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Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RadDisease on Mon Jan 04, 2010 10:44 pm

First, a reminder. None of the characters know of the RUN projects they endured or the people from the group. Perhaps they met the people again after the group was sent out, but they don't remember that time period. Also, none of them know of their powers yet. When we start, their powers will be weak, but they'll get stronger as they go.

Finally, Traveler is helping me with this. So if she say's something, it's the same as if I say it. In the rp, our word is law.

Thank you, and enjoy!
---Rad Disease

Rick felt the slick leather of the steering wheel in his hands, and the comforting pumping of the engine as he roared down the highway. He had been driving an old, beat up Ford since he got his learner's permit. This year, for his birthday, his father bought an old Mustang. Rick loved Mustang's. He spent a lot of time restoring it, and now it ran like it was brand new. Every turn was smooth, and it almost felt like he wasn't driving at all. The car did all the work, he just had to sit back and relax. As he got closer to home, he began to let off the gas and ease onto the brake, bringing the speed of the car way down. Even going slow, the engine pumped out a comfortable, calming rhythm.

Rick turned into the garage after checking to see if anybody was home. His parents were both at work, which was pretty common when he arrived home from school. He tossed his back pack onto the couch and slipped the cell phone from his pocket. As he called in for a pizza, he flipped through the mail. Bills, bills, bills, run, bills- he thought, then stopped. Run? he shifted through the mail again and found the hefty package. It was addressed to him. He couldn't recall ordering anything online. "Two For Twenty Pizza, how may I help you?" the voice buzzed in his ear. He dropped the package, momentarily startled, then picked it up and set it on the table. "Yeah, I'll have a large pepperoni......" for the second time in less than ten minutes, Rick stopped mid-thought. He had heard something outside. He glanced out the window to see a group of men in black suits pull up in front of his house. They had weapons.

Rick cursed softly as he hung up the phone and shoved it deep into his pocket. He crouched down, trying to see out the window without being seen. Three of them walked to the door, weapons at the ready and knocked. "Rick Leifson?" he called. Rick cursed again. They were after him? Why? He quickly but quietly headed for the back door when he remembered the package. Run.... He went back and grabbed it, then snuck out the back door. He was half way over the fence when he heard someone shout "He's back here!" Rick didn't bother looking back. He dropped down and ran as fast as he could, quickly turning down and empty alleyway. He had to find somewhere safe to hide until he figured out what to do.
"I just realized something. [Rad Disease] could kill someone and no one would notice!" ~ Otter of TPA

"Namine's coming! Quick! Hide the philisophical conversation!" ~ Col. Chang of the Barton Army

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brutal_Sarah on Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:20 am

Sarah pumped her head as she listened to the song. "Hey sarah package for you!" someone yelled through her door. Sarah sighed and tore off the headphones, swiftly dropping them on my bed and opening my door to see her mom. "What?" she said with irritation As she looked to the box in her mothers hands. "Package for you." her mom said and shoved it at sarah as she walked off. Sarah closed the door and sat down. 'great now moms gonna go off to sulk for the next few hours' sarah thought with distaste as she was about to open her box when she noticed a man in a suit outside. He was looking inside her moms car. "Hey get away from there!" sarah screamed after she walked to the window.

The man glanced up at her and gave a strange grin. He walked to the door, out of sight, and withen seconds sarah heard loud screaming from downstairs. Sarah looked at the package that said "run" and decided she agreed. She grabbed the box and threw it outside her window as she quickly followed climbing down and running to her truck with the box in her hands. Another suited guy came out of nowhere and made a grab at sarah. She yelped and dodged him quickly getting in her big pickup and driving off at forty MPH.
I'm bored, plus it doesn't seem like much is happening here...splorph...SOMEONE RELIEVE ME OF MY BOREDOM!!!
Above comment equals fail.

