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Snippet #2817281

located in Rhindeval, a part of Fractured Kingdoms, one of the many universes on RPG.


Continent that was once peaceful, but taken over by an evil enchantress


Characters Present

Character Portrait: Ivelda Evers Character Portrait: Lilith Evers Character Portrait: Richard Livingstone Character Portrait: Aurora Givens Character Portrait: Euphemia Isadora Apolline Regana Lavorre III Character Portrait: Meridian O'Donohue Character Portrait: Ishara Soli Eldiel Character Portrait: Garland Greywind Novax Character Portrait: Justice Chastain Character Portrait: Sibylla Costrantina Character Portrait: Rukaiyan Throntan Character Portrait: Silvia Siria Shwetz Character Portrait: Tyann Rebal Character Portrait: Stephen Drimovir Cerenox Character Portrait: Roderick Haldic Character Portrait: Maestia Stowell Character Portrait: Tempeste Ponce Character Portrait: Ari Hunt
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Ivelda Ever

Code- #003300

Ivelda did a thorough examination of Tempeste. The young woman was lovely, perfect for being a sacrifice, but then she was from Serein, who were renowned for their beauty, male and female a like. However the girl was valuable to Ivelda, for the time being. She couldn't afford to kill her . . . . yet. If this young woman was going to be a problem, she would have to handle it. Maybe it was time to start looking for a replacement. Fear and embarrassment seem to radiate from Tempeste. Wanting to make sure she continued to behave herself, Ivelda came forward and taking a hand with extremely sharp nails, she lift her face and looked her straight in the eye. Taking one finger she gently caressed her face.

"Such a beautiful face and body, I'd hate to add to Asher's burden. This is your only warning, Tempeste. I am a forgiving woman who cares for her subjects' health."

Indeed, she needed her young female subjects healthy in order to provide potential sacrifices. Standing up fully she turned to Asher.

"Asher dearie, once you're done with your business here, come to my throne room immediately. We have business to discuss. I am going to check on a few things first though so take your time. No more distractions though."

She had looked at Tempeste when she said that last line.

With that, she headed to check on Tyann, only to be pleasantly surprised to see both Roderick and Korgan there. Delighted to see them, she rushed forward.

"My boys! You're home safe and sound! Raiden, I take it you've brought me what I've requested of you?"

Looking at Ivelda now, one would never think she was an Evil enchantress.

Adrian Wells
Code- #30660C

Adrian listened to Thaddeus as he mentioned he never took a break. He opened his eyes in surprise. Granted, Adrian worked really hard for the kingdom too, but even he got breaks. Thinking back though, he remembered he never asked for breaks. The queen just started allowing him to take breaks in between missions and even insisted he live away from castle and town. Currently his house was in the wooded area that surrounded the lake. He still wanted to be close enough in case the queen needed him. His thoughts turned back to Thaddeus when he spoke to him again.

"Though if you intend to go out among the beasts, perhaps you should talk to Tyann. I'm sure he will be pleased for both that and your presence around here for a few days."

Adrian couldn't help but shudder a bit at the mention of the beastmaster's name. The guy just creeped him out for some reason. Maybe it was the mask. Sure he was very good at what he did. After all, the man was the one to train and break in his 2 horses. Still the 2 did butt heads from time to time due to both having short tempers.

"I think I'll check on Tyann some other time. Well, I hate to keep you from your duty, Thaddeus, so I'll leave you to it. Maybe sometime soon you can help be train at some point. This last job was a tough one and I worry I might be getting rusty."

With a wave to the guard, Adrian retrieved Little John and soon was back on the road, heading home.

Lilith Evers
Code- #C71585

It was finally time. Lilith enjoyed telling the crowd about Rhindeval, but now it was time to release the girls from her sisters' spell. She had noticed that the spell had weaken over time. She wonder if it was because Ivelda wasn't here to reinforce it. She had learned in magic school that going against what was natural would eventually try to undo itself. Lilith hoped that her sister didn't have the ability to sense the breaking of the spell. Hopefully in the spell's weaken state she wouldn't feel it.

"Now my fine folk, seeing how I am a sorceress, I suppose I shall share with you some spells. The one I have you for today is an ancient spell so I hope you enjoy the performance!"

The audience would think she was only gong to do magic tricks, but this would be all to real. Taking her want, she spoke the spell that would undo curse. It was one she created herself. Connecting with the pendents of the princesses, she spoke out.

"Memory is precious, it can't be taken away,
Remember your true self and find your way,
Have courage and take heart,
See the light and cast off the dark,
Seek me when thee are ready,
As I will so mote it be!"

