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The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

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The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby arteech0kee on Wed Apr 21, 2010 1:34 am

In terms of being physically and mentally fit in being a band that is top of the charts and ready to tour for their fourth album and head out on the bus to see those fans who've already paid to see them.
But the fans knew there was a new girl in that fourth album.
The one before, Monica Fretcher, had left because of complications with a male member of the band.


That man.
The 25 year old Guitarist for the Band, Opened Gorge, and the original never too as well as the Drummer, Luther Ritchards, and the Bassist, Kale Maxwells.
But ever since the departure of their first lead singer, Angelica Jones, that guitarist has been all over the cases with the lead singers who have auditioned for the spot. Their second album had a mix of different singers in the songs of the list and about three were originally recorded by Angelica. Their third album was all Monica and the fourth was the new one.

But after Monica.
Luther and Kale were fed up with the mannerism and rude interactions their guitarist was with the leading ladies, and the fact that they wouldn't and declined the idea of having a male singer in the band had made things worst. The Manager had a meeting with the band when they had no singers, and in the end they gave the guitarist an ultimatum; "Either you put up with this girl or you're out."
That was right.
So he had no other choice but to be a good friend and put up with the girl no matter how much he wanted her out, he loved the band and being with them was the best, but ever since Angelica, he felt uneasy with having another woman along.

The guitarist's name was Ric Maxwells, the younger brother of the bassist and a huge prick when it comes to girls.
He's had a reputation of scaring those who wanted to audition to the band. He stood at six foot three, tanned skin and beautiful ocean blue eyes that would be the first to be noticed when staring at him. But in reality, he was a bit secretive, over protective and defensive. He doesn't trust people and hated having to meet new people. Apparently, according to a local interview with a newspaper, Ric had absolutely no tattoos, but he drank alcohol and was once sent to rehab because of his alcoholic behavior with people, it was the rumored reason why he was being an towards Monica before her departure.

Ever since the new girl entered the band,
Ric never really called her by her first name, he told Luther that it was a waste of time knowing she was going to leave even if he wasn't even going to do anything to her. Or so he says.
Luther and Kale would always laugh at Ric when they saw his face trying to hold in the verbal abuse he would want to send towards their new singer, they would mock him as well knowing that Ric wasn't able to speak his mind or else the deal was off.
Though out of all the days and all the places he could possibly go on his days off or time away from the band, he always managed to find himself stuck within the loft that the band bought all together for practice sessions and just to hang out. It was three days before headed off to the tour, Ric wasn't too fascinated with the whole ordeal, but he loved playing his guitar and there was no way out unless he was kicked off.
Luther was rather impatient with the whole situation while Kale was reading over the tour dates and places they were about to go to.

"How long is this girl going to be?" Ric complained, his fingers strumming through the strings of his guitar.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby yuri-chan1018 on Wed Apr 21, 2010 2:29 pm

A silver melodic laugh rippled into the loft before there was a creak of wood and a slender young woman appeared at the stairs, a playful smile playing on her lips. "Aww, Ric, and here I thought that you and I were friends. I'm hurt." she teased. Oh yes. The new lead singer, Hailey Connors. The girl stood at about 5 foot 6 inches, often overshadowed by the much taller male members of the band, but she never seemed intimidated in the slightest. Fair skin, dark spiraling curls matched with dark compelling eyes and an utterly mischievous smile to boot. Her smile was absolutely contagious, it was hard not to smile back at her. Of course, unless you didn't like her her--scratch that, detested her.

Hailey was a talented singer, even from a very young age. Her mother was a piano teacher, and she encouraged her to explore her natural talent. All through her teenage years, singing had been a side hobby while she pursued various instuments like the violin and flute. But in the end, her singing had surpassed her other skills, and she had been landed here. And boy, did she think she was lucky. She knew perfectly what had happened to the other lead singers and exactly who had caused them to leave. Ric Maxwells. But she wasn't scared one bit; she knew about the terms they had stuck to him; be nice, or get out.

