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The Poison of Light

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The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:35 pm

"Your Highness!" The cry ran out in the halls of Kaaria's greatest palace. The servants were running around looking for the country's crown prince who had slipped off at some point during the day.

"Of all the times to sneak away!" one of the older servants muttered, he was in no danger of losing his job for that comment, let alone his head, so he had not fear in saying that.

As the chaos continued, the crown prince, himself, sauntered into the entrance of the palace. He was a tall, lean boy of about eighteen. His dark hair and eyes were in contrast to his naturally pale skin. He was beautiful by any standards and despite his tendency to disappear at the most awkward times, the servants all admired him.

"What is the meaning of this?" he asked to no one in particular. The servant nearest him nearly jumped out of her skin.

"Y-Your Highness!" she cried in surprise, "Were did you come from?" She couldn't help but stare at him in awe, and it wasn't unwarranted, he was dressed from head to toe as a peasant. He smiled at her with his genteel smile, which did not fit the way he looked at all. The poor girl turned bright red.

"I came from the door," the prince said, pointing backwards towards a door that was supposedly only for servants, "Now, will you tell me what all this ruckus is?"

"Uh...Of course," the girl said, "We were looking for you, Your Highness. It's your father, he isn't well...What I mean is...well, he's dying, Your Highness, and he's asking for you."

An honestly concerned look came over the prince's face and he rushed towards the room where the king had been on his sickbed for the last while. He threw open the door and crossed the room in three long strides.

"Father, I am here!" he said.

"My son," the king replied weakly. He was a wasted, skeletal version of his once powerful self, "Jimmin..." A half smile wavered on his face, "I don't have much longer, Jimmin." Jimmin shook his head violently.

"Don't say that, Father," he said, "You will live for a long time yet." It was clear that Jimmin didn't believe his own words, he couldn't even look his father in the eye.

The king shook his head and coughed into his hand, closing it into a fist when the fit was over, "My son, do not delude yourself. You will be king soon and you will need a wife. You know that I made arrangements for your betrothal to the princess of..." He trailed of and coughed into his hand again, refusing the handkerchief his son offered him. "You only met her once, so I understand if you wish to call it off...there isn't anything I can do about that anymore..."

Yes, Jimmin knew about the betrothal, it had been made when the princess was born and he'd only met her once when they were still children, but despite that, he had fallen in love with her, he couldn't help it, he didn't even know what she was like, but, even though his nature was obviously rebellious, he would have married her willingly, and, as far as he was concerned, he still would.

"Father..." Jimmin said, but his father had fallen asleep.
"Laugh all you want, you won't laugh me out of my opinion." Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Fri Dec 04, 2009 10:42 pm

"Anya, my darling," the voice floated through the room until it quickly reached the ears of a young girl. She giggled and got to her feet. "Petro!" she squealed in delight and ran over to her brother. She wrapped her arms tightly around him as he spinned her around. The two laughed and hugged as their reunion was full of happiness.

Petro, Anya's older brother, had been away on business for what seemed to be the longest time. The two siblings were as close as you could be with another person without being them. They loved each other dearly, and yet they were complete opposites.

Petro had fine hair and dark crystals for eyes, where as Anya had beautiful dark hair with eyes that seemed alive and in constant motion. The two hardly looked like they were related, the only thing that might suggest the biological ties to one another was perhaps that they were both very beautiful. Petro was the more reserved child, he rarely raised his voice for anything, except perhaps Anya, but Anya was a fiery spirit with not a care in the world except perhaps her brother...and her bethrothal.

"So how are you holding up? I've tried reasoning with Mama, and Papa, but they are stubborn set on your marriage." Petro's eyes held immense sadness as he stared at Anya. He couldn't possibly bear the thought that she was supposed to marry the prince from Kaaria. He had received word that the king was dying, and that meant that the marriage was going to be bumped up.

"No Petro, please don't talk about this." Anya said quietly as she pulled from his embrace. Anya was upset that he was ruining their reunion with this topic.

Anya was fine with marrying Jimmin, but only if he was the little boy she remembered from so long ago. They were so young when they had met, and it was strange for their minds to wrap around the fact that they were to marry one another when they were older, but they had gotten along so fine. Anya had realized years later that she had fallen for the young boy, but she was terrified that he had changed.

