If a parent beats their child do they get to claim them once their child is taken? It didn't make rational sense.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Dolores Character Portrait: Kurnos, Keeper of Undeath
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Palchard - The Palace of Pleasures - 6th Court

A slow clap could be heard in the distance. "Oh ho! What a sight this is!" Palchard chuckled. "It's a good thing I became rather bored waiting on your doorstep. This really is too sweet a sight to miss! Now if I didn't know any better...I'd say you two are getting rather chummy?" His smile stretched from cheek to cheek as he nonchalantly sat upon a ledge above the two Gods. "Oops! I hope I didn't interrupt, private?" He laughed as he suddenly disappeared. "Don't mind me now, I won't bother or pry...," the God of Mischief suddenly reappears as he placed his hands on his hips and saunters up to the pair in his curved-toe boots, "...Oh Kurnos, it's so good to see you come out of your armored shell! I mean truly, I understand! A God does get rather lonely and from time to time he needs to.....uh...consort, with another." He said as he nudged the God of Rage with his elbow.

"Though I must say you have rather interesting tastes my boy...but being the God of Undeath, I shouldn't be surprised that Necrophilia is what it takes for that thing between your legs, grow with...anticipation." He laughed out loud.

Palchard's devious eyes then turned to the Dark Lady. "And Dolores!" He then made a bow. "A pleasure as always!" He then looked up and took in a deep breath. "Ah! As usual your illusions are like a pleasant little daydream." He sighs. "Now, while it would be a certain...fantasy come true to see you tear into big, bad, Kurnos with such savagery, and trust me, the thought excites me," Then came a sudden pause. "Ahem! Now before our demons get the better of us, how about we take this little, rendezvous, back to your throne room, my Lady?" He suggested with a smile. "After all, I got your letter and I'm just dying to see where this might lead us!" He said with a laugh as he waved the piece of parchment around.

"After the both of you?" He spoke with his arm outstretched.


Goblin Outpost-Abandoned Mine-Pandeum

What the Goblins saw as a quiet end to another shift, were shocked when they heard the war horn blow. "Alright, yah maggots! It's time to fight the bloody Beardies!" Shouted their Captain. "Oi! Captain Rugen, wot be the trouble now?" Asked a subordinate. "I've got word from the ol' warchief! He claims the time is nigh! Now is the moment to strike and we must strike quickly! Gather the garrison! We join the other posts in the assault on Sivdzid!!!" He commanded. "Right away Cap'n!" The Goblin saluted as he ran to gather the warriors.

It was during this time that a Goblin Scout came with curious news. "Sir! There be golems coming towards the gates!!!" He squeaked. "Wot!? Just wot in bloody Hell are you talkin' about!?" The Captain barked. "Just look!!!" He cried. The Goblin warriors then made a lot of hollering and howling as if something had spooked them. "Just wot the bloody Hell is it now!?" Rugen shouted as he came outside the gates. There he saw the Golems the Goblins had spoke of and then, of all sights to see, "Oh bloody Hell..," was all he could say when he saw the Unseelie ride upon them.

“Greetings, Toads!” Monta Stonemother, a beautiful and horrid woman, smiled as she called out to them. She scratched the top of her stone beast’s skull. “We were sent to assist in your efforts against the Wee Folk by Maeve Blackward, High Queen of the Unseelie Court and the most valuable ally to your king.”

Rugen looked behind them to see a company of Unseelie behind them. The Hobgoblin looked at the pair quizzically and most suspiciously. "Really now? And how come I haven't heard a bloody thing about it!? How do I know you're not lying She-Fairy!?" He asked. "Ahem, Cap'n." Spoke a Hobgoblin. "Wot!?" "Letter from Warchief Krillock." He said as he held out the letter from him to take. "Give me that!!" He snapped as he ripped it from his hands. The Captain furiously read through the letter and then seemed to grow pail afterwards. "Well...this...changes things....well, Unseelie, we are about to begin our assault on a Dwarven Town. We seek to capture it and use it as a launching point for greater invasions deeper into Beardie territory. After all, these mines are not that defensible and do not garrison large amounts of troops well. Conquering this town, will not only provide better space but can be made into sturdier fortifications." The Captain explained.

"Alright lads! We are to work with the Unseelie and they will help us capture this town for the Goblin King!!!" He cried. The Goblins then cheered. "Lets get to work."

Within moments the Goblin forces had formed as they began their march from the outposts to the town of Sivdzid. "'Ello mate. Who would've thought we be marchin' on the Beardies today? I thought the assault wouldn't be for another fortnight!" Spoke a Hobgoblin soldier. "Yeah, methinks the Warchief has gotten rather bold all of a sudden. Must be the new calvary." He spoke in a whispered sneer as he looked at the Unseelie. "Right...who would've thought we be workin' with Softskins after all?" The Soldier responded. "Hm, I don't like it but the Warchief vouches for 'em, so, not much we grunts can say." "Well all least we can be, happy about one thing...we're about to cut into some Dwarves!" "Here, here!"



It was quiet in the town of Sivdzid as it's citizen went about their business unaware of the Goblin Host that approaches them. The Goblins marched through the conquered mines without much trouble. Any Dwarves that dared to bar them where easily outnumbered. It was lucky on their end that the Dwarves were not yet fully mobilized, soon their invasion was upon Sivdzid and once in sight the Goblins revealed themselves within the tunnels.