But to be honest, she could have taken care or herself even if he had directed his anger at her. She did have a brother with a particularly nasty streak of rebellion while she was growing up. She could easily deal with people like Ric and her older brother, Bradley. At least her brother was 28 and married for a good two years(she had sung for their wedding), along with a little boy that had been born a few months ago(She had been so happy--'Oh god, I'm going to be an aunt!' she had exclaimed. 'Hopefully he'll inherit his mom's temperment instead of yours.' she had teased).

Hailey and her brother were seven years apart--her being only 21 and being an 'accident.' Her parents hadn't planned her, and luckily for her, they had decided to keep the unborn baby that would become thier little girl. By the time she was seven and could be rather annoying, her brother was fourteen going into puberty. Often he yelled at her and told her to go jump off a cliff, but her love for her brother did not sway. She had been determined to stay close with her only sibling, no matter how much be pushed her away. In the end, she had succeded, and they were very good friends even now.

Ric would probably be the only one who actually disliked her. She was quite outgoing and friendly--though she did like to tease a lot--and the other members, fondly calling her 'Hailes,' were--if not kind to her, were at least accepting of her and appreciative of her talents. Even the manager liked her, because she was cooperative, and reliable, not to mention extremely mature for her age. After all, she was the youngest amongst them all. She walked over to the padded bench across from him, casually crossing her legs and smiling. "I'm not leaving so soon, you know. Unless you want to try and chase me out?" she didn't mean this in a bad way, just a small joke. She didn't want to be on his bad side--hopefully he'd loosen up sooner or later. Besides, Hailey was the type of girl that eventually grew on you. She had a simple but undeniable charm. Hailey hoped that she would at least be able to be on good terms with him on the tour that was coming up--after all, they were a group, and bad blood between members could prove to be disasterous, like it had been before.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby arteech0kee on Wed Apr 21, 2010 3:39 pm

Feeling rather grumpy,
Ric looked away from Hailey upon her arrival and when she sat opposite of him. He had spent the whole time waiting for her playing on his guitar and a soft melody, but once she walked in his melody turned to an out of tune strum and it sounded like he was gripping the strings rather too tightly and he wasn't pleased.
The guitarist sighed and placed the guitar to his side with a roll of his eyes, Kale had told him off about the beat, and apparently it was making Luther's ears bleed as he searched for food in the fridge. The band were all there and it was Kale who called for the meeting, his eyes furiously staring at Ric before he turned towards Hailey with a smile.

ImageA little something about Kale Maxwells.
He was the Eldest in the group thus the reason for the strict meetings and gatherings, the schedule was tight and it seemed they didn't even need a Manager at times. Kale is 29 years old and set to marry right after the tour ends, which may be just a year from that day, depending on other gigs that randomly come along, and he asked Hailey to sing at his wedding not too long after hearing her voice and for Ric to -not only be the bestman- but play his guitar during Hailey's songs. But how was that going to happen if Ric hates the girls who enter the band without getting to know them at all.

"So here's the deal," Kale spoke up. "In three days, we play at the stadium for our kick off concert, then we fly off to Europe for the European tour then back to the States then to the Asian countries," He crossed his arms as he listed the places at the top of his head. "We will end probably around next year, maybe late next year, hopefully."
Luther walked back into the group with a sandwich at hand, his mouth rather full as he sat beside Ric with a big grin to tease, that caused Ric to shuffle to the edge of the sofa and grunt at Luther as the two males laughed. "Freaking cheer up, Ric," Luther commented as he swallowed what was in his mouth and took another bite.

Image Luther was 26, and Ric's bestfriend ever since High School.
He's single and loves it, he's cheated on all his girlfriends in the past and he stated in an interview that; "I won't get a girlfriend till I feel like I want to settle down."
Luther likes Hailey more than Monica in terms of singers and band member, he prefers to defend her and prepared to defend her if Ric decided to be nasty.

"Okay well," Kale stopped laughing. "I think Ric needs to be more friendly to Hailey," He grunted and cleared his throat. "Since Luther's already eating and I've got to meet my girl, why don't you take her, Ric?"

Ric tensed up. "What?"
Last edited by arteech0kee on Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:24 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby yuri-chan1018 on Wed Apr 21, 2010 9:07 pm

Hailey listened carefully as Kale told them about the plan. She was rather impressed. She had not really thought of the full extent--nearly a year? She was new to the celebrity world--she supposed she would get used to it in the end. And hadn't this been the reason she had joined up? To travel the world and do what she loved to do? "That sounds like a plan," she said, always going with the flow. "I'm excited now." there was the flash of her mischievous smile. She had her own mind, yes--but she happened to be what they would call a 'team player.' She had a lot to learn from these more experienced performers.

