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Saving The Fallen? OOC.

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Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:35 pm

Can You Save The Fallen?


Angels. They live above us in a world that helps them to look after the people who live below them, they do not remember exactly why they have been given these jobs or who made them, although there are some theories. They lead their never ending lives, looking down on the humans in the world below and creating small miracles here and there that are so normal to us that they go unnoticed. They turn the leaves green in spring, they allow new life to grow, they save the lives that are not yet ready to end. Without them life would be at an end.

But some angels are not happy with things being this way, some angels neglect their jobs and are cast down to the human realm, their wings torn from their back, and with their wings goes their feelings. They become the fallen, creatures in human form with no sense of touch or warmth. They are worse off now, in this new world where all they can feel is the cold and have to work hard to feel anything beyond hate. They thought that being cast down would make them human, but they were wrong, only one thing can make the fallen human.

There is a book, it is told of in legends of old, it has no name but when it is spoken of both angels and fallen know what the speaker means. Apparently The Book tells of a way for the fallen to become human.

Now in modern day England a new angel has fallen, she never wanted to be cast out of her world but had no choice when she discovered that The Book is in fact a real thing, and found out, by chance, exactly how to attain it, now she must find three more fallen and four humans to assist her in opening the gateway into the Dark Realm where The Book is hidden.

So here we go, I need four humans and four fallen, might chuck in a few angels trying to stop the fallen from finding The Book let me know what you think on this idea? I think I explained everything? PM me if you have any questions.

This roleplay will play out in chapters, each one needs to be met for the roleplay to go on but do not need to be rushed into. I want this to carry on for a long time and simply have the chapters there as guide lines, I’ve never tried using chapters before so this could be interesting.

1. Cast down. – Sort of like a prologue, all characters will be introduced and meet each other.
2. Searching for The Book. – They know where it is they just need to join together and find out a way of getting into The Dark Realm.
3. Becoming Human? – Here is where I reveal how the dark secret within The Book.
4. The end – this could go on for a while due to the secret to be revealed, but it is essentially the last chapter.

Character sheet.
Realistic picture here
Age: (16 + No ‘unknowns’ for Fallen, include how long you have been on earth, Fallen do not age in appearance so how old do you appear?)
Appearance: (Description)
Personality: (personality, at least a decent paragraph)
Life: (History, short but long, get me?)
You need to know this: (anything else you want to add?)

Be literate.
Let me know if you are dropping out.
I can and will reject you. (If I don’t like your profile.)
I’m picky, don’t hate me.
Let’s get some decent posts that everyone can work with?
Lets have some opinions, posting rota needed?

My character is the most recent fallen which leaves these positions empty.

- Valor.
- Aika.

Cassandra ‘Cassie’ Rose.
101 years old.
Appears 19.
Cassie is petite with straight white blonde hair and wide dark blue eyes, they were once a starting glacier blue. Her features are girly and unblemished, she has full lips and long lashes, she has an angular face with high cheekbones and a soft jaw line. She has a thin, curvy body and stands at roughly 5”3 with small feet that are nearly always in heels. She appreciates the little things in life so tends to keep her look all natural, sometimes adding a hippi like touch. She loves wearing short skirts with loose tops and beads, a flower in her hair never goes a miss. On her back are a pair of long black scar where her wings were torn from her not so long ago.

Cassie has a very calm personality, she is serene and always happy. She has a strange and dreamy view on life and sort of glides through it without a care in the world. She does not have the time to dwell on small things and will not allow herself to become upset as she always sees the silver lining of things, for instance she is currently focusing on The Book and nothing else. She is easily distracted so sometimes she will not go through with things that she has set herself on a few moments before but can be extremely determined when her heart is set, unless something shiny comes into view. She can sometimes be distant, but can quickly change completely. Becoming snappy and defensive. She isn’t used to being around males so can seem uncomfortable then and say all the wrong things.

As an Angel Cassie protected virginity in women. She gave strength to girls who would other wise have given themselves up far too early, and enjoyed doing so, she would lie on a comfy bed or curl up on a comfy chair as she stirs the air and watches humans getting on with their lives, she found great happiness in the fact that she had helped so many slip into bed at the right time and with the right people, that connection was a miracle to her she did not govern in love or the act of sex but simply in the idea that a girl was ready and would not fear what was coming. She loved her life and never failed at her job, until she was called for a review and wondered into the wrong part of her world. There she found a group of cloaked angels and overheard them talking of The Book, she had heard stories of it but never had she even imagined that it could be real.

