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The Purification "The story of Nagai"

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby natno on Wed Feb 04, 2009 7:24 am

"Hmmmm... Nagai's eyes swept the surrounding area quickly. She didn't dare ask what he was doing or answer his question. Her nostrils flared as she silently sniffed the air. She couldn't smell anything but perhaps the wind was just blowing in the wrong way. Echo's ears weren't that strong so she couldn't switch to listening. Her strengths lay in smelling and seeing. If something had stumbled upon them...

Echo slowly shifted her weight to her back leg and bent it. She held herself in this cat-like stance as she felt that newly found sense of adrenaline rushing through her. She opened her mouth slightly to allow the fangs to grow. But even with this state of body she couldn't detect anything....maybe it didn't heighten her senses. Or maybe Nagai was just being over cautious. Whichever it was she still held her stance but began to think. About what he'd said earlier. About Kazul.

The question that first came to mind was: How did Nagai know that Kazul wasn't immortal? When millions of people had been fooled he had found the truth. She didn't know if she doubted his word but if it was true he hadn't told her how he'd come across this information. She sniffed the air again. Nothing. Anyways, the point was she didn't know if she could trust this Nagai (if that was in fact his name). But it didn't matter. His quest was hers now.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nagai on Wed Feb 04, 2009 2:15 pm

Nagai continued to dart his eyes. He seemed to be looking for something that he had heard or seen or something.
"Tell me.." He said to Echo.
"What are the most feared creatures in this forest?" He frowned a little.
"I feel that something has found us..."
He pulled out his sword and assumed a defensive position as he eyed the area intently. Something inside Nagai that there was evil here. He had an inkling of what it may be, but he wanted to get conformation before he came to any conclusions.
"I will purify this blood."
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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby natno on Wed Feb 04, 2009 6:09 pm

Echo thought about it for a while. So many creatures in this wilderness were dangerous. It was hard to know which was the worst. After a while she answered, "They aren't creatures per's the trees, you see." Echo had had many experiences with the trees before even though they left her alone. She was a nymph. Their guardian. "A creature though...there are so many," she whispered, "The lichen, the swamp krakens, wyverns, and I've even heard tale of a mantichora. The head of a man, mane of a line, lion's body, scorpion's tail. Fierce creature. Not of the forest so I have not immunity to it." She shivered. Mostly, creatures of the forest left her be since she was a nymph and cared for a habitat. It was almost like they had a pact with each other. If the mantichora had found them...or even something else.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Esbell on Thu Feb 05, 2009 12:31 pm

The pattering sound of advancing feet against the fragile leaves below echo from deep within the foreboding belly of the forest, following the presence of a short and colorful humanoid figure, hopping along with almost hilariously long strides. You can hear it humming a rather jolly tune in a sweet childish voice.

The little fellow scampered across the forest floor until abruptly stopping along the muddy edge of a creek. He glanced down at his reflection, and stared at his clouded visage as if fixated upon it. His tan complexion a dull earthy base for the radiant pink lipstick applied to his full lips. Large blue eyes shone through the black make-up that surrounds them. His mauve bob-cut hangs neatly cut just above his earlobes. The white wispy moustache hanging from the corners of his upper lip is the only piece of him that remains his natural hair color.

His expression in the creek showed that he was not looking at himself out of admiration or curiosity, but something possibly more philosophical than that.

He set his body down along the bank of the watercourse, and noticed a lone river eel slither through his reflection. Reacting on an impulse, the little man threw his right arm forward, and snatched the creature in front of him. He watched the eel slither and squirm franticly in is grip breifly, until he released it back into the creek. A fine morsel it would have made, but far less satisfying if your body does not desire food.

