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To save Teynera (IC)

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To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Mon Jan 24, 2011 6:59 pm

Welcome! Ladies, gentlemen; readers, writers; children, animals! Welcome to the in character thread of To save Teynera - a project which aims to bring a lengthy, successful, but above all, fun story for our community. With a fantastical focus, our team of writers is just raring to craft a beautiful story. So whether you're reading or writing here, you're free to comment on the piece, give feedback (which is well appreciated), your kudos to a writer you like, or even ask for autographs!

We thank you for doing any of the above on this thread over here because this one is only intended to work for the in character portion of the story. If you'd like to join us, you may still do so there - thank-you for your time!

Without further ado: we commence!

To save Teynera

"Dear diary: as I sit atop this unworthy steed and write of my petty adventures in lands of the fleshy beings, I cannot help but notice the putrid smells of the countryside. It must have been at least two weeks since we were sent from the Heavens, and then some other places (Lord Razet comes from the very bowels of Dement Isle). I have not showered, I have not eaten, I have not slept -I needn't do any of these things, but regardless, they add a fine dramatical effect-; I fear for the worse; it may be that my beauty diminishes in this poor environment, what without celestial winds constantly blowing on my face. Oh, how I long to return to my lands-- were it not for Father's intentions to save these wretches, we would not be here today, not eating, nor showering, nor sleeping. The saddest part is that in which I must get my attire dirty for these... Lumpleys! Lumpleys of dragon excrement, I tell you, Diary. I must be going now, there is a fork in the road in which I must stop to contemplate my beauty with the background of either path. Repulsive, dirt-stained shows of affection. Signed, Lady Mersevel."

"Eh, powdered pastry! How about ye take a look at the map and tell us where Teynera lies?"

The vain goddess was roughly shaken by the shout, utterly stunned the following moments. When she regained her composure, she received the map indignant, opening it find every land ever chiseled in the Woods of the World. Being the intelligent personality she was, it was without looking she picked the way they'd take. Her fluffy pink robes rustled with her horse's trot, making all sorts of sounds as they departed for Terre, the magic sealing forest. They were traveling to their dooms, surely, as the magical properties of the forest consisted, curiously enough, in negating magical properties, and in the case of a god, this would render them comatose until they could leave, however that might be.

Taking the other path, past the rural outskirts of Teynera, past even the suburb-like clusters of homes, past several landmarks and the Royal Merchant House in Vetler, we reach the very center of Teynera. It is here that peasants drone, travelers pass by, artists come to write of the beautiful Palace of Prosperity, bards write songs of its grandeur, and quite literally above them all, an unlucky queen was left with a dead husband and an alliance to restore for the good of her nation.

Inside the Palace of Prosperity, Queen Elimare's sleeping chambers.

An air of sorrow, dread, speculation, amongst other ghosts seemed to waft in the air, chilling the temperature of that one room. That room had seen brilliant decisions be made, ideas be had, countless restless nights, and to date, one murder. There was a spot of blood in the beige walls that had never been fully cleaned. It was, despite all the tragedy, a ludicrous room - with most of its abundant adornments made of gold, silver, and encrusted with precious gems. The scent of incense and honey did little to mask the bitter tears of the aging queen. Elimare was desperate for many reasons, but currently most relevant was the coming of her land's saviors, a group of gods said to come in a blurry prophecy. She'd had the 'honor' of meeting with one, which had served as their scout during the path from the Heavens to Teynera, who'd said he'd gather them and bring them to the palace. Forever faithful in her beliefs, she'd given him a pair of her most precious gems which would serve as his proof of visiting her.

Inside the Lady Binge bar.

"Hahaha." Proud and fulfilled, the hearty laugh came from a young man that approached the Lady Binge bar. A vulgar structure, it was decorated with various statues of women, enchanted to dance in the rooftop of the place: these often led to very fun images, most involving disoriented drunkards. His stride was tall, slow, the shoulders just swaying front and back rhythmically. The clothes worn were a commoner's, yet oddly bulgy in certain spots, most noticeably the calves of his trousers. "

The young man opened the twin wooden doors without knocking - he was right at home! Stepping in, he glanced around the bar. "If it isn't my favorite whelps! Fat-headed pirates galore! Ahoy everyone!" Tee guffawed, secretly happy to see the party of four pirates, all as he described, for the most part. Actually, three of them had protruding guts and the other was as built as the other three should have been together. "Your favorite card player has arrived. How are ya doing, fellas?"

