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The 'Other' Side of Town

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The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Mon Dec 28, 2009 4:48 pm

--> One | Two | Sister <--
[This is a Private RP between Awesomeocalypse and Rawrr.]

Jasmine Geidrus, at age twenty three lived with her father, Peter, and her little sister, Gabrielle. She worked at a local Sheets 'n Things, but never rose above the rank of simply cashier, half a year of working there, the shop closed up, and Jassy was laid off. A typical struggling mid-suburban family, even when Jasmine's father remarried. It was like a twister came into Jassy's life, uprooting the trees in her life and whacking everything in it's path. Her name was Kendra. A conservative woman, who's only interest was Jasmine's father; the girls can get lost. Because Jassy was an appropriate target, Kendra convinces Peter that it was time Jasmine moved out, and with a few more persuasive words, Gabby goes with her. This was a month ago. The two girls have been living in a less than perfect apartment, and in an even worse neighborhood for a week.

"Jassy?" A small voice just beside the brunette throws her back to reality. Jasmine all but looks down at her sister, her eyes fixated onto the menu above the small, dirty coffee shop. Had she been spacing out? Chocolate brown gaze settled a fraction lower, onto the expectant cashier's face, the woman looked like she was getting pretty annoyed. Jasmine glanced behind her at the waiting line she had made, then back at the menu. When she stepped closer to make her order, Gabby bounced up to the counter in front of her. "Large Hot cocoa, please," The girl ordered.

"Make that small," Jassy interrupted before the cashier could punch it in. This got Jasmine a rather vicious glare from her little sister, but the girl didn't say a word, she knew, for the fiftieth time, they didn't have enough to make it large. "And I guess..." Jasmine thought for a moment, then placed her order quietly. "I'll have a small raspberry tea," She murmurs, rummaging through her purse for her wallet.

Once it was all paid for, the two left the cafe to walk home. It wasn't dark yet, but it was certainly dusk. Every so often, Jassy had to pull Gabby along because the ten year old couldn't sip at her hot cocoa without stopping, which made Jasmine all the more nervous. Eventually, Jasmine was able to relax once their apartment building was in view; although it was considerably darker and Gabby had begun complaining about the colder weather, Jasmine felt as if she could handle herself if anything came her way. But a week in this part of town, she still wasn't used to. Every time she saw men standing in small groups, her heart went out of its way to pound adrenaline into her.

Just as long as home was in view, she was fine. She didn't see it coming, though. Just as she entered her apartment's parking lot, three men took notice in Jasmine and Gabby, more so Jasmine, calling out whistles and pet names. They either lived in this building or were visiting, because she hasn't seen them before. They were standing just outside the entrance smoking, in her path to safety.

"Excuse me," Jasmine spoke once she was right in front of them, indicating she needed to get through them. Although, she looked calm, fearless; her hand that was clutching Gabby's tightened over the smaller girl's hand. Gabby, though, avoided eye contact with the men, simply sipped at her cocoa.

"Oh you wanna get through?" One of the men began with a grin dangerously pasted on his lips...

smoke it, feel it, fly it high.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:08 am


Vincent Phoenix stood in front of his bathroom mirror staring at his reflection. Scoffing at his own appearance, he stepped out of the bathroom into his one-bedroom shanty of an apartment. Grabbing a black t-shirt off of his bed and pulling it over his head, Vince thought back to how he had gotten himself into this whole mess in the first place. "Wrong place at the wrong time." That's what the judge who had convicted him a felon had said during his acquittal after they had caught the actual criminal. The city had taken everything from Vince that he had worked so hard to earn and refused to reimburse him for it. They did, however, promise to get him a new place to stay. The small ceiling-stained, roach-infested shack was that promise. That had been four years earlier.

Moving into a bad town is like moving into a bog, you just start slowly sinking in and if you don't fight with all your might right away to get out, you're going to get stuck. Vince had waited to long and was stuck, but he still tried. He was working two jobs and the only bill he had to pay was a cell phone. To get around, Vince either walked or took public transportation to avoid paying for gas, insurance, and a new vehicle altogether. And a new vehicle in this neighborhood was just asking for someone to break into it and steal it.

