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Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

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Miya reached the village in which she was supposed to leave her sisters in few time, she was in a hurry and for her lucky her sisters moved by fear were able to keep her pace, she surprised while seeing the whole entrance of the village empty and hearing shouts, laughs from the central square Miya made a sign to her sisters to follow her following the sounds, after a few steps they reached the central square basically the whole village was there and they seem like they were to start a village celebration, Miya got near a man with large beard and bear ears, she touched him kindly in the back and smiled before speaking "Excuse me sir, this is the first time we leave the temple can you say us what is happening?

"As was said lad the pests are going to war, I hope they die all"

The bear man started to laugh with a loud voice, a lot of people raised their fists while shouting and laughing, one of Miya´s sisters opened her mouth, Miya stop her while hiding a smile, she knew very well the kind of attitude the people loyal Evalasia had towards the rest of the people, even if was only one family in the whole village they usually act as if they were superior, to steal the happiness from the village people would be a suicide.

"Thank you sir, should peace always be in your life" Miya made a sign again to her sisters, walking away from the people she stopped when they couldn´t hear her, when she stoped her sisters started to talk quickly she didn´t try to hear them, she could imagine what they were talking about, she just smiled while raising her hand the girls stopped talking right away. "Listen girls you have been in the temple since very young, so you don´t know about the hate, the anger and the real sorrow, this people life has been hard being full of bad moments so don´t wonder, wait to right moment to start talking right now is impossible... Stay here girls, send a message the princess about the situation the omen was talikng about and prepare yourselves, even if Oogawa is mostly neutral it will be forced to choose a path sooner or later"

Miya started to walk away from her sisters waving at them and smiling, she was about to start running when one of her sisters talked to her with a fearful voice "Are you returning Oroutia superior?" Miya stopped and turn her head a little still smiling "No, I´m going to Aliaya, if there is despair now at that country they should be suffering more than here" Miya started to run before she could be stopped, she didn´t want to lose more time, now fearing that she could find her family in the road.
|| Now I know that I´m the bane of my existence...||
True Story

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chaostempest on Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:49 am

Naomi had followed him for some time now. Her friend, the one who had helped her escape some rogue hybrid, of course he didn't know she was there but she followed him nonetheless.

She was there when the porcupine hybrid attacked Nomad and she was there when the threatening banner was exchanged, but all in all she continued following Nomad.

After a while, she finally decided to make herself known in a playful way. She dashed in between trees that lined the road.

"SURPRISE," She said as her rose whip snapped and shot forth from behind the bushes heading towards Nomad. It sang a beautiful song as the thorns glistened in the light. Of course it wouldn't hurt Nomad, if he didn't deflect it it would wrap around him and she would slowly pull him in playfully.

She had begun to like him, in more ways than one and it had started to show.
Last edited by chaostempest on Sat Feb 13, 2010 1:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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The early morn had set in and the hot weather was assuredly sticky. Birds chirped and different bugs chirped in the trees and bushes. Jaret had been waiting on the pending arrival from Oldita and Genta, also trying to calm the edgy nerves of the Asotia Villagers.

Jaret sighed heavily as he shifted uncomfortably. His hand – that currently held a cloth with green herbs mashed into it – gently stroked the bloody wound his eldest Granddaughter had sustained in one of her usual brawls. The scrape on her knee wasn’t that bad and Jaret was thankful. Nevaeh simply pouted as she looked away, a deep scowl darkening her dirtied face. A tinge of red stained her cheeks through the brown dust powered against her face and Jaret assumed she was embarrassed about this whole situation.

“Well,” he snapped as he threw the cloth into a pail of water, “This teaches you to go picking fights with people who are obviously bigger and more experienced in fighting then you. Honestly Nevaeh...” as he stood he could faintly hear his Granddaughter sputtering out what seemed to be a coherent sentence. “Save it young lady! Now, where’s your sister? Oh dear, you girls certainly bring me nothing but trouble.”

All he heard from the fiery blond was a sharp, “Whaddya mean someone more experienced! I knocked-”

“Enough!” Jaret sighed again with tiredness. Standing up from the wooden floor of his hut, he didn’t even have to glance towards the doorway to know who had come roaring through with speed rivalling a Wolfe. His youngest Granddaughter, Lulu, yelped loudly as Jaret pulled her back to stand before him by the back of her dress. Eyeing her suspiciously, Jaret held out his large calloused hand. “Show me what you have behind your back, Lulu.”

Lulu frowned and shook her head. “I don’t think you really want me to do that, Grandpa,” she said timidly.

Lulu’s smoky blue eyes shifted to the figure behind him and Jaret spun around, only to find Nevaeh flailing her arms wildly from side to side and mouthing ‘NO!’

Jaret raised a thin, grey eyebrow and gave Lulu a harsher stare. “Lulu...” his tail stiffened behind him, clearly showing his annoyance.

The Rabbit Hybrid sighed as her human sister lowered her head in defeat. “Okay...” opening up her tightly closed palm, Lulu dropped four bloody pointed hybrid teeth into her wide eyed Grandfathers hand. “I was going to take them back to Alride’s mother after I made sure Nevaeh was alright...”

Jaret’s eyes bugged out of his head as he stared at the little white teeth and spun around, pointing at a now grinning Nevaeh. His hand shook as he tried to recompose himself.