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Linger on Tue Jan 05, 2010 12:35 am

Kyekye danced softly with his eyes closed to the soft techno on his Ipod as his friends smoked and conversated with each other on the sidewalk. He always hanged out with the only crowd, they protected him because of his bubbly personality and didn't want harm to come to him. He begun to kick a rock that made its way into a empty alleyway, when he looked down the alleyway he saw a boy who went to his school, he was running towards him,"What was his name? Ronald? Rupert? Rinnie? Oh yeah Rick!" Kyekye said softly to himself, Kyekye lived on Ricks street though never really introduced himself to Rick. He walked towards him, Kyekye was a little concerned why he was in the alleyway by himself,"Rick? Right?" Kyekye asked innocently, he smiled and waved as he approached him,"Hey boy, I'm Kyekye, I live on you're street and go to you're school...though with the Cliques and what not, we really don't talk." Kyekye wore a slim purple and gray stripped hoodie, with a black tank top underneath, along with a pair of ripped slim fit blue jeans and a pair of black Jordans. the Hoodie was zipped half way and fell off his shoulders enough to show the tips of the angel wings tattoo on his back beneath the tank top.

Kyekye's phone begun to ring, he smiled,"Sorry is my Mom," He answered it,"Hey mom...whats that...a package? With R.U.N. on it? Wait, what!? Mom? Mom!? Hello?" He hung up,"Um, there seems to be something wrong at home, did you see some men with weapons back on the street?" Kyekye asked Rick,"Maybe I should so check on my mom see if everything is okay." He told Rick.
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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Tyle Kalrian on Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:07 am

(sorry for the uber long post XD They won't all be five paragraphs so don't worry. :))

Music was blaring out of the house that JaysĆ³ne inhabited alone, people crowded around with cups filled with any drink available talking, yelling, singing, and dancing like maniacs. He walked through crowds of people, giving out handshakes to his friends, and hugs with a kiss on the cheek to the girls that were dotted around the place, all standing in large groups. ā€œHey Jay! Package for you!ā€ Yelled John over the music and voices of the crowd, he was standing at the door waving around a package.
Weaving his way through the people standing all around as if heā€™d done this five hundred times before, he snatched the package from John. ā€œWhatā€™s it say? Secret admirer?ā€ A drunken grin accompanied this, as John wobbled back and forth, trying to stay right side up. ā€œMaybe youā€™ve had a bit too much John. Runā€¦ This some sort of joke?ā€ Bang. The sound indicated that car doors were being slammed shut outside, probably more party guests. Walking over to one of the walls JaysĆ³ne pulled back a curtain, taking a peek at the newcomers to see if he knew them. ā€œTheyā€™re in suits, ya think their cops Jay?ā€ Slurred John as he ripped one of the curtains open, unable to sneak in such a state. ā€œCops donā€™t wear suits.ā€ He muttered under his breath, contemplating who they were and what they wanted.

ā€œJaysĆ³ne, JaysĆ³ne Kelian! Come out of the house!ā€ Yelled a man in a black suit, whom JaysĆ³ne had skilfully named #1. ā€œNo thanks number one, maybe in the morning eh?ā€ The house had gone quiet now, the music being the only thing to pierce the eerie silence all around. ā€œMove.ā€ JaysĆ³ne repeated this word at least ten times as he shoved past people, spilling drinks and getting glares from all around, whilst heading for the kitchen. Bam! Was the only sound made as the doors were kicked off their hinges, followed by slurred yells and fighting sounds as John and some others ran at the men in suits. ā€œCrap! Gotta get the gun. Iā€™ll turn off the lights, and slip out the back.ā€ His mind had begun to race with questions, who were they? Why were they here? Why did they want him? How could he get out safely? Grabbing the gun he turned quickly, shoving it into the belt that was holding his jeans up, then he began to turn off the lights, starting in the kitchen. Systematically he walked through the groups of screaming, scurrying people, turning off all the lights he could reach before the men in suits began to box them in.

ā€œAre you JaysĆ³ne? Whereā€™s JaysĆ³ne? JaysĆ³ne! Get out here or weā€™ll start shooting!ā€ Were just a few of the many questions, annoyed yelling and grunts that came from them as they shoved their way through. ā€œWhat a day to choose to wear a shirt over a hoodie.ā€ He began to back up into the more crowded areas that were caked in shadow, he had always seemed to have a natural affinity for shadows, and they calmed him, made him feel safe. ā€œThere he is! Quick get him!ā€ Yells were coming from all around now as they crafted a path through to him. ā€œGoodbye JaysĆ³ne.ā€ One of the men said victoriously, gloating over JaysĆ³ne as he drew a gun and held it to his head. In reaction JaysĆ³ne backed up against the wall, then held his necklace, and hugged the package to him as he scrunched up his eyes.