It must have been a horrifying sight for the town guards, to see a Goblin army quickly appear from over the horizon. The Green Skins quickly moved in on the city gates as the city lookouts signaled for the alarm. Screams could be heard only to be deafened by the sound of war cries and the trumpeting of Goblin Horns. "Alright! While the advance force attacks their walls, I want cannons and archers set up along the ridges!" Ordered Rugen. "Right away!" The Goblins responded. The Goblin Cannoneers worked to position their cannons upon the nearby ridges for a better field of vision. They aimed the necks towards any point of interest, like guard towers, ramparts, and any other defensible structures. "Load the Cannons!" A Hobgoblin officer shouted. He walked towards a vantage point as he looked down upon the town. He then raised his arm as the cannoneers stood by waiting to fire the initial volley. "FIRE!!!" He yelled. The fuses were lit and in moments cannon fire rained down upon them.

The Siege had begun.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Devi the Peace Bringer Character Portrait: The Breeder Character Portrait: Kassius Character Portrait: Dolores
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The Sky Palace: Zephyrus

Symphonia held her eyes closed as she took in the different happenings of the world that the wind carried to her. She leaned slight over the banister of the single room tower that gave the best view of the world below. It was her place to relax and feel at ease if the winds permitted. Sometimes they carried ill omens and others the sounds of tranquility from the various forms of nature below. But when Symphonia listened intently she could hear and make out many things.

This time she could make out sound of anticipated battle. It was easy to hear details since the conflict happened right below her own kingdom. And even more so because Faith was down there as well. Symphonia couldn’t help but worry for her Avatar like a child of her own. Even with Cyrus being her ally for now. The goddess knew that the Republic wasn’t in favor of some of bordering territories but the land was respected. And Symphonia would not see an ally invaded without help. Especially, by the likes of anything under Kurnos’ banner. What he represented was an abomination to the cycle of life. And his obsession with reckless violence costing countless mortals their lives instantly slated him as an enemy. Even though Symphonia was publically neutral there were some gods she didn’t sit well with.

Kurnos was only one of them. The Breeder and his people were another territory Symphonia wouldn’t be seen helping even though their god has long since been absent.

Palchard was another one for the sheer fact that unending trickery wasn’t something that the goddess fancied. But he wasn’t beyond allying with in the long run. Symphonia would much rather make dealings with his Avatar, the goblin king, than Palchard himself.

Dolores, to Symphonia, was almost one and the same as Palchard to Symphonia except the Dark Lady often held much more ill intent behind her trickery than a mere laugh. The Lady had a tongue of a snake and would never be trusted. Especially, since she expect the end of all life and that was the opposite of what Symphonia sought after.

Finally, there was Devi. Symphonia tried to like the Peace Bringer but their ways of bringing peace was normally with violence. And it almost seemed like Devi loved the fighting. But like Palchard the goddess’ quirks and habits wouldn’t get in the way of Symphonia lending aid if needed.

The winds also told the goddess that the other deities were holding a meeting to try and persuade The Lady of Oak to reverse or cease the famine for their own people. Symphonia thought about going as well but she wanted to end the famine for everyone. She wanted once again listen to the winds bring peace to her ears. Not the cries of war torn countries and the cries of mortals on every corner of the lands. The winds were loud with the sounds of despair and Symphonia wish she could help everyone. Not to mention the famine was bringing about more bloodshed than the goddess had seen in quite some time.

It wasn’t long till Symphonia found herself summoning her White Mage to the tower. The goddess could make the winds carry her voice to whomever she wanted. It was the easiest way to communicate with people that prayed to her. She would hear their prayers and she would give answer to help soothe their souls.

“My Lady.” Tylia said as she approached and curtsied. “You called for me?” Symphonia turned to face her White Mage.

“I am traveling below.” Even the cold-faced Tylia couldn’t mask the shock that briefly portrayed on her face. It was just her eyes widening for a moment but it was enough to give away what was on her mind. “It is to talk with the Grandmother of the land. Some of the other gods are already pleading their case of mercy for their people.”

“Will you also do the same for us?” Tylia asked.

“I am sure Grandmother has heard an earful already. I would rather understand the reasoning for her actions first. Maybe then I can get an idea on how to reverse whatever it is that caused this famine in the first place. In the meantime, I leave you in charge. It shouldn’t be any different than normal.” Symphonia paused for a moment before speaking again. “And could you also send reinforcements to Faith’s location? There seems to be a battle between Kurnos’ and Kassius’ Avatars. Faith is there to aid Cyrus and his men and might need help. Argonaut is there as well and I don’t know what his intentions are. Nike’s intentions are normally unpredictable in times of battle so send word for Faith to be wary.” Tylia nodded and a sudden gust of wind came, making the mage shield herself. When the wind faded she could see a dove flying to the grounds below.

It didn’t take long to reach the land full of trees where the Oakborn was known to inhabit. Much different than the lands around it. Voices of the other gods could already be heard as Symphonia approached the Enchanted Forest. The goddess descended into the realm of The Oakborn and into a graceful dive that ended with her returning to her original form standing in the tall grass. She curtsied to the Green Woman who sat on a throne of tangled vines and roots just as The Breeder, Argan, finished a word about Devi, who was also among them. Though she would never admit it, what she heard Argan say about the Peace Keeper was along the exact thoughts that Symphonia had for Devi. After The Breeder finished Symphonia turned to the Green Lady and curtsied again, this time with her head bowed.