Unfortunately for Cassie she was found and interrogated, then thrown to the human realm, having her wings torn from her back. She has been there a few months now, wandering around England in search of the appropriate number of humans and fallen to open the gateway to the Dark Realm. She does not want to be human but instead wants to find a way to become an angel again, her usually fly away personality has been replaced by one of determination, with the occasional moment of distraction.

You need to know this:
Cassie finds herself in the presence of human boys every day, and no matter how many talk to her she still can not wrap her head around it. She finds herself attracted to most as she knows the feeling of perfection, and as she can not feel anything she wants this feeling to remind her of what it was to be an angel, but has no experience in the matter of dating so often fails terribly.
Last edited by Waste. on Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:00 pm, edited 4 times in total.
Image"A story is the most precious thing you can give someone ~ Why not write one with me?" - Waste.

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aika on Mon Jan 25, 2010 5:37 pm

May your reserve a spot as a human female-please? ^^
Kill Them With Kindness :D

I got the great news... I'm having a little GIRL!

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Valor on Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:28 pm


Regan Valentine
Appears 18, infact nearer to 100 years old. Been on earth for around 5 years now.
He stands at around 5ft8, his build scrawnier than the average guy his age, but not overly so that it makes him look like a twig. Pale skin, glacier blue eyes, and a dark mop of hair on his head swept to one side of his face. He's usually found wearing a button-up shirt of some description, unbuttoned from the top to about the third button down, showing off some of his pale chest, with dark jeans. The shoes depend on the situation. A single silver chain around one wrist, a silver ring on the other, and his snakebite piercings are as far as jewellery is concerned. He has only one tattoo which can be found on his right shoulderblade.
Have fun getting his attention. He's a daydreamer at every opportunity, often drifting so deep into his thoughts that it takes a gentle tap on the shoulder to get him to wake up. He can't tell you what he thinks easily, and this frustrates him often. Look into his eyes and you can see a lot of the emotion that he can't express, sometimes even able to catch a glimpse of the loneliness he often tries to hide from people. He doesn't like people knowing things about him that would make them worry. He's nice/stupid like that. He'll put on a brave face, and pretend it's all good while in other peoples company, though he always wishes that at the end of the day he wouldn't go home to an empty house for another quiet night.
Regan's job as an angel was assigned to him through Name. Being Valentine by name, meant Valentine by nature. Yep, it was his job to guide humans to their happily ever afters i.e. he helped humans to fall in love. He watched over many pairings during his career, always busy making humans happy. It was good at first, it gave him that ecstatic feeling that it was him that had made so many happy. But as more years passed on, the job didn't seem so amazing... in fact, it became sickening. The humans got their love thanks to him, so how was he supposed to find love himself? He thought it unfair that humans got whatever they wanted thanks to himself and the other angels that nobody was aware of, and yet, he couldn't have a little happiness in his own life.

It didn't take long for him to get down about this, Valentine without love, how ironic. With the self-pity came the neglect of his job – ever wonder why there was a sudden slump in marriages about five years ago... that was his fault. Humans weren't finding love easily alone, and the results didn't go unnoticed.
All angels knew of how Valentine longed for love, and how his moping around had caused mischief on earth. He couldn't go unpunished for such foolishness, and his wings were soon torn from his back and he was left grounded on earth. They were not going to make it that easy for Valentine to get his wishes for love though, that would not be punishment. Along with his wings, they took his voice – leaving him unable to utter a word.
He couldn't express how outraged about this he was – not only being left a fallen, he was left a mute. How was he ever going to succeed if he couldn't even speak like other humans. Nobody would care for someone that couldn't talk to them like normal.

It took him a while to settle on earth, England having been his settlement as he found that it's bleak weather went well with his mood. It took him two years to settle down properly, and even managed to get himself into a college. If he was going to be on earth for a long while, he was going to need something to do for a while. Being a master of love and psychology already from his angel years, he took that as his subject, acing it easily. He even managed to get into a local university. He took the easiest subject for him there too, once again psychology.
In his spare time, which there was a lot of seeing as he didn't really study like the humans, he would play matchmaker. It was like it was in memory of his angel years, maybe even in hope of being rewarded and allowed to return to the angels – though that was unlikely.

Making friends with the people at this university was pretty easy, even if he couldn't speak and laugh and shout like they could. They all seemed to understand him pretty well, and didn't even mind that it took him longer to tell them what he thought.
Still didn't help him with finding love though, he's still alone... still searching.
You need to know this:
Regan cares for his image a lot, which means he absolutely despises rain. The humans often tease him that he's a girl about that, but he doesn't care. He knows all too well that a human's first impression of another was through appearance. If he was going to have any chance of finding himself love, he was going to have to look good all the time.