Anya had watched so many of the boys around her change when they got older. Her brother had changed, the young boys training to be knights, the servant boys, they had all changed at one point and Anya didn't like it. Petro was usually the same with her as he had always been in the past, but only when they were alone.

"I'm ready to marry him Petro, we both know that without this union, things could become sour between our two kingdoms." She said softly as she stared up at her older brother.

"But it's not right Anya, you were all ready given away when you were still in Mama's stomach. We both know that Kaaria doesn't have the best reputation, I don't want you to be subdued by their ways...and to become barbaric!" he said angrily before calming down. "You're my kid sister, I just think that it is wrong that you're to marry a stranger, when I don't have to." He sat down on a very elaborate chair with his head in his hands.

Anya sighed and walked over to him. "He's not a stranger Petro, and I'm fine with doing this...let's not talk about it right now. Let's go for a walk!" she suggested as she put a smile on her face. She hated seeing him so upset.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:58 pm

The queen paced the room in her usual way, almost as though she were in a trance. The sounds of her steps were muffled by the large rug which covered the cold stone floor. The entire room was covered in tapestries and cloth things, it made the space smaller and more inviting. A fire roared in the hearth and Morrigan looked out the window to where the snow was falling silently around the palace. Winter always came early in the mountainous country of Kaaria.

When the door opened, Morrigan drew away from the window abruptly, turning to see who it was that dared entered her chambers unannounced. As soon as she laid eyes upon her son, she ran to him, throwing her thin arms about his neck. The prince also embraced his mother with affection.

The two of them looked so much alike, and with the queen's youthful countenance, they were often mistaken as siblings when they toured the country.

They were also very close, the prince never went a day without visiting his mother in her chambers, even if they had fought the day before. He was one of of her few visitors, and by far was the most common, he visited her even more than the king ever had. It wasn't surprising that the queen wasn't popular, the least well kept secret in the entire country was that she was a witch. All of it was ill founded rumors of course, but even so, it was true, Morrigan was a witch and the only two who knew it for certain were her husband and son.

In spite of all the rumors about dark magic, Jimmin never was frightened by the fact that his mother was a witch, she'd even taught him some magic, and it was clear he had a talent for it, he might have had potential to become a great sorcerer one day, if he'd had any ambition, which he didn't. Most of what she taught him was harmless; a spell to make him sleep well, a trick to summoning a Faerie guide were he to get lost in the woods, a spell to make the fire in his room give off heat even after he'd let it die, things like that, trivial things. Unfortunately, not all of it was so simple, she'd taught him how to defend himself from attack with magic, to kill with magic.

Jimmin lightly kissed his mother's forehead and then pulled away from her embrace. He looked her over thoroughly, almost as if he were looking for something to be wrong.

"You look well tonight, Mother," he said, softly, simply, allowing his eyes to wander over the familiar aspects of the room, allowing himself to notice what had changed.

"It's the snow," Morrigan replied, "The evening is so peaceful. If all the winter were like this, I fear I should never wish it to be summer again," she giggled, almost childishly, then moved over to her workbench, "Shall we begin tonight's lesson then, my son?" Jimmin shook his head slowly.

"Not tonight, Mother," he told her, "Father has just died, not two hours ago. I came to tell you, since I do not believe anyone would have alerted you to the fact." Jimmin was right, no one had told the queen, and her paling face gave testament to that.

"Riordyn is dead?" she asked skeptically. Jimmin nodded gravely.

"And I am now leaving to fetch Princess Anya that we may wed and keep peace with her country," he told his mother. The fact was simple to him, simple as his daily visits to his mother were simple. He did not expect her reaction.

She flew across the room and put her hand on his cheek, a sweet and motherly look of affection on her face.

"You mustn't marry such a creature, my son," she advised, "It would not behoove you to take such rash actions. First let there be your coronation, and we shall have Kaaria recovered from your father's sudden death before you find yourself a decent wife, not a girl like her, she would not do you well." Jimmin took Morrigan's hand off his face with the expression of a man who must stop his senile mother from hurting herself.

"Mother, I will not risk war by breaking a contract my father made sixteen years ago," he said, "And I am sure you will grow to think of Anya as your own daughter. This is the best route."

