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Stella Academy

Stella Academy


Welcome to Stella Academy, a place for children chosen by the goddess Samaria to train in order to learn how to properly use their weapon to protect the innocent and punish the wicked Shari. 

2,477 readers have visited Stella Academy since Cato The Great created it.

triblade are listed as curators, giving them final say over any conflict & the ability to clean up mistakes.



As your heavy eyelids part open, a dim cyan light fills your view. You slowly and groggily take in your surroundings to find... Nothing. All around you there is nothing but a soft and calming blue hue, as if you were suspended in a hidden s or floating in solitary sky. As you begin to wake up, you find your legs are taking you slowly forward, without you telling them too. It's a strange feeling, but oddly enough, you seem to be okay with it. Off in the distance you began to make out an object suspended in midair. But what is it? It's form is unfamiliar to you, but at the same time, you feel like the object is an old friend, or a childhood comfort that's always been there for you. As you draw closer your heart begins to race, and as you reach out to grasp it, you instantly jolt awake...


In the land of Soria, legend tells of sacred weapons, called Mana Arms . These mysterious and powerful weapons are thought to be the weapons of the gods themselves, bestowed in ancient times upon the legendary warriors, the Shujaa, by the Mother Goddess Samaria, and created by each individual God or Goddess, bar Kucheka, the god of madness. The Weapons have the ability to destroy demons called The Shari, who terrorize and prey on innocent souls, As well as the unique ability to damage the Ovu, a race of a higher evil than even the Shari, who wish to bring about the end of mankind.The Shari, as well as the Ovu, were created by The god of madness, Kucheka, as to wreak havoc on the humans, the favored creation of his sister and mortal enemy, Samaria.
In ancient times, the humans formed an order of warriors, called the Shujaa, that were tasked with hunting and killing the Shari, and they proved very successful, and nearly wiped out the Shari threat. This lead Kucheka to create the Ovu, A Twisted version of his sister's humans, and gave them the power of the Shari, tasking them to Destroy the Shujaa, and bring forth a new age where the Shari ruled the humans. The Ovu managed to eliminate most of the Shujaa, until there was only a handful left. Samaria, unable to destroy her brother’s creations, brought into existence the mana arms with the help of The ten remaining gods and goddesses, and gave the weapons to the ten remaining warriors as a way to combat the Ovu. After a grueling battle, the warriors defeated the Ovu, and, to prevent their resurrection, formed a pact with Namune, the God of magic, to seal the Ovu away. The warriors however, had to sacrifice themselves for the spell, as it required a large amount of life energy to cast. The spell was cast, and the Ovu were sealed away, held in place by the warrior's lingering will.
Centuries passed, and the Shari continued to prey on humankind, and be destroyed by the wielders of the mana arms. A new organization has been created in the same vein as the Shujaa, called the Knights. A school was created to train those with the power to Wield the artifacts, known as Stella Academy.

Mana Arms

The mana arms, weapons of immense power, are continuously being produced by the gods, and bestowed upon children of great potential, in order to combat the threat of the Shari, who feed on the souls of mankind. The weapons appear to the child in a dream, and when the child awakens, they will find they have the ability to summon their weapon at will. The Mana Arms each have a unique ability the is bestowed upon the user once the weapon is acquired, and the use of said ability drains the user's mana, the magical energy stored within the wielder's soul.

The Academy

Welcome to Stella Academy, A place for children chosen by the goddess Samaria to train in order to learn how to properly use their weapon to protect the innocent and punish the wicked Shari. 

In the school grounds, you'll find three spacious and lavishly decorated dorms, separated between male and female, An outdoor sports arena, several small shops, a large library, and a state of the art seven-story School building. We are located on the beautiful Cassius lakefront, and the lake is open to any students, complete with rental canoes, and a large wharf. 

The three houses are Anzu, Garuda and Phoenix. The houses often face-off in student competitions, the winning house acquires crowns. The house that has the highest crown count at the end of the year are declared the Champion House, and receive numerous gifts and benefits. The Dorms are run by two house leaders each, and they are responsible for maintaining the dorms, leading the students, and organizing competitions. 