It was all gone, there was no sound, no people, no guns, but damn it was cold. As he opened his eyes a stupid mix between a grin and a frown appeared on his face, ā€œIf this is the afterlife I seriously want a refund.ā€ Making stupid jokes was one of his many ways to calm himself down and help himself think. As he looked around he noted that he was in a shadowed alley, to his left were two dumpsters pushed up against a small building, and all around him lay the remnants of his clothes, tattered lumps of black cloth and blue denim. As he realised this he looked down and noticed he only had his necklace and a pair of boxers on, with the package in his hand and the gun lying on the floor. ā€œThis is not goodā€¦ā€

Grabbing the gun off the floor he walked out of the alley and begun to look around, recognising bits and pieces here and there until he finally pieced together that he was on a street just a few blocks from his home, and just round the corner should be a clothes store. ā€œBefore I get a strategy for this maybe I should get some clothes firstā€¦ But with what, my moneyā€™s back in the house, and thatā€™s the last place Iā€™m going. This wouldn't be the first time I've stolen.ā€ He'd stolen before but never on such a large scale that he had to break into a closed store. So he walked up to the shop as nonchalantly as a man who was half naked with a gun and package in his hands could, then he shot the lock off of the closed store. Realising that someone, or else the alarm, would alert the police he grabbed whatever he could carry from the store; some shirts, jeans, and a couple of hoodies. He yanked on the clothing as best he could in the short space of time he had, and then he set off at a run down the street away from the store, and away from his house.
'Any idiot can handle a crisis - it's this day-to-day living that wears you out.' - Anton Chekhov

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RadDisease on Tue Jan 05, 2010 5:29 pm

Rick ripped open the package and pulled out a picture. It was a picture of his with some other people. They were all standing in front of a blank, white wall. They were all so happy, laughing, having a good time. "Rick, right?' a voice penetrated Rick's thoughts, and he glanced up. What he saw almost stopped his heart. It was one of the kids from the picture. Kyekye. The name came from nowhere, but Rick didn't have time to wonder about it. "You can't go back there. Those guys are after anyone with one of these." he said, holding up his own package that clearly said RUN on the front. Rick looked around the alleyway as he spoke, looking for somewhere to hide. He spotted a ladder leading to the rooftop of the rundown bookstore off to the left of the building. He ran around to the ladder, but hesitated. The ladder looked unsafe. Rusted.

"He's back this way!" someone shouted, and Rick made a snap decision. He began to climb. He got to the top, then motioned for Kyekye to follow. "C'mon! Quickly!" he hissed. Rick could hear their footsteps and began to panic. He crouched down, peeking over the edge. They stopped for a moment, looked around, and continued onward. Rick let out a sigh of relief as he leaned against an air conditioning unit.

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brutal_Sarah on Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:14 pm

Sarah sighed as she sped away. She slowed down but kept coming as she finally let herself think. 'What the hell is going on?!' being the first thing she thought, then an assortment of other thoughts finally resting on 'run' again. She sped up a little when suddenly a black car with tinted windows smashed into her truck. "Holy hell!!" sarah screamed as the entire truck rammed into a building and she quickly crawled out of the truck just before it was crushed by a ton's worth of bricks. The car stopped by her and sarah screamed as a gun was pointed at her head. Sarah saw a stupid little statue of a wolf and felt like it would be nice to have one right now. She backed up against the wall as the man in the suit came up to her with his finger on the trigger when a wolf just pounced on him. It only lasted a few more seconds in which it ripped at the man then it completly disappeared in a cloud of blue dust. Sarah didnt stop to think where the wolf had come from or disappeared to, she just started running tripping due to being slightly dizzy and her legs feeling week. She continued running then made a dash down a alley and started to climb a ladder as fast as she could. She could hear more guys in suits coming and as she made it to the top, the ladder completly broke apart. Sarah barely managed to grab onto the top of the building and pull her exhausted body up, quickly colapsing on the hard roof while taking deep breaths.

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RadDisease on Tue Jan 05, 2010 10:47 pm

(((I assume it's the same roof I'm on?)))

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brutal_Sarah on Wed Jan 06, 2010 5:32 am

(Yes it is on your roof rad.)

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phi_Chisym on Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:27 am

((Okay, being the lazy person that I am this week, I took my old post - that I loved so much - and reworked it for Clarissa.

