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Mother/Father Dearest

Mother/Father Dearest


this is the after story of Carnival Missing II

1,091 readers have visited Mother/Father Dearest since LightingStrikes created it.


With Everyone now getting used to life after being kidnapped or being involved one way or another the villeins are quickly forgotten about, the Hero's celebrated. This is about the relationships with their families and themselves after the kidnapping. The vileness is in jail and all is well for the time being. With all involved dead but Emily the Ring Mistress and Flora, the kids all stood on Emily's side giving her a break in the case against her as a kidnapper she did after all save them in the end from Flora. The judge that tried the case gave Emily 3 months of community service entertaining sick kids in hospitals, Flora was put in prison for equal life 15 years for each kid that was kidnapped. No parole possible.

Alexander bought the carnival from Emily, while she was in prison, but only looked on it as an investments, and when she got out Emily would be able to run it again, clear and free from debts. What happens now? Besides the kids being told they had to go to see a phycologist.... what is in store for their lives?

This RPG will not start till Carnivil Misssing II has been completed. :) Just a way to prepare the others!

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 4 authors

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Dr. Benjamin Write walked into his office, he smiled at the receptionist who was chewing bubble gum and answering the tone her voice was a New York Bronx style, soft music was playing in the background when Benjamin walked in Andrea smiled when Benjamin walked in. Having served Benjamin as a receptionist since he opened she knew exactly what he would want. When Benjamin went to his desk he would find a extra large diet soda from Wendy's. Also on Benjamen's desk was a list of things he needed to do that day.

He scanned the list...

See Clients...

Nikki- 9 am
Elijah 10:30 am
Alexander III 11:45 am
Lunch 1pm
Raine 2pm
Emily Louis 3:30
file notes onto computer 4:45

"Hum... yeah." Benjamin groaned when he saw Ms. Montonya's name she was not a bad kid, just very challenging, he scanned through the rest of the names again. "Ms. Martin, now she's making progress." he said to himself. He jotted down the notes to himself and smiled gently. He took a sip of his soda pop and decided that "Today is going to be a great day." he grinned from ear to ear.


Alexander III woke up bright and early and said out loud "Today is going to be a great day." He had a date with Raine in the evening. Alexander stood up and gout out of bed, he began to look over a few things on his calender and thought "Wow, Time to see Ben again." he laughed at his own corny joke and logged in on line, he texed a note to

Nikki: Time for a meeting. Bring Elijah if you want. Tomorrow if your free over lunch. Your choice of restaurant- anywhere you want.

Raine: Looking forward to seeing you later tonight Uncle Lu can't wait to meet u. :)


Emily manged to wake up and she looked around her small trailer and gasped, Nikki was coming for lunch today! This would be the first time her daughter--- her daughter. Emily thought to herself twice and smiled, Nikki was her daughter, no one else s. Emily snuggled into her pillow. Nikki was coming for lunch at noon, and Emily had thought a great deal on what she wanted to do for lunch, and decided to make her mother's best recipe, something any kid would like, Mac N Cheese casserole adult style. With Italian sausage and cheese. She also made a side salad and smiled gently at the photograph Nikki had given her on her last visit in Jail. Emily had not been allowed to see any of the kids she kidnapped for 90 days- not even Nikki, but it didn't stop Nikki or Emily from Texting each other and talking to each other through e-mail. Emily refused to break contact with her daughter, after having missed 17 years of her life she refused to miss any more. She was glad Nikki felt the same way. She looked at the clock it was eight. She texted Nikki: Looking forward to Lunch 12pm today- Mom.

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Raine stretched and sat up, glancing around her room. Nothing much had changed, except maybe the calender she had put up soon after the kidnapping. Mostly, it was to remind herself of her appointments with Ben. She got up now to get a closer look at it. She had an appointment today again...oh, and she had that date planned for the evening. She grinned, before she left her room, heading down to see her parents. Rather, to see her sister. After all, she was better when it came to choosing out outfits for her dates.

She had talked her sister out of picking out dresses for every day, and instead had taken to finding shirts for her to wear with her jeans, which she didn't mind nearly as much. Today, though, just because it had been a while, she figured it would be okay to wear one of the other skirts her sister had. She glanced at her phone as she heard the tone going off. She grinned, already knowing who it was. She had set a different tone for each of her friends, and for Alex. She read it quikly, and debated briefly before she answered: See u then, looking forward to meeting him too :)

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Nikki groaned into her pillow and flailed in the sheets. Finally, one hand broke out from beneath the covers and smacked the snooze button violently. She hated mornings. She hated the alarm clock even more. Nikki picked up her head from the pillow and glared at the evil machine. The face just stared back at her, the numbers "8:15" blinking in green.

Grumbling, Nikki sat up and rubbed her eyes. Why the heck was she getting up this early? When she remembered, Nikki's eyebrows twitched in irritation.

"Stupid psychologist..." Nikki muttered, hopping out of bed. She padded across the soft carpet, scooping miscellaneous pieces of clothing off her floor. The place was a mess. Just how she liked it. She changed quickly, swapping her undershirt for a worn, black and blue flannel shirt. She pulled the top over her head, the shirt stopping mid-thigh. Next, Nikki struggled to pull on a pair of black skinny jeans with bleary eyes, trying not to trip over herself in the process. Good God, these mornings were going to be the death of her. Finally, after splashing her face with water, Nikki shook off the clutches of sleep.

Stepping out of the bathroom, Nikki smiled. Ah, living alone. It was perhaps the greatest thing she had ever done. The apartment was small, but she was only one person. Plus, it was pretty well-sized for her liking; there was a living room, bedroom, bathroom, and compact kitchen. She strode into that very kitchen, looking around for something to eat. Snatching a granola bar and the messenger bag lying on the counter, Nikki stepped out the door.

Outside, the sun was just peaking through the sparse amount of trees surrounding the condiminium. Nikki walked into the shared parking lot and mounted her motorcycle. She started it up as quietly as she could, and the motor purred underneath her. She pulled slowly onto the street, not wanting to disturb any of the neighbors. I was only 8:30, after all. Anyone with sense would be sleeping.

The commute to the psychologist's office was pretty lengthy from where Nikki lived. She was nestled in the middle of the humble suburbs, whereas the office was situated downtown. Nikki took her time driving along- her usual impatience hadn't kicked in yet. She still just wanted to sleep. A couple blocks away from the office, Nikki stopped the bike. She preferred to walk for a few minutes, leaving her time to eat breakfast. Unwrapping the granola bar, Nikki leisurely walked down the sidewalk.

Morning light illuminated the buildings in its soft blue-ish gray glow. Nikki counted the cracks in the pavement, and, like a child, jumped around them.

Step on a crack, and you break your mother's back! I doubt Emily would be too happy about that, Nikki thought, grinning.

"Hey! Montoya! What'cha up to, you crazy child?" Nikki laughed and waved at Mrs. Brightwell, the florist who's storefront shared the same street as the psychologist's office. Ever since Nikki was forced to go to the clinic, she had stopped by the flower shop. She had soon made friends with Mrs. Brightwell, a kind, older woman with soft features and wispy white hair.

"Oh, just the usual!" Nikki replied, jogging the remaining yards over to the shop. Mrs. Brightwell was in her normal garb, green apron and faded blue jeans with her long hair up in a messy bun.

"Hey, Mrs. Brightwell, I was wondering... do you think you could help me pick out some flowers? I'm having lunch with my mom today, and I wanted to bring something," Nikki said. In response, the old woman clapped her hands together happily.

"I'd be delighted! You know, I'll have to meet your mother some time, Nikki. Now, come on inside! I have a few ideas..." For the next 15 minutes, Mrs. Brightwell took Nikki through a wide aray of flowers. Finally, Nikki came upon a nice bouquet of snapdragons. The vivid reds, oranges, and pinks were a riot of color. Nikki thought of her own hair. Yes, the snapdragons were perfect.

"Wonderful choice. Snapdragons are a personal favorite of mine too. I'll set these aside so you can get them on your way back from your appointment- Oh, goodness me, I've kept you too late! Go on now, don't keep the doctor waiting!" Mrs. Brightwell pushed Nikki gently to the door the shop. Nikki snorted.