Thinking of you, wherever you are.
We pray for our sorrows to end, and hope that our hearts will blend.

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby OceanDeepFall on Tue Jan 26, 2010 3:15 pm

Name: Aelfrik [Current last name: Wolf]

Age: He appears to be roughly in his mid-twenties, although he's 207 years old. He's been on earth for 20 so years. He wouldn't be able to recall specific ages however, for much of anything. He's beyond caring.

Appearance: Aelfrik, before most take in his appearance, has a demanding presence about him. He stands roughly above six feet and while he is not bulking in muscle, he definitely has an appearance of strength. A visibly toned chest and large, relaxed shoulders are the most noticeable physical attributes. He has messy, white-blonde hair of a medium-to-short length for a male, often splaying about in defiance in every direction despite what Aelfrik might do to flatten his hair. Cold, accusing eyes of blue and prominent cheekbones are his key facial features- having a leaner face, chiseled chin and straight-edged nose. His skin's tone leans towards the pale variety.

He doesn't make any attempt to not stand out, which can sometimes cause unnecessary hassles for him. Usually he wears jeans, without a belt so they slide at the waist a bit along with heavy black boots or shoes, depending on the climate. He despises shirts and always has, so if he must wear one he wears a black muscle-t (given his muscular shoulders, most shirts do not fit well and so he goes with the variety that will stretch to his contour). If possible, he simply doesn't wear a shirt and when he does so, it exposes the long, wicked scar over his abdomen. It also shows two smaller scars that have faded over his collarbone- less apparent than the one on his stomach, but still there.

He also wears a long black trench-like coat, always open to allow more freedom of movement. He always wears sleek sunglasses as well, despite what time of day it might be- which often makes him look a tad ridiculous (or awesome? You decide.)

Personality: Aelfrik, outwardly, seems to be rather simple in nature. He's skilled at fighting, drinks way too much Guinness beer and doesn't care what anyone thinks. Analyzing that brief summary, Aelfrik is beyond the point of caring about anyone- especially humans. He's got a bit of an attitude problem and is rough around the edges- more apt to swear and threaten to beat someone than give them a hug or a nice compliment. He's also not much of a talker, but would prefer to sit in the background and wait for the action to begin. To him, things are black and white and there isn't much of a grey- or at least he tries to view the world in that light.

As the RP progresses or others attempt to get to know him, they'd discover that he does have the capability to care, but it would take an extreme situation for him to ever admit to having emotions for anyone. It's very rare for him to gain an attachment to anything, but if he does then it's a silent, strong bond. If such a thing were to occur, he'd be more apt to express himself by being the 'guardian' or over protective, rather than spill his emotions. EX: "He hurt you?" Aelfrik marches off to shoot said offender.

Life: Aelfrik, at first, served under the Archangel Micheal, being a bit of a lieutenant of sorts when it came to organization. Occasionally there were times when Micheal would be sent down to deal with problems in the world that needed a bit more of an aggressive push- this includes Fallen angels or rather large acts. While this happened rarely, it still was necessary to have a bit of a more "warrior" styled unit for matters that would need more physical resolves.

Aelfrik, known then as Tirienel, had a reputation for being a little rogue and rough in demeanor. This is what initially peaked Michael's interest and it worked out to bring Aelfrik under his "command" of sorts, as it served as a way to keep Aelfrik in check and strengthened Michael. However, it didn't turn out to work very well as both of their personalities clashed and Aelfrik didn't have a lick of respect for the Archangel despite his reputation.

Thinking Tirienel aka Aelfrik was better suited for solo work, he was assigned to a position as a "Guardian" - in which he'd watch over a particular special human. At first Aelfrik believed that his job was very simple- protect his assigned human from harm. His particular assignment- a girl - fell into danger quite often, which led Aelfrik to save her from harm sometimes a bit too directly- manifesting himself and then swiftly disappearing before she could have much of a glimpse. Unfortunately, Aelfrik soon discovered that no, being a Guardian couldn't be so direct - it violated the laws. Aelfrik was supposed to guide her through life and gently indirectly intervene her from harm, but ultimately if she made the wrong choice he was supposed to let life take its course.

He did not agree and continued to directly aid her.
This was not accepted and he was cast to Earth, wings torn.

Now on Earth, Aelfrik has lost much if any semblance of caring. He occasionally finds mercenary-esque work for organizations that appreciate Aelfrik's lack of background. He finds that he doesn't care much about living or dying, so the only time he really feels anything at the moment is adrenaline when he's in combat. On down times however, he can be found in bars or clubs, drinking Guinness and trying to drown out the world with the blast of music and mindless chatter of humans.