“Sorry for my delayed appearance, Grandmother. You can guess as to why I am here but I do not come to plead for you to lift your curse from my people and their lands. I come to seek an understanding and possible solutions that would appease The Oakborn. As you know, my people are always eager to help in any way possible.”

Faith Lenotte - River Timaeus

Faith out a whistled when her and her healers approached their destination.

“Down there.” The scout pointed to a temporary tent.

“Okay, let’s get doun thare.” Faith said as she steered her griffen down towards the tent, making sure no arrows were threatening to shoot them down. Her and here people landed and it was then she could feel how many people she was amongst. She turned to Xandria as the woman dismounted her pegasus.

“I think we are gunna need more healers, Xandria.” It was then that she heard shouting coming from the center of the river. She immediately recognized beast that the voice belonged to. Yogosh was just as intimidating as Faith had read and heard about. His mount looked even more intimidating than her own and griffins were quite frightening creatures. Faith then saw the man known as Cyrus coming out to meet Yogosh on river frozen by mages. Xandria joined Symphonia’s Avatar in observing the confrontation.

“Faith, our healers are getting themselves in place for when the fighting starts.”

“It might nae come tae that. Mebbes set’le this by wey of duel by tae looks of it.” The two girls looked on with anticipation of what was going to happen.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Mervyn Character Portrait: Nike Character Portrait: Anwen
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"It is a strange sight, is it not? Watching them kill for food to fill their belly simply so that they can kill again. Especially when they don't need to do so. But it is often all they care about whether waking or sleeping."

The voice was lyrical and soft, with a hint of amusement in the tone. A womanly figure floated just above the grass beside Argonaut, her voice accompanied by the slow beating of wings reminiscent of a heart-beat.

"You've been missed, Argon. You do not travel my paths naturally anymore though you are still welcome. Even if you do not remember when you did." She smiled warmly at the ethereal creature, lightly brushing her fingers against his cheek causing a ripple as the effect felt real.

The tavern was filled with the raucous voices of dwarves raised in half drunken song. With each trying to outdo their compatriots with louder and deeper cries in-between swigs of ale and bursts of laughter.

Despite the famine there was always time for a little revelry for these brave souls who had not long came off shift in the mines or duty on the gates. Despite their best efforts many of them were still caked black as pitch from the coal and dirt, but here and now it didn't matter as much.

Dancing and weaving among the patrons was a fierce girl who led the song with her sweet voice and the whistle of her flute. Other instruments had lent their aid in raising their spirits. When they'd first slouched into the establishment many of them had been of a mind to muse over a single tankard for a while before calling it a night before she banished such thoughts entirely.

The sounds of alarm had begun to ring through the streets of Sivdzid, melding with the songs of its weary people to create an almighty cacophony till a rain of cannonballs punched through one side of the Tavern. Thankfully as they'd all gathered around the singing girl none of them had been harmed and at worst slightly stunned though the Tavern itself appeared badly damaged.

As the dwarves drinker stupor turned into surprise mixed with rage that they were attacked they as one dwarf picked up arms and made ready to defend their home. Feeling more alive and envigored that they ought they charged away to defend their homes with the songs they had sang still upon their lips but now their words were a battle cry as they dreamt of victory.

Of the girl there was no sign, she had apparently vanished, and within the hour so too had the Tavern. It had never been there but that didn't mean it hadn't been.

Elsewhere as the dwarven warhost that made ready under their king could hear a faint music on the wind, which carried to them an echo of the battlecries being sung in Sivdzid.

Indris strolled gently through the towering stacks of the Akashic Library, lightly brushing her fingers along the spines of several books. Unlike most libraries where the silence would be oppressive to the point of crushing in such a cavernous place the air is instead filled with a faint scratching.
The sound echoes endlessly, seeming to come from almost every shelf. Where there is silence some of the books will vanish while others the sound only seems to come from the last in a series. Such are the autobiographies which record every event that happens to everything

A creation of her predecessor, Indris has made improvements in places though there is little to be changed save perhaps reinforcing the spells behind it. Spells woven into fabric of the world when it was first created. She had enjoyed reading what each soul wrote when she first awakened however she decided to focus her efforts for understanding the world elsewhere. Even so she is often found reading the mystical tomes which contained every mention of her progenitor’s existence.

The room she now stood in without seeming to have moved within the library was overly ornate with half empty bookshelves containing drastically different tomes. Each was unique from others in the room but there was easily a few hundred or more of each kind. The stories of the gods themselves were marked here. Much of it was cryptic and distorted as each tome shaped itself to match the god it represented, resulting in books of dried leather or bubbling blood or wreathed in lightning. The languages used often varied to the gods own and could sometimes change midway through a book or wriggle on the page if they didn’t wish to be read.

The recent change of prosperity for much of the world had caused her to re-read much of the Oakborn’s story in hopes of finding something with which to aid her people before things become truly dire. As she reached over and plucked the most recent book, a simple volume of thin papyrus between mossy bark, she opened it to the most recent entry. As she read over the words she felt a sharp sting as they echoed back to her.

"I'm sorry, but the famine will not end today."

The words etched themselves on the thin sheet as she heard them reach her knowing that they were doing so on every current book in the room. The effect was rare and heightened by her reading something at an unusual moment but she felt the words repeated loudly from each book as she slammed the Oakborn’s shut and replaced it. The roar of the words almost caused her to stagger backwards before she regained composure and silenced the outburst.

Turning from the chamber she decided she’d have to see what could be done.