"I make a point of never being on time anyway- I like messing with him," Nikki said simply. Mrs. Brightwell tsked under her breath, but she was smiling slightly all the same.

"Thanks for helping me out! I'll drop by in an hour!" Nikki called, running off to the psychologist's office. One ride up an elevator later and Nikki was in front of Dr. Benjamin Wright's door. Sighing, Nikki burst through the door, forcing a wide grin on her face. She was like the chesire cat when she grinned- mischevious and unsettling. James Blackwell had always described it as "insolent". Nikki jumped onto the lounge chair and put her arms behind her head.

"What's up, Doc?" She raised an eyebrow, still smirking.

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Elijah Johnathan Warbler was already up before the other kids. The cause? Briannah Marie Warbler and a fifteen-year-old photgrapher Jackson Lee Warbler. Bri had woken him up due to a horrible nightmare in which her old teddy bear that lost an eye came from the closet and attacked her. Even though the oldest Warbler sibling checked the closet at least five times, the persistent little girl want to sleep in his bed with him. Around six-thirty, Jaack decided the sneak inside the room and take a picture of his two siblings sleeping.

The flash woke up Elijah and he went running after his younger brother. Victoria stopped him when he got to the kitchen, and he grumbled back up to bed. He slept for a good hour and a half before Bri tugged him out of bed. He shooed the curly-haired little girl and lugged himself to the shower. He changed into a black t-shirt, dark-wash rippped skinny jeans, his uncle's combat boots, and his favorite jean vest, which smelled of smoke and mint.

Victoria instisted on straightening his hair, and before long he was out the door with a half-eaten bagel in his mouth and Bri clutching his side.

Many people gave him looks as he walked the four blocks to the local Hot Topic. He walked inside, letting Bri roam. He met up with Stone, a college kid who acted like kids Eli hanged out with and was a brother to Eli ever since his former "sister" Anna Maria Class took him here when he was Bri's age. He had a jet black fauxhawk and misty grey eyes.

"Hey Sto', you got the goods?" Eli asked, referring to the Panic! At the Disco VIP passes, t-shirt, and raccoon hat. "Man, Tara-" Tara was Stone's wife, who was concidentally the owner of the store, "-adores that stuff, I got'cha covered." He grinned, handing Eli the full bag. He bought Bri a icecream sundae beanie she found, and they put their hats on as they walked into the therapist office with Bri on his hip.

The receptionist grinned as he walked over to her.

"'Scuse me, I'm Elijah Warbler. I have an appointment with the therapist after the lovely Miss Montoya." He grinned, signing his name on the sheet. Instead of using his usual handwriting which looked as if a preppy girl had written it, he used his calligraphy skills to sign his name.

The receptionist complimented his handwriting, which turned his blush into a rose pink. He sat Bri down in his lap, grabbing her stuffed house "Mylwalki" and her book from out of his bag. He wrapped his arms around her so she could see the pictures. "'Toria wanted you to read Junie B. Jones." He explained, the confusion fading from the younger child's face. She liked Amelia the Pig better.

He checked his phone, where a voicemail sat waiting from his mother. He didn't want to leave Bri, but he didn't want to talk to their former mother about whatever she wanted to talk about in front of Bri. She was still sensitive about talking to her.

Elijah and his former mother were still very close, and Anna was talking about getting him into Juliard. Since she knew of his overbearing love of acting, more so even than his band and singing, she wanted the best acting school for him. She didn't know much about colleges, but she defintely knew about Juliard. Most of her friends from the country club had sons either graduates from Juliard or going to the prestigious school.

Eli was interrupted from his thoughts when Bri tugged on his earlobe. It was her special way to bring his attention back to her, even when she is sitting in his lap. "Bubba Bear, what's this word?" She asked, doing that for at least two words on each page.

Elijah didn't mind. He knew one day he'll be off the college, awa from Bri, Dad, Victoria, Jack, and... Nikki. He didn't know which college she was going to. After her eighteenth birthday, she would be going to college and leaving him behind. They would most likely see each other on breaks and keep a long-distance, but it wasn't the same with her next to him.

The concert was on their six-month anniversary, and he was going to give her a promise ring. One for himself, one for Nikki. A promise to be faithful and true. Bri once again pulled him from his thoughts, asking him a simple question.

"When am I going to meet your girlfriend?"

"After her therapy session, babe." He replied, pecking her check. He tilted the raccoon hat on his hat, grinning slightly.


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"Hey! Montoya! What'cha up to, you crazy child?" Nikki laughed and waved at Mrs. Brightwell, the florist who's storefront shared the same street as the psychologist's office. Ever since Nikki was forced to go to the clinic, she had stopped by the flower shop. She had soon made friends with Mrs. Brightwell, a kind, older woman with soft features and wispy white hair.

"Oh, just the usual!" Nikki replied, jogging the remaining yards over to the shop. Mrs. Brightwell was in her normal garb, green apron and faded blue jeans with her long hair up in a messy bun.

"Hey, Mrs. Brightwell, I was wondering... do you think you could help me pick out some flowers? I'm having lunch with my mom today, and I wanted to bring something," Nikki said. In response, the old woman clapped her hands together happily

Ben's window upstairs was wide open so he could hear any outside conversation just below his window, and the shop happened to be just below his window. Ben heard a motorcycle and knew that it was Nikki, he took in a deep breath as he over hear the conversation with Mrs. Brightwell and his client. So she is going to her mothers hmmm... he didn't think that that was such a hot idea but he would keep this to himself. His one and only job with Nikki was to talk about anger issues and how to deal with them. She was a fighter that one, last session he had promised her a soda pop during this session he called in his receptionist and asked her to go down and get a Soda that Nikki would like.

"Thanks for helping me out! I'll drop by in an hour!" Nikki called, running off to the psychologist's office. One ride up an elevator later and Nikki was in front of Dr. Benjamin Wright's door. Sighing, Nikki burst through the door, forcing a wide grin on her face. She was like the chesire cat when she grinned- mischievous and unsettling. James Blackwell had always described it as "insolent". Nikki jumped onto the lounge chair and put her arms behind her head.

"What's up, Doc?" She raised an eyebrow, still smirking.

Ben looked up in Nikki's eyes and smiled wearily "Hello Nikki, please take a seat." Nikki was not a bad kid. The doctor kept reminding himself. "How was your week?" He asked as she sat down. The receptionist came in and smiled brightly Ben looked at her "Oh, your soda just as I promised. After all if I have one and drink it in front of you, only fair you should have one."

Alexander smiled wide when he received the text from his girlfriend, he texted her back. Gr8 see you at 5 for dinner, movie start's at 7. It is Friday, surely your rents would let you stay out a little longer? Alex. smiled brightly. Alex counted himself lucky that he had a beautiful young lady like Raine, she had seen him at his worst, but she didn't seem to hold that against him. Alexander couldn't wait to see her, to spend time with her. His eyes fell onto a photograph he was able to get of her. It was one the police had and he talked the Agent Bob into giving him all the photographs he wanted to remember all the kids.

Alexander liked his games, that's for sure his father had said something about testing a new system and that he could bring a friend or two. He texted Raine again: Father has new game system for me to test out, would like to know if U want to try it out with me. He sent this text to Nikki and Elijah as well.

Emily Louise Martin began to pick up her trailer it was a mess but by 10 she had it looking spotless just like a mom's home should look like. At 10:30 am the trailer was spotless. Emily went to make lunch and by 11:30 the mac & cheese was in the oven, baking. Emily began to make a salad as well. At 11:45 Emily went into the shower and then came out at 11:55 am. She was so excited she could barely contain herself. She had not seen Nikki since she was released from prison, her daughter had visited her, but because of the silly 90 rule She was not allowed to see anyone from the kidnapping, even her business partner- but he had worked it out somehow to be an exception.

The receptionist smiled at Elijah when he came in. "Yes you are after the young lady my dear." She heard Elijah's phone go off and smiled gently at him. Elijah was a good kid, all the kids Benjamin saw were good ones, but after they had been kidnapped the state insisted on therapy for all of them. The receptionist over heard the conversation with Elijah in his sister but kept her mouth shut. "The doctor will see you shortly." She smile up at him.