The neighborhood was terrible. The homeless wandered the streets, sticking to the darkest of alleys to avoid the gangsters and thugs that hid just outside of the light. This wasn't new to Vince, though, as he had been living in bad neighborhoods since he was a kid. He doesn't like to admit it to himself, but he used to be one of those gangsters and thugs that hid outside the light. Taking advantage of people walking alone, scaring women and children, stealing their property, or worse. That was what eventually led to Vince spending three years in a state prison. Looking back, Vincent laughed. He had been eighteen for about one week when he had gotten arrested. Now, seven years later, he was doing everything he could to bounce back from all of it.

Locking the door behind him as he left, Vince headed down the stairs. He pulled open the entrance doors and found the usual assembly of street scum standing right in the way of the door. Vince didn't stop moving though, he simply continued walking towards them. "Move." Vince issued the order, his voice deep and full of strength. He may not have been the biggest guy on the block, but most gangsters were scrawny and worthless and wouldn't dare stepping up to the larger man. So they moved aside and Vince walked through them. That was when he saw her.

It was clear as day that this woman didn't belong in a neighborhood like this. And the young girl that was with her definitely didn't belong in a neighborhood like this. Slowly turning around, Vince saw that he had been forgotten by the thugs outside the apartment, as their attention was back to the woman. Vince quickly thought about what to do. He was built well enough to hold up in a fight, that was for sure, but he was unarmed. These guys probably had knives and shivs that would cause some serious damage. One of them might even be dumb enough to have a gun.

Pulling a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket, he put one in his mouth and looked at everyone. "You guys got a light?"

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:47 am

Dark brows furrowed in simple irritation. The men were considerably larger than her, although she was tall and slender, she could never take three of them on. By now, Jasmine was hating her father for allowing her to move into this dump. With a limited amount of money, there was no where else to go. And here she was, facing three men who were probably considering jumping her. A long sigh slipped past her lips when the man stated the obvious. She wouldn't be standing there otherwise, would she? Jasmine only nodded, which got a few fairly amused chuckles from the men, and Jassy cringed to the sound of that. It was never good.

"Please move," Gabby spoke up, fearlessly holding her cocoa. Jassy tugged on her little sister's hand to stay quiet, without actually having to voice it. But the girl's words were already out, nothing to do about it but hope the men didn't take her tone the wrong way.

"What's in it for us?" One of them tossed his cigarette aside and folded his arms across his chest, while his dangerous gaze stayed fixed onto Jasmine.

"I don't think you deserve anything," Jasmine muttered, and went ahead and tried her luck, closing in towards the door. But the man's arm snapped up in her path, and the woman had to halt or else she'd collide into the man. Before she knew it, someone called out behind them to move. Oh, god, not another one. Jasmine looked up at the man who had emerged from inside the door; but he kept on walking. The brunette didn't even have a chance to dash through the open moment, the door was barricaded again.

"Please," Jasmine almost sounded desperate. She hated being here, hated it completely. One of the three approached Jasmine, his hand lifting to her let down hair with the intention of stroking it, but before it made contact, the man who had recently came outside spoke up for a light. Jasmine closed her eyes in a desperate attempt not to panic; she didn't move, she simply stood stiffly. Now there was four of them.

"Here," The one who was about to touch Jasmine's hair tossed a zippo his way, then looked back down at the brunette. By now, Gabby wasn't feeling all that courageous anymore, she stood pressed to Jasmine's side, with her cup under her nose.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:50 am

Catching the zippo lighter that was tossed his way, Vince slowly lit his cigarette cautiously watching the three men blocking the woman and her girl from getting inside. Vince watched as the young child clung to the older woman out of fear. Part of him wanted to just lunge forward and start throwing the thugs around like rag dolls, the other part was worried he might get hurt, or worse, either of the girls. Snapping the zippo shut, Vince stepped forward and intentionally put himself between the guy who tossed him the lighter and the two girls.

