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Snippet #2644546

located in The Tundra, a part of Hiraeth, one of the many universes on RPG.

The Tundra



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Character Portrait: Alice Character Portrait: Ophie
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ā"Hey, do you wanna play a game with me? We'll laugh and have loads of fun!"āž

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|| Utsutsu no Yume || Diao Ze Yong ||

[Co-written with The_Queen]
A Bat in the Spider's Web

Every move hurt, the slightest gust and draft caused extreme pain that made her shriek and arch her spine as she attempted to make it stop. Her eyes were closed, her hands clawing at the fabric that covered her body that was already tearing. Finally, finally, it began to fade and Alice was able to relax. It was as though someone had taken the weight off of her chest and she could breathe once more, Alice sighed in relief, finally prying her eyes open and looking at the door that kept her from freedom. She had yet to realize that there was another in the truck and so Alice pushed against the doors, using the needle from the syringe to make small pock marks in the metal, but it hardly did much more. The needle snapped in two, rolling underneath the door and into the cold oblivion that was the tundra of Serbia. Alice sighed and leaned back against the doors, it was freezing in the back of the truck and the only thing in here were metal cages and a few tarps covering them. Making a snap decision, Alice pulled off one of the tarps and wrapped it around herself, her dress was torn to bits anyways and she would rather look stupid than freeze to death. What Alice hadn't been expecting, was that there would be someone underneath the tarp, laying in one of the cages. "Ophie?" Alice questioned, blinking twice to ensure she hadn't seen things wrong.

"...I kinda liked the view." Ophie mumbled in a low, tired voice. She was far too annoyed to even try acting cute and for once her facade was completely gone. Honestly, how could she just act as if everything was fine when locked in a cage in what seemed to be some stupid truckthing? It was infuriating that she let her guard down. She could faintly remember killing Crux off, and everything - she even remembered entertaining the idea of attacking Fey just for fun, and everything else was just a blur. And this was where she woke up - in a cage with that half naked bat. The only good thing was that she got to see a nice show. The bad part was that... well, they were probably going to die unless they did something.

"...Y'know, I don't think that syringe was gonna work." Ophie had a bitter grown on her face. "Mind getting me out of here? I... can't really move. Cage is damn small."

They didn't really get along or anything, but Ophie was smart enough to know that cooperation might be the only way to get out of this mess.

"So they got you too?" It was almost funny, arch enemies/roommates having to share a space once more inside the back of a truck possibly taking them to their doom. Alice knelt down to look at the padlock. It was an easy pick, she pulled a bobbypin out from her hair, normally Alice wore it in twintails that had the assistance of a few bobby pins she managed to sneak into their room from the infirmary. It took a few minutes, but Alice picked the lock and opened the door, moving back so Ophie could crawl out. "Do you know where they're taking us?" Alice figured that Ophie would have about as much information at her, but it was worth it to at least ask.

Ophie shook her head, still annoyed yet also reluctantly thankful. Which annoyed her even more, that she had to have relied on someone she really didn't get along with. This whole situation was just irritating as a whole. Honestly, when she first woke up, she could've mistook Alice for a succubus - she certainly looked the part with those wings. Sadly, she was mistaken.

"...No. I just woke up in here." Ophie murmured sarcastically with an unhelpful shrug of sore shoulders. With a long and heavy sigh she stared at where Alice should've had a wound - all nice and bandaged up. How irritating!

"...Shouldn't have helped you back there." Ophie grumbled under her breath before turning back to the moving vehicle they were in. There was just the smallest crack that she might've been able to stick webs through, though she wasn't entirely sure what purpose that'd serve. The arachnid narrowed her eyes, stretching as best as she could. "...So, what do we got? Anything useful?

