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The Leatus Dominionate

The Leatus Dominionate


The Leatus Dominonate, The House of Dreams, is a wonderful place inhabited by a beautiful but lonely Goddess. In desperation for companionship, she offers to grant a wish to anyone who will agree to live with her in heaven. But there is always a catch...

1,526 readers have visited The Leatus Dominionate since ChildishDelusion created it.


What has happened?

She comes to you at your most vulnerable, while you sleep, in a dream, offering you the one thing you most desire, the thing you have desired. Her hair is a brilliant gold, and her eyes shine like an emerald fire. Her skin is iridescent; the most beautiful creature you've ever seen. Her name is Manera, and she is the Goddess of Love.

“Make your wish,” she says with a voice like a beautiful tinkling bell, “any wish at all. I will grant it to you. But, you must live with me in heaven. My home, Leatus Dominionate is the House of Dreams. You will be very happy there, and you will make me happy.”

You make your wish, and just as she promised, she grants it. Now, after a year, you must keep your promise. You fall into a deep sleep, and when you wake, you are in the House of Dreams, a large and majestic mansion in the skies. It's beautiful and elegant, with long stretching corridors, and spacious, comfortable rooms. The gardens outside bear exotic and breathtaking foliage. At first, everything seems perfect. But after a while, strange things begin to occur . . .

The Plot:

This RP takes place in the Goddess' House of Dreams. Your first post will start with you falling asleep post a year of Manera granting your wish. Once you arrive there after having your wish granted, you realize that you are not alone. Others like you, from varying time periods arrived in the same manner you did. You have all come to live with the Goddess. But, every great gift comes with a price.

Manera demands that you become her “pets,” and as time wears on, strange things begin to happen to you. You shift into an animal form. These shifts occur slowly at first, but they become more frequent the longer you remain at Leatus Dominionate. You realize, that unless you can find a way out of the House of Dreams, one day you shift into an animal and never shift back. We need to get out of here, but in the home ground of a goddess, how?

Some extra information for the RP:

You all begin your posts with falling asleep thinking about the year etc, then you will wake up in the house of dreams, it is the plot line that you will soon discover the great catch that comes with Manera’s gift. No one will have known about it previously.

Each player may pick their own animal. Any animal is fair game, I'll even allow some mythical creatures. There will however only be one of each. Manera likes variety. You may also pick the time period which you come from: past, present, future. I’ll keep a record of who has what animal in the first OOC post. I’ll also be doing a small “what’s happening right now” in the first post so if you are unsure just check there!” If you’re unsure about anything just ask! :)

You all arrive at the same time no matter what time period you come from unless granted permission by myself to arrive later/earlier.

The wish you had granted can be whatever you want whether it be saving someone from death or having lots of riches. You can’t carry your wish with you into the House of Dreams, whatever you wished for stays on Earth. You had a total of one year with this wish, no more no less. You may or may not have known this depending on how you interacted with Manera in your initial contact with her.

This has started but you may still put in a character if you ask the GM.

Anything else I can think of I’ll put here or in the OOC posting. Have I not covered anything or if you’re unsure just ask me!

Other extra information:

Please use this Character Skeleton:

(I don’t mind pictures but please include a written description as well)
History: (Including when Manera came to you and what your wish was and how it turned out. It’d be great if here you could explain why you made the wish you did, your motivation etc.)
Your animal form: (Same with appearance, please include any extra attributes you may have, for example a hawk will be able to fly but have excellent eyesight also)
Any other skills: (For example if you were particularly strong or had a talent for distraction or translation!)

Usual rules apply.

Also I find it a pity that most roleplays seem to die so quickly, so if something is taking over your life or you can’t reply as often or you need a catch up just let me know because sometimes it can happen and I’d like to make this a fun and long experience for everyone!

Toggle Rules

Usual RPG rules apply.
Please keep your posts above at least 30 words
Be inventive with the plot!
And with your characters!

The Story So Far... Write a Post » as written by 7 authors

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"I'm not sure how one would... stop a goddess but if we escape with out ensuring she doesn't retaliate your wishes will be undone. If she wishes to hear us she will hear us regardless of where we hide. She is as much apart of this place as it is an extension of herself. As for the... strange feeling... you were ripped out of your realty and hurled into another I'm quite sure your body is adjusting to being displaced."

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Gunter shook his head. "We 'adjusted' on the first day. This is different. Do you think she might have -" he stopped abrubtly, temporarily distracted by a leaf drifting on the breeze. Then he shook his head, trying to concentrate. "Sorry. I just saw that... leaf..." His voice trailed off again. It was so fascinating - the way it danced and fluttered... "Sorry, what was I saying? Oh, right. Do you think she might have poisoned us, or something like that?"

