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Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

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Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sat Jan 09, 2010 12:46 am


In the beginning there were three countries, all at war, a rare thing to find three countries at war with each other. The surrounding countries watched as the countries sought to destroy each other. Xhouliu, Corin, and Amur were countries who were thought to be peaceful places. What happened to cause the war between them is a mystery, no one knows. What they do know is that the war went on for a long time until Corin resorted to new destructive weapons. Xhouliu and Amur had special weapons of their own but none like Corin's. When Corin's weapon was launched into the air a meteor shower destroyed all below, lighting fire to the countries. The last battle of the war ended in disaster, the land burned straight through all three countries, starting in Corin, to the north, spreading to Amur, to the west and ending in Xhouliu, to the south. The dead were everywhere and the countries were forced to stop the war. It took decades before the countries started to recover, but the scar in the land still remained.

Now it has been a century since the war and the scar still remains, and several odd creatures and other sort of odd happenings have begun to pop up all over. Their root seems to be the Scar, which is hardly surprising. No one knows what sort of weapon was used to make the Scar, not even Corin. Their king had kept it secret and took that secret too the grave. Before the war there had been tales of witches, dragons, and other sorts of magic, but now monsters more terrifying then any could imagine. Strange diseases took the lives of many often without warning. Now it is time for some to seek out the Scar and find what is causing all their problems. The only problem is that the governments of each country are too afraid of what is in the scar to send their armies to investigate. This forces a few brave adventurers to find out for themselves and tell their tale if they survive.



This country's people are much like the Europeans, pale with several different shades for hair and eye color. The country is covered in mountains and cold icy rivers. They rely mainly on these rivers for travel and food, the rivers are rich with fish. The mountains are filled with all sorts of furred creatures, some lethal others passive herbivores. Fur is very common among the Corinians seeing how it is the best way to keep warm in their cold climate. They mostly use Giant Ganugen for transportation if rivers are unavailable. Giant Ganugen are much like mountain goats with thick brown fur and large curling horns. They stand about as tall as the average horse and can carry twice as much weight. They are made for the mountains, as they can climb up any steep cliff side with ease.


This country's people are much like the Chinese, dark hair and eyes with smooth faces. The country has many forests, bamboo, evergreen and deciduous. There are mountains here as well but the smaller ones are smooth like hills and often have all sorts of plants growing on them, the taller ones are sharp and icy. To the south there is a desert with severe sand storms and little life. The Xhou prefer to travel by your common horse, well sort of common. The horses here appear to be more of a mix between a horse and an elk. Their faces are deer like, but they have the mane and tail of a horse, their ears are more like a horse's but their hooves are like an elks. They often dress themselves with cloth made of a plant much like cotton.


This country's people are very diverse in appearance. Amur doesn't have any mountains or deserts, it mostly has lakes, rivers, and forests. The Amurans are a mysterious people with a culture that seems to change as you move through the country. They prefer to dress themselves with both fur and cloth and often prefer to walk rather then use an animal to travel.

The Scar:

The Scar is a jagged strip of land composed mostly of gray dead forests and jagged cliffs and mountains. What is in there is a mystery.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:08 am

Jia had been traveling in the western forests for several days now, quite sure she was lost. She didn't know which direction she was traveling or how close she was to the Scar. She didn't have a true purpose to traveling there other then for her now dead teacher. She could tell her horse was starting to tire and they could use some water by now as well. The bamboo was almost too thick to see properly through and it was a wonder how she and the horse had made it this far in.

Dismounting, she led Mei through the forest hoping to find a good place to rest. Instead they found a river which she decided she would try to fish from. So she let go of the reigns and unsheathed her sword. She sat at the rivers edge, waiting for a fish to come by, just one was all she was asking for. She hadn't been very lucky lately and what she didn't need at the moment was more bad luck. Unfortunately today did not seem to be her day as a hissing voice whispered behind her. "Smell you rats, smell you?" Jia spun around to face a creature commonly known as Sleeths in the form of a man.

