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The Wall (CLOSED)

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Sun Oct 18, 2009 6:55 am

It didn't matter whether or not she was worried. As long as he was able to talk and moved somewhat regualrily without having to take any sorts of pain killers, he'd be fine. It hurt, yes, but still, he wasn't about to pass out from the pain, and was able to ignore it, so why try and make it go away.

He pushed it all aside as she brought him a bowl of soup. Funny thing was that he remembered those two bowls. It was a matching pair, actually it was one of the first things the two of them, him and Olivia had 'aquired' from the world above. He remembered how it had been when they'd met. She had been so confused and scared... Or that was how he had assumed she felt. It was a big turnover to move down below the surface, and a thing that was essential to do quickly, was to find a friend.

For the first two years od so they'd both been living down there, they had shared a house with a bunch of other people their own ages. Everytime somebody got old enough, or confident enough that they could live on their own, they'd move out, and it would only take a few days and then another kid would've moved in. That was how things were. People could disappear from your life overnight. Sometimes you'd get to see them again, other times... They'd be lost.

As far as he had been told, Olivia had cried the day Vincent moved out. He didn't know if it was true, and he didn't want to ask her if it was.

He hold the bowl between his hands for a while, allowing the heat to warm his hands. Finally he took the spoon, and half a second later the glorious taste of real food filled his mouth. He had almost never been happier in his entire life.

"You're the best, Pretty Olive. I love you." he mumbled.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Sun Oct 18, 2009 5:14 pm

Olivia had always remembered that night. She had felt like her whole world was crashing down around her again. People came and people left that place and you would never see people once they left. Olivia didn’t want to loose Vincent. He had been the first person to really talk to her once she had come underground and she had felt so lost that first night without him.

Yet her fears had seemed invalid when the next day Vincent had come back, asking for her so that they could go and hang out. Olivia had spent the whole night before laying awake on her tiny bed crying but she had quickly picked herself up and had tried not to show him that. She hadn’t wanted him to think she had as little faith in him that he would just up and leave.

She always remembered the time that she had moved out. Vincent had been there to help her move all of her small things into this tiny place and even help her get it all set up. Well… that was as much set up as they could considering they had started drinking an hour before they moved.

As she sat down though she was still thinking about what she was going to do about getting him something to take the pain away. Her mind was still trying to think of alternatives to the necklace yet as far as she knew there were none. It would just have to be done unfortunately. With a sigh she took a small spoonful of the soup and lifted it to her lips. It tasted so good.

Watching Vincent she noticed that he was waiting for his to cool down a little, which was fine with her. Not everyone ate scolding hot soup. His words though pulled on her heart. Sometimes she hated it when he told her that he loved her but only because she imagined it to be the opposite kind of love she felt for him. Olivia loved Vincent with all of her heart and when he said that, she knew that he was only talking about in a friendship way.

“I love you too” Olivia said in a soft voice as she smiled a little at him. Sometimes, and especially with her feelings, she was good at covering things. “Mmm… after this maybe you should get some more rest? It might help with the healing and take some of the pain away” Olivia suggested, thinking it would be the perfect time to sneak out.
Maybe you're going to be the one who saves me...

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Mon Oct 19, 2009 8:14 am

He looked at her as she suggested that he should be getting some more rest, and a voice in the back of his head, a voice scarily similar to that of his mother, told him that Olivia was right. He nodded in response to her, thinking that it would be the perfect time to once more think about getting away from this hellhole of a city.

He ate spoonfull and spoonfull of soup, despite burning his tounge over and over again. He was just so hungry, and it tasted so goddamn good. Had he died in that moment he would have died a happy man. His stomach was almost full, and the oh so wonderful words 'I love you' had just been exchanged between them. Not that he was sure what she had meant by saying it. Had she just replied with the same words that he had said because she needed something to say? Was it because she really, actually felt that way about him? Or was it just to ensure him that they were friends...? He really hoped that it was because she felt like he. He loved her, he had always loved her, he just hadn't been able to say it out loud. For years he had even denied it to himself, trying to convince himself that he was just infatuated by her. Be it her smile or her lovely laugh...

They had both been pretty young when they met. They'd had grown up side by side, and maybe that was why he couldn't tell her the truth about hos feelings. He was so afraid that she viewed him as an older brother or maybe just a guy that had just been there, in her life, for quite some time.

