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Fallen: The darkness inside

Fallen: The darkness inside


Life is filled with cliches right? Well in this vampire story it isn't the well known story of vampire boy falls for human girl.

1,800 readers have visited Fallen: The darkness inside since ShadowedxLove created it.



They are meant to be violent horrible creatures but what if they were real. What if they exisisted outside the realm of fantasy? In Rochester New York a small family has just moved in. The only child of that family is a teenage girl but to many in the neigborhood the family is anything but ordinary. Something about them scares people away but for some reason the boy who's familylives in the house directly across from them finds it hard to just stay away from others and after laying his eyes on the girl his fate is unknowingly sealed. He knows she isn't normal but he'd never be able to guess what this innocent looking girl really is.

The characters


Name: Katherine Preston | Age: 16 (really 338) | Status: Taken


Name: ______________ | Age: 17 | Status: Open

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 2 authors

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine certainly wasn't expecting any of this. She had expected to live out the rest of eternity in solitude but now with Charlie that plan seemed to have become a blur for the moment. Of course a while from now Katherine would have to leave him and it would hurt her probably more than anything but she had to. Though having him actually want to stick around knowing she would have to leave was what mde her think about how she really did care for him. What shocked her was that despite the fact that he was and is probably scared of her here he was with her close to him. She had of course listened to what he was saying but didn't expect him to get so close to her.

Katherine had nodded to his question before completely closing the space between them and claiming his lips. It was smething new to be with someone in such a way. Katherine despite being more than three hundred years old hadn't really had a passionate or really any relationship with males after her supposed friend. Back in the times she was born it was considered a horrid thing to live in sin or commit to promiscuous behavior. Katherine pulled away knowing that he unlike her needed oxygen ater a bit and to prevent it from becoming too intensified less she hurt him or do anything else she may later regret. "Of course I will." she added and wrapped her around around his neck before hugging him. She decided that for now she didn't need to worry about having to leave.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon
He knew that she didn't want things to end and he knew that he didn't want things to end, but everything had an end, but everything also had a beginning. Now was the beginning of his and Katherine's relationship and already, there were things that were bothering the two of them to try and pull them apart but Charlie was having none of it. Ever since their eyes had met across the street and locked together, there seemed to be no key, no matter what had tried, to undo the lock that had captured each of them to the other. Sure they could not stop the inevitable but who knows what will happen over the next few years, maybe they'd work something out or convince Katherine to stay no matter how she was, though it would probably grow more awkward as the years past.

It was time that was the biggest issue, but they had at least a few years together which was more than any girl had given him thus far and not messing around with him either in the time he shared with them. Seeing her through the window had told him that she was the one, but an inner thought wondered how long the two of them could keep it up, but as he had said to her, that time did not matter but that they simply enjoyed their rollercoaster ride for as long as it lasted, for as long as it could last. She was irresistable despite how dangerous she was and how she had lost control before. He could not think about anyone else that he would rather be with however, rather than her.

Seeing her nod in response made him smile which had vanished in a matter of seconds as his lips merged with her own sweet pair. Each of them had a reason to have fear in the minds, if it was not a result of the time they had, it was the fear of her hurting him. Sure Charlie had kissed girls before, but neither compared to the passion and emotion he was putting in now to the girl of his dreams. He did not want her to go, but he had plenty of time until then and would want to spend as much time as he could with her, at least as much time he could afford to spend at least. Afterall, they couldn't stop time could they, time was still a thorn in their side.

Vampire were said to be emotionless animals, bloodthirsty creatures, yet Katherine still held onto her humanity, still held onto her emotions and her feelings and it was such that he loved about her. She couldn't change what she was, but she could hold onto her beliefs and what she cared for, such was truly admirable, as they pulled away from each other as she replied, "Of course I will" before wrapping her arms around his neck and hugged him, fearing not the inevitable and enjoying the time they did have, so Charlie was pleased that he had managed to ease her worries and would continue to do so as long as he could do.

Charlie enjoyed her warmth, emotionally rather than physically as she embraced him and him her. In most relationships, in most ordinary relationships, it was always the guy who looked out for his girl but this was no ordinary relationship and nor was she an ordinary. However, despite how weaker he must be to her, he still felt strong enough to protect her from todays' society. The fact that they were together would protect her at school, as he had warned her of how the Delaney sisters would see her as competition but they of course would have nothing to be jealous about if she was taken. In any case, he could certainly see Katherine taking care of herself pretty well.

The hand that had caressed her cheek during their passionate moment had now moved to her back, making sure he was in a strong position to hold her, assisting by his other arm that held her waist, something that he'd point out as he rested his head on hers. "None of us know what the morrow may bring, or what will happen next year or the year after that. Even though you are strong yourself, you are the most precious person I have in my life now and I will take care of you as best as I can. I know control is important, but even now, if you let go, I've got you", kissing her head afterwards, trying to think of what else to say but believed he had said his peace.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine was shocked and happy by what Charlie had said. It was something new to her having someone say such things to her. The worries she had were still there in the back of her mind. She hated the idea of having to leave but had no other choice. She looked up at Charlie. "Thats sweet but how can I be of most precious person in your life if you have your family?" Katherine care about Charlie deeply and probably more than her own parents. It had only been a short while since their very first meeting with them eyeing each other through their windows but despite that she does care about him a lot.

She had released him from her embrace by now unsure of what else to say also that his scent was enticing, almost addicitive in a way. Last thing she needed was to actually want to sink her fangs in his neck. She pretty much did it once she didn't need nor want to do it again as once it could hurt him and two she could kill him. This was also why she wondered why someone like her who had hurt him a little while before was the most precious person in his life. From what she drank it wasn't enough to sustain her for very long. She'd probably be in need of blood sooner than expected as she used up her inhuman speed to get to his house mostly and she'd probably end up using it again tomorrow somehow and/or her inhuman strength.