The school also has various groups and clubs that one can join, such as, the Science club, the Bird-watching club, the Book club, and the Tech club, as well as sports groups, such as the Fencing club, the Volleyball team, the Basketball team and so on. There is also the Disciplinary squad, a group of mostly students, which is headed by the Dean of Discipline. The Group acts as a sort of a student police force on the campus, enforcing rules, and issuing punishments that range from detention, to an in-school suspension, or a back-alley beating depending on the infraction committed and the person who catches you. 

Duels take place in the schools Magi Field, and are mock-battles between two or more students, using virtual weapons and landscapes, made possible by an enchanted battle arena. The winner of the duel also wins a small amount of crowns for their house team, so it is a popular pass-time for students. 

School Policies

  • No students may use their arms to harm another student or staff member.
  • All sightings of Shari are to be reported to the staff, and dealt with appropriately.
  • Students may not go out on the lake, whether swimming or canoeing, without informing a staff member beforehand.
  • Students may not leave the school grounds unless special permission is given.
  • Male students are not to be in the Female dorm rooms after 9:00 pm, and vice-versa.
  • If a student would like to dispute a punishment issued by a Disciplinary Squad member, they must address the Dean of Discipline Directly, and arrange a hearing before the student council.
  • If a student fails to maintain a minimum of a C average in overall academics, they will be put on probation for one semester. If a student fails to raise his/her grade average, they will be asked to leave the school, and relinquish their weapon.

A List of Gods

  • Samaria: The mother Goddess. Rules over life and creation.
  • Kucheka: The Laughing one. Rules over Death, madness and creation.
  • Jenga: The God of Constructs. Rules over building, machines and creativity.
  • Baridi: The God of Winter. Rules over ice, snow, the cold, bitterness and winter.
  • Amotokali: Goddess of Summer. Rules over Fire, heat, cooking, passion, love and summer.
  • Jani: God of Autumn. Rules over wind, change, travel, sorrow and Autumn.
  • Zuri: Goddess of Spring. Rules over plants, growth, beauty, fertility and spring.
  • Usin: God of Dreams. Rules over sleep, dreams and illusions.
  • Hatari: God of Combat. Rules over Pain, blades, fighting, war, ambition and strategy.
  • Luna: Goddess of the moon. Rules over the moon.
  • Sol: God of the sun. Rules over the sun.
  • Namune: God of Mankind. Was a great warrior, who rose to godhood after death. Rules over mankind, fellowship and friendship.

Character Sheet

Code: Select all
[center][b][color=YOURCOLOR](Your character's full name)[/color][/b]
[img]YOUR PICTURE/GIF HERE - Anime only please~[/img][/center]

[center][i][colorYOURCOLOR][size=200]Basic Information[/size][/color][/i][/center]

[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Age:[/color][/b] (16-18 please, for story purposes. The characters will age as the story goes on, provided we finish this chapter)

[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Appearance:[/color][/b](A description of your characters physical features, as well as any specific mannerisms. Does not have to be extremely detailed.)

[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Personality:[/color][/b](A brief description of your character's personality and demeanor. It's fine if you want to develop this further as the story progresses, but at least give a basic insight.)

[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Likes & Loves:[/color][/b]

[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Dislikes & Fears[/color][/b]

[center][i][color=YOURCOLOR][size=200]Mana Arm[/size][/color][/I][/center]
[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Weapon name:[Weapon][/b]

[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Weapon appearance[/color][/b]

[b][color=YOURCOLOR]Weapon's ability:[/color][/b]

[center][i][color=YOURCOLOR][size=200]Additional Information[/size][/color][/i] (Optional but encouraged!)[/center]
Battle II:

Allergies/Medical conditions:

[center][img]YOUR PICTURE/GIF HERE - Anime only please~[/img][/center]

TEACHERS: (2 open)

Toggle Rules

  • Please, decent quality, anime pictures only.
  • Be somewhat active, please try to post one or twice every two to four days.
  • This is a literate roleplay. The occasional spelling mistake is absolutely fine, but please, don't talk like a caveman, and try to use spell check.
  • There is no minimum post length, just please, no one-liners or novels please.
  • Reservations last 48 hours unless a special exception is made or a somewhat substantial Work in progress is submitted, in which case it is extended to 72 hours.
  • Please have a consistent theme to your magic, and don't make something extremely overpowered.