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#, as written by Noodles
"She said she wanted us here for 'entertainment'. I don't think we can accomplish that if she poisons us" Lia said as she rolled her eyes and looked at the palace slightly annoyed as she remembered how Manera coldly explained to them their purpose in her realm.
"But I guess we shouldn't cross that out of the list though....because.." she paused and scratched her head. Koru was right; no matter how secretive they act, the deranged Goddess would find out one way or another anyway. It was no use trying to be extremely careful. Lia couldn't stand it anymore; the feelings that she tried to bottle up and kept hidden since their talk with the goddess had to come out one way or another. She clenched her fist, took a deep breath and...
"...Because she's a crazy lady with a disturbing taste in entertainment!!! Seriously...what is wrong with her?! Pets?! C' infuriating is that?! I seriously have no intention of staying in this world. So stopping her....killing her....count me in! UGH!!"
An outburst like that for Lia was a once in a blue moon kind of thing; she tries her best not to let out any negative emotions which is why she's always abnormally cheerful. However, that would seem quite impossible in the current situation.

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He chuckled at Gunters response. "When one drinks they do not feel the repercussions until the morn... some changes have delayed reactions. Poison would be to impersonal if we were entertainment. If she wished our death she would have found ways to pin us against one another and watch us tear each other apart. We must as subtly as possible divine her weaknesses... she has the advantage of knowing we are all mortals... while she is of divinity. We must learn what sustains her before we can extinguish her."

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Gunter listened to Lia's outburst with mixed feelings. He understood why she was so upset, but at the same time he didn't. He was upset about the fact that they were going to be "pets" for some goddess for all eternity, but then he was ecstatically happy about the fact that he would never have to go back to his present. It was a troubled, terrible time, and Gunter didn't want any part of it. "I, for one, would like to stay right here, exactly where I am." Then he paused after making this bizarre statement. It was so odd that he felt he needed to justify it. "Well, you see, I don't ever want to go back to where I was." he shuddered. "It is terrible and fearful, and full of darkness and guilt. I do not want to go back and look them in the eyes every day and pretend that none of it happened." Then he realized that he probably didn't make any sense. All the pronouns, the vague statements. That was okay, though. He didn't need to make sense, just like he didn't need to go back. He could just sit and be okay. Not good, but not bad, either. And he wouldn't have to do anything. Just wait for things to turn their course... Wait.

What was he thinking? Wasn't this the exact same helpless idleness that he had been so frustrated with when he was on Earth? He could go back. And he could do something. He was a small person in a large war with a lot of large countries, but he wasn't doing anyone any good here or in America. He had to go back. He had to go back to Germany. Which meant that he had to kill Manera. "Nevermind. I agree with you, Lia. This must be dealt with." He spoke firmly now, more sure of himself. "So, what should we do? Spy on her? That wouldn't exactly work. Ask her to please let us go? Probably not. So, what?"

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#, as written by Noodles
Lia felt as if a thorn had been taken out of her chest after her little outburst; bottling things inside made her stressed so finally being open helped calm her mind a bit.
'If she wished our death she would have found ways to pin us against one another and watch us tear each other apart' She looked at Koru as he added his thoughts on their current state. What he said certainly gave her some horrifying images but she knew deep inside that he was right; Manera seemed to have a twisted personality after all. All the more reason to figure out how to stop her and leave fast so she was rather taken aback by Gunter when he said that he wished to stay. Lia wanted to interject an opinion but upon looking at the boy's facial expression, she just chose to remain silent. He then started to share his feelings about his time; something was definitely eating him up inside. Why else would he think that way; it didn't seem right for someone so young to feel so tortured. She wanted to ask him about it but thought it would just cause unnecessary tension and make him uncomfortable. However, after a short pause, it seemed he changed his mind and was a lot sure about himself than before. Lia felt unusually proud for him; judging by his expression and firmness of voice when he said that he was on board with the plan, he emanated courage and character seldom found in people his age. This caused her to giggle lightly and abruptly ruffle his hair like she did before then turned her gaze to Koru.
"Do you have a plan? You're much more experienced in things like this since you're a warrior. How do we fight back against a goddess?"

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"You seem to over estimate me... if she was but human I could tell you easily how to slay her in many different and colorful ways. However I'm not quite sure a God is as easy to slay as a human. Though I do no that with any being... cut off what fuels them... and they die. You take away the Heart and the body fails. The only question is... what is her Heart and where is it?"

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Gunter jumped at Lia's touch. She was a very spontaneous person, and that made Gunter kind of uncomfortable. Wasn't she just angry a minute ago? Then he looked back at Koru, and realized something. "You... were at Troy." Gunter took a slow step back, closing his eyes. He remembered - Hitler, Nietzsche, and then Homer. All three of the men went hand in hand. Homer wrote the Iliad. He shook his head. That was ridiculous. This man had nothing to do with Homer. He had nothing to do with Homer, or Nietzsche, or the Fuhrer. Opening his eyes, he continued. "The gods... you don't defeat them, you trick them. We don't have to kill her or so, we just have to trick her. Right?"