If she allowed herself too she'd end up in the state she was in previously and could this time hurt Charlie a lot worse. When a vampire bites a human for the first time it could be very painful or the opposite depnding on the human. She didn't bit Charlie hard enough for it to have hurt too bad as she had drew blood but not a lot so she barely tasted it at the moment. Even so after many years of having a hatred for her own species she is now actually thankful for it as through that she met Charlie. or vampires like her who love a human it is not uncommon for them to turn their human partner into a vampire to remain with them without issue. Katherine right now couldn't see herself doing that to Charlie as she was sure he wouldn't want that. He wouldn't age, he wouldn't ever have kids and he'd have to see those he loved and cared for wither away and die. Katherine knew that wasn't really a life he'd want to live just to stay with Katherine.

Katherine couldn't give him anything really. He'd grow old without her and have nothing if his amily died as she couldn't have kids and needed to survive on the very substance running through his veins. Katherine had also known that there was no one else that could surpass Charlie. She loves Charlie but she couldn't find herself hurting him or making him immortal. Besides no human she's ever met in her immortal life has wanted to become a vampire and she was positive he wouldn't want to become a vampire either. It would hurt her deeply when she would have to leave in order to keep her secret but she had no choice. She couldn't just hide out in her home along with her parents that also never age.

Charlie would go off to college and live his life there. Meet another girl and forget about Katherine. She dealt with that fact once revealing to him what she was and growing to love him like he had confessed he did as well. Katherine loves him and would be happy to see him go on with his life. She began walking only to look behind her and eyed Charlie. "Shall we begin heading further into the park?" she asked him.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon
There were....complications with what he was doing, but what could he say, he had a reckless desire to challenge himself and he had a dangerous thing called love that made him feel he could make the impossible possible, as the saying goes, love conquers all. "That's sweet but how can I be of most precious person in your life if you have your family", but he personally believed such didn't really need answering. Afterall, as the saying goes you can choose your friends but not your family, the family are those that have supported him from day one so he would always love them. There were times that they annoyed him but such happened, but when it came to his own life, his own path, the most precious is who you cared deeply for along your own path, which was the trend for all guys who had girlfriends with the great desire to make her feel special so that they can continue to grow close to each other.

Of course all that lovey dovey stuff, especially speaking from a guy's perspective probably was not really an answer for Katherine, so he merely smiled and answered simply, "Because you are, it's the way of life when your madly in love with someone", which essentially was it all. Spending the rest of his life with her was the challenge, the great challenge, but they would deal with that roadblock when the times comes, but right now she was truly special to him and he wanted to make her happy. Katherine had spent over 300 years being by herself, so he wanted to make sure their 'rollercoaster ride' was something special and something to be remembered. Whatever happened, he would find it hard, truly hard, to forget his angel.

It was then that she had pulled away. It was not what he meant when he said if she let go, referring to her letting go from her control so that she relied solely on the support Charlie was giving her, but there was another time. They had the next few years together, and nothing and no-one, no nothing would stop it. Of course, it seemed Katherine was on the move as she took a few paces forward before turning to him, "Shall we begin heading further into the park?". Charlie smiled as he walked forward to be at the same level as her as he held his arm out like a teapot handle which she could weave her arm through, so they could enter together and remain together, such a moment he wished would last forever. "From what you told me earlier, your life wasn't so easy with you moving from place to place, but did you do much sight-seeing may I ask, see anyone famous from the history books, am curious. I can't imagine the pain you went through, and though I may not have much to offer, I do have a bottomless basket of love and a great desire to see you there umm anything you wished you could do but did not do?"

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine smiled at his answer but deep down she was scared of herself. If she did actually lose control Charlie's life could seriously be in danger. She was spending a lot of her energy on simply keeping herself in control. This was one of the reasons why most vampires simply just drink human blood as it sustaied them longer. Animal blood could no longer serve it's purpose after a few days or a few hours while with human blood it's purpose lasts for possibly weeks at a time. the idea had of course crossed her on a few occasions to survive off of human blood alone instead of animal blood but she didn't want to hurt others despite that depending the human and vampire a vampire's bit may not hurt at all and feel opposite.

That's why a vampire drinking another vampire's blood was considered to be an intimate thing due to the way it felt. After so many years it had taken countless animals to sustain Katherine for a year and though she hated having to harm such creatures she would feel so much remorse for killing even more countless humans to sustain her. After all those years though there were good things that came out of them. "Those years were hard but there were some that were great. I got to witness Geroge Washington's coming to office and Abraham's Gettysburg Address. I've seen and met a lot of people important to history and even celebrities like Marilyn Monroe." in those years it was painful especially knowing that those people died as did everyone from that time until now. "I've travelled to a lot of places. I ,alongside my parents, saw the Eiffel Tower go up." she added. She saw many other historical landmarks due to her travelling. "none of that has compared to meeting you Charlie." she stated smiling at him. "As for things I wish I could've done well there have been many things that being a vampire inables you to do though I'd rathernot dwell on that after all this time."

Katherine would've hugged him but for fear of osing her self-control she refrained from doing so depsite how much she wanted to. She was sure that when she had to leave that nothing else would compare to meeting him either. Even though she still had yet to actually state how much she did love him despite the short time she felt it and was sure of it. If he considered her an angel she considered him her savior from the hellish life she lived before him.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon
Katherine's life had been long, but though she no doubt had her difficult times, especially the witch hunt that she spoke about when she first confided in him, she must of also had her good times. It was the same for everyone really, for everyone had their up's and their down's, each had their own rollercoaster ride, for such was life. Comparing this analogy to life's pathway, sometimes things went by quickly and sometimes things tended to drag, in the troubled times the ride shuts down before on the mend to get things rolling again. Charlie had certainly had his fair share, but he certainly could not imagine being on such a ride for 338 years. Though he could not totally understand her, he would try to make the next few years the happiest moment of both of their lives, then it was a case of come what may.

