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There the whole time (IC)

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There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby the_musical_one on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:21 pm

Ryan woke up with a splitting headache. She looked around groaning about her current situation. She stayed in the plain white room laying on the small bed looking at the door. she was allowed to leave the room anytime but she felt hesitance whenever she left. She thought about the last week, being kidnapped and meeting all the other people who were, and meeting the guy who kidnapped them all, yet didn't really seem like that bad of a guy. She stood up and went to the door "morning all" she mumbled to herself as she left the room and went into the kitchen. The house itself looked like a normal mansion on the inside except for the several plain white rooms with only beds and empty dressers. At that time of the morning there were also sleeping bodies inside.
"Morning Ryan" Mario said as she entered the room. "Today we're getting a shipment of various items" Mario said, smiling. "A breakfast of champions please, John" Mario said to his head butler. John the butler mumbled something then turned on the oven
"Can I ask what the items or is it one of those 'if I tell you I would have to kill you' situations?" Ryan said sarcastically. She thought about having cereal instead of a 'breakfast of champions'.
Mario sighed. "Are you just generally a mean person in the morning?" Mario said, slightly annoyed."No, I want to wait for everyone to be here before I announce what we're getting" he said, looking away.
"Well then why'd you tell me?" Ryan said, sitting at the table a few seats away from Mario, who just shrugged.
which came first? the music or the misery?

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby emotionless on Sun Jan 24, 2010 4:48 pm

Synister De'Pietro was NOT happy.
then again she never really was.....usually she was neutral...but today she was pissed. she had been kidnapped by a psycho.
She frowned as she walked out of her room and into the kitchen were Ryan and the psycho were sitting. she took the seat farthest from them both, but knew inevitably some one would end up sitting next to her despite the FUCK OFF aura she radiated.
Namaste: I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the light, love, truth, beauty & peace within you, because it is also within me. In sharing these things we are united, we are the same, We are one.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalEcstasy on Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:00 pm

Jordy groaned and wondered whether it would be worth curling back under the warm white sheets, she hated leaving the warmth of a comfy bed, she hated opening her eyes after a long sleep.
After stretching her arms above her head and listening to her bones crack she climbed out of bed. She burshed through her hair with her finger tips and left her room closing the door slowly behind her and wandering into the kitchen.
"Morning." She yawned, fluffing the back of her hair and hiosting herself up on the worktop, pulling the baggy white nightie that came to just above her knee, so that as she drew her knees up to her chest, she could took the nightie beneth her toes. she pulled her arms out of the sleeves and tucked them around her knees. It was immature she knew, but it felt like being in a tent, and it made a light smile curl around her lips, before she glanced at everyone.
"well you all look delighted...! what's the occasion?"
Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Sun Jan 24, 2010 5:09 pm

The room seemed to spin as Daemien opened his eyes and was blinded by the total whiteness of the place. His eyes seemed to scream in pain and he closed them reflexively. "Ahh, fuck. Whoever decided on the paint job needs his head examined," Damien complained. He opened his eyes again, this time his blood red oculars were more adjusted to the blazing brightness of the room and he only had to squint to bear it. Daemien pushed himself up into a sitting position and rubbed the sand from his eyes. His raven black hair fell upon his face and he brushed it back with his hand. Daemien was now what he called the "Fell Knight," or his dark self. He could only hope that no one set him off.

Daemien dragged himself off his cot and opened his the door of his pale sleeping quarters. He spotted a girl standing next to their captor, apparently in a foul mood herself. What was her name? Ryan? Not exactly the most feminine name, but whatever, he though to himself. Daemien approached the two, trying to keep his demons in check. Daemien seemed to carry and air of nausea with him wherever he went. It was not strong when he was in one form or the other, but it still caused a knot in the stomach of those around him. The manifestation of the eternal storm of the powers inside him. Even his blood red eyes seemed fraught with turmoil, as if crimson clouds spun around his pupils in the dance of a storm. "Morning. So are we going to find out when you plan to kill us today, or are you going to prolong our anxiety mister...what was it...Mario?" Daemien asked, half joking and half serious.
There is a place within each of us where we cannot escape the truth; where virtue sits as judge. To admit the truth of our actions is to go before that court, where process is irrelevant. Good and evil are intents, and intent is without excuse.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby the_musical_one on Sun Jan 24, 2010 9:08 pm