"Yer exactly why we get landsick, boy! Gr'w yer sea legs 'fore comin' ter us 'fer a game!"

"Yeah? Well you should grow some REAL legs 'for yer comin' ter-- UGH! I can't talk in your crummy pirate tongue. I'll deal the first round: land-man?" Suggesting, and forcing the game, they were to play land-man, a game specific to Teynera and Narlo's quirky card habits. Mostly played by the vicious and the ruffians, it was actually rather innocent. They begun the first hand, with Tee dealing five cards to each of the men and raising his index finger. "Red ace, land-man in six cards." The card was returned to the bottom of the deck and he proceeded to set a card on the table. Followed by the rest of the men, they quickly started to litter the table with piles of gold and other valuable trinkets.

Two minutes later, Tee was struck with an annoying sensation near his back, it was a small breeze blowing into his shirt. Ignored in exchange for victory, he stared at the six cards on the table - three 7's, a pair of 5's and a 3. "Take the three 7s, add these other three and you've got four pirates that are going home without another round of beer!"

"Ye won't be ser lucky this next hand, lad."

The sensation got far more uncomfortable, Tee turned around violently. A girl sat behind him, and had been tugging at his robe top for a good four minutes now. "Good day, sir. I am very sorry to bother you, or detract you from your game. I see that you are playing land-man; I was wondering if you and your... Friends, would allow me to play a few hands with you?" Tee let out a chortle, eying her: lanky, with a tome titled 'Land-man extraordinare'.

"You know how to play, kid?"

"Sir, I am afraid you are mistaking me for somebody else. I am not a kid, but yes, I do indeed, know how to play land-man, if only a little."

"Hand's at 10 coins, there going to be... Six of us playing so the pot's..."

"Sixty gold coins for a hand winner if we are playing by standard rules, my good man."

"Hmph. Just take a seat."

The next round commenced, which had the 'woman' introduce herself as Selere to the gang of pirates, and their company. It wasn't even a full rotation when a devious smirk was let out of her round face. "Gwah haw haw, der lassie think she got something err?" She smiled politely, instantly changing her visage to a more serious one. Wearing a lily colored robe and a hood, she certainly didn't look like the kind to frequent bars or pubs. This was quickly evidenced when a bartender walked by their table, serving her a cup of berry juice and a fistful of milk candies. "Would anyone like some candy? These are delightful." All four pirates chuckled heartily - it was a nice change of pace, so much that they'd even considered not taking her money when she lost. The hand ended, and much to everyone but Selere's surprise, she laid down a pair of aces and a number 6 to make land-man.

"The girl has good luck!"

"I do believe so. Gentlemen, are we set for another round?" Look at me, playing with these smelly people to be able to buy candy. But ooh! Whenever I taste one of these, or cookies, or pastry, or anything else made sweet to my palate it just... It just makes it all worth the while. I do wonder where Sage Arlett may have run off to. Last I knew, he searched for a some goldback rats to feed the highlander dragon in the yard. Her thoughts wandered off in a sip of berry juice.
Last edited by Safisan on Tue Jan 25, 2011 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Axle on Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:37 am

Krow walked along the road, as he had for the past few days and his whole life it seemed. The small, melodic clinks of his chain shirt as he strode along filled his ears. The soft thud-thud of his boots on the dirt invaded his thoughts. The smell of the air was clean and calmed his spirit, putting a smile on the mercenary's face. 'For sure, it's good to be alive, even if it seems the whole world is upside down with this war...' Krow thought to himself, as he continued on his way at a measured pace.

A while later, Krow saw he was coming upon a tavern he recognized; the Lady Binge. Normally he didn't fully recognize a specific bar or inn, but this one had always stuck in his mind. Maybe it was the way they prepared their hams, or maybe it was the dancing statues of women on the roof. Or maybe it was because all the barmaids were lovely to look at...
Whatever the reason, Krow strode into the bar and took in the sights and smells and sounds of the place. Pots and pans were clanging in the kitchen, followed by shouts and cursing. The hearth had a good fire in it, warming the hall. People of all types were sitting at the various tables, eating and playing cards. And as always, there stood Rusty behind the bar, waiting for someone to order a stiff drink. The old man had been there for as long as Krow could remember, and Rusty always made good on his claim that he never forgot a face.