"Those years were hard but there were some that were great. I got to witness George Washington's coming to office and Abraham's Gettyburg Address. I've seen and met a lot of people important to history and even celebrities like Marilyn Monroe...I've travelled to a lot of places. I, alongside my parents, saw the Eiffel Tower go up...none of that has compared to meeting you Charlie", such making Charlie smile as she did, such only making him smile wider and slightly blush also. Afterall, she was comparing him to tall these strong historical figures, though he gathered with her worries that she did not get close to people often or not at all. He truly felt sorry for her, but there was not much he could do about it, and not long to do anything either.

"As for things I wish I could've done well there have been many things that being a vampire inables you to do though I'd rather not dwell on that after all this time", she then answered. He would of enquired further but decided to respect her decision, since he wished to find out if she could do the things she wanted with his help, though he assumed he wouldn't be the answer for her in that regard since she didn't want to think about it with such a goal too high to reach now. Instead, he re-adjusted himself to put his arm round her as they walked, before gathering the words to say in his mind, since the fact that her meeting of him had been the best moment of her long life had caught him a little off-balance, being so used to giving compliments rather than recieving them.

"If I rephrase my question, what I meant to if there was anything you wished to do....not because of you being a vampire and all, but in general, that maybe you can do, since you um..have me now", trying to choose his words carefully as being alone all these years would of been hard, so basically was saying if there was anything she wished she could of done with someone but couldn't because she didn't have someone. In the end, Charlie started getting nervous as he then started to mutter as he revealed his inner thoughts, "I just want to know how to make you special, make you happy...", looking away slightly since he was going red after blurting such out....

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine smiled at his question but stepped away a bit when the blood rushed to his face that she hadn't seen but sensed. "I am happy Charlie because now I have you a person I can trust completely and someone that I love." she stated happily. There were many things she had wished she had the chance to do before becoming a vampire. Things vampirism took away from her. She wanted to marry, have children, and grow old with the one she loved. After becoming immortal none of that was possible anymore. She could get marry as girls of the age sixteen did marry more frequently than expected but one she was an unholy creature. Being born in times where christianity and purity was expected for every girl in order to marry such a wish seemed impossible to her.

Two she was a vampire so the only other person she used to think she could marry was another vampire. That didn't seem to appealing as she already hates what he is so why marry someone whom goes against everything she was raised to go support. Three marrying a human also seemed impossible. A human had the chance to grow up and have children while she didn't. Charlie has that chance and she wouldn't take that away from him. Another wish that is even more impossible than marriage is having children of her own. Becoming a vampire meant that really her body was dead so she would never be able to have a child of her own. She could always get her parents to adopt for her but a human child being raised by vampires? Completely out of the question. Above those things though is a wish that once seemed impossible as well but now was possible and happening. She had fallen in love wih someone a human at that and one that has admitted to livng her as well.

That was more than she could ever hope for in her eternal life. "You see Charlie, vampires are passionate, loyal, yet, horrifying and out of control beings. Many live tragic lives that are neverending. We are forever stuck in one form never aging or growing or moving on. Having someone to love and someone that loves them back is like a dream or the biggest wish for any vampire to have." she stated. In all her years of being a vampire the only vampires she knew that had someone to love were her parents. Now Katherine had Charlie and that was all she could ask for. Yes she had to fight the animalistic urges to drink his blood but it seemed worth it to her.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon

Charlie Cooper

Despite his nervousness, Charlie truly wanted this to work. Was all of this fate's work? When he thought about dating girls, he never thought that he'd be dating a vampire, but when he was so blinded by her beauty, blinded by his love for her, the unimaginable became imaginable over the course of a single night, ever since their eyes met across the street through their windows. As far as vampires were concerned, they were how they were portrayed in the media, all bloodthirsty, misleading humans to their eventual death, their actions only to their own benefit with their own selfish desires, careless towards humans. Katherine embodied none of that but more so the complete opposite.

For various reasons, girls dated him but then left him. His luck thus far has not been so great, but he felt that Katherine truly was the one since it seemed his acts of what would be seen as recklessness, did not seem to bother her. It was why Charlie truly wished for this to work, the only bother being her eventually leaving his side after a few years, each of those years having Charlie grow while Katherine remained still. If only there was a way, but having disbelief in the existence of vampires, he doubted there was a cure to get rid of the vampire side of her to live a normal life with him. Oh how nice it would be to be by her side.

"I am happy Charlie because now I have you a person I can trust completely and someone that I love", something you never hear a vampire say, especially so genuinely, "You see Charlie, vampires are passionate, loyal, yet, horrifying and out of control beings. Many live tragic lives that are neverending. We are forever stuck in one form never aging or growing or moving on. Having someone to love and someone that loves them back is like a dream or the biggest wish for any vampire to have". Before she could say anything else, Charlie had turned back and sealed her lips with a loving kiss. If anyone knew what Charlie was getting himself into then they would think he was crazy but love does some crazy stuff with people.

When you was in love, the real important stuff didn't seem to matter so much. This feeling continued every time he was with her, as they walked together to school with his hand holding hers, such making a clear statement in the school that she was Charlie's and he was her's and he wouldn't have it any other way. At school, he looked out for her to make sure she knew her way around and that she wasn't in any trouble as if he was her guardian angel or something, while his angel helped him with history that he was passionate about but didn't truly understand it, before ending the day embracing.