A Sleeth was a creature composed of at least fifty snakes, this creature had a hive mind and could speak about any language as well as change its form. They were famous for devouring people slowly by engulfing them with itself. They used the word "rat" for just about anything they could eat. "Yes, smell I rats smell I." Another hissing voice said enthusiastically. Unsure of what to do, Jia stood up and said, trying to sound confident, "I'm not a rat. Go look for food elsewhere."
"Be you rat, be you." it said all of its snaky voices speaking in unison, the phrase was both statement, question and demand, for that was the way Sleeths spoke.
"No, I'm not a rat." Jia said again, backing to the edge of the river as the Sleeth stepped forward. She didn't know how to kill a Sleeth, she just knew they were hard to kill and that frightened her. She also knew that they could be confused and that was the best way to get rid of them, but she didn't know how.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dex on Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:38 am


"Beck... are you sure about this?" Aron looked at the black wolf as they walked along the path, scratching his head confusingly. "If your lost just tell me, no need to feel embarrassed." Beck looked back at him angrily and pressed forward with its head held high. How am I supposed to follow something with this big of an ego. Beck stopped and laid on the ground to take a rest, leaving Aron standing there is disbelief. He sat down and laughed a little, petting Beck a little before removing a letter from his traveling pouch. The letter told Aron to go to the Scar and he would be paid a massive some of gold. "Almost seems to easy. What do you think boy?... Beck?... sleeping already? Damn wolf is lazier than me."

A few days earlier Aron was sitting in a tavern in the capital city of Amur, waiting for a contact. Beck sat across from him eating a piece of salted meat on the table. The other Tavern dwellers stared at them, wondering how a wolf managed to be allowed inside a middle of the city tavern, or even the city at all. The owner of the tavern was a friend of Aron's and pets were permitted in the city as long as they were tamed. He hurt the tavern's business, but the owner liked Beck and found Aron and Beck's bond interesting. A man approached the table they were sitting at and dropped a letter on it and then left before Aron could ask anything. Within the hour, Aron and Beck left the city for their next adventure.

Aron wasn't to familiar with the scar or its location and asked around here and there, but the directions were always cryptic and off somehow. Eventually he decided to let Beck lead the way and they've been wandering ever since. Aron pulled out his map and looked around the layout of the land. "We should be in the Frenlan forest near the border." The Frenlan forest was small, but easy to get lost in. It wouldn't even appear on most maps, which was why finding your way through it would be a difficult task. Aron looked over to Beck and shrugged his shoulders, "If we get robbed, your covering the costs for new stuff." Aron laid on the ground, using his pouch as a pillow and gripped his sword tightly in his hands.
You're not your job. You're not how much money you have in the bank. You're not the car you drive. You're not the contents of your wallet. You're not your fucking khakis. You're the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orith Nar on Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:05 pm

Zack Fair looked across the tavern he was sitting in, a table inthe back was occupied by him, nestled in the corner, and his Nexu. A Nexu was a creature found soon after the war, a cat-like creature with four eyes, and normally tawny fur. He pet the Nexu's tan with black stripes head gently. The Nexu purred. "Haha, happy again, huh, Zair.." He had named the Nexu after a variation of his name. Zack Fair. Zair. He looked down at the note that had a dagger stabbed into it, keeping it anchored on the wooden table. He sighed and pulled out the dagger, reading it again and again. He sighed, and snapped his fingers, shouldering a black pack which was the same color as his light-armor.

