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The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

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The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Selothi on Sun Jun 15, 2008 6:17 am

Long ago, an emperor, as jealous as any that preceded him, built a vault, carved into the very rocks of the Northern Mountains. There, all along his reign, he deposited his gold, his taxes, his jewels, prized weapons; mountains of riches that were kept well away from prying eyes. Guarding this vault were the aptly named Guardians, warriors, samurais who swore fidelity to the emperor and guarded his prizes for all their life. These ones lived in relative peace and comfort, few dared to brave the vault, guarded as it was by these fierce warriors, and even more. Still, some tried, but none were successful; emperor Xiang-Hu's gold stayed where it was, and so for many years. Naturally, the emperor died, and his successors placed their valuables in the vault, though it still bears the name of Xiang-Hu's Vault. Many historians have studied the Vault, gathering rumours, testimonies from retired Guardians, though very few of them now live. The third successor to Xiang-Hu disbanded them. After all, no one could be so bold as to even think of robbing the vault. But was he right ? ...

This RP revolves around a plot to infiltrate and steal as much of Xiang-Hu's gold as possible. It won't be easy, but I'm sure we'll manage. All the members will have been contacted by the head of the guild involved in this massive coup, and you'll all have to wield the arts of stealth and be mildly intelligent. Also, as you may have noticed, this RP is based in kinda Japanese/Chinese setting, Feudal and middle-aged as well, so no guns, jet-packs, paladins or Crusaders, got it ?

Now, your characters will or a one stage have been part of the underworld, so we'll all be partners in crime as it were. You'll all have been contacted by the King of Thieves, the big head of the operation, and given SOME details of the theft, not even my character will know everything, and being a never-attempted-before heist, we'll all have to improvise.

Magic does exist, only elemental and telekinesis however, so you can't just teleport into the vault and nick everything. The vault itself is guarded by a multitude of magical traps and wards, and also things more sinister, though no mortal guards it ...

We'll discuss the plan to enter the vault once some people sign up, though I have an idea, but first, the rules:

-NO GODMODDING, that also includes controlling other peoples' characters without permission.
-LITERACY, for God's sake, literacy, I don't want to wade through pages of one-liner, txt-talk posts, and neither does anyone else, got it ?! That also means four lines MINIMUM, not maximum like some seem to think judging the length of their posts.
-If you want to join up, preferably post in this thread, though you can PM me, it's just it's nicer if the whole community knows who they're playing with, isn't it ?
-Respect the setting posted earlier, please ...
-Most of all; have fun :P.

And here's the character skeleton:



Occupation: (just what he's good at and does, ya know ?, tending towards thief, ninja, but not only)

Weapon(s): (keep it within setting)

Looks & other equipment:



Anyway, if you have any questions, suggestions or whatnot, feel free to ask and propose, and hopefully see you soon !
Last edited by Selothi on Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:41 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TFairy on Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:17 am

Name: Kianne

Age: 19

Occupation: Maid in Palace. Trainee healer.

Weapon(s): Bow and Arrows

Looks & other equipment:Image (Dress a bit longer though (= )

Kianne Li and her twin, Shang Li, were born to Mai and Jaoi. The pair grew up, almost inseperatable. Soon after Kianne began working as a maid, she began meeting with a young butler, which made her brother jealous. One night, her brother got so jealous of her spending so much time with the young gent, he slipped into the palace to kill the man. The next day, young Kianne went into the palace to find her brother dead. She blamed her boyfriend, and vowed vengence.

I'm screaming I love you so

But my thoughts you can't decode.

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Selothi on Sun Jun 15, 2008 8:38 am

Um, do you mean a maid in the palace where the vault is ? If so, that's impossible. All mortals have been withdrawn from the vault complex, and it isn't actually part of the palace. And, sory for sounding rude, but how will your char. help in the accomplishment of the heist ? (That was not meant to be rude.)

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby riddle on Sun Jun 15, 2008 9:30 am

name: enigma
age: 18
occupation: assassin
weapons: dagger and throwing knives
looks and other equipment: stands about 6' tall but thin. wears a black cloak cut tightly, but allows for freedom of movement. also wears a white mask at all times that covers his entire face. two small rectangles mark his eyes, and another longer one marks his mouth. wearing a black hood from his cloak and boots, the only visible part of his body is his hands, and is almost always playing with a knife or dagger in one of them.
bio: enigma has been in the underground for most of his life. after his parents were brutally murdered, he donned a mask at the age of five and no one has seen his face since and lived. being an assassin, he loves the thrill of getting up close and personal with his targets and so seldom uses his throwing knives except to gouge out the eyes of his victims, like a calling card. his abilities with stealth are well known throughout circles of men who need to know. other than the occassional team excursions he goes on, few people associate with him who are not employers or dead. rumor has it that when killing his victims, he graces them by removing his mask and showing them his face, but of course there is no fact to back it up...

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Selothi on Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:08 am

Riddle, you're in, just don't forget to use capital letters (God, I'm sounding like a teacher).