"Well look who's come to the party" Ryan mumbled as she waited for Mario's butler to hurry up. "So, mario, when are we going to find out why we're not dead?" Ryan said, playing with the forks in front of her. Mario combed his fingers through his hair.
"I think I'll call a meeting tonight, we can... discuss. I just want you guys here for" He looked at the table, biting his lips, choosing his words carefully. "observation" he said. He hoped they wouldn't kill average people by starting to shoot lasers out their eyes, but he knew that it would be a long shot if they got powers like the ones in comic books he read.
"Well that clears everything up" Ryan mumbled. she tried remembering the people at the table's names.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalEcstasy on Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:11 am

Jordy slipped off the counter and went to sit at the table with the others, "so we're labrats, yeah?" She looked around for the butler guy - John.
She didn't feel polite asking other people to get things for her, but she didn't want to rummage round cupboards and well - it was his job.
"can i get a coffee please? milk, one sugar..." She watches the moody guy who had just come in, trying to remember his name.
"Daemien, isn't it?" she asks, ignoriong the 'talk-to-me-and-die' atmosphere that radiated from him, "sorry, I'm rubbish with the names of my family in the morning never mind people i met a few days ago..." and ones who never say anything to me... she adds mentally. running her finger tips under her eyes and flicking her head back to get rid of the mess of a fringe tickling her face.
"and... I'm really sorry...I don't remember your name at all..." She says with a hint of colour to her cheeks to the girl sat directly opposite her, playing with the fork set infront of her.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby thepsycoman on Mon Jan 25, 2010 6:19 pm

Alan woke to the sounds of voices and got up and got dressed, After cleaning his teeth and coming his hair in the form of running his long fingers though it he walked out of the room, Alan was slightly startled that only two people had the "Bad mood" aura with them but he himself was very happy he liked Mario, Alan walked to the table and sat next to Mario "So what is for breakfast this day" he said in a cheery voice kinda hoping it would annoy the two "Bad mooders".
To kill or not to kill.... Hardly even a question.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby the_musical_one on Mon Jan 25, 2010 7:28 pm

"The food is ready, Mario" John said, as he handed Jordy her coffee. He started setting food in front of all of them. Eggs, pancakes, hash browns and much more were set in front of them. Ryan was a little dismayed at the fact there was no cereal.
"What? Oh, it's Ryan" she said to the girl sitting in front of her. "You're Jody, no jordan, Jordy?" she said, with a little frown as she couldn't remember. "Sorry" she said.
"Well, let's all get off of bad moods" Mario said, smiling. "Well, since well near everyone is here I might as well announce that we're getting a wonderful shipment to objects today" smiling. what's a genius suppose to say? synonym for object he said in his mind. "A personal invention of mine" he said, wiping his hands even though he had taken only one bite. "The flying spy, or the flyspy" he said. "It's going to help all of you, In the past week I've been sending one to your homes, taking pictures of your valuables, we're getting a shipment of duplicate clothes for all of you, I know it's not fun wearing the clothes you have and The one pair I gave you, Which was just a white shirt and khaki shorts" he said, smiling.
"I forced Jeeves over there to wash my clothes" Ryan said chuckling a little, referring to John, Mario sighed, "So we're getting our clothes. Do we get to decorate our rooms? Sorry to say but an off white with nothing that stands out isn't really my style" she said, picking at her eggs.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Mon Jan 25, 2010 8:44 pm

Daemien noticed that he was getting a lot of, 'chill-out' vibes from the rest of the group. He couldn't blame them. He probably wouldn't want to be around himself when he was like this either. In fact, he didn't. "Daemien is fine," he replied to Jordy. "Most of my friends just call me Dae though....well, what friends I had." Maybe I can force a change; best not to push anyone away in this situation, Daemien thought to himself. And I'm sure Docter Mario here would love the demonstration. He chuckled silently to himself at his inside joke and then focused on that feeling of happiness, pushing anger and scorn of his demonic nature down inside himself. Then, as if he'd crossed some sort of barrier, his figure began to change gradually. His raven black hair lightened by degrees until it became a shining silver. Daemien's skin became slightly paler until it was a light cream color. The hostile features of his face began to drain away, becoming less guarded; more unsure and fragile. The most noticeable change was his eyes, which lightened to a radiant gold. When the transformation was complete, his 'look-at-me-and-die' aura had completely fallen away. "That's better," he said to himself.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby the_musical_one on Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:22 pm