"I will never come to accept that siren, her sole purpose is to drag you to Hell," Morrigan said, tears welling in her eyes, "I am sorry, my son. The life of a mother is never easy, and sometimes it takes harshness to curb the harmful ways of a wayward child. You leave me no choice!" The comforting atmosphere of the room was gone and a chill ran down Jimmin's spine as his mother began to cast the curse. She spoke in an ancient tongue, but Jimmin could translate her words to roughly mean, "The princess, Anya, devil that she is, shall never set eyes upon your face. Should she see you, then so shall your fate be sealed. Immortal beast, you'll fear the sun, for the revelation of what you are, you will smash all mirrors and drink the wine that is human blood, and for you this curse shall be irrevocable."

Jimmin stumbled back against the wall, "Foolish Mother," he said, "This doesn't change a thing. The eye cannot see in the dark." With those words and a smirk, Jimmin left his mother and set out towards the country of his betrothed.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:43 am

The night was dark, and the air was cold, but perhaps not as cold as it was in the mountains. For Anya, it chilled her through to her bones, but for someone from the Kaaria kingdom, they'd revel in the warmth that flowed through the Corinth kingdom. It was close to the coast, and it boasted spectacular scenery. The air from the ocean floated towards the kingdom and kept it warm enough year round that Anya had no idea what snow was, just that it was white, and it was very cold.

A wind swept through the open window as Anya sat up in her bed thinking. Her life was about to change, and it frightened her. She was scared of what she was going to find on the other side. She was going to be swept away to a kingdom she knew nothing of except what she heard from people who had been there. Petro had attempted to describe it to her, but even he couldn't pain the full picture in her mind.

A sigh escape through her parted lips as she moved from her vast bed and over to her vanity. She opened up a secret compartment and retrieved a small necklace. She looked at it and smiled.

"Keep this, so you can remember me," a much younger version of Jimmin spoke as he held a necklace in front of Anya's face.

It was simple, just a gold chain with a pearl on it, but for the little Anya, it meant so much.

"But I have nothing to give you for you to remember me," it was obvious the little girl was dismayed that Jimmin would forget her.

"I don't need anything to remember you, I just need the moon. Every time you get lonely, or need a friend, this can be your moon to remember me," the young boy said as he passed Anya the necklace with the white pearl on it.

The memory faded from her mind as she dangled the necklace in front of her face. The visiting royal family had only been there a couple of weeks, but it was obvious that was all that was needed for the two young children to bond. They never saw each other after that, but Anya never forgot his face, nor did she ever forget his words as he spoke about the moon and remembering her. She hoped he did remember. It was easy to forget since the moon wasn't always in the sky.

Anya curled up in her bed once more and just stared at the necklace as she held it in her hands. She was so frightened. She was so much older than she had been when Jimmin had given her the necklace, but she was still so young.

It didn't seem fair to her. She was so terrified that he had changed, and that she was being taken off to marry a complete stranger.

Slowly Anya fell asleep, her mind troubled as she clutched the pearl in her hand. Her soft bed and the warmth from the hearth did nothing to comfort her as she had a horrible dream.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the words echoed strangely in Anya's ears as she looked around. She was in the dark, and completely alone. She tried to see anything, but there was nothing. Suddenly a hand was on her back and soft words were whispered into her ear, but she did not understand them.

Suddenly a light flashed on.

"Don't look!" the words were desperate, but Anya wheeled around to see who it was.

Suddenly the soft eyes flashed red and a monster was holding her against a mirror. The strength of him pushing her shattered the glass and Anya felt thousands of shards sticking uncomfortably in her body as teeth suddenly pierced her flesh and she felt her life draining away from her.

Anya woke up screaming in the dark. Someone rushed in, and she couldn't see them. They took hold of her, and she fought hard against them, but suddenly the familiar voice filled her ears and she curled up in Petro's arms as he tried to calm her down.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:14 am

It had taken Jimmin about three days to reach the outskirts of Corinth's capital, but that was with a fast horse and good weather in Kaaria, not to mention he knew ways faster than the main roads to reach the boarders of any country, and with Corinth's mild weather, Jimmin found the trip going much faster than planned.

