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It's 2100 and the world is plagued with evil. A society made up of 7 teens use their gifts to destroy the infestation. As the amount of unexplainable deaths to criminals rises, a second society sets out to stop the merciless destruction.

2,082 readers have visited Deletion since QueLights created it.


It's 2100 and the world is plagued with evil. A society called the Skulrin made up of 7 teens use their gifts to destroy the infestation. As the amount of unexplainable criminal deaths rises, a second society sets out to stop the merciless destruction caused by the Skulrin. They called themselves Exoran. Both sides fight for what they believe is right. What side will you choose?


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No stupid, random, childish crap ._.
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Can only have one skill



#1: Pistols - Taken by Maci-Care

#2: Brass Knuckles - Taken by FallenBlu

#3: Spear - Open due to absent bio

#4: Shotgun - Taken by ZOLZOL

#5: Scythe - Taken by QueLights

#6: Sword - Taken by JadeBud98

#7: Iron Claws - Open due to absent bio



#1: Bow - Taken by Prose

#2: Hammer - TiMMMaY!!!

#3: Daggers - Taken by Just Quit

#4: Pet (a trained companion) - Taken by BloodyMummy

#5: Axe - Taken by CherrySwirl

#6: Giant Cross - Taken by Tabris

#7: Chain - Taken by QueLights

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 9 authors


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"Give them a break. You can finish the bad-cop routine later. I worked my ass off on that meal and I expect every bite to be cherished." came Izzy's voice from behind Cherry. Cherry wanted to argue, but she figured she had enough information to go off of. As long as she had their names, ages and birth places looking them up should be no problem. If she couldn't find Vesper's info she would drag it out of the girl. She also reminded herself to verify whether or not Olando was a true member of the August family.

"Fine," Cherry said turning around in time for her stomach to growl. She felt a little embarrassed, but didn't let it show. She avoided eye contact with everyone in the room and glided up stairs to the dinner table where she drooled, but only slightly.


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"That'a girl." Izaya laughed, notioning for the others to follow. "There's plenty to eat. Come on now." He said with a smile. Izzy could tell there was something off about the girl. He knew the full intentions of the August boy, but something about Vesper was so ominous. He wasn't sure if he liked it or not, but shrugging it off, he gave her a smile and turned to follow Cherry up the stairs.


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Lucas smiled as if he couldn't understand the reason for Cherry's stern gaze she gave him upon the answers given by Orlando, laughing hysterically on the inside. But his inner joys came crashing down as his stomach roared in protest of how empty it was, and he looked down at it, temporarily lowering his 'bouncer' attitude. He wanted to eat, and Izzy was sure to have made good food, he always did. At that thought though, the door behind Lucas burst open, knocking him off balance and sending him careening randomly through the room, a maniacal smile on his face. Whether he was purposely stumbling all over the place or not was a mystery, maybe even to him.

Izzy told them to come out and eat, his disapproval of their ignoring his meal apparent, "Fine." Came Cherry's voice, to Lucas' delight, and he bounded towards the door, holding it open for Cherry and Izzy as they went out to the table. He turned around to face Orlando and Vesper, a devious smirk on his face, "Maybe we should interrogate you by torturing you with the smell of Izzy's food! I swear, you would crack in under an hour!" Lucas' voice was clearly joking, but his brow furrowed as he said it, thinking that might actually work. He suddenly shrugged, then shouted at them, "COME ON!" He bounded off after Cherry and Izzy, the interrogation room door starting to close. Hopefully either Orlando or Vesper got to it before it shut and they were locked in. There was no way Lucas was going back for them now.

He skidded to a halt just in front of the table, then pulled a chair out and slammed down into it, beginning to scarf down various types of food, the flavors all intermingling. But then.... He looked up at Izzy, definitely unhappy with Lucas' ravenous devouring of everything. Lucas froze with a huge amount of food stuffed into his mouth, and he said with a muffled voice, "Sorry." He managed to swallow what he had, then went on eating, taking smaller bites, and struggling to enjoy the flavors slowly.


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All Kyoko had to pack was what was on her body: her clothes, her stuffed cat, her sword, and her back pack. So, with that said Kyoko went to Nano and got on the bike. "WOO! ROAD TRIP!" Kyoko shouted. "Race you guys there!" Kyoko called out to Kurami and Nicholas ready for some competition. "Come on you guys it will be fun!" Kyoko said whole heartedly.