Alessa stood on a balcony staring out towards the western sea, her arms rested against the cold marble as she smiled softly to herself. The palace has been carved deep into the mountain chain with several such openings onto the sky which was fitting given that much of the space within was given over to those of more aerial nature than the majority of the nation’s inhabitants. Even so her subjects as a whole were barely a quarter in size compared with their rival; this perceived weakness had caused much strife on their borders at first till they’d learned to give them a wide birth but with the growing famine such sense appeared to have deserted most. Mainly since despite everything they were probably one of the least effected; they’d always made sure to over-produce their farms and such due to fact that much of their required sustenance came from magic itself while they still gouged on meat for the taste, which allowed for surplus to be used as a excellent source of trade. Even so they’d still rationed their food to better support those of the other mortal races within the borders.

A soft yawn escaped her lips just as the doors burst inwards, disturbing her contemplation as a broad shouldered figure entered with his boots echoing on the hard floor. His expression almost unreadable due to the metallic mask covering his features, but even so she could feel his annoyance and amusement.

”Your Majesty. There has been another raid on the borders.”

She sighed as she stepped away from the view, her hand lightly running through hair as thought back over the past few weeks. An ever increasing regularity for incursions though, thankfully nothing official from any of their neighbours. That would have been a nightmare, and famine or not the act of devouring mortals is rather tedious for dragons especially compared with more domesticated livestock and much more preferable as a treat than a diet.

”So. Who was it this time and how much damage did they do?”

There was a slight shift in his posture and she knew she’s caught the reason for his annoyance, not so much that someone had tried to invade but rather than they’d done harm to the nation. The raids were usually badly orchestrated by desperate souls are the lowest rungs of their society and doomed for failure.

”They came from the sea, took the small town by surprise and managed to avoid our golems in the bay. Thankfully we had a small patrol passing who were able to assist two of our brethren as well as most of the populous. Sadly a third of the raiders managed to flee with a large quantity of the settlements stock, requiring us to divert greater resources there. I’ve also stationed the patrol there for the time being as well as arranging addition patrols in number and frequency along our edges should more try the same. Or for them to official declare war.”

She smiled and then gave hearty chuckle with a light shake of her head.

”My dear Tristan, what would I do without you
 Now, where are the survivors of this raid.”

”Very little, my Queen. But what was salvageable is kept below, a small handful of captives for your pleasure. The rest we have handed over to the kitchens for the rest of the palace.”

”Good. I’ll have to deal with these stragglers myself, take them apart till I know who sent them or if they were simply acting alone. Care to join me for a little snack?”

”Always, my lady.”

They both descended to a meeting chamber deeper into the mountain castle where five Merrows sulked in what amounted to a giant goldfish bowl. As they entered Tristan made sure to close the doors behind him before they began their interrogation.


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Archanian Character Portrait: Devi the Peace Bringer Character Portrait: The Breeder Character Portrait: Kassius
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Grandmother - Demon Outpost

“After you left” Grandmother smiled. “The True Oakborn witnessed the fate of this world and witnessed something so terrible that it’s mind- our mind - was shattered.” She touched a newly formed tree near her, blossoms popping from where her wrinkled hands touched the bark. “From the Oakborn were born many deities, each representing a part of the great god we once were. You may call me Grandmother.” She smiled warmly, taking the Breeder’s hand into her own. “I am the Oakborn’s wisdom and, in its stead, I oversee the strands of fate.”

She released him as he spoke of the famine, nodding slightly. Grandmother sighed heavily, pushing back a strand of silver hair behind her ear. “I admit, I don’t agree with the Green Woman’s logic, but I believe it’s more than the goblins.” It pained Grandmother to think about the pain her sister had brought onto the earth. She had always been so kind and generous with all races, blessing them with growth and bounty each spring. “We forget that she is a force of nature. She is the soil and all things that grow from it.” Grandmother pursed her lips. “Although she was once fond of mortals and beasts, she is not bound to them as we are.”

Grandmother paused to listen to Argan. She smiled. “Yes, I do remember that. This part of me still wishes you had taken our suggestion.” She shrugged. “But it wasn’t our choice to make.” After Argon left, many of his duties fell to the Oakborn who watched over the creatures that the Breeder had left behind. It did as well as it could, but even gods had limits. Another weak smile flashed across the old woman’s lips. “I suppose any of us would tear apart the world for our children.” Her mind drifted back to the Green Woman. Perhaps the famine was her sister’s way of protecting her children; the trees, the flowers, the grass, and all plant life on Pandeum.

She chuckled. “Devi certainly has her flaws, but without her we’d still be fighting an endless war.” Grandmother leaned against one of Argan’s children. “She was created by a desperate world. She is what they needed. Perhaps, what they still need.” The old goddess waved a hand dismissively. “Don’t worry about her. I was only half serious. I’m sure in times like these, she has much bigger matters to attend to.” She winked at the Breeder. “Not to say you aren’t a big matter.”

The Snow King - The Snow King’s Castle

“Hm.” The Snow King’s steps echoed throughout the room as he walked to his throne. He kept his hands hidden in fur lined sleeves. “I’m afraid she hasn’t been in a very diplomatic mood lately.” He rolled his eyes. “I suppose everyone believes that their lands should be spared.” He sat and waved his hand, a smaller less intricate chair forming opposite of him. “But, because of our bond, I will speak to the Green Woman, but I promise you nothing about the outcome.”