Nevaeh shrugged innocently and finished her earlier sentence, “I knocked his teeth out.”

Jaret blinked, still trying to get over the shock of his Granddaughter’s – his once sweet, little Granddaughter’s – inexcusable actions. “What did he say to provoke you, exactly, Nevaeh...?” he ground out.

Lulu then jumped to her sister’s aid, “He said girls are worthless on the front- the front- something about a frontline when it comes to fighting, especially human girls!”

Jaret knew that was no excuse, but Nevaeh and Lulu had always been sensitive when it came to the topic of humans and hybrid being discriminated against. He sighed, Alride was a young Racoon Hybrid and was only a little taller than Nevaeh, and although Nevaeh didn’t look like much, looks could most deffinatly be deceiving. An angry Racoon Hybrid mother is not what the old Dog Headman needed right now. Jaret’s ears twitched impatiently at his next question. “And where is the boy now?”

Lulu averted her eyes, “In my wheelbarrow...”

“W-hat... in your – WHAT!?” Jaret stumbled over his words in order to process what his sweet little Lulu had just admitted to him.

Nevaeh jumped up, her face flittering with amusement as she shuffled past her sister – ignoring the stinging of her scraped up knee – to kick the door open. Outside, lying unconscious in Lulu’s hand-made wooden wheelbarrow she used to use to pile hundreds of wildflowers in, was Alride – unconscious with his tongue hanging out like a slobbering dog.

“You – knocked – him – out – to?” Jaret ground out between short, sarcastic, shocked laughs.

Nevaeh’s head swung from side to side rapidly. “He was so shocked – and thinking about it, so was I... – anyway, he was so shocked that he backed up and kinda fell over an overgrown tree root! He knocked himself out, I swear!”

It was already too late, as Jaret already seemed to grab a hold of his staff, an evil grin plastered across his face. “Oh, really? If you haven’t noticed, Racoon’s aren’t exactly the most pleasant creatures to banter with when it comes to their offspring... do you know what that woman is going to do to me when she finds her son has no front teeth!?”

Nevaeh gulped, terrified for her life. Lulu stood aside, giving her sister a, ‘Hey, don’t bring me into this!’ look. Nevaeh laughed in fright as she suddenly made a dash for the exit and down the steps of the hut’s veranda, her elderly Grandfather chasing after her with speed shocking for his age. As he raced to catch up with his Granddaughter, Jaret managed to knock over the wheelbarrow that still held a dazed Alride. Lulu could almost feel the hurt of the poor Racoon Hybrids fall. She went to help him up, ignoring the stares of the Villagers that gathered round to watch the almost daily spectacle of the Headman and his eldest Granddaughter.

“I told you it was a bad idea... At least she forgot about this whole war talk for the time being,” Lulu muttered, trying to steady Alride as he shakily stood up, still dazed and confused.

(OOC: Just a look at the Jaret’s more humorous side.)
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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Sun Feb 14, 2010 2:35 pm

Adrian smiled at Katsu's answer. "Yes, one of the last places where we can all co-exist together," he commented, giving a quick nod of his head. "Well, guess I haven't really got a choice. It's either help you to protect the last place that we humans can call 'home' or don't bother and end up getting killed for it. Sure, I'll help you out. And Eric, get off my leg!" Adrian shook his leg to get Eric to leg go. He heard Vladimir come up and address Katsu so he stepped off to the side so as not to interrupt the pair.

Eric quickly let go of Adrian's leg and began wagging his tail. At least nothing bad was going to happen just then. Well, other than the fact that Adrian had just signed up for a war (oh joy) and, knowing the human, probably wasn't going to be making it back (at least, not in one piece). "Adrian, what's going on?" he asked, tugging at Adrian's pants.

"Hm... Well, in the past five minutes or so, I've been a part of a screaming crowd, been shot at, and just signed up for a war. Nothing much, really," Adrian reply calmly, shrugging his shoulders as though such a statement were quite normal. "But, before we bother with any of that, you are taking a bath."

Eric nodded and then stiffened. "Wait, what?"

"It's bath time, ya' little brat!" Eric tried to jump out of the way but it was too late. Adrian grabbed him and held the squirming hybrid by the collar of his shirt. Turning to Katus, Adrian asked, "Say, do you know of some place where I can give this runt a bath?" Eric squirmed a bit more and finally crossed his arms over his chest in defeat.
FRIENDS: Will look at you like you're crazy when you tell them you're an alien from outerspace.
BEST FRIENDS: Will break you out of the loony bin and drive you to New Mexico to meet up with the mothership.

There are very few personal problems that cannot be solved through a suitable application of high explosives.
Who was the first person to say "See that chicken over there... I'm gonna eat the first thing that comes out of its butt"?

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lerro on Sun Feb 14, 2010 8:03 pm

((Guys this is a pretty long post, sorry. You can skip to the bottom if you want, it's really the only important part of the post lol.))

Katsu watched with a smile as the two newcomers wrestled. It was good to hear Adrian agree to come along. This war would be harsh, and every warrior would be needed of Aliaya was to survive.

"Yes there should be a place to wash him off inside the Inn." Katsu said politely, pointing to a building next door. "We have good rooms in there for visitors as well. Please make yourself at home."