As he walked out of the tavern, with Zair following him, he went to the stables near the large tavern/inn, and conversed shortly with the Stable-Keep. After speaking with him, he handed him Fifty Gilnah. Gilnah being the currency of their land. He pet a midnight-black horse gently, smoothing his long, flowing mane. He pulled himself onto the horse, after saddling it. He smiled at Zair, whom was faster than any horse, and almost as big as the largest horses, but she hated whenever Zack rode him. He sighed and pet Zair from his mount on the horse, and the horse left the stable, walking slowly at first, then breaking into a gallop. Zair kept up easily, going ahead at times, Zack didn't even have to lead the horse, the horse was following Zair. Zack, in mid-ride, took off the pouch on his belt, and clipped it to the side of the saddle. The pouch held a set of five or six throwing daggers, a small blow-pipe, and a smaller pouch, full of posoined darts. It also held a small vial, full of posoin, to posoin darts, and daggers. He adjusted the large Buster Sword on his back, so it didn't hurt the horse. He would hate to injure the horse, when he had a long ride ahead of him. The Scar.

He stopped at the sight of a fellow Xhouliu and a Sleeth. He stopped the horse, and beckoned for Zair to stop, she did. He got off the horse, and unsheathed his blade. "Oi! Rat, back off of her, she's my kill!" He yelled, winking at Jia as the Sleeth turned around. He walked forward, and the Sleeth froze, his mass of writhing snakes stopped moving altogether. They new Zack. Zack Fair, the famous warrior. He was known throughout all three countries, but, he had dissapeared lately, and it was rumoured he was now an assasin. Zair stepped forward a few steps, and looked up at Zack. "Can I?" Sleeth's were the natural prey of the Nexu, and both the Sleeth and the Nexu were a rare breed, because of Nexu's, the Sleeth was even more rare. Extremely endangered. The Sleeth backed off, and the writhing mass of snakes slithered into the undergrowth near the river, dissapearing with a sickening hiss, as it left the scene, afraid of Zair and Zack. He walked towards Jia. "Haha, where are you headed? Oh, and, I'm Zack Fair, and this is Zair." He bowed slightly, and Zair rose up on her hind legs, making her tower over the six-foot-seven Zack, Zair was a good ten-foot-tall when on hind legs. She bowed her head, and returned to all-fours. The girl would know both Zack and Zair, Zair was known for being a Warrior-Nexu, as the more noble Nexu were called, especially since Zair was Zack's pet.
"I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity." -~-~-~- Edgar Allan Poe.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sat Jan 09, 2010 4:44 pm

Jia watched as the Sleeth coward and ran from the man and his Nexu. She had heard of a warrior who has traveled with a Nexu. This must be him, she hadn't heard too much about him just that he was someone who ought not to be messed with, nor his Nexu. "Um, hello, my name is Jia Quingge. It's a pleasure to meet you." She said with a bow, she was rather intimidated by the tall creature beside the man, so she decided she'd best be formal about her introduction. "Thank you for scaring off that Sleeth. I doubt I could have done so. I'm going to the Scar." She said walking over to her nervous horse, she hadn't taken the Nexu's introduction to well. That was one problem with Jia's mare, she was easily frightened by everything other then Sleeths apparently because she had no reaction to that creature.

Then she walked back to the waters edge and said, before kneeling at the water's edge, "I'm about to catch some fish, you're welcome to some of my catch if you wish." Then she raised her sword, poised to strike like she had been before the Sleeth interrupted her. She felt that if man had meant to harm her, he would have done so by now, so she didn't mind having her back to him. Seeing a shadow in the water she struck out with lightning speed and when she looked at the end of her sword she had a rather scrawny fish. Pulling the fish off she set it down beside her and tried again, hoping to catch a bigger fish. If Zach and his Nexu decided to stay, she would have to catch more then a scrawny fish. Even for herself the fish would not be enough. She'd been living on rations and only eating twice a day, it wasn't the best sort of diet to keep up one's strength. Finding the river had been a strike of good luck, let alone catching a fish.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orith Nar on Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:19 pm