Even so, he knew it would be much slower returning with Anya in tow, and that frightened him. It would be hard to avoid being seen by her when they traveled, and the trip would take at least ten day, that was including the fact that they would be forced to take the main roads and all of Anya's baggage. If the weather in Kaaria turned foul, it could take two weeks.

With those thoughts boding ill on his mind and his mother's terrible words, You will drink the wine that is human blood, ringing yet in his ears, Jimmin began to make his way towards the Corinthian palace.

He noted the stares of the people as he passed by, a handsome nobleman traveling alone. He remembered his father telling him on his last visit, his only visit, to Corinth that it was unheard of for a Corinthian noble to travel without some sort of entourage. He hadn't been able to believe it then, in his country a noblewoman might bring a servant or two with some luggage, but a nobleman almost always traveled alone, but the staring townspeople proved that his father had probably been right.

Staring straight ahead, Jimmin tried to ignore it the way he always ignored it when he and his mother toured Kaaria. When he saw the palace, it was no longer a chore to ignore the people, he'd slipped off into his own mind.

He'd been six years of age the first time he'd seen the palace, and he'd been with his father. Then entire royal family was supposed to have come, but his mother had stayed behind, claiming that she did not feel well enough to travel. They'd come in mid-spring and young Jimmin, not accustomed to the heat at all, had fallen ill with heatstroke on his second day. By the sixth day, though, Jimmin was feeling better, and, although it was still stiflingly hot to him, he was feeling enough like himself again to slip away from both his father and the attentive guard whose job it was to prevent Jimmin from running off.

Jimmin smiled, remembering that it was then that he'd met her. He couldn't clearly remember much of what had happened after that, there had been to much joy in his mind clouding reality. What he did remember, though, was the day they'd had to part. He'd been terrified that she would forget him before he returned (he'd seen his return as inevitable, he just hadn't realized that it would take twelve years), but, after remembering the parting of the guard who had come with them from his young bride-to-be, Jimmin knew he had to give her a token. But what? He'd spent the entire evening before ransacking his belongings for something appropriate. What he eventually found was a curse-warding charm that his mother had given him. It wasn't a necklace, but when he saw that Anya thought it was, well, he let her be. In return, he'd promised that the moon would be his reminder of her, and it had been, not that he'd need any reminder of her, but he'd thought it would break his promise if he didn't look at the moon and think about her sometimes.

Whenever he thought of her, Jimmin always pictured the girl who was about four, give or take a year. He knew that now she would be around sixteen, but he just couldn't picture what she would look like. He was only glad that the curse wasn't that he could never lay eyes upon her, for he knew a spell to see in the dark, and so he would be able to look at her, even if she would never see him.

It was about then that he reached the palace gate and was stopped by the guards. He looked towards them, pleasant enough expression on his face.

"I am Jimmin, crown prince of Kaaria," he said, enunciating clearly enough that they would understand what he wanted, despite his mountain accent, "I wish an audience with your king."

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:53 am

A few days had passed, and the dream still haunted Anya. It unsettled her more than she could've thought. She rarely spoke to anyone, and that was starting to scare her parents. Anya was rambuntious and she chatted all day long about anything, but now she was completely silent. Petro stayed close to her and kept his presence near since he knew she was rather unstable at the moment with the haunting dream she had had. He didn't blame her, it was horrible.

The whole family was seated in the throne room, both parents trying to get Petro to tell her just what was wrong with Anya as she stared out the window with a sigh. Finally Anya grew frustrated as they spoke as though she weren't even there, and she fled the room.

"Petro, why is she so silent?" their mother asked concerned.

"She had a nightmare. She told me she is willing to marry the prince, but her dream has disturbed her greatly and I fear for her." He said sadly.

Before much could be said, a servant entered.

"The crown prince Jimmin has requested an audience your highness." He said with a bow.

"Let him in!" the king said and waited with a pensive look. It had been a long time since any of them had seen the lad, and all of them were nervous and edgy about this meeting. "Someone fetch Anya!" he spoke.