The days went on and their bond grew. Though Katherine could never get rid of her vampire side, Charlie aimed to bring out more of her human side as he introduced her to others. Being a vampire and being skilled, her reflexes were to be admired so he didn't see why she couldn't play badminton or tennis as he did football and rugby, though he didn't play rugby too much, sometimes the deep end was not the best place to be for too long, but all the time, each of them had each other. At the park, she had said how happy she was to have someone she could trust completely, and he was glad to have someone to love him.

Now that a week had passed, Charlie descended out his window as he did before, before crossing over the road to Katherine's and using the rope to climb up the wall once it had a grip on the roof to see Katherine. Once he reached the window, he tapped it and waited for his angel to appear, smiling at her once he saw her, "Hello beautiful...", complimenting her. He wasn't quite sure what the plan was today, there was a recital that they could go to, whatever made Katherine happier he supposed.

(OOC: Timeskip complete)

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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During the week much had happened to Katherine. She had made a few friends no one too close and she of course had Charlie. Another thing was that she was unable to feed sufficiently and so she was now starving. Unfortunately it didn't help that Charlie was in her room while she was fighting animalistic urges to jump him and drain him of his blood. She loved him and loved seeing him but she was scared that she could potentially harm him. It proved difficult just to greet him. "Hey handsome." She smiled at him and it was a real one but she couldn't get too close to him.

There were times during the week where she found it increasingly difficult to get too close or stay away from him. "I...I-I" it was all she could muster as now her throat was burning as if someone lit it on fire. She had sturdied herself on her dresser taking a glance into the mirror to see that her eyes were now a lit crimson as they were a week before. It was almost excruciating to keep fighting. It was as if she was being torn a part and there were two sides of her in a whirlwind of a battle. As of right now the animal that was the darker side of her was winning and for a second just a second she let go. Katherine had stopped fighting. She hadn't meant for it to happen.

Before she knew what was happening she had tackled Charlie to the ground. Katherine was straddling him and her fangs were now bared and she was now nuzzling his neck. She had no more control of her actions. The monster was now in control. Katherine's fangs quickly lodged into his neck and she was unsure if it was hurting him or pleasurable for him. It had been a minute or so before she was able to regain control. When she was in control of herself again she looked at what she had done and started sobbing. She was glad to hear a heartbeat. It was very faint signaling his closeness to death. "I'm sorry Charlie." She stated in between sobs. Katherine quickly bit into her wrist and brought her wrist to his mouth. She had been able to make him ingest her blood but she knew it was too late to save him but that was her intention. Katherine had now done the unthinkable and turned Charlie into a vampire.

She was now sobbing loudly and tears were streaming down her cheeks , blurring her vision, and staining her cheeks. Katherine had lied there on top of him, listening to his heartbeat until it had stopped. She sobbed harder but here parents had just left so they couldn't hear her. She had killed the love of her life and turned him into a vampire. How could she ever forgive herself? He was going to wake up soon and would probably be parched. She let him feed from her which would sustain him for a while. Katherine had now went to the floor lying next to Charlie still sobbing. Her hands covered her face and she was in utter shock.Now he'd be immortal but she felt as if she needed to repent for what she did. She was going to help him then if he no longer wanted anything to do with her she'd go off and drive a stake in her heart as she didn't want to live like that knowing he was now immortal an if he didn't want her around which she guessed he hadn't then she didn't want to live like that.

2 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon

Charlie Cooper

It was nice to be with Katherine again, fantastic to be more precise. A week ago they were concerned with the differences between them and how much time they had, but it seemed that all that had settled, the raging waves had subsided and now they could simply enjoy each others' company. Having been warned by Katherine time and time again from when they first met of not being so close at certain times, Charlie tried his best to not be with her for too long, but despite her having time with the friends she had made, she had became quite the drug that he could not get enough of her and it was hard to be apart for too long. It was the same sort of feeling when he had admitted his feelings in his bedroom, as he had grown attached to her since seeing her in her window, that despite the possibility of death, he did not want to go before telling her how he felt and in the end, he had been able to spend time with her and love her.

"Hey handsome", she replied back to him as he entered through the window, before turning around and pulling up the rope he had that was on the ground to make sure his presence there was obvious. Afterall, any normal person would of knocked on the door, any normal person would not even be dating a vampire, any normal person would of wanted her to remove the memory and send her on her way, but Charlie was not such a normal person to do any of that when he followed his heart of what he believed and for who he loved. Time and time again Charlie took risks regardless of the danger, his relationship with Katherine felt no different.

When Katherine had pounced onto him, he was curious as to why, though perhaps she was trying to live a normal life again since he had been around, as that was what Charlie has been trying to do for her in the past week so that she fit in with everyone else and not letting the fact she was a vampire disturb her or anyone else anymore, at least for the few years that they had together. "I didn't know you missed me this much...", he remarked with a smile as she then closed the gaps between them, but his face dropped when he saw her eyes, "...Katherine...".

In a matter of seconds, his eyes widened as she felt her bite into his neck, even more so than before that he truly felt it. "Katherine...", his hand reaching for hers as he grew weaker in his voice and his physical strength, placing her hand on his chest area like before but she still persisted which now caused him to worry as he tried to push her away, "Kath..rine...stop..". It was however a struggle, a battle that could not be won as even his arms had rejected him, as well as his legs that he tried to use to try and kick her away as much as it pained him to do so.

Unable to fight back, he closed his eyes as he tried to hold onto what shred of humanity he had left, what life he had left as a stream ran down from his eyes and across his cheek. Ever since that bite, his body had seemed to adjust itself as if her mouth was part of it so he wouldn't call it painful, but as she was there draining him, his angel, he didn't know how long he could hold up. Risk after risk he had challenged himself, Katherine being the biggest challenge, his final challenge. He only hoped there was time, if he reached out to the Katherine he knew, there was a chance that he could be rushed to hospital and then get on his feet again, his only hope resting on the tears that fell, running down his cheek before falling from his cheek down to his neck like a waterfall.