"Thanks." Vince said, holding the lighter out in front of the thug. With the cigarette still in his mouth, Vince reached his free hand behind him and gently pushed on the woman, hoping that she'd get the hint to back up. Vince was going to try and do this as peacefully as possible, but if things got out of hand, he wanted the girls far enough away that they wouldn't get hurt and could easily get away quickly.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:50 am

Once the ordeal of lending his zippo was finished, the guy actually picked up a stand of Jasmine's hair in admiration. Immediately after doing so, Jassy's hand snapped upward to slap his arm away from her. "Don't fuckin' touch me," She hissed, only to have her sight on the man get interrupted by a broad back. Her dark gaze snapped onto the back of his head, as if for the moment she believed he wanted in on this game. Here he stood stiffly between her and the guy she just slapped away. Something tells her that if this brute hadn't stood in the thug's way, she'd have a black eye. And then his hand pushed on her shoulder. She wasn't stupid, it was a clear indication to move away. With both her hands on Gabby's shoulders, Jasmine steered Gabby out of reach of either of the three, and perhaps the fourth. Why didn't the damn building have a back door?

"Wha'the fuck you doin'?" The thug sneered at this man. Clearly, he was ruining their fun. As Jasmine watched on, with Gabby safely behind her, she could clearly see the reactions of the thugs, their turf, and someone was disturbing it. How animalistic this part of town was. The brunette's gaze snapped off to the side where a middle-aged woman stepped out to the balcony to smoke, dressed in a worn sleeping robe, her hair in rollers and her face wrinkled enough to give her ten more years on her age. She watched the men, then stared at Jasmine, who instinctively stared back. All the woman did was shake her head in disappointment at Jasmine, then turned the other way and puffed on her cigarette. What the hell does that mean?

Jasmine's attention drifted back onto the four men. All three of the thugs were already showing hostility towards the other man if he didn't back off. And they repeated this to him, until one of the daring ones attempted to slam his hands against the guy's chest, clearly in an attempt to show brutality, and maybe a little bit of fearlessness since he had his guys behind his back. Like pack members, the other ones grew more alert.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:32 am

"Wha'the fuck you doin?"

"Look, she's got a little girl..." Vince began. It was to no avail. One of the thugs forcefully shoved Vince backwards. Vince lost his balance and quickly extended one leg behind him to catch his balance. He wasn't expecting such an outburst of violence so quickly, but since that line had been crossed, there was no going back.

Growing up in bad towns, Vince quickly adapted to many fighting styles that people had. There was the hop and talk trash, the shove, the sucker punch, and many more. All were just various ways to give the other person involved to back down while giving themselves enough time to get their adrenaline pumping. Vince wasn't always big, he was actually rather small in his younger years, so the only way he survived was passing all the different fighting methods and go straight into beating people. This scenario was no different. If any of them had weapons, Vince didn't want to give any of them enough time to pull them out.

If you blinked, you probably would have missed the instant Vince went from defense to offense. Without warning and extremely fast, Vince punched the thug who pushed him straight in the throat. The thug's eyes bulged and tears poured out of them as he fell to his knees and gasped for air. Moving quickly, Vince stepped past the first fallen thug and put a hand on the second's shoulder, pulling him forward. The thug put up his arms to protect his face as he saw Vince's free hand come flying towards him. Vince quickly adjusted and slammed his fist into his soft belly. Hearing the wind shoot out of the guy's mouth, Vince pushed him to the ground. Vince was fast, but not fast enough, and took something blunt upside the head.

Caught off guard a second time, Vince's vision flashed from the blow and he tripped and fell to the ground. The third punk, who had grabbed a brick from nearby and gotten a lucky shot off, was very proud of himself. Instead of taking the time he had made available to help his friends to eventually win the fight, he had to make sure he was the big man and moved to straddle Vince's abdomen.

"Yeah! What now?" he yelled as he bent and started throwing wild and un-aimed blows at Vince's face. Still groggy, Vince slid his arms over his head to try and absorb the blows. It wasn't helping much, but it was still helping. Vince lazily raised his knee and pushed the gangster forward, using the fact that he was bent over against him. He stumbled forward, surprised. Vince rolled over onto his hands and knees and spit some blood onto the ground. He was just about finished when the thug did exactly what Vince wanted him to do.

Charging forward, the thug went to kick Vince in the ribs. Seeing this coming, Vince latched onto the leg and jerked him off his feet. Letting out a small yelp, the gangster fell backwards. Vince stood to put this one out of commission, but his head cracked against the ground with a fairly sickening sound.