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The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 10 authors


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt
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Seran Nyx

"Yes I am planning on wearing this to the assembly, its better then being soaking wet." Seran says with a little smirk.Seran looks at his two daggers in the wall and with a quick wave of his hand they disappear letting the sheets fall to the bedside. "Right the assembly I almost forgot about it." Seran says as he begins to sprint towards the assembly hall. A quick thought crosses his head "Man these things are always the same."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Tessa Phers Character Portrait: Zero Hunt Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
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Saphiron Geneveaux

“I’m Tessa, by the way.” 

“I'm Saphiron but please call me Saph,” he responded warmly. Her eyes never left him for quite a few minutes. Even through Zero's introduction of himself, she stood unmoving and only her eyes moved, scanning his body.

“ I have something on my face?” Saph began wiping his face with his sleeve, and checked it when he was done, and there was no residue of anything on it. He looked back at her puzzled, but did not catch her analytical gaze, and instead turned on his heels, and proceeded to follow Zero towards the assembly hall.


5 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx Character Portrait: Zero Hunt Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
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Elysia Hunt

Elysia couldn't help but laugh to herself as she followed behind the boys, they hadn't even been at the school for a whole day and they were all ready causing chaos. But they wouldn't be themselves if they didn't.
"I think you look better in a dress than I do Seran" She said with a wink at him, causing herself to laugh once more.

Walking through the halls she couldn't help but spot a few lost students, most likely first years. Stopping for a few moments she explained to them where they had to go and not to worry if they got lost again as most of the students here were friendly.

Catching back up to the boys she couldn't help but release a sigh of relief as she noticed how the assembly hall was still rather empty. "At least they haven't started yet. Anyway how was the break for the both of you?"

Zero Hunt

Walking along towards the assembly hall he couldn't help but notice that Saphiron had soon joined him.
"Took your time." He said without looking at him. As they neared the assembly hall he couldn't help but spot his sister and his two friends. Narrowing his eyes towards her trying to seem as if he didn't care, but they still showed signs of care in them.

Suddenly stopping, he turned to face Saphiron, " I hear your going to be entering more of the tournaments this year. You should be all right for most of them." Looking towards his sister then back towards Saph. "But be careful if you go against El.. Since she specializes in martial arts and her mana arm increases the power behind her attacks, she is strong. Trust me I know first hand. Not only that.. she is quick." He spoke with a sigh remembering past experience when they had fought against each otherin the tournaments. She always seemed to have the upper hand upon him.
"And don't forget about her two friends."


10 Characters Present

Character Portrait: [NPC] Bartender Character Portrait: Fallon Sky Banthon Character Portrait: Seran Nyx Character Portrait: Tasnim Lane Character Portrait: Zero Hunt Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux Character Portrait: Jette Raynehell Character Portrait: Serenity Sirenchella
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Lonan Cain

Lonan laughed at Elysia's comment. As they began to walk, he noticed Elysia fall behind to talk to some freshman.

"So, you ass hat, who did you terrorize this time to have to break into my bloody room?" He said to Seran, with a half smirk and a soft laugh.

Getting closer to the hall, Elysia manage to catch back up to the two.

"Well, nice of you to join us miss tour guide." He said, with a joking smile.

"At least they haven't started yet. Anyway how was the break for the both of you?"

"Nice enough..." He said. "Though a bit boring. I didn't get to see my father much, he was in Reynden for most of it on an important business trip. I mostly just hung out with my little brother and some old school friends. Oh, and my cats. I miss my cats. Mimi is total-" Realizing he was rambling on, he cut himself short. "Because everyone wants to know about your uber-manly love for cats." he thought. He looked over at the other two, curious about their breaks.