Alice narrowed her eyes, she wasn't sure what Ophie meant by helping her. She couldn't recall Ophie ever doing anything that was beneficial to anyone, much less herself. Even though she didn't know it, Alice did agree on the fact that in this situation they would have to assist one another if they wished to get out. "No, not unless you can make something of all these cages and chains." At worst, they would probably end up attempting to lock one another in a cage or possibly using the chains to beat one another, at best, they would devise a strategy to jump on their captors as soon as the doors opened. "I don't think we're going to be getting out of here anytime soon," Alice said helpfully. She stood, a bit wobbily now that the pain medications were wearing off. The pain in her chest was intense, but Alice wasn't going to give anything away; she could not allow her enemy to see her weakened like this. "But we can try to get the jump on them next time we stop."

Ophie sighed, sitting herself back down. Clearly they weren't going to accomplish anything for the time being. So instead of doing anything productive, she decided to do something a little more fun, perhaps as a reward of sorts for Alice pretty much showing off all the yummy bits for her eyes to save to HDD and store in permanent storage, for science purposes, obviously. She forced a grin, trying to clear out the discomfort she felt being so close to Alice, as well as the whole being locked in a truck thing. They had no real way of knowing how long it'd take until their next opportunity, so...

"Hey, I have... a story to tell you. Y'know, to pass the time." A mischievous smirk danced on the spider's features as excitement rose within her. And thus, with all the detail she could muster, Ophie recounted the story of how Crux died, with all the gorey details. Though, of course, giving herself far more credit than she actually deserved, and leaving most of Fey out of the picture to begin with. She wanted the glory, of course.

Alice listened eagerly and with wide eyes, excited to hear the details of Crux's death. "I never liked that two timing back stabber," Alice muttered in between. For the most part she was quiet, taking in every bit of the delicious details and savoring in the warmth of blood even if it was imaginary. Halfway through the story, Alice noticed a scratch on Ophie's forehead, it was bleeding a bit, but it was nothing to be worried about. She was mesmerized by that glistening blood though and waited for Ophie to finish the story before standing up and walking over. Alice leaned over and licked the blood off of Ophie's forehead without even giving it a second thought. Her touch was gentle, she wasn't sure how hurt Ophie was and this was no situation to injure her further. "Sorry, you had something on your forehead," Alice murmured before going back to her side of the truck and pulling the tarp over her once more.

If there was something she prided herself on (well many things, but one in particular) it would be that Ophie was a sadist. She was the one who was supposed to put in the effort to mess with others and ruin their day. Entertainment at everyone's expense was her motto, and it was something she did well. But when the tides suddenly turned, and Alice of all people decided to come and lick her head in a way that made Ophie's body stir in ways that they honestly weren't supposed to, especially not about this weirdo, she simply paused and blinked a few times in an absolute stupor. Nothing happened for a few moments. Then, something between rage at being a toy and fury at being looked down on burst. A combination of a tackle and webs later, Ophie was on top of Alice, pinning her limbs down.

"...Really?" Her voice was high and shrill. "Is this a joke? I'm the one who's supposed to - you just seriously piss me off, you know that? Why? Why did you just come and - I -"

Her voice trailed off as her thoughts were interrupted yet again. If she was the master at infiltrating people's minds, why exactly was her own being messed with? This was beyond ridiculous. It pissed her off more than Crux's betrayal did. Everything about Alice always did rub her the wrong way, after all. But words wouldn't form so she simply scowled as deeply as she could, knowing full well she was failing to be anything near intimidating.

That bit of blood was enough to satisfy her desire to mutilate for the moment. She had been looking down at her hands, debating sucking off the blood of her fingers when Ophie attacked. "What are you doing!" Alice screamed, the two rolling, tumbling into walls and cages. Alice had the jump on her at first, but that stupid chest wound ensured Ophie's victorias. The pink haired girl was pinned down to the floor, webs ensuring she would stay down for the moment. Ophie was sitting on her torso, the tarp that had been covering Alice's exposed body flung to the side. Alice glared, this was the reason she hated Ophie, the girl could be so... So... Infuriating! Alice just wanted to kick her across the room and suck her dry. "I'm a vampire bat, what do you expect!" It was her nature to be attracted to blood, to crave it like a human craved water or a dog craved a big juicy steak plopped down right in front of them. "If anything, you're the one that's tormenting me! Just letting the blood roll down your forehead so casually like, like you don't even feel it!"