In all honestly, the Snow King did not care if Astria’s people starved or if they destroyed the Republic in search of grain. He wouldn’t care if the Green Woman strangled every mortal on Pandeum with her vines because, in the end, it would all rot and freeze away. Then, he would be King and ruled once more. Well, alongside Astria, that is.

A chess board appeared between the winter gods. A rare smile played across the king’s lips.

“Do you have time for a quick game?”

Devi - Swarga Loka

“Of course.” Devi nodded slowly. Although any conflict was enough to cause Devi concern, this felt different. Underneath the usual selfishness and greed that ushered in war, the Peace Bringer felt something far darker slithering underneath. It was like a black claw scratching at her stomach. “All conflicts concern me, but this one seems unlike most others.”

She turned towards Archanian, kneeling slightly to look into his eyes. “I did not see the Great Rebellion begin, but did it feel anything like this? This storm of tension and desperation?”

Monta Stonemother & Eban Lordkiller - Sivdzid

“In the shadows! The Wee Folk will not know we’re here!”

As the goblins began their siege on the walls of Sivdzid, the Unseelie seemed to float through an unnatural darkness. Even as cannons fired and explosions illuminated the entire cavern, they went silent and unseen, obscured by powerful illusion magic. Monta Stonemother, assisted by several other fairies, began to carve symbols across the dwarven wall. As they chanted their ancient incantation, the runes began to glow and burn themselves deeper into the wall. The Stonemother looked up and smiled, pleased.

Above them, Eban and several knights rode up the wall on stone golems, careful to avoid any cannon balls shot from their allies’ cannons. Although they were cloaked by their fairy illusions and surrounded by the chaos of war, it was unlikely that the dwarves on the wall could ignore the sounds of growling and stone talons digging into the wall.

When one unlikely dwarf looked over the edge, the Lordkiller’s blade impaled itself through his skull. As his comrades rushed to assist, each fell with a fairy dart in their eyes. Eban turned to his knights. “Take out the rest of the guards on the wall. Remain unseen.”

Aros - The River Timaeus

The Winter Charm formed in Aros’ hand as followed Cyrus out of the tent. The wand was supernaturally cold in his palm, but its burn felt unusually comforting to the Summer King. His heart nearly stopped when he saw the massive horde beyond the river. Although the savage draconians, nords, and ogres were troubling, nothing concerned him as much as the avatar of Kurnos sitting atop a giant salamander. As Yogosh swung his cleaver and taunted the Republic forces, Cyrus readied himself to cross a bridge of ice extending across the river.

Aros watched, his lips pursed. His eyes darted around, searching for a way to help. He could enchant the water attack the horde or cast an illusion over them to cause infighting among themselves. He looked at Cyrus and then at Yogosh. If they were to duel, it would be a clash of two mighty forces and, although Cyrus was skilled, Yogosh contained a massive amount of raw strength and killer instincts. The Sun Bearer’s Chosen would need all the help he could get. “Cyrus!” The Summer King reached into his pocket and tossed a coin in his direction. It gleamed in the sunlight and disappeared, finding itself tucked away in Cyrus’ pocket. The Autumn Charm could provide him with the luck he needed.

Aros looked towards the horde. He lifted his wand and twirled it in the air, golden dust swirling around him. “Twist the sight and cloud the mind,” Aros closed his eyes, allowing deep fairy magic to flow out from him. “Where once were friends, now foes you’ll find.”

He held the magic back, but if he released it, any member of the horde affected would fill with anxiety and delusion, seeing nothing but Republic forces surrounding them.

The Green Woman - The Other Place

The Green Woman rolled her eyes as yet another deity came to beg for mercy. She looked at Symphonia, a mild air of annoyance flickering across her features. Although the goddess’ sudden appearance was slightly irritating, the King certainly enjoyed the curtsy.

“Yes, yes, yes. Very nice of you.” The Green Woman stood up, the plants from her throne reaching for her as they reached for the sun, desperate for her return. “Walk with me.” She walked past Symphonia, expecting the goddess to follow her. As they walked, bright beautiful flowers bloomed to greet them and the plant life seemed to come alive as the deities passed them. Blue birds and butterflies fluttered out from the Green Woman’s hair. “I am tired, Symphonia. Spring after spring, I give all to the fleshlings.” She sighed. The weight of the world seemed to pull her body down. “Yet they chop down my trees, poison my rivers, and drown the soil in blood.”

She kneeled down, digging her fingertips into the dirt. The earth was crying out to her, desperate for a champion. “I do not enjoy starving the fleshlings, but they must be reminded that I do not serve them. The Wilds will not be trifled with or tamed.”


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Palchard Character Portrait: The Oakborn
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Gulbrand, The Goblin King and Maeve Blackward, High Queen of the Unseelie Court - The Dark Forest - Pandeum

In spite of Kob, The King's Advisor's many, many, many pleas to reconsider his actions, Gulbrand nevertheless, entered the Dark Forest. Guided by Unseelie who raised the many incantations and enchantments that guarded the way, the Goblin King would soon find himself in the Unseelie Court. Kob, the miserable, little Goblin, trembled behind his liege's cloak. Kob's eyes darted across the room as he saw many Unseelie Knights, heavily armed, ready to defend their Queen at any cost.