As they arrived at the now-packed assembly hall, they unsurprisingly struggled to find seats. The three had split up to look for a trio of unoccupied ones. Finding a perfect place for them to sit on the ground level, somewhat close to the stage, he waved over to Seran and Elysia to come over to where he was, though they weren't very far away. Just on cue, the assembly began. The lights dimmed slowly, and a tall figure walked on stage.

"Students. Please be seated immediately." He said, a microphone carrying his intimidating presence through the room. The man was no other than Vice-Chancellor Endrad, or as most students called him, behind his back of course, "Ender". He was a large man, with a slim, but intimidating figure, which was crowned by a serious, no-bullshit face, marked with a scar over the bridge of his nose, just extending just to touch his high cheekbones. His thick black hair was neck-length and always slicked back and his figure was always suited in a black designer suit. He was a stark contrast to the beautiful Chancellor, who's regal looks and scarlet hair had earned her the nickname "The Red Lion" though now it was more of a title then a moniker. She along with most of the other Academic staff, sat behind him, almost invisible in the dim light.

"On behalf of all the staff, we welcome you back to Stella Academy. We have but a few brief announcements before we let you finish unpacking your belongings and settling in. First off, we would like to address the rumours that have been circulating as of late. There has been a few, unconfirmed sightings of a class 3 Shari near the school grounds. Once again, it's presence is unconfirmed, but any further sightings should be reported to staff immediately and no student should engage the creature in combat under any circumstances.

Second, there will be a dance at the end of the week, to celebrate the first day of the festival of the dead. Then, on the final day of the festival, there will be a tournament held at the Holo-field. Participation in both events of optional, but encouraged. If you would like to volunteer for either event, please speak to Mr. Tevin as soon as possible.

Finally, keep in mind that while there is no class today, classes do start at 8:00 sharp tomorrow morning, so do not be late. That is all." He said, as the lights turned on and students began to file out of the building.

Lonan looked over to the other two as he got up. "Of course he had to end it with "Don't be late!". What a jerk." He yawned, stretching his arms into the air, "But a tournament, now that sounds fun."


3 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt
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Elysia Hunt

"Well, nice of you to join us miss tour guide." Lonan said to her with a smile, She could help but let a pout form on her face.
When he explained how his break went she couldn't help but smile, he seemed to really enjoy his break. Especially the fact her got to see his cats. Which actually caused herself to laugh.

When they reached the assembly hall the three split to find seats, a few moments later she spoted Lonan calling herself and Seran over. Making her way other she sat down in the empty seat. Within a few moments the assembly began.

She sat silently listening to announcements, when the Ender mentioned about the Shari spotting she couldn't help but smirk,
"I think he's saying that especially to the pair of you" She whispered.
Elysia carried on listening to the further announcements and couldn't help but let a groan escape her lips at the mention of a dance, whilst the rest of the girls as well as some other guys seemed to get excited just thinking about it. Although the tournament part was more interesting.

But the big guy just had to ruin it by reminding them that classes start at 8:00 am tomorrow morning. 'Great there goes the excitement.' She thought to herself.

As the lights turned on Elysia stood up as well as multiple other students. She remained silent as many girls who passed her couldn't help but giggle and talk about the so called dance whilst the guys were excited about the tournaments. Although some were still excited to see what the girls were going to wear to the dance.
"Well it could of been worse?" She replied to Lonan. "But of course you would be excited about the tournament, I'm going to guess that the pair of you are going to enter?" She said whilst playing with a strand of her hair.

Turning to her side slightly she couldn't help but spot a few guys watching her along with her friends, a scared look appearing on her face. "Stupid guys.. stupid dance.. Anyone want to get some food?" She questioned the pair of them.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Welkin Relique
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#, as written by Golgari
It was a beautiful day on the campus of Stella Academy. Birds were chirping, a light breeze was floating through the trees and an air of happiness seemed to hang over the school. The opening ceremony had been a great success and it was looking to be an amazing year. Unfortunately for Welkin Relique, these facts were shrouded in a dark, mysterious force known as just waking up. The room was rather bare as is the rest of the house. A large wardrobe stood on the left opposite a small television. As the bright sunlight cascaded over his blonde hair, the teacher looked groggily at his alarm clock.