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Raine frowned a little; she hadn't expected her sister to pick out such a frilly skirt, or shirt to go with it. She shook her head, deciding it was okay; at least it allowed her to walk, or run, if she needed to. Still, it wasn't too bad. It was nothing compared to the dresses she used to wear at her insistence. She jumped a little when her phone went off again, and hurried to pick it up off the chair before her sister got a hold of it. She read it briefly, and started to type out a reply, but had to stop when it went off again, and she got another text from Alex.

She shook her head, grinning. She couldn't really understand how the others could send so many text messages after another, even if it was only two. She had no doubt, either, that he was texting the others that second message, too. After all, they enjoyed video games, too, more than she did. She shrugged and started texting again; she always preferred to text once at a time, and wait for a reply before she bothered texting again. She just could keep texting like some of her friends. She typed out another text: Im sure they wouldn't mind and depends on when ur testing it, seeing Ben this afternoon. While she understood why they had to go to these appointments, she wasn't altogether fond of them. After all, it just took time out of her day that she could be doing something so much more entertaining.

She glanced at the time on her phone after the message was sent. She still had hours before her own appointment. ...Of course, she still had to eat, too, which wouldn't take long at all. It wasn't like she ever ate much; at least, not nearly as much as when she was younger. After a quick bowl of cereal, she went back to her own room, pulling out one of her own books to read. She knew she'd still have to leave an hour early, just in case, anyway. She had a horriblr sense of direction, and had gotten herself lost plenty of times. Leaving with an hour to spare usually gave her time to get lost, find out where she needed to go again, and then actually get there. It wasn't really uncommon for her to be a few minutes late for one of these appointments, simply because of that. Her parents kept insisting they would get a gps to keep that from happening, but, almost as soon as the conversation changed, they seemed to forget. She had gotten used to that, and decided she probably wasn't going to get one unless she got one herself. Maybe after the session, or the next day, or something. But, like her parents, as soon as she thought of something else, that decision was quickly forgotten.

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"Hello Nikki, please take a seat," Dr. Wright replied, looking somewhat tired already. Nikki celebrated a little inwardly. Perhaps if she could wear him down enough, she wouldn't have to go to therapy. Even inside her own mind, Nikki managed to spit the word with contempt.

"How was your week?" Ben asked.

"The same," Nikki said shortly, as the receptionist entered the room.

"Oh, your soda, just as I promised. After all, if I have one and drink it in front of you, it's only fair you should have one." The receptionist handed Nikki the bottle of Sprite and then quickly left. Nikki stared at the soda with no interest. It was 9 AM, why were they drinking soda? Plus, she never liked the sugary, carbonated beverage. Nikki clicked her tongue, and walked over to one of the large windows. Without a word to Ben, she opened it wide and uncapped the bottle. Nikki looked down at the flow of traffic down in the street, pedestrians striding hurriedly to their destinations. Aimlessly, Nikki tipped the bottle so that only a droplet fell out. The teaspoon-full of soda fell down, splattering on the pavement. Nikki repeated the action many times, aiming to hit the heads of those commuters on the sidewalk.

After five minutes of silently dripping bubble-infused high fructose corn syrup on defenseless people, Nikki's phone jingled loudly from within her messenger bag. She left the bottle of soda, still not even halfway empty, on the window sill. Nikki dumped out her bag, searching for the Motorola Droid 2, which was somewhere amid the madness. Her laptop, i-Pod, and wallet spilled out, along with random change and several empy gum packets. Finally, Nikki spotted the white backing of the phone, and grabbed it. Sliding it open, Nikki saw that she had gotten multiple texts. She probably hadn't heard the first two messages- one ringed in while she was sleeping, and the second probably came through while she was on her bike. She read the texts:

The first was from Alexander: Time for a meeting. Bring Elijah if you want. Tomorrow if your free over lunch. Your choice of restaurant- anywhere you want. Nikki nodded. Free food? How could she pass that up? Nikki smiled. Perhaps they should go get Chinese. She had a craving for duck- plus, she knew a good place.

The second text was Emily's: Looking forward to Lunch 12pm today- Mom. Nikki couldn't surpress the surprised raise of her eyebrows. It was still strange, seeing "mom" printed out like that, so casually. But it was a pleasant word, all the same. Nikki was looking forward to lunch- she wanted to know Emily better before she went off to college. She wouldn't have nearly as much free time then.

The third and final message was another one from Alexander: Father has new game system for me to test out, would like to know if U want to try it out with me. Nikki saw that the message was also forwarded to Eli and Raine. Nikki ran a hand through her hair, happy. It seemed like she was going to be busy! She wondered what game system... A sneak peak at whatever Sony, Microsoft, or Nintendo was up to? Whatever it was, she'd like it. Games were games.

Nikki checked the time on her phone. It was 9:12. She sighed heavily. Better get this over with. She threw all her stuff back in her bag, save for the cell phone, which she held in her hands, and sat down on one of the leather chairs.

"Okay, enough of the observational silence. Let's get this over with. You may now start your psycho-babble," Nikki said, looking incredibly bored. As she awaited Dr. Wright's response, Nikki started tapping out a text to Eli.

Hey, babe! Alex invited us to lunch 2mrrow + gaming. I'm on if you are. :) I bet you 10 bucks that I can beat you in COD. Also- hang out later? I'm free for most of this afternoon; but I'm having lunch w/ Emily at noon. I'll see you soon, kay? Text me back when you can. I need someone to get me through this. :/

Nikki sent the rather long text, hoping that Eli would soon reply. He made everything brighter.


Rhett had to work to get out of the taxi cab, hunching his broad shoulders so that he could squeeze out the door. His 6'4 frame simply couldn't fit comfortably inside the little car. He paid the driver, who immediately drove off once he received the money. Rhett shoved his hands in his pockets, and looked up at the building. So this was it. Dr. Benjamin Wright's clinic. Rhett nodded in appreciation. The building was well sized. He was about to walk in, when something splashed on top of his head. Rhett looked up at the sky, but it was cloudless. Not rain, then? His eyes spotted a bright green object being held out one of the office windows above him. A tanned arm was leisurely tipping the soda bottle, letting drops of it fall to the ground below.

Rhett smiled bemusedly. He noticed that the hand holding the bottle was sticking out of what he assumed to be Benjamin's office. Could it be the girl he had been told about? Taking one last look at the bottle above him, Rhett walked into the building. He had to sign in at the front desk before he could go up. Rhett took the elevator, soft music playing over the speakers. Finally, when he reached the correct floor, Rhett exited. He had stepped into the fairly large waiting room. A teenage boy with long-ish brown hair and a little girl were sitting there already. Rhett adjusted his glasses, and went up to the receptionist.

"Hi, my name's Rhett Beckham. I'm here to see Dr. Wright." He smiled good-naturedly. The receptionist returned the expression. "Ah, yes, he's been expecting you. I believe you can go right on in. It's that door- yes, the one on the left." She pointed out the correct room.

"Thank you very much. And may I say that you look fantastic today." The receptionist blushed slightly, as Rhett made his way to the door. He opened it slowly and stepped halfway in. A girl with bright red hair was sitting, texting away, in a black armchair. Yes, hers was the tanned arm he had seen. And there was the bottle on the windowsill. Rhett knew that this one would be interesting.

"Hello, Benjamin! It's been a while," Rhett greeted.

((I decided to put that in here LightningStrikes, if you don't mind! I wanted to give Rhett an introduction. :) ))

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Dr. Benjamin Wright sighed when Nikki walked over to and opened another window and started to poor the soda pop on unsuspecting citizens of their city. Dr. Wright shakes his head in disapproving manor. Dr. Wright watched as Nikki stopped and scrambled to get her cell phone and proceeded to start text in the middle of his therapy secession with her... well he would not have that, no sirree. He stood up and walked over towards Nikki and ripped the phone out of her hands in annoyance, he looked to the window and a split second he thought he should throw it out and let smash into smithereens, but then that would not be controlling his anger at her apparent rudeness and utter disrespect for his time he threw the phone in his desk and glared at Nikki for a moment.