Meanwhile, Genta had been on the road for nearly an hour with his two escorts. The village Headman knew that by now Kara would have alerted the villagers about his journey home. That annoyed him greatly, having a person watching his back every time he left the village like he was some kind of old man! Old, thin fingers scratched his chin as he looked up at the sky, his thoughts turning to the decision him and Jaret made just an hour ago. Obviously, his escorts were still thinking about it as well.

"Why is it that every time we try to stand to defend ourselves, the odds are always against us?" the one to his left muttered, unhappy about going to war. "I wouldn't mind it so much if we had at least a bit of hope on our side."

Genta's eyes shifted over to his fellow Oldita villager. "Indeed, I must agree with you. These are dark times, my boys. Dark enough to send even the greatest hero running away in fear. But we mustn't succumb to that so easily. When the villages become merged into one mass of Aliaya fighters, and everyone sees the people willing to die for their country, hope will finally be rekindled."

"I don't know, Genta. Somehow I'm not so sure."

The old hybrid laughed and shook his head. "Neither am I. I still have doubts myself about all of this. But my instincts tell me this is right. My instincts tell me we still have a chance."

The guard on Genta's right finally spoke up. "I don't understand the fear everyone seems to have for these hostile hybrids. I've been waiting for this day to come for a long time. I believe we can win any battle against them, despite how big their armies are. Numbers don't win wars."

"No...but I think they help." Genta laughed. "We will know our odds after all the villages gather at Asotia. Let's try doing that first before we question our chances of survival."

After that everything grew quiet. The escorts knew that Genta was growing tired and wanted only to return to the village as quickly as possible. Talking was just slowing them all down. Countless hours passed as they three travelers pushed on, finally reaching a few dirt roads that looked familiar to them. They could finally recognize their surroundings as they place they called home, and soon after could see Oldita waiting for them sitting on the horizon.

When Genta arrived, four guards standing at the gate were the first to spot him, and the alarm was sounded throughout the village. "Genta returns! Genta returns!"

Katsu, Ishio, and all other warriors and villagers sprang up from their homes and ran outside to greet their Headman. The cat hybrid was raising his hands up as a crowd began to form, telling them to keep silent. Kara popped up next to him, trying to help him keep everyone quiet so he could speak.

"No doubt Kara has already pointed out our plans for the war." Genta eyed the seer as the villagers raised their fists with shouts of excitement. "This is what will be required of you. Warrior or not, you will be coming with me to Asotia village to gather with the others. Women and children will be put into groups and sent away to one of the safest places in Aliaya. We leave now."

"Genta you just got here! You gotta be exhausted from the trek home." a voice spoke from the crowd.

"We don't have time to waste, friends. We'll be able to rest when we get back to Asotia. Right now I want everyone who plans to fight to gather what weapons you have. All little ones need to be accounted for so we don't lose anyone. Katsu, Ishio, I'm putting you two in charge of the warriors until we reach Jaret's village."

All the Oldita fighters cheered as Katsu and Ishio bowed slightly. Katsu was not a fan of hybrids. He was able to keep peace with them, but inside he had no love for them. It was what Ishio had taught him as a young child, Never trust hybrids. But dispite all those years of learning that from Ishio, Genta was an exception. The hybrid was sometimes ignorant, boastful, and an all around jerk, but he was a natural born leader and a man of honor. Katsu couldn't help but give his full respect to the man.

"Adrian, you'll ride with me." He said to his new friend, patting him on the shoulder and giving him the reigns to a nearby horse. "Two people isn't a big enough number to keep the warriors in line and together. I'll need your help with that." He said as he mounted his brown horse.

Once everything was settled and ready, the villagers of Oldita started onto the road again with genta at the very front, heading straight for Asotia.
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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ShatteredMind on Sun Feb 14, 2010 11:54 pm

"So peaceful..." Miya was standing in the top of a little hill feeling the wind breeze, it didn´t matter where she look she only was able to see flowers growing, smell the fresh grass and hear the sound of water coming from somewhere, "If my life was different I would live here, the only problem is... I don´t know where I am." As soon as Miya left the village line of sight, she started running as fast as she could following the common knowledge: Aliaya territory began after passing the north western hills, well she was arriving at some hills. But was she still in Oogawa or was she more close to the borderline?

Miya put her right hand in her right ear tapping the air current trying to hear better while she was triying to track some smell that would help her, after a while she got a faint smell- the smell of a human, Miya checked the object in her silk cloth was well hidden, if it was seen it would bring her some problems, after getting sure it was all sure she followed the scent walking down the hill and following a large path full of different flowers, it was soon that Miya arrived at a old little house with a rock that was as big a horse in front of it, with an old man sitting in front of the house with a bottle near him, he was propably used to be alone since Miya didn´t do more than 5 steps before she was noticed... and glared.

"Good day sir" Miya bowed her head and smiled to the man "I´m in a pilgrimage and I fear I lost my way, could you tell me if we are still in Oogawa and which path must I take to reach Aliaya? The man didn´t answer Miya he only continue glaring , Miya could feel the atmosphere getting colder "I´m in my way to pass words of peace and..." "Peace..?" Miya looked at the man carefully he was getting angry very fast "Peace? What do you know about peace!? There is no peace. But you know this well don´t you? You and your kind got sure we know this well! Killing us, hunting us, playing with our lifes, don´t you dare talk me about peace monster!"