Dogma, if you don't want Arcassy in this one, then I will edit. If it's okay, or you rather have a different charrie, then I have ideas for that as well.

Alright, onward HO!))

"Where are you, Rissa? I know you are here...I can 'feel' you. There's no way you can hide from the blind."

Oh....what do I do now?*

Clarissa Davies tucked herself further in between the wall and trash bin in the darkened alleyway; cut, battered, and bruised from her battle to regain her freedom, she now hides from her abductors. She thought she had lost the men who were dressed in black suits, dark shades, and carrying even darker guns, but they seem to be magnetically attached to her. They stormed into her apartment just when she entered after a long day at school. She had just checked the mail on the counter, opening the huge manila folder with her name, and the letters R.U.N. printed on it. She didn't even have time to pull out the contents which thickening it; the unexpected company made sure of it.

A huge unarmed man stepped into the room after the others had secured her arms and tramples her furniture. He spoke to her, told her things she did not understand at all. He seemed rather satisfied with her confusion, and expressed how important it was for her to cooperate as they tried to force her to go with them.

Funny, that's all she could remember. Well, she remembered a deep, burning pain clawing her eyes, a searing sharpness overtaking her senses and gripping her mind in an overwhelming migraine. Then there were screams, but they didnā€™t flow from her lips.

Next thing she knew, her footsteps slapped the sidewalk in a rushed march. Her body was dripping wet as if she fell in to a pool, and all she held in her hands was that manila envelope ā€“ still dry and clean. Rissa heard raised voices behind her, and soon gun fire shot past her head, dotting the wall behind her, shattering storefront glass. She started to run once more down the quiet neighborhood, taking the corner of 40thS and Hampton; she finally found a safe hideaway to wait for the hunters to pass by.

Once she felt lost in the fluster, Clarissa tied her light brown locks into a quickly loose braid and opened the mysterious package. She cringed at the onset of bruising and swelling around her arms, on her cheek, and cuts on her knuckles, wondering how they suddenly appeared on her. For some strange reason, she felt that what was in that envelope, will be the answers to all of her questions. She didn't understand why...

In the dim light peaking through the boxes and rubble, she scanned the contents of the letter, once again, reliving the confusion she felt earlier. The letter inside stated the same ā€˜exactā€™ words the weird guy told her beforeā€¦Absorbing/Mimicryā€¦ā€¦studies of her mindā€¦ā€¦too dangerous for her to be outā€¦.., and the most scariest statement, ā€œRemember, I promise; youā€™ll be better than all the rest.ā€

She didnā€™t have time to think about any of the new information she saw within the packetā€¦.pictures of her with unknown people, who looked like friends. Some held shots of her and a guy, who looked like more than a friend. She had never seen any of these people in her lifeā€¦.well, thatā€™s what she thought.

"Where are you, Rissa.....?ā€

That voice was so random, strange, yet - familiar, but not a cozy, home-cooked, fluffy familiar... No, somewhere, deeply hidden, that familiar stirred fear in her blood. Clarissa quickly stuffed everything back into the envelope and started to snoop out from her hiding place like a rat, hoping to not get caught. She almost laughed at her thoughts, R.U.N.? ā€“ Iā€™ve been doing that so farā€¦. What's next?

Reaching the soothing sun beyond the dismal damp alley, Clarissa found a shady door just below the rusted metal fire escape. Slipping the envelope in the security of her jacket, she gave the doorknob a very cautious twist. Eyes peering past the overflowing dumpster she hid behind, she could see the shadowy statures of men: black on black, holding black things and walking with blackened steps. Her eyes darted forward in relief when the door gave way slightly, and silently the mouse snuck inside ā€“ locking the door behind her.

Fearing for her life more than anything sheā€™s ever feared before, Clarissa quietly climbed the stairwell, finding herself on the roof of the unfamiliar building. She found a little cubby between the wall of the rooftop ledge, and a large air conditioning unit. Her tiny frame was just the right size to squeeze between, totally hidden from anyone who ventured up there ā€“ somehow ā€“ searching for her. Rissa tucked her knees into her chest and wrapped her arms around her. Her dark grey hoodie was still over her head, securing her comfort zone, her safety sanctuary. And, for a moment, she broke down. Clarissa Davies, the epitome of patience, peace, and coolness, in the worst of circumstancesā€¦broke into a soft fit of tears.