Krow stepped up to the bar, and Rusty grinned as he said, "Ahah! Krow, how've you been? It's been too long my friend, too long.. How about a ale, and you share a story or two with me?" Krow sat on a stool and grinned back, "As always, you haven't forgot me face yet; now how about that other promise? The one where I get the first drink free for beating you at darts?" A hearty, rumbling laugh burst forth from Rusty, "WAHAHA! You old dog, when're you gonna let me live that one down eh?! Alright, alright, I'll get you an ale.. But your story better be worth it, by the Gods." "Don't worry Old Man," Krow replied, "I have a whole slew of 'em for your fur-filled ears!" Rusty just shook his head, as he filled a tall mug from one of the many casks lining the wall. He returned with a frothing mug of ale, and set it before Krow. "Now, give me something for my 'fur-filled ears', ya little bastard!"
And so, Krow began recanting one of his more recent exploits, a tale involving him, a small merc band he was working with, and a grand number of raiders; who, by the way, had captured a wealthy land-owner's three BEAUTIFUL daughters...
It's only after we've lost everything, that we're free to achieve anything. -My attitude on life-

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tyce on Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:52 am

Tizer had been feeling down as of late. Why he did not know, but he had a feeling in his gut, the kind that could only be quenched with a good deal of whiskey. He set off down the path from his small hut to the Lady Binge. He always got weird look and stolen glances when he went there, but after proving himself by defeating the might Korzon without even using magic, he felt he had some clout.

As he walked he admired the nature of the forest. The tall trees with their magically green-ness and the few animals brave enough to venture out onto the path, almost seeming to tease any and all hunters. He approached the tavern and walked inside. Immediately people stiffened up and started acting weirdly. He progressed anyway, his hair spiked proudly, and his sword held firmly, to the bar. There was the man he was looking for, however, he did sense Rusty was not a fan of Tizer's. Well he had just won a bounty and decided to be sociable.

"I'll get a round for the whole bar Rusty!" He shouted over the chit chat and roaring fire. The place almost shook with the chanting of the place "Aye! Aye!" Rusty shouted over his shoulder to the barmaid who looked distraught and glared at Tizer. He just winked back at her and started to listen to the story Rusty was being told by a quite attractive man with plenty of visible scars. He stared at his crystal green eyes and allowed himself to be brought into the story being told... I love this COMPLETELY unique customization stat system MMORPG! Come raid my clan, or join mine and raid others!

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby flickery on Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:02 am

β€œEc-thum! Hor-rath!! INVIGILIS!”

The young mage, pale from the hours of standing, stood before a majestic dam that withheld a river within.

β€œErath evader sil do signum …darth do malinar, Ec-thum, Hor-rath, INVIGILIS!"
β€œThou art who bears my conviction, carve here thy holy seal!”

He yelled with all his voice as he struck the pedestal. The townspeople had a plan, when the enemy came –one of them would run up the mountain and flood the river that cut through their forces. They would hold the gates, giving him time to save them all.

…But that was a few hours ago, it was the umpteenth time he tried and the fighting had died down long since. He crumpled onto stone, curled up and buried his face in his sleeves -when he saw that the had river run red.

When a rotting arm thrust out of the water and wrapped around his leg painfully, dragging him down, in the murky depths he could barely make out her dismembered face. She smiled and leaned down to-


Somewhere ...Noisy

Seated, he opened his eyes to a familiar scene and a slowly growing pain, the ores have fallen out of their barrels buried his shin under their crushing weight. Apparently someone had kicked them over somewhere between now and then. It took him some time to realize how uncomfortable it felt, in fact it was downright agony that made him yank his foot out.

The world seemed fuzzy and his senses slowly roiled in, not quite yet fully awake. His breathing was oddly fast, almost close to a heart attack. And even though he kept his composure, cold sweat had soaked into his clothes, leaving him shivering in his seat. A familiar face hovered above his, uncomfortably close was the way her large brown eyes stared down curiously.

A long moment of silence passed between them …

β€œAre’th you alrigh’th?”

He could see her luscious lips move.