Miya continue smiling to the man hiding her pity and sadness within her, she had forgot about the fact that in the eyes of most humans she was another hybrid, the same as the ones trying to kill the most humans they can. "I don´t have works to answer you and I think you don´t want a blessing from me..." Miya tried to act tougher "But I´m not like the other hybrids you know, I am from the kind that wishes for peace for all... I´m from the kind that knows well from experienced it how cruel can the hybrids be.." Miya ended muttering and looking to the floor, the old man heard her but didn´t stop glaring. "Is there a way to me to show you that I believe in peace?" The old man smiled coldly at Miya and pointed the rock "See that rock? When I was younger I could lifted it barehanded, I used that rock for years to protect my family the day I couldn´t lifted it my family was killed, lift it now and will say you what you want."

Miya didn´t answer she left her things in the ground and started walking slowly towards the rock opening and closing her hands, she looked carefully back to the old man and start whispering the most quietly she could "As the earth is now, with life and hope I ask in your name the same, give me strenght to fulfill what I wish" Miya put her hands quickly in front of her, they were flashing a little with little circles spinning as bracelets, Miya stop infront of the rock and took a long breath, grabbing the rock she lifted it while releasing the air and even turned to the old man that was pale and shocked, Miya smiled and carefully put the rock in the floor, she get closer to her things, she only hear the old man swallowing and then talk with a voice full of fear "Continue from here walking to the north, you will reach Toku, enter the country and you are death the natives are not friendly with anyone, go to the west as soon as you reach the borderline you will recognize it: is a forest, continue following the forest border until you reach the plains one day or two form there is Aliaya territory."

Miya nodded at the man and got closer to him putting a hand in his chest and another in his forehead, he was trembling without control Miya smiled sadly at him "Maybe it´s late for me... or anyone to say this, but I´m sorry for your lose" Miya could feel how the man suddenly got stiff and his eyes were getting red, he must be enduring the desire to cry "If you gave up on peace, please don´t give up on hope I´m sure your family is waiting for the man that was always ready to do anything for them" Miya get her hands away from the man and give him the back while tapping her ears, she started to walk away and even tapping her hands she could still hear the man sobbing. A voice of the memories of a young and mad Saha came to Miya´s mind "That was low from you Miya using your skills to achieve a selfish goal" Miya lowered her head letting a tear drop form her left eye " I know but I ... I´m not sure what I should have done..." Miya kept walking away wishing to reach soon Aliaya.

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby [Soma] on Mon Feb 15, 2010 12:51 pm

His long walk was abruptly halted when a person jumped out of the bushes and yelled"SURPRISE"! pulling out one of his guns he pointed it at the being, encase of a hostel attack from them. He looked the being up and down and then let out a soft sigh, speaking now to the being" Naomi I almost shot you, how reckless can you be"? He stood there watching here for a short time and then continued to walk." It will raid soon, let us find a place to set up camp for the night". His backpack was slightly heavy for the miniature tent hiding inside of it. He was not used to sharing his tent but it would have to do if Naomi didn't have one for her self.

"Tell me what are you doing this far out"?
A great war leaves the country with three armies - an army of cripples, an army of mourners, and an army of thieves.

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby chaostempest on Tue Feb 16, 2010 12:57 am

Naomi smirked when the gun was pointed at her, "ahhh come on Nomad, you know me better than that, I enjoy toying with you," She said as the whip coiled back to her and she placed it back on her hip. She walked seductively over to Nomad and stood by his side as he continued walking.

"Tell me what are you doing this far out?" He asked making Naomi blush, "well, I came to see you, or find you rather," She replied as she jumped onto his back playfully.

"Carry Me," She said whimsically.

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Pyronide on Tue Feb 16, 2010 9:57 am

All in Asotia people moved with ease, both hybrid and human walked the streets together. A lanky hybrid man walked the streets in love with the ease and peace that was held within the city walls. The only thing seemingly to be discussed were topics of war and the hopeful outcome of the city afterwards. The monkey-man started to place bounce in his steps. Since being here, Keshran had not been able to interupt much of the fighting or even fight in order to defend himself honourably, for the city of Asotia was at such peace that violence was almost non-existant. Almost, because violence did occur but it appeared that, like Keshran, any Asotian would just stand and allow it.

It was weird to see, but it appeared as if the inhabitants of Asotia were defending their city's honour, breaking up fights or aiding others who were trying already. Asotia did not pick a side in these fights, she simply just broke the fight up and sent the patrons in opposite directions. She was very imparshal.

Keshran seemed to always walk her markets, catching the very rare pick-pocket and returning the coinage to their proper owner. Eventhough Keshran was an outsider, aftrer several of these motions and other actions of showing nobility the patrons of the city soon started to welcome him. Keshran found it very easy to perform these tasks, as they were very rare. Though, he considered every attempt as proper warm up, in lue of the coming war.

((O.O.C: sorry for short post, but A ) it is an intro post and B ) seeing as I'm the aparently only one with a character already within Aliaya there is kind of nothing to interact with. ))
Last edited by Pyronide on Wed Feb 17, 2010 1:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
- =There is Always Room For Justice= -

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Cy was stopped by a guard at the gates of the castle with a scroll from the King. She looked deep into the hybrid’s eyes and opened it to read. In it were instructions directly from the King to take her top guards and spy on the villages of Aliaya. She handed the scroll back to the guard, “Be a good wolfie and fetch my men.” She gave him a wicked smile and a wink. One would normally be able to tell the irritation of the wolf hybrid being told to go fetch something, but he kept his mouth shut. To speak out of place to Cypress wasn’t the best idea in the world. Instead he just glared and left on his way to the armory.