Breathing heavily, Vince looked over and saw the first two were starting to come back around. He looked over at the woman and the little girl. "Inside. Go."

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:59 am

Jasmine's dark eyes narrowed onto the man who supposedly was trying his best to dilute the situation for the girls. He tried, only to be pushed forward with a force that Jassy was sure she'd be knocked over if it was her. And before she knew it, the first punch was thrown. The woman gasped, her free hand flying up to cover her lips in shock. She had never seen such a fight up close, in real life for that matter. Sure she very nearly had a cat fight with Kendra before, but this was different, this was real and dangerous. But it was so fast, it was shocking. She saw the brick coming, and she had yelled out something incomprehensible; her words jumbled up from the sheer shock of seeing this. It was either "Watch out!" or "Careful!" or something along those lines.

Gabby was crying already, her face nestled in Jasmine's jacket. The woman didn't know what to do for sure. He was taking blows, and she wanted to jump the thug, but she was considering the consequences before she did anything. And then the charging, jerk, fall, and crack. Jasmine's eyes widened. For a moment she couldn't move, even when the guy was telling her to go inside. It seemed like an eternity that she couldn't move. But she did; she grabbed hold of Gabby's collar and very nearly tugged her sister to run inside. The small girl ran in front of Jasmine, maybe a foot or so in front. Gabby was able to get inside, but before Jasmine could get inside, one of the thugs who managed to get up grabbed hold of her wrist, jerking her away from the door. She gasped, and panicked for just a moment when she saw Gabby stop in the doorway. "Go!" Jasmine yelled at her little sister, watching her dash up the stairs in lightning speed.

Jasmine's gaze immediately snapped onto the thug who had jerked her towards himself, and he didn't see it coming when her arm swung around and dumped the rest of her raspberry tea onto his face; it wasn't steaming hot, but it was considerably warm. For that moment, he let go out of surprise, and Jasmine was able to free her wrist, tossing the cup aside at the same moment. She went for the door but was once again grabbed, this time by the waist, lifting her off the ground. "Let go of me!" She flailed, throwing dangerous elbows behind her in attempts to knock him on the sides of his head. It seemed this thug had his eye on Jasmine whether the guy who'd punched him was here or not. The other thug, however, was raging over his fallen friend, his anger directed at the guy who'd helped Jasmine.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Fri Jan 01, 2010 8:19 pm

Vince was down, there was no helping it. And when one of the two conscious thugs moved to attack him, there wasn't anything he could really do. After a number of kicks to his side and wild punches to his head, Vince laid on the ground not moving. He wasn't unconscious, but he was defeated. Blood ran out of the corner of his mouth and his nose, his head rang painfully, his side ached. He knew the little girl had made it inside, but the older woman hadn't. He heard her scream and feared for the worst. The thug stood over Vince's body, staring down at him angrily breathing. Vince could hear the rage in each breath. Not moving, he painfully awaited the next attack.

But it never came. The thug apparently decided that Vince was no longer a threat and returned to the harassment of the woman. Vince spat, sending a mouthful of blood onto the pavement. The woman was struggling, Vince could hear her. That was good. He wasn't about to give up, even though his body was wrecked, and knowing that she was struggling would buy him more time.

Groaning loudly, Vince moved his arms and began to push himself upright. He let out a quiet cry of pain as he pushed himself onto his knees, which the thug heard. "You ain't had enough, homey?" he said angrily and quickly walked to continue pummeling Vince. Without saying a word, just letting his raspy breathing escape his mouth, Vince watched as the gangster came in for another punch. It took everything Vince had to lunge forward, even though it was more of a fall forward. He landed painfully on the ground, once again on his face, but not before landing a blow to the thug's groin. He was aroused, the sick bastard, but it did that much more damage to him. The thug cried out in a high-pitched voice and grabbed his groin as he fell to the ground, laying right next to Vince. Vince slapped his arm on the thug's back, putting his hand on the side of his head. As the thug raised his head to resist, Vince forced his head back down, slamming it against the asphalt. The thug cried even more and tried to get up a second time, and Vince repeated his previous action. There was a gushy sound with the second hit, the thug's head split open and he stopped crying and attempting to get up.

