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Snippet #2817134

located in Rhindeval, a part of Fractured Kingdoms, one of the many universes on RPG.


Continent that was once peaceful, but taken over by an evil enchantress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Ari Hunt
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We could hide away in daylight
We go undercover, wait out the sun
Got a secret side in plain sight
We could be heroes
- Alesso, Tove Lo

Tempeste took a deep breath in, standing in front of the medical ward. Although she had been employed under Prince Stephen errā€¦ Asher as he was now named, for quite some time, there was still a hint of nervousness lingering whenever she stepped in Iveldaā€™s territory. There was always the risk that they would be discovered and that risk didnā€™t get any slimmer by the day. It was no exaggeration to say that the Evil Enchantress had taken over their world and changed everything.

Before a lump could form in her throat, the white-haired girl felt someone tugging her sleeve. She turned to find it was a child no older than 5, of one of their patients. Tempesteā€™s eyes widened before softening. ā€œLetā€™s go in, shall we?ā€ She said with a smile. One hand holding the childā€™s hand, the other hand opening the door, her courage had returned. This is why weā€™re rebels. she thought to herself, but not forgetting that Ari could overhear it.

Meanwhile, Ari watched with amusement when he saw the other stable hands scatter simply as Tyannā€™s attention was no longer on the beast. He kept his facial expression blank, resisting the urge to smile. Ari didnā€™t fear Tyann though and wouldnā€™t have scattered like the others. He knew some were unsettled because Tyann always wore a mask. It didnā€™t bother Ari though, but this is as he wore a mask himself in a sense. Ari had planned to go to Tyann for his next set of duties.

Although, he could not now as Tyann was speaking with Korgan. Both of these men were princes and did not know it. Unfortunately, Ari wasnā€™t close enough to listen to the conversation. He had just left the stables to find Tyann, which is why he had not been with the other stable hands. Ari stayed at the entrance of the stables. He debated if he should try to listen in on Tyannā€™s conversation. He didnā€™t get to think more on it as Tempesteā€™s thoughts invaded his mind.

Why are we rebels now? he thought back. He found it interesting how he became accustomed to hearing her thoughts. Four years ago, it had been odd and annoying if he was honest. Ari never admitted it as he decided to just deal with the new connection he had with his old friend. It was to keep them safe. Nevertheless, it didnā€™t take him long to become accustomed to sharing thoughts. He even found some of their telepathic conversations helpful.

Tempesteā€™s entrance into the medical ward was a little wonky despite her renewed vigor due to the fact she was holding a small childā€™s hand and their height differences made her lean a little to the left and lower down, prioritizing the kidā€™s comfort over her own as they walked forward. Because the cutest kid tugged me. She reminded me weā€™re rebels for the hope of the future generation, children like them.. she replied back to Ari with bright shimmering eyes. She always had a soft spot for children as she led the way.

The medical staff bombarded her with an assortment of questions and requests right away but Tempeste would just smile, nod, and agree to discuss the details with each of them later. Asher was in today so she wasnā€™t too worried or rushing, believing he could handle things well enough on his own. She reunited the child with her sleeping father. ā€œStay here, okay? Heā€™ll wake up and take you home in no time.ā€ she reassured, patting the childā€™s hand before releasing to get to work.

I am certain I am a rebel because I overheard an interesting conversation you were having one night.

Tempeste delegated a nurse to watch over the child and ensure the two left by tea break. The father was in healthy condition and just resting after being cured of a poison he drank in order to avoid conscription into Iveldaā€™s forces. He wanted to be a father and look after his child, not be sent away on evil errands. She couldnā€™t blame him and so, she did her best to help him recover and hopefully, to slip out later.

Asher seemed to be busy with his own matters anyhow as she observed him with a guardsman who had a dislocated shoulder. She had a gentler approach in handling the patients most likely as a result of her upbringing with the Saints but the royal healer knew what he was doing. The man began swearing but Asher ignored it. It was just like him. Returning to her telepathic conversation with Ari, Well yes but, wait. Are you saying youā€™re a rebel because you found me cute? she thought, wondering if she understood correctly or was reading between the lines too much.

It means I had to join to make sure you didnā€™t get yourself killed. I think Ellen would haunt me if any harm came to you as well. Also, Ivedla is an awful person who shouldn't be ruling any kingdoms. Ari watched as the drake Tyann presented to Korgan changed.