His trembling was sending vibrations throughout Gulbrand's coat as the Goblin King kicked aside Kob in annoyance. "B-But sire-!" "Silence you! You shouldn't have come if fear was the only emotion you could show!" Gulbrand barked in Goblin Tongue. Gulbrand then turned his attention to the High Queen, Maeve Blackward as he made a bow. "My Lady." He spoke in Fey Tongues.

"I have decided to grace your Court with my presence to hear of what progress is being made, and to discuss, the future of our arrangements. If you would?" He spoke as respectfully as he could.

"I am honored to receive you, King Gulbrand." Maeve's lips curled into a pleased smile. "I hope you find the Dark Forest to your liking." She gestured to a servant standing next to her throne. The servant, a small fairy boy with frail transparent wings, fluttered over to Gulbrand bearing a goblet of cream. He bowed his head as he hovered before the king, offering him the cup.

"I know you may not share our affection for cream, but, if you'd prefer wine-" She snapped her fingers and the contents turned from white to creamy pink to a deep red. Her smile seemed to grow slightly. "We can accommodate your taste."

Her golden eyes ran over the goblin king. Perhaps he wasn't as disgusting as she initially thought. There was a terrible sort of nobility to him. Of course, he did not possess the beauty or grace of a fairy, but Maeve was beginning to find those traits vastly overrated. She rose from her throne, looking down at her ally from a long slender neck. "Your forces were having issues cutting a path through the forest, but we strengthened the enchantment on their tools. Although it won't completely prevent the trees from growing back, it will stunt their progress for a good period of time." She seemed to float towards him, the subtle smell of lavender and pomegranates following behind. Although many enchantment spells were sudden and overwhelming, Maeve preferred likened hers to a spider's web. They were discreet and took patience to weave, but once her prey was ensnared, there would be no escape from Maeve.

"As for the future of our arrangements," She took the goblet from the boy and extended it towards Gulbrand. She now looked up at him from behind thick eyelashes. "Do you not find our existing terms...satisfying?"

Gulbrand eyed the Queen with a suspicious gaze. He understood well enough they were allies, but old prejudices are hard to dismiss. He listened to her speak as he nodded his head in response. "I suppose this forest is likable as far as forests come." He then looked at the fairy who offered him cream. Gulbrand merely curled his lip in disgust, such sweets are horrendous to the Goblin King who waved his hand dismissively.

It was then the Queen decided to transform his cup into wine. While he does enjoy alcohol, the wine still had this odd smell of sweetness to it. Perhaps it was all in his mind but knowing it was once Cream, did not help to make the goblet any more appetizing. As she strolled up, Gulbrand took a whiff of the air around her and couldn't help but contort his face into repulsion. He absolutely hated the smell of lavender. It's aroma was more pungent than pleasing to the Goblin King. Of course he would not insult her on her choice of fragrance, even though he was greatly tempted to do so.

The Goblin King listened to the Unseelie Queen as he continued to hold his tongue. He nodded slowly as he watched her hand out the goblet. He made a sneer as he took the cup, he swished the wine in the goblet as he seemed to eye it suspiciously. "Well...I wish to discuss our terms. Frankly, I feel the Unseelie need to...contribute more to Zzyx. Enchanting our tools, and sending Stonemother and Lordkiller are good to begin with...but, I need far more if I am going to conquer the Seelie for you. Already, I have diverted much of my forces to chop down the Enchanted Forest, not to mention how much, gold it's going to cost me to topple Grimmshire, let alone the Court. I don't see the Unseelie doing much to undermine their enemies beyond allying yourselves with me. Do you even know how many Goblins I've lost already? The Forest tricks them and many either die or disappear without our knowing. This, I'm sure you know, is because of Fairy trickery! What protection have you offered my lads thus far!? Not enough, if none at all!" He then lowered his voice.

"Ahem." He coughed. He didn't wish to upset the Queen but the reports he receives have been, less than optimistic. It makes him rather mad to hear that these inconveniences are stalling their efforts. At least the Dwarves don't result to such tricks and will rush to meet you in combat, from there it's one's will for battle that decides the winner. "See my Lord? The Fairies offer you no such aid! We should leave-!" "SILENCE!!! One more word of this and I shall rip your tongue from your skull and feed it to you!!!" Gulbrand shouted in Goblin. Kob quieted down.
The Court behind Maeve tensed slightly, the knights behind her resisting the urge to pull the weapons from their hilts. Spite's growl rumbled throughout the room. The horned fairy rushed forward, only held back by her sister's grip around her arm. "How dare you! You worm! I'll-"

Maeve put up her hand, silencing her daughter. Her smile was unchanged, but the scent of lavender swirled around her and morphed until the air around her smelled of rotting flowers and rancid meat. "King Gulbrand," Although calm and collected, a terrible rasp crept into the queen's voice. "Are your fields plentiful? Or the farms in any of your territories? I can't imagine how difficult it is to feed armies of insatiable goblins, bugbears, and gnolls." She nodded, turning her back to him. "Or maybe I can, as I've been feeding the majority of your forces since the famine began." Stifled chuckles came from the fairy nobles, but Maeve ignored them. She turned to the king, a pleasant expression still resting on her face.

"As for your concerns, I understand completely. We have not provided your men with adequate protection. I will have one of my captains oversee a force dedicated to insuring their safety as they cut a path to Grimmshire." She moved towards Gulbrand, but her eyes rested on Kob. He was a disgusting little grunt. She wouldn't let on, but she spoke many languages and, although the goblin tongue was an insult to her ears, she understood every one of their guttural words. "Speaking of Grimmshire, the Seelie Queen has placed powerful protections on the kingdom. We have been working to undo her curses, but such things take time and patience."