Hailey liked both Luther and Kale; Kale sort of like an older brother and Luther, even though he was older than her, something of a younger brother(she would never tell him that, though). She usually teased him about his cheating streak on his girlfriends. Kale, she never really teased him, but she often asked about his fiance with a smile. She liked to talk about marriage and things like that; she had a good relationship with her sister-in-law and her little nephew because of her interest and kindness she showed them.

Her nephew's name was Evan, and he was such a darling, so, so, cute. Her sister in law, Darleen, often said that Evan had Hailey's eyes. She had been surprised the first time; her brother had the same color eyes as her. Wouldn't it make more sense to say that Evan had taken after his father? No, Darleen had explained with a laugh; his eyes had the same endearing spark of mischief that Hailey had. She went and visited them often, but now, on this tour, she realized she would not see Bradley, Darleen, or little Evan for a whole year. He would be bigger than, yes? But there was no going back--she had chosen this more herself, and she was going to have a kick-ass time.

She laughed good naturedly when Kale proclaimed that Ric had to be nicer to her, but the laugh died in her throat at the next suggestion. She recovered quickly, however. "Take me out for a lunch date? Sure, as long as he pays," quipped Hailey. "Just kidding, but really... is that wise? Leaving me alone with him? Won't he try and kill me or something? We all know how fond he is of me..." she said sweetly. She meant that everyone knew how much he disliked her. "..But I won't argue." she said, uncrossing her legs and standing. Maybe she really shouldn't try and poke fun at grumpy Ric, but she couldn't help it. She would befriend him somehow--and if not, she would at least get him to call her by her name. He rarely addressed her at all, and she had to surpress a laugh each time she saw the expression he would make from trying to keep himself from badmouthing her.

"Pick me up in three minutes, I hate it when my dates are late," she teased him one last time before leaving the loft to get her things. She was gone in an instant, just a bell-like laugh floating in the air to testify that she had been there at all. She left like she came, with teasing words, mischievous smiles, and the prettiest laughs. It was Hailey Connors alright.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby arteech0kee on Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:16 am

Mixed emotions overflowed him, it disabled him to notice what had just happened and if anyone actually clicked onto the fact he didn't want to go at all. It mustve made Hailey feel a bit more confidence because it surely made Ric feel like some sort of blind date candidate forced onto a blind date by his Older Brother, and even if he was hungry, Ric just wanted to tell that girl that he would rather "starve than go and be seen with her".

"Im surprisedat the fact you ever had a girlfriend in your life," Kale grunted as hentook out his car keys and shuffled it about in his hand. "I was more surprised to find out from Luther that youve actually had three long term ones in your life," The Older Sibling shook his head and walked towards the door. "I don't get you, Ric, ever since Angelica left, you've been a golden pain in the a.ssesof both mine and Luthers."
Ric's head turned towards Luther, a frown clear on his face as Luther shifted away from the guitarist, his hands rose in his defense. "No, no!" The drummer denied with his head rapidly shaking in the process of his denial.
"Come on Ric," Kale called. "You got to get that girl. Get to know her. If not for the band then for me and my wedding you are playing at. Please."

That was the first time Ric ever heard his big brother plead like that.

So Ric released a sigh and stood up. He grunted passed his Brother to indicate of his disapproval on using the Brother card.


As he promised.
Ric Maxwells reached the front door of the girl's home, his eye twitched as his fist was just an inch or two away. Ready to tap against the wood to knock. But Ric just stood there like an idiot, wondering what in the world he was meant to do in terms of getting to know someone he didn't want to get to know at all.
They were bandmates.
Ric wanted to keep it at that.
He did that with the two years and a few months with Monica.
Why not with Hailey?