Again accelerating into his leaping strides while surveying the area. The little man heard the exchanging speech of people in conversation. Curiously he advanced toward the sound to maybe see if he could determine what motivated these characters to come through a ghastly place like this.
Last edited by Esbell on Thu Feb 05, 2009 4:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nagai on Thu Feb 05, 2009 2:15 pm

Nagai turned to the point where he heard the noise more clearly now. He set his sword in front of him and gripped it tightly. He had absolutely no idea what was coming, but years of training has made him very paranoid with things he did not understand.
"Do you have any idea what is coming Echo?"
He asked out of curiosity. He was not afraid, but he knew now that something was defiantly heading their way.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby natno on Thu Feb 05, 2009 6:25 pm

Now something could be heard. She couldn't determine the exact speices but she could narrow it down. Little legs scrambled through the dried leaves and arms moved freely. So they head no weapon...but maybe something else...something lighter.
"Short, probably not dangerous," she eyed his weapon, "Don't put away your sword. Never do that out here." She kept her feline crouch and kept her arms at the ready to claw at whatever it was. Even though it sounded never knew.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Esbell on Thu Feb 05, 2009 10:37 pm

As the little man narrowed in on the conversation its words became intelligible, however, the revelation was met with disappointment as the subject had apparently shifted. The couple was aware of his presence, and were taking precautions. Judging by their words they probably didn’t believe him to be a genuine threat, yet it didn’t seem they were going to simply ignore him.

The little man waddled out into the open to present himself, and wore a charming smile on his face; unfortunately the wide gap between his two front teeth still harbored a thin string of food. Carrying a fishing pole, creel basket, patterned burgundy tabard, and flared pants wrapped around his chubby body made him look like a clown on a fishing trip.

His eyes met with a limber looking female person that was to peculiar looking to be immediately labeled as human, however, it was the striking man next to her that struck the little man with an ominous vibe. Both of them looked as if they were ready to shread him to ribbons if he gave them the incentive, and this caused the little fellow's arms and legs to lightly shake. In order to try and mask this he tightly gripped the tassel ropes hanging from his sleeves and shifted his weight between both his feet.

Hopefully a formal introduction would help clear the air.
“Pleased to meet you both,” the little man announced, “My name is Jaboopi.”

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nagai on Fri Feb 06, 2009 12:05 pm

Nagai was dumbfounded. He had never seen a creature like this before and he did not know exactly how to react. Although he did not feel the need to be alert anymore, he still felt as if something was just not right. Why had he suddenly run into these people in this forest?
He said so as not to be rude, but still not in the mood to readily address this one.
It was strange, he felt that every time he looked at Jaboopi, it was as if he was put into a trance. This man had a much more complex story than his appearance may give off at first. It was strange, because he just did not know what to make of this new one. It aggravated Nagai when he had to try and figure any sort of being out that was not just an innocent bystander or an evil son of a bitch that he needed to eradicate. These sort of extremes made it easy to judge, but when he had no idea how to read someone, it made things all the more annoying.
"What are you..?" Nagai bluntly asked.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Esbell on Fri Feb 06, 2009 1:19 pm

The striking man, Nagai, seemed less than amused by Jaboopi’s appearance. It was evident that Nagai was trying not to be rude, however, he was noticeably perplexed and possibly frustrated. Which somewhat reflected in his straight-forward inquiring toward Jaboopi.

The abrupt query of Nagai caused Jaboopi’s face to meet into an exaggerated somber expression, yet it pretty clear it more out of playfulness than to show resentment. “Well mister wister Nagai,” Jabbopi's voice shifted into a now more mellow tone, “Poor little me is a very lonely soul.” Just to add to the effect, Jaboopi began to rub at right eye, wiping away imaginary tears. As he performed this little act his gaze began to shift over to the woman next to Nagai.

Jaboopi was hoping this little charade would come off as more cute than creepy, but then again that’s failed him before.
Last edited by Esbell on Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby natno on Sun Feb 08, 2009 4:43 pm

Echo was bewildered by this little man and she didn't bother to hide it. Her brow was quirked and her mouth hung open. What was this-this thing? His steps were bouncy and happy. His movements were all very jerky like a child's might be. Yet he was not a child. That much was obvious. She also noticed how he didn't answer Nagai's queston.