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby TFairy on Sun Jun 15, 2008 11:31 am

She works in the emperor's palace. She could find out info on the plans (If they still exist) and the guards (Well, the emperor needs some info on his guards)

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Selothi on Sun Jun 15, 2008 12:05 pm

Right, gotcha ! But, no more guard guards you know, they were disbanded, however, info on the other defenses, that could be possible. Anyway, yes that could work very well, sorry for misunderstanding you.

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby riddle on Sun Jun 15, 2008 2:42 pm

Sure thing. Old habits and all. How many we looking for before we start?

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Selothi on Mon Jun 16, 2008 2:09 pm

No probs. Well, we're three including me, I'd say 2 or 3 more people ... Anyway, here goes my character sheet:

Name: Rueko Tensuki

Age: 30

Occupation: Ronin turned criminal (i.e. assassin and hitman)

Weapons: "Meteor Sting": this weapon consists of a small yet heavy lead blade attached to three rings which are themselves attached to a tough, five foot long rope. At the other end lies a smallish lead ball, smaller than a fist. All in all, it's a mixture between a meteor hammer and a dart rope. Rueko wields it stunningly well. He also has two wakizashis tied to the back of his belt.

Looks & other equipment: Rueko stands just under 6 feet tall, with a nice, even build and well-toned muscles. He bears little to no scars. The ronin's eyes are a deep shade of blue, and his hair is dark black, like a raven, falling down just above his shoulders. He keeps his fringe tied back, out of his eyes. He has a small stubble, but generally keeps shaved. He wears a dark blue dõgi with gold motifs, with a set of back leather ribs going around his waist for protection, and a small black hakama, stopping at the knees, over brown pants. He wears black padded shoes and leather, ribbed gaiters for protection. His left forearm is covered in a very thick leather-covered steel bracer which, due to its grooves can hold his meteor sting around it. Rueko wears simple thick black fabric gloves on his hands. His dõgi sports a hood which he keeps up almost all the time, and during "professional" work he wears a brown leather mask over his face, stopping at his eyes. His dual wakizashis are sheathed at the back of his thick brown belt, which holds a number of pouchs holding various tools used by the ninjas.

Bio: Born a simple rice-farmer's son, Rueko lived on the family plantation for his first years, completing manual work and receiving little to no education. Indeed, his parents were too poor to pay for his teaching; However, Rueko's father did teach him all the various measures, and how to manage money. His mildly prosperous life changed for the worse when his farm was attacked by a group of marauding soldiers, the remnants of a defeated army. They torched and slaughtered the whole farm, the crops trampled under the horses and their carriages' feet. Rueko was taken captive, and brought to the men's shogun, their warlord. The boy, aged eleven, was drafted into the man's army, after all, he barely had any left.

And thus, Rueko Tensuki's training began. He learned all the arts of the common footsoldier, and his physical upbringing helped rise in the eyes of all his colleagues. Rueko quickly caught the shogun's eye and was "knighted" samurai on the eve of his sixteenth birthday, very young indeed. He performed in a few battles, and lived a cosy life, almost forgetting about the loss of his parents. Yet, deep within, he still felt hate towards those men for slaughtering his family, and his innocence. After one particular battle, were the shogun's men were once again defeated, this one, enraged by their evident lack of zeal, ordered all the men to be lashed 100 times. Rueko, first, couldn't accept that.

He incapacitated his punisher, before turning on the shogun, and stabbing him. This would've normally given him the death penalty, but the men, knowing Rueko's actions to be right, simply exiled him, turning him into a ronin. Since then, he has been eering the land, slowly sinking into the underworld organisations, and learning this new trade. At one point, he started learning the art of chain weapons, and has since become very profficient in their use, his Meteor Sting now a deadly weapon in his hands. The ronin has forgotten his once noble roots, now stooping very low indeed. The man has lost his heart, and his conscience. That is the man Rueko now is ...

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Démon on Fri Jun 20, 2008 5:59 pm

(when are we starting?)
Name: Faithe

Age: 17

Occupation: Ninja

Weapon(s): Bo and twin katanas

Looks & other equipment:

She was born to rich parents who spared no expence on their daughter. But one night, a group of assassains broke in, killed Faithe's parents and took the girl.
She grew up with the assassains, learning the ninja ways. She forgot about her famliy, and happily settled with her new 'family'.
She kills quick nad never fails a mission.

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Re: The Heist of the Emperor's Gold (OOC, sign up and the rest).

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Selothi on Sat Jun 21, 2008 1:35 am

I guess we can start today, I'll post the OP when I can, but first; the beginning if the plan:

The idea is this: there is an ore mine, somewhere fairly close to the complex of the Emperor's Vault. We will secure the mine, and the Guild Master will then send us a geomancer, who will promptly create a tunnel towards some part of the Vault. It won't be directly inside the gold deposit, and so we'll have to fight through whatever's guarding the ancient Vault. Then, when we find the gold, we'll formulate an escape plan. Alright ?

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