The male stood there with his eyes closed, his lips parted a bit to release a rather annoyed sigh, they then pursed aginst one another and his eyes reopened in time for his knuckles to collide lightly against the door and knock.
It was hard at first.
Then came the wait.
He stood there lookig a bit foolish, his fingers gripping on the hem on his dark blue shirt as he tapped his shoe against the floor. He couldn't hear any other footsteps other than his own in the hallway. A growl released between his lips as he rose his hand again and knocked once more, three times to be exact and the louder it got each time it collided.

"Hailey, hurry it up." Ric called as he paced back and forth at the hallway, he wasn't late and he wanted to nag his head odd about being told not to be late when clearly she was. The guitairst leaned against the wall just the door, his heard turned away with his eyes looking out at the window. It was quiet again, it was just him hearing his own breathing before he heard the door creak open.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby yuri-chan1018 on Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:58 am

Hailey wasn't too excited to have to go out to lunch with someone who disliked her--but she would have to deal. After all, it was important to get along. She might poke fun at him often, but she was always careful not to go too far. Experience with her hot tempered brother had taught her to be cautious when guys like Ric were moody. Well, he was always moody whenever it came to Hailey. She didn't mind that Ric had a nasty disliking towards her--not too much, but she sincerely hoped that he would soften up. Heck, he might even be cute once he stopped scowling.

“My, my, mighty eager aren’t we?” Hailey muttered to herself at his impatient knocks. She was actually lounging on her sofa, only a couple feet away from the door he was nagging at from the other side. She just didn’t want to seem like she had been ready ages ago. But she was surprised when he called her by her name, and she became rather amused. Since when? Ha, perhaps she was getting there.

She decided to indulge him and got up and traipsed to the door. “My neighbors are going to think I’m being visited by a loan shark,” she teased as she opened the door. “That, or you’d eventually break down my door. You seem quite, quite impatient for someone who didn't want to go.” she smiled mischievously before stepping outside. She was wearing exactly what she had worn before; white simple short sleeved dress shirt, dark skinny jeans, and heeled sandals. Her hair, though curly, was still somehow neat, and her soft make up was perfect, as usual. Hailey thought there was no reason to dress up for something that was so not a date(she had only been teasing, after all).

“Where are we going for lunch?” she asked, subconsciously twirling a dark curl with a slender finger. She wasn't too hungry, but hungry enough to want something good. Hailey wasn't much of a picky eater, as long as there was nothing to do with fish; when she was five she had gotten food poisoning after eating a slightly uncooked fish. After that, she didn't touch the stuff. She shouldered her bag and looked up at him(he practically towered over her) with a hint of a smile. "I was kidding before, you don't have to pay." the smile turned into a brief grin.

[OOC: Kinda short. Sorry~ xF]

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby arteech0kee on Fri Apr 23, 2010 1:42 am

[[ it's fine xD ]]

"What the heck took you so long?" Ric hissed before he turned away from he and headed towards the elevator, his eyes closed when he heard her speak while they waited for the silver door to part. The man slightly released a sigh and looked up at the ceiling, his eyes reopened as he managed to force himself to say, "No, I feel that I think I should.. Because I need to apologize.. For.. My bad.. Er. Behaviour."

He was straining and forcing himself to talk like that, especially to someone of whom he just met and surely, Hailey Connors, was already fitting into the missing square Monica Fretcher left behind. Ric figured there was no way he was going to melt to her lively vibe like Luther and Kale had already done. Same with Alexis Edwards, his future sister in law and pretty much their manager.
Alexis was always teasing Ric about getting a girlfriend, and his reaction to having Hailey had made matters worse as it was one of the worst reactions he had done compared to Monica and the other girls who managed to stay for a couple of weeks and months. The Guitarist was a jerk and when Hailey arrived without him being able to say or do anything to her, well, he felt he had lost his cool and just wanted to blow up at someone else.

Well he actually did.
To a waitress at a restaurant who got his order wrong.
The same went to the event manager at a stadium they were playing when she mistaken a guitar with a bass guitar and mistaken Ric of being Kale.
Oh, not to mention "Ellen", Luther's last ever girlfriend, that was one of the controversial one actually, Ric went to jail for three days before he was released with bail thanks to Alexis.. Apparently, the Guitarist was mad at Angelica Jones for leaving and Monica was away the day that reminded him of Angelica since her departure and he just, blew up, he verbally attacked "Ellen" and she was emotionally scarred for a whole before Ric's Apology was made worldwide.