Zack smiled. "Haha, my, my, my..." He said, chuckling and sitting down near her on the bank of the stream. He saw her strike down the fish. "Now...I don't believe I can do..That..." He said, watching the fish being impaled in the water. He smiled. "I do not believe I want to meet you in battle..." He said, smiling. He pet Zair on the head, and she purred. He smiled. "Zair likes to be pet..." He said, ruffling the Nexu's hair, and she looked at him, an irritated look on her feline face. "The Scar, huh? That's where I'm headed..." He said, handing her the letter which was attached to the metal belt on his waist. He smiled and sheathed his large Buster Sword, realizing he had still had it in a defensive position in his hand. His shirt, on the back, had to clips, which held the sword in place from two holes in the near-tip of it. He smiled as he sheathed it, and the clips came together with a sharp Clack! Clack! He looked at Jia. "Well, maybe we can travel together. It's always good to have more company, I normally travel with just me and Zair here." Zair purred again, and crossed her muscly forearms on Zack's lap, and curled up next to him, cuddling his waist and lap, and part of his torso. Zack smiled. "She's a cuddler." He said, petting her a few times, before re-directing his attention to her. "Well, tell me if you want to take me up on that offer, after we eat, of course, I'm starving." He said, looking at the water. He saw a large, plump shadow swim by, and his strong right hand dove into the water, coming out with a plump and fat fish, from the looks of it, it was a Thunga. Thunga's were large fish, and their meat was succulent and delicious, a delicacy in Xhouliu. They only lived in small streams or mountain-rivers in the country of Xhouliu.

The Letter.
Dear, Zack Fair, Warrior and Protector of Xhouliu,

I am pleased to inform you, my one-up, has decided to recruit you for his excavation and retreaval team, to venture into the Scar. You will act as a guard and guide through the Scar, and protect the excavators, and others I have chosen. Please, meet me at the Scar two days after you've read this letter.

Sincerely, The Shadow.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sat Jan 09, 2010 5:58 pm

"I had a great teacher." Jia explained before turning to the letter. "Are we that close to the Scar?" Jia asked as she put down the letter and turned back to the water. She didn't realized she had traveled so far, she began to wonder about how far she had traveled, if her father was searching for her and what lengths he had gone to. She looked to Zair as Zach spoke, she seemed happy, that was good. Then she turned back to the water, and continued to listen to what Zach had to say. "Yeah that might be a good idea, I've never really traveled much before now. Not on my own at least and my luck hasn't been the best lately." She said in response and watched him pull a fat fish from the water. " Good catch, I'm sure I could never do that. That takes a good deal of skill to pull that off barehanded." Jia commented, as she turned back to the water.
She waited again for another shadow in the water, she was lucky that were fish in this river, a good amount of fish. Seeing a shadow she struck out again and pulled up a fish a bit bigger then her first. "How many fish do you think we'll need?" She asked as she pulled the fish off her blade and put it with her first.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orith Nar on Sat Jan 09, 2010 7:35 pm

He turned to her and smiled. "I had a good teacher." He said, setting the fish down next to her two. "I don't know, Zair and I just ate. And I think this should be enough for you, am I right?" He asked, smiling as he stood up and walked to his horse, which was grazing near the river. He pet the horse's mane, and unattached the pouch from the saddles, and clipped it to his belt. Click! He walked back over to Jia and smiled at her, Zair now had her head on Jia's lap, and was purring softly in her sleep. "I told you. She's a cuddler." He said, shaking his head slightly, he cupped water in his hands and poured it on Zair, who jumped up and yowled, screeching irritatedly at Zack. "Oh, you know you can't complain." He teased, and the sentient Nexu looked at him. "You know I can devour you for dinner, right?" He Nexu said, with a pur. Zack smiled. "You wouldn't." He said, petting Zair. Zair purred and arched her back in a contented way. "True..." She mumbled, enjoying the petting session.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sat Jan 09, 2010 8:48 pm