"Nikki that was very rude..." Dr. Wright said "You have no respect for me whatsoever, and that hurts me...." Dr. Wright stopped talking when he saw his old buddy Rhett Beckham he smiled "Rhett!" Dr. Wright shook his friend hand tightly and looked at Nikki. "This is the one I was telling you about. You can have the office for an hour every week, or take the room next to mine, it is a smaller office, a study. It is your choice entirely Rhett." Dr. Wright took a slow motionless turn back towards Nikki "Nikki, I would like for you to meet Dr. Rhett Beckham, I think the two of you will work out much better. At any rate I have a conflict of interest, working with Emily and you just wont do." Dr, Wright took in a deep breath besides, he thought, I wasn't getting through to her anyway she was just draining my energy. he thought this only to make it seem right in his head. "Nikki, you are in good hands my dear. Dr. Rhett is one of my oldest friends, and one of the best there is."

Emily hummed a song she heard in Dr. Wrights office How could Anyone Ever Tell you as she got ready she picked a nice light sunny and cheerful dress. She couldn't wait to see Nikki, so much was going through her mind. She hoped her daughter wasn't bitter with her. How could she not have known she didn't fit in with her family.

Emily played the same some soft music that she hummed too, Dr. Wright had given that CD Shainna Noll to her on the first day she visited him. Emily wondered if he did that for all his patients. She sat on her couch looking at the clock above her TV mantle, Five minutes till Nikki came, oh god why was she nervous? She wanted so much for her daughter. SO much she couldn't give her child. She wanted her daughter to be whatever it was she wanted to be, with out fear of being, she didn't know if that made any since to anyone.

Emily closed her eyes for a little rest on her couch, surely Nikki would be on time for lunch, but if not her buzzer on the stove would wake her up in Five minutes she she fall to sleep. She relieved her last moments of freedom finding her baby was alive by Alexander, her now business partner, everything just seemed to set in place with her. She jerked her body when she recalled having been shot and cried out, but then woke up two minutes to twelve. Emily felt her chest, she could still feel the pain every once and a while.

Alexander grinned as he got the text from Raine she was slow typing back but it was always worth the wait. It really sucked to be going into college, but after what happened Alexander had chosen to get his degree online at a college, or to do as much of it as possible online. He would only go out to see Emily, Nikki, Elijah any of the other kids that had been kidnapped or Raine. Alexander was really no longer interested in the world.

Alexander typed back I see Ben today at 11:45, do you want to get together for lunch before you see him? I can pick you up about 12:30, we can go to that restaurant you told me about... what is the name of it? The Golden Rose? Alexander smiled and press send. Raine had told him she had never been to the Golden Rose, and had always wanted to try it, another five star restaurant. Alexander was going to spoil Raine as long as she was his girl, and he hopped she didn't mind so much. He never had a girlfriend before, but he felt so comfortable with Raine, she was his best friend. He pressed the send button and and he waited patiently for a response from her. He knew she didn't like last minute stuff, but maybe this wasn't pushing the line? Only time could tell for him.

Alexander walked downstairs and smiled at his father. "Where is sis?" he asked then he shook his head "Sleeping?" when his father nodded Alexander smiled and nodded back."Ok." Alexander went to the refrigerator and grabbed an Ice tea and looked over at his father. "I'm thinking about going into business dad, is that ok?" Mr. Morgan looked up at his son.

"Is that what you want to do? Or is that what you know I want you to do?" he asked his son, he loved his children and wanted them to follow their hearts no matter what road it took them to in life. Alexander nodded his head.

"Yea dad, I gotta do business. Emily's depending on me to know what I'm doing." Alexander smiled brightly. Mr. Morgan nodded "I also want to be a music teacher for little kids." Alexander said looking at his father. "What do you think Dad?"

"Follow your heart son." was all Mr. Morgan said as he turned the page. "You could do both Alexander, we have enough money that you can study and get all the decrees you want."

"Dad, I think I love Raine." Alexander said using the L word for Raine. Mr. Morgan looked up at his son.

"Listen to your heart on that matter son." Mr. Morgan offered Alexander looked up at his son and smiled. "But your too young yet to get married yet, take your time son, enjoy her company first, don't rush it... your mom and I made the mistake of marrying when we were young." Mr. Morgan smiled gently at his son. "Wait until you know she feels the same way. Find out what she wants in life, and if you can give her that. You might find she wants something that you can not give her... then you would only be living in misery together. Take it from me you do not want to live like that son."

Alexander smiled and nodded, it was rare that his dad was home, but he had been home more often since the kidnapping. Alexander knew his father spoke wise words and smiled he wondered what kind of future Raine wanted for herself, tonight he would find out. Alexander hadn't been much of a girl shopper, and he didn't plan to be either. He opened up his can of Soda and began to drink it, getting something to eat, life sure was strange without Andy around. But then he had made things very hard, and Alexander rarely got to see his father when Andy was around.

"Hey dad?" Alexander asked looking at his father "There's a base ball game at our local field, can we get box seats for me and my friends and their parents Saturday nights game? I want to do something nice for them." Alexander said now and smiled at his father he nodded his head yes.

"I'll see to it son." He smiled brightly again at his son "Are you seeing that Psycholinguists this afternoon?" Alexander nodded his head yes, he was. "Ah.. good. Your time with him is almost up."

"I know." Alexander couldn't wait, while he liked Dr. Wright, he did not like wasting his time on "Talking" about past events and how to deal with something like that in the future. He felt so... like what he had done was wrong. . . but what did it not feel like it was wrong? Perhaps he would talk to Ben about that. He shrugged it off and went to his room and back in front of the Computer to play his games. The Good old fashion computer games is what he liked best.

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Raine paused when her phone went off again. She put her book down, laying it face down to hold the page, and then reached for her phone. She read it over quickly, then paused to think for a second. She started out one text. which was sent to her mother. Won't be here for lunch, either; Alex. That was all the explanation she ever needed anymore. Which she thought was great; it just meant there weren't nearly as many questions as there had been shortly after they had started dating. Then she worked on a text back to Alex. He might realize it was a little later than usual, but she had to let her parents know what she was up to, at the very least.

Sounds great; see you then. :) She sighed, rolling onto her back to look at the ceiling, then sat up, setting the phone aside again. Her father had been at her shortly before she had gotten the last text about what she was going to be doing. Even she had no idea. Her first thought was going into food; she had always liked experimenting with food, anyway. But, on the other hand, if she was going to end up cooking for herself, anyway, then she was just going to get tired of cooking, and then it wouldn't be fun anymore. She shook her head and rolled back over onto her stomach, opening her book again. She still had a little while yet before she actually decided on anything. After all, it wasn't like she would ever want to try to go to school during the summer.

And, as she thought about it, she didn't know what Alex, or Nikki, or Eli were going to get themselves into. While it would be cool to all try to get the same thing, they didn't all like exactly the same things. She set the book down, suddenly unable to read. What were they going to do? Were they even going to be able to see each other anymore? There were just too many questions concerning her friends leaving for college, and she didn't like that. But she just couldn't bring herself to ask them up front about it. She stood up, shaking her head. She was thinking too much about all of this. Instead, she went to her computer to play one of the mystery games. She just needed to distract herself until it was tim to leave; that was all.

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Elijah sighed, pulling out his phone. He smiled as he read the texts, hoisting his little sister onto his hip. "Happy Meal?" He asked, laughing when she nodded very enthusiastically.

To: Alex
Message: Hey dude! Sure, gaming sounds fun. Double date on Sunday? -Eli

To: Nikki<3
Message: 'Ello love. Haave fun with Emily, tell her your incredibly handsome boyfriend said hi. Me and COD? You're on. Also, Dinner tonight? Tomorrow be at my place at nine-thirty AM. Yes, it's a Saturday, deal with it! Haha I have a suprise for the beautifulest girl I know. So make sure not to tell Bri. JK, stay beautiful. -Eli

He sent the messages, walking over to the nearby McDonalds. He ordered a Happy Meal for Bri and a mocha for himself. He watched her eat and eventually got a small fry for himself.