No matter why she had said it, he believed that she honestly meant it. He didn't like that silence that had fallen between them, and struggled to think of something to say. As he thought, he just kept sipping at the soup, now avoidign to use the spoon. It was much easier to just drink from the bowl, even though it was a bit harder to control.

"You know," he mumbled with a smile on his face. "I was just thinking about something." "Yeah. Gongrats with the premier..." "I want to go to the beach someday. And I want you to come along. It could be really amazing, right? I haven't seen an ocean in years!"

He blabbered on like that for a while, before realising that his bowl was empty. He couldn't really stretch it any further, and so he leaned back. "About time I got that rest.." He said, slumping over to one side before finally getting himself together to just lay down on his back, and carefully pull his foot up on the bed too. Once more it felt like it was about to fall off, but luckily it didn't.

With a smile onhis lips he closed his eyes.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:48 pm

Olivia was glad when he nodded his head in agreement to needing sleep. She was glad that at least he was thinking straight enough to know that his body needed it. Olivia also needed the time to go and get him some pain medication. There was no way he was going to let her walk out of here to get it if he knew what she was doing and her ability to lie just sucked around him that it wasn’t worth even trying to come up with some sort of story.

She looked up from the bowl of soup she was finishing off as he began to talk about going to the beach. “Yeah… it would be amazing” Olivia agreed in a soft voice as a tiny smile appeared on her lips for a second as she thought about it. However it was only a few seconds before she remembered that there was no way that they would ever get to the beach. It was too far away, it was above ground and it was outside the city walls. It was just impossible. Although she sat there as he continued to talk about it, listening to the desire in Vincent’s voice as he spoke. Olivia could tell that he really wanted to go and to see the beach one more time but she just didn’t know what to say and as far as she was concerned it was only wishful thinking.

“Alright then” Olivia said as Vincent decided he was going to get more rest. She leant over and picked up his now empty bowl and stacked it in hers before pulling the sheets up and over him for a bit more comfort. Walking over to the small area of the room which was the kitchen she looked back at him. “Umm I am just going to step out for awhile. I will be back before you wake up though” Olivia said to Vincent as she rinsed the bowls and then walked over to pick up the bottle of alcohol from beside the bed. With one last glance at Vincent she walked out of the house, closing the door behind her as she began to walk down the street.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Tue Oct 20, 2009 1:18 pm

When she said that she was going out for a bit, he had just nodded, mostly to cover over the little thought that maybe she was going somewhere to meet somebody. He frowned at the thought of that, and simply closed his eyes again. His hand clenched the edge of the sheet that covered him, and with a distressed sigh he uttered a simple "Fuck it all."

It wasn't that he was mad, he just knew that he was not capable of coping very well with this. With anything in fact! It was so goddamn hard to make a decent living for yourself, and there was nothing you could do to make it any easier for yourself, and know his foot wasn't working, and he couldn't go anywhere, and he was a sorry mishap of a human who couldn't do anything right!

As his thoughts continued like that, he felt a strong urge to punch somebody in the face. Just not Olivia, even though she would probably be the next person he'd meet. That was his first thought when somebody knocked on the door. "Already back?" Vincent raised his head a little and groaned that the door was open. At least he was pretty sure that it was.
His thought was confirmed as a figure moved trough the door, and closed it behind it.

"Hey Vince. Heard you got yourself shot! What the hell were you doing?!" It took Vincent a moment to recognize the man. It was Clarence, a guy Vincent considered to be a friend of his. Smiling the usual crooked smile, Vincent greeted his friend with a very nice "Hey. Can I punch you in the face?"

Clarence, the blonde haired man with the adorable blueish/greyish eyes just laughed and shook his head at Vincent. Of course the answer was a no.

With his smile still on his face Vincent waved Clarence over, and asked him to sit down. He didn't care where, as long as he stayed far away from his foot.
The two of them talked about a lot of different things, mostly Vincent's foot+ bullet = Owwie and what else of interesting and fascinating things one could think of.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Tue Oct 20, 2009 2:54 pm

Olivia quickly walked down the streets. She was nervous about what she was about to do and her hand went up to her neck to touch the necklace. It was the last thing that connected her with her parents. Some days she would be happy to forget about them all together but other days it felt nice to have something that reminded her of them. They were after all her parents, even if they had turned her in. She quickly tried to change her train of thought. She didn't want herself backing out of it and began to think about how much Vincent needed this. Olivia knew that he would never tell her that he did but she could tell that he was in pain. Olivia wanted to fix this for him and continued to try and convince herself that him being pain free was better than any necklace.