"I bet you did." Jia said with a grin, and then continued, "Well, alright if you say so." She was rather surprised when Zair laid her head in Jia's lap, but she didn't mind so much. She couldn't help but chuckle as the two had their little dispute. Then Jia stood and said, "A fire would be a good thing." Being in a forest had it's advantages although Jia had never used bamboo to make a fire before. Soon she had a enough dry wood for a fire and she put it all in a pile. Then she went over to her horse and pulled a stone out of her bag and went back to grab her sword. She, then, used the sword and stone to make a fire. It didn't take her long, the sparks worked well enough to start it. Once she was satisfied with how the fire was going she grabbed the fish and put her two back on the sword and put them over the fire. "Come over here, the fire will keep us warm." She said, noting that it was now dusk.
"So where are you originally from Zach?" She asked curious, she was a very curious person and tended to ask a lot of questions when she felt the opportunity was right.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orith Nar on Sat Jan 09, 2010 9:41 pm

Zack smiled as Zair trotted near him, both of them walking towards the fire. His horse had walked over to the fire, and was already sniffing at the fish. "Zair, eat." Zack said, and the large female Nexu pounced on the fish Zack had caught, devouring it hungrily. Zair finished and plopped down next to Zack, gently pushing him as Zack looked at Jia, his eyes had a story to tell, just in his look. "Oh, Zair, don't be jealous, you're still my favorite girl." He said, returning the push with a chuckle. He turned back to Jia. "Well, Jia...I'm from Amur, and my parents brought me here, right before their death, as I grew up, I strove to be like my father, he had been the leader of Amur, and I wanted to be the Protector of Xhlouiu....I actually hate the publicity I get being Warrior and Protector..." He said, smiling at her. "Well, enough about me...What about you?" He asked, and Zair pushed him again, as she noticed the small bit of flirtatious flare in his tone. His tone was normally like that, Zair just liked to be playful.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sat Jan 09, 2010 10:06 pm

Jia smiled to herself as Zair ate the fish, she had hoped that she would. She planned to give Zack one of the fish as well, she was always one to share the wealth. "Yeah, I know how that can be sort of." Jia said nodding after Zack told her he didn't like the fame. "I'm just the daughter of a politician. My father is a friend and works for the emperor, I don't remember exactly what he does but it's about politics. Since my father has only me, and I'm not the son he had hoped for, he and my mother decided that I'd become a proper lady that they could marry off. My master was our head guard and he taught me, in secret, to fight since I was young. He passed away not too long ago though, a strange disease killed him. That's kinda how I ended up here." She explained, she could remember times when the emperor spoke to the country. Her father was always present, standing nearby while Jia and her mother stood in the background, looking pretty.

Jia wouldn't miss those days, nor would she miss sitting in a carriage for hours, unable to look out the window to see where they were going. Her mother would never allow her to do so, afraid that a bandit or someone would take a fancy of her. She wouldn't miss the hours she would spend practicing her calligraphy or being waited on. She wouldn't miss the days when she made no choice for herself. The day she had left home, she had stolen a servant's clothes, food, some money and a horse from the stables. She knew the horse was one of her father's favorites and that he would probably be rather put out with her for taking the mare. With very little experience, Jia had started her journey and now here she was.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orith Nar on Sun Jan 10, 2010 11:51 am

He smiled at her. "Haha, sounds like we'll end up travelling together alot, if you're on the run." He said, getting up, and Zair clawed at the ground, purring. She sharpened her claws on a rock, and cleaned them in the stream, before following Zack. Zack had mounted his horse. "Well, remember, ride next to me, and if you get lost, stay with your horse. Horses are fearless." He said, petting his new horse's mane gently. The horse started to trot off, then broke into a gallop, going around the stream and continuing on their journey, Zair leading the way. He smiled and, like had had down before meeting Jia, he unclipped the pouch and put it in the saddlebags.