He let her play in the playground until it was five minutes before his appointment. "Come on Bri!" He yelled, the little girl not budging from her place in the playground. He walked inside the room, calling for her again. She didn't move one finger.

He crawled in after her, eventually chasing her down the slide and out to the office. He waited until Jack arrived, and sat her in his lap. Usually Victoria would come and take her, but the blonde woman couldn't come during her planning period at the middle school.

"Don't worry bro, it won't be long." He assured Jack, walking into Dr. Wright's office and plopping on the couch. He propped his head up with his palms, grinning with the racoon hat still on his head.

"Do you mind if I make a call? I still haven't talked to my mom." Eli asked, taking the small silence as a yes.

He dialed the Class Manor number, walking out of the room for a minute. "Hello?" The familiar voice of Anna Maria Class came through the phone. "Anna? I need to talk to... Mrs. Class." He struggled to get out the last words, knowing Anna didn't know.

"What's with the "Mrs. Class" ordeal? Has Dad disowned you as well?" Her worry was clear even over the phone.

"Uhm- Anna? I'm not a Class. Your cousin, Flora Fiasoro, is my mother. My father is a detective named Chance Warbler." He explained hoarsely, hearing a silence for at least a few minutes. "Lemme g-get Mom, ok-okay?" Her voice was breaking, and it killed her.

"Mo-Mrs. Class, it's Elijah Warbler." He stated, using his real name in front of her for the first time. "Warbler? Oh right, Elijah. Listen dear, your fath-we are fighting the press about the custody trial and the scandal of your real mother. Your fath-We can't have you live with Mr. Warbler, be prepared for a custody battle." With that, she hung up the phone, leaving Elijah in a white rage.

He burst through the office, steaming. "Why!" He screamed, almost kicking over the couch. "He has to ruin everything! For his dumbass reputation! He's ruining my LIFE! MY HAPPINESS!" He screamed to no one in particular.

He calmed down, looking over to the doctor. "What's wrong with me?"

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"Hello, Benjamin! It's been a while." Nikki looked up at the sound of the voice. A young man, looking to be in his twenties, was standing in the doorway. In the moment Nikki looked up, Dr. Wright snatched the phone out of her hand. He threw the phone into a desk drawer with apparent anger, and slammed the compartment shut. He glared at Nikki. She glared right back, fighting back the urge to sock him in the nose.

"Nikki that was very rude..." Dr. Wright said "You have no respect for me whatsoever, and that hurts me...." Dr. Wright mumbled.

"Speak for yourself, dipwad. And I thought you were supposed to be 'professional'." Nikki looked at the psychologist with contempt. But the man had caught sight of the guy in the doorway and had moved to greet him.

"Rhett!" Dr. Wright shook the man's hand vehemently. Evidently, Benji was happy to see the new guy. "This is the one I was telling you about." Dr. Wright jerked a hand towards Nikki. "You can have the office for an hour every week, or take the room next to mine, it is a smaller office, a study. It is your choice entirely Rhett." The doctor spoke quickly. Nikki had stopped listening. She was eyeing the door, wanting nothing more than to get out of there. Wright was the real one in need of anger management, in her opinion. After all, he let a little girl push him over the edge with the simple act of texting. Clearly, he wasn't in the right mind for this job. Nikki still glared at the psychologist.

"Nikki, I would like for you to meet Dr. Rhett Beckham. I think the two of you will work out much better. At any rate, I have a conflict of interest. Working with Emily and you just wont do." Dr. Wright took a deep breath. "Nikki, you are in good hands my dear. Dr. Rhett is one of my good friends, and one of the best there is."

Nikki raised her eyebrows in surprise. So, Wright had finally admitted defeat, eh? Good. Nikki congratulated herself. Then she looked at the man who was to be her new psychologist. Rhett... He seemed to be alright. Glasses sat on the bridge of his nose, framing big, brown eyes. He was smiling, one corner quirked up higher than the other. He looked sort of goofy- much unlike the ever-so-serious Dr. Wright.

"Huh. Well, I can't say I'm sorry to go, Doc. In fact, I'm thrilled. So, I'll be taking this back..." Nikki had walked over to the desk and took back her phone. She was quick, withdrawing the object before Dr. Wright could move from the doorway, where he had been talking to Rhett. Nikki held up the rectangular device in a mocking manner, smirking victoriously. She really did make an effort to tick him off; it was somewhat tiring.

"Wouldn't want you to filch any of my property. I'm out." Nikki pushed out the door and began walking down the hallway towards the study Dr. Wright had mentioned.

Rhett still stood in the doorway rather speechless. He looked a Benjamin a tad sheepishly. "I guess we'll be taking the study. Take it easy, Ben. I can see that she's been wearing on you. Try and relax- I've got it covered. I have a few ideas, even. I'll see ya later." Rhett smiled, clapping Benjamin on the shoulder. He then turned around and found his way towards the study.

He opened the door tentatively. Nikki had plopped down in one of the armchairs... and she was already texting again. Rhett just sat down and watched her. Sometimes it was best to just wait things out.

Nikki had been texting replies to Emily, Eli, and Alexander.

To Emily: Can't wait for lunch. I'll see you at noon- I've got stuff to tell you.

From Eli she had gotten a text back. She smiled at the message. Dinner? A surprise? Nikki's face just lit up. She loved surprises.

She sent back a reply: Dinner sounds awesome. I wouldn't miss it. ;) 9:30? In the morning? I swear, you're going to kill me! But I'll do it for you- you better feel special! I'm primarily a nocturnal creature, you know. And a surprise? You know you're fantastic, right? Too good to be true, really. :D Keep it up, and you won't be able to get me off you. ;)

With confirmation of lunch and gaming plans, Nikki sent her reply to Alexander:

Sounds totally awesome, dude. We'll be there. May I suggest Chinese for lunch tomorrow?

As Nikki hit the send button, she sighed in satisfaction. She had a kick-ass boyfriend, some good new friends, and it was summer. It would've been perfect, if it hadn't been for the stupid therapy sessions. She was fine, god dammit! But there was no convincing the police that. They wouldn't let her live on her own if she didn't go see a psychologist. But soon she'd be a legal adult... 2 months and she was done. Nikki prayed that she could hold out that long before spontaneously exploding. She looked at her watch: 9:22. A little over an hour was left in her session... it seemed like a life time.

Nikki snapped her phone shut, and looked up at her new psychologist. She had heard him come in, but had ignored him. She was surprised that he hadn't said anything thus far. She analyzed him, looking him over head to toe. Messy hair, loose button-down shirt, dark-wash jeans... She couldn't help but like his style. It was easy-going. His expression held that same quality- laid back, yet inquisitive.

"Sooo.... Rhett? You're parents huge Gone With the Wind fans?" Nikki asked dryly. Rhett grinned and chuckled.

"You got me there. My mother's favorite book actually. Although, I can't really find myself identifying too much with the character holding my namesake." Nikki smiled, surprised. His response had not been what she was expecting. Wasn't this the point where he ignored her question and got on with "mental testing"?

"Personally, I'm a fan of George Orwell's 1984," Nikki replied. Rhett leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees.

"A lover of the dystopia/utopia genre? Interesting... What do you like about it? Myself, I think the thought-police are frightening in their own respect..." For the next half hour, Nikki and Rhett discussed books. Nikki wasn't a huge reader, but she did love the books set in a sort of anti-utopia and the post-apocalyptic novels. 15 minutes in, Rhett had begun taking notes based upon her answers. Nikki didn't much care. He was an engaging conversationalist and always made his own contributions. It felt more like an interesting rambling than a psychologist's examination.

Rhett had come to learn some of the most obvious things about Nikki. She was fiercely independent. She hated when people attempted to think for her, and always wanted to make her own opinion known. She was also a rival personality. She felt the need to challenge authority often via violence... although, it seemed as if she was more bark than bite. Rhett had a feeling that she would only get in a fight if it was truly necessary. From what he observed in Benjamin's office, she relied more on her words as weapons.

Nikki had just finished up a rather lengthy analysis on Fahrenheit 451, when Rhett got up from his chair.