Maeve's smile melted away, a look of cold steel in her eyes. She went to his side and hooked her arm through his own. "You must forgive us." She began to walk, guiding him with gentle but stern determination. "Our wars last for thousands of years. We are subtle and patient with our tactics, which leaves us unfamiliar with this style of conquest." Hopefully, the charm in the goblin king's wine was beginning to take root. Maeve smiled at him. "But you are a great conqueror. We could use your input on such matters."

Gulbrand was pleased with himself seeing the reaction the Court made, especially from her daughter. While it isn't always smart to antagonize others, he can't help but feel some sort of smug satisfaction that he can easily get underneath their skins. Though if they are this easily offended then they would be utterly rabid if he had actually tried. Even so, he could see why Maeve is Queen and not the rest of these bloody Soft Skins. She's not so easily perturbed.

It was then the smell shifted in the air...just what had happened? Is this Fairy Queen up to something? Perhaps, but the Goblin King felt no sense of danger regardless of whatever little game she's up to. Still here words did irk the Goblin King some especially when her Court decided to snicker. "Bloody Softskins, they all would be begging for their lives right now if it weren't for our alliance." He thought to himself. He continued to nod as the Queen continued.

"Well, yes, I suppose that would be satisfactory." He spoke. He was bit surprised when the Queen hooked his arm but he did not protest beyond a grumble. He followed her as she went on to explain about their tactics and while it may work for them, a Goblin's life isn't nearly that long. We move quick and hit hard, it is most effective in warfare. "Well...I suppose I could forgive you for that. A Fairy's life is eternal...I should understand this...but we Goblins haven't such lifespans. It's important we take what we want, when we want, and that is always sooner rather than later." He then absentmindedly took a drink from the cup. "But I some of your forces to better accommodate my needs."

As Gulbrand sipped his wine, Maeve smiled inwardly. "I am very grateful to you, King Gulbrand." She and the goblin walked towards her throne, but as they approached it, a portal opened before them. She turned her head towards Gulbrand, a polite smile on her lips. "Let's speak privately, beyond the ears of the rabble."

He looked at the portal as it opened itself before them. Looking to leave these ingrates behind he decided to step through without much thought of anything else. Besides, isolated, if something was amiss he was certain he could handle her himself.

As they walked through a portal, they discovered themselves in a large garden full of bright flowers and twisted brambles. Like the Unseelie Queen, all the plants were bold and beautiful, but extremely toxic. "Although my captains may not be skilled in your style of war, they are some of the deadliest combatants this world has ever seen. They will serve you well." The fairy queen looked up to the sky, seeing nothing but a starless night. "I have come to respect you far more than I thought possible." She released her grip on the king's arm, walking towards the edge of the garden. She inspected a particularly wild bunch of roses. She ran her thumb against the thorns, flirting with their barbs. "But, I must politely ask you to speak to me with the same respect I've shown you...especially in front of my court." She plucked a flower. The thorns dug into her gloved hand, a dark saplike substance oozing from the fabric. Maeve turned to her fellow monarch with a smile. "We are equals, after all."

He eyed the Unseelie Queen as she strolled about her private garden. The plants seemed to almost, reach out towards him, closing in on him, it felt entirely oppressive. Still he kept his attention on the Queen as she continued to speak about the, finer points, of their partnership. He watched as she seemed to have pricked herself. Was that her blood? It almost looked like Goblin Blood, which was notoriously thick, stinky and dark like the night sky. She seemed unfazed by the sudden discomfort and it would appear there's more to this Queen than he thought. She didn't seem to be like any of the other Soft Skin royalty. Weak and pathetic, unable to stand any slight tribulation to their wretched lives and worst of all, cowardly, even worse than some Goblins he knew.

He watched as she seemed to have pricked herself. Was that her blood? It almost looked like Goblin Blood, which was notoriously thick, stinky and dark like the night sky. She seemed unfazed by the sudden discomfort and it would appear there's more to this Queen than he thought. She didn't seem to be like any of the other Soft Skin royalty. Weak and pathetic, unable to stand any slight tribulation to their wretched lives and worst of all, cowardly, even worse than some Goblins he knew.

Gulbrand slowly nodded his head. "I...apologize, Queen Maeve...I simply felt, outrage at the thought of being underappreciated. We are here to conquer your foes for you and it seems we are met with disrespect in spite of our efforts. I see that I have misjudged you, but if we are equals, then I hope to see these issues resolved in a timely manner." The Goblin King spoke, his tone noticeably more respectful.

"Yes, I suppose we have both face resistance concerning our alliance." She chuckled quietly. "I suppose for all our similarities, goblins and fairies are having difficulties feeling at ease with their new allies." As Maeve handed the rose to Gulbrand, it began to blacken and wither. A mischievous glint gleamed in her eye. "Perhaps there is something we can do to remedy that."

He raised an inquisitive eyebrow as the Queen spoke. He looked down at the withering rose which she so gracefully held out for him to take. The Goblin King looked back at her and nodded. It was true, the Goblins have done nothing but complain about their alliance. He understands their concerns, more like their hate, but he has grown annoyed with their constant bellyaching. For example, Kob never fails to reiterate the fact he despises this alliance with a passion. Of course he would never do anything to change this...he's far too cowardly.

