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Snippet #2350166

located in Earth, a part of Powerless!, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Adam (Alpha) Character Portrait: Tabitha Walker
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He would be lying to himself if he denied the fact that this Tabitha had peaked his interest. Adam had only been here for a short while and already he was making history like every other place he goes, as well as making the dim star the brightest. Afterall, this was supposed to be a party was it now, so despite Adam having his own selfish desires and own intentions, in the end, he just wanted to have fun and make sure everyone else did as well, unless he hd an overwhelming desire to cause some trouble before his departure. Such a desire came pretty often since causing trouble was more entertaining, but for now, he decided to take a short recess in his meddling and find out more about the one who didn't react to his antics as much as he'd like.

Even after being called up, she didn't come immediately, but in the end she had come and he didn't have to resort to clicking his fingers once again to get something he wanted done. Adam was used to his desires being fulfilled, because if they were not when he asked politely, he'd make them fulfilled by a simple click. He wasn't entirely sure how many immortals existed but all that mattered to him was himself since he always has fended for himself and not having anyone watch over him, so that's the way he has already viewed his life and acted accordingly as a result. Not that he was complaining as having the freedom he had was really exciting.

His eyes met with hers as she stood beside him and he got the chance to see her more. Out of the other girls he had seen, she was pretty tall, but she was pretty, though unlike the other girls, the dress was a little retro compared, but it did convey the idea that she was sensible which was a total contrast to him. This meeting would be pretty interesting then, and not only that, she wasn't exactly excited at being Prom Queen and nor did she act like she appreciated being voted for, even if it was all down to him. Adam always got what he wanted in the end afterall, but in order for this all to work, he also needed to be known so he implanted some memories of him being a cool and wild kid that joined in the middle of the year who acted smart but wasn't really but was one of the hottest guys in the school. It had worked, especially removing his competiton that he had entranced earlier so his win was inevitable and had come to pass.

"Oh...uh...", he heard her say as she then took his hand and Adam could feel that she was tense but remained silent to allow her to force herself to behave right which she did end up doing, despite her face going red. "You've never done this before have you? but your going to have to learn quick when all of these lot want to dance with me....let me give you a hand", he whispered with a smile to her, as both of his hands took hers and led them behind his neck, "You hold there", he instructed, before he placed his right hand around her waist and his left hand on her shoulder, "and I hold here, and all you need to do now is follow after me and keep looking at me, which shouldn't be hard. Don't worry about your feet", ending with a wink, knowing that was what she was thinking about.

With them in position and the crowns on their heads, Adam begun the dance and since it was a slow dance, it was easier to follow, as long as the music didn't change which was tempting to do. "Oh, and I assure you this is all very real", he answered, again in a whisper as he answered her questions that she had in her head, another ability that he had. Following such, his left hand lifted up from her shoulder and stroked her cheek before returning to her shoulder, "Did that not feel real to you? Every girl dreams of being Prom Queen yet you're it, yet you don't seem happy about it, or rather, you are in disbelief that all this is happening to you so you're thinking this is all a dream, in which case, surely I fit the description of your Prince Charming", ending with a wink, "Cinderella always dreamed of such, yet she only had till midnight before returning to what she saw as real, yet she enjoyed her time while it lasted, will you not do the same?".

It was one thing to hold such power, but it was another to hold knowledge and know what words to say and what powers to use to be appropriate for the moment, like earlier with his antic with the pregnancy, knowing that there was some trouble going off and that his antic would have an effect. He believed that Cinderella applied to Tabitha pretty well at this moment with her denying what was happening, but no doubt his reading of her mind would make her curious but he couldn't help it. As for her feet, if they were about to tread on his, he'd foresee it and make his foot move to avoid such. In other words, he was the ideal dancing partner. Infact, the ideal everything.

(OOC: Corrected Homecoming Queen to Prom Queen since this is to celebrate the end of the senior year and got the two mixed up).