"That was great, Nikki. You have an unique taste in literature. Most girls of your age that I talk too are all reading Little Women and Jane Eyre. It's refreshing to hear thoughts on a different topic. I would suggest reading Animal Farm. I think you would like it. Aha! Here we go..." Rhett had ambled on over to a filing cabinet and had been rummaging around. He pulled out about 10 pieces of laminated paper. Keeping the white backs toward Nikki, he sat back down in the chair across from her.

"Do you mind if I try out a test? We don't have to if you want, but I think it would yield some intriguing results. What do ya say?" Rhett asked. He felt he was pushing his ground a little bit. He watched Nikki's expression.

Nikki's eyes had narrowed slightly at the word "test". She didn't want to be a lab rat. Then again, Rhett seemed to be a sincere guy. She would see what kind of test it was. If he asked her what her deepest and darkest secrets were, he had another thing coming...

"What kind of test?" Nikki asked, suspicion lacing her tone. But Rhett's expression just lightened. He had gotten a chance.

"Personally, I think it's cool. It's called the Rorschach Test, or more commonly, the inkblot test. I'll hold up these cards, each having a distinct inkblot. I'll show one to you for a short amount of time and you tell me what you see in it- don't explain how you see it, just tell me what it looks like. After that, I'll show you the next card and so on. Then, when we've gone through them all, I'll give them to you one by one for you to further analyze. This is when you can show me specifically how you saw the images you did. What do you think?" Rhett looked hopefully at the girl sitting across from him.

Nikki pondered her decision. It was just art really. Abstract art. It could be fun. Plus, it wasn't like she was handing him her diary. Nikki smiled.

"Ok. On one condition. After you're done testing me, I get to test you. It's not fair if you get to look into my brain, and I can't look into yours," Nikki said. Rhett shrugged.

"True that. I'll do it. Let's get started." Rhett held up the first card. Nikki stared at the splatter of black on the white surface. Without even thinking about it, she muttered her answer. "Sorry, could you say that again?" Rhett asked. He hadn't caught her response.

"Crows," Nikki said much clearer. "I see crows... they're flying in the air, grappling over a piece of carrion." Nikki's nose twitched upward in disgust. Rhett quickly began scribbling down everything she did- he'd review the notes later.

"Very good... Now, this one." He held up the next card.

"It looks like a city skyline. With, uh, stars and stuff above the buildings." Each time, Rhett would murmur an encouragement, and Nikki kept going. She liked the test. It was like her art class- trying to interpret modern artwork. Finally, the test ended. Nikki had been running her fingers over the last card, showing Rhett where she had seen the mirror-like projection of two human profiles.

"Well, that was all of them- oh, shoot! It's almost 10:40. I've kept you over ten minutes... Sorry, Nikki! Next time we can pick up with you testing me- I'll be curious to see what you make of my brain." Rhett placed the cards on the desk in the study. Nikki grinned.

"Believe me, I'm excited too. I'll have to bring my own notebook to scribble in- that way I can feel important," Nikki joked. She walked out the door.

"See ya, Rhett!" She disappeared from the doorway. Rhett sighed with tremendous relief. He had thought that this would be quite the challenge. After all, she had been quite the stress on Benjamin. But she was no typical teenage girl. She hated authority. Therefore, to relate to her, he had to be anything but.

"That's probably what her problem was with Ben. He does come off a little strong sometimes. She also believes that she doesn't need the help... Hell, maybe she's right..." Rhett muttered to himself. Nikki seemed so self-assured, strong, indifferent to hardship. He had skimmed her file- family disagreements, living on her own- Nikki seemed to have grown up in a different sort of childhood. The fact that she was living alone was impressive... and a little bit concerning. Perhaps he could get her to reveal little bits and pieces of how she felt about it. He just couldn't be too head-on, otherwise those defensive walls would spring right back up.

Rhett sat on the desktop and flipped through his notepad, reviewing his first day with Nikki.

* * * *

Nikki stood outside the trailer, clutching the snapdragons. This seemed to be it! Nikki rapped on the door.

"Hey, Emily! It's me!"

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Dr. Wright only nodded to Elijah and sighed when he walkeked out of his office, such a good kid. he thought, then he heard Elijah shouting "Why!" He screamed, almost kicking over the couch. "He has to ruin everything! For his dumbass reputation! He's ruining my LIFE! MY HAPPINESS!" He screamed to no one in particular.

He calmed down, looking over to the doctor. "What's wrong with me?"

Dr. Wright sighed "Oh, there is nothing wrong with you per say Elijah, but so many people love you. Why don't we talk about the phone conversation you just had with your mother Elijah. What did she say? Who is ruining everything?" Dr. Wright decided to answer a question with two of his own, since he was here to help Elijah and wanted the best for all his clients.

Dr. Wright listened to Elijah as he told him about the conversation "Well, Elijah, do you think it is possible that your father just might love you enough to want to fight for you? Instead of just giving up on you?" Dr. Wright asked a third question, giving Elijah some time to think about "Here's another idea, there is no reason why you can't have both lives. Besides you'll be going to college soon and you'll be an adult in a few months. So whatever happens legally is not going to last very long." Dr. Wright pointed out the obvious.

Emily had taken the Mac and Cheese out of the oven, placing it on the stove and opening the oven door to let the heat keep everything warm. She then went back to the couch and fell asleep, even for thirty seconds, she jumped when she heard the banging of the door and sighed, rubbing her eyes she looked around... Nikki stood outside the trailer, clutching the snapdragons. This seemed to be it! Nikki rapped on the door.

"Hey, Emily! It's me!"

Emily arose from the couch trying to remember exactly what time it was 12:05, how long had Nikki been outside the door waiting? She wondered as she walked up to the door and opened it up, she smiled at the sweet child of hers before her. "Nikki!" She whispered softly wrapping her arms around her daughter hugging her "Oh, Snapdragons! I love them!" Emily was still trying to wake up as she sleepily went to the kitchen sink and went underneath the kitchen sink and got a vase, she filled it with water yawning trying to hide that she was tired. Emily placed the vase on her small kitchen table that was already set for two people. She then placed the Mac & Cheese on the table and the salad. "I didn't know what kind of dressing you liked, but I'm a blue cheese girl myself, is that ok?" Emily asked as she pulled out the bottle of Wishbone chunky blue cheese.

Emily's cell phone began to ring, she looked at it and gave a look of concern, "Nikki, I have to take this call." She whispered she picked it up and answered it "Hello Anna." A soft loving voice Emily had for this one named Anna. "Oh, no, no, that will not do... and what did he say? Hum... Oh hun, I'm not a doctor. . . yes, yes I understand. But I think you need to listen to the Doctors and do what they are asking." Emily listend for about two minutes and then nodded "Of course I will be there sweetheart."

Emily had a tear in her eye, it was one of her sick kids. "You want to meet my daughter?" Emily looked up at Nikki and smiled softly. "I'll do my best, but that means I have to tell her about your health." Emily smiled a little more as the young girl said it was ok. "I will be there tomorrow morning. . . and we will sing the song. and maybe I'll do a little magic trick for you. Ok, I will be there, but right now I need to go. Bye sweetheart." Emily hung up on the phone and began to try and dry her eyes. Oh it sucked to be sick, and especially when doctors kept wanting to do more procedures.

Alexander had his session with Dr. Wright who seemed a bit distracted today, but Alexander choose to ignore it. He walked outside after the session and his limo driver picked him up, he gave instructions to pick Raine up. He couldn't wait to see her and he had called to make a reservation for the Golden Rose. He looked down to see several text messages from Nikki wanting Chinese tomorrow and Elijah wanted to double date on Sunday.

When his limo driver pulled up the drive way, Alexander's stomach began to fly, it always did when he saw her. She made him feel things he had never felt before about a woman. Alexander heard the driver's door open then saw his own. He came outside and walked up the small path to the door, but the driver was already there and had rang the door bell. Alexander looked at him "John, I can ring the doorbell myself you know. I may be rich, but you don't have to wait on me hand and foot." Alexander smiled nervously. He would have to respond to Elijah and Nikki later, his time was best spent with Raine right now.