Vince began to push himself upwards again, still in pain, but not as much as before. He winced as he slowly rose to his feet. The last remaining thug had a firm grasp on the woman and was staring, wide-eyed, at Vince as he debated on what to do. Vince could see the fear in his eyes as he moved from his two dispatched friends to the bloodied and beaten large man who was still standing, even though he shouldn't be.

"So what's it going to be, friend?" Vince let the words painfully escape his lips. "Is all of this worth it?"
"Shut the hell up!" the thug yelled.

He wasn't armed. If he had been, the weapon would have either been pulled before Vince broke the second thug's head open or it would have been against the woman's throat right now. Vince began calmly walking forward, with each step, the thug's expression getting more and more worried. The thug backed up, trying his best to keep control over the woman. This was good. The more she flailed, the more the thug would have to work his muscles to keep control, the more tired he would be when Vince finally got to him.

"Just let her go and you can go." Vince said.
"Hell nah! You get the hell outta here, homey!"
"Wha'da fuck is yo problem?"
"You are."

The thug's back was against the door. He couldn't open it, or else he'd risk the woman getting free. Vince continued his slow, purposeful march forward. The thug began looking around for something to use against Vince. Anything that could be used as a weapon, but there wasn't anything he could easily get without losing control of the woman or getting too close to Vince.

"It's over." Vince said, still moving forward.
"It ain't eva ova."
"It is today." Vince bent down and picked up the brick that had earlier been used against him. Seeing Vince's new weapon, the thug became even more concerned.

Suddenly, the thug shoved the woman forward into Vince's arms, who quickly dropped the brick and caught her. "Fuck dis shit." the thug said, quickly running off without even looking back at his friends. Vince held the woman as he watched as the thug disappeared, just to ensure he was gone, then his gaze turned to the woman.

"Are you okay?"

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:33 pm

Jasmine was too terrified to give up; her heart was pounding wildly inside her ribcage, pumping her heated struggle. She let out cries of war, that eventually morphed into sobs. Jassy had stopped struggling when her eyes fell on the scene before them, and her savior was down and unconscious. This is it, she's done for. The thug who was holding her flailing frame had his cheek pressed to the side of her head, whispering obscene things, and throwing the woman into more of a hysteria when one of his hands wandered down to rip away the button of her jeans. Jasmine cried out helplessly, kicking and screaming. Maybe someone'll hear her. But when it came down in this town, no one really gave enough energy to care.

"You ain't had enough, homey?" One of the thugs spoke, and threw her captor off course for a moment. Jasmine, though wanted to look her stranger's way, took this moment to try and jump out of the thug's grasp. Sure enough, she had almost gotten away, but his calloused hands grabbed her sweater and tugged her back to him, ripping the delicate white sweater at the neck. Jassy would have sighed in pure relief if both of the thugs went for this man, although it sounds selfish, she was seriously in the mindset that she will, in this encounter, die.

Jasmine's gaze snapped onto the other thug when he let out a high-pitched cry and tumbled to the ground, then towards the stranger who was as quickly as that, mauling the thug's head to the concrete. While she was still struggling, the gangster who was holding her had suddenly lost interest in undressing her, and was now staring in baffled fear as her savior was slowly standing up. He gripped Jassy tighter, and she cried out in pain as her elbow twisted, pressed up behind her and against his chest. Her head dipped down, black hair curtaining her face. She was still struggling, as much as she could with the energy she had left. With her size, there was no way for her to survive in this town, and this was proof of that, unless there were hero strangers at every corner.

The conversation between the two men went right over her head, she heard stagnant words, but she was swimming in her own fate for the moment.

"Fuck dis shit." And the next thing you know, the woman flew forward; her head snapped up in awareness, while sneaker clad feet stumbled, but she was caught. She knew she wasn't in hostile arms anymore, her shaky arms wrapping around a torso while murderous sobs shook her body. What a sick world. "Are you okay?"