The prey was caught in the web. That skin was exposed and her body was immobile - Ophie was free to do whatever she wanted. Yet despite everything, she didn't feel the rush of victory that she normally would have. If anything, straddling the bat to the ground like this only pissed her off even more. Ophie was restless - she wanted to tear Alice apart; she wanted to stab into her eyes and gush over her innards. Yet she knew that that still wouldn't give her the satisfaction she was craving. Any thought of their captors was completely gone - Ophie focused single handedly on one of the biggest headaches of her life. And then, a thought came to mind. A sinister smirk - did she finally discover the string that'd make Alice dance? With as much grace as a spider could muster, Ophie slid one of her claws across a vein in her wrist, letting blood flow out. She then put the wrist to Alice's mouth with an expectant smile.

"...Well? You like blood, right?" She giggled maliciously. "But even think about drying me out and I'll strangle you, got it?"

If she wasn't surprised before, Alice sure was now. Alice couldn't tell what game Ophie was playing and so she was guarded, knowing that she was currently at the mercy of the spider. Both of them were weakened, but Ophie had the upper hand, she was holding the key to victory in her fingertips and could make Alice dance like a puppet on strings if she wanted to. "What do you think you're-" Ophie suddenly sliced open her wrist, holding the dripping vein over Alice's mouth. Instnatly, greed and lust for blood overcame her. She sucked on Ophie's blood greedily, careful not to take too much. Any blood was good blood, but Ophie's had a certain flavor to it that made it almost pleasant, sort of sweet, like chocolate. "Why did you do that?" Alice only thought ask then, once she had already drank from Ophie's wrist. The way they all regenerated, Ophie would have been healed from such a small wound already.

The sensation of Alice sucking her blood was peculiar. Honestly, Ophie enjoyed it in many ways, the most important of which was knowing that Alice was now her toy. A plaything for her to use as entertainment. If Alice craved blood, Ophie'd be able to extract favors in exchange for a nice bloodletting sensation. And it wasn't like she particularly minded the cutting - it was nothing but a bee sting compared to the kinds of things she and the other experiments have suffered. For such a tiny price, and Alice tamed, Ophie was more than satisfied.

"You're mine now." Ophie had her candy-like voice on yet again, giggling with childish flair. "I really hope you never forget that, okay? Between you and I, Ophie's the superior one. And I always will be!"

Ophie then climbed off of Alice's body and gave it one last lust-filled stare before using her claws to cut through the webbing freeing her. Of course, she remained on guard just in case the succubus wanted to attack and try to claim dominance. Still, it wasn't as if Ophie was just going to let that happen.

"...Now, we should work together to get free, shouldn't we?"

Alice thought about it, blood for a favor? From that view point, it didn't seem like a bad exchange. "Fine," Alice agreed, although she made it seem as though she weren't willing. She didn't want to give Ophie the satisfaction of thinking she had won. The truck stopped then, the doors being thrown open almost instantly and letting the cold in. Naturally, bats needed humid/warm climates to thrive in and so she hissed and clawed at the cold as though she were allergic, grabbing the tarp now that she was free and pulling it over her head. It did nothing to deter the stupid humans, Alice was scooped up easily, as though she weighed nothing. She dug her nails into the floor, satisfied at the screech her nails on metal made as the human attempted to drag her out. He dropped her to cover his ears and Alice pounced, throwing away the tarp and jumping on him like a bat out of hell. She slashed at his throat, figuring it was the fastest way to get them out. "Come on!" Alice grabbed Ophie's hand and jumped out of the truck, tugging the girl with her. Brb, cookies. There was a gate at the other end, if they could make it there, they would be free.