A few minutes past before a cobra hybrid made his way to her side, she turned her head to the side slightly as he smiled to her, “Off hunting are we?” She nodded and gave a light chuckle, “I suppose so Darling.” A horse hybrid shortly followed by a spider hybrid made their way to Cy’s side. She nodded to each of them before they headed out along the roads leading to Aliaya.

Cy and her guards were stopped just outside of Aliaya. “James.” Cy looked to the horse hybrid, “Please go with Christophe and check around the city, see what news you can bring me.” The Horse and Spider nodded and quietly made their way into the city. “Cypress, are we really just here to spy on these people?” Cy turned to the cobra hybrid and smiled. “I know you would rather be out hunting Lucian, but King’s orders.” She winked to him and he shook his head as he followed her into the city.
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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Tue Feb 16, 2010 4:38 pm

Adrian grinned and nodded happily at Katsu. "Thank you so much," he stated, placing the hybrid child on his shoulder. "I'll go get this guy cleaned and then I'll be ready for whatever you need me to do. We shouldn't be too long." Making his way to the inn, he hummed a song to himself while Eric struggled in a futile attempt for freedom.

The bath itself wasn't much more eventful than normal. However, after about an hour, Eric darted out of the inn and quickly cowered behind Katsu's legs. He was damp, including his clothes, and his hair was dripping with water. It looked almost as though he had soaked his clothes and then rung them out before slipping them back on. At least he wasn't covered in mud and dirt anymore.

A few moments later, Adrian made his appearance. He, on the other hand, was far wetter than Eric. As he approached Katsu, it became obvious that he wore nothing more than his pants. His shirt was in his hands being wrung dry while his gloves, belt, and other articles of clothing were hung over his shoulders, apparently having already had the water squeezed out of them. When he got close enough, he could be heard mumbling under his breath, "...lovely! I'm soaking wet. It's going to take forever to dry these things out!" Holding his shirt by the shoulders, he flapped it to get it untwisted before slipping in on and tucking it into his pants.

Once Adrian had completely dressed himself in now not-quite-soaked-but-still-very-wet clothes, he lunged at Eric and lifted the child off the ground. "A bath! It was nothing more than a simple bath! Haven't you got anything better to do than get me soaked, as well?" he scolded, shaking his finger in front of Eric's nose. "It was so you could get clean, not get me soaking wet!"

"But I hate water!" Eric whine, snapping at Adrian's finger.

"Too bad! You have to take a bath some time!"

"No way! If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have to take any baths!"

"And then you'd be a righteous mess, now wouldn't you?"

This bickering continued for several minutes until a voice cried, "Genta returns! Genta returns!" Suddenly, everyone made their way to the front gate where they greeted a cat hybrid. As soon as the news had been spread, Adrian set Eric on the ground and the pair watched as the crowd's excitement grew. With a quick shrug of his shoulders, Adrian shifted his belt slightly (oh the joys of wearing soaking wet clothes) and slowly made his way in the direction that everyone was going.

Adrian watched in slight amusement, his stern expression hiding the smile that played with the corners of his lips. Eric, on the other hand, gave his full, undivided attention to Genta. It was obvious that he had quite a bit of respect for the man. After a few minutes, however, Eric continued to watch the man with an excited, happy expression while Adrian was squatting on the ground, busy with making a chain of flowers.

"Adrian, you'll ride with me."

Adrian jumped and quickly straightened, dropping his flower chain. Grabbing the reigns of the horse, he grinned and patted the horse's nose. "Fine with me," he answered, still rubbing the horse. Glancing at Katsu, he joked, "So, would I be in your lap or would you be in mine?" Laughing, he didn't give Katsu a chance for a reply before he quickly mounted his own black horse. "He~eh? What have we here? My very own demon of war! So, should I call you Dow for short?" he asked the horse. "Hey, Eric!"

Eric turned around to look at Adrian and gasped when he saw the horse. "Wow! It's so pretty!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Look, get your lazy carcass over here and I'll show you what it's like to ride a horse," Adrian snapped, running a hand through his still dripping bangs. "This may be the last chance you even get to ride one of these."

"What! My first and last?! That's just mean!" Eric snapped as he bounced closer to the horse. He let out a sudden, "Meep!" as Adrian pulled him up and, moments later, he was holding onto the unused portion of the reigns that were between Adrian's hands.

"Don't squirm so much or you'll cause us both to fall off!" Adrian snapped, giving a quick tug of the reigns so that the horse took a step back. "Good, let's go." He snapped the reigns sharply and nudged the horse with his boots. The horse gave a quick whinny before starting forward at an easy trot until they caught up with Katsu. At that point, Adrian matched his horse's pace with Katsu's so that they were traveling side by side.

Giving a quick wave to Katsu, Adrian asked, "Alright, oh wise and wonderful leader, what do you need me to do first?" he asked?