Upon reaching her destination Olivia looked up at the building. It was just a normal building underground, small and dark. Although Olivia and everyone else knew that it was the place to come when you wanted something rare. It was the place to come when you had something to trade and were in desperate need of something. Often it would have what you were after and if not, then the man behind the counter could get it. It was also known to be holding a lot of the medicine that was underground.

With a sigh she walked inside and up to the counter. The man sitting there was only a few years older than herself and smiled at her as she entered. "And what may I do for such a pretty lady today?" He asked with a grin.

Olivia looked at him nervously. "Umm I was wondering if I could get some pain killers... I dont know how many this will get me but this is what I am willing to trade" Olivia said as her hands went to the back of her neck to undo the necklace. Reluctantly she placed it down on the counter in front of her so that he could see.

"Hmm that would get you enough to take the correct dosage for the next ten days" The man said with delight. It wasn't everyday that he actually got something pretty in a trade. Things like that were very rare down here. People often didn't want to part with things like this.

"Ok I will take them" Olivia said as she watched the man take the necklace and handed her over a bottle of pills. "Thank you" Olivia said as she picked them up. With a slightly depressed expression she walked out of the store. Already her neck felt bare but she just hoped that Vincent wouldn't notice it was missing.

She walked quickly back to her place, walking inside quietly as she expected Vincent to be asleep and yet he was entertaining. Olivia smiled when she saw Clarance. "Hey, what are you doing here?" She said with a grin as she walked over and put the pain killers on the bedside table. "And shouldn't you be asleep?" Olivia asked Vincent, not sure if she should be happy that he was able to stay awake or upset that he wasn't trying to rest.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Tue Oct 20, 2009 3:39 pm

Clarence looked at her as she entered, an returned her smile with great enthusiasm. "Hey Olivia!" He waved at her, flaunting his childish behaviour. Clarence was just that type of guy, acting like he was everybody's younger brother or something. He was a well-liked person, and known by most, not only because he was easy on the eye and ever so charming, but also because he had some sort of depth to him. And of course because he was one hell of a nice guy.

"Word got out that Vincent got shot, and some people were going crazy about it. They were going around telling everybody that he was gonna die. I just wanted to check if it was true." He said. He was currently sitting on the floor right next to the bed, his legs folded as if he was meditating. He had his back up against the bedside table, and exactly like Vincent he followed the bottle of pills with his eyes as she sat them down.

"Karl said that he had helped Vince over to Jane's place, and when I asked Jane she said that last time she had seen Vince was when you dragged him of. Well, for a little while I was kinda confused. I couldn't really hear what she said because there were kids all over the place screaming like they had to be that loud to survive! I really don't undertand how she can live like that and still hacve the energy to be nice."
One of the things you would notice about Clarence the first time you met him, was that his facial expresion was never the same for more than a single second. He also never really kept his eyes focused. He was an everywhere experience.

Vincent had kept silent, staring at the bottle. It was easy to know what it was, and he did not like it. Why had she done that? He had already told her that he didn't want them. What did she expect, that she could force him to swallow them? Hell no. He was not eating those things.

But then he came to think of what she had given in return for those pills.

His train of thought was derailed as she talked to him, asking him if he shouldn't be busy with sleeping. He laughed, doing his best to ignore the obvious worry in her voice. "Well, I ain't much fun when I'm asleep right? And besides... Umm..." In his head he hadn't gotten further than 'Right?'
Typical of him.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Tue Oct 20, 2009 11:10 pm

Olivia listened to Clarence’s story with a smile and laughed when he mentioned Jane. “Yeah I sware she has the patience of a saint sometimes. God knows I couldn’t do it” Olivia said to him. She had always liked being around Clarence. He was a nice guy which was often a change from some of the people she met down here. When she had first met him Olivia had noticed his really good looks but it wasn’t his looks which had attracted her to him, it was his personality. It was the kind that you couldn’t help but love. Maybe if she hadn’t been so in love with Vincent she might have tried a little harder to get his attention but as it was she was happy with him just being a close friend.

Her attention then turned to Vincent who seemed to have been distracted by the bottle of pills. She could tell just from his face that he wasn’t happy to see them. Olivia didn’t see the big deal. He normally took heaps of other pills so what was the difference in actually taking some that would be good for him? All she wanted to do was help.

However she just hoped that he wouldn’t ask her what she had traded them for. Olivia knew that he would not be happy when he found out. He knew how much that necklace meant to her.