It seemed to have worked when he heard sweet Katherine's voice and her tears, "I'm sorry Charlie". Instead of taking him however, she instead cut her waist hoping she was not 'emo', before she faintly saw her hand above his mouth and then his eyes giving up on him, mentally seeing his body shutting down, before there was nothing but darkness......

Just when he thought his life was over, it seemed his life was back as his eyes shot open and his mouth opened gasping, but not for air, blood. Inside him, his mind was trying to stop thinking about it, but he couldn't stop, the smell of blood right near him as his hands gripped onto Katherine's shoulders as he sat up. Charlie shut his eyes and tried to fight as his mouth starting heating up and before he knew it, he had closed the gap between him and Katherine, sinking his fangs into her neck as he drunk her blood, much like little babies with their mothers who breastfeed them, such bringing him comfort and calming him down as his grip on her shoulders loosened until there was no grip at all as Charlie pulled away and leant back onto the floor as Katherine rolled and laid next to him.

As he laid, he tried to make sense of it all and there was only one answer, and only one sound that he could hear which was that of Katherine crying. Having his intake of blood, the battle raging from within was returning to Charlie, allowing him the use of his arm again as he reached out to Katherine, his hand finding her arm and going up until he had a grip on her hand as he grasped it and brought it down from her face. "Don't cry. I need you", squeezing her hand lightly since squeezing as he usually did would probably be much more harder than before now that he was a vampire. However, if he was to move on from this, he needed Katherine to help him adjust, he needed her help to be as strong as she was or the vampires he reads in books would be his future....

(OOC: Hope it sounds okay)

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine was shocked by what Charlie had said. Katherine smiled sorrowfully. "Charlie I never wanted this for you. I'm sorry and I'll be there when you need me and if you feel as if you don't need me anymore I'll leave." She used her free hand to wipe her face free from her tears. "I never wanted this for you Charlie and I'm so sorry that I did this to you." Katherine stated so sadly and sat up. "You're probably going to need to feed more soon so if you need it than go ahead and feed from me. " she added. Katherine knew it would be hard for him to adjust especially to being a new vampire and being around humans.

She'd help him through it. Katherine loves him and would make sure to help him cope with his transformation and help him learn the basics and everything else he'd need. Katherine was the one that did this to him and she felt horrible about but she was surprised he hadn't yelled at her or something. It would be hard for him to cope with the passings of his family and loved ones through the years. She'd have to explain to her family about what she did.

"So um if you have any questions at any time you can ask but to put it simply you don't need to sleep, eat human food, or drink anything accept blood. You won't ever grow older or get sick. You won't die from disease or old age but a wooden stake to the heart, being decapitated, being set on fire, or having your heart ripped out can kill you like it would a human." She explained and hugged him. "I'm sorry Charlie." She stated feeling her eyes water again. Katherine loves him and just hoped he wouldn't wish her to go away.

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon

Charlie Cooper

It had become clearly apparent that a change had occurred within Charlie. Last time he felt 'normal' was when he felt himself shutting down, remembering Katherine on top of him as she cried telling him how sorry she was. Ever since he had met Katherine, things had been pretty different for Charlie due to how he didn't want the whole vampirism getting in the way of their relationship, nor their lives as they lived in Rochester and dealt with the other students on a daily basis which was no doubt a challenge for a vampire to be around so much blood. Katherine however seemed to control herself, resorting only to animal blood to protect humanity which he respected before the change and even now, as he didn't know how he'd be able to cope, seeing as he failed to contain his yearning for blood when he reached out to Katherine who seemed to be a willing victim. However, what about the next time.

"Charlie I never wanted this for you. I'm sorry and I'll be there when you need me and if you feel as if you don't need me anymore, I'll leave...I never wanted this for you Charlie and I'm so sorry that I did this to you", such sounding sincere, but what was the alternative after she had bitten, it was either let his body shut down and keep shut down or make him into what she was so he could keep on living. All this time he had been trying to encourage her to put who she is on the outside aware, such that he tried upon himself since his original adventurous spirit was still inside, only now he had a much more harder skin than before, realising the troubles himself that vampires have. Unlike Katherine however, she has had several years to adjust herself so holding onto who she was inside was not too hard, but it was even more so for him.

"You're probably going to need to feed more soon so if you need it than go ahead and feed from me", she explained which made him wonder about her old friend, before she then asked him if he had any questions and how "you don't need to sleep, eat human food, or drink anything except blood. You won't ever grow older or get sick. You won't die from disease or old age but a wooden stake to the heart, being decapitated, being set on fire, or having your heart ripped out can kill you like it would a human", which essentially backed up all that he had learnt while being round her, as well as his own research that he had dived into but never in a million years did he imagine he himself would be one. When he first saw her crimson eyes as she came to him, he thought he was going to die which was why he had revealed how he felt and kissed her so that if he died, he would end kissing the girl of his dreams but it seemed such was not the case, and not the case again with another near-death experience.

Just then, he then felt her arms wrap around him as she hugged him, "I'm sorry Charlie". In response, he put his arms round her so that he was steady while his head went down so that the top of his head was near the bottom of her chin, symbolically asking for her guidance as well as her protection, more so from himself than anything since he wasn't really sure what he'd be capable of. "I would say its ok, but truthfully its not. I done some research before of how more of the vampire is lost the more they consume human blood...If this is true, I admittingly am afraid if I do as I could hardly stop myself from biting into you which I am still trying to get my head round. What about back at home or in classes I'm not with you, what do I do then?", clutching her in his hug as if hanging onto a lifeboat for dear life.