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Raine paused again to glance in the mirror; she had been waiting, perhaps a little impatiently, to get out of the house. She wasn't used to staying inside all the time anymore, and this gave her a reason to leave the house for a little bit. Not to mention, she got to spend time with Alex. She ignored her sister coming in to check on her, and instead went down the stairs to wait. It wasn't much longer before he was supposed to be there to pick her up, after all.

She looked up from the floor as she heard the doorbell and hurried to get it before anyone else did. She didn't need to be emabrrassed by her parents or sister getting the door, or hearing who it was. Besides, they already knew she was going out; if they needed to tell her anything, they should have said something beforehand. She sighed to herself before she opened the door, smiling as she saw Alex. But he was just getting to the door; someone else had rung the bell. She didn't pay him much attention. After all, she had seen him a few times before, when he had driven Alex and herself to preious dates.

She quickly checked her purse to make sure she still had her phone before she actually walked out of the house, shutting the door behind herself. "Hey, Alex. Glad you're finally here; I've had nothing to do all morning!" Her voice was only half-joking, because she was glad he was there. She liked spending time with him, and always looked forward to these dates. She paused for a moment, thinking. "Oh...I think you should know I need to see Ben at two this afternoon, so we'll kinda need to be done by it looks like lunch might be cut a bit short..." she added. She wasn't sure if he remembered the text, and usually they could hang out for a while. But the would have dinner, and there was nothing to cut that one short.

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Eli looked at the therapist, smiling softly until the issue of his father. "You know I'm sixteen right? Though I'll be eighteen by the time I start college, graduating at seventeen." He commented, crawling back into the couch. "Mr. Class, love me? More like love his reputation. He wants to have legal custody so nothing that could make him lose his reputation as a loving father and caring businessman could come out. When I would threaten him to spill that he doesn't love me, he would get the Nanny to psychically punish me." He answered, sighing softly. "Everything... has been about his reputation. He wants to look like a hero so everyone will love him. Except for his wife and me." Eli continued, an angry tear escaping his eye. "If he regains custody, he'll forbid me to see Nikki! Lock my windows and doors! I need her, and-and I don't know how I can go on without her! I've become so dependent." Eli cried, not realizing the tears were steaming out of his eyes and his voice level had raised to the point where anyone still in the building could hear. It was also very true and both of them knew it.

Though he had Chance and his family, Nikki helped him through the months before the therapist. He love Nikki, with all his heart. Nothing, or no one, could compare to her. She loved him, his music, his style, and he loved everything about her. Her long, auburn locks that blew playfully in the breeze. The jade orbs that looked into his own emerald green eyes so many different times. From helping him through a breakdown to snapping him out of his out-of-body experiences. She was his anchor and his heart.

"I love Nikki, so damn much."

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"You know I'm sixteen right? Though I'll be eighteen by the time I start college, graduating at seventeen." He commented, crawling back into the couch. "Mr. Class, love me? More like love his reputation. He wants to have legal custody so nothing that could make him lose his reputation as a loving father and caring businessman could come out. When I would threaten him to spill that he doesn't love me, he would get the Nanny to psychically punish me." He answered, sighing softly. "Everything... has been about his reputation. He wants to look like a hero so everyone will love him. Except for his wife and me." Eli continued, an angry tear escaping his eye. "If he regains custody, he'll forbid me to see Nikki! Lock my windows and doors! I need her, and-and I don't know how I can go on without her! I've become so dependent." Eli cried, not realizing the tears were steaming out of his eyes and his voice level had raised to the point where anyone still in the building could hear. It was also very true and both of them knew it.

Though he had Chance and his family, Nikki helped him through the months before the therapist. He love Nikki, with all his heart. Nothing, or no one, could compare to her. She loved him, his music, his style, and he loved everything about her. Her long, auburn locks that blew playfully in the breeze. The jade orbs that looked into his own emerald green eyes so many different times. From helping him through a breakdown to snapping him out of his out-of-body experiences. She was his anchor and his heart.

"I love Nikki, so damn much."

Mr. Wright looked at Elijah and sighed "Yeah son I know how old you are. I know how much you love Nikki, but I have to ask you this son, what if one day she's not there for you? What are you going to do then?" he asked Elijah gently, he knew he sounded like a jerk but he did not care at this point he wanted Elijah to see the truth of the realities that life had. What if Nikki wasn't there for him. "You cant go on through your life depending on other's son. You need to learn to depend on yourself and your inner strength, and yeah kid believe it or not somewhere deep down there I think your father loves you."

Alexander smiled at Raine and brought her to the restaurant and then chuckled "Let's ditch therapy today." Alexander knew she and he didn't need the talks even though he liked the doctor he wanted to spend the entire rest of the day with this woman, heck he'd settle for the rest of his life with her. If she loved him like that he hoped she did. They sat down at a reserved table and Alexander leaned in, "So I hum have been thinking about college. Think I'm going to be a business persons and Vet, though it could change." Alexander said "I'm going to do all my schooling through the internet, what are your plans? Have you been thinking about them?" Alexander wanted to know so much about this woman he gently reached out and took her hand "I love you so much Raine." He told her this only one time before.

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Raine hesitated, glancing down briefly, then back up at him. "Ah...I'm not so sure about ditching therapy...though hanging out would certainly be preferable." She smiled a little, then glanced off to the side. "...I still haven't decided, far as college...I mean...I was thinking about going into cooking...but I'm not entirely sure yet..." she admitted with an emabrrassed little shrug. "There's still a lot more thinking I need to do before I actually go for it, really..." Even if she was certain she wanted to go into cooking, her parents were making her think about it for a while longer before she was sure, and she didn't know whether or not her mind would change in that time.

She paused when he said that he loved her, thinking it over quickly. This wasn't something he said every day, wasn't something he would use at random, really. Apparently he had been doing some thinking, or something of the sort. She hesitated briefly, but still she grinned back at him. "I know that; almost as much as I love you," she replied, voice almost teasing. Thet fact was, she knew this had worried her, but she wasn't too sure about him. He was thinking about online classes...which did make it a little easier, but she wasn't sure. She knew sometimes there was at least one in-class session, so she wasn't sure what that would do. But she couldn't very well learn cooking online; some things just couldn't be learned by reading a book, or something. Hopefully whatever problems might come up could be worked out. Because, if she didn't think too much about anyone else, she knew she didn't really want to end up being separated from Alex.

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Alexander listened to her concerns and smiled gently "No, I suppose that ditching Therapy is not a good idea my dear." Alexander rarely gave Raine a pet name but he just smiled and nodded "One of the reasons why I chose to study online is to give you the flexibility of going to any college you wanted." He looked her in the eyes "If you wanted me with you at the college I can go and study there, unless you go to a special culinary school. I was thinking once you got out I could buy a restaurant for you. It would be your restaurant and I would help you run it." Alexander did not want to loose Raine, he didn't know if he was being pushy or if he was not pushing enough, but he wanted to be with Raine, and no one else and everyone else "I want to be part of your life in every way possible Raine, I want to support you in all that you choose to do." If one didn't know any better one would think that a proposal of marriage was coming their way. "I know we are young, and we have college to go through, but I don't want to loose you." he whispered "I love you too much for that, so whatever you want to do, us find an apartment together while you go to school, me live in an apartment of my own. Whatever it is you want the ball is in your court Raine, I will follow you to the ends of the earth and back." Alexander now had both his hands in hers one in each and he was gently messaging her plam as he spoke. "I would give you the world if you but asked for it." he whispered softly. God damn he loved this woman more than anyone knew.

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Raine paused, but relaxed. Surely he wouldn't move quite that fast. She smiled back at him. "...I really don't much care what you do; your own apartment, or even if you went to another school instead of an online one. As long as we could still go out like this; could still see each other." She paused, debating briefly. "...I was thinking some sort of special culinary school, but it doesn't matter where..." It hardly seemed fair; he was offering to have her decide...but what about what he wanted? It hardly seemed fair that he was asking what she wanted, without considering what he might want. So far it seemed all he knew was he wanted to stay with if she hadn't thought of that. That was a part of the problem with her choice, anyway; she wasn't sure she'd be able to go to a culinary school and still be close enough to see him often enough. But, now that she was sure about that one, it only seemed fair that he got to choose something, at least.