Still...there are others of similar opinion who do not hold such weaknesses. He looked towards her and then with a grin he took the rose from her hand. "Perhaps." He chuckled as the rose crumbled within his grip.


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Character Portrait: The Oakborn Character Portrait: Symphonia
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The Green Woman and Symphonia
The Other Place

“I know that the mortals are being punished for their crimes but this is not just sentencing the ones that have done the injustice. This is a mass punishment for both the innocent and the guilty. The people that have, most likely, nothing to do with the harm that was brought upon the land are suffering the most. The farmers, caretakers, and countrymen that have only followed the cycle of taking and giving back to the land are the ones truly being treated unjust. The ones that cut down trees to expand their territory and drown the grounds with the blood of soldiers that fuel war are the ones that are unaffected." Symphonia stepped ahead and put herself in front of the Green Woman, halting her progress, and looked her in the eyes. A rare, serious, expression on her face.

“The way I feel about those innocent mortals is the same way you feel about your trees and the land they reside in. Your famine is only solidifying the power your intended target has over everyone else. If you were to make an attack on who is abusing their power then it must be in a different manner."

"Perhaps you have a point." The Green Woman rose, looking into Symphonia's eyes. Trees throughout Pandeum began to crack and groan. Branches slowly twisted into balled fists and claws. From the bark formed faint impressions of displeasure. To her displeasure, the Green Skins had managed to fill their bellies through their alliance with the Unseelie and, as the Enchanted Forest was the source of the Oakborn's power, punishing Maeve with famine would be suicide. She looked at her fellow goddess, sincerity in her eyes. "What would you have me do? Should I raise an army? Release a new plague onto the Green Skins and the Scaled Hordes and the Cultists?" She raised her eyebrows.

Symphonia pondered at the question presented to her. It was a question of heavy burden. Not only that but Symphonia hadn't planned for war in some time and she was considered a goddess of neutrality.

But this is for the greater good. A voice inside Symphonia's thoughts reassured her. This is to punish the ones that burden the ones you mean to protect. Symphonia looked at the candor in the Green Woman's eyes. The time of peace was already shattered and battles were waging at this very moment. Symphonia heard fighting that was elsewhere of the River.

"If you are to wage a war then you must gather allies and information on your enemies before doing so. The Green Skins are fighting right now as we speak with the dwarfs. And the Scaled Hordes are at a momentary standoff with the Lands of the Republic. To punish the wicked is not a task you must only burden yourself with. There are many that would share your goal to remove the power the threatening forces possess." Symphonia held out her arm towards the path so that they may continue their walk.

"How many?" The Green Woman raised her brows, curiosity knitted into her expression. She hooked her arm through the other goddess' arm. "Would you raise an army against my enemies? Would the Sun Bearer or the Smith? Would any of you care if your nations weren't starving?" Her corners of her mouth turned down into a scowl. Thorny vines crept from her shoulder blades to her neck, wrapping around her throat. Her eyes narrow slightly. "None of you took arms when the Green Skins began cutting down my forests. None of you took arms as the Hordes raped my land."

She took a breath, red roses blooming from the brambles around her throat. She closed her eyes for a moment. "I am sorry, my sister. I do not mean to be angry. I am trying to be strong."

Symphonia had to greatly resist the urge to step back as she saw the Green Woman's frustrations manifest themselves through the plant life on and in her body. But then she got ahold of herself and returned back to the calmness she demonstrated before and apologized. The Air goddess understood where the Green Woman was coming from.

"Your strength is a strong trait that I admire in you. You go through more pain than most, if not all, of the other gods on this planet. Yet you have endured for the ages. I am sorry that you have not received any help. I blame myself for always trying to avoid conflict. Even if it's at the expense of others' suffering." A look of sadness mirrored itself Symphonia's eyes but only for a moment before regaining the resolve that matched her Avatar's. "I believe the others are merely looking out for their own. That is why they haven't reached out to help. You know the people of my lane will help when called. It is our way. The Sun Bearer and the Smith have already brought up armies against your enemies. It's only a matter of banding together for a like cause. That is the way of war and that is what we have done before. Uniting against a common enemy." Symphonia slipped out of the Green Woman's arm and turned towards her. The goddess of Air curtsied with her head bowed once again.

"I hope you accept my deepest apologies. I consider you one of my greatest and closest allies and will gladly lend you the full support and cooperation of Zephyrus to aid you against your--our enemies."

The Green Woman nodded in acknowledgement, a small smile coming to her lips. "I appreciate your apology, Symphonia." A moment of silence passed, the Green Woman pondering over her choices. The seeds of anger were planted long ago and what sprouted from them was tangled in her soul. "I don't-" She paused, almost regretting her words. "I don't think I am ready to let go of my wrath. But I will make you a promise." She help Symphonia's hand and looked deep into her eyes. "If you raise an army and secure the safety of my domain, this famine will end."

Symphonia returned the Green Woman's smile with one of her own as she listen to the conditions of ending the famine. But before peace could once again be attained war would have to be brought down. And Symphonia had to be the one to do it. The goddess that wanted to cease conflict and wanted nothing but peace was now going to be the cause of many deaths to come. Blood on her hands.

"I gladly accept your offer." Symphonia finally spoke. "First I shall have to deal with the conflicts our potential allies are distracted with. Aiding them at this time will easily get them on our side not to mention the promise of the famine ceasing if they do so and defeat the enemies they already face. I shall be in contact with you once again once those things have been taken care of. Give the king my regards."