((Sorry about the shortness, I have to go))

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:08 pm

Jimmin walked smoothly behind the servant who led him towards the throne room. It isn't that warm; it isn't that warm, Jimmin kept reminding himself, all the while kicking himself for wearing winter clothing. Honestly, it wasn't that warm, just about the heat of early summer in his country, perhaps early autumn, nothing that would make him pass out, but wearing his heavier weight clothing, he was definitely uncomfortable.

"Your Majesty," Jimmin said as soon as he was shown into the throne room. He bowed deeply then looked up tentatively at the Corinthian king, "I apologize for my sudden arrive, and again for what I am about to say...Do not summon Princess Anya, I beg you. Things have taken a turn for the worse and I would like to...discuss it with Your Majesty, alone."

As he spoke, Jimmin slowly straightened and by the time he finished, he was standing tall. His black eyes stared, unwavering at the king.

Don't take this the wrong way, Jimmin thought, I don't intend to break the contract. Please, please, hear me out. Had Jimmin not been trained to keep his face in public, he would have been biting his lip out of nervousness. That was a habit of his youth which had been broken sometime ago, which is not to say that he did not wish he still could.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:22 pm

The royal family took to their feet as Jimmin walked into the throne room. They bowed respectfully and sat down. The king kept his eyes on Jimmin, surprised as the young man did not want Anya there. Why wouldn't the lad want his bride to be, to be there?

Petro's nostrils flared as he took it as an instant offense, but the king had a more understanding heart, as did the queen, and they nodded in unison. Petro glared at Jimmin before he strode out of the room along with the servants until Jimmin was left alone with the two royals.

"There is nothing I keep from my wife, so you are welcome to explain. I can't even think what could've happened for you to be having this private discussion without my daughter taking part in the knowledge." His tone was even and smooth, but there was no judgement in his eyes as he really was open to whatever this crown prince had to say to him.


Anya was sitting quietly in the library as she wanted to be left alone. There was just so much going on that she needed time to think. She had picked up a book and decided to distract herself for a brief moment in time from her troubles and her worries. She frowned as it was a copy of Beauty and the Beast, that was not the book she wanted to be reading right then.

"Milady," a quiet voice came from the door.

Anya looked up from the pages of the book to see a very tentative maid looking at her. It seemed as if the young maid expected Anya to bite her head off for interupting her.

"Yes?" Anya wondered why the servant would be fetching her.

"Prince Jimmin has arrived, and your father has asked for your presence immediately." As soon as the words had left the girl's mouth, Anya's stomach dropped uncomfortably at the thought. Jimmin? He was there all ready? She wasn't ready to go...not yet.

As Anya sighed and set the book down, she dismissed the servant girl and headed to the throne room. As she was coming down the hall, her brother was coming down the hall with an angry bounce in his step. He suddenly grabbed her by the arm to stop her.

"They are speaking privately, our audience is not wanted. Come," he said stiffly.

Anya stared at him, surprised. Jimmin wanted to speak to her father alone? Did that mean that he was refusing the contract? He didn't want her? That made her heart break as her and Petro walked away from the throne room. Petro was in a brooding silence, and Anya was quiet only because her thoughts were troubling her terribly.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Sat Dec 05, 2009 9:17 pm

Jimmin nodded gravely, it wasn't his preference to have the queen there, but if she was to remain, he'd have to make due with that.

"If you have not already heard," he began, aware that they probably hadn't heard, news traveled fast, but not that fast and certainly not between countries with such speed, "My father is dead, leaving me Kaaria's ruler. I have come to make good the contract, but there is...some opposition to it in my country. Unfortunately, this hinders the completion of the contract greatly, and I am afraid that a powerful wielder of magic has laid upon the union a...curse. I do not wish to go into detail about said curse, but I assure you that it will not stop me from seeking peace with your country through this pact. There are a few things I must request, though, to null the curse. One is that the wedding must take place here in Corinth, as soon as possible. Another thing is that it must take place at night. I hope to be leaving for Kaaria the morning after the wedding. Should Princess Anya need longer to gather her things, then I, being unable to stall my departure, shall await her at the border to my country. I hope my requests are not to demanding and that you will allow for the circumstances that have come upon us."