"Well, that was odd" Ryan mumbled, looking at Dae. Mario looked at him with a look of shock but happiness at the same time. Then his happy turned into ecstatic.
"You... You're it!" he yelled standing up. "You-you-you're. oh my god!" he yelled almost jumping up and down in a fit of happiness. "You! up! get up! what is it you liked to be called? Dae! yes! yes my good man!" he said going around the table and getting Dae by the arm. "come with me" he practically yelled trying to get Dae out of his chair. "We need to get you to my lab!" he said pulling him. He had a smile on his face the whole time.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Mon Jan 25, 2010 10:55 pm

Daemien looked around the room trying to figure out what to do, which was getting harder by the moment as Mario pulled on his arm. He found he couldn't focus and was alarmed and afraid as he was intrigued by the man's reaction. Something told him Mario wouldn't hurt him, but another voice told him that he wouldn't like what he would experience. After being unable to decide for what seemed like eternity, he finally got up....well was practically dragged up, and followed after Mario. This was definitely not the reaction he'd expected.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby the_musical_one on Tue Jan 26, 2010 12:25 am

Mario walked quickly into his lab. looking back periodically to see if Daemien was still there. "In here" he said, opening a door. "sit" he said as he slipped on a lab coat, being the 'typical scientist' "That thing you did, what was it?" he said, looking for test tubes and scissors. "It's just" he said, looking around at his main desk. "It was the gene" he mumbled. "Do you mind?" he said, holding scissors to Dae's hair, he didn't listen and just cut a small bit and walked away quickly to his desk. he looked at it in the light. "Now, tell me. what was that?" he asked, sitting across from Dae.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalEcstasy on Tue Jan 26, 2010 10:51 am

"what was that all about?" Jordy asked, watching Mario disappear, Dae following. She sips at the coffee and pulls a face, "can i have more milk in this?" distracted by the coffe.
She looks up at Ryan, "and yeah, yeah its Jordy - well i mean, my real name is Jorden... but, I've always been called Jordy, or Jords... whichever you prefer... do you have a nickname? or is Ryan, already a nickname?" She rest her head on one hand, running her tongue back and forth over her teeth to get rid of the taste of the coffee.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Tue Jan 26, 2010 11:14 am

The young man followed Mario with his golden oculars as he moved around in his excited glee. "What was it." Daemien said. "How do I explain it?" he asked himself. It was a hard concept to throw at a scientist, but here he was. "I guess you could call it changing sides," Daemien finally came to the right words. "I went from evil to good, so to speak."

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby the_musical_one on Tue Jan 26, 2010 1:55 pm

John took the coffee and rushed off to the more kitchen area instead of the dining room. "Jordy's all cool, I don't really like long names" Ryan said, "and nope, Ryan is the name I was born with, I don't have a magnificent nickname" she said with a little pretend sigh, then smiled. John brought back the coffee Ryan looked at it for a second. "so I wonder what happened to our mad scientist and count changes-his-hair-a-lot" Ryan said to no one in particular. "maybe he's getting dissected like a squid" Ryan said with a frown. "God, that would be horrible" she said, "We could all be next" she said, throwing a worried face out there. "Or we could go with anarchy and mutiny" she said, giving out a little evil laugh.