“Yeah I guess you aren’t” Olivia said with a smile, agreeing with him. She could tell that he was having trouble processing what she had said and that he was probably distracted by the bottle. “Then again when are you ever fun? Seriously if you call running around above ground like crazy people to steal a chicken fun then I think you are on your own there” Olivia said in a joking tone. She was just teasing him and knew that he would know that.

She had decided not to mention the pills. From the look on Vincent’s face when she had brought them in he wasn’t happy and Olivia didn’t want to start a fight in front of Clarence. Olivia was positive though that this would turn into some sort of fight. A fight where her emotions would just get the better of her and she would end up crying. She always ended up crying when they got into an argument, although she didn’t often let Vincent see her crying.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Wed Oct 21, 2009 10:11 am

Vincent glared at Olivia, trying to look insulted, but instead of getting the face right, he just ended up looking... constupated. He didn't really care, and deciding that the pills would stay out of his mind until Clarence had left, he smiled. A great big smile that made his face light up, and somehow it even made him feel a little better inside. It was just nice sitting there with both Olivia and Clarence, talking about whatever comes to mind.

"No need to be mean!" He said to Olivia, "We both know that everybody loves to steal chicken! It is the best passtime in the whole fucking world. I'm serious..!"

He tried to sit up, and managed to get about halfways before he gave up and just alllowed his elbows to support his weight. He turned his head to look at Clarence, hearing the man chuckle to himself. Clarence had such a funny habit of trying to conceal when he was laughing at somebody, although no one knew why. He'd cover the lower part of his face with both his hands, and turn away as if he was about to vomit. That had led to more than one misunderstood jokes.

In fact, his peculiar way of laughing was the thing that had brought him and Vincent 'together' so to speak. Vincent couldn't remember much of that night, only that he was high and was having a lot of fun with it. He also remembered a once in a lifetime tabledance, performed by himself, and Clarence standing in a corner, laughing so much tears streamed down his cheeks.

After that they had just been friends. Vincent actually wasn't totally clear on how Clarence and Olivia had gotten to know each other, but who cared anyways.

"And if you don't believe me, I will gladly convince you with another great and wonderous tabledance performance. You Know I have the skills!" He said with a convincing tone to his voice.

Ahh, times like these sure were great. But it would be even greater if he was drunk or high. Anything else than being clear and sober.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Wed Oct 21, 2009 3:49 pm

Olivia very clearly remembered how she had met Clarence. It had been the day before Vincent had and she had been wondering the streets and he had come up to her. Origionally Clarence had asked her out, telling her that she was gorgeous. Olivia had turned him down but Clarence had just taken it in his stride. She had then offered for him to come and hang out with her the following night. She knew that a bunch of friends were getting together with the main objective being to get as drunk and as high as possible. Clarence had agreed and they had become friends ever since.

It was a week after this though that Clarence had confronted her about Vincent. He had noticed the way she would look at him and said that he understood now why she had turned it down. Olivia had tried to deny it but it hadn't worked and ended up making him promise not to tell Vincent. Olivia knew that she could trust him, he really was one of the nicest guys she knew.

Olivia's mind slipped back to the present as she watched Vincent. She loved the way just with something simple he could capture everyone in the rooms attention. Her eyes were glued to him as he spoke about catching chickens and how he would do it again.

She laughed. "Hmm yeah I dont think that is a very good idea. Plus... what are we going to call the second one? The name chicken is already taken" Olivia teased as she put her feet up on the edge of the bed to get a little more comfortable. "Plus I am pretty sure it is my turn to steal the chicken and you the vegetables" Olivia said sticking her tongue out at him. Somethings she could be very immature. The sticking out of her tongue was one of these things.

Olivia ran her fingers through her hair. As she sat there she couldn't help but think about how her neck was bare. It felt weird not wearing the necklace and a large part of her wanted it back. Although this part of her was nothing in comparison to the part of her that wanted Vincent pain free.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:24 pm

"Uh oh. Did I walk in while you two were in the middle of fighting or something? I can just feel the tension! It's killing me!" He said just before miming strangling himself. Eager to make his tiny performance even more believable, he fell to the side, and a 'bump' sound of head against floor, followed by a "Who the fuck put a floor there?!" Could be heard from Clarence's mouth. The man tried to get up from the floor, but like Vincent he gave up halfway.