With that, Jimmin bowed again and waited for the king's reply. He glanced up at the two Corinthian royals.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sat Dec 05, 2009 11:29 pm

King Jerhein waited patiently and listened to the young man. He was surprised by his words, not only at the startling news of the curse, but that he was still wanting to go through with the wedding. He stayed quiet for a while after the young man had spoken. These things were grave indeed, and it troubled him, but he respected this noble prince very much for having the bravery to come here alone and face him with the truth.

"It is terrible to hear that a curse was laid upon you, but I must know more of it, otherwise I fear for my daughter. The marriage can take place in three days, but Anya will not like it. She's grown silent as of late, and I worry terribly for her. She has grown disturbed, but is still willing to accept your hand. We can gather her things in the preperation time for the wedding, but I must inquire, why must it take place at night?" he glanced to his beloved wife who was troubled.

The queen stared at Jimmin who looked very much like his mother. He was handsome, and had a defined and regal look about him, but she was worried about sending Anya far away to Kaaria where Morrigan would be Anya's mother-in-law. The two women had had so many differences that it made her uneasy to send her young daughter off with the prince who could be having ill intentions.

"I appreciate your civility and the manner in which you have expressed your concerns. I can assure you that if you do not want Anya, or anyone else for that matter, to know the extent of your curse, then we will not tell them, but as a king...and a father...I need to know so I can understand the safety of my daughter." Jerhein said calmly.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:26 pm

Jimmin nodded slowly, "Indeed, I would not want Princess Anya to know of this curse. The wielder of magic did not wish for the wedding to take place so laid a curse upon me...Should Princess Anya look upon my face, I shall become some sort of monster. Do not fear, though, I know ways to skirt the curse, as long as we are all careful, and that is why the wedding must take place at night." He stared directly at the king, "I do hope this will not put an end to our contract. My country's people would be much reassured by such a treaty between our countries." About then, the toll of his long trip began to set in and he not only felt uncomfortably hot, he also felt tired and sore. He stifled a yawn.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sun Dec 06, 2009 4:13 pm

Jerhein looked at the young man and nodded his head. "All right, we will keep this quiet, though you'll need to think of some excuse to give to Anya as to why things will be so strange. She has a wild imagination, and you should be careful of it. I do hope that whoever has placed this curse on you will leave Anya alone and won't place any sort of curse upon her, or I must ask that she remain here with her family." He spoke calmly.

"Jerhein, the poor man is dead on his feet, let him retire for now," the queen whispered softly into the king's ear. Jerhein sighed and nodded his head.

"We have a room set up for you. It is fairly close to where Anya's room is, but if you'd like for us to move you, it would take awhile. Please, go rest for now and we'll get these matters sorted out later." Jerhein called for a servant. "Show Prince Jimmin to his room and keep Anya from seeing him." The king's tone was full of authority and the servant nodded before moved to show Jimmin to his room.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Sun Dec 06, 2009 8:49 pm

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Jimmin said, bowing once more. He'd been doing a lot of bowing since he'd arrived, but if there was one thing that his father had taught him, it was that royals were often impressed with an absurd amount of bowing.

"Well, I'm not," the young Jimmin had told his father adamantly, "I don't like people bowing to me at all!" Jimmin held back a chuckle at the thought as his father had not. He remembered being rather annoyed at the fact that his father had laughed at him, but now he understood. Most royals didn't care about being bowed to, but they all assumed that other royals did, so they all bowed, it was the only sure way to guard against the odd royal who did love being bowed to.

He followed the servant dutifully to his room and waited patiently for the servant to leave. Once he was alone, he dropped all pretenses if nobility and flopped down on the bed. He pulled off his boots as quickly as he could manage without yanking his foot with it. Then he removed his shirt and collapsed. He didn't bother to pull the blankets over himself and was asleep in moments, dreaming horrible things about the curse, but too tired to wake himself up.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Sun Dec 06, 2009 11:13 pm

Petro had left Anya in her room with her handmaiden to keep her company before he set out to face Jimmin. He was angry with the boy, and really wanted to give him a piece of his mind. Petro was a two years or so older than Jimmin, and so Petro believed him to be more wise and the young prince to be immature and not very bright. He felt anger boil through him as he moved through the castle in a fit of rage.