Closing his eyes, he had time to think while he held close to Katherine, "I know you never wanted this for me, you warned me time and time again of how I should keep my distance but I never truly listened. The fact that your here with me now is enough for you to be forgiven. I wonder why, but believe I can hazard a guess", which he left as an open-ended question if she did want to answer that though clearly she did want to save him by being the only one other than her family to truly love her which he did, "Though wouldn't I be hurting you when I take from you? Won't that make you weaker and need blood too? It looks to me that trying to remain in control is hard as I tried to stop when I bit you but couldn't so I hope you can teach you, though I do wonder if there is a difference between male and female vampires, and what happened to your old friend when he turned you and your family and what you and your family did afterwards...", feeling ready for the extra details since there was no turning back now unless he used one of the listed methods to bring about his end. He was weary if he would have a tougher job by being a male to block out his bloodlust...

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine felt a bit of relief after what he had said. "Charlie you can still remain close to your humanity no matter what you do as a vampire which could be a good or bad thing depending on the situation. During school you won't need to worry as before school begins, after classes, or whenever you can feed from me. To tell you the truth it doesn't hurt actually and as long as I keep up a good intake of blood." She sighed before contuing to speak.

"Charlie the reason why you couldn't stop yourself is because you're a new vampire a in the beginning it is hard to stay in control. The reason why I stayed is because I love you Charlie and I won't abandon you." She smiled after saying that last part and held him close to her silently agreeing to teach and protect him. "There is no difference between male and female vampires accept teir gender. As to my sire well after he changed us he chased me around from country to country and tormented me. It wasn't until six decades later that he finally left me alone. My family had adjusted o the change surprsingly quicker than expected. One of the hardest things to cope with though was having our loved ones die while we continued living forever." Katherine sighed once more.

"That mayjustbecome a very hard thing for you to handle Charlie but I'll be there for you as long as younwant me to and if there comes a time where you no longer want me around then I'll oblige and leave if its what you truly wish."she explained. Katherine wa would be happy to spend eternity with him if thats what he wanted but she was ready to go through the heartache of leaving himif its what he wanted as well. It was up to him.

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon

Charlie Cooper

Much had happened in so little time, but it wasn't to say that he wasn't expecting it. Afterall, on their first encounter she had bit him but not so much, but she had regained control and apologised, but it seemed that this time she was unable to regain that control and that concerned him. Not about himself as what was done was done. On their first date, Katherine was worried about how much time they would have to spend together, if they should spend time together at all, before Charlie passed it by that life offers it's ups and downs so if there is a period of joy one can have, then one should take it, describing such as a rollercoaster ride. However, it seemed that with the new life that now ran through his veins that were empowering him, it seemed that Charlie was in for a chance to stay with Katherine forever, but he was still heavily concerned with control. If she couldn't control herself when she had drained him, for a 338 year old vampire, how could he be able to control himself any better.

"Charlie you can still remain close to your humanity no matter what you do as a vampire which could be a good or bad thing depending on the situation" which seemed to make sense with how close Katherine had been to humanity to eat the blood of animals and sacrificing their lives for humans. Katherine was not a bad person, but what about him, the 'risk-taker', whenever someone dared him to do something, what if someone dared him to bite someone. Clearly he had to make some changes to try and avoid such a consequence from happening, which is why Katherine remained by his side, "During school you won't need to worry as before school begins, after classes, or whenever you can feed from me. To tell you the truth it doesn't hurt actually and as long as I keep up a good instake of blood", which Charlie nodded to, seeing as the only pain he felt when she had bitten him was that of first contact before it started to smoothen out, probably due to being drained, but then again, vampires experienced no pain so it seemed Charlie was thinking like a human still to actually ask if it hurt her. Maybe he did have a chance yet.

"Charlie the reason why you couldn't stop yourself is because you're a new vampire and in the beginning it is hard to stay in control", which gave him some hope but he still had far to go and still didn't reassure him enough that mistakes wouldn't happen if a 338 year old vampire had lost control on him. The answer of course was the blood intake since after her bite before, she had to leave to get her fill in order to control herself again, but wouldn't his intaking of her blood make her need blood even more, would animal blood suffice. Thinking of such, he listened to her smooth voice as she said that she would not abandon him and that she still loved him, before symbolically agreeing to teach and protect him when he felt her pull him closer to her before telling him of her situation with the one who turned her who had left her to struggle so he was thankful that Katherine remained by him.

"One of the hardest things to cope with though was having our loved ones die while we continued living forever...That may just become a very hard thing for you to handle Charlie but I'll be there for you as ling as you want me to and if there comes a time where you no longer want me around then I'll oblige and leave if its what you truly wish". Charlie smiled, "I told you you were a sweet angel...from the first time I saw you", he responded, for if she truly was a monster, she would of bit him back in their first meeting, either living him to die or turning him and leaving him to face his cruel fate intentionally. However, hearing her sob after she had done what she had done, how she remained at his side and her willingness to stay with him and protect him had given him much comfort as an angel would. Was all this fated to happen as soon as their eyes had met on their first night...

It seemed that those he would be riding on the rollercoaster with would be his family and his friends rather than Katherine. It was hard yes, he could only imagine the pain she was in when she first told him, but now such had become a reality check now that he was going to experience the same thing. There was no turning back now anyway. Maybe he could fake his death somehow so that his family could cherish the days they know, rather than the painful days when he was discovered to not be growing to raise questions, which was the reason why Katherine and her family would be moving away when it was time, so no doubt this meant that he would be joining them.

Course he had a few years yet so no doubt things would be harder in dealing with things when the inevitable would happen, but no doubt in those years he'd be growing more stronger with more control unlike now. Right now the only one who truly could understand him was Katherine, so he would be foolish to want her to leave. "I want you", he added with a smile on his own, simply saying what was needed to be said since she spoke about leaving so he wanted such thoughts to leave her head, before asking what had been bothering him, "though with me feeding from you, wouldn't you need more blood, as I would feel really bad if I fed from you to keep myself strong and then see you struggle", showing his concern for her.