Vincent leaned out over the edge of the bed, and looked down at Clarence. "You okay there?" He asked, his voice sounding slightly rougher than usual. Clarence put his arm up in the air and sent Vincent a good ol' thumbs up, closely followed by a change of gesture, this time sending a much ruder one. Vincent knew that Clarence wasn't serious at all, but right at that point in time, Vincent had something a bit more important on his mind.

Because just the simple movement from before had somehow made excruciating pain jolt back and forth in his body. All the way from the tip of his toes, to the very tip of his fingers. Clarence had moved, so he could see both Olivia and Vincent again, and right now, he had a very concerned look in his eyes.

Vincent had sunken his head down, and hid his face away from Olivia especially. It was pretty obvious what was going on. Clarence had for a really long time known how the two of them felt about each other, and he had made solemn vowels to keep it a secret. Although he had played with the thought of just yelling it out.

"Hey, Vince. What's up? Talk to me, C'mon." Clarence hadn't moved further knowing how homophobic Vincent was, and how Vincent would perceive caring help from a man as 'gay'. It was better if Olivia could take care of it.

Sometimes the man just didn't make sence though.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Wed Oct 21, 2009 4:35 pm

Olivia giggled as she watched Clarence pretending to die on the ground and laughed even harder when he made the rude hand gesture. Olivia knew that he wasn't serious about it. Hardly anyone ever was when they stuck their finger up anymore. Olivia saw it more of a joking way of telling people to leave them alone or a comeback for a comment. If you really wanted to tell someone to fuck off then people would say the words.

However her eyes quickly darted to Vincent as she saw that he was in pain. Olivia guessed that he had moved his foot as a result of the joking around that they had been doing. Olivia didn't need to see Vincent's face to know that he was in pain. It was obvious from the way his body had almost curled up and from him hiding his face away from her. Sometimes Olivia wished he would realise that asking for help and admitting pain didn't make you any less of a man, especially not in her eyes.

"Vincent? You ok?" Olivia said as she got up from where she had been sitting and moved a little closer. She could see that Clarence wanted to help but she could see him holding back. Olivia knew why as well. Vincent was very homophobic and didn't like other guys touching him. As far as Olivia was concerned the gays could do whatever they wanted. Everyone was entitled to do what they wanted.

Reaching over to the bottle of pills Olivia opened it and took two out. "Here... Vincent take these alright, they will help with the pain" Olivia said, hoping that he wouldn't argue and that the pain might make him more agreeable. As she held out the pills to him Olivia glanced down at his foot. She couldn't see any bleeding through the bandages which was good since if there was then she was going to have to change the dressing, something she wasn't looking forward to.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Thu Oct 22, 2009 5:52 am

Vincents protests were muffled greatly by the fabric he was hiding his face in. Maybe it was a pillow, maybe it was a goo-monster . Vincent didn't know and he certainly didn't care. He was trying his best to hold back the scream he actually wanted over his lips, but no fucking way that he would have himself scream in pain. That were for women and whatnot. Just not him. He had done so well up until now, but it was over.

He hated Olivia. Really hated her for standing there with the pills in her hand. He couldn't see her, but he knew how it was. He hated that she sounded so concerned, and he hated that she was right. It would help, it would make it go away, but Vincent wasn't like that. He was a man, and somehow he had gotten the thought that a man should be able to soak up any kind of pain, and just live with it, in his head.

It was hard to say where that thought originated from, but if one had ever met Vincent's dad, they wouldn't have to speculate about it. No, Vincent's dad was a class A war veteran, and he made sure that everybody knew exactly how it had been to be a part of that war. Going around shooting innocent people, bombing their houses and turning their lives to hell. Vincent's dad made it sound glorious.

Clarence got a hold of himself, he sat up straight, still looking like he was about to die from worry. He actually looked like he was going to puke. His eyes darted around all over the place, unable to find anything to look at. He couldn't just ignore what was going on right in front of him, but he really wanted it to stop.

Things had been good just moments ago, and now they weren't. "Vince, you've gotta do as she says" He said, his voice strained.

Vincent said something again, this time only slightly muffled. "Get the fuck away from me! I don't want it!" He was breathing heavily, just waiting for the pain to go away by itself.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Thu Oct 22, 2009 6:49 am

It hurt for Olivia to see him like this. She watched as he seemed to curl up into the bed, turning away from her as he had his head muffled into the pillow. She hated seeing him like this, especially when he was refusing to take something to make it better. It had all just happened so quickly that Olivia really didn't know what else to do other than to offer him the pills.