He approached the room where Jimmin was, anger flaring in his eyes. A guard quickly stopped Petro. "Your highness, the king has requested that Jimmin be left alone, as well as that Anya does not see him." The guard was frightened of Petro, but was more frightened of the king. "Please, the crown prince is exhausted and needs sleep." All of these words only angered Petro even further.

"How dare he!" he swore loudly, probably loud enough for Jimmin to hear. "You cannot stop me from giving that vermin a piece of my mind, he has the nerve to show up here, and then refuse to see his bride to be?" he seethed. Petro was only ever truly angry when it came to matters of Anya, otherwise he was perfectly passive and very diplomatic.

"But sire, the king has ordered-" the poor guard was disrupted as Petro barged into the room and spotted Jimmin fast asleep upon the lavish bed. His anger calmed down somewhat, but he still wanted to give Jimmin a very long lecture about manners.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Mon Dec 07, 2009 4:15 am

Jimmin woke up presently. He was still exhausted and could probably lay right back down and sleep for a lot longer, but he saw the other prince in the room, though he wasn't quite sure if it was a dream or not, and did not lay back down. He scooped his shirt up from where he'd let it drop to the floor beside the bed and put it on, though it was quite cockeyed and actually suited him with his mussed up hair and bleary eyes.

"Oh, hello, Your Highness," he said, or at least tried to say through the haze of sleep, and for the most part succeeded in saying, except for the slight slur of someone who is not fully awake, "What have you need of me for?" He didn't even attempt one of his winning smiles, if it was real, he was too tired to pull it off, if it was a dream, then what did it matter anyway?

He sat there, half comatose, trying to stifle his yawns and stretch discreetly, while he waited for the Corinthian prince to begin speaking. His thoughts were relatively simple and uncomplicated, and he had two at that time. One was, Blast! I cannot remember this fellow's name! The other was, I really, really hope this is a dream, because I am just itching for a snowball fight with the stable-master; I have yet to repay him for hitting me in the eye last week.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Mon Dec 07, 2009 8:56 am

Petro glared darkly at Jimmin as the young man was attempting to wake up. Petro composed himself for a moment, but was still extremely angry. "Tell me your highness," the last part was said rather sarcastically. "Why you won't see my sister who you are supposed to be marrying? Tell me why she is feeling absolutely petrified and frightened now because you have not wanted to see her, and tell me why she is going completely insane because she had a nightmare of you being a monster and now she is afraid that you aren't the boy she met all those years ago," Petro demanded as she stood completely straight and was glaring at Jimmin.

"Either you have come here to refuse the contract, but considering no one has kicked you out, you're still marrying my sister, so please explain to me why you won't comfort her from her fears?" he folded his arms across his chest as she stared accusingly at Jimmin.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:17 am

Jimmin was fully awake and thinking clearly by the time Petro stopped speaking. He was also quite annoyed. He didn't feel that Petro had the right to yell at him about anything. For a moment, Jimmin only sat there, sizing Petro up, deciding what he could, or could not, get away with. Once he'd done so, he pulled on his boots and stood up, pleased to find himself the same height as the other young man, perhaps even an inch taller.

"You are quite presumptuous," he began, "Barging into my room chastise me on things you know nothing about. Your father knows the situation and approves of my actions, is that not enough? Does your father care less about her well being than you do? Are you so short-sighted that you cannot look past your preconceptions and find one, just one, reason why it might be for the better that I refuse to see her now? Are you so stupid as to believe that my reasons are purely aesthetic? I cannot answer your questions and I cannot quell your sister's fears. It is not that I do not want to, it is that I do not have the ability to, I cannot, and that is that. Now, if you will excuse me, I am going to check on my horse's lodgings."

With those words, Jimmin pushed past Petro rather roughly and made his way toward the stables to do as he said.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Tue Dec 08, 2009 2:35 pm

Petro was rather speechless as Jimmin stood up to him. No one ever stood up to Petro when he was angry, simply because he was terrifying when he was upset. He glared harshly at Jimmin as the man dismissed him and left. Petro shook his head. Anya was terrified and scared out of her mind about Jimmin, and Jimmin couldn't even pass words of comfort to her through a servant. All Petro could think was that Jimmin was selfish and did not deserve his sister. Still angry, Petro left for Anya.

"Anya," he said quietly as he found her curled up by the window, lost in her thoughts.