But yes, since then, Ric's graduation from Anger Management helped and Hailey was actually seeing and meeting one of the nicest Ric anyone has seen.
Even Kale told Hailey about it and told her of how lucky she was when she joined after Ric's Anger Management had finally ended, the girls before her were probably scarred emotionally too.

"I have an idea," Ric returned his head straight oncethe elvator opened. He released a sigh and awaited for her to enter before he followed, he stood awkwardly still aside her. "We eat at a Sushi Bar Alexis told me to take you, it's got fish and I remembered Luther said never to take you to anywhere 'fishy', so I am thinking we can just go to Burger King."

Whoa, Ric remembered a fact about Hailey.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby yuri-chan1018 on Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:07 pm

"Oh, come on. Don't you know how much care we put into dressing up nicely just for guys?" she said good naturedly, though that really hadn't been the reason of her tardiness. But she was naturally surprised to hear his half-apology. "Eh? That's so unlike you. But don't feel bad, I've heard I'm lucky not to be at the end of your extreme anger. Honestly though, I'm really hard to scare off. I have a brother like you." Hailey was glad to see that Ric actually had a decent side, as she had suspected. She was the type to see the best of people and draw it out even more.

Hailey lived on the fifth floor. She had a head for heights; as a child she had been such a cheeky tomboy with a penchant for climbing trees(and falling out of them--she had probably broken a couple ribs in her childhood but she had still insisted climbing as soon as she was released from the hospital). Who knew that the little girl would grow up and be part of a real band? Her family had been very proud of her--down to her still at-times-moody brother(Come to think of it, Darleen had been more excited at the news than her brother). Ric had been through anger management, but her brother hadn't--though she doubted Bradley needed it now. Hailey herself had squeezed and pried into her brother's acceptance, and made him all for the better.

She blinked as she stepped into the elevator, wondering why he was being so grudgingly nice. She’d sort of prefer it that he treated her nicely because he liked her as a human being, not just because someone told him to. Hailey blinked again at his suggestion of food—three surprises in the same meeting? First he calls her by her name, second he apologizes(well, sort of), and third, he actually paid attention to something about her? What a shocker.

“You’re so full of surprises, Ric,” she said, her smile once again turning teasing. “Didn’t know you cared so much.” Shouldn’t Burger King be the exact place where one was not supposed to take a girl? At least in the popular media? “I’m fine with that—but hey, d’you hate me so much you’re trying to get rid of me by feeding me too much? I’m not a goldfish, you know. I won’t explode.” an eyebrow quirked questioningly, but like always, she meant it all in good cheer.

But Hailey would have preferred the burger shop over the sushi restaurant—not because of the fish, but because she wasn’t really comfortable with those stiff and stuck up types of places. She was much more partial to a laid-back, fast food place. It was more her thing; where people wouldn’t glare at you for blinking too much or not being able to handle the super hot towels they handed out. Hailey’s family hadn’t been very wealthy, so being at fancy places usually made her fidget. She was feeling grateful towards him for that.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby arteech0kee on Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:13 pm

"Well I hate fish," Ric bluntly spoke out as the ding opened the elevator and he walked out, he squeezed between the new crowd ready to enter the elevator as he placed his hands into the pocket of his jeans, he continued to walk until they reached the door and revealed, "I walked here, and Burger King is just a couple of blocks from here so would it matter if we had to walk?"

Well it shouldn't.
Because Ric had already started to walk towards the direction of the Fast Food location, he hated going to dates when he didn't like the girl, he even ignored whatever she said in the elevator in hopes to get the whole lunch date over and done with. Hailey was a nuisancefor him, but with Kale nagging at him to become friends with her, he became more stressed with his own personality changing and forced to stay back efore something happens.
The very thought had Ric combing his fingers through his short hair, no product was placed into his black hair and no one touched it unless he had to do a show or a public appearace. Yet withtheir lack of product in his hair, he actually looked normal and pretty much just a normal male with a black jacket, blue shirt and denim jeans with his normal adidas shoes.
If Ric was seen by someone who didn't recognize him, he really would just look like a normal person walking the pathway to their job.
An everyday type of person.