Something You Should Know About Aelfrik: He carries two guns on him, which he's oddly named Alice and Claire. Claire he disguises in a case that looks as if a musical instrument should be in it. He also despises those that flaunt their power or superiority.

[Hope that's alright! Always need the token tough guy, right? x3 ]
Last edited by OceanDeepFall on Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:15 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Tue Jan 26, 2010 4:02 pm

My Character sheet is up.
All these are accepted.
Feel free to double up, or tell others about this RP.

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Raijn on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:30 pm

Forgive my stupid questions, this might already be mentioned, but if I understand correctly we're allowed to either be fallen angels or humans, and nothing else?
Overconfidence: "There's only seven sharp sides to that thing! We're three! It can't possibly maim more than one of us before we manage to kill it!"

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:36 pm

pretty much, but what other idea did you have?

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Raijn on Wed Jan 27, 2010 4:40 pm

Well, non-fallen angels, demons and so on. I just thought that if fallen angels tries to become human it would stirr up some trouble with God and his angels or even the Devil or his demons seeing as I bet most demons would prefer to be human and escape hell :P

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:09 pm

yeah this isn't about heaven and hell. Notice the angels are from another world that is never mentioned as heaven. This isnt about demons, it is about Fallen wanting to be human.
So yeah either Fallen or Human please.

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Raijn on Wed Jan 27, 2010 5:29 pm

My apologies for misunderstanding :)

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Apostophe on Wed Jan 27, 2010 6:43 pm

May I reserve a human female spot?
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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Aliath on Wed Jan 27, 2010 7:26 pm

I'm not quite clear on how the angels are supposed to stop the Fallen, but I'm assuming it's by force. I'm applying with this antagonist-type character, but I'm willing to make another to accommodate the need for more angels.

Name: Lucifer

Age: 6305, though he chooses to appear as 29.

Appearance: In his physical form, the oldest of the Fallen Angels is a tall, handsome man. His black hair falls around his head like a crown. His delicate features and icy blue eyes inspire a great amount of trust and respect. But, they can be weapons of fear against those who spite him, for his glare frightens even the toughest of human men. His wings, white as snow, are tainted black at the tips.

Personality: Very frightening. I'd like to develop his personality, so I won't say more.

Life: Again, I'd like to reveal his life and such during the storyline. But trust that I do have something interesting in mind.

You Need (Might be interested in?) To Know This: Lucifer was the first of the Fallen. His name means 'Bringer of Light' and 'Morning Star.' As for his wings; he never had them torn off. As I said, I don't really want to say 'why' right not.

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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby 7skullz on Wed Jan 27, 2010 9:38 pm

Name: Aleph, humans know him as Mikhail.
Age: 1256 standard Earth years, appears to humans as a roughly twenty-three year old man. He has been on Earth for nearly one-and-one-half centuries.
Appearance: Standing in at a good solid six-foot-five and weighing well around two-and-a-half hundred pounds, Aleph retained his mighty stature as an Angel. His hair falls in curly brown locks that frame his face. His crystal clear blue eyes shine like sapphires. His skin is tan. His body is very well muscled, almost like an ox. He likes to wear a large black great-coat, with black BDU (battle dress uniform) styled clothing underneath. He wears black combat boots, also.
Personality: Aleph is cold, calm, and calculated. He will always, always tell the truth. When around other Fallen, he likes to believe that he can trust them. Around humans, he wishes nothing other than a curt, business-type relationship. There are some humans, however, that he feels he can trust.
Life: As an Angel, Aleph was a preserver of the truth, convincing people when it was time to tell the truth, or when to withhold information. Once, he failed at his job, allowing a large lie to pass, causing a great calamity.

Immediately afterward, he was forced to Earth, the wings ripped off his back as he fell.

On Earth, he has lived for a long time, never changing his look, unless to fit modern fashions of the time. He fought in the French Revolution, aided the Union in the American Civil War, was an advisor to the Russian Czars before the Bolshevik Revolution, fought for the Germans in World War One and for the Americans in World War Two (after having learnt his lesson), and everytime, he had a small but pivotal role, be it a survivor of D-Day, a helpful rifleman, whatever.
You need to know this: Aleph will always fight for what he believes is right. Never forget.
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Re: Saving The Fallen? OOC.

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Waste. on Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:17 pm

I am afraid there are too many Fallen. I only needed three, I am sorry 7skullz but maybe you could be a human? If the spaces for humans fill up perhaps you could double up with a fallen? But at the moment I just want the spaces full.

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