"Hm?" she mumbled as she turned to look at him.

"Jimmin does not deserve you, he is being completely selfish. I tried to talk to him, Anya, he's not right for you." He knelt down to eye level with her and could see the fear still laced within her eyes. "Please, I'll take you away from here so you down have to marry that selfish prince, I don't want you to be taken away unless the man is worthy of you, but he's not." His words struck Anya, but finally she shook her head.

"No Petro, I'm not going to run away. No matter what happens to me, this union is crucial for the peace between our two countries. I can't run away from my responsibilities, please let this go. I'll be fine." She told him bravely, but she could see it bothered him.

Petro sighed and nodded his head in defeat before he kissed her forehead.

"All right, but I pray that you'll be watched over. I don't like him, he refuses to see you," he said quietly before he got up and left Anya.

Anya sighed heavily as she was left alone with her thoughts. She shook her head to herself as she stared out the window. She wanted to become reacquainted with Jimmin, but a servant had informed her, by her father, that she was to not see him at all until the wedding...which was to be held at night. Things were so strange, and it had her nervous.

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BloodWineVampiress93 on Tue Dec 08, 2009 3:59 pm

"I am surprised that the time went by so quickly," Jimmin muttered to himself as he went around the chapel, enchanting the candles to go out when he willed them to, on the day of the wedding. He flicked his wrist again and the candle was covered in runes, runes only someone with the talent for magic would see. At first Jimmin was a little bit worried about that, but then, remembering something his mother had told him about sorcery dying out in the south, he became more comfortable. Every time a servant passed him, he feigned interest in the goings on around him, claiming to be quite fascinated by the Corinthian wedding customs.

After he finished with the candles, Jimmin enchanted every window so that even the light of the moon couldn't enter, if he chose it to be so, for the time being, though, he allowed the windows to let light in. When that was done, he placed a coverall spell over the chapel, it wouldn't have been enough for the windows and couldn't have touched the candles at all, but it was enough to get anything that might give the Princess to see his face.

Once all of Jimmin's preparations in the chapel were finished, he returned to his room, cast a final spell for the ability to see in the dark, took a quick nap, and waited for dusk. When the sun had finally gone beneath the horizon, he changed clothes and made his way towards the chapel.

((I apologize for skipping ahead without warning you, but if I hadn't it would have just dragged on and on, which kills a roleplay.))

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Re: The Poison of Light

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Sirius Baren on Tue Dec 08, 2009 5:19 pm

((That's fine, and I'm glad you did))

Anya sighed quietly as she stared at herself in the mirror. She made a beautiful bride, but there was sadness locked behind her eyes as she stood before the mirror. A few maidservants were helping her and making the final adjustments to her dress as the sun had just sunk low over the far and distant mountains. It was dark outside, and there was only a partial moon with which to see by outside.

No one in the castle understood this strange occassion and why it was taking place in the dark. No one could really question why since the king and queen had put a firm stop to rumors. Despite the strange circumstances with which Anya was to be wed, they still upheld as many traditions as they could in the darkened chapel.

The large clock tower gonged loudly through the kingdom, signalling the start of the wedding. Anya put her veil over her face before she walked from her room and towards the chapel. She was dressed in a brilliant white with silver and blue designs tracing over the bodice. The two royal colors stood out amazingly against the white of the dress.

"Anya," a voice called from the flickering hall.

Anya smiled as she saw her brother. They both looked sad.

"I love you, and I don't want you to be sad or upset. Father assures me Jimmin is a good man, and despite how hard it is for me to believe, I have a feeling you'll be safe under his care. I'm always there for you, no matter what," he kissed her hand before he disappeared.

Anya held back her tears as she felt as though she were walking to her doom. She moved to the chapel and entered through the doors. The moment she had stepped in, she frowned as she saw that Jimmin had his back turned to her. Why couldn't he look at her? Did she repulse him?

She walked down the isle slowly, and the moment she took her place beside Jimmin, all the lights went out until they were plunged into darkness. A few people gasped, but were quickly assured this was part of the ceremony. Anya felt so much better in the dark and allowed a single tear slip through her eye as she knew, or at least thought, no one could see her.

The necklace Jimmin had given to her when they were young was young around her neck.

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