(OOC: Sorry for wait, have been a bit behind on my posts that been trying to catch up across the board as had a few inactive days with irl stuff going on, but am back)

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine smiled happily at Charlie's words. She was the one that had just turned him yet he still thought of her as his angel. She was also overjoyed he didn't just shun her away. "Charlie with you becoming a new vampire you're emotions will be all over the place in the beginning but you'll learn to control it." Katherine stated and ran her fingers through his hair. "If it is me you want then I shall stay beside you happily." she added and smiled at him.It was a new thng to her to have someone that wanted to be with her and now they were going to be together forever...literally but she had much to teach him.

"I'll be fine Charlie do not worry about that. Right now helping you and making sure you don't go hungry is my top priority." Katherine stated and sat up finally. She took a look at urprisingly a small amount of blood that stained the carpet. "I should probably clean that. When my parents get back we're going to have to tell them what happened but in the meantime I guess you can take a look around or something." she stood up regrettablly. SHe wished she could just stay with him like that a bit longer but she couldn't have a blood stain seep into the carpet.

(OOC: It's cool I understand. Glad to have you back though ^^)

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon

Charlie Cooper

Charlie was always taught not to judge a book by its cover. When Charlie first found out Katherine was a vampire, he was certainly startled and frightened which he covered up with a kiss and praying mentally for a peaceful end if he was to die, but the vampires of the movies and the vampires of reality differed, or at least Katherine was different. With the time he had spent with her before all this happened, he admired her for how she had coped all these years, how she held onto her humanity and digested the blood of the animals rather than the blood of humans, but clearly the blood of animals did not satisfy for very long which results in moments where control is temporarily lost which resulted in him being a victim.

"Charlie with you becoming a new vampire you're emotions will be over the place in the beginning but you'll learn to control it", she assured him, but over and over again in his mind, he was asking himself how. He had confidence that Katherine would help him since she had agreed to help him, but how long had it taken for her to master her control, how long was a vampire considered a new vampire where the smell of blood was so compelling, which would be even more so if this occurred at home or round.....humans. He couldn't really label himself as a human now though, but then he recalled his earlier conversation last week that it was the one in the center who mattered, it was the one in the inside that he had fallen in love with and even now after her outside had taken over and turned him, there was still that spark, still that kindness, love and tenderness that was her true inner self, much like his true inner self was the one who loved her and cared for her and also the guy who took risks. There was no turning back in this case however.

"If it is me you want then I shall stay beside you happily", she then replied with her own smile as he smiled back. It was clear there was good in her, especially since she hadn't done a runner like the vampire who turned her, though he never imagined himself as a vampire. Afterall, wasn't vampires only in stories and movies? knowing a vampire was really real was one thing, but now he was a vampire which was alot to take it, as Katherine then stood up to go clean the blood on the carpet after telling him not to worry about her and how her helping him was her top priority. However, it still did not settle his worries.

With Katherine absent, he too stood up and withdrew himself to her bed so he no longer was on the floor in order for Katherine to clean up. As he sat there, he looked around the room while contemplating on everything that had happened so far, as it all had happened so quickly and now his life would be changed forever. Any previous plans he had would now be scrapped as his life would now consist of re-living his teenage years which sounded pretty cool for starters though guessed such would be repetitive. They couldn't turn the clock but on the upside they had each other, but on the downside his life was no longer normal and that if anyone knew, they more than likely will be opposed rather than accepting and taking risks like him.

"How long does it take would you say, until vampires can control themselves? and is there anything else I should be getting used to? any other changes I may have, afterall, I do play with the guys sometimes...", who of course are quite chummy after a game. What Charlie wished to work on was how he can change his lifestyle gradually that he was still the same-old same-old, while also helping keep his vampiric thoughts at bay. He had a few years, but if ends up like her on their first meeting where her fangs bare and her eyes turn crimson, what if such happened at school, such was worrying, even if he did not look worried but he liked to give the impression that he was alright.

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine had begun cleaning the blood from the floor all the while holding back the tears she had felt threatening to spill. She was still in shock over what she had done and it hurt more knowing it was to the one she loves. He had done nothing to her but treat her like a Princess and yet she killed him and turned him into a vampire. He was now damned like her to live a hellish eternity. She was so lost in her thoughts she almost didn't hear what he had said. She took a few moments before answering to wipe the tears from her eyes. "W-Well it all depends on the vampire."

She couldn't bring herself to look at him having to explain what he'd have to go through because of her actions. She went back to cleaning and spoke up again. "Your emotions will change a bit. They'll be heightened as may be the same with physical feelings. For example a simple hug from someone may feel very different to what you've k-known." she mentally cursed herself for stuttering...again. "Maybe you can fake being sick? It'll be easier for you to adjust before having to return back to school. The more time you have to get used to this the better." she soon finished and put back the supplies. Katherine utterly and completely wracked with guilt and anger in herself. It was her fault this all happened after all.

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon

Charlie Cooper

"W-Well it all depends on the vampire", she replied as he recognised a stutter. Being a vampire certainly had its perks, such enabling heightened senses so that things would not go amiss from him anymore. All those times in class where he tries to listen but fails, perhaps his grades and such will improve as he'd hear much better and without sleep, he certainly had no excuse to lag behind. Things would certainly be different now. Even though there was no turning back which Charlie could do nothing but accept now, he was aware of the risk he faced being round Katherine with him being the risk-taker, clearly any more risks would not compare with the consequence he faced now, living as a creature from a nightmare.