The cold was sudden and unlike Alice, Ophie didn't have a tarp to grab or anything. As she blinked, many things happened in a split second - and before she knew it, Alice had grabbed her by the arm and dragged her along. Ophie wordlessly tore the bat's hand off of her, but grabbed on with her right hand - freeing her left wrist to be aimed behind her. At this distance, she couldn't really pin their captors down, but she could shoot her silk out to intercept any tranquilizer darts that may be fired. With the deftness of a marksman, she more or less snagged a few out of the air, as the two girls rushed towards the gate.

"...Too bad you didn't kill him more painfully." Ophie said with a slight snappish tone to her voice, though silently allowed Alice to take the lead. "Hey, can't we just fly or something? Those wings gotta be good for something, right?"

Ophie was cold. She had a headache. She just wanted to sleep. She stifled a yawn, forcing herself awake with another slash at her arm with her claws - pain to stay awake and alert. She wasn't going to get caught yet again. And, hopefully, her new toy would escape with her. There were too many uses Alice would be good for for her to just die to a random human asshole. Only Ophie was allowed to kill the bat - and she fully intended to, once her use as a toy ran out. But for now, allies would be a fine enough term.

Alice grit her teeth, she was sensitive about her wings because they were useless, they could only carry Alice a few feet off the ground since she had begun practicing. "I can only carry one and they're attached to me. So if I go over the fence, you'd stay here." They weren't much use not on her body unless Ophie was thinking of using them to decorate or something. Alice wasn't going to just let her take them though, she would fight tooth and nail. "We're almost there, just stay up a few seconds longer," they had reached the gate and the shots didn't come from behind them, but rather, above. A tower shadowed over them, guards shooting everything they had. Alice hissed as a dart clipped her shoulder, landing on the ground directly behind her. She pulled the tarp off of herself and shielded Ophie under it, "they should bounce right off of that." Alice climbed the fence, reaching the top where the barbs were. "Toss me the tarp!" She was planning on throwing it over so that they could use it as a guard and climb over, but before Ophie so much as had a chance to respond, Alice was shot. It was in her chest wound, the dart sticking out. Alice was determined though, she was running off of adrenaline and blood. "Quickly!" Another two darts, one in her wing, another in her leg. "Damn," the pain stole every other sense as the stimulant worked its way into her system. She fell from the fence into the snow, her entire being twitching in pain as she screamed, the pain intensifying with each second. One shot had been enough to incapacitate her for nearly an hour, there was no telling what three shots would do. "RUN!" Alice managed through grit teeth, her fingers brushing Ophie's ankle. A scream ripped from her body once more, the little action causing her nerves to fire off.

Ophie was beyond furious. Her possession, Alice, was twitching in the throes of agony and it wasn't her who was the cause? Despite how tired she was, this was unforgivable. Unacceptable. She let out a hiss and a click of the teeth and turned to stare down the approaching guards. She's yet to have been hit by a dart - even with her exhaustion, she'd be more than enough to kill them off and escape with Alice. Any other outcome was unacceptable. Ophie was created by these damn humans as a weapon after all - and what else was she good for if she couldn't kill a few pests that threatened to touch what was hers?

"I said you're mine! I don't leave behind my toys, okay?

Focusing as hard as she could, Ophie launched herself at a snow bank. She almost let out a scream as the snow and frost bit at her skin but she needed the cover. Within an instant, she burst out of the bank at a different angle, taking down one of the attackers. She immediately paralyzed him with her fangs and used him as a shield to block against more nerve darts fired at her from in front. With a few quick moments, the man was writhing as pain traveled throughout his body. Ophie smirked as she stabbed down between his legs and dashed to her next target. However, she overestimated her speed and instead barreled right into him, knocking them both to the ground. Being a spider, she recovered quickly from the fall - but not quick enough that she get procure another meat-shield. For a split second, she didn't feel anything but bewilderment. And then she felt the pain pulsate through her body in waves that only seemed to escalate over time.

Still, before she lost control of her body altogether, Ophie had one last thing she had to do. A man's scream echoed throughout the compound as his eyes, throat, and stomach were torn apart by claws in a flurry of snow and blood.