Right, that was his name, For some reason he had almost forgotten it. He tried to speak but his voice remained buried somewhere in his stomach, other than that he didn’t know how to react. Should he tell her the truth? Or lie it off? …Choosing neither he turned on his side and tried closed his eyes again.

Jingle, jingle. Worent kept his eyes open a little more as a performing troupe passed, the sight of colorful clothes and boisterous cheers from the crowd filled the caravan as they drove by. The carts wooden wheels creaked against the cobblestone and the cabin kept bumping against it, much to his annoyance. They were in town, no doubt about that and even the gypsy who looked over him moments ago was captivated by the sights and sounds of civilization –with the fleeting of her purple silk dress, she left him alone with the driver.

β€œWe’re here.” A young man with long, curly jet black hair. Greyish, barely washed clothing, moaned. His hands let go of the reigns and turned around to see who was back there, only to have his hands promptly crossed with a silver coin. This was where they part.

A smilie costs nothing, but in the internet, it is EVERYTHING.


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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Axle on Thu Jan 27, 2011 1:38 pm

"And then, by the gods I swear it, five of the bastards tried to surround me! Well, you know me well enough Rusty; those scoundrels didn't last long against my skills and sword! Hahah-.." Krow was then interrupted by a man with some quite frankly, crazy hair. "I'll get a round for the whole bar Rusty!" 'Well, maybe I'll let this one slide.. After all, the interruption IS for the sake of free drink..' Krow thought to himself, as he put on a blazing smile and shouted, "HAIL! HAIL!" With the rest of the crowd. "Aye! Aye!" Rusty shouted to the nearest barmaid, a voluptuous young thing with tits that would give even the fertility goddess a run for her coin. Krow caught a glare toward the newcomer from the girl, but she quickly resumed her duties. 'Maybe he does this often..' Krow thought to himself, as Rusty himself came and set a mug of ale in front of him and the newcomer, who was seated next to him.

Krow took a sip of the new ale, and smiled genuinely. He turned to the newcomer and said, "My thanks friend, 'tis not every day that I get treated to a mug of ale by a complete stranger! Cheers, and do stay a while, to share and listen to our glorious exploits!" Rusty just chuckled and said, "Aye, more like listen to Krow's inflated accounts of his scandalous activities!" Krow just gave a playful glare at Rusty, and said, "Ho! That woman told me she was divorced from her husband! How was I to know he'd come charging into the bedroom that evening, and I'd have to flee as naked as the day I was born?!" Rusty let out a loud, boisterous laugh, and Krow joined him. "Aye, aye, Krow you never fail to entertain! Sometimes I must ask myself, 'Is he completely serious, or are his accounts fake?' but, I do know you're a truthful man Krow. Must be the god of Mischief toying with your entire life is all! Now, you promised a good story for that first free ale, and you better continue!" Rusty said, leaning on the bar after pulling out his pipe. He loaded it with some sweet smelling tobacco, and lit it with a kindling he snatched from the cooking oven. "Alright, now, where was I?? Oh yes..." Krow said, falling into an almost trance-like state as he resumed his recounting of the story.

"Gahh!" The final raider cried as Krow's blade ran through his gut. A quick twist and slice to the right, and the man would never get off the ground. Krow yanked the blade free, gave a swift forward kick to the man's chest, and charged on. His and the band's objective was to strike a fortified mansion which had been seized by raiders from Sir Vellimoore, a local baron. Not only had his property been seized, but his daughters were in the manor as well. The group was being paid ten-thousand gold for the eradication of the raider threat and recovery of the property, with a bonus for the man who killed the leader; and, a bonus for the man or men who directly secured the safety of Sir Vellimoore's daughters.
Krow caught up to his comrade Vin, who was with a couple other men. "Aye, Vin, we have a chance to break through into the manor through that side entrance. If memory serves, the Baron said that's a kitchen or servant's entrance. With most of their band defending the large main entrance, we may be able to get in under their noses." Krow said, and Vin nodded, "Aye, a sound idea. A small group like us may slip by, so long as we can take out any resistance quickly." Krow grinned and said, "Alright, let's go then!" The set off, keeping a slight distance from the main fighting and darting from tree to tree til they were across the lawn from the entrance.
A token force had been left at the small, practically unknown entrance. Krow made a motion for the others to draw their bows, and they all notched arrows. There was five of them, with four raiders outside the door. They had weapons out, but didn't seem to be in ready stances; after all, they were guarding a door they probably felt didn't need guarding. Krow whispered to the group who should aim for who, and when it was clear, they drew back. 'By the gods, let this arrow fly true..' Krow finished his short prayer, and on a count of three, they let their arrows fly. In an instant, all four of the raiders had a arrow poking out of them. Krow's mark had two, one in the chest the other just below the throat. Only one man looked like he might provide slight resistance, and Krow's group silently charged across the lawn. With a quick slash, the final man was finished as he writhed on the floor, struggling to grasp his blade and make a strike.
Krow slowly opened the door, and cautiously eyed the interior. The kitchens, and none of the raiders were about. "Alright men, let's go.." Krow said, and they quietly made their way inside.