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lerro on Wed Feb 17, 2010 12:29 pm

Katsu didn't respond much to Adrian's joke, but inside he was chuckling slightly. The dark haired warrior wasn't one to keep quiet, that was for sure. And the little one named Eric was as talkative and open minded as him. Katsu didn't mind it at all, even when the both of them began to almost fall off the horse as the small hybrid squirmed in the saddle. Once everything was settled, he heard Adrian ask a question. "Alright, oh wise and wonderful leader, what do you need me to do first?"

"At this moment? Nothing at all. Just keep an eye on the warriors and the children around us so that we don't lose anybody." Katsu's eyes scanned the population of Oldita as the village began to grow smaller and smaller behind them. So far everything was good and no one had been left behind. Genta rode in the front with Kara and Ishio next to him. "It shouldn't take us too long to reach Asotia." Katsu looked up into the blue sky, peering at the sun. "It's still morning. With this big of a group, we won't be able to reach Asotia till late tonight."

Katsu was disappointed as he spoke the words. He was beginning to grow impatient. Each hour that was used traveling to Asotia was valuable time needed to establish defenses, scout teams and battle exercises. All thoughts of battle rushed to his mind as the hours pushed on, the sun slowly climbing up to the peek of it's rise and then falling back down towards the earth. The villagers of Oldita had done well to stay together, no one had been left behind or forgotten. It was obvious that Genta was very pleased with this when the walls of Asotia came into view.

Nevermind about the defenses. Katsu thought as he peered at the village's location. It was surrounded by jagged mountains and blocked off by a perfectly placed wall with a gate in the center. It wasn't impenetrable, but it was a better defense that Katsu had imagined.

"Come, Adrian and Eric. We are no longer needed back here. Let's get a closer view." Katsu kicked the side of his horse, "Yaa!" and his steed sped alongside the line of Oldita villagers, heading straight of Genta, Kara and his uncle. Once inside the gates, Genta began looking around desperately for the "mutt."

"Where is Jaret?" Genta asked an Asotia villager. "Tell him Oldita has arrived."

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Nevaeh was leaning against one of the wooden stables gates, talking with Lucas, a human stabled hand who was training with one of the more experienced horse trainers. “This sucks, this whole war does. He shouldn’t put everyone through this, it’s not fair.”

Lucas laughed as he changed her horse’s water. “It can’t be helped I suppose, Pops is doing this for us remember, we are humans and Evalasia wants us dead.”

Nevaeh snorted, “Evalasia can suck my-”

A voice suddenly rang out. Nevaeh could hear the heavy gates closing and automatically knew who had arrived. Grinning, she pushed herself off of the stable gate and brushed past Lucas.

“Sounds like Genta’s here already and he sounds irritated. Someone should get Jaret.” He muttered as he lifted a barrel of hay over the gate.

Nevaeh knew her Grandfather was in the courtyard talking with the other Villagers, too far away to hear anything and the Villagers that stood guard at the gate would be passing right about now to get her Grandfather. Grinning from ear to ear, Nevaeh took off, yelling behind her, “Don’t worry, I’ll talk to the cat.”

Lucas blinked, almost dropping the hay barrel on his foot. “W-wait, Tori! I don’t like the way you said that!”

Nevaeh ignored him as she bolted off, towards the awaiting Genta. She caught the men who were off to tell her Grandfather of the Headman’s arrival and smiled charmingly. “Grandfather knows of Headman Genta’s arrival, he said you can go back to your posts now...”

The men were hesitant, knowing Nevaeh’s tricks already. “Uh, Nevaeh, we should really make sure-”

Her face darkened as she stepped forward, “I said there’s really no need,” she grounded out. They staggered.

“Got it,” they both snapped and walked – rather fast – back towards their stations at the gates. Nevaeh grinned and made her way casually towards the awaiting Headman with fast strides.

Arriving there, she slowed down, smirking to herself. For some reason, she had never gotten along with the cat Hybrid, despite him being very good friends with her Grandfather and, once upon a time, her Father. “Hey Genta, what’s crackin?”

As she neared him, she placed both her hands on her hips, staring up at the cat Hybrid that sat waiting on his horse. She glanced briefly at the other three who surrounded him and rolled her eyes. “You’ve waisted your time,” she snapped, “The old man’s a bit senile, so you can’t take anything he said seriously.” She waved her thin hand around, “So you can just head back the way you came, we don’t need you,” she said snobbishly.

Noticing they weren’t leaving, and more were turning up, she growled. “Well?!” Taking a step forward, she grinded her foot into the dirt and lurched her head to the side. “Did you hear me old man! Argh, where’s some catnip when you need it...”


“Pop’s, we’re putting our clan at risk!”

“The people of Oldita are warriors, but we are not! Its suicide, this whole war is! We don’t have enough room!”

“We don’t have enough food! Not to mention we’ll have to ask the other Villages to migrate her as well!”

Maria, who stood next to Jaret, growled lowly. Placing two hands on her hips, the elderly woman yelled at the top of her lungs, “Will yeh all shut up! Quit your snivelling and whining, I remember a time when the people of this Village would’a done anything to protect their home... not whine and whinge like children! Look at yeh, it’ll be a dog’s day in hell,” she paused and turned to Jaret briefly, “No offence,” and she heard Jaret mutter a, ‘none taken,’ before continuing, “Before I let those Evalasian’s take over, yeh hear! Just for this, I’ll make sure all ya wounds hurt so bad when I patch yeh up you’ll actually HAVE something to whinge about!”