"evil to good. So your appearance corresponds to your feeling or thought" Mario said, thinking to himself. "I didn't expect results this soon. This has been happening your whole life?" he said, writing things down at his desk. "Amazing" he said, "The gene is working incredibly well, and faster than I thought it would" He took out a syringe and flicked the top. he also took out a pad of rubbing alcohol cleaning up a spot on Dae's arm. "This will pinch a bit" he said, as he put the needle in Dae's arm, taking a small bit of blood. he put it into a test tube and hung it on a rack. He looked around his desk and pulled out two cameras, an old fashion one and a fancy digital one. He took pictures of Dae's hair and pupils, flash on brightly, and on of his whole face, followed by a profile picture, he put all the pictures taken from the old fashion camera on a cork board with pictures of all the other people in the house. He started writing quickly on a legal paper pad.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalEcstasy on Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:04 pm

"I think mutiny woold be best." Jordy grins, "so..." She takes a gentle sip of her coffee, and finding that it was too her liking, takes a few more sips. "...what do you say to invading our mad proffesors laboratory and setting our caged rat free?" She grins, "oh sorry no, we said he was a squid, right? let me repeat myself..." she takes another sip of the coffee, blowing it first. "how do you feel about setting our tanked squid free?" she pauses. "tanked doesn't sound right..."

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Tue Jan 26, 2010 2:26 pm

"'s not really that simple. Yes it kinda correspondents to my mood, but it isn't just an appearance change to match how I'm feeling," Daemien explained. "Ouch, don't do that so suddenly," he complained when Mario took a blood sample. "Okay, how do I explain," he though sifting through his mind for a decent explanation. "There is a storm raging inside of me. A struggle that has been taking place since who knows when. No....not a storm. That doesn't cover it. It's more like a war and I'm the battle ground. Good versus evil. Darkness against light. I can feel it all the time. The conflicting forces swirling within. Right now I've just helped the light gain an upper hand so to speak. I have three....forms you could call them. Light, Dark, and I guess....neutral. You've seen my dark form and now you see my light one, but there is one more that you haven't yet. And I don't want to be in that form if I can help it.....It hurts more than the others," Daemien concluded. "I hope that explanation helps. Beyond that I'm not sure how to describe it."

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby the_musical_one on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:30 pm

Mario nodded his head. "I guess I get it" he said, taking off his lab coat. "Sorry about the blood. So, You're definitely one of them" Mario said, still writing things down on his paper. "Not a bad thing of course, just extremely rare" he mumbled, "Who shall be next then" he continued mumbling. "Who's next to develop" he said, stroking an imaginary goatee. "You may go now, tell the others I won't be down for the rest of the day" he said, waving Dae away. He looked up at the last moment. "And it did, it definitely helped" he said with a smile. He returned to his work and got up to examine the blood.

"Architeuthis dux" Ryan said, standing up. "I really do wonder what the mad scientist did though. That was sort of odd, don't you think? Dae just sat there like he wasn't totally transforming, while Mario was spazzing out" she thought. "Jeeves!" she said, wanting John. He sighed and went over to her. "Are you the average smart mouthed butler like in all those shows?" She said, he just shrugged, "Darn shame my good man" she said, patting his back. "I always wanted a butler like that" She pondered the thought for a moment. "Say 'Damn you Mario!' really loud" Ryan said, looking at John and smirking.
"Damn you Mario" he said, in his usually orderly fashion, he sighed and went back into the kitchen.
"What's wrong with that guy" Ryan said, putting on a fake frown. She sat back down. "I actually do want my clothes now" she mumbled.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Vain on Tue Jan 26, 2010 8:43 pm

Daemien left Mario's lab and came back into the room where Ryan and Jordy were. His conversation with Mario was still swimming in his head as he took a seat at the table, the others staring at him as if he were some strange mutation of a human. Well, he was in a sense, but he didn't like feeling like he was. "Hey guys," Daemien said, attempting to sound natural.

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Re: There the whole time (IC)

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby ImmortalEcstasy on Wed Jan 27, 2010 11:45 am

"yeah me too..." she sighs, thinking of her favourite pair of jeans, a really comfy worn out pair with rips at the knee's...
"hey guys."
Jordy switches back to Daemien, her dying jeans forgotten,"so what was all that about?" Jordy says, practically bouncing off her chair.
"I mean first you're all like grr I'm angry. then you're all lar de dar I'm sooo happpy then Marios like, oh, my, gosh and goes insane!!"
She realises she babbling and closes her mouth, giggling, still waiting for a reply she sits back down properly. "tell us then Dae."

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