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"Okay, but I don't really see a point. I'm just gonna win like always." Kurami smiled as she started up the hummer and took off, nearly sending Nick flying back in his seat. The hummer flew past buildings, leaving Nano and Kyo in it's dust.


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Nano looked annoyed as she threw a helmet on Kyoko. "You better hope we can keep them in sight." She growled at Kyo, before taking off down the dirt road. Dust followed behind the tire as the bike raced fast behind the hummer, easily dodging obstacles on the road. As the hummer pulled to a stop in front of a huge dark building, the bike followed just a couple seconds after. Nano climbed off the bike and looked up at the huge building. What the hell is she planning.. she sighed.


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"You guys wiiiii-in~" Kyoko sung. "This is quite the bee-you-tea-full" Kyoko said acting like a sophisticated gentle-woman. "So who gets first choice of rooms?" Kyoko asked wondering who in suspense.


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Cherry sat there slowly eating her food with proper etiquette. Despite the disgust she had for her family sitting at the bottom of her heart, everything they had drilled into her as a child just came natural, now. But that wasn't what was on her mind. Her comrades were. Not Lucas and Izzy, but the others. The ones who'd gone missing nearly a year ago on a covert mission. Since that fateful day not a word of their whereabouts had been received. To make matters worse she'd been keeping a secret from her comrades, dealing with top secret Exoran plans to end the plague once and for all.


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Izzy sat with hit legs crossed, picking his tooth with a toothpick. He hadn't eaten any of the food, but after making the feast, the fumes made him nauseous. Standing up with some empty dishes, he made his way to the sink, dropping the platters in warm water. After scrubbing for a few moments, he left them there to soak, and threw the towel onto the sink. He reached into his pocket and pulled out a vibrating black cell phone. "Hey, man." He spoke into the phone, leaning against the door frame and watching the others eat. "Well I'll be damned." He smirked, closing the cell and sticking it back into his pocket. "The Skulrin base has been infiltrated." He called out to the others.


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#, as written by zolzol

Nicholas yawned and looked at Kyo before pushing the front door in. "Dibs on first pick." With that he grabbed his luggage , walked in to a small main room that just looked run down and then quickly walked down a set of stairs that was covered by a metal sheet before reaching a larger room. scaning the darkness carefully Nick then clapped twice , when nothing happend Nick sighed and flicked the switchs on the wall to turn the lights on. "We never have clap ons."

The place was a mess , someone or alot of someones had been using the place as a safe haven too sleep , there was makeshift beds , furniture and the other doors had metal crates infront of them to keep them closed. Despite the dirty hobo clutter around the place was great , high cielings met by reinforced walls and just one quick look around gave the impression of a military workshop just with out the tools in place. The main room was large , probly made to house a broken down tank or something similiar and the garage was just as big (tho it too had been piled closed by crates and junk).

Nick made his way passed all that , kicking debree out of his way as he did before Coming to a large door , one of many in a row. Each one had a hand scanner to open it and Nick picked the one at the end of the hall , placing his hand against it. When it turned red Nick groaned , pulling the machines off his palm and fingers before placing it against the scanner again. Opening it up to reveal a rather spartan room. It had two bunks in it , one on each side of the room and a storage box at the end of each bed. With one look around Nicholas sighed and walked in , placing his things down on one of the beds before walking back out. "Yeah , we are gonna need to do some furniture shopping pretty soon." Nick looked around at the hobo style furniture in the main hall. "And cleaning products. ALOT of cleaning products."


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Kurami got out of the car and walked inside after Nick, and kind of followed him. "So you have dibs on this room? Psh, ok. But i got my room. Also the password to all the other doors that I doubt Nano couldnt even hack open is, Pain." Kurami left the bum area Nick was in and went downstairs to 3rd floor down and went to the room at the end of the hallway. She put in the basic word code (pain) and then a number code which basicly only she new, and maybe her brother. Then the door opened up.