Everyone shut their mouths, many were left hanging in fact and Jaret... well, he felt a little scared. There were slight coughs, but soon, the chatter started up again with even more complaints. Maria was ready to burst before Jaret stepped forward, shaking his head. Maria stepped back next to Aseriah and Lulu.

Children were crying as their parents spoke up, angry men that had too much to say in Jaret’s opinion yelled out complaints and the woman looked down, worried for their futures. Jaret sighed, he had told them time and again that morning the reasons for his decision but it didn’t seem to get through as well as he’d liked. Raising his staff, the complaints, cried and murmurs stopped.

“Everyone in Aliaya is family to us, they are our brothers and sisters and as a country we stand united. We’re standing strong so that our futures are safe... remember who we are fighting for here. Because we are living among humans, we will be killed just as they will be if Evalasia wins this war, King Dominique has already made up his mind. Look at your children, they are friends with the human children, you have created families with humans as I have... do you want to lose all that because you are afraid? If so, you should leave now to the outer regions of Aliaya with the women and children...”

They all stood silent, their heads down with shame. Jaret smiled warmly, “We are fighting for a better future. We cannot be at odds when our whole way of life depends on this!”

Aseriah stood off to the side, Lulu hugging her around her waist, tears in her eyes. He wondered where Nevaeh was for a moment but shook the thought off; she was probably still moping about his decision... and the head bashing he gave her for the Racoon incident earlier that morning. Jaret looked at Lulu, his face quickly dropping at the thought that she and Nevaeh would be pulled into this mess. Maria had her eyes closed and her hands in her sleeves, while Aseriah petted the girls head reassuringly. He walked over and put both his giant hands on her small shoulders gently, “Lulu... you and Nevaeh will both have to work hard with Maria, there’s no telling how many men will be wounded in the future and I doubt Oldita has many healers.”

She nodded her head, sniffling back some small sobs. “Good girl,” he smiled and hugged her gently. “Now, let go of Asariah so she can get back to her babe, dear.” Lulu nodded, if not a bit dejectedly.

A Villager, quite a young human male, came running up, gasping and sputtering as he did so. He pushed aside some of the other Villagers to get to Jaret, huffing and puffing as he did so. Jaret recognised him as one of the stable hands in training, Lucas, and moved towards him. “Is something wrong, my boy?” he asked calmly.

After regaining his breath, Lucas gasped out, “Yeah... Pops... Genta’s here with the Yuru clan of Oldita but they... seem to be having some trouble with Miss Nevaeh!”

Jaret’s face darkened slightly and his eye twitched. Stepping forward, he shot off, his tail straight as a stick behind him. “I’ll kill that girl!” he hollered as he ran. Two other Village males followed, snickering behind him. Lulu followed, just escaping the grasps of Maria and Asariah.

“Think he’ll actually kill her this time?” one asked as he ran.

The other shrugged, almost tripping over a rock, “Buy me a drink if he does!”

“You’re on!”

As Jaret neared the battle area, he grabbed Nevaeh around the neck and held her in a choke-hold under his arm and then hit her over the head with his staff. “What do you think you are doing girl!?” he growled.

Nevaeh let out a sharp gasp and then proceeded to struggle in Jaret’s grasp. “H-hey! Let me go old man!”

Lulu soon showed up, standing away from the scene and blushing profoundly at her family’s display. Nevaeh seemed to escape her Grandfather’s iron grasp by elbowing him in the stomach. His momentary lapse left enough leg-way for her to escape. Rubbing her head, she was almost toppled over by Lulu as she ran and threw herself into her elder sister.

“Lulu!” Nevaeh shouted from surprise.

Jaret turned to the two Villagers who had followed him, “Go get the stables ready for their horses, and gather some extra food and water for them.”

They nodded and went to get everything organised, one whispering ‘damn, no drink today’.

Jaret then turned back towards Genta, nodding his head towards Kara, Ishio and Katsu. “I am terribly sorry, my Granddaughter is an insolent girl who needs to LEARN SOME MANNERS!” he yelled the last part, knowing Nevaeh had heard when she yelled back, ‘hey!’.

He looked at Genta, “Please, your clan can make them selves comfortable. The stables are right over there,” he said, pointing to his left, “Your horses will be looked after and the Villagers of Asotia will make sure you are all housed, fed and have plenty of water. Genta, can you come with me so we can work over plans to get the woman and children out of here as soon as possible? I have been trying to calm my clan, but they are just a nervous as earlier this morning.” Jaret seemed to be quite stressed and his face seemed tired.

They needed to work fast if the rumours were true and Evalasia already had guards out here to take them out.

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"How much is left!" Miya laid in the floor, she lost how many time had she been running following the border of Toku to the west. "Either way this is place is amazing..." Miya believed she was going crazy when she saw the forest for the first time, even if she was still far away she could see the trees and the forest line was covering the whole horizon, now that she was in front of it she couldn´t believe the size of the trees, for her they where touching the sky.

Miya grabbed her bag and took out a little piece of dry meat, "5 left... I´m gonna be out of rations at this pace" she sighed and started to eat the meat slowly, she was remembering the meeting with the old man and how many hatred he showed. "So, this is the other side..." for a little moment Miya remembered herself , a little younger helping a human and how in to return the favor he teached her to use swords, never once Miya saw a face full of anger or hatred towards her coming from him.