Looking over at Clarence she could see that he was worried. Olivia was positive that all the colour had drained from her face. She felt sick watching him although she tried to keep it together for everyones sake as she held the pills out for him to take. All she wanted to do was to make him feel better and to take away the pain. His next comment though hurt.

Olivia couldn't remember a time when he had spoken to her like that. He had never, ever sworn at her like that and it shocked her. Her mouth hung open for a few seconds before she managed to control herself a little, her eyes glassing over as if they were about to cry. Here she was, trying to help him and he didn't even want her anywhere near him. It hurt, especially after what she had given up to be able to give him this help.

"Fine!" Olivia said in an upset voice as she tossed the pills onto the floor. "Be your stupid self and don't take any help from anyone just so that you think you will look like a man, see if I care" Olivia said, now with tears running down her face as she turned around and walked out of the house. Olivia wasn't sure where she was going but she was going away from there, even if it was her own house.

Olivia was upset with him. She knew that he was in pain but she didn't understand why he was being so pig-headed about it. Olivia couldn't stand being in that room any longer. She couldn't stand watching him in pain and she couldn't just stand there while he wouldn't let her do anything about it. Walking down the street she knew that she probably looked a mess with the tears running down from her face but she didn't care.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Thu Oct 22, 2009 4:18 pm

He was still hiding after he had heard the door slamming behind Olivia. Compared to the tone in her voice, and the slight sniff he had heard, he knew that he had made her cry. Again. Yes, he was a jerk and deserved to get kicked in the balls for that, but he had made up his mind. A crying woman was not going to change that! He kept repeating that in his head until the pain slowly subsided. It was strange to feel like he did, but for now, he was content that it had passed. Although it would return, sooner or later, of that one could be sure.

He was gasping slightly, whe he heard Clarence move. It was just the sound of fabric, not anything special, but still it got Vincent's entire attention.

"Vince...?" Clarence said, his voice almost impossible to hear.

"I told you to go away!" Vincent snapped. He sounded hoarse, and somehow he was able to turn his face and stare directly into Clarence's eyes. His expression clearly showed how angry he was, and that he was very unsatisfied with Olivia storming out.

But then he seemed to calm a little down. "Why don't you go after her? It's either that or help me out." He said, not even once sounding like he was sorry. Apologizing when he meant it was a big problem for Vincent.

"Dude, why don't you cut the act! No one's gonna think any less of you for taking those pills! Just eat some, and then tell her that you're sorry when she comes back!" Clarence sounded like he was on the verge of yelling his head of. If there was something he severely disliked, it was when a man made a woman cry. It was just pathetic.

There was a brief moment in silence, before anybody spoke again. "Get me a piece of paper, a pen and some of those pills then." Vincent said.

Clarence spent a few minutes going through some different cabinets and drawers before finding something useable. It was an old newspaper, half of a pencil, and lastly he assumed that five pills were enough. He gave it all to Vincent who started out by swallowing the pills, thinking that Olivia would be just as sorry as he the next time she pulled a trick like that, he then took the pencil in his hand, pulled the newspaper closer, and in the edge he wrote a very simple little message for Olivia to find later.

Did as you ordered. Thanks babe.
Ps. What did you do to your necklace?

He then raised his head, looked at Clarence and said "Get me out of here."

A few minutes later, Clarence was acting as a crutch for Vincent, holding him up. He knew it was a bad idea, but when one was as scared of conflict as Clarence was, they'd do whatever they could to avoid a fight. And it would most definately evolve into a nasty one if he pissed Vincent off right now. So instead was the pretty little man helping the one with the injured foot down the street towards his own home, very sure that something was gonna go wrong.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:47 am

Olivia continued to walk until she got to Jane's place. She didn't really have a clue where she was going until she finally got there and found herself standing out the front just looking at the place. Olivia was still really worried about Vincent. He had seemed like he was in so much pain and all she could remember was the pain and anger in his voice when he had spoken to her. On some level Olivia didn't blame him yet that didn't mean it hadn't hurt to both see him like that as well speak to her in that way.

She knew she was being childish when she had just walked out like that and thrown a small tantrum. Olivia knew that she should have turned around and walked back and told him that she was sorry, yet she couldn't do it. Olivia needed some time and some space so she walked over to Jane's door and knocked softly.

"Come in!" Came the voice from within which was doubtably Jane's. Out of all the people underground Olivia considered Jane her best female friend. She was the one who she came to talk to when she couldn't talk to Vincent. Upon walking in the door Olivia saw the mess and the children sitting around and playing some sort of game which involved pulling every single sheet of the bed and wrapping themselves in it. Jane looked way in over her head yet when she saw Olivia's face she knew that something was wrong.