Tempeste was a little sad as both Ellen and Iveldaā€™s names popped up but shook those thoughts away before they could form. Oh haha, right. I was just teasing. Of course, Ari doesn't think I am cute. Tempeste started to feel a little embarrassed. She couldnā€™t help thinking. She was always thinking! If she wasnā€™t at work at that moment, she would have buried her face into a pillow. But for now, she would have to settle for dying on the inside with everyone else besides Ari none the wiser. Although, her cheeks were a little flushed as a doctor followed up with her on the request he brought up a few minutes ago. She cleared her throat. ā€œThat sounds more than reasonable. Consider your shifts switched.ā€ The doctor left happily but with the misconception that it was approved for other reasons.

Ari had turned to walk back to the stables as he listened to Tempesteā€™s thought. Heā€™d decided heā€™d help in there while he waited for Tyann to be free. Ari had noticed Adrian had taken Little John. He decided to muck out the horseā€™s stall and add fresh hay. It was a simple task he had done in the past. Someone else could take it over easily enough as well if he didnā€™t finish. You should not seek my validation in regards to your beauty. Your opinion should be the only one to matter. They do say beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Although, I do not believe I have ever seen an unsightly person when I lived in Serein.

Tempesteā€™s embarrassment was growing the longer they discussed ā€˜beautyā€™ but she had to contain it. Now, a pillow wouldnā€™t be sufficient enough. She wanted to hit her head against a wall. I-I wasnā€™t seeking validationā€¦ but oh saint, youā€™re right. I never saw an unsightly person back in Serein even among the sick. She diverted the topic and put on a pair of leather gloves matching Asherā€™s.

Serein was a beautiful it only makes sense the people were beautiful as well. Although, I know many would say we look alike. I still find it odd at times people can look so different in one kingdom. You would think Iā€™d find it normal after all this time...

Tempeste gloved and ready to attend to the patients personally, glanced back to Asher as an idea came to her. In all seriousness, I might have to put Sereinā€™s beauty to the test. Asher has a back room locked when he is gone and doesnā€™t seem to like anyone going in there without him. I wonder if it has anything to do with Ivelda. She assumed she had Asherā€™s trust to be put in charge of his staff especially when he is away but not enough trust apparently as she still hadnā€™t really accessed that room. Maybe it didnā€™t mean anything but maybe it did.

The gears in her brain were turning. You know how heā€™s a flirt? So maybeā€¦ It would kill two birds with one stone. She could access the room and investigate with permission. No picking locks, no avoiding guards under the cover of darkness, and no breaking and entering. Nobody gets hurt and it would be an additional diversion for him not to notice the patient she was harboring. The poisoned man blended in well but it was just the clothes. All it took was for someone to start asking questions.

I- Ari barely began his thought when he heard a commotion. He heard loud metal banging and a horse neigh. By the time he turned his head and placed his pitchfork against a wall, he could guess what happened. It seemed one stable hand ran into another, metal buckets were dropped, and this startled a horse. The horse was able to tear the reins from the person holding them. The two stable's hands began to have a screaming match, already blaming the other. Ari was quick on his feet though, and he ran after the white horse. He believed this horse was Luna if he remembered correctly. She was always a skittish one, but sweet. Ari was close behind her as she out towards Tyann, the drake, and Korgan. He just wasnā€™t close enough yet to grab her. I hope the drake does not go after the horse...

Drake? Well, sounds like youā€™ve got your hands full, stable boy. Iā€™ll try not to think too much. Tempeste wished him luck in a joking way, confident in Ariā€™s experience and abilities. She breathed in deeply, exhaled and got to work focusing on the patients first. Nearing tea break was when she made a move. She sauntered through the ward in a beeline for Asher. Tempeste had no experience with romance, her life dedicated to the Saints then to the rebels. As much as she valued life, she forgot about her own. She was not as good an actor as Ari but she would give it a shot, for the rebelā€™s cause.

ā€œGood morrow, sir~ will you be taking a break?ā€ she said cheerfully then looked away shyly, tucking her hair behind her ear to show the features of her face more. She wasnā€™t sure if she was beautiful by Asherā€™s standards. Sheā€™d heard a few of the rebels describe their ideal woman by the campfire and it varied a lot. If Sereinā€™s beauty was just like she and Ari spoke about, it was at least a chance to get her foot in the door. I wonder how this is going to go down. Does height matter?

It took her a long time to infiltrate though so there was a delicate balance at play between her interest in the back room and not getting fired. Tempeste made the most of her time attending to patients to not only heal them but hint a crush on Asher to those she could trust. There was this blind veteran in particular who used a stick to get around and he was all in for young love. Seeing his cue, he bumped Tempeste to fallā€¦ right into Asher. The oldest trick in the book.