Zair came to a halt at a large fissure in the ground, where many men and women were already gathered. Zack looked to Jia on her horse and smiled. "We're here." He said, noticing a sort of stable set-up in the camp. His horse trodded to the stable, and Zack payed the man ten Gilnah to keep her stabled for the night. He turned to Jia, then handed the man ten more Gilnah. He walked to Jia, and smiled. "Lead your horse to that man there, the one with my horse. I already payed him." He said, grinning.

He walked to the edge of the scar, where steps had been carved. He walked down the steps, Zair trotting behind him. There was a large metal platform set up at the bottom of the steps, it was suspended in mid-air, and worked as a bungee platform to go deeper into the Scar. He approached a man in a tweed suit, smiling. "Are you...The Shadow?" He asked, and the man smiled. "Call me Inogrun. Well, Zack, glad to see you came. I was hoping to get the Xhouliu Protector and Warrior to aid me as a Guard." He said, smiling. Zack nodded, and the man began to fill him in on his job, and his pay.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dex on Sun Jan 10, 2010 5:49 pm

Aron and Beck woke up a few hours later to find that morning had already begun. "Well, lets get going." Aron through his traveling pack around him and followed Beck like he had done the day before, "Hey Beck? You wanna race?" Beck looked back at him and they stood there for a second before they both took off down the road. Aron could run as fast as any animal and was beating Beck almost the whole way to the next town. Aron got actually good directions from a tavern worker and they left just as quickly as they came.

After a few hours of traveling Aron and Beck emerged from the woods and were at the Scar. Aron approached it, gripping his sheathed sword is his left hand as they got closer to the edge. Aron looked down to see inside and wished he hadn't. Beck growled a bit and Aron could sense the dark nature of this place. "Impressive, isn't it?" Aron turned around to the man talking, who was dressed in expensive clothing and for some reason it was all colored in a deep red. "Who are you?" asked Aron as the faint wind brushed his hair into his face. "I am your contact. My associates and I are curious about the scar and wish to find out more about it." The man removed a cylinder from his jacket, "All we ask is that you simply collect dirt from the deepest part of the Scar and in doing so you will receive enough Gilnah to never have to lift a finger for the rest of your life." Aron took the cylinder from the man's hand and looked inside it to see glyphs and strange markings. "This thing won't blow up...will it?" The man laughed, "No my dear boy, that's just to insure the findings stay fresh and untainted. We've arranged for you to be an escort for excavators. Make us proud." The man turned around and walked to a carriage near the road.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sun Jan 10, 2010 8:42 pm

Jia had hardly finished eating her fish when Zack mounted up, she was surprised that they would be leaving so soon. She had hoped to sleep first, but oh well, she would survive. After putting out the fire, Jia sheathed her sword and tied it around her waist before mounting Mei. After a few hours of traveling, Jia fell asleep while her horse continued to follow Zach and Zair. She woke a few times to make sure her horse was going the right way during the night but she was never too far behind.

By morning they had reached the Scar and Jia woke, surprised to find herself in a gray land. She was surprised to find that she was so close to the gray and barren land. The only plants that seemed to truly stand were dead trees, they were gray and blackened. As she continued forward she found that they were actually standing on a cliff. Dismounting, Jia did exactly what Zach had told her to and handed her horse over to the man, making sure to keep her sword with her. Then she went and followed him down the carved out steps. She didn't have much to say about Zach's employer or anything, she wasn't interested in these people.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Tue Jan 12, 2010 6:23 pm

Neta rode her buck down through the forest, heading for the Scar. She was heading for the center of it, that way she could just cut through to the core. She'd been traveling for some time now and was glad that she was so close. Neta's pale skin had turned pink with healing sunburns and her fur lined coat was draped behind her over the male Giant Ganugen. It was a lot hotter here the at home and she did wonder how the buck, whom she'd aptly named Goat, was managing. A simple name and very fitting to the creature that looked so much like a simple farm goat. Goat must have been handling the heat well since he didn't seem to be sweating too hard nor was he complaining.