"What is it? Is it Vincent?" Jane asked in a scared voice. The first thing that had popped into Jane's mind was that Vincent was dead. It wasn't too far of a stretch of the imagination since it was underground and he had been shot. "We got into a fight" Olivia said bursting into tears as Jane quickly ushered her outside onto the street where the two of them could sit beside the pathway.

Sitting on the side of the road Olivia told Jane what had happened. How she just wanted to make Vincent feel better, how she had sold the necklace and how Vincent had told her to get the fuck away from him. Jane sat there the whole time listening and talking to Olivia about it, trying to convince the crying girl that Vincent didn't mean it and that it was all alright.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Fri Oct 23, 2009 8:12 am

They only made slow progress. Every few steps Vincent ordered Clarence to stop, so he could have a small break. The people who passed them by stared at them without even having the decency to try and cover it up, and Vincent was convinced that they were thinking that he was a weak twat who couldn't do anything.

Unbeknownst to him, they had simply heard the word that a guy named Vincent had been shot, and that he possibly was laying on the brink of death. This, however, proved that he was not. It wasn't an extremely rare thing that somebody got shot, it was just unusual that he hadn't died.

Vincent couldn't feel a whole lot. Every once in a while, there was a short jab of pain, but that went away after a few seconds. All the way to Vincent's home, Clarence tried in a very subtle and discrete manner to talk him into going back to Olivia's place and wait for her there. It was hard to tell if Vincent just didn't get it, or if he was ignoring it.

They passed a few people they knew, but a well-timed glare from Vincent made sure that they didn't approach them. He did not have the patience to answer questions, especially when he had a feeling that everybody would ask the same stupid question.

"What happened?" "Well I got shot, dipshit."

He was furious at the world. How dared anything at all oppose him in even the smallest things. That would most definately change when he became king of the world.

He kept grumbling over it, until Clarence cleared his throat to let Vincent know that they had reached their destination. They were currently standing right in front of Vincent's door. His home was like all the others on the outside, but on the inside...

After Vincent had fished the keys out of his pocket and unlocked the door, Clarence got him inside. He knew exactly where Vincent wanted to be, and slowly followed him to his famous armchair.
The chair was big, red and one of the most comfortable objects ever in existence. It was also where Vincent sat, slept and spend a great deal of his time. It was placed so that everything was within a few steps reach, making it even better.

Vincent slumped down in the chair, and sat for a few minutes without doing anything. Finally Clarence poked him on the shoulder, looking like he was going to ask how Vincent was doing. "Get out." vas the only reply he got.
"You know I can't. Somebody's gotta stay with you."

Vincent then grbbed and empty bottle and out of pure frustration, he hurled it at Clarence, or actually, he just swung his arm holding the bottle. It him him right in the face, and shattered, leaving tiny pieces all over the floor. Of course Clarence had instinctively backed away, and when he finally looked at Vincent again, little rivers of blood was running from cuts in his face. It didn't look especially severe, but Clarence was not going to stick around in order to find out if Vincent had other stuff to throw.

He just got out, as fast as he could. And now, people were staring even more.

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Fri Oct 23, 2009 4:50 pm

Olivia didn't feel like going home. In fact she was actually terrified of going back to her place and finding an angry Vincent there. Olivia loved him yet at the moment she didn't want to be around him. The thought of him yelling at her again did not appeal to her and even the sight of him in pain made her want to stay away. Olivia was scared that he was going to be in too much pain if he didn't take the pills yet she knew that she couldn't force them down his throat. If he wanted to do this on his own then she would let him.

Jane sat there with Olivia for the next few hours, the two of them just talking while the sounds of the children going crazy from inside the house could be heard. Olivia just didn't know what to do anymore. Vincent obviously didn't want her around and had yelled at her to go away which kind of meant that she couldn't go home.

"You can stay with me for the night if you want" Jane offered but the two of them knew that it wasn't possible. Jane's place was only really big enough for Jane and the kids and that was pushing it . Olivia smiled at her friend. "No... it's ok. I guess if Vincent is still at my place I can pack some stuff up and maybe spend the night at his place then to give him some space" Olivia said. She knew it wasn't the best sounding plan but it had to work on some level.