"Um...yes. I'm sorry that you're lonely," she said, "But as my friend asked...What exactly are you?" She stared at him hard. She'd never seen anything like him in her forest before. Was he a variation of a gnome? The nymph wasn't sure though he kind of resembled them...of course, he'd have to be a different breed. One that she hadn't seen. Then again, he might not be a gnome at all.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nagai on Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:29 pm

Nagai put his hand out as to motion for Echo to stop.
"It is alright" He said, "I do not care anymore exactly what he is, only what he is doing out here."
The feeling of an inevitable pic up of this one was coming into Nagai's mind. He was not sure what to do. He had lived most of his life among those who could fight and die with a sense of honor and valor. However, it seemed that these creatures were no warriors at all. They were just strange malformed peasants that he was destined to protect. It was almost aggravating to him now.
"I have one more question..." Nagai felt he had to ask.
"What is your purpose?"
This was a key question that Nagai would ask if he was out of ideas.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Esbell on Mon Feb 09, 2009 12:52 pm

Nagai’s female companion stared at Jaboopi with a perplexed even expression. It appeared as if she attempted to address him with a vague sense of courtesy, however, in her befuddled state it was mostly lost in her curious questioning. Jaboopi thought that his answer would take them off that track and lead to more personal questions. He tilted his head back with his palm pressed against his face to express his displeasure.

Whether Nagai noticed this gesture or not, he quickly rested the woman’s question, and addressed Jaboopi again. Instead this time Nagai demanded to know Jaboopi’s “purpose.” It was a far better question to ask to establish a sense of character in someone, but a shame Jaboopi had not clear answer for it.

Putting on a rather gentle smile, Jaboopi gave his simplest answer. “To develop suitable character within myself, so that I might think up a more rewarding purpose,” Jaboopi felt this was the most accurate way he could describe himself… comfortably.
Last edited by Esbell on Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby natno on Mon Feb 09, 2009 6:42 pm

Echo could read this little creature's face and even his thoughts almost. He was judging the difference in their questions. His eyes flitted slightly between she and Nagai. Echo was focused on the physical danger but Nagai had seen that if he'd mean him any malcontent he must have a purpose. She was proving to be as empty headed as the rest of her kind.

Perfect. That was really what this warrior needed. A ditsy side kick.

She tuned out the little man and began to study both of the males. They were almost exact opposites she realized. One was the epitome of youthful strength and a warrior while the other was anything but. Nagai was taller than her and Ja-whatever his name was, was much shorter. Both of them looked wise, though. Maybe they were wise in different ways but a calico and siamese were both cats. It didn't matter that they were different breeds. Really all Echo had was this forest and a knowledge of creatures, plants, and even forces that were found within it.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nagai on Mon Feb 09, 2009 7:04 pm

Nagai stood still, staring at this new one. He also noticed slightly that his female companion was observing how this "battle of personalities" would turn out. The entire situation was quite arousing.
Nagai's brow lifted and his mouth closed as if he was forcing something in. Finally, he let out something that broke the silence.
"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Nagai blurted out.
"Ho ho ha ha ha ho!" He just could not stop laughing right now. An awkward bending backward came upon him as he placed his sword on the ground for balance.
"This is insanity!" Nagai yelled. "Never have I run into a creature like you before Jabbopi! I do not think I could find a polar opposite more than in you!" He placed his hand on his mouth so to stop his smile. However, the laugh seemed a little demented in a sense. Like he had never laughed before, except after a mass slaughter.
"I can see it inside you." Nagai stated. "You are one who flows with the stream of life like a pleasure ride no?" He questioned. "Where does your spirit come from in such times?"

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BoundForever on Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:10 pm

Daren walked through the surronding forest without a sound. H ewas a skilled assasin and was trained to kill and keep quiet. His hearing being finely tuned he heard the deep noise of an akward laugh, that sounded a little on the demented side. Walking silently towards the noise, Daren reached over his shoulder, quickly checking that his sword was still there, strapped to his back.

daren neared toward the party of people and saw a strange looking dwarf man, an nymph, and a blazing red-heaed warrior. Daren narrowed his eyes. Such a strange gathering.Daren shifted closer to the party, and lightly jumped into a nearby tree with ease. Looking through the maze of branches, Daren saw the people below were just talking and laughing. But what was a warrior doing with a nymph and strange dwarf creature?