It was then that Jasmine let go. She was okay, thanks to him. A powerful wave of relief washed over her, throwing her a little off balance as a light-headed sensation took over. Jassy nodded, her hands lifting to the neck of her sweater and lifted the fabric up to her eyes, wiping away those tears; then lowering to reveal a dazed expression with dark make-up running down her cheeks, some of it wiped away on her sweater. "Thank you..." She whispered, brown gaze observing his state; what she saw certainly stabbed a pang of guilt in her. "I have... a first aid kit inside..." She motioned towards the door shakily.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Sat Jan 02, 2010 12:49 pm

Vince smiled as much as he battered face would let him. The woman was terrified and in pain, and the first thing she thinks of is healing his wounds. What a good person. He released his grasp on her slowly to make sure she wasn't going to collapse.

"You've got a little friend inside who needs you more then I do right now." Vince explained, looking at the apartment entrance to see if he could see the woman's little friend. "Let me help you inside."

Vince held one arm out in front of him, as a guide trying to usher the woman inside. He didn't want to risk being outside just in case the thug managed to find backup. Vince accounted this victory entirely on luck and the various unwise choices of the gangsters, not on Vince's size or fighting experience. He would most definitely lose if anyone returned, and the woman would most definitely be violently harmed.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Sat Jan 02, 2010 11:17 pm

Jasmine looked panicked for a moment, her head swung around to stare towards the door, "Gabby!" Jasmine yelled out, but received no response. A glance was offered towards the man, and Jassy looked almost defeated, but turned to head inside as he motioned for her to do. A single glance was cast towards where the thug had run off to, but all the woman saw was a few faces in the vast expanse of windows across the parking lot. Neighbors were noticing this, but no one came outside to help. The anger didn't simmer long in Jasmine, her attention was currently on the beaten up man who had helped her and Gabby.

Once up the stairs, Jasmine noticed Gabby's small frame pressed against their door, her arms folded atop her knees, and her forehead on her arms. From the way her shoulders were shaking, the young girl was crying. "Gabby," Jasmine spoke softly, approaching the girl. Upon hearing her sister calling her name, Gabrielle scrambled onto her feet and ran to wrap her arms along her sister's waist, crying into her stomach helplessly. Jasmine, however, while patting Gabby's head, glanced at the man.

"Please don't make me beg you to come in. The least I could do is help with your wounds," At her sister's words, Gabby raised her head to look up at the man, only to burst into even grander tears than before upon seeing his face.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Wed Jan 06, 2010 4:56 am

Letting out a heavy sigh, Vincent nodded to the woman, finally giving into her request to head inside so she could tend to his wounds. Moving slowly, feeling pain with every step, he headed up the stairs. The young girl was crying heavily, Vincent didn't blame her. She was so young and already exposed to the evil truth of the world. What were these two doing in this neighborhood, anyways?

Turning his attention to the woman, Vincent smiled. "Alright, I'll let you patch me up."

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:05 pm

Jasmine ushered Gabby inside, who ran into her room and slammed the door. Jasmine extended her hand to let the man inside, and once he was in, she'd close and lock the door, quickly disappearing into the bathroom to get that first aid kit. She couldn't help but glance at the mirror image of herself, her dark make-up had run down to her cheeks and chin, her hair was a mess and the top of her white sweater was stained black. Before she re-entered the living room where she left him, she tripped the sweater off and tossed it in the dirty laundry, leaving her with a white tank-top; then washed her face very quickly. If he were to look around, the apartment was very feminine, not a single touch of masculinity, there were video games, children movies, and books that a ten year old would read.

Brunette returned with a white box, it was small but it held everything she needed, even if she wasn't a trained nurse, she had at least some knowledge. "I'm really sorry... You have no idea how sorry I am; you should..." She glanced at him, the very sight of his wounds twisted her stomach. "You shouldn't have helped me... You could have been killed..." That had just dawned on her, he could have, and it would all be on her head. But then again, she would have probably been dead too if he hadn't helped her.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Wed Jan 20, 2010 12:37 pm

Being ushered into the living room, Vincent stood in the middle of the room and watched as the child ran into a room in the back and slam the door. Turning, he watched the brunette woman also disappear. Left alone in the living room, Vincent began looking around the apartment. He chuckled to himself as he quickly analyzed that no man lived here, or if there was, he was very submissive to the decorative tastes of the two women. Vincent was about to start wandering around when the brunette woman returned with a first aid kit and a changed look. She still looked rather distressed, but still had a gentle glow about her.