She soon said goodbye to Jane, planning on going back to her place first to gather a change of clothes before she went over to Vincent's. For the first time Olivia wasn't looking forward to seeing Vincent. As she walked though she stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Clarence walking in the opposite direction away from Vincent's house.

It wasn't him being there which shocked her. It was the blood on his face. Olivia quickly walked over to him. "Clarence! What happened?" Olivia asked in a concerned voice as she lifted a hand up to touch the underside of his chin lightly. How could someone do this to Clarence's beautiful face?

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Shi-chan on Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:14 pm

It was a surprise to see Olivia suddenly popping up in front of him. She had probably been walking in the opposite direction from him, he just hadn't seen her. But judging from the worry in her voice, he looked a lot worse than what he felt. Yes, it hurt, and he hoped to god that it wouldn't leave any scars, but that was it. He hoped. He guessed that there were only five or six scratches, but with all of the blood, it could easily look like more.

"Vince went mad. I don't know what's going on up in his head, but all I did was touch him and then he smashed a bottle across my face!" Clarence was amazingly calm despite what had happened, but that was only because he wanted to get home right this instant. Get home to his girl. She would probably go berserk over this and start a war against Vincent for what he had done, but Clarence's ego and health was, right now, a bit more important than whether or not anybody would get pissed off later on.

He tried to wipe some of the blood away from his face, but only managed to get it on his sleeve also. This couldn't get much more terrible. "Listen, Olivia," He said, grasping her hand to move it away from his face. "I'm saying this because I really don't want you hurt. Stay the fuck away from him. Just go home, and forget about him. He's lost it."
Those were the final word he would say to her before a quick see you later, and then moving around her to get on his way. He looked back over his shoulder once, thinking that Vincent sure didn't deserve that girl. She'd be better off with any other guy than Vince.

He just wanted to get home.

And meanwhile Vincent was sitting in the armchair, staring out into the almost empty room. There wasn't a lot of furniture, only the chair, a sofa and a table which had lost a leg a long time ago. Then there were piles of papers everywhere, most of them written on with tiny letters, telling a story that spanned over a thousand pages. Vincent had never allowed anyone to read it, nor had he ever told anyone what it was about. Most people just thought it was because he had forgotten it.

But he would always write something more, mostly when he got drunk by himself. That was probably why the story didn't make sense, and why he was currently trying to decide if he wanted to get high, or if he wanted to get drunk. He had an idea for something he could add to his story.

"Screw it." He muttered to himself. "No more pills for me today." He turned his head to each side, and after a few seconds, found half a bottle of whatever. Nothing should be wasted, right?

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Re: The Wall (CLOSED)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby xoxMissClairexox on Fri Oct 23, 2009 5:28 pm

Olivia's face drained of colour as she heard that Vincent had done this. She couldn't believe it and didn't want to believe it. How could he have done something like this? However Olivia did believe Clarence. She knew that he wouldn't lie to her about something like this, it was just hard to believe that Vincent, her Vincent had done this to a friend. Olivia had always thought that the two of them were close so why would he have done something like this?

She continued to listen to Clarence telling her to just leave Vincent alone and to not go over there. Olivia quickly guessed that Vincent must have moved himself back to his own place. Which was good since it meant that she could now go home. Olivia didn't promise Clarence that she wouldn't go over there. She couldn't promise him that yet she took his warning seriously. Just from looking at the man's face Olivia could tell that Vincent really had lost it.

"Bye" Olivia said to him as she watched him walking off towards his place. She really hoped that everything would be alright for him and that his girl would take care of him. Olivia had met her a few times and thought that she was sweet although she could only guess as to her reaction to Clarence's now bleeding face.

Olivia then began to head home. She wasn't sure if she wanted to go and see Vincent yet. One part of her was telling her to stay away and to listen to Clarence. The other part of her was telling her that Vincent needed her and she should go around there right away. However the heading back to her place won in the end, for now. She needed to change into something warmer and get herself a drink.

Walking in her front door she saw the empty bed with the blood stained sheets. Walking over to pick up the sheets she noticed a newspaper, wondering what it was doing there before reading the small message in the corner. Olivia was glad that he had taken the pills but it almost sounded like he hated her for making him. His last comment about the necklace surprised her, she hadn't thought that he had noticed. Scrunching up the newspaper she tossed it over to the corner before stripping the sheets off the bed so that she could soak them in the sink.

As she was standing there she wondered what Vincent was doing. Olivia guessed that he would be sitting there in his chair. She was seriously considering walking around there and checking on him... although for the first time ever she was afraid of him.

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