His flashing alarm clock that read 5:08 am.

"A power outage?! God dammit!" In a sudden burst of speed, Welkin flung his covers to the side and quickly did his morning routine. After twelve minutes of panic he stood at the door, dressed in a pinstripe suit. A worried expression crossed his face.
"Headphones...headphones...where are my headphones? Marcus!" A small skeletal dog came trotting into the room, a set of headphones dangling happily from his jaws. Bending down, Welkin plucked the headset from his pet's grasp and patted him affectionately on the head.
"Alright boy, ready to go?" The dog barked in reply, his bony tail wagging furiously.
Changing his playlist to "Gotta go fast: Songs for when I'm late", Welkin ran down the streets to the start of a new school year, the clip of small skeletal feet not far behind him.


"Ahh, Relique. It's about time you showed up." The Chancellor chimed, watching with slight amusement as the young teacher ran into the quickly emptying auditorium. "I was getting afraid Garuda wouldn't have a homeroom this year."
"Sorry m'am, I slept in a bit." Welkin said shyly, running his fingers through his hair. He had always had a sort-of crush on his superior, a fact that she was constantly egging him about.
A gruff voice from behind startled the teacher. "Just don't let it happen again Relique or you'll be working as the janitor." Vice Chancellor Endrad stood as stiff as a board, exuding his authority over the much smaller man.
"Y-yes Endrad. No more lates from me. Promise." Endrad simply nodded and handed him the schedule for the week. With a respectful bow, Welkin ran to his homeroom to get ready for tomorrow's classes.


The "classroom" that Welkin taught in was not a classroom at all but a large building on the edge of the Holo-Field, a large wall separating the room into Three large parts.
On the left was the biology lab. This space looked like a cross between a morgue and a library, with freshly polished steel tables and countless books on the subject of anatomy. Currently, there were no bodies in the laboratory. These could be easily conjured with his Mana Arm for research materials.

On the right was the school gymnasium. Here, all kinds of sports are played with the undead serving as extra players if need be. Finally is the entrance to the Hole-Field itself.
This was Welkin's favorite part of the day. Using the Holo-Field to create specific situations, the teacher could summon undead enemies for his students to fight. It has become a running challenge at this school to be one of the few able to defeat "The Never-ending Army", a simulation pitting you alone against an army of ten thousand Wights. Though some students have come close, none have succeeded and thus revealed the special prize Welkin promised to the victor.

With a smile, Welkin plopped down in his chair. Tomorrow's classes were the start of a new year. Welkin closed his eyes.
"I have a feeling this is going to be our most exciting year yet, don't you think so pal?" The dog barked happily from his lap as they both fell back to slumber.


6 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx Character Portrait: Tessa Phers Character Portrait: Zero Hunt Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
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"I hear your going to be entering more of the tournaments this year. You should be all right for most of them. But be careful if you go against El. Since she specializes in martial arts and her mana arm increases the power behind her attacks, she is strong. Trust me I know first hand. Not only that, she is quick. And don't forget about her two friends."

Saphiron watched Zero speak his words of caution with a slightly clueless look on his face. He saw Zero look many times beyond Saph, and to his sister and her two friends he mentioned. Saph couldn’t tell whether Zero was talking out of frustration, sadness, or jealousy. Saph followed his eyes once to the small group. Lonan and Elysia were a little uncomfortably close, and the smaller red head was not far behind. They all seemed pretty happy, but Zero did not seem to share in his sister’s joy.

“Oh. Okay. Thanks! I’m not too worried. I’m just going to try my best for everyone. But don’t worry about her and her friends, because now you’ve got friends too.” Saphiron smiled at Zero and Tessa. He didn’t know if either of them considered their little group friends exactly, but Saphiron regarded them as much anyway, and if they wanted to return the feeling, then that was fine, and if not, it wasn’t going to change Saph’s outlook anyway.

Before Zero had a chance to respond, the Vice-Chancellor was calling everyone for the assembly. Nothing really piqued Saph’s interest the entire time the man spoke. The Shari weren’t particularly frightening to Saphiron. They simply existed. He didn’t really know what he would be if he saw one. He would have to make that judgement call when he saw one for real.