Krow stopped speaking for a moment, to take a long draught of his ale. He set the cup down on the bar, and drew forth a couple of copper coins. "Hey Rusty, how's about some grub eh? What's on the menu?" Rusty stood up straight and put his fists on his hips as he leaned back far, popping his back. "We've got some venison steaks left, some wheat bread baked this morning, and some onion soup. Be four coppers for all of it, and don't worry, I won't give you a cracked bowl my friend." Rusty said, giving a smirk as Krow set the coin down on the bar. "Aye, indeed I'd hate to have more soup leak out than what I ate!" Rusty gave a chuckle, and made his way into the kitchen to get a steak started.

Krow turned to the man with the hair and said, "Ah, and thanks again friend for the ale. My name is Krow, ex-soldier, and now mercenary, bounty hunter, and blade for hire! A pleasure.." Krow extended his hand and waited for the man's response.

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tyce on Thu Jan 27, 2011 3:37 pm

Tizer stared in amazement.

Then he shook out of it. He extended his hand and gave a probably surprisingly firm hand shake to the man. "Nice to meet thee Krow. I am Tizer, a Seyan'Du. If you do not know what that is, then perhaps it is my turn to tell a story. Before I begin let me say this: Your art for turning the word into something beautiful is amazing." He dropped a shot glass into his ale and chugged the whole thing, as he had forgotten about it during the story.

"I hail from a land of magic. When a man or woman trained in the blade and a man or woman trained with the arcane meet, they have a small chance to produce a perfectly balanced hybrid, called a 'Seyan'Du' in our land. I was one of those. I am blessed with the magic of my mother, and the strength of my father." He knocked on the bar for another ale and continued.

"I found my way here doing mercenary work, and trying to recruit people to move to our village. We are slowly losing population, and I cannot watch as my city dies. However I got sidetracked with my own life. I needed to make a living and have been doing mercenary and general labor work since then." He lowered his voice, "And a couple assassinations if you know what I mean." He winked at Krow.

"The people here do not tend to, er, cater to me very willingly. I saw you looking at that maiden when she scowled at me, and luckily for her, I DID NOT SMACK THE LOOK OFF HER FACE!" He shouted. The barmaid Turned and went into the back room. "Well that is my boring, yet tragic story. Now I am looking for the next mission so as to take me out of this place and perhaps find some people willing to come look at Aston, near Cameron."

He looked around the bar and saw a group of people playing cards. "You much of a card player?" He asked Krow.

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby AmethystXIII on Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:26 pm

Exhausted from her ride into Teynera, she hopped off her mount and, while grabbing a couple provisions from a local merchant, asked and was given some direction towards the Queen's Palace. It was here she hoped she would be able to introduce herself and offer her services to protect the country. She believed it to be a horrible thing that the Elves as a whole would not offer any measure of assistance when their main protection from exposure to the rest of the world was provided by the closeness of Teynera. Eilora had thought long and hard about the conflict on her journey here and, while she was not much involved in the politics of it, she understood that to have the Elven forest so near the country being attacked might lead to some amount of destruction of her homeland. This, she could not forgive herself for should it happen.

The High Elf kept her chin up as she walked her steed, a majestic beaut of a horse--she always teased him for being so beautiful, and often made a play that he was quite the feminine man of the bunch she chose from--with blond hair that shone in the sunlight. Lora had raised him as soon as he was weened, had thanked his mother for granting her with such a strong boy, and named him "Thalion", meaning "Strong". She always felt at ease whenever she was with him, and it became suddenly apparent to her that Thalion was her only friend now, while she was away from her home.