And why not? She just spent the last forty-five minutes running for her life, dodging gun fire like sheā€™s a soldier on the front lines in some God forsaken war. Even though she scanned over that strange letter sheā€™d received, she still had no clue what was happening to her. And that was the problemā€¦she didnā€™t get a chance to seriously look over everything in that package. There might be something else sheā€™s missed that can explain further.

She pulled the envelope over her dingy jeans and then grabbed her cell phone. One: she needed some information, and Two: she needed enough reasonable information to tell the police when she dialed 9-1-1. As she started to open her package once again, she heard the sounds of metal scrapping metal, falling with a angry protest, slamming in a debating end. Then, there were voices echoing down the alleyway ā€“ similar to what she heard chasing her during her plight.

"He's back this way!"

No, no, no...How did they find me? Clarissa was trapped. There was no way she could get out of this, unless she just stayed there like dust. But, the fear of being found seemed to shake her from the inside; she held back her short gasps when she heard the sounds of footsteps on the concrete roof. She had to literally slap her mouth shut with both hands just to hold back her dread. And she watched above her, hoping that no one came near the unit, standing just right to find the mouse in the corner hiding like dust.

Luck was not on her side.

Someone was there...seemed like two...but one of them was leaning on the air conditioner, panting as if he was running for his life. Another runner? Heā€™s probably hiding from the cops; nothing like what Iā€™m hiding from. Clarissa relaxed, for this guy was not like the others, the Hunters, black on black with black guns and blackened steps; evil with evil intent, thatā€™s what she felt from them. This guy...was not those Hunters, but he could be dangerous.

She sat silently.

((Edited the Arcassy set up. Other ideas will come soon for ETC baddies.))
Last edited by Phi_Chisym on Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Kierena Renois - Shadows in the Light of Darkness

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Nightze on Thu Jan 07, 2010 2:43 am

"I'm just popping out to get some pizza, I'll be right back I promise." Via spoke in a disgusted tone as she mocked her mouth. Therwp. A large handled throwing knife lodged itself into the side of a tree. There were several other blacked handled knifes, with the letters VL eteched into the blade, residing in the tree. Via was sitting in the puke green lawn chair awaiting for her mother's return with the grub, her stomach had started growling over an hour ago. Tracing her fingers over the oh so familiar knife handle, she threw another knife at the tree. Therwp. Another deep sunk it hit amongst the other hits. Via stood up and walked over to the tree, easily pulling each of the knives from its new found holey friend. Sliding the knives into different slots on her belt loop, Via turned around and began walking towards her house when suddenly her mother's body was thrown from the kitchen window.

Via quickly wrapped her hands around two knives and ran to her mother's side, "Ma? Are they inside?"

Her mother nodded, but quickly grabbed Via by the silver chain hanging off her pants, "Don't go, Via. Run!"

Her mother reached towards her with nothing more than a package with the simple word run written on it. Via grabbed the packed from her mother then spared her one last goodbye kiss on the forehead. Pizza or no pizza those dickheads killed my mother... the question is, why? Who are they and what did my mother have to with them to deserve this? Via thourgh to herself. Looking back to the house she heard faint voices talking over a radio, "I don't think the girl is in the house. Repeat Veasvia Lovett may not be home yet. Send out a search-"

A man in a black suit popped around the corner and spotted Via on her knees by her mother's side, "Veasvia Lovett spotted. Engaging."

Via did not wait another moment to stand up and sprint past the backyard's trees and through the icy water. The man behind her fell short trying to shift through the water's muck, Via had plenty of practice with this area of the city. From here she could travel straight to the small park then hop down into the abandon train station her mother had taken her to once. She told her whenever something bad happened to go there. So that was the plan. Mother dead, no pizza, and physco suit men waving guns equaled something bad to Via. Zipping up her Rob Zombie jacket she quickly sprinted out of the woods and entered the small park area. Down two blocks to the right. If I take one to the left then circle around I could lose the physco with the gun. Samrt thinking. God I love myself. Shit this isn't the time for self glory. Ma is dead, need to focus. She did just that. Focus. She took a left and dived into an allyway that was controlled by a gang of punks. They were your average badasses looking for trouble and they generally liked it when Via was running away from trouble and bringing it to them. Several of the punks were trying to throw her high fives as she ran past, but as they noticed her expression then the blood on her jeans they looked past her to see the man. Within seconds they all rushed. As Via was making her way towards the station she heard loud gun fire from behind her. Several screams of panick, more gunshots, and then nothing. A cold rush of guilt ran down Via's spine as she finally entered the station safe and sound, "I got them all killed..." She cradled her head in her hands, "Why the hell can't people fight face to face! What's with all the damn run around!"