“On the final day of the festival, there will be a tournament held at the Holo-field. Participation in both events of optional, but encouraged. If you would like to volunteer for either event, please speak to Mr. Tevin as soon as possible.” Saphiron’s ears shot up, his back straightened, and excitement fuelled him. He had a child-like grin on his face and he immediately scanned the crowd for Mr. Tevin. He was towards the front of the room. Once the announcement was made Saphiron started using his agility and slender frame to weave through the crowd, until he was the first one in front of Mr. Tevin as the assembly was called to a close.

“I’d like to sign up for the tournament,” Saphiron said with a grin on his face.

“Sure. Name, house, and year?”

“Saphiron Geneveaux, second year Garuda.”

“You’re all registered, good luck. Next!” Saphiron began walking back towards where he left Zero and Tessa, but in the throng of students, Saphiron couldn’t see if they had moved from their original spot….or maybe it was Saphiron couldn’t remember exactly where they were to begin with. Either way, the group that did stick out was Lonan and his small crew, so he headed over to where they were.

“Hey Lonan, ready for another year of track and field? I just signed up for the first tournament of the year too, so maybe we’ll get to hang out more?” Saphiron regarded the group warmly, and hoped that he wasn’t intruding on anything of importance.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fallon Sky Banthon Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux Character Portrait: Jette Raynehell
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Jette Raynehell

"What's wrong with your face?"

Jette was unprepared for this sudden outburst. The girl's story had been a long and confusing one. Between her drawn out explanations and her over-the-top body gestures, his insides cringed with regret for ever having spoken to her. And then she'd retorted with that.

The boy felt his face growing hot as a hand instinctively reached for his cheek. How dare she!? Did she have any idea who he was?


He should be disgusted...right? Get angry and yell in her face to shut the hell up...right? So when Jette heard his own laughter, he felt as if he didn't know himself any better than he knew this mystery girl.

"Heh... Hahaha!" There was something comical about her! Almost endearingly so. Here she stood, alone, with blood on her face and some bullshit story about a duck cutting her with thorns...or whatever. In this moment, looking at her pathetic, bloody face, Jette decided that he liked something about this girl. It appeared as if today's social experiment was a success.

After his fit of laughter faded into a large grin, Jette was about to speak again when he was bumped to the side by another, larger student. Just then, more and more of them pushed by, seemingly filing into the auditorium faster now that the assembly was about to start. A sea of bodies separated him from the duck-girl and soon, he couldn't find her at all amidst the crowd.

And then the wave of all-too-familiar rage swept over him.


Cursing aloud, Jette barreled through the crowd, forcing his way to the front and into the assembly hall. Green eyes scanned the dimly lit room to find a chair in the last row and he stomped over to it, dramatically flopping down with a thud. Seething with negativity, he waiting for this annoying little presentation to be over. Then he could get away from these disgusting people and back to Remy.


The assembly was an even bigger bore than Jette had predicted.

Blah, blah, blah, Shari... Blah, blah, blah, dance... Blah, blah, blah, tournament... Gods! Would this ever end!? Jette passed the time by imagining what would happen if that fool Ender just suddenly burst into flames and exploded. The panic he envisioned made him chuckle aloud more than once.

Lost in his twisted little daydream, Jette only knew the assembly had concluded when he saw everyone stand up and begin to exit the auditorium.


Slipping out one of the doors, the boy looked about the room. It seemed that everyone was picking up their pointless conversations where they had left off before the assembly. With a scoff, Jette began the trek back to his dorm. As he passed a group of students who looked especially familiar, he stared curiously. His eyes narrowed in irritation when he saw it was merely that annoying overachiever, Lon-Lon and a few of his friends. That dope Geneveaux was with them too. Turning his head, he continued walking past them.


1 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Fallon Sky Banthon
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Fallon Sky B.

Fallon was a bit startled to hear this boy laugh, so much that she jumped a little. Was what she said funny? Perhaps she should ask that question more often, it seemed as though he enjoyed it. She opened her mouth, preparing herself to say something but before she could, a crowd came in and swept him away like a wave. Instead, she just waved sheepishly at him, as she too, got drifted away in the crowd and into the assembly room.