"...I want to stay with you, too, but I certainly can't decide everything. I don't mind sharing some apartment somewhere, but where is what I can't decide on," she promted, hoping to get him to choose something, too. Everything else they seemed to agree on...but this part, she didn't really care too much. She could always just call her parents if it was too far away, after all; as long as she wasn't there on her own, and he was with her, she'd be fine, she knew.

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View All » Add Character » 8 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Elijah Warbler
Character Portrait: Emily Louise Martin
Character Portrait: Alexander Morgan
Character Portrait: Nikki Montoya
Character Portrait: Raine Amara Tallulah
Character Portrait: Dr. Benjiman Wright
Character Portrait: Rhett "Maverick" Beckham
Character Portrait: Swayze Blue


Character Portrait: Swayze Blue
Swayze Blue

"Your last name's Blue? Oh, where's Steve?" "He died, sorry. I killed him with my shotgun and threw him in a dumpster. I don't think he's rotted yet..."

Character Portrait: Rhett "Maverick" Beckham
Rhett "Maverick" Beckham

"The mind is an incredibly powerful thing. We can't even comprehend the capacity for informa-" "Dude. You can argue with me all day, but I am NOT fixing the toaster." "But my Pop-tarts! I need them, man!"

Character Portrait: Dr. Benjiman Wright
Dr. Benjiman Wright

PHD in Psychology

Character Portrait: Raine Amara Tallulah
Raine Amara Tallulah

"Well...I suppose some things do change..."

Character Portrait: Nikki Montoya
Nikki Montoya

I can't slow down. I won't be waiting for you. I can't stop now because I'm dancing... If my velocity starts to make you sweat then just don't let go. 'Cause the emergency room got no vacancy and we just... get up and go!

Character Portrait: Alexander Morgan
Alexander Morgan

Son of The President of a toy company called LUWIT Link Us With Incredibal Toys Inc.

Character Portrait: Emily Louise Martin
Emily Louise Martin

Carnival Ring Mistress

Character Portrait: Elijah Warbler
Elijah Warbler

The tears that stain my cheek make me look weak. But I wear them proudly, I wear them proud! Just stand up and scream, the tainted clock is counting down. You gave into me, would you say the nights are far too long now?


Character Portrait: Emily Louise Martin
Emily Louise Martin

Carnival Ring Mistress

Character Portrait: Swayze Blue
Swayze Blue

"Your last name's Blue? Oh, where's Steve?" "He died, sorry. I killed him with my shotgun and threw him in a dumpster. I don't think he's rotted yet..."

Character Portrait: Elijah Warbler
Elijah Warbler

The tears that stain my cheek make me look weak. But I wear them proudly, I wear them proud! Just stand up and scream, the tainted clock is counting down. You gave into me, would you say the nights are far too long now?

Character Portrait: Rhett "Maverick" Beckham
Rhett "Maverick" Beckham

"The mind is an incredibly powerful thing. We can't even comprehend the capacity for informa-" "Dude. You can argue with me all day, but I am NOT fixing the toaster." "But my Pop-tarts! I need them, man!"

Character Portrait: Nikki Montoya
Nikki Montoya

I can't slow down. I won't be waiting for you. I can't stop now because I'm dancing... If my velocity starts to make you sweat then just don't let go. 'Cause the emergency room got no vacancy and we just... get up and go!

Character Portrait: Raine Amara Tallulah
Raine Amara Tallulah

"Well...I suppose some things do change..."

Character Portrait: Alexander Morgan
Alexander Morgan

Son of The President of a toy company called LUWIT Link Us With Incredibal Toys Inc.

Character Portrait: Dr. Benjiman Wright
Dr. Benjiman Wright

PHD in Psychology

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Alexander Morgan
Alexander Morgan

Son of The President of a toy company called LUWIT Link Us With Incredibal Toys Inc.

Character Portrait: Raine Amara Tallulah
Raine Amara Tallulah

"Well...I suppose some things do change..."

Character Portrait: Emily Louise Martin
Emily Louise Martin

Carnival Ring Mistress

Character Portrait: Elijah Warbler
Elijah Warbler

The tears that stain my cheek make me look weak. But I wear them proudly, I wear them proud! Just stand up and scream, the tainted clock is counting down. You gave into me, would you say the nights are far too long now?

Character Portrait: Nikki Montoya
Nikki Montoya

I can't slow down. I won't be waiting for you. I can't stop now because I'm dancing... If my velocity starts to make you sweat then just don't let go. 'Cause the emergency room got no vacancy and we just... get up and go!

Character Portrait: Dr. Benjiman Wright
Dr. Benjiman Wright

PHD in Psychology

Character Portrait: Rhett "Maverick" Beckham
Rhett "Maverick" Beckham

"The mind is an incredibly powerful thing. We can't even comprehend the capacity for informa-" "Dude. You can argue with me all day, but I am NOT fixing the toaster." "But my Pop-tarts! I need them, man!"

Character Portrait: Swayze Blue
Swayze Blue

"Your last name's Blue? Oh, where's Steve?" "He died, sorry. I killed him with my shotgun and threw him in a dumpster. I don't think he's rotted yet..."

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Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Ok lets keep this moving shall wee? Dont know where Nikki is.

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Yes I am game but you will have to talk to Leopod about that. I am giving her till the eight of this month to make her post then I will post regardless. I will not write her out just yet RL can get crazy on us. So I will give her sometime. :)

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Sorry, I've been swamped on last-minute homework so I won't be able to post 'til tomorrow at the earliest.

Blue, urmm... well, she's an old friend of Elijah. I was planning on a little jealousy of Nikki and maybe trying to get Elijah to cheat. If anything, she can be a teen intern at the therapist's office, but... idkk

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Ah...I would, but I don't know that I can really keep it up. :P

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

It is ok everyone!!! :) Your only required to post 2 times every 10 days! :) More is great when appropriate and everyone has posted! I do not mind waiting for responses. RL Must come first. :) :) But you are all doing a GREAT job at keeping this going at a modern pace. Crystal if you feel the need and can keep it up feel free to create a best friend or enemy of Raine, someone Alexander can beat the tar off of protecting Raine or something. :) Still coming up with a new bad guy/girl.

RPG: Where dose Miss Blue fit in our story. :) Please Enlighten me! :)

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Wow...that's a lot of work. :P I'm just glad my school semester is over for now. :P

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Sorry for my absence. I've been absolutely swamped with work. If I could've found time to post, I would have. But, as it is the end of the school year, teachers are piling on last minute assignments. Myself, I've got a paper, bio project, take-home math test, and latin translation to do.

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Waiting on Nikki & Elijah I will be gone for most of the weekend. :) Would love to respond at least one more time before I leave. :)

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Okay, just a few notes here on my post!

Rhett and Benjamin are probably not "old" friends. They're good friends, but I don't think they go too far back. Rhett would've met Ben a couple years after college...So they've probably been friends for about 3 years now. Benjamin would be a good couple years older than Rhett, as Rhett is only twenty-five. Lightning, you never specified how old Benjamin was, but (judging by his demeanor) I would put him at about mid-thirties or later... Of course he could be young and yet very serious... But he does have that scar above his eye- that suggests age... But I digress.

Also- No one knows about Nikki being the daughter of Emily... EXCEPT Benjamin, who has been sworn to secrecy. Obviously, Nikki's power over James Blackwell comes from her threat to release the information about herself and Emily to the press. Benjamin wouldn't tell because of his policy of privacy with his patients. The only reason Benjamin knows in the first place is because he's working with Emily. Rhett doesn't know- and will continue to be clueless until Nikki decides she wants to fill him in.

FINALLY- Just know that I'm not trying to make Benjamin look bad at all. I'm just trying to emphasize Nikki's dislike of him and how bad she can grate on people.

Re: [OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

Hiya everyone! We are still on Day one... remember one day can take as long as a full week! Or even a month! :) So Elijah Feel free to take Nikki out on a date... a little romance is fine in this one!

[OOC] Mother/Father Dearest

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