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby RadDisease on Thu Jan 07, 2010 7:53 pm

(((Hey Phi, wasn't sure you were comin'. Now we just need Otter. xD

I'd rather not use Arcassy this time. But if you have other ideas for a ETS character, I'd love to hear 'em. We gotta have at least one baddie, right?)))

Rick watched another one of the people from the picture in his package climb onto the roof with amazement. It was almost like they were drawn to each other. He got to his feet, though remaining crouched, and moved towards her. "You alright?" he asked the girl. As he crouched down next to her, he heard a soft crunching sound on the other side of the roof. He turned around, checking out the scene before him. Nothin'. Must have imaginged it. He turned back to the girl, trying to convince himself that it was nothing. But what if it wasn't? He didn't have a view of the whole roof. The air conditioning vents and units, along with the door to the stairs blocked part of his view. He decided to stop thinking on it and focus on the task at hand.

"So you got a package to, huh?" he asked her as he dug through his pockets. He pulled out the photo of the group and showed it to her. "Does this look familiar to you?"

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brutal_Sarah on Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:41 pm

Sarah jumped when she heard the voice. Sarah almost fell off the roof too but she grabbed the guys arm to keep herself steady. "God damn it." she muttered. Then she sat on the ledge and looked at the man in front of her with a picture held out. "Ain't that you?" sarah asked the man as she looked at the picture then at the man. Sarah recognised herself with the man and a bunch of other people. "Yeah as soon as i got this damn thing bunch of suits tried to kill me. Then just as one had a gun to my head there was a fucking wolf that attacked him." Sarah didnt mention that it had disappeared in fear of them thinking she was crazy.

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Brutal_Sarah on Thu Jan 07, 2010 8:42 pm

Sarah jumped when she heard the voice. Sarah almost fell off the roof too but she grabbed the guys arm to keep herself steady. "God damn it." she muttered. Then she sat on the ledge and looked at the man in front of her with a picture held out. "Ain't that you?" sarah asked the man as she looked at the picture then at the man. Sarah recognised herself with the man and a bunch of other people. "Yeah as soon as i got this damn thing bunch of suits tried to kill me. Then just as one had a gun to my head there was a fucking wolf that attacked him." Sarah didnt mention that it had disappeared in fear of him thinking she was crazy.

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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phi_Chisym on Fri Jan 08, 2010 7:40 am

Rissa was stunned to hear their voices. They were young, probably around her age. There weren't the older, angrier men chasing her earlier. Very maliciously, she rolled onto her knees and carefully crawled towards the edge of the A/C unit to peek around it. She was correct in her blind observation, three of them ā€“ two boys and a girl, but thrown off when sheā€™d noticed another similarity.

"So you got a package to, huh?" one guy asked and dug through his pockets to pull something out. "Does this look familiar to you?"

"Ain't that you?" the girl asked, acknowledging the picture. Then, it seemed as if the flood gates were opened with relief, and the girl just started to ramble about what happened to her.

"Yeah as soon as I got this damn thing bunch of suits tried to kill me. Then just as one had a gun to my head there was a fucking wolf that attacked him."

Wha-? A bunch of suits...

Clarissa pulled out her envelope and found the group picture that had left her speechless earlier. Low and behold, what sheā€™d found suddenly washed all her anxieties away about the others on the roof. For some reason, she knew these strangers, like "going to a family reunion" type of knowing; but she had never seen them before in her life, until that photograph. The confusion seemed to make her feet move to make her rise, but Rissaā€™s caution for the little things was starting to get in her way. They may still be a threat to her...but look, they have the similar photos, and those dogs are after them too... and theyā€™ve got those damned packages...

She started to stand to introduce herself, but her foot slipped from under her in her struggle to come to a conclusion and she fell back on her tuff with considerable pomp.


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Re: R.U.N. IC

Tips: 0.00 INK Postby Phi_Chisym on Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:25 pm

((Just in case...CDB))

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