Due to her recent illness, Fallon practically missed the entire assemble; spending her time sleeping. Her head was propped back as she sat in the chair, her hair crazily stuck to her face as a long string of saliva dripped from her mouth and onto the floor; causing quite the ruckus for students behind her.
As soon as the assembly was over, Fallon snapped out of it instantly, as if she wasn’t even asleep and once again, she was swept away with the crowd. Thanks to her small stature, it was quite easy to make her way through the large crowds and finding herself out in the open once more.

Once she was free, Fallon walked back to the garden, wiping away the eye boogers that built up in the corners from sleeping and the dried drool that seemed to form while the man was speaking. Looking at her closely as she walked, wiping her face, Fallon did seem like a young child who had no business in such an elite academy, but she did.
She walked along the concrete path that lead her back to the garden, greeted half way by the white duck. Still a bit angry at it, Fallon ignored it as she continued to walk.


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Character Portrait: Tasnim Lane
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Tasnim Lane

It seemed amazing to Tasnim, “They found an actual Shari! she kept on thinking in her mind. What else counted, a Shari was around. She was somewhat scared and somewhat excited. A Shari was an amazing discovery. She just hoped it wouldn’t hurt anybody, especially her. That’d be horrible.

The dance was also quite exciting. Having fun and meeting new people to be friends with would be her priority there. She may even think about signing up for a battle. She’d really like to show off what her Mana Arm can do. It almost seems funny thinking about somebody wrapped around poison ivy because of her staff. Then again she wouldn’t want to lose this early in the school year, it’d be better to get a few friends first.

After the assembly she skipped back to her room, falling onto her bed, finally she got some time to rest.


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
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Seran Nyx

"Yeah I could go for something to eat then I can explain to you why i trashed Lon-Lon's room" Seran says a twinkle crossing his eye showing that there was more to it then what met the eye. Looking at the tournament registration desk and the swarm of people surrounding it he decides it will be better to wait till later to sign up. With a sigh Seran zones back in noticing who is talking to who, with a little chuckle he turns to Elysia "So what are you thinking of getting to eat?"


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Lonan Cain

"Well it could of been worse? But of course you would be excited about the tournament, I'm going to guess that the pair of you are going to enter?"

Lonan laughed. "Yeah, actually. I've been itching for a good fight recently, I didn't get a chance to practice at all over the break." He said, jokingly punching at the air. "What about you?"

"Stupid guys.. stupid dance.. Anyone want to get some food?"

"Scared to dance with a guy?" He teased. "Or do you just have two left feet? Yeah, food sounds good! I've been craving curry recently, but my brother and I ate out at a local place mostly over the break. My mom's cooking... not so great... Luckily, I only had to put up with it for a bit once my sister moved out, but then I got sent here. My poor little brother..." Realizing he was once again beginning to ramble on, Lonan looked ahead, and noticed Saphiron, an up-and-coming for Garuda whom he had become friendly with over track and field club.

“Hey Lonan, ready for another year of track and field? I just signed up for the first tournament of the year too, so maybe we’ll get to hang out more?"

"Yeah, I'm pretty pumped!" He laughed. "I've been practicing my long-jump, I really don't wanna mess up my ankle again like last year!" He said, sheepishly. "You too huh? I think track practice starts tomorrow, so maybe we could do some sparring after? Wouldn't hurt to get a little training in, right?" He asked, grinning."


4 Characters Present

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx Character Portrait: Lonan Cain Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
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Elysia Hunt

Elysia couldn't help but roll her eyes at the boys, they always seemed eager to join as many tournaments as possible. Although if she was capable of it she would probably enter all of them herself.
But last year she came into contact with a few nasty illnesses resulting in her to be confined to the nurses office. Since her body struggled to produce any white blood cells to produce any antibodies she ended up in worse states than most.

"I should be able to participate in the first few, as long as I don't over do it" She replied with a soft smile upon her face.