What counted however was what he had said to Katherine that first day, the one inside, so when Katherine made reference to it depending on the vampire, it no doubt referred to the vampire's true self. Afterall, Katherine could of turned him or killed him when she had the chance that first day but she had held back and had lasted these many years with her kindness. If Katherine could do it and if Katherine was willing to help him as she had said, then Charlie would have no problems holding onto his true self, the risktaker. The more he enquired about his current position, the more Charlie was understanding the position he was in now, as with such understanding, he wished to avoid any problems occurring in the near future so he'd be able to refrain himself as Katherine had done that first day when he had kissed the 'monster'.

"Your emotions will change a bit. They'll be heightened as may be the same with physical feelings. For example a simple hug from someone may feel very different to what you've k-known", Katherine went on to explain, the stutter evident once again. He knew about heightened senses bit, but not heightened emotions and feelings. Perhaps it was such feelings back when vampires first came out that triggered the whole alluring scent that human blood gave off and why vampires conned humans until digging into their meal. Course he was now thinking of the films he has watched, but it seemed what was seen to be unreal was real, so who knows what else. Either way, it would be his heightened feelings that he'd have to manage also, but what he kept going round and round in his mind to get through to his vampiric side, that his feelings pointed to Katherine, they have since he first laid eyes upon her, so if any feelings would be heightened, it would be those of her. There was no way he would let her go.

Katherine suggested faking being sick when it came to being at school, but all Charlie kept in his mind was thinkng about Katherine, so that as soon as she put the last of the supplies away, a mere second later, Charlie had put his newfound abilities to good use to be right by her side. His arms under her arms and around her waist as he shut his eyes and held her close to him, his chin resting on her shoulder so that his face could rest upon hers. As he did so, he spoke quietly, almost in a whisper to bring out a soothing sound which he hoped would settle Katherine, "Ssssshhhhh". The other reason was so his vampiric side can also feel how his true self felt towards her, before he then went on to say in the same soft tone, "I do not blame you....You did what you felt was right at the time....Saved my life and stayed by my side....How can I not love you for that....", incase she got the impression she was hated. Following this, he gave her a light kiss on her cheek. Though being a vampire may not be the best thing with the con's, would it of been better for the accidental bite to be his death, his end, something that she and his family would of found hard to live with...

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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Katherine took a deep breath and smiled sorrowfully. "Charlie, I took away your chance at an actual life." she turned to him and cupped his face in her hands. Her eyes glistened with the tears that threatened to fall. "You'll never grow old and you'll have to watch those you care for pass on top of that you don't know if you'll be able to tell them what's happened let alone know if you can control yourself around them." she sighed and released him letting one arm fall to her side and the other wipe at her eyes.

After a sniffle that she cursed herself for she spoke. "I hate what I've done to you. I'm not better than the person who did this to me and yet you still show kindness to me. I love you Charlie and I don't blame you if you truly are disgusted and/or hate me. I'll understand and be able to understand your feelings as I hate myself as well and I hated my sire all these years as well. Now I've killed the one person I've ever fallen for." Katherine's voice grew softer with each word to her voice was barely above a whisper.

Katherine spoke the truth in her words and let out some of the sorrow she's felt for many years. More tears had begun to form and she wiped them away again before looking down to the floor. "I have no idea what my parents will do let alone what they'll say though knowing them they'll take you in and look after you as well." she attempted to change the subject but it made her feel more guilty for knowing her parents will have to live with the consequences but despite all this a part of her felt happy to have him by her side for eternity but that small almost microscopic feeling only furthered her sadness.

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper Character Portrait: Katherine Preston
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#, as written by S1mon

Charlie Cooper

Despite his attempt to try and make her feel better, it didn't seem to ease her as she still felt guilty and still felt remorse which he had tried to take away at least a bit. Charlie took risks and looked at the positive side, despite being aware of the negative, yet he found it hard to keep such up, or he was merely naive. The latter seemed to be the case since he was now a newly-born vampire and kept thinking like his past human self, holding onto his humanity which he recognised Katherine was doing from the very first time they met.

Katherine of course knew much more than him. Right now he felt that he was able to deal with it. What was done, was done and nothing could change that unless he ended his life permanently rather than have this second chance which gave him life yet threatened his life (at least his human life) for as long as he lived, such that he would spend with Katherine. Sure it was hard and he could feel it was hard to think about his family, but being a male, he was one who didn't like to show his emotions too much, didn't wish to show weakness, preferring to show strength instead. Afterall the majority of males were the same, whilst females were more susceptive to showing emotion and of course, Katherine had the most experience and understanding of the circumstances that vampires faced.

"Charlie, I took away your chance at an actual life..", reminding him of the consequences and then saying how she's no better than the one who turned her, despite what he had said before of separating her and the guy who turned her with how she held to her humanity and how she remained with him rather than abandon him and condemn him. There was clearly a difference between the two, though all Charlie needed now was reassurance not all bad news and the best way to do that was to reassure her, such that seemed to not be happening. [i]"Now I've killed the one person I've ever fallen for...I have no idea what my parents will do let alone what they'll say though knowing them they'll take you in and look after you as well".

Each of his hands then held onto her arms and moved slightly in order for her to actually look at him. "I am not dead and nor do I hate you, or I wouldn't be with you right now. I would be lying to you if everything is going to work out, but we certainly have a fighting chance if we stick together....You are nothing like your sire who turned you intentionally and left you to struggle alone, you've remained with me, and if the books are right, if it wasn't for you helping me, then I would be in a worser position right now...", closing his eyes as not to think about it, before replacing the thoughts with her again as he re-opened his eyes to look at her, "Whatever will be, will be.....", ending with a warm smile, settling his lip so that it gently touched her to remind her that he cared and loved her too. If he hated her, then why would he be so close still.

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper
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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper
Charlie Cooper

"You don't know unless you ask or you find out yourself...."

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Character Portrait: Charlie Cooper
Charlie Cooper

"You don't know unless you ask or you find out yourself...."

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