"I'm really sorry... You have no idea how sorry I am; you should... You shouldn't have helped me... You could have been killed..." the brunette woman said when she returned. Vincent watched as she analyzed his wounds. He let a smile stretch out of the corner of his mouth. "Well if I hadn't, you and the young one probably would have been killed. How could I have lived with myself if that had happened and I hadn't try to stop it?" Vincent replied. He meant it. He conscious wouldn't have left him alone had he just ignored the situation. True, Vincent probably wasn't the type of person to be called the heroic type, but he figured that any other man had seen what had happened, they would have done the same thing. Or at least tried.

"Oh. name is Vincent by the way."

(OOC: SOOOO sorry I haven't been online in a month. Work is getting crazy.)

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:35 pm

(OOC: It's okay!)

"Well if I hadn't, you and the young one probably would have been killed. How could I have lived with myself if that had happened and I hadn't try to stop it?"

Jasmine almost sighed in relief in front of him. Suddenly she didn't feel so alone or hopeless in this town. And until now, she hadn't noticed the handsome man in front of her. Bulky, he had to be, living here. Her gaze lifted from his chest to rest onto his face after he finished speaking, and Jassy offered a weak smile. "Thank you, I honestly don't know how to repay you, I don't have much. I mean..." She held the box to her side, lifting her hand to scratch at the back of her neck as she thought. She'll call her father in the morning.

"Oh. name is Vincent by the way."

"Jasmine," She answered quietly, motioning for him to sit down. If and when he did, she'd set the first aid box on the coffee table next to the couch, quite clearly at a loss as to where she should start. She wasn't a nurse, she had no knowledge. Eventually, the brunette got the hang of it, and twenty minutes later, his wounds were clean and either bandaged up or covered with sanitary band-aids. "Where'd you learn how to fight like that?" D'oh! Stupid question. Here, of course. Immediately, Jasmine blushed a beet red, dipping her face down slightly as she wrapped up the last of his wounds. That was when Gabby emerged from the bedroom.

"Jassy, I called dad," She muttered, her face swollen from the tears. To that, Jassy only nodded, and the little one disappeared back in the room.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:21 pm


What a beautiful name, Vincent thought as he accepted the invitation to sit down the the couch. When he did, she began cleaning and bandaging his wounds, apparently not having very much experience in first aid. Vincent didn't either, but he tried to help whenever he could. But regardless of both of their inexperience with treating wounds, together they did a fairly good job of it.

"Where'd you learn how to fight like that?" Jasmine had asked. Vincent's eyes got wide with the question as he wasn't expecting it at all. He smiled as Jasmine turned bright red and tried to hide as she bandaged Vincent's last wound. He was about to answer when the young girl came out of her room. It was very obvious she had been crying.

"Jassy, I called dad." the young girl said quietly. Both he and Jasmine looked at her when she made this statement. A slight moment later, the girl returned to her room and Vincent looked back at Jasmine.

Dad? Vince began wondering if Jasmine was the parent for the young girl. But that couldn't be possible. Jasmine was far too young to have a daughter who was already so grown. He decided to put it from his mind as their family really wasn't any of his business.

"I appreciate all of this. But you should talk to the little one." Vince said putting on a half-crooked smile and looking into Jasmine's eyes. He knew from experience that children retain fear much better then adults do and it tears them apart. He definitely didn't want the innocent little girl becoming a shut-in, never going anywhere and too scared to even come out of her room because of what had happened. "Do you have a pen and paper? I can give you my number in case you need anything."

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Mon Jan 25, 2010 12:37 pm

"I appreciate all of this. But you should talk to the little one."

Jasmines own lips curled into a smirk when he smiled, gazing down into her eyes, and for just that moment, she was sure that this place wasn't such a shit infested, rotting heap of-- and other disgusting descriptions that fit the place. "My sister is old enough to understand this, but I don't think she'll know how to adjust... I'll talk to her-- I'll try," Jasmine knew exactly how Gabby could be, silent, and totally closed off when things didn't go her way, and when she was afraid. It was like talking to a wall.

"Do you have a pen and paper? I can give you my number in case you need anything."