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#, as written by Noodles
"So I'm guessing this means that we have to learn more about her. How do we go about doing that? I tried my best to explore this place and find information but to no avail" Lia added then paused as she briefly blew at the fringe that went out of place and covered her eyes.
"She certainly keeps important things extremely well hidden. Oh...but I have to ask though, have you both been able to enter her throne room since the time she spoke with us? That's one of the places in the mansion that I haven't been able to explore. It's tightly shut and has a strange lock that I'm not familiar with..." she fiddled with a small pin she pulled out from her hair; she has been using it to pick locks around the palace " my 'key' wasn't really able to work its magic"

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"The Throne room would be a good start... mayhap their are windows to enter it from the outside. We'll have to try... but first we need to see if we can't get the others to join us. Any idea where to look? I've been on the roof most of our time here after all."

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Gunter nodded. "Athena was in the kitchen, and... that is all I know, really." He turned to the palace with a challenging air, going into strategy mode. "So, we should definitely scan the walls, see where the vulnerable points are, where it is easy to scale, and so on. I am thinking also that we should go through the palace itself and locate our resources - effective weapons and shields, climbing equipment, and so on. Ja?" He turned back to them, then was almost surprised when he didn't see Adrian and Joseph standing there listening to his preliminary planning, he had gotten so into the assault on the palace. Gasping softly, he rubbed his left shoulder, where his armband used to be, seeming to weigh his arm down. Closing his eyes, he shook his head slightly, then opened them again. Koru and Lia were still standing there, the grizzled soldier/bard and the futuristic scav girl. Gunter wasn't sure if he was relieved or disappointed, so he turned back to the palace, determined. He would fix this. He would go back and see his friends again. Then he would help them. He knew he would.

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(/ooc Did this thing just die?... Again?... grrrrrrr...)

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//Yes it did... besides the 3 of us no one else wanted to play and with the GM missing we couldn't continue anyways.

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Character Portrait: Joshua Eliwood
0 sightings Joshua Eliwood played by Rarikou
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View All » Add Character » 16 Characters to follow in this universe

Character Portrait: Lia Glain
Character Portrait: Jeremy Bergen
Character Portrait: Gunter Hertz
Character Portrait: Koru Veran


Character Portrait: Koru Veran
Koru Veran

Champion and Bard.

Character Portrait: Gunter Hertz
Gunter Hertz

"Take me anywhere but here. Just make it stop!"

Character Portrait: Jeremy Bergen
Jeremy Bergen

Haha! What on heavens are you wearing?

Character Portrait: Lia Glain
Lia Glain

Hey...this is unusual. I'm keeping it!


Character Portrait: Jeremy Bergen
Jeremy Bergen

Haha! What on heavens are you wearing?

Character Portrait: Gunter Hertz
Gunter Hertz

"Take me anywhere but here. Just make it stop!"

Character Portrait: Lia Glain
Lia Glain

Hey...this is unusual. I'm keeping it!

Character Portrait: Koru Veran
Koru Veran

Champion and Bard.

Most Followed

Character Portrait: Lia Glain
Lia Glain

Hey...this is unusual. I'm keeping it!

Character Portrait: Jeremy Bergen
Jeremy Bergen

Haha! What on heavens are you wearing?

Character Portrait: Koru Veran
Koru Veran

Champion and Bard.

Character Portrait: Gunter Hertz
Gunter Hertz

"Take me anywhere but here. Just make it stop!"

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Re: The Leatus Dominionate

Anyone still up for reviving this?

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Sorry it took me so long to post! Creating a lot of other characters, and then I got caught up in one. But I'm back now. :)

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Yeah we should just continue. And maybe once we get it up and running again, the others will start posting too

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Alrighty keep trying to get Childish I'll see if I can get Sneakers!

*Walks away with a tackle box and a fishing rod* Going try to bait um.

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

OK everyone I've decided as players we can't let this Role-Play die. Lets continue with our lives their for now until we can get a hold of childish and see of Sneakers is still in the role-play.

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Any reply from ChildishDelusion?

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

I'll private message ChildishDelusion.

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Childish lets fast forward till were animals and hopefully we'll jump start this back into full swing.

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

I've no idea but we all gotta continue with this somehow or else the rp will definitely die O_O

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

I think something happened to Sneakers. He hasn't been on for a while and we were all waiting for him to post and then nothing happened. How should we go about fixing this?

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

*sigh*....did what I say earlier just jinx this rp U_U
What happened to everyone?

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Anyone be here... here... here?

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

You were saying, Noodles? :S :)

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Yay! Yay! *claps hands happily*

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

I don't think this roleplay will die guys. It's too awesome ;)

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

I fixed my wish. Hope I get accepted!

Re: [OOC] The Leatus Dominionate

Awesome! Thanks! I think I did my wish wrong though, Ill change it if you want.