Ganugen's usually complained when they weren't happy by making a terrible screeching noise. It wasn't something she wanted to listen to often, but one got used to it. Neta would have complained if she had that much fur, all she wore at the moment was a simple shirt and leather pants. With her short hair, she was sure to look rather manly, but skirts were an inconvenience when one traveled, as well as hair. Neta could see that the forest was starting to end so she leaned forward and grabbed hold of Goat's horns. This was how one steered a Ganugen, with it's tall spiraling horns. If you let go of the horns, the beast would walk straight until you told it otherwise.

Reaching the cliff side, Neta pulled back lightly as a command to stop. Looking from side to side she could see other people stood at the edge. She wondered why they were there, but at the same time she didn't care. She reached back for her bow in case it would be needed and directed Goat to find a way down. As she passed the group, she saw a man with a wolf, she had never seen someone with a pet wolf before. She frowned slightly, confused as to how one could tame a wolf, but continued on slowly, searching for a way down. It should have been easy, Ganugen could climb up and down cliffs and mountains with ease, whether they were carrying someone or not, but she felt unsure.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaileena on Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:15 pm

The sun was high and blazing, beating heat upon her sun-kissed skin. Beads of sweat formed from her forehead, rolling down her cheeks only to drip off her chin and land upon dry ground, thirsting for something to drink. Makaila had been walking, making her way through Amur. Clad in simple cotton clothing with her katana at her back, she weaved through the crowded city. Her soft moss-green orbs would occasionally catch a few surrounding her, but soon after the ones around her mattered no more.

Just outside the city was a small tavern which she stopped momentarily for a quick eat and drink. This was also a good place for gossip and any information leading to her objective. She left as quickly as she entered talking to no one, making no friends. This was her life. Her way of living. Pain had long came and gone. Her thoughts focused on only one thing--Scar.

They say this was the root of it all. She'd remembered all those bed time stories her mother use to tell her and her sister. Sister. The mere word brought forth her face into memory--Laila. She was so young. How she missed her sister. Long tawny hair with big blue eyes. Her smile always brought warmth to her. The lingering thought only fueled her motivation.

She'd walk for hours and knew she was nearing that god forsaken place. The transition showed. The closer she got to her destination, the more dead it seemed. The cliff where she saw more people came into view. "Hmm.." Makaila pondered. Perhaps they came to sight see, she thought. Curious, she paused a moment and slowly inhaled and exhaled. Her right hand would run through blond hair before she licked her dry lips. Reassuringly she adjusted her katana, feeling it for comfort. They didn't look dangerous, but she never assumed anything. She was always prepared. Could they be working for them? A question which she asked herself, rubbing the bridge of her nose with her left index finger. For the moment she would keep her distance, waiting.
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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Orith Nar on Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:23 pm

He finished talking to the man and took a brown-leather pouch from him and clipped it to his belt, then turned to Jia, whom was still standing behind him. "Jia, my employer tells me I need to venture down into the Scar with an excavation team. I'm allowed to bring Zair, but not anyone else, so, go ahead and do whatever business you planned on doing here, and I'll meet you back here at sundown. Good-bye!" He said, strapping himself to a large cord and looping it around his belt. Zair had people surrounding her, and was being strapped into one as well. "Hey! Watch the gut!" She shouted, snapping at a man tightening the strap around her gut. She jumped down with Zack's nod and plunged into the darkness that was the Scar.

They landed probably a good three-hundred yards down, on a rocky outcropping. "C'mon, Zair, one more jump, girl!" Zack commented, and Zair nodded, and they jumped again, feeling no wind in their hair, they knew they were deep down, they could barely see any light in the gloomy darkness of the Scar, only some light shown through the perpetual sorrow and darkness that this mar of the land created, and it was a saddening thing to see, this blemish on the once-beautiful land. Zack felt like he was floating on air, not falling on air, and the feeling was great, it would be even more enhanced if there was wind in the inky darkness that was the destruction of life. The Scar.