The room was not all destroyed and didnt have trash anywhere in it. It was clean, perfect, and Kurami's. She turned on the light and revealed the room, it had a California King size bed, a walk in-closet a basic dresser and a 42 inch television, though she ever used it. She had basic furniture but nothing fancy. She flopped down onto her bed and threw her guns onto the side table. "Ah, great to be back. Now only to remember the armory pass code, hmm." Kurami thought for a while and then just gave up and went up stairs, and talked to everyone. "You guys don't even need to talk to me and don't even have to see me if you don't want to. And don't ask what this building was and how i knew it. Also, im on the third floor down and in the last room in the hallway, if you even want to talk to me. And Nano, don't mess with the security."

Kurami then went back downstairs, went into her room, shut the door laid down for awhile, and took a nap. She was also sleeping with both of her pistols in her hand just as she always did, nowhere in this city is safe to her. Also on the third floor down, there were a couple other doors that need a specific number code like Kurami's room, only she and Izzy knew them.



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Nano growled and followed after with her things. "She wishes I couldn't hack it open." She mumbled to herself, leaving the others and making her way down stares. She opened the door, ignoring Kurami's request for her to not adjust the security and entered a dark room. Her foot steps echoed off the walls as she stepped inside and dropped her things on the floor. Reaching the wall, she felt around for a switch. Her hands reached a large block, and as she pressed her hand against it, lights flickered revealing a large empty room, about the size of a garage. Letting up a smile, Nano leaned against the wall and took a deep breath. She was satisfied with her new room, but exhausted and trapped in her own mind. Slumping onto the floor, and hugging her legs, she stared wall, thinking to herself before dozing off.


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"The Skulrin base has been infiltrated."

Cherry's fork dropped from her hand and clattered to her plate. She spun around with a thirsty grin. "Really? Excellent! What should we do from here, Izzy?" She wanted his take on what their next move should be even though she already had a few vague ideas drifting in her head. This is such a break through. Such a chance to gain the upper hand.


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Kurami got up and went to Nano's room, already knowing which one she would pick. Kurami knocked on the door. "Coming in." She then opened the door adn walked in, closing the door behind her, waking up Nano. "Hey Nano, i came here to say soemthign which i dont say often. Im sorry, ive just been thinkin about things. But we really needed to get out of that place, i know we all loved livign their, but we were too in the open. Just know im sorry for any pain i cause. Also, you can modify the hummer if you want, and if for sercurity, maybe you should set that up down here. Your the best with tech ive seen, i bet you could do anything." Kurami then left Nano's room, and pulling Nano's bike into the hidden garage, then putting her Hummer inside. (Garage comes up out of the ground.) She then went back to her room and grabbed heer pistols and went back up to the main floor and relaxed.


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"Hello Kurami~" Kyoko said from the ceiling. Yes, Kyoko was hanging on the ceiling. She then dropped down and sat next to Kurami. "How do you like my room up on the up floor." she said pointing her finger up smiling.

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Character Portrait: Orlando August
0 sightings Orlando August played by Black
"Something I Can Help You With?"
Character Portrait: Lucas Ashcroft
0 sightings Lucas Ashcroft played by TiMMMaY!!!
*explosion* "What? It wasn't me. I swear."

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Zero
Character Portrait: Nano
Character Portrait: Black Cherry
Character Portrait: Izaya (Izzy)
Character Portrait: Kyoko Hyaza


Character Portrait: Kyoko Hyaza
Kyoko Hyaza

heehee you're blood my swordwhat do ya say?

Character Portrait: Izaya (Izzy)
Izaya (Izzy)

"Well slap my ass and call me Debbie... We've got a runner."

Character Portrait: Black Cherry
Black Cherry

Let's go hunting.

Character Portrait: Nano


Character Portrait: Zero

"Give me my damn gum"


Character Portrait: Black Cherry
Black Cherry

Let's go hunting.

Character Portrait: Zero

"Give me my damn gum"

Character Portrait: Izaya (Izzy)
Izaya (Izzy)

"Well slap my ass and call me Debbie... We've got a runner."

Character Portrait: Kyoko Hyaza
Kyoko Hyaza

heehee you're blood my swordwhat do ya say?

Character Portrait: Nano


Most Followed

Character Portrait: Izaya (Izzy)
Izaya (Izzy)

"Well slap my ass and call me Debbie... We've got a runner."

Character Portrait: Zero

"Give me my damn gum"

Character Portrait: Nano


Character Portrait: Black Cherry
Black Cherry

Let's go hunting.

Character Portrait: Kyoko Hyaza
Kyoko Hyaza

heehee you're blood my swordwhat do ya say?

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