Although her smile soon turned to a pout when Lonan began to tease her. "I don't mind dancing it's just everyone get's so excited and guys always leave it till the last minute to ask the girls or load of guys ask one girl. Remember the dance last year? I think I could of murdered someone" She mumbled the last bit. Elysia had to refrain her self from laughing at Lonan, he always seemed to ramble on quite a bit.

"Anyway! Food! We should probably just go to the campus café, Since most students will be moving their stuff in it shouldn't be to busy. And I want cake!" Her smile becoming larger at the thought of cake.
Turning to Seran with a curious expression upon her face "That I do want to know"

Turning her attention to the new voice that had entered the group, she noticed how Saphiron had joined the group. Elysia wasn't one to hate people, she may not like them on the inside but she would never show it. She acted civil.
But herself and Saphiron were polar opposites, she was fire and he was ice. That was all ready something that caused friction between the pair. But deciding she needs to keep a positive outlook on things she just smiled.

"I forgot you two are on the track and field team together..."She spoke softly. "You joining the pair Seran? Or you going to be running from people like usual?" A playful smirk upon her face.

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View All » Add Character » 13 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lonan Cain
Character Portrait: Seran Nyx
Character Portrait: Serenity Sirenchella
Character Portrait: Fallon Sky Banthon
Character Portrait: Tasnim Lane
Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt
Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
Character Portrait: Zero Hunt
Character Portrait: The Shari
Character Portrait: Kuona
Character Portrait: Welkin Relique


Character Portrait: Welkin Relique
Welkin Relique

"A date? But I'm a teacher and...Well, it would be awfully rude to say no...Alright but only one!"

Character Portrait: The Shari
The Shari

"Kucheka created the Shari, and they were black, and so were their souls."

Character Portrait: Zero Hunt
Zero Hunt

"I can, and I will blow your brains out"

Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
Saphiron Geneveaux

"Enjoy each snowflake for its personal beauty, lest collectively they bury your heart in ice."

Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt
Elysia Hunt

"I'll be gentle"

Character Portrait: Tasnim Lane
Tasnim Lane

"There's nothing better then nature, you know?"

Character Portrait: Serenity Sirenchella
Serenity Sirenchella

"Please, just call me Serenity."

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx
Seran Nyx

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a hail of blades for my oppressors."


Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
Saphiron Geneveaux

"Enjoy each snowflake for its personal beauty, lest collectively they bury your heart in ice."

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx
Seran Nyx

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a hail of blades for my oppressors."

Character Portrait: Tasnim Lane
Tasnim Lane

"There's nothing better then nature, you know?"

Character Portrait: Lonan Cain
Lonan Cain

"We are the masters of our fate."

Character Portrait: The Shari
The Shari

"Kucheka created the Shari, and they were black, and so were their souls."

Character Portrait: Serenity Sirenchella
Serenity Sirenchella

"Please, just call me Serenity."

Character Portrait: Zero Hunt
Zero Hunt

"I can, and I will blow your brains out"

Character Portrait: Elysia Hunt
Elysia Hunt

"I'll be gentle"

Character Portrait: Welkin Relique
Welkin Relique

"A date? But I'm a teacher and...Well, it would be awfully rude to say no...Alright but only one!"

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Seran Nyx
Seran Nyx

"An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and a hail of blades for my oppressors."

Character Portrait: Lonan Cain
Lonan Cain

"We are the masters of our fate."

Character Portrait: Welkin Relique
Welkin Relique

"A date? But I'm a teacher and...Well, it would be awfully rude to say no...Alright but only one!"

Character Portrait: Zero Hunt
Zero Hunt

"I can, and I will blow your brains out"

Character Portrait: Tasnim Lane
Tasnim Lane

"There's nothing better then nature, you know?"

Character Portrait: The Shari
The Shari

"Kucheka created the Shari, and they were black, and so were their souls."

Character Portrait: Saphiron Geneveaux
Saphiron Geneveaux

"Enjoy each snowflake for its personal beauty, lest collectively they bury your heart in ice."

Character Portrait: Serenity Sirenchella
Serenity Sirenchella

"Please, just call me Serenity."

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