"Hmm... 'Tis getting dark, perhaps we should find a place to rest?" she said to her steed. It was not uncommon for her to speak to him, yet she did get a couple glances from some alley rats. Eilora paid them no mind and continued forward, down a main road that seemed to be never-ending. She sighed aloud and paused, glancing around for some signs as to how close she was to the Palace. She could not see with all the closely knit buildings, and so she progressed forward, drawn to the sound of laughter and hearty talk. It provided a good change for the hushed whispers of the street as she strode through. Was it odd for an Elf to come into Teynera? She did not know, but then again, she could not remember the last time one of her friends had ventured this far away from her homeland.

She hugged her dark cloak about her and pressed forward towards the sound of hearty men. Upon approaching the building, she grimaced. A quite nasty taste formed in her mouth at the sight of such... lewdness. She spat on the ground, muttering something about how disgusting Humans could truly be. Eilora decided against entering the building, and instead sat on the stairs across from the entrance of it, wondering if there might be one sober person to emit from it's doors, so that she may try to get a better answer as to where she is to go. Absentmindedly, she ran her fingers through Thalion's long mane, its blond tresses always a comforting thing to her.

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby flickery on Fri Jan 28, 2011 4:34 am

In The Lady Binge Bar


That was the first thing Worent heard when he opened the door, coming from some loud barbarian-esque man-woman at the bar. He scowled, naturally. One would think something that looked as dysfunctional as THAT would keep it's voice down, one would also wonder why barmaids here do not bare weapons.

But he didn't scowl for too long, the human man simply closed the door behind him with the heel of his boot. Night blue eyes scanned the room for a quick sum up of it's crowd and a shrug later, he made his way to the OTHER end of the bar and grabbed the first seat he saw.

"One." He said, looking to the traumatized barmaid in the kitchen and raised a finger while gesturing to the drink of some drunkard right beside him. As she meddled with the mugs, Worent hefted the vaguely axe shaped object strapped to his back off and on to the floor. A small thud was heard even though he tried to put it down as gently as possible, considering the displayed strength in his arms, it meant that this object was unquestionably heavy.

The Lady Binge was loud, definitely, he could even barely hear his own thoughts. As he turned around, he found out that most of it came from a group playing cards, gambling probably, further in the back. Furious shouts and galant cheers came at the same time, but what caught his attention most was what seemed like a little girl among the ruffians, one which Worent deemed too bookish to even fit in a place like this.

He had a passing thought.

Could she be the child of the strange woman figure he saw lurking outside just now?

He turned back and glanced out of the window into the cold, darkling night.

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Safisan on Sat Jan 29, 2011 12:29 am

Glancing from outside land-man hands and mugs of ale, Tee had been inspecting the crowd. A pair of men larger, and possibly more seasoned than himself stood on one side of the bar. One of them had a flamboyant air to himself, or as he'd put it: That guy stands out more than a knight in a pack of thieves. I would know. He chuckled to himself, half his face covered by playing cards. "Ah ye landmuncher! Wha's on yer 'and now?!" The buff pirate smoke in between hits of a pipe filled with odd, reddish herbs.

"Maerrs not, m'cap'n, this lass 'ere has all the good cards!"

"Thank-you kindly, but I've really just gotten a lucky streak... As I said, I barely know how to play land-man." Against smelly monkeys like yourselves, anyway. This is exactly the 67th hand I win this week, and overall the 1,893rd I've won since arriving to Teynera. I'm quite under my schedule it seems.

"I smell treachery! But I'm fine with losing this gold if you'd be willing to join me."

"For what, sir?"

"You'll see, kid." Confident, the young man limped a bit from both legs, both still stuffed well with gold and valuable trinkets. He waved at Rusty when reaching the bar on the two men's side. "Evening, gents." Now turning to the owner and bartender. "Rusty... I have a job offer for everyone here."

"What's it this time, Tee?"

"I'll give the shout. Fork the bell over." Rusty fetched a large copper bell with a worn handle. Few knew it had been played on the Lady Binge's opening day. "Hear ye, hear ye! Patrons of the Lady Binge! I bear an opportunity to make a MOUNTAIN LOAD OF MONEY! So much money you wouldn't know what to do with it!" This obviously garnered the attention of his card buddies, with Selere trailing off behind them, if only out of curiosity. I could buy the biggest library in all of Ysta... No, in all of Thama! The biggest library in the known world... And all mine. Her mind followed the lucubration, fantasizing about sleeping on piles and piles of books. "You have caught my attention, Sir Tee. What are we to do?"