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby natno on Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:41 am

She could feel the eyes on the back of her head. Probably just a bird or a squirrel. Maybe not. Whatever it was she couldn't look back at it so Echo kept herself facing forward and tried to seem as if she was listening to the pair's conversation but she knew she wouldn't enter it of her own accord. She was focusing behind her. Why hadn't she heard anything? That was what was really bothering her. Even small creatures made noise and as a nymph she prided herself in being able to identify basically every sound the forest could throw at her. She didn't know what this was. The mantichora? No. Surely, something that big would have made some noise. So maybe it wasn't big but it could still be dangerous. She wasn't sure if anyone else knew of its presence. Maybe Nagai did...then again Ja-whatever was standing across from them and could see what was behind the travelers. She tried not to shudder.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BoundForever on Tue Feb 10, 2009 4:21 pm

Daren loked intently at the strange gathering of creatures. He was interested, maybe these things knew something about the merciless lord Kazul. Daren was out to destroy his empire of chaos and destruction and restore some form of peaace to this world. But he knew he couldn't do it alone. Daren glanced back over at the warrior. What a fiery head of hair, and those eyes they seemed to glow like rubies. Strange. Daren watched and waited intently

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Esbell on Tue Feb 10, 2009 5:29 pm

Despite his obvious efforts to contain it, Nagai, howled in a frenzy of uncontrollable laughter upon hearing Jaboopi’s purpose. Immediately after catching back his breath, Nagai began to express how utterly different characters the two of them were; he began expressing the assumptions he had attributed to Jaboopi. Initially, Jaboopi wore an expression of concern while Nagai was laughing, however, Jaboopi was quick to conceal it under false giggling. Tittering like an excited young woman, Jaboopi covered his mouth to hide the forced smile underneath, and once it was out of view his mouth twisted into a sneer.

Shifting his gaze back to the woman, Jaboopi felt a wave of disappointment when looking at how utterly brain-dead this woman appeared. Jaboopi would withhold his judgments, but he would not dismiss it least he be contemplating something or even out of her mind.

Jaboopi’s focus snapped back to Nagai as he threw another inquiry at him. A soul that merrily dances his way through life was what Nagai believed Jaboopi to be, and was curious how he managed to maintain such high spirits. The key to this was to be as general ad vague as possible, “Well Nagai, happiness is what you make it isn’t it,” he paused “So all you have to do is create a little happiness in your life.”

Jaboopi felt that it was Nagai’s turn to give some insight, but first Jaboopi needed to make things a little more personal. He was not going to ignore the woman with him, and Jaboopi was now hell-bent on bringing her to the conversation. First he needed to find a sweet way to address Nagai as Jaboopi created nicknames for most of the people his came to know. “Pardon my asking Naggie, but does that shy little lady there belong to you?” A slightly irrational question such as this would hopefully lead to some answers.

Jaboopi’s focus on the conversation distracted him from the presence of another person in these woods.

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby BoundForever on Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:02 pm

Daren couldn't stand to sit in a tree while these creatures went on with thier harmless conversation, Daren looked around once more and jumped from the tree, swiftly and without a sound. He hid behind a tree some few yards behind the dwarf creture. Breathing in and calming himself, Daren casually walked out from behind the tree, "Well hello there, I have a few questions I need to ask."

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Re: The Purification "The story of Nagai"

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nagai on Tue Feb 10, 2009 6:06 pm

Nagai held back the chuckle now and only smiled. He was starting to like this little one now. He felt the way that he analyzed things was quite intriguing. However, he was not sure if his assumptions were all that accurate. Their seemed to be a look of disappointment of some sort on the creature, but that might be mere speculation on Nagai's part.
"I would have to agree with you there. Happiness is what you make it. However, I find that when you are limited on what you can do, the freedom to make yourself happy collapses." Nagai's brow raised as he unsheathed his sword in order to look professional. "To defend the freedom of those who wish to seek it is my goal." Nagai stated. "Fear is a tool used by those in power to enslave us and bind us to their whim." His hair seemed to look like a small flame as it blew with the gentle breeze.
"and no." Nagai said with a tad more relaxed tone. "She is not my pet..."
Suddenly, Nagai turned and extended his hand toward a tree behind him. "Never let your guard down!" He Shouted as a ball of flame shot from Nagai's palm and into the tree. Nagai had known of the assassin's position for a while now and used the laughter and seemingly nonchalant attitude to throw him off.
After the shot was fired, Nagai assumed his defensive position with sword in hand.
"(no doubt that one has to be still alive)"

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