"Oh, sure!" Jassy leaped onto her feet, b-lining straight to the phone that hung off the wall, underneath the device was a small table with a few papers littering it. Jassy snatched a single piece of white, unimportant paper, and a thin ball-point pen. She returned to stand in front of him, handing him the items, assuming he'd take them, she'd hook her thumbs off the back pockets of her jeans and sway from side to side casually. "What would that... 'anything' consist of?" A simple, warm smile graced her lips.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:25 pm

"What would that... 'anything' consist of?" Jasmine asked as Vincent was scribbling down his phone number on the paper that she had given him. He stopped momentarily and looked up at Jasmine. Vincent smiled up at the woman and then returned to writing down his number. Without looking at her, Vincent replied "Anything at all. I really don't have too much of a life and I'm really easy to get in touch with."

He handed the pen and paper, now with his number on it, to Jasmine. Groaning as he pushed himself up off of the couch, Vincent stood a good few inches taller then her. "This isn't a very friendly neighborhood and is home to not very friendly people. There are only a select few who aren't interested in getting out of this place through crime. You were very lucky this time, Jasmine. My only piece of advice is if it happens again, walk away and call me, okay?" Putting on his version of a comforting smile, Vincent held out his hand for a handshake. In the years he had lived in this rotten neighborhood, he had truly gotten to know the good people of the town. He had full intentions of introducing Jasmine and her sister to a few of these people, so she could find a friendly face in a time of need.

"You have a good night."

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Rawrr on Thu Feb 11, 2010 2:00 pm

"Anything at all. I really don't have too much of a life and I'm really easy to get in touch with."

Jasmine was absolutely glad he didn't take it the way she panicked he would. She sounded far more flirtatious than she really wanted to sound. After all, this was her savior, not her love interest. When he stood, Jassy lifted her head to look up at him. Tall, she couldn't help but search for something in his eyes before he handed her the items. She took the pen and paper back, looking over it briefly, then back at him when he began speaking.

"This isn't a very friendly neighborhood and is home to not very friendly people. There are only a select few who aren't interested in getting out of this place through crime. You were very lucky this time, Jasmine. My only piece of advice is if it happens again, walk away and call me, okay?"

The woman knew that before moving here, but there was no other way, with the small amount of money in her hands, she had no choice but to pick this place. "Thank you..." She wasn't sure what else to say. And right now, she kind of wished that more things like that happened, so she could see the man more often. "Good night." Once the door closed, Jasmine felt a wave of fatigue wash over her, but she certainly didn't sleep like a rock.

A week later, Jassy was striding back and forth in her apartment, panicking. Throwing herself in a fit of hysteria was her usual behavior when something was wrong, and something was certainly wrong at the moment. It was Gabby's first day of the new school, and it was 5pm already, the school having ended two hours ago. Where Gabby was, Jasmine had no idea. She had called the school a few times, circled the block and all of the neighborhood surrounding it. And still there was no trace of the little girl. Right now, in her hand was a little piece of paper with Vince's number on it. Maybe he has a clue where she could be. Or he could help her search for Gabby.

It was her fault, she was certainly blaming herself. She had interviews for jobs lined up while Gabby was at school, and a certain one kept her late to pick up the girl. With that in mind, she couldn't call him really. What would he think? A grown woman can't take care of her own sister. Ohh, but she couldn't call her parents. With a long moment of hysteria, she dialed Vincent's number and pressed the phone to her ear, pacing back and forth.

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Re: The 'Other' Side of Town

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Awesomeocalypse on Sun Feb 14, 2010 10:59 pm

Half asleep on the couch in the living room of his apartment with his feet propped up on the coffee table while the television played some show that Vincent had stumbled across, he was positively in a state of total relaxation. A half-empty beer sat on the end table next to where he sat. Vincent was no alcoholic by any means, but after work, Vincent would come home and drink one or two before taking his evening nap which rejuvenated him enough to make himself some dinner or drag himself to the bedroom.

His cell phone, which was on the coffee table, suddenly ringing was not usual. Everyone Vincent spoke to on a regular basis knew that it was nap time and never really disturbed him. Sliding his feet off the table and groaning as he leaned forward to retrieve the phone, Vincent lazily dragged the phone back onto his lap as if it were the heaviest thing he had ever lifted. The caller was an unknown number.

"Hello?" Vincent said standing up off the couch while picking up his beer with his free hand, fully awake and having decided it was now time to eat.

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