In that instant, magical energy burst from wand, but no one would see it. Instead, little fireworks went off behind Lilith in order to distract the crowd. The magic from the spell would come into contact with the pendants of the princesses and Lilith could feel the locks on the princesses' memory break. The spell took a lot out her and Lilith plopped onto her seat in dramatic fashion. She exhausted but she just pretended to be.

"My! That took a bit out of me. I think I need a break. Return in 30 minutes folks, and I shall give all of you more tales of wonder!

The crowd applauded before dispersing. Lilith sighed. She done it. Now it was only a matter of time for one of the girls to approach her.

Dawn Henderson
Code- #5477B9

Dawn had gotten herself something to eat. Ever sense she had moved into the dorms, she had been determined to try foods she had never tried before and today had been no exception. The Anime club of her college had a vendor at the spring festival and for the first time Dawn got to try takoyaki. One of the members was actually from Japan and said this was common to have at festivals over there. Dawn never had octopus before and found she really liked the stuff. It was a bit messy though so Dawn was careful to not get anything on her gown. She had found a bench and ate it silence. Once she started eating it, she quickly ate all eight pieces. It was so good! It was a good thing Dawn finished it quickly because as soon as she did, magical energy hit her in the chest area, more specifically her opal pendant. It caught her by surprise and she suddenly had a flash of memory as something unlocked within her.


The hallway was dark as a little girl with pale blonde hair tried drying her eyes. She just had a nightmare and sought her parents' comfort. Her room wasn't too far from their's. Coming to a pair of large ivory doors, she pushed on them with all her might. The door creaked a bit as she enter the room. However, no sooner had she enter, she saw her father get out of bed and drew his sword.


Immediately the man disarmed him self and looked at his daughter. Her mother had sat up in bed too by this time.

"Aurora, sweet pea, what is it?" King Elios asked.

"I had a bad dream. I don't want to be alone."

The man smiled before coming up to the 5 year old and picked her up before giving her a gentle hug.

"It'll be fine sweet pea. Do you want to sleep with mommy and daddy?"

The little nodded.

"Is it all right with you dear?" Elios asked his wife with a puppy dog eye look.

The queen smiled, "Okay just this once."

Dawn watched all of this in 3rd person and soon the image faded.


Dawn gasped in shock. This was just like her dreams, only more clearer and it felt all too real. It was then she noticed tears were coursing down her face. She knew those people. The little girl looked exactly like her and was wearing a pendant that just looked like her. Her name had been Aurora though. Standing up suddenly, she had this intense need to find Professor Evens.

Cassie Peters
Code- #46935C

“Sounds good. I think I am going to just get a snack for now, so I’ll be heading to the corn dog stand. Let’s meet back here in a bit. We can find somewhere together to eat. I promise not to disappear again, as the team isn’t here to keep you company.”

Before Cassie could say anything else, Anita had gone off again. Corn dogs sound good, but Cassie had corn dogs the other day. Looking around, she soon found something she loved having whenever she had a chance- bacon burgers with donuts buns. Normally Cassie ate healthy food, but today was a cheat day for her and she considered herself a carboholic. Getting one of the sweet and savory burgers with fries on the side and a bottle of water, Cassie soon returned to the place Anita left her and found the tall girl there.

"Look what I found, Anita! I don't know about you, but I am ready to dig in! Let's find a place to sit okay?"

Soon they found a place and Cassie pretty much wolfed down her meal. It was then the magic that Lilith unleashed hit the 2 young ladies' pendants. Cassie nearly gagged on the water she'd been drinking as she looked at Anita.


"Wait up, Silvia! You're too fast!" a girl with green hair called out as a taller green hair girl climbed up a tree faster then her.

"Sorry, Meri!"

The girls loved climbing trees and had just gotten away from their caretakers. Soon though, Meridian's mother found them.

"Meridian! Silvia! You two get down this instant! You'll ruin your clothes!"

"It's a bit too late for that, momma, sorry! We better get down Silvia, or momma might tell your parents."

Silvia nodded and soon the two girls were back on solid ground. Indeed, both girls had twigs in their hair and their outfits were a bit torn.

Queen Kerrigan tried to look stern, but couldn't help but giggle at their appearances.

"What am I going to do with your girls? Well let's get you two cleaned up. Follow me."

The girls nodded and followed the queen.


What in the world was that? Cassie couldn't quite figure it out. She looked at Anita and saw her teammate had a shock look on her face.

"Hey, are you okay?"