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Snippet #2433984

located in Ashariel, a part of The Gods: The Beginning, one of the many universes on RPG.




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Character Portrait: Caelum Character Portrait: Cynn
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Caelum drifted towards the ground and began hovering slightly over it, still in the form of air. He felt no reason to take a solid shape, so he didn't. He had noticed the Sky take a violent turn for a few moments, but didn't much of it. He wasn't going to pacify the sky each time it decided to lash out. Caelum was the master of the sky, not its babysitter.

Caelum stopped randomly and decided that he was bored, that he no longer wanted to simply fly. He wanted to do something else, something more exciting. That's when he decided to create his first creatures. His very first creature was a winged and ferocious animal. The creature was a giant bird with blue feathers. Lightning radiated through its body and wind seemed to bend around it. It was a magnificent creature, one that Caelum decided to mount.

Caelum took a solid form once more, albeit more child-like. He didn't want to force the thunderbird, as he named it, to carry too much weight. "Tonavem," Caelum named the female thunderbird by this. Tonavem understood what her creator meant for the words to mean, and accepted the name as her own.

"Craaack!" Tonavem's screech sounded that she would fly and Caelum understood. The bird flew high and into the sky, taking Caelum to approximately 19,000 ft above ground. Caelum signaled for the bird to stop and it did. The location he was at seemed to be suitable for creation, and create he did. He made creatures similar to him and the bird: the Alatum. They had humanoid bodies and gargantuan wings. They were born through the wind, and could command it, to a lesser extent than Caelum could of course. Caelum repeated the process of creating Alatum and eventually ended up with hundreds of mortals under his command. They each hovered in the air with their wings fluttering heavily. They had not been born in the bodies of infants nor with the mind of infants, they were born with the bodies and minds of adults. In exchange for this, the first generation would have a lifespan doubling that of the second.

The beings each were confused at first for their sudden existence, but their attention was soon focused on the being which seemed to radiate power. They felt joy to be alive, but questions were forming in their minds. Anarchy was about to breakout, but Caelum calmed them. "My name is Caelum, I am the God of the Sky and Wind." Caelum let this sink in, then continued, "I am your creator." This last part was the one that eased the panic in the hearts of the beings. They were safe, for now at least.

One of the female Alatum flew up and met her so called 'god', "How do we know you're who you say?" She was challenging Caelum's claim. Caelum did not get angered, instead, he made the wind pick up around the group. The wind was loud and powerful enough to rip a mortal apart limb from limb. This display of power was to show that Caelum was not a liar. Eventually, he stopped the wind from acting so powerful and begun speaking again, "You don't, but it is your choice to believe whether or not I am who I say I am, Jeanne. Caelum had created the beings with them knowing their names. Jeanne was shocked to see that the God in front of him was indeed a god, for he knew her name when no others did.

Caelum decided that he liked that mortal and that he would keep an eye on her, but he had more important matters to deal with at the moment. The problem of having no land in the sky for example. The Alatum could fly for their whole lives, but they could not grow plants nor heard animals without ground. Caelum fixed this problem by ripping a mountain off of the ground and turning it upside down, then pulling it into the sky under the Alatum. He then used some of his energy to create an eternal wind which would keep the landmass in the sky. He then spent energy creating life on it, almost exactly like the life he had seen on the ground, exempting the animals that hunted. There were now trees, grass, fruits, bushes, and other life on the landmass. "This land is now yours to live off of. Work together to build a civilization and prosper. There are flightless creatures below this land which you can bring up here, but be wary, for I do not control what is created on the ground. Now go, and build on this land." The display of godly power had tired him slightly, but he still had quite a bit of energy left.

Tonavem, the thunderbird, flew over to Jeanne with Caelum still on it. Caelum touched Jeanne's forehead and established a godly connection with her, making her his Avatar. "Jeanne, you are now my Avatar, you are now my eyes and ears among my people. Should you wish to speak to me, simply will to do so and I shall hear you. Please do however, be careful with the power I am granting you." She could now command the wind and the Sky better than her fellow Alatum did, for she now had a direct connection to her god. Jeanne felt the power surge through her and knew what she had to do. Jeanne went to where the Alatum had grouped around and began bringing order to them. They would have to be organized or they would fall quickly.

Caelum left the Alatum to themselves and steered the bird under the clouds so he could survey the ground. The two flew for a while before coming across what appeared to be a creature similar to Caelum near a stream of... water. Yes, it was called water. He wasn't sure how he knew this, but he knew it nonetheless. He also knew that Tonavem wouldn't fare well when close to water, yet he still didn't know how he knew this. He just did. Caelum signaled for Tonavem to leave and simply jumped off the bird.

He didn't hit the ground, he hovered inches off the ground instead. Hitting the ground wouldn't have killed him, not from such a short distance, but it still would have hurt quite a bit. Even gods felt pain. Although some felt it more than others. The bird had flown away in the sky and simply wandered, for it had nothing to do. It's creator had not made any other of its kind nor any other creatures to inhabit the sky.

Caelum had landed soundlessly a few feet away from the girl, smiling through the fall of course. Being alive was very much a fun experience, it was much better than being eternally conscious and unable to do anything. That was boring. He stopped mulling on such thoughts and turned to face the girl. "Hello," He wasn't sure what to say but gained confidence in a few seconds. "I'm Caelum, the god of the Sky and Wind, who are you?" He mused that the question was friendly enough, although he wasn't very much sure on how to be sociable. This was, after all, his first interaction with a creature that wasn't made by him.