But sadly, he wasn't.
Ric looked over at Hailey with a dull gaze. "So, what do you think of our band?" Ric was actually starting a conversation. "Kale and I write the songs, I wrote the last album, and the one you're in, that was partially Kale's because I was going through a tough patch." Ric was opening up.
Well not too quickly. He even released a sigh knowing he just revealed what may have been written in Wikipedia or in their website.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby yuri-chan1018 on Sun Apr 25, 2010 10:33 pm

“Of course I don’t mind walking.” she scoffed, managing to keep up with his long strides. She wasn’t wearing glass slippers or anything(and it was also besides the point that Hailey was no dainty Cinderella), and she had played sports in high school. Did he think all girls were preppy? She certainly hoped he didn’t.

She briefly contemplated the fact that to some third party, they would look like a couple(a couple who had just had a fight and the male was still having a hissy fit, not yet having gone to the kiss-and-make-up night), but she laughed at herself. Ridiculous. He might warm up to her a bit, but not that far. What were the odds?

A conversation, eh? Well, it was better than the one sided monologue she was having with herself. Pause. “I like the lyrics,” she said honestly. She wasn’t one for sugar coating or sucking up to someone. Sure, she might tease one in a while(okay, more like all the while), but lying wasn’t on her ‘to do’ list. “And truthfully, I’m pretty picky with what I like to sing. But everything seems to fit right into my standards.” She curled another lock of hair between thumb and finger.

“As for the general band, I’m happy with it. There’s everything you need for chart-topping songs. All three of you are very talented in what you do.” Again, being truthful. Though she knew how much Ric disliked her, she had a level of admiration for his skills and his
stubbornness. “I hope I can be up to par,” she finished with a small but infectious smile. Now that was a totally vulnerable sentence, right there. He could totally take advantage of that and turn it into a nasty, ‘No, you can’t.’ Even though she knew this, she didn’t mind or care, for that matter. He could throw whatever pent up rage he had against her and she would be able to take it.

She was sure of it, however, that in the end they would all get along like they were supposed to.

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Re: The Voice to the Broken Strings ( Closed )

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby arteech0kee on Sun Apr 25, 2010 11:58 pm

"Yeah, thanks," Ric heard her compliments, she was either sucking up or she was just humorong him because she knew how much he didn't like people lying to him, she was pretty much informed with his flaws the moment she was presented the contrac to join the band. Opened Gorge was one of the chart listing bandsNAND high demand in terms of concerts in differet areas, they really never did much sometimes because either Ric was at anger management or they lacked a singer. Ric rubbed hid forehead as he could hear the girl talk, she was talkig in this whole conversation, and well, he really wasn't sure how and what to say when it came to conversations with someone he doesn't like.
"Look, I'm not sure what to do in these types of things because I don't really find myself mingling with people I don't interest myself with," The Guitarist openly confessed as he took a turn down the corner and opened a glass door; it wasn't Burger King and wasn't even a fast food joint.

Ric lied to her.

The place was up the stairs of the entrance, he waited for her to enter before he instructed her to walk all the way with him following her, up the stairs was a small Sushi Bar. There was a small amount of people inside sitting around the bar. Ric reached the top and he brushed passed her from behind. "Wait here." He instructed her as he walked over to the chef that walked from behind the bar, the gave each other a welcoming greeting as Ric leaned close and whispered to the man that he was there with someone from the band, he told the man that she wasn't a date but was the new singer of Opened Gorge.

"Ah, you survived the pits of Ric Maxwells," The chef looked away from Ric and towards Hailey, he beckoned her to come over and take a seat beside Ric's 'usual' spot, the chef gave a small chuckle as he gave Ric a strong pat on the back and chuckled once more. "Welcome, welcome, what is the name of the new singer to my favorite band?" He asked as he clapped his hands together.
The Guitarist took a spot beside Hailey, his hands dusted against each other while he then placed them on his lap as he tried to avoid looking at both the chef and Hailey, it was pretty much to avoid a conversation.

"Our dear Ric is a regular here," The Chefebegan to cut a roll for new sushi and placed onto small plates and placed on the moving belt in front of them which later moved onto the other side. Ric cleared his throat and asked, "Do you two need to talk about me?"

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