"Just you and these meat-heads?! No no, I need EVERYONE I can get. After all, there's just that damned much treasure to be sharing! You two, how would a mountain or two full of gold land you?" He spoke to them, flashing a cocky grin - this could be the perfect scam.

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby flickery on Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:44 am

The Lady Binge Bar


Worent's face contorted with displeasure immediately upon the bell's herald, brows furrowed and eyes loured, he cast his gaze back again at the rowdy crowd. This time a youth, almost a boy stood boldly on the gambling table holding the gong. What's he up to?

"Hear ye, hear ye! Patrons of the Lady Binge! I bear an opportunity to make a MOUNTAIN LOAD OF MONEY! So much money you wouldn't know what to do with it!"

That was not the first time he had heard such a phrase. Skeptical about this "Tee" or as the little one called him, he bid his time to see what others had to say.

"Just you and these meat-heads?! No no, I need EVERYONE I can get. After all, there's just that damned much treasure to be sharing! You two, how would a mountain or two full of gold land you?"

His gaze immediately fell upon where 'Tee' pointed to ...

" ...Really?" Worent chortled, albeit faintly, when he saw who it was. The other he had no problem with. The knight it seems, with armor all donned. But extravagant blonde hair and full lips? He could think of far more people suited for it, scam OR Genius. Furthermore, where would he find mountains of gold? Unless it was ...

Just then, the barmaid plumped a wooden mug down at the counter. Worent unhurriedly shelled out a dozen coppers, it gave him time to think while sipping on the cold moonshine.
Last edited by flickery on Tue Feb 01, 2011 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Axle on Tue Feb 01, 2011 7:13 am

Krow grinned and bowed his head a bit at Tizer's compliment on his word-craft. He shook the man's hand and said, "Aye, thank you kindly sir. It may just be I've spent too much time telling the tales, or perhaps it's a natural gift. But whatever the source, the gift is something I like to share!"
Krow then listened as the man explained his origins, and he was quite intrigued by the prospect of a land of magic. Tizer explained how he came to be here, his motives, and the means by which he lived. Krow also intently listened to Tizer's self admission of the bar-staff's grudging service of him. Krow could figure a little bit why they may have a problem with him, but hell, coin was coin right?
"You much of a card player Krow?" Tizer asked, and just as Krow was about to respond, a man rang a bell and cried, "Hear ye, hear ye! Patrons of the Lady Binge! I bear an opportunity to make a MOUNTAIN LOAD OF MONEY! So much money you wouldn't know what to do with it!" This statement immediately caught Krow's attention, and he couldn't help but focus on the man making all the commotion. "Just you and these meat-heads?! No no, I need EVERYONE I can get. After all, there's just that damned much treasure to be sharing! You two, how would a mountain or two full of gold land you?" Krow now was getting irritated; he couldn't tell if the man was directing that comment at him and Tizer. If he was, well, he might see how meaty Krow's fist was.... After Krow found out more about this prospect of a mountain of gold.
"Aye, stranger! Name's Krow." Krow began, standing tall as he spoke. "You've caught my attention to be sure, but I've more than a couple winters to my name. A wise man once said, 'If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.' And aye, a mountain of treasure sure does sound too good to be true.. How can I take your claim seriously?" Krow let his words hang in the air. In all honesty, if this man could give some kind of proof as to his claim, Krow would consider taking on the mission. After all, who DIDN'T want a mountain of gold to themselves?

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Re: To save Teynera (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tyce on Sun Feb 13, 2011 12:05 am

Tizer and Krow were interrupted by the yelling of some man. Tizer looked up and stared at Krow as he introduced himself and argued with the man as the entire bar stared. Tizer caught himself after staring for probably a noticable amount of time.

"I am Tizer and I agree. Explain your treasure 'fore I rip your head off!" The bar roared and seemed to agree with Tizer.

He looked at krow and smirked. He looked around awaiting the mans reply, and holding true to his word he unsheathed his extremely large sword and held it.

(Short but want to keep this alive)

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