They landed on a metal platform where many candles and lighting devices were set-up, and were guided to a man standing near the center conversing with a man in a yellow jumpsuit. The man in the center looked almost the same as the man Zack had seen above, and it confused Zack. "Well, Zack, Zair. It took ya'll long enough! Anyway, follow this man here, there's a path cut into the wall where we found something...Interesting, lethal and deadly, but interesting." Zack nodded and began to walk off, his ears popping from the altitude change. "Oh, and, don't die out there," the man called to them, and began to mumble. "Even though you probably will..." Zack kept walking, ignoring the comments. Zair trodded half-heartedly beside him, clearly depressed by the saddening atmosphere of the inky darkness that was the fruit of war. The Scar.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Koritai on Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:44 pm

Jia was not particularly happy about the news, but nothing she could do about it. "Well alright, see you around then." Jia said walking back to where her horse was. Mounting her horse she start to ride around the edge of the cliff looking for another way into the Scar, because it was not a big hole in the ground. She didn't know why excavators were there, people don't go into the Scar, but she didn't care any more. They didn't matter, if the stories about the Scar were true they wouldn't last long. In the distance, she saw the silhouette of a person, wondering who it was, she rode over. It took her a while since they were a good distance apart, but when she got there, she found that it was a blond woman. "Hello there." She said as she approached.

((Worst post ever but I don't care at the moment.))

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Dex on Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:56 pm

"Oh, by the way boy... the scars over there." The nicely dressed man pointed left and looked back at Aron. "That is merely a naturally formed cliff... idiot." Aron looked over to see he was still about ten miles from the scar.
Aron walked towards scar holding the cylinder. He had heard stories of the destruction that was rot here and the fear it still brings to people. The cylinder looked magically inclined and likely was going to do something to the sample Aron had to recover. "Beck, what do you think we should do?" Beck looked up at Aron and tilted his head like he didn't know either. "I guess we should try, we'll get to live like kings afterward." After the ten mile walk he found himself next somewhat long crack in the ground. It wasn't deep, nor something that you would be overwhelmed by, yet it did have a presence.

He looked at the cylinder and scratched his head, "Why do they need me to do this... its not even that deep. I could probably jump and survive the fall." He shrugged and put the cylinder into his pouch, "Well, easy money I guess." He looked around at the numerous people who for the most part seemed like those whose curiosity got the better of them.

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Re: Tales From the Scar In the Land (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Kaileena on Sat Jan 16, 2010 4:04 pm

The wind blew lightly. She relished in the mere simplicity of comfort that the wind brought upon her heated skin. Makaila shook her head, running both hands through mass of blond strands. She rolled her shoulders, stretching her arms about. Her muscles taut and lean as she gave another good stretch. The day would soon be engulfed by the night. She looked up wishing it'd stay day forever. Makaila never did bode well with what the night brought. Angelic faces twisted in agony with tattered wings played relentlessly. The haunting images tattooed itself within her minds' wall. She gave a mental shake and re-focused what laid before her.

Makaila stifled a yawn with the back of her hand. She noticed that a man had vanished from the crowd. Perhaps he had decided to enter or jump? '..Hm', Makaila pondered and seeing someone heading towards her. She kept her vision fixated upon the one approaching while she pondered a moment about the intentions of the others entering Scar.

The lady on the horse approached her with a simple greeting. Makaila nodded and spoke, " Hello, miss". Idly, she'd fold her arms across her midsection, peering up at her. Silence filled the space between the two. What was she to say next? She wasn't use to conversation, and she usually avoided such trivial things. But, she looked to have some sort of knowledge of Scar and what was going on. Perhaps she could gain vital information from her, but that would require much needed conversation between the two. Makaila let out a mental sigh and sucked in her in-differences.

"What brings you here?" Makaila asked kindly but bluntly. Might as well get to the point, she thought.

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