"It is necessary... yes peace is waiting for us.." Miya ended eating her meat and looked into the west , the forest showed no end, at this pace she was to keep travelling for a week or more, and that was if she resisted, she was getting low on water. "There is no choice..." Miya took the silk cloth and released the little knot, she took the object she had been hiding all this timeoin the cloth, it was an old sword with the blade point almost breaking, and the edge full of scratches, Miya raised it to the sky looking at the details with the light, she sighed, the blade collar was about to brake.

"This is your fault Saha... if you had let me took more care of it..." Miya sighed again she took her bag and sword and made a knot tiying both to her back, she test the tightness of the cloth so neither the sword or the bag would fell in what she was about to do. She took a large breath and started jumping a little without moving, she stoped and started chanting in a low voice. "In thou I believe, with hope and strenght, lack the faith to keep up grant me the agility and speed!"

Below Miya a white circle started glowing spinning, after a little flash Miya´s legs and feet were flashing with the white light "Ok then no waiting anymore, next stop Aliaya!!." Miya started walking and then running, but her speed was insane, she was letting dust behind her and she can barely be seen by other hybrids, she guessed that for humans she would be seen blurry. As soon I reach Aliaya I will take first road I see, no matter in which village I end! MIya started laughing happily, yes doing that would tire her more , but she will be able to reach Aliaya in less time.

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Lerro on Thu Feb 18, 2010 7:18 pm

Genta's calls for the headman were answered, but not by the person that he or the others next to him were expecting. Katsu watched as a beautiful girl walked forward, hands on her hips and a sour tone in her voice.

“You’ve waisted your time,” she snapped, “The old man’s a bit senile, so you can’t take anything he said seriously. So you can just head back the way you came, we don’t need you.”

"She really is too much like her grandfather..." Genta spoke underneath a cackling laugh. "Allow me to introduce to you, Nevaeh, granddaughter of Jaret." The cat hybrid spoke as calmly as he could.

Katsu didn't pay attention to Genta's words, he was concentrated on the girl. Obviously she did not want them there and had different views about the war than Oldita did. That was to be expected, however. Despite Oldita's happiness about the war, there were others that thought fighting would make things worse.

“Did you hear me old man!" She spoke up again in an angrier tone. "Argh, where’s some catnip when you need it...”

Katsu couldn't keep himself quiet any longer, his eyes narrowed as he looked the girl over. "Forgive us if our arrival does not please you, but war is upon you. We are here to fight for you and your people whether you agree with it or not, Miss Nevaeh." Katsu tried to say the words as politely as possible, but his anger showed a bit more than his intentions for protecting Asotia.

"Keep silent, Katsu." Genta turned, eyeing the young warrior. "She is the headman's daughter and as such she deserves your respect." Obviously, Nevaeh's unkind words that were centered at him earlier did not do anything to him. He still presented himself as before and no doubt still planned on making Asotia his temporary home, as did the other Oldita villagers.

“What do you think you are doing girl!?” Jaret appeared from behind and grabbed his granddaughter, putting her into a headlock. A very short brawl continued as Jaret held the upper hand, until she gave a swift elbow. That ended the short battle as a smaller dark haired hybrid girl ran over to Nevaeh.

Once Jaret recovered from the blow, he looked up at his old friend and said, “I am terribly sorry, my Granddaughter is an insolent girl who needs to LEARN SOME MANNERS!”

"Yes well, maybe she should be the one fighting in this war." Genta remarked. "She seems fierce enough to hold her own against old dog hybrids." He laughed as he hopped off of his horse.

“Your horses will be looked after and the Villagers of Asotia will make sure you are all housed, fed and have plenty of water. Genta, can you come with me so we can work over plans to get the woman and children out of here as soon as possible? I have been trying to calm my clan, but they are just a nervous as earlier this morning.”

"Of course, I am at your service, mutt." Genta said, still laughing. "Ishio, you will come with me please. Katsu, take yourself and your little friends to the stables. Make sure all our men get settled in."

"Certainly." Katsu nodded with a quick bow of the head as Genta walked off with Jaret. "Adrian, Eric," Katsu called to his friends, "come. Let's put our horses away and find somewhere to sleep for the night."

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Re: Tales of Evalasia; War for the Perfect World (IC // OPEN)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Seijun13 on Fri Feb 19, 2010 10:12 am

Adrian laughed as Eric began bouncing in his seat, eager to get a closer look at the village. "Let's go, let's go!" He cried, squeezing the reigns tightly. "Hurry up or we'll be left behind!" Adrian glanced down at the hybrid and, just to be annoying, pulled back on the reigns to slow the horse down. Eric let out a frustrated growl and folded his arms over his chest. No sense fighting a losing battle, after all.

Once the child had settled down, Adrian snapped the reigns sharply and urged the horse forward. When he caught up to Katsu, he matched Katsu's pace once more before looking around. "Funny, I've been to all kinds of places but I've never been here before," he murmured to himself. "Should have come here sooner. It's nice to see a place like home." For a while, he simply followed Katsu in silence, but when they arrived at the stable, Adrian suddenly asked, "Katsu, isn't the country of Akatoyo around here? I may be wrong, though. I've been all over the place and I don't think I've been here before." He laughed as he dismounted and helped Eric off the horse. "It's a small, small world we live in."

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